The child has an inflamed lymph node behind the ear. What to do if the lymph nodes behind the ear are inflamed in a child. Treatment of inflamed nodes

Our lymphatic system is part of the immune system, that is, the body's protective barrier. And the direct responsibility of the lymph nodes, with their special cells - macrophages, is to serve as a biological filter that absorbs and destroys microbes, bacteria and toxins. So very often, as soon as a significant focus of infection appears somewhere in the body, inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear, on the neck, in axillary area or groin - depending on the location of the infection.

The human lymphatic system is no less important than the circulatory system. Lymph is carried by many useful material and enzymes, and also removes neutralized bacteria that have entered our body.

Lymphatic system (which includes lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils and adenoids) ensures blood purification and the production of lymphocytes. And lymphocytes, in turn, produce antibodies that fight various infections.

ICD-10 code

R59 Enlarged lymph nodes

Cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

To understand the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear, you will have to remember a little more anatomy and physiology... Lymph nodes, which human body there are almost six hundred - these are formations ranging in size from 0.5 to 50 mm and round, oval or bean-shaped. Most often they are located in groups, and lymph from each organ enters certain (regional) lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes located behind the ears (parotid) are concentrated along the posterior auricular vein. In the normal state they are soft and cannot be detected by palpation. But with inflammation, the lymph nodes behind the ear increase in size, become denser and can be clearly felt.

In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear is a manifestation of a disease of the organ that is in close proximity to this node. First of all, these are various inflammatory processes in the ears:

  • otitis media,
  • eustachitis,
  • inflammation auditory nerve,
  • boil of the external auditory canal
  • dental caries,
  • gumboil,
  • tonsillitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • inflammation salivary glands or tonsils.

Often the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear is a cold and acute respiratory viral infections with a severe runny nose.

In addition, such inflammation can be a symptom of infectious diseases - mumps (mumps) or rubella.

If an enlarged lymph node is not accompanied by pain and suppuration, and its cause lies in one of the above diseases and after its treatment everything returns to normal, doctors diagnose it as local lymphadenopathy, that is, the reaction of the body’s lymphatic system to an infection in a specific disease.

But if, in response to infection, severe inflammation of the nodes occurs, which is accompanied not only by their swelling, but also by a feeling of pain - then this is lymphadenitis. That is, inflammation of the lymph node itself, caused by its damage by infected cells from other inflamed foci. Here, an increase in body temperature and the appearance of suppuration in the area may be observed. lymph node.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

The main symptom of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear is an increase in its size and pain when palpated, radiating into the ear and submandibular region. Quite often, redness and swelling of the skin over the node may appear.

But with lymphadenitis, which has passed into the stage of suppuration, the patient complains not only of a painful “bump” behind the ear, but also of a general malaise, headache, increased body temperature (from subfebrile to +38°C), decreased appetite and worsened sleep. In some cases, pustular rashes appear in the area of ​​the lymph node.

With a purulent process affecting the lymph node, shooting or throbbing pain can be quite severe and almost continuous. And such symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

According to doctors, any inflammation in the head area is life-threatening. And we must remember that delay in treating purulent lymphadenitis is fraught with general infection blood (sepsis) or, "in best case scenario", adenophlegmon, in which a suppurating lymph node breaks through and pus penetrates into the surrounding tissues.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear

As already noted, the lymph nodes behind the ear (as well as in the neck) can enlarge with any acute viral infection of the upper respiratory tract and inflammatory processes of the ENT organs. Therefore, the history of the disease is very important (information about the development of the disease, past illnesses and etc.).

The enlargement of the lymph nodes can be insignificant - the size of a pea, or it can reach the size walnut. In any case, when diagnosing inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear, the doctor carefully examines the inflamed node and palpates it. By palpation, not only the degree of increase is revealed, but also the level pain patient.

In this case, the occipital and cervical lymph nodes, as well as other nearby glands: salivary glands, tonsils, lacrimal and thyroid gland. In many cases of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear, history and examination are sufficient to determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

And in this case, treatment of the underlying disease that caused lymphadenopathy leads to normalization of the size of the lymph node. But when the antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor did not bring positive result, and the inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear has not gone away, but has increased in size to 3-4 cm, has become hard, and the surrounding tissues are involved in the inflammatory process, then a blood test is performed. And then, based on the ESR and leukocyte content, the scale and intensity of the inflammatory process is determined.

If the analysis results are unsatisfactory, the attending physician will prescribe an x-ray, ultrasound examination or tomography (CT). The fact is that inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear can be a symptom of primary malignant tumor lymph nodes (lymphoma) or metastases to them. So the need for a biopsy cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear

If the lymph node behind the ear is inflamed due to a cold, flu, otitis media, etc., “eliminating the cause will eliminate the consequences,” that is, treating the primary infectious focus will also bring the lymph node back to normal.

It must be borne in mind that in order to reduce pain and eliminate other symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear, thermal procedures should never be used. In order not to harm your health and avoid getting more serious diseases, you should contact specialists to diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribing adequate treatment.

In the treatment of acute forms inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear broad-spectrum antibiotics, sulfonamides, antihistamines And restoratives. Anesthetics and analgesics are used to relieve pain. Physiotherapy may be prescribed to reduce swelling.

In the treatment of acute purulent lymphadenitis, complicated by a phlegmonous or necrotic process, antibiotics are also used and abscesses are opened, followed by drug therapy for inflammation.

