What a man needs to conceive a healthy child. What should a man do before conception, how to properly prepare his body? Pregnancy planning for men: research

With birth control pills, you need to stop taking them and wait 2-3 months before conceiving. During this time, the body will get rid of the remnants of hormonal contraceptives, which make it difficult to absorb some vitamins and microelements. While the body is cleansing itself, you can use barrier methods of contraception, such as a condom.

The best preparation for conception The child is supported by a healthy lifestyle of both parents, including proper and balanced nutrition, sports, lack of stress, hardening procedures, and regular exposure to the fresh air.

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A man who is preparing to conceive needs to undergo all the necessary tests and cure chronic diseases. In addition, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, do not get carried away with swimming in hot water and wearing tight underwear.

Just a few years ago, the strong half of humanity did not take part in preparations for conception, and even after that they remained on the sidelines, believing that everything they could do had already been done. However, today everything has changed. Men began to take an interest in the problems, attend, and most importantly, became concerned about their health. Indeed, in half of the cases, pregnancy does not occur not because of health problems, but because of similar problems in women, in particular, due to insufficient sperm motility. Therefore, this question is more relevant than ever.

What you can do together with your doctor

The first and most important step is to visit a medical facility and undergo all the necessary tests. First of all, you need to take a spermogram to make sure that the number of sperm is normal and their motility is also at the proper level. If there are any chronic diseases, especially STIs, then it is better to cure them before. In addition, many medications can interfere with male fertility.

It would not be a bad idea to visit a geneticist and get tested for genetic diseases, because it happens that some genetic diseases manifest themselves in the third, fifth and further generations.

What you can do yourself

The minimum period for a man is 3 months. This is exactly what is needed for sperm maturation. Therefore, 3 months before the expected conception, you need to completely reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Give preference to natural products, giving up processed foods, fast foods and other “fast” foods. Cook mainly by steaming without using oil. A lack of folic acid can affect the sperm count, so the future dad should lean on breakfast cereals, lettuce and legumes.

Of course, nicotine, alcohol

Unfortunately, there are much fewer expectant fathers who want to undergo any preparation for conceiving a child than there are expectant mothers. On the one hand, this is justified: a woman has to carry a pregnancy to term, and the health of the child largely depends on the health of the mother. On the other hand, we should not forget that the success of conception largely depends on the father.

Minimum program for the future dad

A urologist is the most important male doctor. It is urology that deals with most of those diseases that can lead to problems with conception or even its complete impossibility. An examination by a urologist should identify or rule out these diseases. A thorough questioning of a man allows us to draw conclusions about the possible presence of any diseases or predisposition to them. During the examination, the urologist pays attention to the structure of the external genitalia, checks the size, shape and condition of the testicles, and also conducts a rectal examination - examination of the prostate gland through the anus. Next, several tests are carried out, which provide the doctor with all the missing and necessary information.

Analysis for sexually transmitted infections. Sexual infections, if present in the body of a man or woman, can cause inflammatory processes and diseases, which affects both the likelihood of conception and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, examination for sexually transmitted infections in preparation for conception is one of the main ones.

The most accurate and popular method for detecting sexually transmitted diseases is the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. This method checks scrapings from the urethral mucosa in men, and the detection of pathogen DNA is a positive test result. Typically, information about several bacteria and viruses is needed. Bacteria - chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and gardnerella, viruses - herpes virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus. It is also worth doing a test for toxoplasma.

The detection of DNA of any of the listed pathogens in the test material indicates a corresponding disease and most often requires treatment. In this case, as a rule, treatment should concern both partners. The examination of a man and a woman is carried out independently: if some disease is not detected in one partner, this does not mean that there is no need to look for it in the second. If a man is diagnosed with one or another infection, but a woman is not, then the need to treat the woman in each case is discussed individually - depending on the presence of any other infectious-inflammatory pathology in the woman.

Usually, before analysis using the PCR method, it is recommended to do a provocation - to take measures that contribute to the exacerbation of the disease. Provocation can be nutritional (food) or medicinal. Food provocation is the simplest and most often the most pleasant in this entire part of the diagnosis: the man is asked to take a small amount of spicy or salty food and alcohol on the eve of the examination. Drug provocation is carried out by a doctor; there are different methods. Today, PCR is the most accurate examination method, the accuracy of a positive result reaches 97%.

Maximum program

This is a broader list of examinations; they will make it possible to identify a pathology that may not directly affect the possibility of conception, but may lead to certain problems in the future and interfere with the possibility of full fatherhood.

