The following hormonal contraceptives are not contraindicated for breastfeeding women. Barrier methods of contraception for breastfeeding. How to stop taking contraceptive pills

Many women after childbirth ask questions: “How to avoid new pregnancy? What methods of contraception are best for nursing mothers to choose?" The answers to these questions should be sought in the gynecologist's office. Experts often suggest that nursing mothers use safe oral contraceptives that effectively cope with their main task - they prevent sperm from penetrating the uterus. These include products include pills "Laktinet", "Charozetta", "Microlut". Today we will find out how to take these tablets correctly, what contraindications they have, and also find out how women themselves respond to these drugs.

Description of the product "Laktinet"

This medication is a contraceptive drug. Active ingredient progestogen agents inhibit ovulation. In addition, when taking these tablets cervical mucus becomes more viscous, which means sperm have to work very hard to get into the uterine cavity.

This medicine can be used by women who, for some reason, cannot take contraceptives containing estrogen. These representatives of the fairer sex include those girls who feed the baby with their own milk. Birth control pills for breastfeeding"Laktinet" have effective degree protection comparable to contraceptive pills that combine several hormones.

This product is produced in blisters, 28 tablets each.

How should a nursing mother take Lactinet tablets?

These pills should be consumed at the same time every day. Important: the interval between taking tablets should be 24 hours. The first pill should be swallowed on the first day of your period. Then you need to continue taking 1 tablet per day, regardless of possible bleeding. A new blister should only be used after the pills from the previous package have run out.

Since sexual activity should be restored no earlier than 6 weeks after childbirth, these tablets should be used starting from this period.

Some women do not have periods while breastfeeding. However, this does not mean that the girl is not able to become pregnant again. In this case, you should also take care of contraception. And contraceptive pills for breastfeeding “Lactinet” will help with this. If you don’t have your period, then you should start taking the pills after 6 weeks from the moment your baby is born. However, before taking any medicine, including Laktinet tablets, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. Although this remedy is safe for the baby and effective for his mother, it still, like any other medicine, has its contraindications.

Contraceptive pills after childbirth while breastfeeding “Laktinet” do not affect the taste of milk, nor its quantity. It's safe and effective remedy against unwanted pregnancy.

Reviews of the product "Laktinet"

Which birth control pills Can mothers be helped during breastfeeding? These are the already well-known Lactinet tablets. Many women choose this product because it is convenient. One blister contains 28 tablets, not 21, as is often the case with oral contraceptives. Therefore, you should not take a 7-day break, after which very often women forget to start taking pills on time. And the Lactinet tablets seem to be made for mothers who, due to their busyness and child care, may not remember when they should take the pills. And since there is no need to take a 7-day break, the task becomes easier: you need to take these pills every day so as not to get pregnant.

Regarding the safety of this contraceptive for a baby, absolutely all reviews from nursing mothers are positive. The girls note that there is no negative influence The pills have no effect on their little ones.

The effectiveness of the drug "Lactinet" has also been proven. Not a single response about this remedy was negative, that is, pregnancy was not observed after using these pills. It turns out that Lactinet tablets are really effective contraceptive.

These birth control pills for breastfeeding, the reviews of which we reviewed, receive mostly positive reviews. Women note such good moments use of pills:

  • Improving the condition of facial skin. It stops being dry.
  • Body weight does not change.
  • There are no allocations.
  • Excellent value for money and quality.

The drug "Charozetta" and its effect on infants

This is another safe and effective contraceptive that can be used while breastfeeding. At the time of admission this tool quality, quantity and composition mother's milk don't change. However, women should know that a small dose of the main component of the product will enter the child’s body. But this value is so small that it does not pose any danger to the baby.

Composition, release form of the drug "Charozetta"

These tablets, which are coated with a special coating, contain the following components: the main substance is desogestrel, auxiliary elements are colloidal silicon anhydride, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, stearic acid, povidone, talc, titanium dioxide.

Charozetta pills in the amount of 28 pieces are packed in a blister. One box contains 1 or 3 blisters.

Correct use of Charozetta tablets

When breastfeeding, these contraceptives should be taken 1 pill every day for 28 days at the same time. You cannot stop taking oral contraceptives. The tablets should be taken with a glass of water.

