The dog has rapid breathing and heartbeat. Causes of shortness of breath in dogs. Why is my dog ​​breathing heavily and wheezing?

In a dog rapid breathing. She breathes for more than 6 hours, as if she ran a kilometer cross-country race.


Hello! It is worth noting how rapid the pet’s breathing is. Up to 30 breaths per minute is considered normal. Breathing faster actually signals serious illnesses. It’s good that you noticed it right away - people often come to the doctor with complaints that the animal is breathing difficultly and frequently for a number of days or weeks!

The reasons may lie in violations:

  • strong pain;
  • manifestations of heart failure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - from bloating to torsion;
  • severe disease of the respiratory system - from bronchitis to pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous excitement;
  • heatstroke.

First of all, diseases of the respiratory system are excluded. The dog's body temperature is measured. If the thermometer shows less than 39 degrees, then the reason is different. Heat 100 percent speaks about diseases of the respiratory system.

When visiting a veterinarian:

  1. Examination of the animal;
  2. Taking samples;
  3. Establishing diagnosis;
  4. Prescription of treatment.

Take a closer look at the dog. If disorientation is detected, there is a heat stroke. Place it on your pet's head wet towel, give the dog something to drink and take it to a cool place. Language bluish tint, fainting is observed - it’s a matter of the heart. Apply warm heating pads to the paws, cover the dog with a blanket, call a doctor, and give an injection of Cordiamine.

You should not self-medicate, saving your dog from a visit to the veterinarian. Ideally, a doctor is called to your home. This is practiced even in provincial cities. It is more difficult in villages - the dog is taken by car to the city, having previously made an appointment.

After giving birth, a dog breathes frequently open mouth

If you and your beloved pet are expecting offspring, then you, as the owner, should learn as much as possible about pregnancy and childbirth, as well as possible complications after childbirth. It's great if everything goes smoothly for the dog. However, it is better to be prepared, albeit theoretically, for any sudden situation.

One of the signs that may alert the owner is rapid breathing in the dog after giving birth (especially if several days have passed). It is important to know why it may develop this pathology and how to help your beloved four-legged family member.

Why does a dog pant frequently after giving birth?

How can you tell if your dog’s respiratory rate is increased? Everything is extremely simple. First, you need to know the norm: on average, this is 10-30 times per minute (look at the “movement” of the ribs, you can put your palm on them). But remember that than smaller dog, the more often she breathes (and the faster her heart beats).

Secondly, rapid breathing is always shallow (not full breasts). The pet can open its mouth, stick out its tongue and breathe noisily. Again, such a symptom is difficult not to notice, but why can this happen to an animal after birth?

You should know that sometimes rapid breathing after childbirth is normal. This is due to the fact that the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) contracts to give birth to the placenta (“baby places”) and the formation of milk. Usually this condition does not last long: about 15 minutes after the birth of the last puppy.

In other cases, rapid breathing may be associated with pathological processes occurring in the dog’s body, weakened by childbirth. And it is extremely important for the owner to recognize as soon as possible that something is wrong with his beloved pet. This will allow you to seek qualified veterinary help in time and save the life of your four-legged family member.

  • The most common reasons why a dog after giving birth breathes noisily, often with its mouth open, is fear, stress, or elevated temperature bodies (after all sweat glands dogs do not, and the animal “cools down” using the tongue and rapid breathing). However, it is worth understanding that these are not all the reasons. Frequent breathing is also quite common due to problems with the respiratory system: pulmonary edema, tracheitis or bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy).
  • There is another pathology that is already registered in lactating bitches - eclampsia. With it, the dog's blood glucose and calcium concentrations sharply decrease, which can lead to the so-called milk fever. Convulsions begin, the pet trembles, and then the paws stretch out and become as if made of wood. If the animal is not provided with emergency veterinary care, the pet may die due to asphyxia (suffocation).
  • Sometimes rapid breathing may be due to the fact that not all puppies have been born. This is especially dangerous if the babies were stillborn. If you carefully palpate the belly, you can find out whether there are still puppies inside or whether all of them have already been born.

Be sure to pay attention to whether there are any other symptoms. A bad sign will happen if a day after birth the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, bleeding, vomiting, weakness, anemia or, conversely, anemia skin and visible mucous membranes, etc. If the dog, in addition to rapid breathing, exhibits any other Clinical signs, it is necessary to sound the alarm and urgently call veterinarian at home or take the animal to the nearest veterinary clinic yourself.

