Setting up the spiral. How much does it cost to get an IUD for pregnancy? When to see a doctor

Outpatient clinic, hospital, etc.) in compliance with all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis (under conditions that exclude the possibility of infection in the uterine cavity).

This manipulation is performed on an outpatient basis (it is not necessary to go to the hospital).
WHO recommendations do not regulate the time of installation of the intrauterine device, but traditionally this manipulation is performed on the fourth to eighth day of the cycle (the cycle is counted from the first day of menstruation).

The choice of this interval is due to the following positive aspects:

  • the cervical canal is slightly open, which facilitates the insertion of the spiral;

  • the inner surface of the uterus is less vulnerable;

  • pregnancy can be excluded;

  • spotting, which often appears immediately after the installation of the IUD, does not bother the woman, since it occurs during or immediately after the end of menstruation.

When inserting an intrauterine device, the doctor performs the following actions::

  1. Conducts a so-called bimanual examination (two-handed examination on a gynecological chair, in which one hand is on the stomach and the other in the vagina), during which the size and location of the uterus is determined.

  2. Inserts speculum into the vagina. Treats the cervix and vagina with an antiseptic.

  3. Performs probing of the uterine cavity. If the length of the uterine cavity does not reach 6 cm, the introduction of an intrauterine device is not indicated, since repeated expulsions are possible (spontaneous exit of the device from the uterine cavity).

  4. Performs paracervical anesthesia (pain relief) with 10 ml of 1% lidocaine solution mixed with 0.5 mg of atropine. It should be noted that some manuals claim that inserting the IUD is a completely painless process, so anesthesia is not indicated. However, these actions not only reduce the severity of unpleasant sensations, but also prevent vasovagal (reflex) fainting and/or the occurrence of reflex cardiac arrhythmia.

  5. To avoid perforation of the organ, the cervix is ​​grabbed with loop forceps and slightly pulled down, straightening the angle formed by the cervix and the body of the uterus.

  6. The guidewire with the intrauterine device is slowly and carefully inserted into the cervical canal.

  7. In the case of T-shaped intrauterine devices, the conductor inserted into the uterine cavity is first slightly pulled towards itself, releasing the shoulders of the intrauterine device, and then slowly reinserted until it comes into contact with the fundus of the uterus.

  8. The conductor is removed by cutting the threads so that they protrude 2 cm from the external uterine os.

After installation of the intrauterine device, the following restrictions should be strictly adhered to for 7-10 days:

  • abstain from sexual activity;

  • refuse increased physical activity;

  • hot bath, sauna, sauna are prohibited;

  • It is better to refrain from taking laxatives and substances that increase the tone of the uterus (eleutherococcus, shepherd's purse grass, etc.);

  • Do not use Tampax-type tampons (infection may develop).

A week later, the woman comes for a follow-up examination. The doctor checks for the presence of threads in the vagina; sometimes, to make sure that the spiral is positioned correctly, it is necessary to perform a control ultrasound. If the examination results are satisfactory, the woman can return to her normal rhythm of life without any restrictions.

As a rule, a repeat examination is scheduled after 1-3 months. In the future, all women using an intrauterine device are advised to undergo medical examination - every six months they must undergo a gynecological examination, bacteriological examination of smears from the vagina and cervix, and, if necessary, a control ultrasound.

In practice, there are many methods of contraception. The question of what day of menstruation an intrauterine device is placed on is relevant. This contraceptive method is considered one of the most common and reliable. The effectiveness of protection from unwanted pregnancy with the above method reaches 96-98%.

An intrauterine device is always installed by a specialist. Moreover, in each case, the individual properties of a single female body are taken into account. Many representatives of the fair sex are interested in the question of whether this method of contraception can be used if menstruation has begun. An experienced doctor will be able to help the patient in the correct selection and installation of an ectopic device, and will also explain all the main nuances of its use.

Characteristics of the contraceptive method

Practice shows that the intrauterine device is a very reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. The use of this contraceptive is considered completely safe and effective. This method gives a woman an almost complete guarantee that using it, she will not be able to get pregnant. This is due to the fact that sperm will not be able to fertilize the egg, since it enters the uterine cavity not mature for these purposes. This result is achieved due to the fact that it moves through the fallopian tubes much faster than usual and simply does not have time to ripen. But even if the fertilization process has occurred for some reason, the intrauterine device will prevent implantation of the embryo.