If the interval between taking pills is more than 36 hours, then women should know that in this case the effect of the medication is significantly reduced. Then you should immediately take the missed pill, and then do everything according to the instructions. Also during this period, it is better to protect yourself and use other methods of contraception to exclude the possibility of becoming pregnant.

After giving birth, you need to start taking birth control pills while breastfeeding "Charozetta" on the 21st or 28th day after natural birth or caesarean section.

Side effects

Charozetta tablets can cause the following undesirable moments after their use:

  • headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, mood changes;
  • weight gain;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands, their swelling;
  • the occurrence of irregular bleeding;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body.

Contraindications to the use of drugs "Laktinet" and "Charozetta" by nursing women

Although the above-mentioned birth control pills are safe and effective when breastfeeding, there are cases when these oral contraceptives cannot be used. And this:

  1. Confirmed or suspected pregnancy.
  2. Hormone-dependent tumors.
  3. Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
  4. Liver dysfunction, as well as the presence of blood clots.
  5. Lactose intolerance in women.
  6. Reaction to drug components.

Reviews from women about the product "Charozetta"

Many people write about this contraceptive. Some women praise him in every possible way, while others, on the contrary, criticize him. However, those who speak unflatteringly about it still do not deny the fact that the tablets are indeed effective. And they have no effect on children. But the fact that pills often cause side effects is a confirmed fact. Headaches, dizziness, changes in the menstrual cycle, pain during menstruation - all these symptoms in women were caused by birth control pills Charozetta while breastfeeding. Also, many mothers do not like that these oral contraceptives are too expensive. After all, for 1 package of 28 pills you need to pay about 900 rubles.

But still negative reviews less than positive. Mothers who breastfeed their babies speak highly of Charozetta. They note that this is an excellent drug that does not cause any harm to children. After all, the dose of the hormone in the product is so small that it is completely safe for babies. Women also note the ease of use of this contraceptive. The pack is comfortable, because the days of the week are written on it. Therefore, it is easier for a woman to use such pills, since the blister indicates when the young mother took the pill.

Description of the drug "Microlut"

This remedy, like the first two, is also effective method against unwanted pregnancy. The release form of the drug is contraceptive pills. These pills can be taken while breastfeeding, as they are safe and do not cause any harm to the baby.

Special instructions when taking Microlut tablets

For women who have excess weight, the contraceptive effect of this drug is less effective. If, while taking these pills, a nursing mother does not have the expected menstruation within six weeks from the start of the previous discharge, then a test should be purchased and pregnancy should be ruled out.

How to take Microlut mini-pills?

If someone asks what kind of birth control pills are possible while breastfeeding, then you can safely answer that this is Levonorgestrel. Another name for the drug is Microlut. These tablets must be taken orally for a long time, every day, and the course cannot be interrupted. The first pill should be taken on the first day of menstruation. The tablet is taken from the cell that corresponds to the current day of the week. The pill must be swallowed, not chewed, and must be washed down with a glass of some liquid. The woman chooses the time of the first dose of the drug independently, but in subsequent days the tablets must be taken at the same hour, since required time There should be at least 24 hours between doses.

Release form of the oral contraceptive "Microlut"

These birth control pills for breastfeeding contain 0.03 mg active ingredient. The pills are sold in packages containing 35 pills. One blister is enough for 5 weeks of use.

The issue of proper contraception is acute for every woman, and in postpartum period it is especially relevant, because the woman in labor does not yet know which drugs she can take and which are prohibited. Very often, at the first appointment with a gynecologist, a woman, together with her doctor, selects suitable birth control pills for nursing mothers. After all, pregnancy in the first year after childbirth is undesirable, since the female body has not yet fully recovered; at least two years must pass before the fair sex is ready to bear a new life. In the meantime, you need to carefully select suitable means, contraceptives. The most common contraceptives during the postpartum period are birth control pills.

Choosing the ideal contraceptive method

What products are best for nursing mothers? During the postpartum period, there are many methods of contraception; during this time you can use:

  • condoms;
  • spiral;
  • special caps that are attached to the cervix;
  • various contraceptive injections;
  • candles;
  • mini-pills - according to many gynecologists, these are the most best contraceptives during breastfeeding.