Spermogram is the main method indicating the possibility of conception. A spermogram is an examination of a man's sperm under a microscope. This analysis gives an idea of ​​the concentration, quantity, motility and structure of sperm, which allows us to draw conclusions about a man’s ability to conceive and the likelihood of conceiving naturally. Also, a number of additional spermogram indicators give an idea of ​​the functioning of the testicles, prostate gland and a number of small gonads, which can also be useful in determining the cause of deviations from the norm in the main indicators. If a man is diagnosed with infertility, based on spermogram indicators, one can draw a conclusion about the form of infertility, determine the tactics of its treatment and give a prognosis regarding its effectiveness.

This analysis requires some preparation. For several days before the analysis, at least 3-4, a man should not drink alcohol, drugs (these include energy drinks, as well as a number of sleeping pills and painkillers), it is better to exclude any medications during these days, and also hot or spicy foods. Also, a man should not be severely hypothermic, nor, conversely, overheat, and should not be subjected to severe stress, excessive physical exertion, or exposure to any radiation. And in addition to all of the above, sexual abstinence is necessary for 3-4 days before the analysis.

The material for a spermogram is sperm obtained by a man through masturbation. Some laboratories accept condoms containing sperm, but the lubricant that covers all condoms affects the sperm count, so it is not worth resorting to this route. Technically, performing a spermogram has only one difficulty. No more than 3 hours should pass between receiving the material and performing the analysis in the laboratory. If for some reason the study was conducted later, its results cannot be considered objective. Ideally, the material for a spermogram should be obtained directly from the laboratory or medical institution where the study will be conducted. But in our reality, most often patients receive the material at home in a special disposable container and quickly deliver it to the laboratory. It is very convenient when the laboratory is equipped with special rooms for obtaining sperm.

If there are any deviations in the main parameters of the spermogram, the first thing that is recommended to do is to repeat the analysis after 2 weeks, observing all the above conditions. Only based on the results of 2-3 spermograms performed in this way can one draw conclusions about the disease or infertility.

Studies of prostate secretions. If a urologist during an examination identifies any abnormalities in the structure of the prostate gland or if a man has symptoms that suggest problems with the prostate (pain in the perineum, discomfort when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, etc.), a series of tests is necessary. analyzes of prostate secretions. The secretion of the gland is released from the urethra during a massage, collected in a test tube or on a glass and delivered to the laboratory. This usually involves microscopy and culture of prostate secretions. Microscopy of the secretion of this gland provides information about the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the gland, as well as about its functioning. Sowing the secretion allows you to identify bacteria that are in the gland and can cause inflammation. This information is indispensable when prescribing treatment for acute or chronic prostatitis, because it allows you to select an adequate and effective treatment for exactly the form of the disease that occurs in this case. An analogue of prostate secretion seeding is sperm seeding.

The therapist examines and treats diseases associated with various organs of the human body. An examination in combination with a number of tests will make sure that there are no signs of such serious diseases as bronchial asthma, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and exacerbations of various chronic inflammatory processes. These diseases most likely will not have a direct impact on conception, but the predisposition to most of them is inherited and can sometimes greatly affect the health of the child from the first days of his life. Therefore, you should definitely take into account the presence of such a disease in one of your parents or close relatives and consult with the appropriate specialist.

The therapist will prescribe the following examinations to the man.

General blood analysis. This is a routine blood test from a finger or vein. It calculates the number of main blood cells - red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, and also carries out a number of additional measurements. A blood test can determine or suggest a very large number of different diseases - anemia, decreased or increased blood clotting, inflammation and many others. This analysis begins an examination for almost any disease; it should not be neglected even before a planned pregnancy.

General urine analysis. This analysis allows you to get a general idea of ​​how well everything is going for a man with the genitourinary area. The number of leukocytes in the urine indicates the presence or absence of active inflammation in this area. The presence of salts indicates a predisposition to urolithiasis. The concentration of protein and glucose in the urine provides insight into kidney function. If any deviations from the norm are detected, this requires mandatory consultation with a nephrologist.

Blood chemistry. For this test, blood is taken from a vein. A biochemical blood test includes checking a large number of blood parameters that reflect the functioning of different organs and systems - the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, etc. Very often, this analysis can reveal a disturbance in the functioning of an organ even before the first symptoms appear. For example, one of the important indicators of a biochemical blood test is the level of glucose in the blood. A sharp increase in this indicator occurs in diabetes mellitus.

