Which implant to choose: round or anatomical. Round versus anatomical: choosing implants for the ideal breast shape. What is the difference between round and anatomical implants

Women who decide to improve the shape of their breasts or increase their size are wondering: what is the difference between round implants and anatomical ones and which ones to choose? Indeed, the shape of the implants plays an important role and allows you to achieve a natural-looking breast. So which implants are better: round or anatomical? Does shape matter? And how to achieve the desired result?

What is the difference?

As can be easily understood from the definition, round implants have a round shape. The anatomical ones follow the contours of a young woman’s breast; their teardrop-shaped shape begins with a flat slope at the top, which gradually increases in volume. Thanks to this, anatomical implants are successfully used not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for breast reconstruction.

A plastic surgeon will help you choose round or anatomical implants based on the width and shape of the chest, as well as the patient’s build. Round implants will allow you to get more volume and lift your breasts higher. Thanks to them, the neckline will look simply amazing. However, many women do not like the large volume of the breasts in the upper part - for them it does not look natural and attractive enough - so they choose anatomical implants. In favor of round implants, it is worth saying that they can make the contours of the breast unnatural only in two cases:

  • when positioned too high;
  • if the patient does not have sufficient volume of her own breast tissue.

So the shape doesn't matter. If selected incorrectly, even anatomical implants can look unnatural. That is why, when selecting, the individual contours of the patient’s body and her complexion must be taken into account.

Where to choose?

  • young patients with well-developed mammary glands;
  • women who have sufficient volume and slight mastoptosis of the breast;
  • patients who want a more balanced breast shape.

POLYTECH® implants

Modern plastic surgeons note a number of advantages of German-made POLYTECH® implants. They have a modular structure, thanks to which a base with a width of 70 mm to 158 mm is available to patients in different projections and in each type of implant:

  • Même® - dome-shaped with a round base, following the contours of a young woman’s breast;
  • Replicon® - anatomical with a round base that follows the contours of an adult woman’s breast;
  • Opticon® - anatomical with a shortened base, suitable for obese women with curvy figures;
  • Optimam® is anatomical with an oblong base, suitable for slender women with an athletic build.

Round implants are endoprostheses of regular shape in the form of a rounded cone. The purpose of their development is to create smooth, round contours of the female breast and increase volume.

Round-shaped endoprostheses appeared first, and for a long time were the only implants for breast augmentation. Not long ago, drop-shaped endoprostheses, the so-called anatomical implants, appeared. Endoprostheses of both types have similar features:

  • a silicone shell covered with a protective layer on top to prevent the filler from getting into the surrounding tissue;
  • have two types of surface: smooth, textured;
  • the internal contents are represented by gel or saline solution.

To understand how round implants differ from anatomical ones, you need to consider their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:



maximize volume

does not increase volume much

look harmonious in any body position

Natural shape when sitting or standing, excluding lying position

ball shape

drop shape

breast lifting effect

imitation of natural breasts

easy to implant

more difficult to implant

lower cost

more expensive

when they are turned over, the breasts retain their shape

may shift, leading to breast deformation

produce a push-up effect without wearing a bra

restrictions on wearing bras with a push-up effect

indicated for ptosis of breast tissue, asymmetry, breast enlargement by several sizes

indicated for initially flat breasts

Augmentation with round implants makes the breasts round, soft, with proportional contours. You can choose an endoprosthesis of the optimal shape according to the physiological characteristics of each woman.

A special advantage of round implants is their high plasticity. This quality of endoprostheses allows the breast to be positioned naturally in any body position. If a woman takes a vertical position, then breasts with round implants take on a teardrop shape. Lying down flattens the breasts, which is natural for natural breasts. This type of implant is great for women who are actively involved in sports and dancing. They look very flexible and natural during intense movements. Round implants are easier to install. The result largely depends on the presence of a certain volume of glandular tissue. Their main disadvantage is the unnatural effect of overcrowding on the upper slope of the breast when a large implant is introduced. But this factor is a consequence of incorrect installation due to a surgeon’s error. Breast asymmetry limits the use of round implants.

