Psychological causes of excess weight in women. Psychological causes of excess weight: why can’t you lose weight? Mental characteristics of women

Psychological causes of excess weight

All other reasons are psychological in nature. So, dear ladies, if you have extra pounds, it means that something in your life is not as you would like... Let's think about what makes you eat more than necessary? What are these reasons? You acquired some negative attitudes in early childhood, others in adolescence. It is these teenage attitudes that are most difficult to combat, because, firstly, they were acquired during the period of personality formation, and secondly, they are the most “persistent”.

Reason No. 1. Childhood loneliness

Even though many children grow up in two-parent families and have grandparents, they can feel lonely. Adults are always busy: parents are at work, grandmother is busy with housework, grandfather is watching football. The child will ask you to play with him several times, will be refused and will not come over again. The lack of full contact with parents leads to the fact that the child becomes nervous and withdrawn. The consequence of these psychological problems is a craving for sweets, which can calm and “recharge” the baby with positive emotions. Parents, feeling guilty because they do not pay attention to the child, support this love of sweets in every possible way. They buy him countless chocolates, cakes and other sweets, which over time forms a real emotional dependence in the child, which he then unsuccessfully tries to get rid of all his life. Using food as a kind of antidepressant turns out to be so effective that it can be almost impossible to give up this habit established in childhood.

Reason No. 2. Cultivating the desire to be “good” at all costs

Remember how they forced you to eat? They tried to persuade you: “Well, be smart, you’re a good girl!” Come on, for dad, for mom, and grandma will be offended if you don’t eat for her!”

From my Russian childhood, I remember well what kind of competition the teachers organized in our group in kindergarten. In our group, only me and my classmate, Ira Kuzminova, ate the slowest. It always ended the same way: Ira and I were picking at the plates with spoons while the other children were going to bed. One day, resourceful teachers decided to arrange a competition between the tables to see who could eat the fastest. I was very surprised when my friend, with her slowness, dashingly stuffed the cutlet into her cheek and rushed to carry the plate. I imposingly continued to pick - well, there was no competitive spirit in me!

In society (at least before) there was the following attitude: if a child wants to do his best to meet the expectations of his parents, then he will regularly eat everything that is fed to him. In addition, in many families, the child is rewarded for eating soup, porridge or some other healthy food that the child does not like. As a result, a persistent program is formed in the brain - the more I eat, the sooner I will be praised and even, perhaps, given some kind of “bonus”. Unfortunately, the attitudes laid down in childhood remain in most cases with us for life. Moreover, they are often “passed on by inheritance,” for example, a woman who has unsuccessfully struggled with excess weight can raise her daughter in the same way.

Reason No. 3. I protest!

Another idea from my distant childhood: food as a means of protest. This can happen if a child, on the contrary, is deprived of sweets, and he secretly eats jars of jam and sneaks candy on the sly.

A child’s weight may also increase in response to strict control from parents as an internal protest and a way of declaring: “I am an independent person, I can afford to be completely different from what you want me to be.” And the more parents focus the child’s attention on his weight, the stronger this protest will be.

Reason No. 4. Excess weight as a way to attract attention

Why do some children try to attract the attention of their parents and peers by being overweight? Again from loneliness. Children try to attract the attention of their parents with their illnesses - real and fake, and obesity is also a disease or can become one. They try to attract the attention of their peers at school. In this way, the child can try to both be in the center of attention (standing out, if not for his advantages, then at least for his shortcomings), or to express protest and go into the “opposition.” As practice shows, such a scenario of behavior in a team will most likely remain with a person for life. This means that in the future he will try to “manipulate” people with the help of his weight.

Reason No. 5. Sexual problems

Oddly enough, it is the fear of sexual contact with a man that is one of the most common causes of excess weight in women. At the same time, behavior and motives can be completely different, for example, sexual violence once experienced or a panicky fear of becoming pregnant (especially in early youth). Being overweight as a sign of loss of attractiveness can also be beneficial for an insecure woman who subconsciously strives to avoid the need to get to know someone and build close relationships. As a result, the woman’s subconscious makes the decision: “I will become fat and ugly, so as not to attract male attention at all.” And although on a conscious level such a woman can go on diets all her life and dream of a supermodel figure, her real appetite will be controlled by subconscious fears. The same thing happens when a woman has experienced a painful affair and is subconsciously afraid of experiencing mental pain again from a relationship with a man. In this case, she will look for an excuse for the impossibility of a new romance in her excess weight, which she carefully “nurtures.” Thus, she directly links the beginning of a new relationship with achieving an ideal figure: “As soon as I lose weight, I’ll immediately get busy with my personal life!” However, in most cases, neither the ideal figure nor the partner appears.

