The probability of conception in a healthy couple. The likelihood of becoming pregnant for a woman who has been taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time. What can interfere with conception and pregnancy

When young people decide to have a baby, they usually want everything to happen as quickly as possible. And how frustrating it can be if nothing works the first time. Moreover, sometimes you have to wait several months for the desired pregnancy to occur.

Why is it that so often even completely healthy people fail to get pregnant the first time? And what is the probability that this will happen?

When is it most likely to get pregnant?

To assess the likelihood of conception, it is necessary to understand how and when we become pregnant. Fertilization occurs when a mature egg and sperm meet in the fallopian tube. And, if there is usually no big problem with obtaining sperm, then with eggs everything is more complicated. Normally, in a woman, one cell matures in one cycle and remains capable of fertilization for only 2-3 days. In order for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary to have unprotected sexual intercourse during this period.

However, everyone has heard about unexpected pregnancies that occur even when this is not medically possible, for example, during menstruation. This is due to the characteristics of the body in some women. Sometimes young eggs begin to show activity characteristic of the ovulation period immediately after menstruation. It also happens that two cells mature during one cycle. But such accidents have virtually no effect on the statistics.

Most doctors agree that a woman's maximum fertility during ovulation lasts for 48 hours. With a standard cycle length of 28 days, the probability of conception this month is 11%. But in approximately 50% of cases, fertilization does not occur for reasons related to sperm quality and other circumstances. Therefore, after some adjustments, we get about a 5-6% chance of getting pregnant from the first month of planning.

It should also be taken into account that it is not always possible to get pregnant even after the sperm has penetrated the egg. For pregnancy to occur, the fertilized egg must be implanted into the wall of the uterus. But very often this does not work out and the fertilized cell simply comes out along with the menstrual flow. This may be due to both the woman’s health status, for example, the thickness of the epithelium in the uterus, and defects in the fertilized egg itself.

How to get pregnant the first time: determining ovulation

To increase the likelihood of pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure sexual intercourse during the period of ovulation, when a woman’s ability to fertilize is highest. There are several ways to determine the moment of egg maturation:

  1. By measuring basal temperature which is carried out in the rectum. Just before the release of the egg, it decreases slightly, and during the period of ovulation it rises to 37 degrees or even higher.
  2. Recording features of vaginal discharge. During ovulation, their volume increases, and their consistency becomes more viscous and mucous.
  3. Using tests. They should be carried out every morning for several days at the time when ovulation is expected.

It should also be borne in mind that sometimes sexual intercourse that occurred a few days before ovulation also turns out to be effective. This is explained by the fairly high “survival” of sperm, which do not die during the passage of a woman’s genital tract and wait until the egg is released in working condition. Sometimes they can wait like this for up to 5-6 days. But these are exceptional cases.

According to doctors' observations, in a young and healthy couple who have sexual intercourse 2-3 times a week, conception occurs with a 60% probability over the next six months; 30% of couples become pregnant within a year. Only 10% of couples succeed in conceiving a baby the first time.

Often, women who use the “calendar” method of birth control claim that fertilization occurred just a day or two before the expected menstruation. Is this possible? Considering that the egg lives no more than 2 days, this is impossible. But sometimes even women with perfectly regular cycles experience disruptions, and ovulation can occur a couple of days later. In this case, it is very difficult to determine when fertilization occurred.

What other factors influence the ability to get pregnant?

Sometimes even relatively healthy couples complain of difficulties conceiving. Why is this happening? Most often, age is to blame. Modern people prefer to get married later, and the birth of children is planned closer to 30 for women and 35 for men. But it should be taken into account that after 25-26 years, girls experience a gradual decrease in fertility; anovulatory cycles occur more often. Sperm activity in men also decreases.

Previously, women pregnant with their first child after 25 years of age were called old-timers. Today, this offensive definition is practically not used, since more and more expectant mothers are postponing the birth of their first baby until they are 30 or more years old, trying to make a career, etc. But biologically our body has not changed, and the optimal period for conception is still 20-25 years. The likelihood of getting pregnant and having a healthy child after 35 will be even lower.

The weight of the spouses has a great influence on the possibility of conception. It is much easier to get pregnant with normal weight (for women - height in centimeters minus one hundred) or with a slight excess. The total fashion for thinness, when normal weight began to be calculated using the formula height minus 110 or even 120, led to problems with conception even among young girls. Obesity also has a negative impact on fertility.