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Another reason for the impossibility of pregnancy in a woman who uses this method of contraception is the peculiarity of the production of this product. The intrauterine device is created from a special material and consists of hormonal substances, the action of which is aimed at significantly reducing the activity of sperm. This is considered a very important factor when choosing a reliable contraceptive. The spiral helps create an air plug, which is considered a serious obstacle to the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. In practice, there are several dozen types of such spirals. However, only an experienced specialist can select the right type and install it.

Immediately before using this contraceptive, a woman needs to be examined. This is considered one of the main conditions for using an intrauterine device. During such a check, all possible contraindications for installing this contraceptive are excluded. Before using the uterine device, a woman should undergo the following types of tests:

  • general urine analysis;
  • taking a smear from the patient’s vagina and cervix;
  • examination using a colposcope;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • testing for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • taking blood from a woman for hepatitis, HIV, RV.

If there are no contraindications, the doctor will be able to begin installing the IUD. However, before this, the woman should be excluded from pregnancy. To do this you need to do a test. The installation process itself is considered very simple.

Application of a spiral

During the installation of this contraceptive, it is not necessary to use a full anesthesia technique. To place an intrauterine device, the doctor uses a special anesthetic gel that treats the cervix. To fully install the contraceptive, the patient should take a supine position in the obstetric chair and place her legs in special holders. In this position, the specialist will be able to accurately determine the location of the cervix and insert the spiral into it. After the necessary preparation, the doctor introduces this contraceptive to the required depth. He treats the vagina and cervix with an antiseptic. Practice shows that the entire installation procedure does not take more than 5-6 minutes.

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The most appropriate time to use this contraceptive is the menstrual period. Experts say that an intrauterine device should be inserted into a woman on days 5-8 of her period. However, both the patient and the doctor must be sure that the woman is not pregnant. In some cases, this contraceptive is installed after the end of menstruation. Practice shows that the doctor, on a strictly individual basis, prescribes the day when it is best to insert the IUD into the uterus. Moreover, this procedure is painless.

Experts strongly recommend paying attention to the fact that the presence of an intrauterine device does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections, so a woman should not neglect the basic principles of intimate hygiene. It is also not recommended to use this type of contraception if the patient has not given birth to children, but intends to become pregnant in the future. Some experts in the field of gynecology argue that frequent use of this method of contraception can lead to infertility in a woman. It is important to remember that any manipulations with the use of an intrauterine device can only be performed by an experienced doctor. Before installing a contraceptive, you should definitely undergo all the necessary studies and exclude all possible contraindications to the use of this product.


Unplanned pregnancy rarely brings joy and often ends in abortion. This is not only killing a small creature, but also harming your health. The intrauterine device allows a woman not to worry about the consequences after lovemaking. Currently, IUDs not only protect against conception, but can also prevent some gynecological diseases.

What is an intrauterine device?

An intrauterine device is an artificial device that introduce into the uterine cavity. It is this that becomes a barrier to fertilization. The first contraceptives were spiral-shaped, but now they are made in the form of an umbrella, loop, ring, letter T, but out of habit they are still called “spirals”. They are typically made of flexible plastic that may contain silver, copper or gold.

There is no pain during installation, but some discomfort is felt. The spiral is easy to remove, just like it is installed. There are devices that not only serve as a method of contraception, they also additionally have anti-inflammatory properties and normalize hormonal levels.

If you install the spiral correctly, then its effectiveness is 100%. In addition, a woman:

  • no need to worry about whether the man forgot the condom or whether she missed her next dose of oral contraceptive pills;
  • there is no need to constantly spend money on purchasing another package of OK, the spiral is installed once for 5 years;
  • You should know that such a device does not affect ovulation, like birth control pills, so if you want to have a baby, a woman can get pregnant immediately after removing the IUD.

The photo shows what the spiral looks like in the uterus.

Indications for use

Basically, the IUD is indicated for those women who do not want to become pregnant. But sometimes a hormonal IUD is placed if there is:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • idiopathic menorrhagia (if heavy menstruation without a pathological reason);
  • endometrial hyperplasia and to prevent it.

The woman herself can decide to insert the IUD, listening to the recommendations of the attending physician.


Installation of an IUD into the uterus is contraindicated if:

  • bearing a child;
  • oncology of reproductive organs;
  • acute and chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse, with frequent changes of partners (there is a danger of becoming infected);
  • unknown bleeding from the genitals;
  • pathological changes in the uterus.