Reason No. 6. It’s a pity to leave food on the plate.

Now in Russia there is a period of abundance - any kind of food in bulk. In pre-perestroika, perestroika and post-perestroika times, there were periods of general starvation, when the store shelves were decorated only with cans: at best with sprat in tomato, at worst with seaweed. Therefore, when something was “delivered” to the table during the holidays, it was simply a crime not to finish this “deficit.” And if the children, not yet understanding what a “deficit” is, turned their noses up at their plates, then their mothers finished eating after them.

Such “eating” attitudes live in people who lived through hungry times of war and deprivation. They can finish not only something tasty, but also, for example, simple boiled potatoes. It seems to me that this is precisely the reason why my mother gained weight - she is a child of the post-war hungry years, so for her it was wildness to send anything from a plate to the trash can.

We fight with our beloved relatives

Remember how often we find ourselves in this situation: we have just decided to think about proper nutrition, and here we have a visit to our grandmother, who sets the table for us, and what is there - homemade pies, and all kinds of meat dishes, and delicacies. But you can’t refuse - grandma will be offended!

It’s true, loving relatives don’t want to hear that a beautiful figure is important to you. Their objections: “One piece won’t do anything” and “Why do you need this?” Therefore, the reason to refuse grandma's pies must be convincing. In such cases, come up with your own excuses. It is best to refer to health. As an example: “We want to have a child, the doctor said that it would be good for me and the future baby to lose 5–6 kg,” “I have high cholesterol, the doctor advised me to limit fats.” The health of a beloved child, and even supported by the magic words “the doctor forbade it,” is a compelling argument for any mother or grandmother. It doesn't matter how many years ago you actually went to the doctor. Rest assured, this is exactly the advice he would give you.

Reason #7: Problem with your partner

In love, they say, all means are good. The female subconscious can use excess weight as a way to keep a partner close to her: “Who needs me now? I gave all the best to you, now you simply have to be there.” By being overweight, a woman can protect herself from her husband’s painful jealousy: “I’m fat and don’t arouse any interest in the opposite sex at all, so you can be calm and leave me alone.” Excess weight can even be revenge on a tyrant husband or an alcoholic: “It serves you right, let you have a fat wife.” Often a woman begins to rapidly gain weight after learning about her husband’s infidelity. Thus, instead of analyzing the reasons for what happened and drawing some conclusions, she simply tries to blame everything on the loss of her attractiveness in his eyes. Another “family” reason for excess weight may be associated with sexual dissatisfaction and the coldness of the wife. With her extra pounds and plump figure, she is simply trying to “protect” herself from excessive sexual attention from her husband.

Reason No. 8. Internal insecurity

Very often, overweight people feel internally extremely unprotected - they use their kilograms and layers of fat to protect themselves from a hostile environment. The reasons for this can be very different and can be both temporary and permanent. Loss of loved ones, divorce, dismissal from work, loneliness, constant fear for a child - all this leads to overeating.

Reason No. 9. Delicate nervous organization

Do you know those people: you address them with the “wrong” intonation, but they already have tears in their eyes? Very often, excess weight occurs in people with a delicate nervous system, whose nerves are like exposed wires. Their hypersensitivity sometimes even leads to nervous disorders. Therefore, in order to somehow dull too strong emotions, anger, anxiety and some experiences, they begin to absorb sweets and “grow” with layers of fat.