It is also more difficult to get pregnant for women who:

  • Have recently been treated with antibiotics or other dangerous drugs;
  • Drink alcohol regularly, even in small doses;
  • They don’t eat well and don’t get enough vitamins;
  • They smoke;
  • They use drugs.

Positions during sex also matter. Some of them promote the rapid passage of sperm through the genital tract to the egg. Doctors say that it is easiest to get pregnant in the “missionary” position. In this case, it is advisable for a woman not to get up immediately, but to lie down for a while, raising her legs above her pelvis.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time without taking birth control pills?

There is an opinion that short-term use of oral contraceptives promotes early conception immediately after their discontinuation. Some doctors claim that while using birth control pills, a woman’s ovaries “rest”, and then supposedly begin to work with double force. This method is even used to treat infertility.

It should be understood that treating infertility with contraceptives is exclusively an “amateur activity” of doctors. There are no serious studies proving that it is easier to get pregnant while stopping birth control. It is possible that specific doctors have noticed a similar effect in their practice, but this method has no proven effectiveness. Moreover, many birth control pills lead to temporary infertility even after they are discontinued.

Usually, after taking oral contraceptives, a woman’s fertility does not increase, but decreases. Young girls under 25 recover quickly - within a month or two. But women over 30, especially those who have been taking medications for a long time, often have to wait up to a year for menstrual function to return to normal. After 35, this period doubles. Therefore, it is definitely not worth treating infertility with birth control pills, especially after 30 years.

How to get pregnant the first time? And this is a very sensitive issue for a young couple. We notice such an injustice in life - someone gets pregnant immediately after sexual intercourse, while others cannot do this for several weeks, months, even though they have unprotected sex every day.

And somehow it really doesn’t work out well. Therefore, the question “What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time” is very unsurprising for gynecologists. Moreover, it is both typical and relevant.

There is no way to get pregnant from the first intercourse. There are no drugs that can cause rapid pregnancy the first time. There are no special poses (although someone manages to conduct entire training sessions demonstrating a “fighting sparrow standing on its head”), nor exercises that develop this ability.

Therefore, it would be appropriate advice - no matter what they tell you, all this is not true.

How can you calculate the days of ovulation?

And who would have thought that you can determine the day of ovulation with an ordinary thermometer. Only this activity is unpleasant, since it should penetrate the rectum. Moreover, this should be done in the morning, before getting out of bed. In other words, we woke up, rubbed our eyes, smiled and put a thermometer in our….

And these manipulations need to be done daily for several months. The procedure is called "".

Normal temperature is considered to be up to 37 degrees. But during ovulation it jumps between 37.2 and 37.4 degrees. Just don’t confuse it with the temperature that occurs with a cold. With these measurements you should be healthy. will not give an accurate answer unless you measure it every morning for 3-4 months, so this method will not work for many. And the indicators, depending on the day of the cycle and the general condition of the body, change every day.

In addition to this “not entirely pleasant” method, there is a simpler one - a regular ovulation test. Its system is not very different from. You can do it both in the morning and in the evening. And these determinants are not characterized by low efficiency. On the contrary, this is a century of medical progress after all.

Of course, if a woman carefully monitors the changes, she may notice a discharge that looks like white and stretches like a “string”. But, in this case, she must use the day of ovulation to conceive a baby; the next day it will be too late.

So what next?

Once the presence of the ovulation process is established, you have no more (even less) two days to. In general, the probability of getting pregnant the first time is about 6-7%. Therefore, unprotected sex should be done more often in 4-5 days and during this process (maximum 48 hours).

Pregnancy is impossible, so myths about conception after this process are groundless. The ovulation process itself can last up to 48 hours, after which you can transfer your plans to conceive from the first time to the second time and cycle.

The numbers, as you can see, are very small. However, most doctors assure that pregnancy is possible for every fifth healthy couple the first time.

So, if both you and your partner are healthy, take care of your health. If you specifically decide to give birth to a child, then within six months of having unprotected sex, you will definitely achieve your goal.

Who won't succeed?

If some couples have reached a period in their lives when the question comes first and they want to conceive a baby just like that and immediately the first time, then not everyone has such rosy prospects.

Unfortunately, there are girls who are not interested in the question of whether they have a chance of getting pregnant the first time. They would simply like to do something at all. And it doesn’t matter from what time.

This group includes:

  • women with severe forms of endometriosis;
  • representatives of the fair sex with poor patency of the uterine tubes;
  • ladies who produce antibodies to their spouse’s sperm (in other words, “sexual incompatibility”)

The culprit of a difficult (at best, sometimes impossible) conception may be recurrent. With this disease, sperm die before reaching their target.