Types of round implants

Each woman has individual anatomical characteristics. To achieve maximum naturalness, several types of round implants have been developed. Main criteria for selecting endoprostheses:

  • size (110-800 ml);
  • type of filler: biodegradable, saline solution, silicone gel;
  • low, medium, high and extra-high profile - the ratio of the diameter and height of the endoprosthesis;
  • shell material and texture: silicone (smooth), polyurethane (textured);
  • degree of density of the gel content: silicone or cohesive (non-flowing) gel with different softness parameters.

The best implants are those with gel as a filler. Bioimplants and prostheses filled with saline solution begin to lose volume and ability to support the breast over time. The gel filler is superior to saline solution in organoleptic properties, for example, to the touch. Implants with saline content are likely to form folds, leading to changes in the contours of the mammary glands. The textured surface due to micropores allows the surrounding tissues to better grow into the shell of the prosthesis. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of its rotation.

How to choose the size? There is no exact recommendation for choosing implants. Only an experienced specialist is able to assess the anatomical features of the patient’s figure and chest, the size of the chest and determine the most suitable implant. The main parameters taken into account by the specialist:

  • volume of mammary glands;
  • presence of asymmetry;
  • degree of ptosis;
  • the volume of tissue around the mammary glands;
  • quality characteristics of the skin, thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • parameters of the chest, shoulder width, waist, hips.

The choice of the optimal implant is based on its type, width, height, projection. Round implants are characterized by equal width and height, with the highest point of projection located slightly above the center point. To correct breast asymmetry, low-profile round endoprostheses are installed. In cases of severe ptosis and deficiency of native tissue, endoprostheses of medium and high profile are used.

The validity period of implants is unlimited. Manufacturers also assure that they are completely safe. Replacement of endoprostheses for the entire period of use is not required, with the exception of certain cases:

  • their rupture;
  • sudden change in body weight;
  • previous pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • complications after mammoplasty: implant displacement, fibrocapsular contracture, calcification, breast deformation process.

In these cases, free replacement of endoprostheses is provided.

The main advantage of round dentures is uniform enlargement, giving a beautiful round shape to the mammary glands. But the choice of the optimal endoprosthesis will depend on the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and the wishes of the client herself. It is also necessary to pay attention to the correct choice of clinic and study reviews of women who have undergone surgery on the Internet.

We welcome to our website readers who are interested in breast correction in general, and mammoplasty with round implants in particular. Today’s topic of our article is endoprostheses of this particular form. We want to talk about their undoubted advantages and some of the existing disadvantages.

Breast augmentation with round implants has long been the only possible option for mammoplasty. Since the 90s of the last century, an alternative has appeared - anatomist prostheses. Do round predecessors of anatomical endoprostheses remain in demand and why?

When do women think about mammoplasty?

An indisputable indication for surgical breast reconstruction is either damage to the mammary gland as a result of trauma. But women think about plastic surgery not only under such tragic circumstances. The main reasons for applying are:

  • and loss of volume after lactation or as a result of age-related changes;
  • breast development abnormality;
  • glandular tissue;
  • discrepancy between bust volume and the overall structure of a woman’s body.

Sometimes clients of plastic surgeons are not at all offended by nature, but still remain dissatisfied with their shape and simply desire breasts.

Advantages and demand for round dentures

To this day, these pioneers of arthroplasty remain at their best. This is explained by their relative affordability, compared with anatomical analogues, and a number of other advantages, they:

  • maintain the same naturalness of the bust shape in any position;
  • the breasts are evenly enlarged throughout their entire volume, this allows the upper contour of the gland to be raised, creating a push-up effect even without underwear;
  • easily fit into the required location at any access point;
  • rotation does not create any visible negative effects; surgical correction is not required.

When choosing round or endoprostheses, the doctor takes into account the anatomy of the patient’s body, and the wishes of her and her man regarding the access point and bust shape. You ask, how is it different from a round implant? Of course, with a specific shape that follows the contours of the breast.

