Several clinical cases of Arsenicum album from the book of P. Sankaran (father) "Elements of Homeopathy"

The homeopathic medicine Arsenicum album is made on the basis of arsenic anhydride or, as it is often called, white arsenic oxide.

This remedy belongs to poisons that were quite popular among poisoners of all stripes due to their action: arsenic acted slowly and death from its use was very similar to natural.

As you know, the main principle of homeopathy is the treatment of like with like, that is, what can kill in small doses becomes a medicine. Therefore, Arsenicum album in homeopathic science is considered one of the most powerful means for the treatment of many diseases. Initially, the drug was tested by the father of homeopathy himself - Hahnemann.

Psychotype Arsenicum album

Photo 1: The drug is most often required by people who, due to their occupation, have to test their strength nervous system and is in a state of prolonged emotional overstrain. Source: flickr (Ashley Lee).

The remedy is prescribed to people of the aristocratic type: they are rational, have prudence, and are prone to total control over everything. Often such individuals are pedantic, demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them.

A distinctive feature of such patients is concern about their health, so they often suffer from obsessive anxiety, especially at night and evening time days. They are endowed with excellent intuition, strive for perfection, but have some problems with social adaptation.

At the same time, these people are melancholic, sensitive to the words and actions of others, rather depressed and tearful, restless and fearful, in some cases, even despairing.

Effect of the drug

  • Arsenicum album works well in the treatment of chronic and acute pathologies respiratory, excretory, cardiovascular systems.
  • It works great for any disease digestive tract, very effectively copes with intoxication, is able to remove dangerous animal poisons from the body.
  • Has analgesic, antihistamine, antiseptic and antibacterial effects, replenishes the body's energy.

Photo 2: Possible appointment this tool patients with physical fatigue and hypothermia. Source: flickr (Richard O'Neill).

Indications for use

The homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album should be taken when the following diseases and states:

  1. Pathologies of the liver and kidneys of various origins;
  2. Enlarged liver;
  3. Gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  4. Pneumonia and;
  5. Hemolytic anemia;
  6. Keratitis;
  7. Neuralgia.
  8. Psoriasis, dermatitis, ;
  9. Trophic ulcers, including those associated with diabetes mellitus;
  10. Allergic reactions (urticaria, Quincke's edema).

Photo 3: The drug can be used to eliminate various symptoms: ranging from runny nose and allergies to intoxication and epilepsy attacks. Source: flickr (Andrian Jacob).

Arsenicum album for lump in throat

The sensation of a lump in the throat manifests itself through pressure in the larynx, which provokes an involuntary sigh. In this case, the swallowing process is difficult.

Most often, patients complaining of a lump in the throat are diagnosed with neurasthenia or depression, since such sensations tend to appear against the background of stressful conditions.

Arsenicum album does an excellent job of eliminating symptoms, improves well-being, having an effect on the nervous system, relaxing and calming.


Arsenicum album is used for acute poisoning, most often caused by eating meat or fish.

The patient experiences nausea, dizziness, pain in the abdomen and frequent vomiting, diarrhea. The pain becomes burning and squeezing, creating the sensation of a stone in the stomach.

For similar condition Characterized by increasing weakness and fear of death.


During an epileptic attack, a person first experiences dizziness and unbearable pain in the back of the head, then loses consciousness and falls into a convulsive state, and after some time the convulsions are replaced by numbness, which can be interrupted by attacks of anxiety.

Important! The drug is prescribed to be taken during and after an attack to relieve anxiety and relax muscle spasms.


Arsenicum album has a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental background, eliminates pathological symptoms characteristic of diabetes.

In addition to stabilization general condition the drug normalizes glucose levels in urine to acceptable limits, reduces the risk of damage to the nervous system and memory loss.


Arsenicum album has been successfully used to treat various skin diseases. Used in the treatment of eczema, pityriasis versicolor in the head area and, in general, diseases characterized by specific thickening and desquamation of the skin epithelium. Skin rashes, with characteristic state skin, when it not only looks dry, but also has a cold bluish tint.

Taking the drug relieves burning, itching and anxiety due to urticaria.

Heals various ulcers, eliminates skin peeling and inflammation. It is often prescribed for milia, vesicles and rashes on the face, especially around the lips.

Runny nose

The drug also works great for a runny nose, when a person is bothered by liquid and watery discharge from the nasal passages, which are accompanied by headache and a feeling of nasal congestion. In this case, nasal discharge is often corrosive in nature. The patient experiences a burning sensation in the nose, complicated by swelling.