It is not advisable to bet if:

  • there is intermenstrual blood loss;
  • there are irregular periods with severe pain;
  • the lady has not given birth yet;
  • the woman has anomalies in the development of the genital organs;
  • previously had an intrauterine pregnancy;
  • have a heart defect;
  • blood clotting is impaired.

The principle of operation of the spiral

This method of contraception destroys sperm and disrupts the process of embryo attachment in the uterine cavity. Many devices contain copper; it deadens all sperm that enter the uterus. Once conception occurs, the IUD prevents the egg from implanting. At the same time, the fallopian tube and uterus contract intensely, and the egg rapidly dies. In the presence of a foreign body, aseptic inflammation occurs. If the IUD is hormonal, then the endometrium atrophies and menstruation is scanty. Such products thicken cervical secretions, making it difficult for sperm to move through.

How to install a spiral?

First, before placing an IUD, you should visit a gynecologist for a consultation. The doctor will examine the patient, conduct diagnostics and select the appropriate product.

Whether this method can be applied in a particular case will be determined by the results of the study.

A woman should:

  • undergo an examination in a gynecological chair, where they will take smears for flora and oncocytological analysis;
  • do an extended colposcopy;
  • take a general blood test, for HIV infection, etc.;
  • do an ultrasound examination of the pelvis.

An intrauterine device is inserted into those women who already have offspring. If this is done to a young girl who has not yet experienced motherhood, she may remain infertile.

How is the IUD placed in the uterus? First, the woman needs to prepare for the procedure. In 3-5 days:

  1. Do not have sexual intercourse.
  2. Do not place suppositories, tampons, or use douches in the vagina.
  3. Avoid intimate sprays and scented intimate hygiene products.
  4. Do not use any medications without consulting a gynecologist.

Only qualified specialists install intrauterine devices in a special room. This should be done during the opening of the cervix, that is, before the critical days (2-3 days before). At this time, it is not only easier to install the IUD, but you can also be sure that there is no pregnancy. Based on the results of the diagnostic examination and taking into account the type of product, the doctor determines the service life of the spiral.

The manipulations should last no more than ten minutes. The first thing the doctor does is rinse the uterus with a special liquid and measure the length of the cervix. Second, inserts the spiral. If the device is in the shape of the letter T, then the tips are pressed during insertion, then they themselves straighten inside the organ.

There are “whiskers” at the end; they remain in the vagina. The doctor should trim them and leave no more than two centimeters. After the designated time, they will be used to remove the device.

If everything is done correctly, then you can have sex in a couple of weeks. During this time, menstruation should end. During sexual contact, nothing unnatural is felt by either the man or the woman.

Minor spotting is allowed for 20-30 days after installation of the device. After a woman has been fitted with an IUD, it is not allowed to:

  • drink medications with acetylsalicylic acid;
  • use tampons or place suppositories in the vagina for two weeks;
  • stay in direct sunlight for a long time;
  • visiting saunas, baths and hot baths;
  • lift heavy objects.

This method of contraception can only be removed by a specialist. This is done 2 days after the start of menstruation. This is done without anesthesia, as there is almost no pain felt. If there is a thread in the vagina, there will be no difficulty in removing the IUD. If the coil is damaged, then hysteroscopy is needed to remove it.

A video on the Internet will show in more detail the entire process of installing and removing the IUD.

The best intrauterine devices

We present to your attention the most popular intrauterine devices. You can see how much a particular instance costs, its advantages and disadvantages.

Name of the Navy a brief description of pros Minuses Price
Juno Bio There are several options, the difference is in composition and form. 1. Highly effective.

2. Lasts up to 7 years.

3. Used during lactation.

4. It is not felt during sex.

5. Does not affect hormonal levels.

1. Does not protect against STIs.

2. An ectopic pregnancy may occur.

3. The product may grow into the uterus.

4. Complications are possible.

From 200 to 800 rubles.
Multiload It is based on plastic and copper. Oval in shape with protrusions. 1. 99% effective.

2. Can last up to 4 years.

3. Allowed during breastfeeding.

4. Does not change hormonal levels.

1. After administration, dizziness and weakness are possible.

2. Painful installation.

3. Not available to everyone due to the high price.

From 1900 to 3500 rubles.
Nova T Contains copper and plastic. 1. Issued for 5 years.

2. Flexible hangers do not injure the organ and do not cause pain during installation.

3. Reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy.

1. High cost. From 2000 to 2500 rubles.
Mirena Hormonal IUD. Every day, levonorgestrel is released into the uterus. 1. Protects against pregnancy, prevents diseases.