Analysis to determine blood group and Rh factor. For this test, blood is also taken from a vein. It is often done simultaneously with a biochemical blood test. In principle, this analysis is not necessary if a man knows exactly his blood type and Rh factor, or, for example, if there is such a mark in his passport. But most often you still have to do an analysis. Knowing the parents' blood type allows us to make a prediction regarding the child's blood type. This is, of course, useful, but still of rather academic interest. But knowledge of the Rh factor of both parents is necessary for the most practical reasons. A positive Rh factor in a child, which he can inherit from his father, with a negative Rh factor in a woman can lead to the development of the so-called Rh conflict, which can, due to a number of other unfavorable factors, affect the course of pregnancy and lead to its spontaneous termination. If dad has a negative Rh factor, then there will be no problems. Manifestations of Rh conflict can be smoothed out or completely prevented, but only if the doctor involved in the management of pregnancy is prepared for this in advance.

Blood tests for HIV, Wasserman reaction, hepatitis B and C. Practically, this is the only way to identify corresponding diseases in a person - AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis - before their severe symptoms appear. The detection of any of these diseases has such a serious impact on a person’s entire future life that, as a rule, there is no talk of conception in the near future. If a couple in such a situation continues to plan a pregnancy, nothing is impossible, but the pregnancy must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. In addition, a situation is possible in which one of the partners is infected, but the other is not yet. The situation when the expectant mother is not infected does not pose a danger to the fetus at all, but, unfortunately, it is unlikely.

Blood test for hormones. This analysis shows the activity of various endocrine glands. First of all, of course, in our situation the level of the sex hormone testosterone is of interest. Its deficiency can lead to serious consequences, including infertility, but an excess also causes the development of quite unpleasant problems. Other hormones (eg insulin, gonadotropins) can also affect the likelihood of conception.

ECG. An electrocardiogram can be recommended for all men over the age of 40, as well as men suffering from high blood pressure, headaches, various cardiovascular diseases, being overweight or having bad habits (smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol). If any abnormalities are detected, a consultation with a cardiologist and additional examination will be required.

Ultrasound. Ultrasound of the chest organs, including the heart and abdominal cavity, allows you to exclude a large number of possible diseases, which eliminates the need for many other tests and examinations.

In conclusion, I would like to say that conception is always a simultaneous coincidence of a large number of different events. You can never be sure whether it will come or not. But at the same time, one can never say that there are few or no chances - these circumstances have still been studied very little by science. Therefore, never lose your good attitude and confidence in success.

Mikhail Sovetov, urologist-andrologist, Moscow


Hello doctor, I'm looking for tests, I'm probably sick and I'm very worried. I took tests in Shymkent (Kazakhstan), but there was no doctor there. He went on vacation and I can’t understand the tests. The EGEO assistant told me that according to the tests, you need to get treatment, otherwise you won’t have children and that’s all. and I’ve never been married before. but I want a family and children, please help me, I ask you with respect, Rakhat

12/20/2015 10:08:46, Zaurbekov R. B.

Oh, thank you, I’ll definitely ask around, it’s good that I looked here!)

You know, we have developed pharmacology for a long time, so look for our Russian analogues for all these expensive drugs, and the pharmacists themselves are the best at understanding this, ask them: for example, I, for example, calmly drank sperm plant instead - the difference in price is very significant, those Our vitamins and folic acid are no worse than imported ones.

How long have you been receiving treatment? Maybe you should think about changing something in your treatment or finding a different doctor? as my aunt, a very wise woman, said: “If you don’t like the diagnosis, change your doctor.”

I read the article, it’s good, useful, we passed the SG on all points, did not violate anything, and for the second time the mobility indicators are bad, I really don’t know what to do, our andrologist last time prescribed us a bunch of expensive drugs, but for some reason They are of no use, now I wrote out the same thing again...

Yeah, you’ll send mine to a urologist.... when he has a runny nose, everyone panics, I’m dying, and on and on...
And then they’ll crawl into all the holes - that’s all, the end of the world!!!

03.09.2009 09:16:50, Lerik-Valerik

I believe that if you fail to get pregnant, then you need to undergo various studies. And so - get checked for infections and other contagion, eat shrimp and go into battle.

08/12/2009 03:02:04, not dad

Comment on the article "Dad to be checked. Examination of a man before conception"

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment, IVF. I really need advice on where it is best to get examined with your husband before planning a pregnancy (a good government center, doctors, contacts and so as not...