Arsenicum album triggers a self-healing mechanism, making breathing easier and relieving pain.

Dosage and rules of administration

This homeopathic remedy is used both in granules and drops in dilutions C3, C6, C12, C15, C30 and higher.

  • Low dilution drugs, such as C3, C6, C9, are used in the acute stage of the disease. Often, they have only a superficial effect on the cause of the disease, but they can significantly improve your well-being within five minutes after administration.
  • Preparations of medium dilution C12, C15 are prescribed when the symptoms completely coincide with the indications for use.
  • Highly diluted drugs from C30 and above have their own specificity and are used mainly in the treatment of chronic diseases. Their effect lasts from a week to a month, and the effect is also on the emotional level.

Dosage and rules of administration for children

It is advisable to start treatment with the homeopathic drug Arsenicum album as early as possible, at the stage of emergence primary symptoms diseases. Let's take the drug in dilutions C6, C12 for acute disease and C30 for chronic disease. This drug is most often used in children in the following single doses:

  • under 2 years of age - 3 granules;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 5 granules;
  • over 6 years - 10 granules.

To make it easier for small patients to take the medicine, the granules should be dissolved in distilled water or water for baby food.

Attention! To ensure the correct prescription of the drug, the homeopathic doctor carefully monitors how the child behaves during the appointment and asks the parents in detail about his character, since all babies have distinct characteristics that are noticeable even in infancy.

Dosage and rules of administration for adults

The drug granules must be shaken before taking and dissolved under the tongue. It is recommended to take the product 30 minutes before meals or an hour after. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe dissolving the granules in boiled water, stirring well and dividing this dose into several doses.

The standard dosage for adults is:

  • At low dilution, 2-3 times a day, 10 granules;
  • At an average dilution, 10 granules are prescribed 1-2 times a day;
  • At high dilutions, take 10 granules once a week or month.

Similar potencies are used for complaints of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Important! At correct selection drug, positive result noticeable almost immediately after taking the first dose.

During treatment with the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album, it is recommended to avoid the use of various skin ointments and creams, especially hormonal ones.

Arsenicum album during pregnancy

Homeopathy during pregnancy helps strengthen the immunity of not only the expectant mother, but also the child. It has been proven that such therapy prevented the occurrence of many chronic fetal diseases.

In particular, Arsenicum album is effective means from constant nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, perfectly eliminates causeless anxiety and feelings of fear, effectively reduces swelling and improves appetite.

Important! The drug is able to prevent miscarriage and is often used as a preventative measure for primary miscarriage.

Photo 4: The goal of homeopathy during pregnancy is to activate the body's immune abilities to fight possible diseases.

It is anhydrous arsenous acid or white arsenic oxide. Homeopaths often prescribe it under the name white metal. The first three dilutions are made from the primary substance either in triturations or in solutions. For solutions we use 56 degrees. alcohol.

The pathogenesis of arsenic tested by Hahnemann is found in “Pure Medicine” and in his “Treatment of Chronic Diseases”.


Arsenic poisoning mainly affects the digestive and respiratory apparatus, skin, nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Digestive apparatus: there are always three signs on the face: vomiting, diarrhea and pain.

Vomiting first ejects food, then the vomit becomes bilious and mucous. Tormented by burning thirst, patients drink greedily, but what they drink almost immediately vomits back out; so they drink little but often.

Diarrhea. - Watery, colorless, containing a large number of white grains similar to cooked rice, accompanied burning pains and very painful spasms of all members. The similarity to cholera is so striking that there are errors in diagnosis. For subacute poisoning stomach disorders with fever, noticed by Hahnemann in 1876, were described in cases of poisoning by Heirosh, Havre and Lancero.

Respiratory system: a feeling of pressure and shortness of breath, the predominant symptoms of subacute arsenic poisoning; but at chronic poisoning disorders from respiratory organs manifest themselves more sharply, since arsenic is released through all tissues, covering the epidermis and epithelium.

Laryngo-tracheitis is noted, causing hoarseness, bronchitis and very frequent runny nose, which can reach necrosis of the nasal bones in workers who exhale arsenic dust.

Skin: Imber-Gurbeir proved that all types of skin lesions can be caused by arsenic, but mainly the scaly and pustular forms. Brouardel, indeed, notes erythema, blisters, papules, pustules, ulcers, pityriasis-like peelings and cites a case of mildly expressed scaly psoriasis that appeared after drinking arsenic, which allows in some cases to determine the nature of the poisoning. Edema is also one of the most persistent symptoms and usually affects the eyelids. Edema is characteristic feature cachexia in workers at arsenic mines.