Reason No. 10. Lack of self-love

One of my friends from my youth did not like herself very much. Peering into the mirror, she could say: “Oh, damn, there’s a pimple on my face again!” And they continued and continued to “jump up”, and her weight continued to increase and increase. But she’s great, at some point she was able to accept and love herself – now she’s a beauty. It is generally accepted that dissatisfaction with oneself and a belief in one’s own inferiority are almost always the result of problems with one’s figure. Meanwhile, psychologists are sure that more often this is not a consequence, but a cause of excess weight. The fact is that if a person is constantly dissatisfied with himself, often criticizes and scolds himself, his body is forced to defend himself. And it does this precisely with the help of excess weight. That is, if you do not love yourself, then something must appear that reflects this attitude, because, as you know, the external always reflects the internal. Psychologists say that when a person begins to love himself, his body immediately takes on the ideal weight and shape.

Reason No. 11. Unsatisfactory personal life

Why didn't your personal life work out? Ah, got it. Because all men are “theirs...”. In other words, due to a lack of love. Yes, such a deficiency is very dangerous in adulthood. After all, it is with the help of food and filling the stomach that the easiest way is to fill the emotional emptiness. Related to this is the fact that, when parting with a loved one and ceasing to experience love on his part, most begin to rapidly gain weight. And vice versa, feeling loved and desired, a woman can lose all those extra pounds without any effort.

Reason No. 12. Nostalgia

When my husband and I go to Finland, he always buys Fanta there. When he opens the bottle, the expression on his face becomes touchingly oily, and after taking the first sip, he sighs and states: “Like in childhood!” He claims that this is exactly what this drink tasted like in the 80s, remember? And the Fanta that we sell is “not the same.” Yes, our taste buds have memory. And therefore, the taste of many products is valuable not in itself, but as a memory of something good that happened in our life. Most often it is nostalgia for childhood, for the comfort, love and warmth that surrounded us then. As a result, these emotions are transferred to food. With its help, a person tries to relive pleasant moments from his past. And the less comfortable he is in the present, the more often he will use food in this capacity.

Reason No. 13. Stress

I was very jealous of my friends who lose weight as soon as they have a fight with their boyfriends. I’m the opposite: exams - I eat constantly (maybe because drinking tea one more time is not a ticket to study), I had a fight with a guy - I eat again. Now that I'm an adult, I just try not to get nervous. Remember the joke? “How do you relax?” - “And I don’t even strain!” Yes, you can lose weight from stress, but not always. Keep in mind that moderate but constantly repeated stress, on the contrary, leads to obesity.

How to deal with stress? There are a million ways, choose what works most effectively: meditate, take a relaxing bath, drink a cup of hot tea, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and watch the fish in the aquarium. Go to any suburban park - they are beautiful in any weather. Take a walk in peace and silence. Perhaps the solution to some problems will come on its own.

If you engage in physical exercise, endorphins - the hormones of happiness - will cope with your stress, and the inevitable good form will regularly put you in a good mood.

Anger management

Don't forget that anger is a bad advisor. Never make decisions based on momentary rage or a desire for revenge - I guarantee you will regret it! If you feel like you are boiling, tell yourself: “Stop. What's happening? Why is this happening?" Now just order: “Stop it immediately! It’s not worth a damn!” Practice turning off anger. Take a few short breaths or count to ten - it helps! With regular training, you will be able to “turn off” anger - and with it, momentary appetite.

Keep in mind that demonstrating positive emotions is also more economical in terms of the body’s “energy consumption”: when smiling, much less facial muscles are used than when making an angry grimace!

Reason No. 14. State of rest

I illustrated this reason at the beginning of the book. When a girl gets a husband, a child, that is, starts a full-fledged family, in some cases she “calms down” - her beauty fades, and the pounds gain. This is especially true for modern European women, perhaps because they have not read Blok. Remember: “And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams".

Boredom is a very dangerous feeling. Out of boredom, people have a second, third and fourth dinner. They want to fill the spiritual emptiness that arises, and food is the easiest way.

Reason No. 15. Guilt

Do you want to lose weight but can't? You are caught in a vicious circle: a feeling of guilt overcomes you, who wants to lose weight, whenever your diet is broken. But instead of stopping under the influence of guilt and trying to get rid of the panic that has gripped you, you begin to eat even more.

By overeating, a woman subconsciously strives to atone for some unconscious, and sometimes even imaginary, guilt, as if punishing herself with cakes and buns for the lack of “willpower.” If you feel that this is your case, my advice to you is: punish yourself differently! Three laps around the house, mopping the floors or dusting will work just as well!