As you can see, even at this period of her life, a young mother can protect herself from unwanted pregnancy in several ways. However, we will consider in detail the latter - mini-pills, as well as others hormonal pills indicated during breastfeeding. After all, it is precisely because of the amount of hormones that the choice of these drugs for young mothers is limited.

The woman in labor will not be able to use her usual contraceptive pills, because... all such products consist of estrogen, which can significantly reduce the production of breast milk, and even negatively affect further development newborn baby. The basis of these drugs contains a hormone such as gestan. Numerous studies have confirmed that the use of this synthetic hormone during breastfeeding is completely safe for both the mother and her baby. When carrying a child in female body observed high concentration gestan, and the use of these contraceptives simulates the conception of a child, in such artificially created conditions the egg simply cannot mature. Therefore, mothers who have given birth can take medications containing gestan without fear for milk production and the development of the baby.

Is it possible to put an IUD in women after a caesarean section?

Birth control pills for young mothers

It must be remembered that all modern oral contraceptives can be divided into two types:

  • single-component, so-called mini-pills;
  • two-component (another name is combined).

The former contains only one hormone - progesterone, while the latter, in addition to the above component, also contains a synthetic hormone called estrogen.

Also combination drugs are divided into some varieties according to the number of listed hormones: with microscopic doses, with reduced, medium and high content hormones.

However, experts are of the opinion that a nursing woman can only drink mini-pills due to their low progesterone content and gentle effect on the body.

Mini-pills include drugs such as:

  • Charosetta;
  • Lactinet;
  • Eskluton;
  • Femulen.

However, it must be remembered that any contraception can only be used after consultation with a gynecologist. It is also worth mentioning that mini-pills do not provide 100% protection against unwanted conception; this is due to the low content of hormonal components.

What is their effect?

These tablets contain synthetic hormones that are absolutely identical to those produced in the body of a pregnant woman. IN small quantities progesterone and estrogen can stop the maturation of the egg. This is how all two-component oral contraceptives work.

Mini-pills work on almost the same principle, but here the effect is on the mucous membrane of the cervix. These agents increase the secretion of contents cervical canal, as a result of which it is impossible for the spermatozoon to fertilize the egg, and that, in turn, cannot gain a foothold inside the uterus. After stopping taking these medications, you can become pregnant within 2-3 months.

Contraception during breastfeeding has the following indications:

  • to protect against unwanted pregnancy;
  • for the treatment of various hormonal diseases;
  • with the development of mastopathy;
  • prevention of the risk of developing an inflammatory process after a difficult birth.

Breast massage for lactostasis: method, technique, special exercises, recommendations for nursing mothers

Like any medications, mini-pills have the following contraindications:

  • when diagnosing malignant tumor mammary gland;
  • for liver and kidney diseases;
  • with bleeding;
  • for cardiovascular diseases.


If a woman decides to use this contraceptive while breastfeeding, then she must strictly adhere to the dosage and time of administration. You must strictly follow the instructions.

You need to take one tablet a day, preferably at the same time. For example, if a woman took a pill at 8 am, then next appointment should be exactly in a day, you can deviate from the schedule for a few minutes, if bigger difference the effectiveness of the product decreases.

If the rules of administration are violated, conception can occur even during breastfeeding; it is also necessary to remember what to take similar drugs possible only 2 months after the birth of the child. During this time, lactation should improve and the hormonal background of the woman in labor should be adjusted.

There is a cancellation policy oral contraceptives: you cannot stop taking them in the middle of the cycle; you must finish the package to the end and wait until your menstruation begins.

During breastfeeding, a woman is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the baby, so the question of which birth control pills to choose must be taken seriously. It is recommended to start taking them after consultation with a gynecologist.

Breastfeeding is a natural barrier to a new pregnancy. Unfortunately, this type of protection is not 100% effective. When choosing a method of contraception against unwanted pregnancy during lactation, a woman needs to take into account its effect not only on breastfeeding, but also on her child.