Nervous system: patients are in a state of deep prostration, but without damage to mental abilities. There is insomnia, headaches, numbness in the arms and legs, and crawling. Borda noted burning and shooting pains in the soles and palms of arsenic beer poisoning.

Paralysis particularly affects lower limbs, beginning with thumbs and is usually symmetrical.

The heart muscle is affected at the very beginning, which is why death occurs. The blood is greatly changed, in all cases there is pallor and cyanosis. There are various hemorrhages: petechiae, purpura, nosebleeds, bloody vomiting, etc.

The liver quickly increases in volume and undergoes fatty degeneration; the kidneys are also affected by real toxic nephritis with albuminuria, oliguria or anuria.

Pichet distinguishes three main arsenical types: first of all, this is the blooming type, muscular, with shiny hair, thin skin, strong, strong build, but with one or even two disadvantages: it is either asthmatic or suffering from lichen.

One step below is the person suffering from digestive disorders with a straw-yellow face, skinny and vomiting over every trifle, for whom the smell of the kitchen and even the sight of food is completely unbearable, who suffers strong thirst, drinks a lot and often, and immediately vomits everything he drank. The face is puffy, the eyes are surrounded by wide blue, as if he is wearing glasses, the lips are dry, cracked, with pityriasis-like peeling.

One more step, and we have cachexia: the skin is pale, the face of a seriously ill person: with a “disfigured appearance”, with an “expression of agony”, extreme emaciation, somewhere in the body there is a tissue disorder; this is either cancer, or tuberculosis, or extremely acute cholera enteritis, or, finally, cachexia due to some chronic disease: malaria, nephritis, heart disease. Very often there is puffiness and swelling, more pronounced on the upper than on the lower eyelids.

Let's add a few touches to this picture: usually a sick arsenic is afraid of the cold, he wraps himself up and huddles in a warm corner, and at the same time opens the window, as he needs fresh air.


Worse: after midnight, from one to three in the morning, from cold and exercise.

Improvement: from heat, from everything warm; in the fresh air.

Predominant side: right.

Rhythm: frequency: every 2nd or 4th, every 7th or 14th day, hence the possibility of its use for swamp fever.


Hourly worsening, after midnight, between one and three in the morning.

Frequency of symptoms - every 2, 3, 4, 15 days; every 6 weeks, every year. The duration of the period is longer, the longer the disease is.

Sadness and excitement are always after midnight.

Excessive loss of strength, often inconsistent with the disease that causes it: dizziness, runny nose, vomiting, etc.

Malignancy: arsenic is for severe, malignant fevers, what aconite is for simple lungs.

Sequence: asthma after disappearance of eczema or measles rash; gastric disorders simulating a stomach ulcer, after suppressing the rash with some ointment. This is why arsenic corresponds so well with skin diseases.

Nature of the pain: burning, ameliorated by warmth.

Unusual thirst: the patient drinks often, but little by little. He especially prefers cold water, while it causes aggravation, and relieves heat. However, drinking cold water often “sits heavily on the stomach and then vomits.”

Nausea from the smell of cooked food and even just at the sight of it (colchicum, sepia).

Pain: Main characteristics- burning, ameliorated by heat. They are often compared to pain from a prick with a hot needle or from hot coals. It should be noted that cold lotions can relieve them on a short time, but then bitterness sets in. They are often accompanied by swelling, sadness, agitation and despair.

The stool is dysenteric or cholera-like in nature. It is extremely fetid: a cadaverous odor, scanty, accompanied strong burning sensation in the rectum. Worse at night, after eating and drinking, accompanied by severe prostration.

Menses: too profuse, premature, with dark blood. The discharge is always corrosive, accompanied by itching.

Leucorrhoea: acrid, burning, irritating.

Menstruation may be absent and replaced by discharge with a cadaverous odor (with cancer).


DIGESTIVE TRACT: acute gastroenteritis (arsenic causes it in strong degree), with burning pain, intense thirst; my stomach is so irritated that the slightest amount food or drink causes pain or immediately causes vomiting, diarrhea, or both. Cold drinks, water and ice cream cause or increase this suffering.

STOMACH PAIN in those suffering from lichen.

SEVERE FORMS OF DYSENTERY in initial period diseases. EXTERNAL HAEMORROIDAL CONES, burning, ameliorated by heat.

AIRWAYS. Asthma - the most important means. It is especially useful for those suffering from lichen, after the rash disappears. Foamy, looks like it's been knocked down egg white, sputum, serves as a special indication (Jousset). Add to this the severity of symptoms and anxiety during the night and a burning sensation in the chest.