What to do with a dog that is panting quickly

If your beloved pet begins to breathe frequently and noisily after giving birth, then you should not self-medicate. Yes, in some cases this condition is normal, the animal is simply very tired, or the process of milk formation is occurring, as well as contraction of the uterus. However, sometimes rapid breathing serves serious symptom. And delay rendering veterinary care can be extremely dangerous for the life of a new mother.

  1. In one case it will help infusion therapy using physiological solutions(glucose) and calcium. You can put in droppers or administer it subcutaneously or intramuscularly, provided that the calcium-containing drug allows this method of administration. For example, calcium chloride is intended exclusively for intravenous administration, V otherwise it causes necrosis (death) of tissue. But calcium borogluconate can be administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously.
  2. In another case, using antihistamines, antibiotics (if inflammation has begun). If the animal is overheated (which often happens in the summer or in a very stuffy room), then you can open the window slightly to ventilate the room. Just make sure that there is no draft, otherwise the new mother and her babies may catch a cold.
  3. But remember that any treatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian after an in-person examination of the dog and confirmation of the diagnosis! Sometimes required additional examinations: donate blood (best at biochemical analysis) and animal urine, ultrasound, ECG, x-ray examination. The more accurately you describe your symptoms (when and how it all started), the easier it will be for your veterinarian to make a diagnosis and prescribe a quick and effective treatment that will save your pet's life.

ABOUT serious problems Shortness of breath in a dog, which occurs during slight physical exertion or at rest, is a sign of health. If your breathing becomes faster after a long run or weight training, there is no need to worry.

Symptoms of shortness of breath

As a rule, breathing is disrupted in three parameters at once (frequency, depth and rhythm) - this is how the body signals a lack of oxygen.

Signs of respiratory failure:

  • noticeable effort on inhalation or exhalation;
  • the appearance of additional sounds (wheezing, whistling);
  • open mouth breathing;
  • excitement followed by depression;
  • unusual posture (an anxious animal stretches its neck and spreads its front paws, but cannot lie down);
  • paleness or cyanosis of the gums and lips.

Important! Need to know that external breathing is closely related to the activity of the circulatory system: that is why failure of breathing always leads to increased work of the heart muscle.

Causes of shortness of breath in dogs

They are grouped into 3 large categories, within which it's already underway more detailed classification:

  • respiratory;
  • cardiogenic;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system.


These are injuries, diseases (including infectious ones), as well as dysfunctions of internal organs.

The catalysts for this type of shortness of breath are:

  • mechanical damage, for example, a fracture chest;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • neoplasms (benign/malignant);
  • fluid accumulated in the sternum.

Shortness of breath of a respiratory nature does not always indicate that the body has pathological process. Sometimes the culprit is foreign object, stuck in the airways.

Breathing problems also occur with anemia, when all tissues of the dog’s body do not receive enough oxygen. With low hemoglobin levels, it is difficult for a dog to breathe even in a state of complete rest.


This group includes all reasons associated with weak hearted or improper blood circulation. This kind of shortness of breath occurs when walking (the animal often sits down/lies down, it does not have enough air) and running (in the vast majority of cases, running is impossible).

Cardiogenic dyspnea is caused by various ailments, including:

  • heart failure (acute or chronic);
  • heart disease;
  • cardiomyopathy.

Important! Often, the provocateur of cardiogenic shortness of breath is pulmonary edema, the appearance of which is to blame (according to vicious circle) weakness of the heart muscle.

Pathologies of the central nervous system

Certain breeds (called brachycephalics) suffer from shortness of breath due to anatomical structure muzzles. Brachycephalic syndrome is noted in dogs with flattened noses, such as, and. Interference them proper breathing the position of the tissues of the soft palate becomes.

A natural flaw can be superimposed at any time additional factor risk in the form of physical activity, stress, heat or inflammation, ultimately leading to deterioration of health and even death of the dog.

In addition, difficulty breathing due to the fault of the central nervous system often occurs as a complication after:

  • hematomas;
  • electric shock;
  • head injuries;
  • brain tumors.

The central nervous system is also to blame for postpartum shortness of breath, which is acceptable and goes away on its own. If difficulty breathing is accompanied by bleeding, fever, loss of coordination and vomiting, urgent help is needed.

Responsibility for respiratory failure is also placed on the central nervous system if the animal has:

  • severe stress;
  • obesity;
  • pain shock;
  • high body temperature.