I also remembered about the center, but not the state one - Medsi on Belorusskaya. I get treatment there with insurance, I like it. The doctors there are civilized and competent, there are almost no queues compared to government institutions. It’s worth going there if you want to save time, nerves and don’t need highly specialized help. But as far as I understand, you don’t need it.
They have a program for comprehensive examination of couples for pregnancy planning, “We Want a Child.” They promise to do it in a short time, in my opinion within a week. Since the program is comprehensive, there may be savings. [link-1]

But the tests that are included [link-1]

Perhaps something similar - tests are available "in bulk" in invitro. Try to find out and compare prices.

We want to conceive our first child; we have never been pregnant before. In general, you want to make sure that everything is in order, and if not, carry out the appropriate procedures.
In general, normal pregnancy planning is necessary in order to be calm when conceiving.

Examination of a man before conception. Pregnancy planning. STD testing before planning. did you do this analysis when planning? For example, after severe stress (death, divorce, etc. Before planning pregnancy...


Chlamydia should be treated for both. I support the ureaplasma issue.

It is not a fact that the miscarriage was due to an STD. In general, Ureaplasma can extremely rarely lead to miscarriage; chlamydia can. But other reasons are more likely.

everything is possible) apparently, my husband is immune. about ureaplasma - was it found on PCR or in culture? if only PCR - first take a culture, and treat only if the culture is more than normal, because it could just be your flora.

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage Look at other discussions: Dad to be checked. Examination of a man before conception. Conference "Planning pregnancy". Answer in conferences and start new ones...


I would have my teeth done in advance, take an infection test (smear test), my husband’s Rh and my own, and also torch infections (so that I don’t have to think about when I got sick, for example, with toxoplasmosis, but to know for sure that before), maybe also hormones.

I was treated for ureaplasmosis after giving birth.
So now I went and took a general test for him.
But in general, in my opinion, there is some kind of analysis for infection. This should be passed as soon as possible. Otherwise you will suffer throughout your entire pregnancy.

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment, IVF. Prices for tests. Good evening! I went to the district residential complex in the morning and told the doctor that I was planning a pregnancy. They gave me a sheet where they noted which ones needed to be submitted...


Judging by the list that you wrote below, it seems very likely to be true.
If you roughly estimate, I have already spent about 10 thousand on tests, and how much blood was pumped out of me - 2 liters, probably! :)
And I hand them over directly to the laboratory, i.e. at minimal prices.
Just in case, calculate the prices in different clinics, or better yet, directly in the laboratory - clinics, for the most part, do not do the tests themselves, but take them to the laboratories. Usually the forms have a stamp indicating where they were made.

My tests were not cheaper, it seems even more expensive. It all depends on the set of tests, and the set of tests depends on the medical history. You didn’t voice either one, so it’s hard to say whether you’re being fooled or not :)

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment, IVF. But at this age it is not so easy to get pregnant. By the age of 40, the ability to conceive in women and men decreases, and pregnancy does not occur for a long time, which is why...

For the hundredth time about rubella. Analyzes, tests. Pregnancy planning. 2. YES, she really has not had rubella before 3. YES, she was not tested for antibodies during planning. And they didn’t say anything about rubella at all.


Well, this is not a fact yet, I have a friend who had rubella 3 times, the last time was just at 3 months, he turned out to be a good boy, smart and his hearing is OK, you can check if there are antibodies to rubella, which are IgG in my opinion - long-term immunity, maybe she has already had it, and now she is sick again, then the risk is much less, however, as with loading doses of folic acid, and by the way, why vaccinate at random, it is better to first get tested for the presence of antibodies :), even my little one has them , and in normal quantities - that’s how immunity was passed on :) and they are smarter, when I was sick - who can figure it out

I am so sorry. I didn’t get tested during my first pregnancy either: I didn’t know, and the doctor from the housing complex didn’t refer me. This time, the first thing I did was take the junket complex!

Tests that everyone must take A little more tests for those who want Oligospermia can also be observed in healthy men with too frequent sexual or masturbation Planning pregnancy: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility...