Runny nose - watery, with slight discharge, corrosive, with a burning sensation in the upper lip.

PLEURITIS - arsenic is especially indicated for those with a tendency to faint. To resolve the effusion, it should be alternated with Cantharis.

PNEUMONIA with high fever, great prostration and restlessness at night.

In diseases of the respiratory organs that require the administration of arsenic, acute, sometimes burning, pain in the upper third is often noted. right lung, at the level of the 3rd intercostal space.

URINARY TRACT: Bright's disease. It is probably the best remedy for chronic Bright's disease and Hughes prefers it for scarlet fever nephritis. Siffert attributes it in all periods of albuminuria to 5 drops of the 6th dilution 3 times a day. The clinical picture, in general terms, is as follows: general dropsy, edema and puffiness, protein urine, pale waxy skin, debilitating diarrhea, burning sensation and thirst.

LEATHER. Arsenic is indicated for all kinds of rashes if they are accompanied by itching and burning, soothed by heat, but especially:

ULCERS, burning as if on fire, with a bluish bottom, black or greasy, bleeding easily, with a fetid discharge.

GANGRENE and especially dry senile gangrene with sharp sensitivity and burning in the affected parts; relief from warm and hot compresses (secale - relief from cold compresses).

Anthrax, burning like fire.

SCALE RINGER, worse cold.

ECZEMA - worse in winter, better in summer, as with psorinum.

ARBITRARY HEMORRHAGES, purpura, in severe diseases.

INFECTIONS. CHOLERA. Charger points out the following symptoms: severe melancholy with fear of death, extreme excitement, forcing the patient to constantly move, get out of bed, and open up; burning in the pit of the stomach, as if from hot coals.

TYPH: severe cases with extreme loss of strength, with abnormal debilitating fever; Abdominal bloating is common.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. Arsenic, like lead, is one of the the best means with aortitis.

NERVOUS SYSTEM. HEADACHE. Migraine, with severe pain, especially over the left eye. The pain is burning, worse on the left, periodically, especially after midnight. Nocturnal neuralgia always makes one think about arsenic.

According to Buchner: moving neuralgia that appears at night - arsenic; morning and afternoon - ignation; old - silicea.

FEVER. Seizures are rarely complete; tend to appear at night. Chills are never accompanied by thirst, but it appears with heat of a burning nature. Sweat profuse, cold and sticky. The periodicity and loss of strength are clearly pronounced.

OTHER DRUGS THAT CAUSE BURNING PAIN: phosphorus - pain is less intense than with arsenic, more limited: between the shoulder blades, along the spine and in the palms, worsened by heat.

SULFUR: pain is widespread, as with arsenic, but less acute, observed especially in chronic diseases. Never improves from heat.

ANTHRACITE has the same burning pains as phosphorus, but they appear in the area of ​​the boil or carbuncle and are accompanied by a blackish scab or bloody discharge.

APIS burns and stabs, “as if with red-hot needles”; aggravation from warm compresses, better from cold.

SEKALE: the burning sensation is the same as with arsenic, but the affected parts are cold to the touch and, however, the patient cannot tolerate the slightest heat, wants to open up and can only calm down from cold compresses.

Arsenic acts in all doses, but, however, in certain cases, some are preferably used.

Low dilutions (hundredths) are more often used for nephritis, cholera, ascites, runny nose, asthma, heart and aortic diseases, and scrofulous ophthalmia.

Medium dilutions (6 and 12) are often preferred for febrile processes, pleurisy, and to begin treatment of diseases that require strong doses during the period of cachexia. High dilutions should be prescribed for intermittent fevers and neuralgia.

Arsenic has a profound effect on every organ and tissue. Its symptoms are numerous, but the following should be especially remembered: agitation with bitterness at night, severe weakness after the slightest movement, burning pains, ameliorated by warmth, unquenchable thirst.

One should never forget the alternation of diseases for which it is indicated with various skin rashes.

From the book Homeopathic clinical pharmacology author Ernst Farrington

From the book Practical Homeopathic Medicine by Gilbert Charette

Arsenicum album It is anhydrous arsenous acid or white arsenic oxide. Homeopaths often prescribe it under the name white metal. The first three dilutions are made from the primary substance either in triturations or in solutions. For solutions we use 56 degrees.