2. Protects against unnecessary pregnancy by 100%.

3. Very high cost. From 10,000 to 12,000 rubles.

Possible consequences after installation

If doctors who insert intrauterine devices do not have sufficient experience and appropriate qualifications, complications such as:

  • trauma to the cervical canal;
  • the appearance of bleeding;
  • organ perforation;
  • the appearance of severe pain during critical days and during their absence;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • spontaneous loss of the device (expulsion);
  • cycle failure (menstruation may become longer, heavier, bleeding between periods is possible);
  • the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • the appearance of endometritis and adnexitis after removal of the coil;
  • inability to have children after removal of the IUD;
  • the occurrence of anemia.

Sometimes women experience cramping pain in the abdominal area and bleeding. If this is present in the aggregate, then most likely this is a sign of spontaneous exit of the spiral from the uterine cavity. If the IUD is selected incorrectly by the doctor (its size), then pain is also possible. Sharp pain occurs with perforations if part of the contraceptive has penetrated into the peritoneum. Pain during sex is also a sign of poor installation.

Some women, about 5%, suffer from infectious and inflammatory complications. In this case, increased body temperature, purulent discharge, and severe pain in the abdominal area appear.

25% of women experience increased blood loss during menstruation (menorrhagia). In rare cases, metrorrhagia is present. As a result, anemia appears.

The IUD is an excellent choice for women who have given birth and have a regular partner. To avoid complications, you should carefully choose the clinic and doctor who will install the IUD for you, and then be sure to undergo an examination. After installing the device, follow your doctor's recommendations.

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Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are one of the most reliable means of contraception. They are a small plastic T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. The contraceptive effect of an IUD begins as soon as the device is placed in the uterus and stops as soon as it is removed. IUDs have close to 100% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy (pregnancy is less than a 1% chance per year). They are also a reversible form of contraception. Once the device is removed, the woman regains her fertility.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD consists of introducing a foreign body (coil) into the uterine cavity, which does not allow the uterine cavity to close. In addition, the substance with which the spiral leg is coated causes a local inflammatory reaction, leading to a spermicidal effect, due to which sperm loses the ability to fertilize.

IUDs use copper as the active material for contraception or progesterone in plastic IUD devices. IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The most popular IUDs are Nova T, Multiload, Copper-T, Juno and Mirena.

Types of intrauterine devices IUDs

There are several types of intrauterine systems, they differ from each other in the material from which they are made, in size and shape. Only a doctor can choose the right intrauterine device.

There are two main materials used in the manufacture of IUDs:

Copper-plated or copper-releasing. This type of IUD can remain in the uterus for 10 years. The copper ions in such IUDs are toxic to sperm and thereby prevent fertilization. Medi-releasing is also effective for emergency contraception;
- Containing hormones - progestin-releasing (Mirena). This type of IUD can remain in the uterus for up to 5 years. Mirena is also known as levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. It is a long-acting drug that is safe and very effective in preventing severe bleeding and also helps reduce seizures. Some doctors describe it as an almost perfect contraceptive. Not only is it contraceptive, but it is also approved for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding.

Who is the intrauterine device suitable for?

Intrauterine devices are a good contraceptive choice for women seeking long-term, effective methods of birth control, especially those who wish to avoid the risks and side effects of birth control hormones. An IUD may be better suited for women with regularly heavy periods.
- At the time of insertion and shortly thereafter, women should be considered at low risk for sexually transmitted diseases (mutually monogamous relationships, condom use, or current sexual inactivity).
-Women with risk factors that preclude hormonal contraceptives should probably avoid progestin-releasing pills, although progestin doses in an IUD are significantly lower and likely do not pose the same risks.

Who is not suitable for an intrauterine device?

With a current or recent history of pelvic infection (the risk of inflammatory diseases of the organs above the pelvis is for all women who have multiple sexual partners or who are in non-monogamous relationships);
- with current pregnancy;
- with abnormal Pap tests;
- with cervical cancer;
- with a very large or very small uterus.

When is the best time to install an intrauterine device?

With some exceptions, IUDs can be inserted at any time except during pregnancy or when there is an infection in the body, but the ideal time is considered to be the first 7 days of the menstrual cycle. IUDs can be inserted immediately after a woman gives birth or after a planned or spontaneous miscarriage.