I was answering a girl in another conference. She had a question: “What are the indications for taking an immunogram?” I answered her.
Maybe it will be useful? or not? decide yourself.
In addition to patients with real immunodeficiency (carriage of hepatitis, HIV, syphilis, etc.), in the immunology of reproduction it is:
1. disorders of tissue interaction at all stages of pregnancy, starting from conception (interaction of sperm and egg) and ending with childbirth and lactation (pregnancy is a unique phenomenon of friendly coexistence of two immunologically different organisms - mother and fetus);
2. autoimmune disorders leading to failure in the process of maturation of sperm and eggs, fertilization and development of pregnancy at all stages (for example, increased levels of antisperm antibodies, antibodies to phospholipids, components of the thyroid gland);
3. Features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth with autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma);
4. Rhesus-conflict pregnancy;
5. the influence of the mother’s immune status on the formation of the functional systems of the fetus (example: the influence of antibodies to nerve growth factor in the mother’s blood on the likelihood of developing complications during pregnancy) and predisposition to neuropsychiatric diseases in children);
6. in exceptional cases according to indications during periods of immunosuppressive states. For example, after severe stress (death, divorce, etc.), with constantly recurrent HSV, CMV, etc.

About men.
You need to create a separate section in the left frame.
And they don’t need to donate blood. Spermogram and PCR are quite enough. And if you have existing health problems, the andrologist will prescribe the necessary examination. There may be a need for urine and an ultrasound... we won’t write all this.
I will give a ready-made text about the spermogram.

Until recently, it was generally accepted that the woman was “to blame” for the childlessness of a couple. In fact, in about half of the cases, the reason is a decrease in the quality of sperm and pathology of the male reproductive system.

Over the past 50 years, the average number of active germ cells in the sperm of the average representative of the stronger sex has decreased by half. Previously, a figure of 60 million cells per 1 ml was considered normal. seed, then now even 20 million is perceived without alarm. Moreover, the older the man, the lower this figure.

Of course, the decline in sperm quality can be compensated for by advances in reproductive medicine. Thanks to the procedure of artificial insemination (IVF), it is possible to become a father even with very poor sperm quality. But this pleasure is not cheap, and not everyone can afford it.

For those who dream of becoming parents, but are not able to find tens of thousands of rubles for artificial insemination, there are recommendations that, if followed, can increase the chances of conception.

We suggest you understand the information about what helps to conceive a child, and how valid some “truths” about male fertility are.

What does a man need to conceive a child?

First of all, it is important to understand that it takes at least 2-3 months to prepare for conception. This is exactly how long it takes for sperm to mature in the testicles and for them to mature in the epididymis.

One of the most important factors affecting the motility and viability of sperm is the temperature at which they matured. The normal temperature is 35 °C. It’s not for nothing that a man’s genitals are located outside - thus the temperature in the testicles is maintained a couple of degrees below body temperature. Even ordinary flu and a temperature of 38-39 degrees can be a factor what prevents you from conceiving a child. It will take the body two to three months to recover from a cold that lasts only a few days. Of course, the likelihood of conception remains even during a fever, but the chances are significantly reduced.

External temperature can also harm male fertility. Therefore, regular visits to the bathhouse and a man’s addiction to hot baths have a negative impact on fertility. Future fathers should remember that every trip to the sauna in one and a half to two months will make itself felt by the low quality of sperm. So if you are planning a child, it is better to avoid the bath for a while.

By the way, there is an opinion that tight swimming trunks harm sperm because they contribute to overheating. This is only half true. In fact, when wearing tight swimming trunks, body temperature increases slightly. However, tight underwear significantly impairs the blood supply to the testicles and maturing sperm do not receive enough nutrients

Reduce sperm quality and serve as a factor what prevents you from conceiving a child, certain medications can. Even ordinary headache pills pose a danger in this case. In general, medications that “hit you in the groin” include:

  1. 1. Some hormonal steroids. If you are actively involved in sports and take drugs for rapid muscle growth, be careful.
  2. 2. Antibiotics, which are prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  3. 3. Antibiotics from the sulfonamide group. They are often prescribed for bronchitis, tonsillitis, and pneumonia.
  4. 4. Glucocorticosteroids are medications taken for allergies and asthma.
  5. 5. Some medications for hypertension (but not all).
  6. 6. Cytostatics are drugs that are often used for malignant neoplasms.
  7. 7. Painkillers from the opiate group.
  8. 8. Testosterone hormones. Oddly enough, these are the ones that some doctors prescribe to “improve sperm count.” But in fact, with long-term use of these hormones, the opposite effect occurs, also called pharmacological castration. By receiving testosterone from the outside, the body itself stops producing it. The hormone from the drug enters the blood, while in the gonads (where it is especially needed) it becomes less. This hormonal imbalance often causes infertility.

Often the reason why can't you conceive a child?, become nervous stress. Problems at work and disagreements in the family do not go unnoticed for men's health. Stress may increase your sex drive, but your fertility will be significantly reduced. The reason is corticoid hormones, which are produced by the adrenal glands during nervous experiences. They suppress the formation of sperm, although their structure is similar to germ cells.