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ARSENICUM ALBUM Case history 16 TIF On March 27, 1927, a crying woman appeared in my apartment in the evening young girl, who asked me to go to her dying mother and give her an injection. “Today she was taken from the hospital, where she had been with typhus for more than a month,” she told me, “and since the doctor

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39. Arsenicum album AXIS: MENTAL RESTLESS/ANXIETY + CHILLY + WITHOUT THIRSTY/WITH THIRST INDICATIONS FOR PURPOSE: - Desire to drink water in small sips - Desire warm water and drinks - Picky ADDITIONAL: - Worry about

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Arsenicum album Let's continue our research and take a well-known medicine - Arsenicum album. What medicines can be used as antidotes when the condition worsens due to Arsenicum album? Arsenicum album, for example, is indicated for asthma attacks, chest tightness,

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Arsenicum album and Pulsatilla These are completely incompatible drugs, which is noticeable at first glance. Why? On the one hand, you have a subject with constant anxiety, fear of death and being in an excited state - Arsenicum album. On the other hand - timid,

The homeopathic drug Arsenicum album is anhydrous arsenic acid. More precisely, it is white arsenic oxide - As 2O3. Homeopaths call this remedy “white metal”. The first three dilutions are carried out from the primary substance in triturations or solutions. 56% alcohol is used as a liquid for solutions.

Arsenicum album is used in homeopathy minimum dosages. IN pure form the substance is a poison dangerous to human life!

A homeopathic specialist will tell you about all this in detail about the diseases and negative conditions for which arsenicum album is prescribed, its use, indications, instructions for use for this drug. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a free description of this product, compiled on the basis of instructions and recommendations for use. This text has an informational function and is not a guide to self-medication.

What is the effect of Arsenicum album?

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed for the treatment of various chronic diseases and acute pathologies. It is often prescribed for various pathologies of the digestive tract.

The drug has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiallergenic, analgesic effects. It effectively eliminates pain and restores lost strength. The drug effectively fights poisoning and removes animal poisons from the body.

It is prescribed for prevention negative consequences from severe hypothermia stomach, or after excessive physical exertion. In general, homeopathy considers Arsenicum to be practically a panacea for many diseases.

What are the indications for Arsenicum album? What do the instructions say?

Homeopathic preparations that are prepared on the basis of arsenic have wide range applications. In particular, arsenicum album is prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

Enteritis, including his infectious form with severe symptoms: vomiting, thirst, fetid loose stool with rice-like patches, burning, severe pain in the anus.

Gastritis, peptic ulcer, accompanied by heartburn, nausea, sometimes vomiting, severe pain. It is especially effective for night pain that goes away from drinking milk.

Bronchial asthma with painful sensations in the sternum, with discharge of foamy sputum. Particularly effective for night attacks that occur after the disappearance of skin rashes.

Pleurisy accompanied by fainting.

Pneumonia (usually affecting the right lung), when severe burning pain is felt at the level of the third rib.

Eczema, when skin rashes are accompanied by itching, burning, and increased negative sensations at night. When the condition worsens from cold, and relief from warmth.
When exacerbation occurs in winter.

Arsenicum album is also prescribed to patients suffering from psoriasis and neurodermatitis. Or when trophic ulcers accompanied by a burning sensation. Used for allergic dermatitis, urticaria and Quincke's edema. Especially when opposite temperature modalities are observed: worsening from cold, and improvement from heat.

In addition, arsenicum album is prescribed for cholera, glomerulonephritis (with the presence of protein, red blood cells in the urine, with severe swelling), neuritis (with burning pain at night), neuralgia, keratitis (with ulceration of the cornea) and hemolytic anemia.

Type of patient to use arsenicum album

This drug is effective in treating patients of three constitutional types:

First- people of a strong, muscular build, with shiny hair, thin skin. Most often they complain of shingles or asthma.

Second- people with problems with the digestive tract. They are usually thin, with yellowish tint faces, increased dryness lips, blue under the eyes. Patients complain about frequent nausea, vomiting, severe thirst.

Third type- patients with serious illnesses: oncological diseases, tuberculosis, pneumonia.

All three types of patients constantly feel cold, wrap themselves up warmly, but they need admission fresh air. They often suffer from melancholy and are afraid of death. Or they experience extreme excitement.

What is the dosage and use of arsenicum album?

Low dilutions (from 3 to 30) are used to treat asthma, nephritis, runny nose, cholera, as well as heart diseases.

For feverish conditions and pleurisy, medium dilutions (6 and 12) are used.
High dilutions are used in the treatment of neuralgia. The dosage is determined by the doctor.
At skin diseases The dosage of dilution is determined by a homeopathic specialist depending on the symptoms and the reaction of the patient’s body.

What are the side effects of Arsenicum album?