Anatomists are more natural in an upright position of the body, and lose their naturalness when a woman lies on her back. Round dentures are less natural in a standing position, but a lying position does not reduce naturalness.

Anatomists are inferior to round analogs in the choice of access. For them it is significantly limited. Plastic surgery with round endoprostheses is easier for the surgeon to perform. This is the main difference between the two most common options. Some clinics also offer prosthetic cones. At the end of this paragraph, it is worth saying that “round pioneers” remain at the peak of popularity to this day.

Main disadvantages

The disadvantages of this form of implants are relative. They cannot be used for all types of breast asymmetry. And in women with a certain bust profile, they raise it too much, which does not seem natural enough. You can see what the result of the operation looks like in the photographs of patients before and after the manipulation of introducing round implants.

You can determine whether a round endoprosthesis is right for you using computer simulation of the results of the operation. All good clinics offer this service. A qualified surgeon can advise you on this issue without resorting to modeling.

Types of round endoprostheses and criteria for their selection

Did you know that shape is not the only criterion by which implants are divided into types. They are usually distinguished by:

  1. Size (amount of filler/volume). It is determined in milliliters, it ranges from 110 to 800 ml. Imagine, almost a liter can be added to your volume.
  2. Shell material (silicone, polyurethane).
  3. Its texture (smooth, cheaper, with “dull” micropores, that is, texture, more expensive, but preferred by plastic surgeons).
  4. Filler material (biocompatible, silicone gels or saline solution).
  5. Filler density (non-flowing/cohesive, varying in degree of softness or silicone).
  6. Profile (high profile, extra high and medium height, as well as low profile option). Understand the ratio of its diameter to height (at the highest point).

Most surgeons choose silicone or cohesive gel prostheses. Saline solution as a filler is a thing of the past from the point of view of plastic surgery. The only advantage of such end inserts is their low cost. Which hardly pays for the shortcomings (possibility of wrinkling, squelching sounds in the bust area, etc.).

Biocompatible fillers are more of a fashion statement than a necessity. After all, regardless of whether the filler leaks out and is absorbed by the tissues or flows out weakly and is not absorbed, the implant will have to be changed.

As for the volume and profile of the endoprosthesis, it is better to rely on the doctor in choosing these parameters. He will correlate:

  • natural body proportions with the shapes she desires;
  • the patient's occupation;
  • Lifestyle;
  • desire to have children in the future and breastfeed them.

And he will offer the best option, or several, from his point of view, acceptable sizes. All you have to do is decide with your doctor on the location of the prosthesis: above or below the pectoral muscle, and begin to realize your dream of a chic bust.

However, when choosing implants, do not forget that they have weight. And by adding 345 ml per gland, you increase the load on the spine by about 0.7 kg in total. And this is not so little.

When choosing implants, remember that each manufacturer provides a size chart for their products, and when choosing size 350, you will receive prostheses that are not exactly the same in diameter.

Contraindications to the procedure

Mammoplasty with round prostheses is not performed on pregnant women and mothers breastfeeding. It is not done during menstrual bleeding either. The operation is not indicated for persons:

  • with serious pathologies of the heart and other internal organs;
  • with autoimmune diseases;
  • with oncology;
  • with blood diseases;
  • with respiratory failure;
  • with breast diseases (untreated);
  • in the acute stage of the infectious process, fever;
  • with exacerbation of internal diseases;
  • with decompensated metabolic disorders.

In addition, it is better to refrain from surgery for persons prone to the formation of keloid scars, women who smoke and those women who are addicted to alcohol. This is not to say that these are strict contraindications.

Most likely, you will find a surgeon who will agree to operate on you in this case as well. But the result after the operation may well be unsatisfactory. The risk of complications in this case is increased.


  • Nagor, UK.
  • Silimed, Brazil.
  • Each of the options has its own advantages; which prosthetics you choose will depend on your trust in the company, wishes for coating and content, as well as financial capabilities. With this we say goodbye to you. Share our articles with friends via social networks, and don’t forget about our website.