Electromagnetic and radio wave radiation are also dangerous for expectant fathers. Of course, you should not blame the microwave oven and the mobile phone that you are used to carrying on your belt for infertility. But if your work involves radiation in high doses, remember that “professional costs” are inevitable.

Another enemy of men's health is the chemicals that surround us everywhere, from food to plastic bottles. Phthalates contained in plastic food packaging, when stored for a long time, can pass into the food and then into the body of the person who eats it. Once in the body, they suppress the action of male hormones. Also among the enemies of the future father, it is necessary to highlight preservatives, stabilizers, and substances that are contained in some detergents. Pesticides and insect poisons are also very harmful.

  1. When listing what can interfere with conception, one cannot fail to mention alcohol and nicotine.
  2. Systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages significantly increases the risk that the egg will be fertilized by a pathological sperm. This will entail the birth of a child with mental and physical disabilities.
  3. Nicotine, in turn, has a detrimental effect on the concentration and motility of sperm cells.

That's why, to conceive a healthy child, it is advisable for the future father to abstain from smoking and drinking alcohol for 72-75 days (or 2-3 months) before the expected conception. This is how long the period of “maturation” of sperm lasts in a man’s body.

Much depends on your diet and eating habits. During the period of preparation for conception, it is especially important that the diet is complete, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The daily diet must contain a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, legumes, nuts, dairy products, lean meat, sea fish and seafood. But it’s better to avoid semi-finished products, fatty, spicy, smoked and canned foods altogether.

Unfortunately, even the most expensive organic products will not help to fully provide the body with the required amount of microelements. Judge for yourself: to get a daily dose of selenium, you need to eat half a kilogram of peas every day! Not everyone can do this, and the intestines may not like it. Therefore, to compensate for micronutrient deficiencies, it is recommended to take special vitamin complexes.

The drug Speroton (Spematon) is intended to improve sperm quality and increase male fertility. The components of the drug stimulate spermatogenesis, increase the mobility and concentration of germ cells in the seminal fluid.

Speroton contains L-carnitine, folic acid, vitamin E, zinc and selenium in increased dosages.

Thanks to the action of the components of the drug, Speroton helps restore male reproductive function, increases the viability of sperm, increases their concentration and mobility, helps reduce the number of pathological forms of sperm, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and increases libido.

Speroton (Spematon) is not a hormonal drug, but its components help normalize the production of hormones necessary, to conceive a healthy child.

It is advisable to start taking Speroton (Spematon) 3 months before the expected conception. After all, as mentioned earlier, sperm mature within 72-75 days, and beneficial substances must enter the body during this entire period.

And one more important question: should you have sex every day? to conceive a child?
Most researchers believe that two to three days of abstinence before a planned attempt is a good way to boost fertility. With such a frequency of sexual intercourse, the concentration, mobility and quality of germ cells are maximum. But turning sex into daily work on offspring is not at all what what helps to conceive a child. This approach will only do harm.

So, as you can see, almost everything affects the quality of sperm. An unfavorable environmental situation, a sedentary lifestyle, fast food and stress, without which, unfortunately, the life of most representatives of the stronger sex is unimaginable, does not at all contribute to the preservation of fertility. The good news is that everything can be fixed.

Sperm matures and is constantly renewed. And in most cases, to increase fertility and conceive a healthy child, it is enough to change your lifestyle for at least 3 months. Remember: the health of your unborn child depends on how carefully you pay attention to your health during the period of preparation for conception.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to conceive a child right away, but after several unsuccessful sexual intercourses you should not sound the alarm and diagnose yourself with “infertility”. Perhaps your “stork” who will bring you the baby just needs active help.

1 rule

Everyone knows that the male reproductive cell is the basis of conception, therefore a certain energy is required from the sperm to ensure its mobility, because an energetic sperm is able to go further, and one should not expect conception from a weak one. That is why, two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse, you need to start preparing the man. To do this, you need to start feeding him correctly: include more meat, nuts, and vitamin E in the diet. Such nutrition will help increase sperm motility. It is worth noting that excessive activity of partners for conception is not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, before the decisive sexual intercourse, a man should abstain for 2-3 days in order to accumulate energy. One couple went to the doctor because they were unable to conceive a child. During the conversation, it turned out that the couple wants a child so much that they have sex 2-3 times a day. After this, the doctor advised me to abstain from sex for several days. Having followed the doctor’s recommendation, the couple managed to conceive a child.