If the dosage is violated or if negative review organism to the use of the drug, undesirable effects may occur. side effects: diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If present, the drug should be discontinued. Or the doctor will prescribe suitable remedy to combat negative manifestations body.

What are the contraindications for use of Arsenicum album?

Arsenicum album has contraindications for severe kidney diseases, neuritis, dyspepsia. However, even in the absence of these pathologies, the drug should be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication with this remedy is unacceptable.

Most mothers will agree that the safest, softest, but effective treatment for children it is homeopathy. Let's look at the most common childhood diseases and homeopathy that will help with each of them.

Aconite– use only during the acute onset of ARVI and high temperature. at the first signs of a cold (at sharp increase temperature in a child who has “walked in the cold wind”), best effect will be on the first day of high fever, especially if accompanied by fear and anxiety. The child is restless, tossing about in bed, hot and dry, like a coal. Apply before sweat appears. Dosage: children - from 1 to 3 peas, adults - from 5 to 8 peas (the number depends on the state of the body: the more weakened the body, the fewer the number of balls). Dissolve the peas in boiled water in a quantity of 100 ml, shake vertically several times, apply 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes (it is advisable to hold it in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing).

Belladonna– use when sweating occurs. The patient's face is red, the temperature is high, there is pronounced anxiety, in more severe cases there may be delirium, rage, anger, the child wants to bite everyone. Prepare the medicine in the same way as Aconite. And apply 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes until the condition improves. If the patient feels better, the medicine should be given less often. If the temperature drops to 37.3-37.4, discontinue the medicine.

Bryony– is used after the first two medications or on the first day of the disease, if the clinic is not so bright, and signs of “brokenness” come to the fore: soreness of muscles and joints, headache. It is prepared in the same way as the first two medicines. If you improve, stop taking it, the body will cope on its own. For injuries, use the following medications

Arnica 30– for any injuries accompanied by soft tissue bruises (the child fell, broke his knee, in order to quickly relieve pain, it is necessary to give freshly prepared medicine until improvement). According to traumatologists, if you give medicine immediately after receiving an injury, then subsequently there will not even be a concussion if there has been a serious head injury. The medicine is prepared using the same method. For a puncture wound, two medications must be given at once:

Ledum 30 And Calendula 30. Dissolve a few balls of each medicine in 100 ml of water. In all cases, medications should dissolve on their own; when completely dissolved, shake 5–10 times, drink 1 teaspoon every 5–10 minutes until the pain completely disappears.

If a child has a finger caught in a door, then dissolve 3 to 5 balls of medicine in 100 ml of water. Hypericum 30(the dose depends on the child’s age and state of health). Give the medicine until the pain decreases or disappears.

Give for burns Kantaris 30. Prepare the solution in the same way as all other medicines; apply 1 teaspoon every 5 minutes until wellness. If improvement occurs, stop taking the medication. The best way to help is a tincture of cantharis (to lubricate the burned areas), and then, after improvement (after 2-3 days), use calendula ointment to lubricate the blisters.

For diarrhea without fever, dissolve in 100 ml of water. Camphor, when completely dissolved, shake 3-5 times, give 1 teaspoon every 5-10 minutes until the condition improves. In more severe cases, call a doctor.

If a child wakes up at night in fear and begins to choke, while his temperature is elevated, it is necessary to give him in solution Aconite 30 every 5 minutes, and also give under the tongue Spongia 30 to relieve the symptom of false croup. Give the sponge every 5 minutes until the child’s condition clearly improves. Then sit the child down and call the doctor. The most important thing is not to be nervous and try to calm the child down.

When teething in a child, use Hamomilla 30 or Coffee 30, prepare in the same way as the first medicines. A fair-haired child with blue eyes Hamomilla is more suitable, and a dark-haired child with brown eyes Coffee would be more suitable.

With suppuration on the tonsils with unpleasant smell must be taken by mouth Mercurius solubilis 30 1 tablet 2 times a day.

If significant swelling appears during a fever, a glassy swelling on uvula, throat, eyelids - this dangerous condition! The inflamed areas hurt, burn, are very sensitive to heat, touch and pressure (feels like a bee sting), cold will improve the patient's condition. In this case it is shown Apis– 3-5-8 peas (depending on age and health status). Give every hour under the tongue until swelling will subside(a good sign of this would be frequent urination).

At acute cystitis with burning pain when urinating, it is necessary to use Kantaris 30 1-3-5-8 peas, depending on age and health condition, three times a day.