    Properly selected breast implants adorn a woman and give harmony to her entire body. The natural appearance of the mammary glands after endoprosthetics is a decisive argument in choosing the shape of the implants. Discussions and debates regarding the best shape of breast implants will never stop. Meanwhile, in addition to its attractive appearance, a properly selected implant can minimize the risks of various postoperative complications. Therefore, when choosing endoprostheses, you should listen to the opinion of the surgeon.

    Ideally shaped implants will give the breasts a natural and harmonious appearance.

    Many women believe that the anatomical shape of the implants makes the breasts feel more natural in shape, while round endoprostheses supposedly do not give such an effect. But is this really so? Let's look at the features of each type of implant based on various criteria.

    The shape is chosen not only by the patient, based on her personal preferences, but also by the surgeon, who takes into account many different factors. Among them: the desired result, the physical structure of the patient, and the surgical technique of the operation. Each form of implant has its own advantages and disadvantages, analysis of which can also help a woman make the right choice.

    Advantages of anatomical implants

    Of course, a woman's natural breast shape is not round. A natural bust has a smooth slope, starting from its upper part and gradually increasing in volume towards the bottom. This is why anatomical implants look more natural and, in most cases, are ideal for many women.

    Initially, anatomically shaped implants were used to recreate a missing breast, for example due to cancer or injury. Therefore, in theory, anatomists are a more logical option for breast augmentation. However, despite this, many surgeons and a significant number of patients prefer round endoprostheses.

    For some women, round implants look more natural than anatomical ones

    Advantages of round implants

    • Large volume;
    • High chest lift;
    • More attractive neckline area.

    If you are going to enlarge your breasts, then do it so that its volume is noticeable and noticeable to everyone - this is what many patients think. But not all representatives of the fair sex consider this form attractive. Excessive volume in the upper part of the chest, according to some women, does not look natural.

    Misconceptions about round implants

    The round shape of implants, indeed, sometimes does not look very natural and unnatural. However, it's not all about the form. There are cases when endoprostheses are installed too high, or a patient with a small initial volume of mammary glands insists on a larger size. Implants of any shape can look bad, it all depends on the competent work of the surgeon. An experienced specialist always suggests a shape and size based on the individual anatomical characteristics of the patient. For some women, breast augmentation with round implants looks even more natural than teardrop-shaped ones.

    Round implants behave more fluidly and naturally when moving, so this shape is well suited for women leading an active lifestyle.

    Despite the fact that round breast prostheses look different in different patients, when moving they behave more naturally than anatomists. For example, when a woman is in an upright position, the implants under gravitational force acquire an anatomical natural shape. If we consider the behavior of round implants during the horizontal position of the patient, then in terms of this indicator they are absolute leaders. Natural female breasts are known to “spread” when lying down. When undergoing endoprosthetics with teardrop-shaped implants in a horizontal position, they will stick out unnaturally upward in the lower part of the chest, in contrast to round specimens. If a woman leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports, dances, then round implants are preferable for her, since they “do not give themselves away” when moving.

    Characteristics of round endoprostheses

    Round implants have equal width and height. The highest point of projection for a round product is slightly above the center. Consequently, round implants can differ only in projections.

    Characteristics of drop-shaped endoprostheses

    The highest point of projection for teardrop-shaped implants is in their lower zone. In addition, their base height and width vary. Thus, anatomical implants can differ not only in projections, but also in height. This superior quality increases the number of possible product combinations and allows manufacturers to expand their range of anatomical implants.

    Medium-profile anatomical implants are in great demand among Russian women

    Different profiles for every occasion

    All patients have different body types and chests, each of which has its own breast shape. Unlike round ones, teardrop-shaped models come in different widths and heights, which gives patients more options to choose from.