Rule 2

The first intercourse is decisive for conception. All further acts during the evening or night are just for pleasure. The fact is that after the first sexual intercourse, the concentration of sperm decreases almost by half, so subsequent ejaculations, as experts joke, are nothing but water.

Rule 3

Immediately after ejaculation, a man should remove his penis from the vagina to help the sperm penetrate further unhindered, which significantly increases the likelihood of conception.

Rule 4

Female orgasm can prevent conception. This happens for the reason that during orgasm, the cervix rises a little, so the sperm have to climb to this top, which significantly reduces the chance of one of them reaching the egg.

Rule 5

The correct timing for conception plays a significant role in conception. A woman is more fertile in the middle of her cycle, when the egg matures (ovulation period). Also considered favorable are 5-6 days before ovulation: that’s how long a sperm can live, waiting for an egg and remaining capable. The period within 6 days after ovulation is also considered favorable, since the female egg remains viable during this period of time.

Rule 6

The procedure of douching with a soda solution before intercourse can significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is known that a woman may have hidden inflammation, which she is not even aware of. As a result of inflammation, an acidic environment arises, which is extremely harmful to sperm and can not only significantly reduce their activity, but even completely destroy it. If there is no inflammation, then douching still won’t hurt.

Rule 7

A woman’s actions after sexual intercourse are of great importance. Little depends on the man and he can safely go to the shower, but the woman should lie down for a while. If the uterus and cervix are in a normal position, it is best to lie on your back, with your knees pressed to your chest. If a woman has a bent uterus, it is better to lie on her stomach. These positions allow the cervix to sink freely into the pool of sperm, which increases the chance of sperm penetration. There are also specific cases, for example, when there is inflammation of the appendages. In this situation, the uterus can turn to the side, but which one can only be determined. Then the doctor can tell you exactly which side is better to lie on.

Rule 8

Choosing the right position can significantly increase your chances of conceiving a child. Unfortunately, the choice of correct positions is not large - this is the classic missionary position. But if you try to get pregnant, for example while standing, the liquid will simply pour out. There is indeed an exception. If a woman has a curved uterus, then the rear pose is suitable.

Rule 9

After sexual intercourse, you need to relax and preferably be in an excellent state of mind over the next few days. Meditation, walks in nature, active recreation, etc. can help with this. Waiting and worrying are not the best state for this period. In a state of stress, the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes, which propel sperm to the egg, is disrupted.

Eliminate risks

At first glance, not much is required of a man - try to lead a relatively healthy lifestyle. First of all, he should reconsider all his habits and exclude harmful ones from this list. Today in the medical community there is a lot of talk about the harm that smoking and alcohol have on both a man’s fertility and the health of his offspring. And for good reason, because nicotine, when entering a man’s body, affects the number of sperm produced, and alcohol affects their quality: it provokes the production of sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. And together nicotine and alcohol “clog” the male body with toxins. These harmful substances are removed from it within several months, which directly affects the reproductive function of a man.

Therefore, experts advise representatives of the stronger sex to refrain from drinking alcohol and stop smoking three to four, or even better, six months before the planned conception.

It is also important for a man to remember that fatherhood and drugs are incompatible things. Whatever they are, mild or severe, the harm from using these drugs is obvious. Their impact on the reproductive function of men is a decrease in spermatogenesis, as well as the production of “low-quality” male germ cells. In addition, in a man who uses hard drugs, sexual desire is reduced or completely absent. And children born from him may “inherit” drug addiction or various forms of developmental disabilities. If you decide, “I want to become a dad,” you will have to give up drugs.

Physical activity, on the contrary, is necessary for a healthy male body. However, it is important not to overdo it when playing sports. The fact is that if the load is too intense, a man may overheat his testicles, which is undesirable if he plans to become a father. That is why frequent visits to the sauna and bathhouse are not recommended, and hot baths should become an extremely rare pleasure.

While planning to conceive, it is better for a man to avoid wearing too tight underwear and clothing, which contribute to overheating of the male genital organs and may cause poor circulation in the lower part of his body.

Sedentary work, severe and chronic fatigue, stress - do not add to a man’s health, and you should try to avoid this.

The age at which a man plans to become a good father is not as important for conception as the woman's age. But we should not forget about the natural aging of the body, which also affects the reproductive system.

The right diet

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, experts unanimously advise - no diets for weight loss. Of course, you need to monitor him, but without fanaticism. A man’s diet should be balanced so that proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the body in a ratio of 1:1:4 - this is the optimal formula necessary for the normal process of sperm formation.