Remember: you need to be able to cope with feelings of guilt! If you are really guilty of something, admit it, forgive yourself. Punish yourself if you think you deserve it, but then forgive. Show me a person who has never made a mistake!

It is much more important to realize that we misunderstand guilt. Ask yourself questions often: is what you did really that bad? Is it worth comparing yourself with stereotypes like a “caring mother”, “true friend”, etc.? Be critical of criticism directed at you. You never know who thinks you are wrong. If you are confident that you are right, learn to defend it.

Reason No. 16. Resentment and other negative emotions

Our life is full of problems and negative emotions. An adult should be able to cope with them, but this, alas, is not always possible. In our society, unfortunately, it is not customary to seek help from psychologists and psychoanalysts - often this even causes condemnation and misunderstanding. But often a person cannot cope with his problems and drives them deeper. How to restore disturbed emotional balance? How to escape from a problem for a while? You can “eat” it. Learn to sort out problems and get to the bottom of the issue - maybe the reason for your dissatisfaction lies in a completely different area, and not in the one you expected.

Think about how animals solve their “problems”? He does not accumulate negative emotions in himself. If they are offended, they fight or flee. I know it’s unpleasant when a person splashes out his negativity on others, snaps if he’s in a bad mood, or cries if something doesn’t work out. But in fact, psychologists say that such a reaction is healthier than accumulating negativity in oneself. If you don’t want to shock others, lock yourself in a room or office and scold life from the bottom of your heart, cry, free up energy, feel relief and relaxation. Whatever - break something (preferably not particularly valuable)! So, do you still want to eat a giant sandwich?

There is one more piece of advice - learn to forgive. No, don’t forget, don’t turn the other cheek, etc. Take whatever measures you consider necessary, but don’t hold any grudges. In addition to obesity, this can bring a million health problems.

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Psychological causes of excess weight

Not only psychologists, but also nutritionists assure: excess weight has much deeper reasons than a banal inability to balance the diet and lack of proper eating habits. However, they are fairly easy to spot since most of them are quite typical and common among obese and overweight people.

"Excess weight is good"

If a person has an unconscious belief that excess body weight is not bad in itself, the problem may be the inability to lose weight. This happens when there are difficulties with one’s own sense of significance - the need to expand one’s own bodily boundaries in this world, to “increase” oneself in the eyes of others, to increase one’s weight in society. For example, if a woman occupies a leadership position in a male team, she cannot afford to “shrink” because she subconsciously experiences anxiety about a decrease in her authority.

For a person who takes on a lot of worries, it is also “important” to remain in the body - otherwise he will not cope with the assigned tasks.

Weight as a defense mechanism

It’s quite easy to hide behind your fatness from the need to fulfill the demands made by society. A girl can brush off annoying questions about marriage with a joke about her own weight, a man can get a good reason for refusing a neighbor’s request to help with the rearrangement. You can protect yourself from anything - excess weight is blamed for many failures in life or the inability to achieve your plans.

A less favorable option for protection is to protect yourself from the attention of the opposite sex. The fear of being sexually attractive forces one to gain weight in order to avoid attempts to meet people, invitations to dates, this often happens after a bad relationship experience or sexual violence.

The relationship between emotions and eating behavior

The familiar statement about eating stress is true, but it is not able to fully reflect the existing relationship between the psychological state and the need for food. There are several conditions in which interest in food can increase significantly:

  • stress;
  • boredom;
  • anger;
  • the need to receive positive emotions.

Each person is individual, for some, a state of anger causes a deterioration in appetite, for others, on the contrary, an excessive need for food, especially when it is impossible to throw out emotions on the offender.

Identifying oneself with another significant person

Unconscious imitation is characteristic not only of children and adolescents; often this “way to survive” is expressed in a peculiar eating behavior already in adulthood. This may be a fusion of the self-image with an idol or celebrity, or the presence of unconscious attitudes of similarity with a loved one. If a woman identifies herself with a mother or, for example, an older sister who is overweight, she unconsciously copies eating behavior and is surprised to note an increase in body weight at a similar age, etc.

Excess weight as an echo of the past

If a child is regularly “hinted” at being fat, then as an adult he will do everything to correspond to the status imprinted in childhood. In addition, caring relatives teach the child to enjoy food - they offer to snack on their favorite delicacies in any stressful situation for the child, after which the child identifies food and pleasure and “rewards” himself for success with food.