Fortunately, all of the above can be corrected. Therefore, those who fall into this group should not be discouraged, but simply take measures to restore their reproductive function.

When planning a pregnancy, every couple should be aware that the chances of conceiving the first time are very low. According to statistics, Pregnancy occurs the first time in only 10%. Such a small percentage of the probability is explained by the fact that it is necessary to precisely meet the viability periods of both the egg and the sperm. Within 24 hours, the egg can be fertilized; it is very rare that this ability persists for up to 48 hours. Sperm remain viable for a maximum of 6 days.

Many people, wanting to have a child, mistakenly believe that they just need to stop using contraception and they can get pregnant in the shortest possible time. This is a false opinion, since many nuances should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy.

Probability of quick conception occurs under the following factors:

  1. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but not every day of them is suitable for conception. Only three days out of the entire cycle are fertile.
    There are very few women who have an accurate menstrual cycle. Its course is affected by stressful situations, nervous tension, and hormonal imbalances.
  2. The activity of sperm in the female uterus is on average three days; it is extremely rare that they remain viable for up to six days. Therefore, sexual intercourse should occur exactly a day or a day or two before.
  3. It is very difficult to accurately calculate the day of ovulation, especially if you have an irregular menstrual cycle. But even with correct calculations, the probability of pregnancy is 25%. Important factors are the health and age of each partner, previous abortions or other surgical interventions in the female reproductive system.
  4. Regular sexual intercourse on fertile days means a 10% chance of conception the first time and a 30% chance of egg fertilization throughout the year.

Fertilization of the egg can occur the first time, but one should not exclude the risk that the zygote will not attach to the uterine epithelium and will leave the body with the onset of menstruation.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what are the chances? According to gynecologists, every sixth couple who adheres to a healthy lifestyle succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

If conception does not occur the first time, then statistics determine the exact period in which pregnancy will occur - six months of active sexual activity without any contraception. At the same time, one should not exclude the possibility of the egg not being fertilized when it meets a sperm; this happens in almost 25%.

Therefore, if you make accurate calculations, then only 6% of cases will be marked by a successful pregnancy. Healthy couples who are planning a child while having sex three times a week already in less than six months they become happy parents(according to statistics this is 60%). It also all depends on the age at which you decided to have a baby, because ovulatory cycles become irregular every year.

How can you get pregnant quickly the first time? If patience is not an issue, then the woman should calculate the days of ovulation. Between the ages of 20 and 25, a girl can get pregnant the fastest. In a young body, ready to bear a child, regular ovulation occurs. Further disruptions may occur with age.

  1. With a regular menstrual cycle, approximately Ovulation occurs on day 12.
  2. Fertile days are determined using . In this case, the indicators should be 37.4 in the absence of colds.
  3. You can also use special tests to determine the day of ovulation.
  4. On the day of ovulation, you need to have sex, then the chances of a quick pregnancy will increase.

Don't forget that stress affects the accuracy of the cycle and fertile days, anxiety and fatigue, as well as hormonal disorders. Therefore, the day of ovulation may fall much earlier or shift several days later than expected. It is even possible that during menstruation there is a possibility of fertilization of the egg. In this case, everything depends only on the individuality of the female body.

Why can't I get pregnant the first time? When planning a pregnancy, you should take into account that some points may interfere with conception.

Factors that prevent pregnancy the first time:

  1. Taking antibiotics. They can affect the liver and thereby prevent rapid conception.
  2. The use of additional means during sexual intercourse, for example, intimate lubricant. The environment that is formed during the use of lubricant can destroy sperm or make them less active.
  3. Having sex on unfavorable days. It is impossible to get pregnant on any day of the cycle.
  4. The woman has a history of abortions. These interventions affect women's health and future pregnancies.
  5. Diagnosis in a woman various physiological abnormalities– bending of the cervix or obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, under no circumstances will pregnancy occur the first time.
  6. If a woman has tumor-like formations on the reproductive organs.
  7. Unhealthy lifestyle of partners.

A number of reasons that prevent the rapid onset of pregnancy can be eliminated with the help of treatment.

Examination by a doctor as an important part of pregnancy planning

It is very important to check for the presence of pathologies when planning a pregnancy. One of the main ones is an ultrasound examination, which determines the shape and position of the uterus, the patency of the fallopian tubes (a painful procedure), as well as the period of ovulation. At the same time, not only the woman should undergo examination. For men Semen samples should be taken for sperm activity. If both partners are healthy, then the percentage of conception on the day of ovulation is high.