Treatment of colic in babies - Colocynth 30, Magnesia phosphorica 30, Lycopodium 30 and Chamomilla 30

Help with severe teething Hamomilla, Belladonna And FitolyakA, and Calcarea phosphorica And Calcarea carbonica. The last two drugs will also help in the treatment of rickets in children

Arsenicum album 30, Veratrum album 30, Nux vomica 30, Ipecac 30, Sulfur 39, Lycopodium 30 used for rotavirus infection.

Rhus Toxicodendron, Antimonium Tartaricum good for chicken pox

Homeopathic ointments:
Apis– for bee stings and severe swelling, especially the type of Quincke's edema
Arnica- for bruises, bruises, hematomas, during treatment
cephalohematomas in infants
Ledum– for insect bites and puncture wounds

Every mother wonders what medicines should be taken with you on a trip or what should be at home for emergency treatment for a child in various situations. Below is a list of homeopathic medicines that you need to have in your first aid kit for your child from birth:

Arnica 30– used for bruises and sprains, closed bleeding and hemorrhages into soft tissues (hematomas). For large bruises. For concussions and bone fractures

Aconite 30– used at high temperatures. The child falls ill suddenly, at night. The temperature is very high. The child is dry and hot, like a coal. There is no stage of sweating with fever yet, the child behaves very restlessly, cries, squeals. Aconite is also used at the first signs of false croup, when the child wakes up at night with severe cough(at 12, 1 am), clutches his chest and cries. Dry, barking cough. The day before, as a rule, the child walked in the cold wind, froze, and at night woke up coughing in fear.

Hepar sulfur 30– used for false croup when a child is bothered by dry, rough, barking cough. As a rule, on the second day after Aconite. Also works well for tonsil congestion and purulent inflammation teeth and gums

Hamomilla 30– an excellent drug for the treatment of colic in infants. When it is generally difficult to calm a child down, he screams like crazy. The child more or less calms down in the mother’s arms, but at the same time the mother must continuously walk back and forth. It also perfectly helps with difficult teething in babies, when the child has a high temperature. liquefied stool is green, one cheek is red and the other pale, toothache relief comes from cold (gel teethers if kept in the freezer). The child calms down in the mother's arms, but she must constantly move

Magnesia phosphorica 30– helps with colic in babies. In this case, relief comes if you apply something warm to the child and at the same time release pressure (put the undressed baby on the mother’s stomach - skin to skin contact)

Colocynth 30- for colic in babies. In this case, the child is better off in a position bent in half or with his knees pressed to his stomach (but at the same time the child lies on his side - fetal position)

Carbo vegetabilis 30– helps with colic in babies. Sharp relief after belching or passing gas.

Lycopodium 30– perfectly treats colic in babies. Belching and passing gas doesn't really help. Colic occurs clearly from 16 to 20 pm. The child sucks greedily at the breast, as if he wants to eat it, his stomach is swollen and tense. As a rule, he is born small, has longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, and appears older than his age. Right-sided otitis media

Calcium carbonicum 30– during teething, with rickets in children. Such children, as a rule, are large and loose, inactive (although there are exceptions). Chilly, head and neck sweat during sleep, body smells sour. Children often have a “milky crust” on the head and a tendency to constipation

Belladonna 30– for all conditions accompanied by high fever in children. At high temperatures, the hands and feet are cool, the head is hot, and there is sweating. Sweat is usually hot. There is no thirst even at high temperatures. It has worked well for rubella and scarlet fever when the symptoms coincide. Right-sided otitis media

Calcium phosphoricum 30– with rickets in children. But the child is thin and petite and moves a lot. He is capricious when teething, demands toys, and then throws them away angrily, he cannot be pleased, he is dissatisfied with everything

Spongia 30– for whooping cough and false croup in children. The cough takes on a metallic hue. Sometimes we alternate both drugs: Spongia and Gepar sulfur

Fitolyaka 30– when mother’s milk stagnates. In case of severe teething in a child. When teething, relief comes if the child chews on a hard surface (wooden or even metal surface)

Ferrum phosphoricum 30– with ARVI (cough, runny nose and temperature up to 38.5) Nasal discharge quickly becomes streaked with blood

Sulfur 30- for diarrhea in children. In this case, the stool irritates the skin around the anus. Saliva irritates the skin of the face.