Verbal programming

Psychosomatic disorders are reflected in language characteristics, and excess weight is no exception. Conscious programming is carried out even if a person uses the “necessary” words in a humorous form (“There should be a lot of good people”, “I’m fat because I don’t walk... They carry me in my arms!”, etc.). This helps reinforce the idea that excess weight is not bad and it is not necessary to lose it. Should we be surprised at the subsequent ineffectiveness of the diets used?

Food as a bad habit

Eating out of habit rather than out of hunger is one of the common reasons for weight gain. This category also includes the rule that the plate should remain empty after a meal. This behavior is often caused by parental education - the development of a routine (lunch according to a schedule, dinner no earlier than the allotted time, etc.), demands to eat the entire portion.

Food as a substitute

It happens that food replaces something really important. This happens when there is a need for a specific product, the consumption of a small amount of which does not provide satisfaction. Except for situations where an “exotic” desire is dictated by a deficiency of vitamins and microelements (as well as gastronomic preferences during pregnancy), a certain type of food may simply be associated with pleasant things. For example, before going home after the last vacation, a person dined on a certain dish. Upon returning home, he forgot about it, but after some time of hard work, he remembered the rest, palm trees, hotel room and... Of course, he wanted to get a similar dinner. In this case, there may be no need for nutrition at all, and the dish is associated exclusively with vacation and lack of worries.

These are the main psychological causes of eating disorders and, as a consequence, excessive weight gain. In order to prevent psychogenic weight gain and make the diet more effective, you need to follow several recommendations.

How to overcome the psychological factors of weight gain?

1. Describe a fat person. What associations do you have with being overweight? If you used the words “kind”, “solid”, etc., perhaps there is an attitude that excess weight is good. In this case, try to find another role model - a worthy person with a normal weight, and try to set a positive example.

2. Determine what you will get after you lose weight. And also what this will mean for you - what exactly are you afraid of when getting the optimal result? In the event that a psychotraumatic situation has occurred, it is advisable to work with a psychologist.

3. Try to determine when what emotions arise does the need for food increase? (Stress, anger, boredom, etc.). For this purpose, you can keep a food diary in which you need to record the events that happened during the day, the emotions they caused and the amount of food. If the relationship is visible, you need to start working on yourself: emotions should be expressed and lived, and not accumulated in yourself. In moments of boredom, you need to find something to do to your liking.

4. Be yourself and try not to identify with other people. It is only possible to have the right example.

5. Try to eat when you are hungry - don’t do it out of habit or because it’s time for a snack. Also, do not finish the portion if it turns out to be too large just to eat what was offered.

By following these tips, you can more effectively lose weight or stabilize your optimal body weight.

The article was prepared by psychologist Margarita Vladimirovna Poltoranina

Psychologists say that absolutely everyone suffering from excess body weight is their client. A recent study partially confirmed their belief in this.

The experiment, which lasted six months, involved 2 groups. One of them selected those whose excess weight was dictated by heredity, the other - those who had diseases (diabetes, neuroendocrine pathologies, metabolic problems). They developed a menu that complies with the principles of proper nutrition, but reduced the daily calorie intake to the level required for weight loss. They followed individual training programs. We didn’t take any pills, but we worked with professional psychologists and psychotherapists. Result: after six months, absolutely all participants in the experiment lost weight.

This partially proved that psychotherapy for excess weight is an important part in the program to combat it, and without it, pills, diets and all other methods can be completely useless.

Psychology and excess weight

In medicine, excess body weight is considered as an energy reserve in the form of fat deposits, which is accumulated by the body under the influence of various factors. Until recently, its causes were considered predominantly physiological: heredity, endocrine disorders, metabolic problems, gene syndromes.

From a psychological point of view, excess weight is a consequence of multiple personality disorders, ranging from incorrect mental perception of reality to neuropathy. Most overweight people are constantly stressed, feel unhappy because they don’t fit into social stereotypes, and this prevents them from losing weight. Complexes, ridicule from others, disordered personal life, constant diets lead first to prolonged depression, and then to a diagnosis with which you need to go to a psychotherapist.