The future dad's daily diet should consist of fresh or freshly frozen vegetables and fruits. It is better for him to give up sweets, carbonated drinks, and baked goods in favor of foods that have a beneficial effect on sperm quality. Thus, folic acid, which is contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, and liver, is involved in the process of maturation of male germ cells with the correct chromosome set. From a lack of zinc (found in mussels, crabs, oysters, beans, mushrooms), sperm viability suffers. And a lack of selenium (it is found in meat, liver, fish, wheat) threatens a man with infertility.

Vitamin A, which is found in butter, eggs, cod liver, yellow and red vegetables and fruits, is needed to speed up sperm renewal. A sufficient amount of B vitamins, which are found in black bread, white chicken meat and cereals, has a beneficial effect on testosterone production. Vitamin C protects seminal fluid from harmful influences and ensures a normal number of active sperm. Its deficiency can be compensated for by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. Vitamin E, whose task is to protect germ cells from oxidation and increase their ability to fertilize, is found in cereals, nuts, sunflower oil, and sprouted wheat.

Hello, Doctor!

It is possible that a completely healthy couple may not become pregnant for a year. This is not a cause for concern and is due, among other things, to some characteristics of the female body. However, a medical examination confirming that the man is healthy is a very desirable stage when planning conception. It should begin with a visit to a urologist, whose responsibilities include collecting anamnesis, examining the genital organs and examining the patient for sexually transmitted diseases.

Further, at the doctor’s discretion, you may need to, and if necessary, consult a geneticist. In addition, the future father may need to take a general blood test, a biochemical test, a blood test for RW (syphilis), HIV and hepatitis, and establish the blood type and Rh factor.

Dad has everything according to plan

Parents often learn about the gender of their unborn child from the doctor during the next ultrasound, when the pregnancy has already taken place. What if dad really wants only a son or only a daughter? Then the now popular methods of planning the baby’s sex come to his aid.

If a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, then the sex of the baby can be planned by knowing the day of ovulation, which occurs on the 14-15th day of the cycle. So, if intimacy occurred before ovulation, then the likelihood that a girl will be born is higher - sperm with the Y chromosome die, and the egg is fertilized by a sperm with the X chromosome. If sexual intercourse occurs at the time of ovulation, then fertilization occurs with the help of a sperm with a Y chromosome, so the couple should expect a boy.

According to another planning method, the sex of the child depends on the parity of the mother’s age and the month of conception. A woman becomes pregnant with a girl at an even age in even months, and at an odd age in odd months. As a boy, it’s exactly the opposite. For example, if a woman is 23 years old and gets pregnant in May (odd month), then she will most likely have a girl. Dad can only draw up an appropriate intimacy schedule.

You can try to plan the gender of your unborn child by following a certain diet. If the couple’s menu three weeks before conception is dominated by foods containing potassium and sodium ions, then she will give birth to a boy. If you consume mainly foods containing calcium and magnesium ions, you should expect a girl. The expectant mother should adhere to this diet for at least seven weeks after conception.

Are you planning a boy?

Are you planning a girl?

Foods rich in potassium: fruits (especially bananas, peaches, apricots), fruit juices, dried fruits, fresh vegetables, beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, fresh fish, salmon, oysters, shrimp, whole wheat, brown rice, honey, yogurt, noodles, cereal , nuts, pasta.

Foods rich in magnesium: bran, yeast, buckwheat, cucumbers, beans, peas and bean pods, spinach, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, nuts and sunflower seeds, cocoa.

Foods rich in sodium: sea ​​fish, seaweed, salt, bread, pork, cheese, bacon, ham, corn chips, olives, pickled vegetables, mustard.

Foods rich in calcium: dairy products, especially cottage cheese, cheese; Fish and seafood; cabbage, beets, carrots, artichokes, nuts and seeds (especially pumpkin and sunflower).

Plus one"

Preparing for fatherhood is not only tests and a healthy lifestyle. A woman in this position will need support and understanding, care and patience like no other. And it is the man’s behavior that largely determines how his beloved, and therefore their future baby, will feel during this difficult period for the couple. By caring for and caring for the expectant mother, the man will thereby establish such important contact with the unborn baby.

A couple expecting a child needs to spend a lot of time together, find something that brings joy and a good mood to both of them (outdoor walks, movies, shopping). Positive emotions are what a pregnant woman’s days should be filled with. Therefore, a man’s duty is not to upset his wife and protect her from stress in every possible way, “relieve” her of housework and be sure to pamper her with pleasant surprises.

on the BasketBoy TV channel