The IUD insertion procedure can be painful and sometimes cramping, but for many women it is only mildly uncomfortable. Patients are advised to take painkillers or local anesthetic to the cervix beforehand if they are sensitive to pain in this area. Sometimes a woman feels dizzy while inserting an IUD. Some women may experience back spasms and pain for 1-2 days after injection, while others may experience back spasms and pain for weeks or months. Painkillers usually relieve this discomfort.

The IUD is installed for a period of 3-10 years, depending on the type of intrauterine device, the manufacturer's recommendations and the woman's health status, after which it is recommended to remove it and, during the next menstruation, insert a new one.

When to remove the coil

If there are no medical contraindications, then the IUD must be removed if a woman is planning a pregnancy. It is better to remove the coil during menstruation. During this period, the cervical canal is slightly open and discomfort when removing the device is minimized. The procedure for removing the IUD is painless and does not require any anesthesia.

Advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device

IUDs are installed for up to 5 years and begin to work immediately after insertion;
are reversible and more effective contraceptives than oral contraceptives in preventing pregnancy. Once the IUD is removed, fertility returns;
- unlike pills, you don’t need to follow a daily routine to take them;
- unlike barrier methods (spermicides, diaphragms, caps and male or female condoms), there is no insertion procedure before or during sex;
- sexual intercourse can resume at any time, and if the IUD is inserted correctly, neither the woman nor the partner usually feels the IUD or its strings during sexual activity;
- this is the most expensive type of contraception for a long time;
- IUDs and birth control implants are recommended as first-line contraception for adolescents.

Additional benefits, depending on the specific IUD, include:

The progestin-releasing LNG-IUD (Mirena) is currently considered one of the best options for treating menorrhagia (heavy and heavy menstrual bleeding). However, irregular bleeding may occur during the first 6 months;
- The IUD does not affect breastfeeding;
- Copper in an IUD has no hormonal side effects and may help protect against endometrial and uterine cancer;
- Both types of IUDs can reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.

The disadvantages of the IUD include:

Impossibility of use if a woman has suffered inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
- Cannot be used before or after pregnancy;
- Constant “slight openness” of the uterine cavity increases the risk of infection;
- After installation of the IUD, it is not advisable to engage in active sports.

Complications of intrauterine devices

Menstrual bleeding - both types of IUD affect menstruation:
- Medi-releasing may cause cramps, long and heavy menstrual periods, and spotting between periods;
Progestin-releasing progestin produces irregular bleeding and spotting during the first few months. Bleeding may disappear completely (this feature is an important benefit for women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding, but may be perceived as a problem for others).

Rejection. About 2-8% of IUDs are rejected from the uterine cavity during the first year. Rejection is most likely:

During the first 3 months after insertion of the IUD;
- during menstruation (women should check and ensure that the IUD is in place);
- if the IUD is inserted immediately after childbirth;
- in very rare cases, during insertion of the IUD, perforation (puncture) of the uterus may occur.

Other security issues. Research shows that:

IUDs may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, but women who use an IUD have a very low risk of becoming pregnant. It is reliably known that in women with an IUD, the percentage of ectopic pregnancies is almost four times higher than in others;
- IUDs may increase the risk of benign ovarian cysts, but such cysts usually do not cause symptoms and they usually go away on their own;
- IUDs do not increase the risk of pelvic infection;
- IUDs do not affect fertility or increase the risk of infertility. Once the IUD is removed, fertility is restored;
- the use of this method of contraception is contraindicated in case of chronic infections of the uterus and appendages, cervical erosion, malignant tumors of the body or cervix. Also, in women who have scar deformation of the cervix after childbirth, the spiral does not hold (it is pushed out by uterine contractions). The woman may not feel this, resulting in conception.

One of the most common and effective means of female contraception is the intrauterine device (IUD), the principle of which is to prevent conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

An IUD is a device of small sizes and various shapes made of soft, flexible plastic with the addition of metals, usually copper. There are also spirals with silver and gold, which, in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, also have a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of intrauterine devices is 99%. The spiral is a long-acting product, and women do not need to worry about contraception every day.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The main effect of the spirals is damage to sperm entering the uterus due to changes in the internal environment, which occurs under the influence of metals in the device. The rate of advancement of the released egg also slows down, so it usually enters the uterus no longer capable of fertilization. If fertilization does occur, due to the presence of the spiral in the uterus, the embryo will not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus and begin to develop.