Psychology suggests starting the fight against extra pounds with a consultation with a psychotherapist, and not with a nutritionist or a regular doctor. There is a point of view that neither heredity nor any other diseases can become the main cause of excess body weight. They all have one foundation - mental health. If everything is fine with him, such a problem will never arise. But as soon as it cracks, it is reflected on the scales: the person begins to either lose weight or gain weight.

Not all nutritionists and doctors agree that the problem of excess weight is exclusively psychological. Still, physiology also plays a big role here. But at the same time, they recognize that it directly depends on a person’s lifestyle and thinking, which are dictated by his consciousness, attitude towards others and himself, and this is the area of ​​psychology and psychotherapy. Therefore, recently, specialists in this field are increasingly being involved in solving the problem.

Not long ago, the main psychological aspects of excess weight were announced, with which even those doctors who treat obesity had to agree.

Aspect 1. The main causes of excess weight are overeating (how to cope with compulsive gluttony) and physical inactivity, and both are dictated by the inability of the individual to take control of his desires (I want to eat) and leave the comfort zone (get out of a warm bed and go for a run).

Aspect 2. Incorrectly formed eating habits are also a consequence of refusal to work on oneself or behavioral patterns from childhood.

Aspect 3. In the presence of diseases that are considered to be the causes of excess body weight, a person gets used to treating himself as a patient, hence self-pity and satisfaction of any of his own needs, including tasty food.

Aspect 4. The presence of excess weight gives rise to internal complexes dictated by social stereotypes, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and demonstration of beautiful figures on social networks and the media. But most often they become not motivators for changes in life, but causes of even greater depression and only worsen the situation.

Hence the conclusion - you should start the fight against extra pounds with psychotherapy.

Interesting fact. Recently, the trend of body positivity has become very popular. Plus-size models call for breaking society's stereotypes and loving your body with all its fat folds and cellulite. They themselves radiate self-confidence and happiness, openly showing off their large figures. However, here too, psychologists have revealed the wrong side: according to testing results, most of these girls suffer from low self-esteem along with eating and personality disorders.


Is physiology to blame?

When talking about the causes of excess weight, psychologists first of all debunk the myth that physiology is to blame. Many people attribute their obesity to heredity, slow metabolism, thyroid problems, diabetes and many other diseases. In fact, they use them only as an excuse for their unhealthy lifestyle, poor eating habits, and weakness. They convince others and themselves that they cannot do anything about excess body weight, because it is dictated by health problems.

“As much as they can!” - psychologists say and give examples from life.

Medlyn Stewart is a sought-after model, Chelsea Werner is a rhythmic gymnastics champion. Both have perfect figures. And both have Down syndrome, in which obesity is considered a typical symptom.

Olga Kartunkova, Pelageya, Marina Afrikantova, Irina Dubtsova believed for many years that their excess weight was dictated by illness. Each had their own health problems. However, at some point they pulled themselves together, changed their lives and lost weight. Moreover, they manage to maintain a stable weight for a long time.

For Anfisa Chekhova, Natasha Koroleva, Ani Lorak, obesity is a hereditary heritage, but it has little effect on their figures, since they work on themselves.


It’s not her fault, but the psychological factors of excess weight, which from childhood lay the foundation for a child’s eating behavior. If parents are overweight, they are unlikely to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat properly. According to the survey, people reassure themselves that they inherited such a figure, they cannot change it, so they can eat everything and not exercise. They instill the same thing in their children. And this chain continues endlessly. But as soon as a public person appears in the family (someone becomes a politician, actor, singer, model), the myth of hereditary completeness is destroyed by changing personal attitudes, attitudes towards oneself and one’s lifestyle.


When parents are told that their child has Down syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, heart failure, diabetes, or any other serious illness, they place themselves on the altar of sacrifice. And this is worthy of respect: they strive to compensate for the physical deficiencies of children, increasing their quality of life. However, psychologists reveal the other side of this sacrifice: unable to deny anything to a sick child, parents simply... overfeed them.

And doctors are also partly to blame for this, arguing that many of the genetic and immune diseases involve excess weight and even obesity as their main symptom. Psychologists insist that they are not a symptom, but a consequence of an incorrect course of treatment and attitude towards these pathologies.