IN stressful situation(a fight, a threat to the life of the owner, any danger) adrenaline (fear), cortisol (anxiety), norepinephrine (rage) and other hormones are released into the blood, causing the heart to contract faster. It is logical that the acceleration of blood flow requires oxygen replenishment - which is why dogs begin to breathe rapidly with their mouths open.

First aid for shortness of breath

If your breathing is out of whack strong emotions(stress), the animal should be taken to a cool, quiet place and try to calm it down. When the coat is wet, wipe it soft cloth, not forgetting to stroke the chest.

Important! A dog that has experienced deep stress should not be put down and forced to eat/drink against its will. Drinking cold water can cause pneumonia, swelling or collapse of the lungs (due to the difference in water temperature and “hot” internal organs).

If it is impossible to put the dog down, do not insist: perhaps his lungs are oversaturated with oxygen, and lying down threatens to rupture the lung tissue. If shortness of breath is caused by other reasons, the influx fresh air and peace won't hurt either ( open window, fan, split system).

Experienced dog breeders, especially those whose pets have difficulty breathing, have medications for emergency assistance. Approximate algorithm:

  1. Give any decongestant medicine, for example, Suprastin at the rate of half a tablet per 5-8 kg of dog weight. It is crushed and rubbed under the tongue.
  2. Rub your back, chest and ears vigorously.
  3. Enter an immunostimulant (Gamavit or another), determining the dose according to the instructions. The solution is injected into 4 paws (intramuscularly).
  4. If potassium chloride is available, administer 3-15 ml intravenously (based on the size of the dog). This injection is given very slowly and carefully.
  5. IN extreme cases(if you can) do it indoor massage hearts.

If there is noticeable deterioration, you will need a doctor. Call him at home or take the dog to the clinic. To restore breathing, the doctor removes foreign bodies, applies an oxygen mask, and more severe patients sentences to artificial ventilation lungs or operates.

First of all, let's understand what the respiratory system is and how it functions.

The respiratory system is a set of organs that ensures the movement of air from the atmosphere into the lungs and back (inhalation-exhalation breathing cycles), as well as gas exchange between the air entering the lungs and the blood.

The airways and lungs are the respiratory organs. They include the nasal and oral cavity, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar sacs, as well as arteries, capillaries and veins of the pulmonary circulation.

The main function of the respiratory organs is to ensure gas exchange between air and blood, i.e. saturation of the blood and the organs it supplies with oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

Typically, at rest, a dog makes from 10 to 30 respiratory movements per minute (one breathing movement- this is an exhalation-inhalation). However, certain body conditions may cause dogs to experience increased breathing. The animal begins to breathe with its mouth open and tongue hanging out. Such conditions can be divided into physiological (normal, not associated with disease) and pathological.

TO physiological increase breathing can lead to conditions associated with increased metabolism, and therefore an increase in the amount of oxygen consumed:

Psycho-emotional arousal - fear, aggression or joy;

Physical activity, such as long running;

Others physiological conditions(estrus, pregnancy, childbirth);

Increase in air temperature.

Rapid breathing in a dog, not provoked by the above factors, can be explained by pathologies in respiratory system and/or be associated with others systemic diseases in which tachypnea is a concomitant symptom.

To such diseases and pathological conditions can be attributed:

Impaired air flow airways, for example, neoplasms in the lumen respiratory tract, collapse of the trachea, blockage of the larynx or trachea by foreign masses;

Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, both infectious and non-infectious origin;

Respiratory injuries;

Disturbance of the normal innervation of the respiratory organs;

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;

Pathologies of the urinary system;

Difficulty in normal chest movement;

Increased body temperature;

Disturbances of the endocrine system;

Allergic reactions.

There are many pathological reasons that can cause your dog to pant frequently. Very often the answer does not lie on the surface and is difficult to find even for highly qualified veterinarians. Don't try to find the reason yourself! In the event that increased breathing is not caused by the above physiological reasons, contact your veterinarian for help. Timely appeal V veterinary clinic will allow you to go through all the necessary diagnostic procedures, make a diagnosis and receive quality treatment.

What to do if trouble takes you by surprise and there is no veterinarian nearby? First aid in in this case will be to provide the animal with a sufficient amount of oxygen and reduce the body’s need for it. To begin, remove your dog's leash and collar and open the windows. Next, you need to reduce the impact of any factors that stress the animal: calm down yourself, try to calm the animal, isolate the dog from external noise. After taking all initial measures to improve the dog’s condition, consult a doctor.