Lactational amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is the absence of cyclical menstruation in a sexually mature woman. During breastfeeding, the condition occurs due to the pituitary gland, which increases the secretion of prolactin. The hormone triggers the milk secretion mechanism, and in high concentrations inhibits the formation of progesterone in the ovaries. The formation of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland, necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries, is also inhibited. This phenomenon is absolute physiological norm, protecting the mother’s body from stress and blood loss.

Lactational amenorrhea protects against new pregnancy by 98% in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Breastfeeding must be done frequently, every 3-3.5 hours, avoiding a night break of more than 6 hours;
  • no more than 6 months have passed since birth;
  • menstrual cycle not yet recovered;
  • the child was not given complementary foods.

To make sure that this natural birth control method is working, there is the following evaluation scheme:

Types of oral contraceptives

After a certain time after the birth of the baby, a woman faces the question of choosing a method of contraception. Everything is easily resolved when the child receives artificial mixtures. If a woman in labor is breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the effect of contraception on lactation and the newborn. Many women decide to take birth control pills, as this is one of the most reliable methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The main types of oral contraceptives:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs). These drugs contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. Depending on the concentration of the substance, they are distinguished as micro-dosed, low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose. For constant admission micro- and low-dose products are used.
  2. Mini-drinks. The drugs contain exclusively the hormone progesterone in a low dose (most often desogestrel, 0.075 mg).

Contraceptive drugs have a number of disadvantages:

  • when choosing a drug, you must consult your doctor;
  • development opportunity side effects;
  • a woman needs to strictly control the time of taking medicine, which is not always convenient with a newborn baby in your arms;
  • decreased effect after taking other drugs, such as antiepileptics and antifungals, as well as grapefruit.

When can you take birth control?

Restore sexual relations In most cases, a woman is recommended no earlier than 2 months after the birth of a child. Before doing this, you must definitely consult a gynecologist.

Birth control pills during breastfeeding are recommended to be used after childbirth, which was at least 6 weeks ago. COCs are not used in the first half of the year. This is due to the fact that milk production is suppressed by estrogens contained in these drugs.

According to the American Protocol: “Contraception during Breastfeeding” 2015, there are restrictions on the use of birth control pills during lactation.

Using birth control pills

Table 1. Use of hormonal contraceptives during lactation.

Contraception safety

According to the Cochrane Library, studies conducted on the effects of combined oral contraceptives on milk supply show conflicting results. No adverse effects on the health of the newborn were observed.

Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take birth control pills without estrogen. Mini-pills are products containing a minimal dose of progesterone. The dose of the hormone that passes through breast milk to the baby is negligible. Therefore, they do not cause a decrease in breast milk supply and do not have any harmful effects per child (no signs of dysfunction immune system or deviations in weight gain and other indicators).

The effect of contraceptives with progesterone is based on increasing the density of cervical mucus and reducing motor activity fallopian tubes. More thick mucus becomes an obstacle on the way of sperm to the egg. And also in some cases, hormones suppress ovulation: the release of the egg will not take place.

Names of birth control pills

Table 2. Approved birth control pills while breastfeeding.

Drug namesActive substanceSide effect

Desogestrel, 75 mcg

Nausea, frequent mood changes,
weight gain,
menstrual irregularities,
Nausea, non-cyclical menstrual flow,
acne, decreased libido,
increase in body weight.
Linestrenol 0.5 mgNausea, irregular menstruation,
painful mammary glands, changes
moods, headaches.

The drug is taken one tablet per day, every day at the same time. The package contains 28 tablets. There is no break in taking the drug. Whenever side symptoms you need to see a doctor immediately. If pregnancy occurs, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Advantages of the mini-pill compared to combined oral contraceptives:

  • can be consumed already 2 months after the birth of the child;
  • have fewer side effects and contraindications;
  • have no effect on the child;
  • the composition does not affect the quantity and quality of milk.

If vomiting begins within a few hours after using the product, you need to take another tablet. At correct intake of these drugs, their contraceptive effect reaches more than 99%.


The doctor can prescribe contraceptive pills during breastfeeding after carefully clarifying the restrictions on the part of the mother. If there are contraindications, these drugs should be discontinued, since the drugs can contribute to the occurrence of such a serious complication as thromboembolism pulmonary artery(PE) or vein thrombosis lower limbs.