    The higher the profile of the teardrop-shaped endoprosthesis, the more significant the increasing effect. Mid-level anatomists are in greatest demand among Russian women. But there are times when only a high profile is acceptable. If a woman has a large amount of excess skin due to breast ptosis, then the breasts need more filling and lifting. In this case, low and medium profile anatomical implants may not give the desired effect. Also, a high profile is good for those patients who have a small chest volume.

    Breast augmentation in twins

    An interesting competition was once held as part of the Omorphia project. Plastic surgeon Valery Yurievich Staisupov operated on the winner free of charge and installed anatomically shaped implants for her. Later, he enlarged her twin sister's breasts, but only with round endoprostheses. The professional mind of the surgeon was looking forward to the opportunity to compare the results of augmentation mammoplasty on sisters who were completely identical in structure. However, he was never able to find out the best result; both girls had perfectly shaped breasts.

    Breast implants are medical products that are made from high-quality biocompatible material. They are installed under the skin or muscle to increase breast size and shape it.

    For breast enlargement and correction, the most popular are round implants, which, when rotated or displaced in the breast tissue, do not spoil the appearance of a woman’s bust.

    Main types of round implants

    For breast surgery, round implants of the 3rd generation are used; they come in several types.

    Based on the type of filler, round implants are:

    • Water or salt: It contains a saline solution inside. Over time, the shell of such implants loses its shape and deflates; the liquid inside can gurgle loudly and seep through the shell.
    • Silicone: contain non-flowing silicone gel (read more about silicone breasts).
    • Double chamber: contain water and silicone gel.
    • Biocompatible gel implants: filled with a gel based on a natural polymer, which dissolves when it gets into the tissue. They are short-lived, over time the gel seeps through and they lose their original shape and volume.

    Round implants come in several shapes (profiles):

    • Convex: have a high profile.
    • Flat: Low profile.

    If it is possible to regulate the volume, implants come in 2 types:

    • Fixed: ready-sized endoprostheses.
    • Adjustable: filling and correction of implants is carried out by a plastic surgeon during surgery, through a special hole in the elastomer.

    Breast implants after installation

    There is a common misconception that round implants are only suitable for young patients, while mature women need to have anatomical endoprostheses installed.

    The required type of implant depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and is selected taking into account the structure of the chest, so that after the operation the woman receives the most natural version of the bust.

    When choosing a round implant, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that when it is vertically positioned on the chest, it changes its shape over time due to the displacement of the gel to the lower pole and the pressure of the pectoralis major muscle on the upper pole of the endoprosthesis, so the shape of the implant becomes teardrop-shaped over time .

    Manufacturers of round implants

    The most popular round implants are from the following companies:

    • Eurosilicon: have proven themselves well in Europe and in the world as high quality and safe.
    • Mentor: have the lowest risk of developing capsular contracture (hardening and thickening of the fibrous tissue of the capsule, resulting in compression of the implant, compaction and deformation of the breast).
    • McGan: belongs to the highest price category. The implants have a special shell that prevents them from moving in the chest, and a special form of silicone gel that retains its elasticity and returns to its original shape after any deformation.
    • Arion: round implants filled with hydrogel and silicone gel. The main difference is the six-layer shell and the monoblock (adhesive-free) connection of the valve to the endoprosthesis shell. The French company includes a lifetime warranty on its products.
    • Nagor: the company produces implants of various shapes and sizes; the results of medical studies have shown 0% ruptures of endoprostheses over 5 years. The implants have a gel filler and a textured shell.
    • Polytech: filled with highly cohesive soft gel, do not deform during any manipulation, and have an elastic shell of several layers. The shell of the implants is smooth, textured, with micropolyurethane foam applied.

    When purchasing implants from other companies, you need to familiarize yourself with information about the manufacturer, manufacturer, and study product quality certificates.