By the dog's breathing, you can determine its condition and suspect a particular disease. Find out why your dog is panting and what you can do to help your four-legged friend.

A dog's breathing may change throughout the day. Yes, calm and healthy dog breathes through the nose. After running and in the heat, a dog breathes through its mouth and sticks out its tongue, which allows it to increase heat transfer from the body. In a dream, you can observe such a situation that the dog wheezes and sighs heavily. You should not run to the doctor, as in this case the animal is simply dreaming about something.

But it is necessary to suspect something is wrong if the dog’s heavy breathing appears suddenly or is already present. frequent character, but noticeable only after physical activity. It doesn’t hurt to monitor your dog’s breathing rate. The breathing rate for puppies is on average 15-35 breaths per minute, for adult dogs - 10-30 breaths per minute, for older dogs - 14-16 breaths per minute. The number of breaths a dog takes directly depends not only on its condition, but also on its size. Large breeds of dogs take less breaths than small ones.

Heavy breathing in a dog can occur for many reasons:

  • She could overheat and even get heatstroke.
  • The dog may be in nervous excitement, for example, in an unfamiliar place, in transport, at an appointment at a veterinary hospital.
  • Mechanical damage is also possible: injury or bruise to the chest in an accident, fall or as a result of a fight.
  • In an overheated or older animal, panting may be associated with an incipient heart attack.
  • A pregnant bitch may begin to breathe heavily and rapidly before labor begins. This can also happen during lactation, when the mother suckles the puppies heavily.
  • Heavy breathing may also be associated with critical situations:

Pregnant bitches breathe heavily when the onset of labor is close. Dog health this moment There is no danger, since heavy breathing is normal. Heavy breathing after birth, especially if the puppies were stillborn, may indicate that there are still puppies left in the dog's uterus. Take your dog to the vet immediately as the animal needs surgery.

Heavy breathing of a dog during lactation, which is accompanied by convulsions and clumsiness of movements, indicates eclampsia. With eclampsia, the level of calcium and glucose in the blood is greatly reduced, and if the animal is not treated urgently, collapse may occur, which will lead to the death of your pet. Regardless of the time of day, when you notice changes in your dog’s behavior, urgently take him to the veterinary clinic.

In summer, dogs are often exposed to heatstroke, which causes heavy breathing. If a dog is overheated in the sun, then it looks for a cool place, drinks a lot and refuses to eat. When heatstroke the animal is disoriented. To save a dog, you need to wipe it down cold water and put a cold towel on your head. Give the dog water, then contact the veterinarian.

Heavy breathing, which is accompanied by shortness of breath, dry and wheezing cough and normal temperature body indicates your dog has asthma. This disease is seasonal and can appear as a reaction to the flowering of certain plants. Only a doctor can treat asthma in a dog.

In cases where heavy breathing is accompanied by an increase in body temperature (the norm is up to 38.5 ° C), we can talk about diseases of the respiratory system, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy.

Heart failure and heart attack are another cause of heavy breathing in dogs. In addition, the main sign of heart problems in a dog is a blue tongue and fainting. If your dog has a seizure, do not take it to the clinic, but call a doctor to your home. Until the doctor arrives, apply heating pads or bottles of water to your dog’s paws. warm water and cover the animal. Additionally, it is necessary to give the dog an intramuscular injection of cordiamine every 4-6 hours, and an additional cocarboxylase for the old animal.

Pain in abdominal area causes the dog to begin to breathe heavily. The cause is torsion and expansion of the stomach. Another characteristic symptom torsion and expansion of the stomach - pain in the abdominal area.

Tumors and polyps in the nasopharynx also lead to heavy breathing in the dog. Usually the disease develops gradually, and from time to time you may notice that the dog “grunts”, snores in its sleep, and then its breathing becomes increasingly heavy.

  • If the dog had a difficult labor and especially was born dead puppies, the reason for the deterioration of her condition may be that she did not give birth to all the puppies. An urgent operation is needed to rid the bitch of intoxication in the body. In many cases, delay can cause collapse, which will lead to the death of the dog.
  • If there are no other symptoms, but the dog is breathing heavily in unnatural situations, you need to conduct a cardiac examination (ECG for large breed and cardiac ECHO for small ones). This will help rule out or identify heart problems that may be causing shortness of breath.
  • It is also advisable to take an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection in order to exclude or identify problems of metastasis, respiratory nature and, additionally, the heart.