Main contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • congenital bleeding disorders;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the legs;
  • history of pulmonary embolism;
  • smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day;
  • serious illnesses liver tissue and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • suspected pregnancy;
  • hormone-dependent cancer;
  • feeding the baby in the first 2 months after birth.

Emergency contraception during breastfeeding

If sexual intercourse occurs without protection, a woman can. Drugs in this group include drugs active substance which are levonorgestrel, Postinor and Escapelle. They contain a large number of progestin, which causes a hormonal “explosion” in the body and stimulates the appearance of menstruation.

The sooner you take Postinor, the higher its effectiveness, since it inhibits fertilization. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be suspended for 24 hours.

There are many methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Choosing optimal method contraception, you need to consult a gynecologist who will conduct a thorough postpartum examination and tell you which birth control pills can be taken while breastfeeding.

Birth control pills are considered the most common method of contraception when breastfeeding. They help prevent pregnancy. Moreover, hormonal levels are not disrupted, and weight does not begin to increase. For this reason, even nursing mothers choose this type of birth control option for themselves. To prevent it from affecting the baby’s health, it is worth carefully studying the types of tablets and the features of their administration.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Types of birth control pills

Such drugs are divided into combined oral contraceptives (COCs for short) and mini-pills. The COC includes synthetic analogues hormones, namely estrogen.

This type of drug can be mono- or triphasic. In the first case, the level of hormones in the tablets is always the same, and in the second it gradually decreases during administration.

The mini-pill contains a synthetic progestogen. These contraceptives are intended for nursing mothers who are breastfeeding.

There is another classification of hormonal contraceptives, also used during breastfeeding. According to it, tablets are divided into 4 groups depending on the amount of hormones:

  • Microdosed. These include Mercilon, and. They are suitable for nulliparous young girls who actively lead sex life. Also, such drugs are prescribed to women who have not previously taken hormonal contraceptives.
  • Low dosage. This is Charosetta and Silest. The drugs are intended for women who have given birth and older women.
  • Medium dose. It's about o, Triquilar and Tri-regola. They are suitable for both women who have given birth and women of reproductive age.
  • Highly dosed. Ovidon and Non-ovlon belong to this category. Most often they are prescribed in the presence of hormonal diseases. In some cases, these drugs can be taken by women who have given birth.

What contraceptives can breastfeeding mothers take?

Many mothers don’t even know whether they can drink and how to take birth control pills while breastfeeding.

According to many foreign research mini-pills do not have a negative effect on lactation and the health of the child.

List of birth control pills for nursing mothers:

  • Charosetta. These pills are suitable for women for whom their own safety and a small dose of hormones are very important. The drug is not prescribed for various diseases liver, uterine bleeding, the presence of tumors and intolerance to certain components. The effectiveness of Charozetta is comparable to most COCs.
  • Exoluton. It contains linestrenol. With the help of the drug it is possible to regulate the menstrual cycle and avoid unwanted pregnancy. Contraindications include uterine bleeding and liver diseases.
  • Microlute. The main active ingredient is gestagen. Its amount is minimal, making the drug well tolerated. Contraindications include diseases of the biliary tract and liver, as well as uterine bleeding.

Mini-pill – perfect option for nursing mothers. There are practically no such tablets side effects. Also, the drugs do not affect milk production. Moreover, they minimize the likelihood of thrombosis and do not affect libido and mood.

Mini-pills are the best option for nursing mothers!

Mini-pills are often prescribed for painful menstruation, And . When the drug is discontinued, the ability to conceive is restored in a short time.

Before you start taking it, you need to study the list of contraindications for the mini-pill. This includes various tumors, impaired renal function, uterine and vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, epilepsy, exacerbation of hepatitis and damage to blood vessels of the heart and brain.

Benefits of the mini-pill:

  • quite rarely cause any undesirable effects when taken,
  • do not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk,
  • do not reduce the duration of breastfeeding,
  • their appointment is practiced in the treatment inflammatory diseases organs of the female pelvis, as well as painful menstrual bleeding,
  • they reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The effect of contraceptives on the baby

When choosing contraceptives, you must remember that pills intended for nursing should not contain estrogen. This hormone negatively affects lactation and also slows down the development of the child. COCs can be taken only after the final completion of breastfeeding.