    What a woman needs to know before surgery

    There are a number of rules that must be followed to get the desired result after breast surgery:

    • Take your choice of plastic surgeon and clinic seriously. The clinic must have a license to carry out medical activities, relevant certificates, and positive reviews of the results of its activities. The clinic must employ qualified medical personnel; the plastic surgeon must have at least 5-7 years of practical experience in performing such operations.
    • Choose only high-quality branded implants. The types, shape and sizes of endoprostheses must be selected together with a plastic surgeon. It is necessary to take into account that soft implants will feel natural to the touch, while hard implants will better retain their shape and volume.
    • Allow the plastic surgeon to choose the location of the endoprosthesis. The doctor selects the optimal implant placement option, taking into account the shape and size of the woman’s breasts and her physical activity.
    • At the consultation before the operation, learn everything about pain relief, types of implants, features of the operation, the course of the postoperative period, which will help the woman navigate the rehabilitation period, know the basic recommendations and the consequences of violating them.
    • Take into account possible postoperative changes in breast size and shape under the influence of changes in body weight, pregnancy, lactation, and age. The patient should be aware that breast sagging, contouring of the endoprosthesis and other changes may develop over time, which will help avoid disappointment in the future, as well as select the optimal volume of implants that will allow breasts to look natural and natural not only in youth, but also in adulthood age.
    • Before consultation, decide on the desired breast shape and size. The shape of the breast changes under the influence of the endoprosthesis, but does not always match its shape. The surgeon will help a woman choose the optimal implant in accordance with the desired breast shape, taking into account the thickness of the glandular tissue of the breast, the volume of subcutaneous fat, the height and width of the mammary gland, the structure of the chest and other factors.

    How is plastic surgery performed?

    Plastic surgery for breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 40 minutes to 2 hours. To insert an implant, the plastic surgeon makes incisions in one of four ways:

    • Underbust: the most convenient and safe way to minimize the risk of damage to glandular tissue.
    • Around the nipple (along the lower edge of the nipple areola): There is a risk of damage to the ducts and glandular tissue of the breast, it is problematic to form a pocket for the implant, and subsequently scars remain along the contour of the nipple areola.
    • From the armpit: high risk of implant contouring, since when forming a pocket, the lower points of fixation of the pectoral muscles are damaged, it is difficult to form an implant pocket, the seam in the armpit may be noticeable in the future.
    • In the navel area: It leaves a scar on the abdomen and is rarely used during plastic surgery.

    After installing the round implant, the incision is sutured. To give the desired breast shape, breast lift surgery can be performed in parallel with breast augmentation.

    Possible complications

    During the first week after plastic surgery, the breast may become almost 2 times larger than expected due to swelling; there is a long period during which the implant stands higher than its intended location.

    Also, over time, the patient may experience the following complications:

    • Contouring of the endoprosthesis. Most often, the contours of the implant appear in the supine position and if the prosthesis was installed under the gland. Installation in the armpit almost never causes the effect of contouring the endoprosthesis.
    • Unpleasant tactile sensations. Implants may be noticeable to the touch, especially in cases where the installation took place under the gland.
    • Fibrous-capsular contracture(typical for implants with a smooth shell). One of the factors in the development of contacture is the discrepancy between the size of the pocket that is formed under the endoprosthesis and the endoprosthesis itself. Thus, an inexperienced plastic surgeon can place a large endoprosthesis in a too small pocket, which as a result leads to the development of connective tissue, tissue necrosis, cutting of sutures, and disrupts the healing processes of the breast.
    • Implant displacement. This is possible when the pocket is too large for a particular endoprosthesis. In order for the pocket to fit the implant, the plastic surgeon must have a special set of sizers - prostheses inserted into the pocket during its formation, which help control the pocket's compliance with the endoprosthesis. Also, during the operation, the plastic surgeon must have several sizes of implants to choose from (large, small, medium) in order to be able to select the optimal size of the endoprosthesis during plastic surgery.


    The average cost of round implants is from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles per piece.

    The cost of a round implant depends on the specific manufacturer, filler, volume, shape, size, shell (surface) of the endoprosthesis.

    Implants can be purchased directly from the manufacturer (via the Internet or in a company store), as well as through a clinic or medical center that will perform plastic surgery.