How to get pregnant the first time: sex positions

There is an opinion that the onset of pregnancy quickly depends on the position. This theory is considered largely false, since pregnancy can only depend on the day on which sexual intercourse took place.

If a woman is diagnosed with a tilted uterus, then the position can help for deeper penetration of seminal fluid. In this case, in order to get pregnant faster, it is recommended to regularly have sex in a position where the woman is on all fours and the man is behind. Then the deepest penetration occurs. After ejaculation, the woman should lie down for several minutes with her legs raised up, it is best to use the “birch tree” position.

  • In order for successful conception to occur and the fetus to develop further without pathologies, doctors recommend that partners do not drink alcohol and stop smoking six months before the planned pregnancy.
  • For men it is necessary to reconsider the diet and exclude fried and spicy foods, which have a bad effect on the production and activity of sperm.
  • Women Instead of coffee and tea, you should drink decoctions based on medicinal herbs. The main collection should include chamomile, sage, mint, and wintergreen.
  • It is considered one of the main herbs that promotes rapid pregnancy (it is even used in the treatment of infertility).

How to conceive a child the first time: video

We invite you to watch a video in which you will learn about conceiving a child.

Conceiving a child quickly is a labor-intensive process that requires preparation on the part of both parents. Therefore, only with correct calculations of fertile days and other related factors can you get pregnant the first time. How are you doing with your attempts to get pregnant? Share your experience!

The likelihood of getting pregnant the first time depends on several factors, including the health of partners, the ability to calculate ovulation and its frequency. As a rule, young couples have a greater likelihood; girls 20-25 years old ovulate almost every menstrual cycle. Further, less often with age.

According to gynecologists, every fifth healthy couple has a chance of getting pregnant the first time. But even if it doesn’t work out right away, it doesn’t matter; according to statistics, most pregnancies occur in the first 6 months of regular life without protection. If you still want to speed up the process and become a future mother as quickly as possible, learn to calculate ovulation.

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Usually this is 12-16 days (depending on the length of the cycle). It is quite easy to determine ovulation by measuring the temperature in the rectum every day. Measurements are taken in the morning, in bed, before getting up, going to the toilet, etc. In the first half of the cycle, you will see values ​​on the thermometer up to 37 degrees, but after ovulation there will be a temperature jump to 37.2-37.4. It is very important not to confuse the reasons for this jump. Let's say, if you are sick, or you had sex in the morning, then it is quite natural that the temperature will rise. On the day of ovulation, you need to have unprotected sex. Afterwards, measuring basal temperature makes sense only for those women who have been advised to do so by a doctor in order to identify hormonal disorders.

If you don’t want to measure your temperature every morning, try ovulation tests. They are performed similarly to pregnancy tests, but are effective at any time of the day. To accurately calculate ovulation, it is advisable to perform ovulation tests every day in the morning and evening. Remember that after ovulation you have less than 2 days for sexual intercourse, otherwise the egg will die and you will have to wait for the next month.

If we talk about the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time for women with gynecological diseases, then it is much lower. It is very difficult for women with partial or complete obstruction of the fallopian tubes or severe forms of endometriosis to become pregnant. In some cases, pregnancy may not occur due to the so-called incompatibility of spouses, when a woman develops antibodies against male sperm. Fortunately, this condition is treatable. Another reason why pregnancy does not occur the first, second, or third time is recurrent thrush. With candidiasis, acidic microflora predominates in the vagina, in which sperm quickly die.

You desperately want a baby and you and your husband have been looking at the test with hope for several months now, but there is still no second line. But you’ve heard many times about lucky women who succeeded the first time. Indeed, you can often hear about unplanned pregnancy. But what is it really like? chance of getting pregnant from the first cycle?

The female cycle and chances of conception

The female cycle, on average, is 28 days, 2 days of the cycle are fertile days, that is, days when you can conceive a baby. Sperm, waiting for a mature egg, can be inside the uterus for 48 hours. If you add up these two periods, sperm survival and woman fertility, you get 3 days. That is, in these 3 days per cycle a woman can become pregnant. And if the cycle is 28 days, then the probability is 11%. Another significant factor is noted by doctors. Sometimes, even if the sperm has reached the egg, fertilization does not occur due to a number of reasons. And this happens quite often, up to 50% of cases. That is, taking this factor into account, only 5-6% of the probability remains. That's why many girls get upset if they can't achieve the desired result right away.