Birth control pills for breastfeeding should not contain estrogen!

Nursing mothers should choose only mini-pills. According to studies and observations, these drugs are absolutely safe. While taking them, the quality and quantity of milk remains the same, and the child’s development occurs without delays.

Rules and features of application

The tablets that contain should be taken no earlier than 6-7 weeks after birth. In this case, hormonal changes the body will pass naturally. Progestogen tablets can be used after a month.

The drug must be taken at a certain time. It is best to do this in the evenings. In order not to forget about the tablet, you can install it on mobile phone reminder. If the next dose was 3 hours later, the effectiveness of the contraceptive is reduced.

After 12 hours, the likelihood of pregnancy increases significantly. Today, progestogen tablets are available for sale. When taking them, the “delay” can be a maximum of 12 hours. This will not affect the effectiveness of the product.

It must be remembered that oral contraceptives are not able to protect against vaginal infections. Also, birth control pills should not be used together with antibiotics, which are usually prescribed after a cesarean section.

Other methods of protection

If for some reason a nursing mother cannot take oral contraceptives, then she should choose one of following methods protection.

Birth control suppositories

Along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages of using chemical method contraception. Long term use contraceptive suppositories can disrupt the vaginal microflora, which will certainly cause discomfort.

Sexual intercourse is tied to a certain time when the candle will take effect; not all couples are suitable for such a framework. The same applies to hygiene procedures: When using birth control suppositories, you must wait a certain amount of time before you can shower.

But, despite all the seemingly negative aspects of using this method of contraception, contraceptive suppositories during breastfeeding are very convenient and this makes them so popular.

Barrier methods

The good thing about using condoms and diaphragms is that they do not affect lactation and the development of the baby. The size of the cap or diaphragm must be clarified, because the vagina stretches due to childbirth.

Barrier methods should be used no earlier than 2 months after birth.

Intrauterine device

Doctors often recommend the IUD because of its effectiveness.

If the birth took place without complications and the nursing mother has no contraindications, then the insertion of the IUD is allowed in the postpartum period.

If you install an IUD 6-8 weeks after birth, the risk of prolapse is significantly reduced.

If an infection is suspected, the introduction of a spiral is possible after the diagnosis has been refuted or cured.

Natural Methods

We are talking about the calendar method, measurement, and research of cervical mucus. These methods can be used when the menstrual cycle is completely restored.

It is pointless to measure while breastfeeding, because in the morning it rises due to night feedings. In general, all of the methods mentioned are considered ineffective.

Information about . Free your child from colic and allergies.

Find out how to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother. Everything about treating colds while breastfeeding.

Male and female sterilization

This method is very effective, but irreversible. For this reason, it is worth carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Such decisions cannot be made under the influence of stress or certain circumstances. If there is any doubt, then you should refuse sterilization.

Some couples choose to abstain while breastfeeding. In fact, this method is often difficult to tolerate, so abstinence should not be practiced for a long time.

Breastfeeding mothers often opt for birth control pills. To prevent them from affecting the baby’s health, you must carefully select the drug using experienced doctor. You also need to follow the instructions, otherwise the oral contraceptive will be ineffective.

Many women breastfeeding their baby are interested in - how to protect yourself while breastfeeding. After all, the onset of another pregnancy is not always desirable while the recently born child is very small.

The peculiarity of contraception during lactation is that properly carried out breastfeeding is already a method that helps protect against unwanted pregnancy and is called the “lactation amenorrhea method.” Rest contraceptive methods(barrier, intrauterine, progestin, etc.) are used to enhance the contraceptive effect even when the lactational amenorrhea method is no longer effective enough. This article will help you figure out what is possible contraception during breastfeeding, however, choose the most suitable method Only the attending physician can.

Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation, so the lactational amenorrhea method is based on the fact that a nursing mother does not have menstruation for some time after the birth of her child. This happens because the hormone prolactin, synthesized in the body of a nursing woman, suppresses ovulation. For LAM to work correctly, all of the following factors must be met:

  1. The child on breastfeeding is not yet 6 months old.
  2. A woman has not yet returned to menstruation after giving birth.
  3. The baby is exclusively on breastfeeding without taking any other food or liquid, and:
  • The baby took the breast for the first time within an hour after birth.
  • There is frequent latching on the baby's breast during the day (about 10 times).
  • Night feedings are a must.