In adults with similar diagnoses, excess weight is also the result of pity, only not for parents, but for oneself.

The only physiological cause of excess body weight that is recognized in psychology is slow metabolism. But, firstly, this is a rather rare diagnosis, and secondly, it is treatable. All the rest, in their opinion, are purely psychological in nature.

About how to understand that you have a metabolic disorder.

Psychological causes of excess weight

Are common

  • Eating problems: tasty food affects the pleasure center in the brain and makes you forget about the bad;
  • withdrawal from reality: a person stops perceiving excess weight as a disadvantage and refuses to eliminate it;
  • internal complexes: low self-esteem makes you give up and stop fighting and change something in life;
  • lack of willpower: a person cannot force himself to give up harmful but delicious foods and go in for sports;
  • addictions: dependence on delicious food (most often sweets, fast food and alcohol), on public opinion (everyone goes to eat burgers at lunchtime - and I’m with them), on children’s habits (eating dry, not according to the schedule, lack of breakfast);
  • stressful, conflict situations;
  • lack of interests: if a person has no friends, hobbies and doesn’t go anywhere, he has no choice but to sit in front of the TV and overeat.

In children

  • Wrong eating habits

Parents are to blame for their formation. If it’s not customary for a family to have breakfast (because mom doesn’t have time to cook porridge, she’s in a hurry to go to work), in the evenings everyone sits in front of the TV eating a huge amount of snacks, and the kitchen always has sausage, mayonnaise and sweets, then there’s no need to talk about healthy eating for the child. . By the way, he will carry all this baggage with him into adulthood.

  • Spoiled

This aspect is usually observed in the upbringing of children of preschool age. Most often this happens in families where there are a huge number of relatives per child. He is simply fed harmful goodies, and he gets used to it. In the future, he will also refuse cereals, soups and chicken in favor of sandwiches with sausage and a thick layer of mayonnaise, fast food, soda and other food garbage.

  • Socialization

Some statistics: 100% of elementary school students, 65% of middle school students, and only 20% of high school students eat in school canteens. Children don't want to stand out from the crowd: my friends don't eat - and I won't. They spend the money their parents gave them for school lunches on hot dogs and soda at the nearest stand just because others are doing so. And a large number of such situations accumulate: during a walk, one bought a bun - everyone wanted it, on vacation everyone drinks beer (this applies to teenagers) - and I will.

  • Gadget addiction

Physiologists call physical inactivity the main reason for excess weight in modern children, as they sit too long in front of computers, tablets and smartphones, refusing sports clubs and even walks on the street. In psychology, they look deeper into this problem - dependence on gadgets is to blame for everything. For most children, it is in an advanced form and makes them refuse to move and eat at the common table in the kitchen (most often they snack on chips and lemonade while sitting right at the computer).

  • Imitating parents

Even if parents try to instill healthy eating habits in their child, but at the same time allow themselves excesses with him, this will be deposited in his subconscious and will manifest itself later.

As for puberty, which physiologists also often blame for the formation of excess weight in adolescents, psychology has a different attitude towards this point. If a child by the age of 12-13 has formed correct eating habits, plays sports and is mentally healthy, no hormones will affect his figure. If one of these links is disrupted, problems begin with hormonal levels, so treatment here should begin with psychotherapy.

Among women

  • Low self-esteem;
  • unfavorable psychological atmosphere (constant stress);
  • incorrect value guidelines: a modern woman devotes herself entirely to family and work, not finding time for herself in a busy schedule;
  • social circle: if your husband, girlfriends, colleagues adhere to poor nutrition and themselves suffer from excess weight, there is nothing left to do but support them in this;
  • excessive suspiciousness.

In men

  • Alcohol addiction;
  • the only psychological relief available to men, but a regular one (crying and complaining is not their status) is relaxation with friends (sauna, fishing, just gatherings with beer, garage), which involves alcohol with a high-calorie snack;
  • incorrect life attitudes such as “a man should eat a lot”, “a man should eat meat”, “a man should not deny himself anything”, etc.;
  • lack of support from his wife: a man will never eat broccoli and bananas if his woman eats kebab at the same time.

So, when you are going to say that your mother inherited excess weight from you or that it became a sad consequence of diabetes, think: do you yourself believe in this? And did you try to somehow solve the problem?