So, all described homeopathic medicines in this article:

  • Belladonna 30
  • Fitolyakka 30
  • Arnica 30
  • Ledum 30
  • Calendula 30
  • Bryony
  • Hypericum 30
  • Camphor
  • Hamomilla 30
  • Coffee 30
  • Mercurius solubilis 30
  • Kantaris 30
  • Lycopodium 30
  • Calcarea phosphorica 30
  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Aconite 30
  • Hepar sulfur 30
  • Magnesia phosphorica 30
  • Colocynth 30
  • Calcium carbonicum 30
  • Calcium phosphoricum 30
  • Spongia 30
  • Ferrum phosphoricum 30
  • Carbo vegetabilis 30
  • Sulfur 30
  • Arsenicum album 30
  • Veratrum album 30
  • Nux vomica 30
  • Ipecac 30
  • Rus Toxicodendron
  • Antimonium Tartaricum
Homeopathic ointments:
  • Arnica
  • Ledum
*Regimen for taking homeopathic remedies:
Homeopathy can be diluted cold or warm, raw or boiled water, in a non-metallic container and a non-metallic spoon. Children's plastic dishes and children's plastic accessories are best suited for this. Store the resulting solution in a dark and cool place. You can also dilute 1 pea in one teaspoon (non-metallic) boiled or filtered and give it if we are talking about a couple of times a day, and not every half hour as, for example, with Rotavirus. You can give it from a spoon if the baby drinks well, or from a pipette.

What is also useful in a first aid kit:
1.Candlesviburkol(homeopathy) – if in a child elevated temperature(up to 38.5). Place 0.5 candles (if the child is under six months old) and a whole candle (over 6 months) up to 3 times a day in the rectum.
2. Paracetamol suppositories(Efferalgan 80 or 150 mg depending on the age of the child) put into the rectum at a temperature of 38.5 and above. They can be placed up to 4 times a day
3. Nurofen suppositories– if paracetamol does not help. They should be placed in the rectum up to 3 times a day.
4.Laktafiltrum– 0.5 tablets 3 times a day with meals (grind into powder and dilute with water or breast milk). Give for 3-4 days for diarrhea or vomiting.
5. Smecta– 1 sachet per day (dilute with 2 times less water, and not as indicated on the sachet, this is better absorbed). The child should drink the contents of the sachet throughout the day, and not immediately. Give for vomiting and diarrhea. 1-3 days
6. Regidron– give for vomiting and diarrhea for 1-2 days. Dilute strictly as directed on the package
7. Ointment "Rescuer"- from insect bites, burns
8. Antibiotics ( amoxiclav)
9. Antihistamine (Zyrtec drops or fenistil drops). Give when allergic rashes with itching or severe swelling. Zyrtec for children under 1 year – 3-5 drops 1 time a day, fenistil – 7-10 drops 2 times a day
10. miramistin,hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, brilliant green

Thank you

Homeopathic remedy called arsenicum album quite often also called arsenic or arsenous anhydride. In fact, this homeopathic remedy is very poisonous. It is prescribed primarily in the fight against various chronic complications certain acute pathological conditions. In addition, this medicine has found its wide application in homeopathy and in the fight against various pathological conditions digestive tract, and of any severity. Arsenicum album has both antiseptic and sedative, antibacterial, analgesic, antiallergic, and tonic effects. Influencing the human body, this drug is characterized by how to relieve pain, and regain strength. In addition, he struggles with very strong thirst. It is also appropriate to use it when some animal poison has entered the body along with food or air. This medication also has the ability to prevent the consequences of very strong cooling of the stomach, as well as excessive physical stress.

What are the indications for the use of this remedy in homeopathy?
This drug is often used to treat both liver congestion and yellow fever, Asian cholera, pain in the stomach, as well as inflammatory diseases kidneys and liver, which are chronic. You cannot do without the help of this medication even if you have intermittent fever, cholera, enterocolitis, runny nose, or bronchial asthma. Stomach ulcer, chronic forms eczema, herpes zoster or scaly lichen, prolonged lobar pneumonia, initial stages dysentery, exudative pleurisy - all these are also indications for the use of this homeopathic medicine. It is often prescribed to patients with cardiospasm, anemia, malaria, loss of strength, and chronic anemia. There are many other pathologies for which the use of arsenicum is considered appropriate.

What are the contraindications for use? this drug?
Arsenicum is strictly contraindicated in all those patients who have dyspepsia, neuritis or serious kidney damage.

What are the side effects of this drug?
Among the side effects that may occur during the use of this homeopathic remedy may include both vomiting and nausea, as well as diarrhea. If at least one of these effects makes itself felt, then it is recommended to immediately discontinue this drug. To combat the side effects caused by it, a medication called unithiol.

In conclusion, we note that the information that was presented to your attention just above is just brief description this homeopathic remedy. If you decide to use his help, then first of all sign up for