The advantages of LAM are obvious: it is free and does not require medical intervention, and it has no side effects. Disadvantages include a short period of use (only the first six months after childbirth) and lack of protection against STDs.

With properly established breastfeeding, without the use of nipples and bottles, this contraception during lactation 98% effective.

Natural Methods

Efficiency of use natural methods contraception (such as: calendar method, observation method cervical mucus, method of determination, symptomothermal method) during lactation is very small - only 50%. This is due to changes occurring in the body of a woman who has recently given birth.

Barrier methods

The use of barrier methods (condoms, caps, diaphragms) during lactation is acceptable because this method protection does not affect breast milk and safe for the child.

Depending on the quality of the condom and the presence or absence of spermicidal drugs in it, the effectiveness of its use is 85-98%.

You can use a cervical cap or diaphragm after 6 weeks from the date of birth. Together with your doctor you should choose right size cap or diaphragm, as the size used before birth may not be appropriate. Their first administration should also be made by a doctor.

The efficiency of using the cap is 73-92%, and the diaphragm is 82-86%.

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Intrauterine devices (ring, coil or T-shaped) do not affect lactation and can be used during breastfeeding. However, if the IUD was introduced immediately after the birth of the child, then there is high risk its loss, therefore it is recommended to use the IUD 1.5 months after birth.

Modern intrauterine hormonal systems(for example, Mirena spiral) contain a container with synthetic hormone levonorgestrel, which is released in small doses and provides additional contraceptive protection.

Usage intrauterine devices– quite reliable protection during breastfeeding, since the effectiveness of this method reaches 99% when used hormonal IUD and 97-98% when using a conventional spiral.

Chemicals (spermicides)

During lactation, it is permissible to use various spermicides in the form of suppositories (candles), foam, jelly, creams, etc. Spermicide coats the cervix and vagina, and chemical substances The drug destroys sperm. Besides this contraception during breastfeeding solves the problem of vaginal dryness, which often occurs in women after childbirth. Depending on correct use, the effectiveness of the method varies from 64 to 98%.

Hormonal contraceptives

Combined hormonal birth control pills during lactation cannot be used (regardless of whether they are monophasic, biphasic or triphasic), since they affect not only the quantity of breast milk, but also its quality, which can unpredictably affect the baby’s health.

During breastfeeding, you can use purely progestin tablets, the so-called “mini-pills,” since they contain only microdoses of progestin. According to experts, these birth control pills while breastfeeding are quite safe and do not affect milk and the baby. The efficiency of use is quite high - up to 99%, but only if exact schedule taking pills.

Postcoital (emergency) contraception. Postinor during breastfeeding

Emergency contraception is used in very in rare cases after sexual intercourse, when conventional contraceptive methods did not help (for example, the condom broke). In the question of whether it is possible to use such hormonal pills as Postinor during breastfeeding Expert opinions differ. Some believe that it is definitely not possible, some that it is possible, but with caution. This is explained by the fact that the effect of the drug on lactation and the child has not been sufficiently studied. If a woman does take an “emergency” pill, then she can feed the baby only after 36 hours. The effectiveness of postcoital contraception is about 97%.


Female (tubal occlusion) or male (vasectomy) sterilization is very radical ways contraception. This method, of course, is almost 100% effective, but it is absolutely irreversible, so its use is possible after long and careful consideration: the decision not to have more children should not be made under the influence of stress or any circumstances.

The list of contraceptives that can be used during lactation is quite large, so each couple can choose for themselves best option. However, it should be noted once again that combined hormonal birth control while breastfeeding cannot be used. There is a risk when using combined oral contraceptives various types unscheduled bleeding: from spotting to heavy breakthrough bleeding, when a visit to the doctor cannot be delayed. Hormones contained in contraceptives, of course, pass into breast milk, and, accordingly, into the child’s body. This may lead to disruption hormonal levels baby and negatively affect his health: for example, there are cases where girls reached premature puberty at the age of 5-7 years, instead of the usual 12-13 years.