Hormonal IUDs change the composition of cervical mucus, greatly thickening it, which also slows down the progress of sperm. Any type of intrauterine device is a foreign body for the body, and therefore the endometrium lining the uterus usually changes, which can cause complications.

Term of use

The lifespan of the spiral directly depends on its type and correct installation. So, if the intrauterine device has moved, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule, because in this case there will be no guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Most spirals are installed for 5 years, but there are types whose validity is 10 and even 15 years, these include spirals with gold, since this metal is not subject to corrosion. When to remove the intrauterine device depends on the woman's health and the correct placement of the device inside the uterus.

Insertion and removal of the intrauterine device

Before placing an intrauterine device, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will determine the woman’s health status and the possibility of using this type of contraception. It is the doctor who will choose the appropriate one.

Many women are tormented by the question of whether it is painful to insert an intrauterine device - there is no definite answer to it, since it depends on the characteristics of the internal structure of the reproductive system, and for each woman it is individual. In general, the procedure for installing a spiral is quite unpleasant, but quite tolerable.

Before choosing the type of intrauterine device, the specialist will prescribe tests for the patient. The decision on the possibility of installing an IUD and its type will depend on the results of the examination.

Analyzes and research:

  • full examination of the genital organs;
  • gynecological examination with mandatory collection of smears for oncocytology and vaginal flora;
  • expansion colposcopy;
  • all blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Spirals are usually installed on women who have children. For nulliparous women, the intrauterine device is usually not used as a means of contraception, with the exception of special models. For nulliparous women, it is dangerous to install an IUD, as it can cause further infertility.

Preparing for the insertion of an IUD involves abstaining from sexual activity a few days before the procedure. You should also not use vaginal suppositories, special sprays, douche, or take pills without your doctor’s permission.

The IUD insertion is carried out only by a specialist. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the start of the next menstruation, since during this period the cervix opens slightly, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the device. In addition, during this period it is already possible to completely exclude a possible pregnancy. The length of time an intrauterine device is placed in a particular woman is also determined by the doctor, based on the available indications and examination results.

If a specialist correctly installs the intrauterine device, intimate life can be restored within 10 days, during which menstruation should occur. During sexual intercourse, the device is not felt by partners. Discharge after installation of an intrauterine device is possible in the first months, which is due to changes in the uterine mucosa and its attempts to adapt to the inserted foreign body. The discharge is usually spotty and irregular.

After installing an IUD, you must not:

  • take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • during the first 10 days, use tampons and be sexually active;
  • stay in the open sun for a long time;
  • visit baths, saunas, take hot baths;
  • lift weights and engage in strenuous physical labor.

Only a doctor should remove the IUD. The removal is carried out in the first two days after the start of menstruation and, if there are no inflammatory processes, the removal causes virtually no pain. If the thread is in the vagina and the device itself is not damaged, removing the spiral will not be difficult. If the IUD is destroyed, a hysteroscopy procedure is required to remove it.

Complications and side effects of IUD installation

Side effects, complications and consequences with an intrauterine device are quite rare, but one way or another they are possible and you should be aware of them. The following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

  • The IUD has fallen out of the uterus or has become dislodged. Sometimes it comes out during menstruation, so it is necessary to check the length of the thread in the vagina every month (after menstruation).
  • A part of the IUD was found in the vagina.
  • There is no IUD thread in the vagina.
  • Heavy bleeding began.
  • Menstruation becomes irregular or disappears completely.
  • During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences severe or cramping pain. This can be caused by various reasons, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, the IUD growing into the wall of the uterus, or a rupture of the uterine wall by any part of the installed IUD.
  • The temperature has risen, a fever has begun, and abdominal pain and vaginal discharge have appeared - this can be a symptom of various sexually transmitted infections.


Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device can be not only absolute, but also relative.

Absolute contraindications:

  • suspected or confirmed pregnancy;
  • any inflammation, chronic or acute processes in the external or internal genital organs;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • malignant tumor in the reproductive system, confirmed or suspected;
  • any pathology of the cervix;
  • pathological changes in the uterus.

Relative contraindications:

  • previous intrauterine pregnancy;
  • heart defects;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • high risk of having any sexually transmitted infection;
  • irregular or very painful periods.

The intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and convenient means of contraception. But in order for its use to be accompanied only by the “advantages” of this type of contraception, it is necessary to correctly select and install the device, and also carefully monitor your condition during the entire period of using the IUD.

Consultation with a specialist about the IUD

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