Even the most minor external and behavioral changes will not escape the watchful eye of a caring mother. But what should you do if, while kissing and hugging your baby, you suddenly notice that behind his ear there are formations of unknown origin? tubercles. You are overcome with anxiety. What could it be?

There are lymph nodes on every person's body. They are found in the mouth, neck, shoulder, chest, abdomen, elbow, groin and knee areas. Lymph nodes are an important component of the immune system; they can rightfully be considered the center of the fight against various infections. Together with the spleen and tonsils, they provide the body with immunity. This is where the main resistance to foreign microorganisms occurs.

Immunoglobulins are synthesized in the lymph nodes and lymphocytes multiply. To make it easier to understand, imagine that the lymph nodes are a kind of border guards who guard the safety of the body. When an infection enters it, an inflammatory reaction occurs. Swelling of the lymph nodes is a signal that disturbances have occurred in the system and health problems have arisen.

A feature of the lymph nodes is that they can increase in size if they are located near the source of infection.

The lymph nodes behind the child's ears are enlarged. Causes and symptoms

One of the largest lymph nodes is the parotid. IN in good condition they have a soft consistency and are usually not palpable. If for some reason you have now noticed them (the size has increased, the color of the skin has changed, a painful reaction has appeared), then study the following information and pay a visit to the doctor.
Maybe your concern is completely unfounded, nothing bad happened, and there is no reason to worry. But it's better to play it safe and find out for sure.

What you need to pay attention to right away:
- determine the size of the lymph node (it can increase to the size of a walnut);
- check whether there is pain when pressing;
- assess the condition of the skin (red with elevated temperature or natural);
— can the node move freely under the skin;
— check the integrity of the oral mucosa;
— find out if there are any injuries or abrasions on the head.

Along with enlarged lymph nodes, the child may experience the following reactions:
- increased body temperature above 37°C;
- fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness;
- itching and flaking of the skin on the head (with a fungal infection).
-weak appetite or lack thereof;
- pustular rashes around the ear;
- headache;
- pain on palpation.

How should you proceed?

If you notice that the lymph nodes behind the ears of a child are enlarged, then until you contact a specialist, try not to touch them again, and make sure that the baby does not do this.

Observe their size, make sure that this place does not press or irritate anything. And most importantly, don’t overheat!

Factors that provoke enlargement and inflammation of lymph nodes

As mentioned above, such a reaction of the body is a response to disturbances in activity internal organs. If a child has an enlarged lymph node behind the ear, may be the result of the baby having:

a) infection of the ear, throat or eyes;
b) caries or inflammation of the dental nerve;
c) sores or wounds in the mouth;
d) viral infection or cold;
e) infectious disease (rubella, measles, scarlet fever);
f) allergies to dust, animal hair, household chemicals, products, etc.

Provoking factors can also be long-term foci of infection, diseases of internal organs and pets.
Why is this happening?

With any injury, the body attempts to repair damaged skin and muscle tissue. During a bite or cut, the immune system also increases the production of antibodies to prevent infection from entering through the resulting wound. If you and your baby do not pay attention to oral hygiene, the fact that the lymph nodes behind your child’s ears are enlarged may be a reward for this.
That is, inflammation can be caused by a problem with the teeth.

Neglected caries very often leads to an abscess. Around the source of infection, microorganisms accumulate and soft tissues are destroyed. The body begins to fight. Body temperature rises, lymphocytes are produced and the nodes behind the ear enlarge. An identical process occurs if the infection enters another way, for example through injury, through the eyes, upper Airways or skin.

Another common and noteworthy reason is this viral disease like rubella. Children who do not receive vaccinations in a timely manner are at risk. Red or red spots appear on the body Pink colour , hence the name of the disease. In addition to skin manifestations, the troubles we are considering may be added. To more serious and fortunately rare factors relate autoimmune diseases and cancer.

Enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears in a child - treatment

To the first - autoimmune thyroiditis and lupus . They can cause similar symptoms. The immune system is completely destroyed, which entails an increase in lymph nodes. The only consolation in this case can be that children similar problem is very rare.

As for a disease such as cancer, it should be noted that some types of it are accompanied by lymphaderma. Malignant cells spread throughout the human body. Some of them enter the lymph nodes, and an intensified fight against foreign bodies, which explains the enlargement of the lymph nodes behind the child’s ears.

For all suspicious mothers, I would like to say that slight swelling in this area is not yet a cause for premature concern. But also treat similar manifestations The body should not be neglected, especially if these places cause pain and gradually increase in size. Contact your doctor for clarification.

An experienced specialist will examine the child’s ears, oral cavity and pharyngeal mucosa and assess the level of the inflammatory process. If visible reasons will not be detected, and the lymph nodes will exceed the permissible parameters, then you will have to go through another series additional examinations:

- when diagnosing a viral infection - virological studies;
— assessment of the level of prevalence of the inflammatory process (detection of protein concentration);
- for suspicious lymph nodes - ultrasound examination;
- bacteriological examination for bacterial infection.

The specialist will prescribe treatment depending on the identified causes.

If this bacterial infection, then you will eliminate it with the help of antibiotics. If, due to enlargement of the lymph nodes behind the ears of a child, he experiences pain, he will be prescribed pain-relieving medications. If an allergic reaction causes the nodes to increase in size, then anti-inflammatory and antihistamine tablets. Immunosuppressive drugs prescribed to patients with autoimmune diseases.

But only medicinal support in similar cases sometimes it's not enough. A sick child needs home care. To prevent an exacerbation and for the baby to recover as quickly as possible, parents must adhere to certain rules:

1. It is forbidden to apply heat to the lymph nodes and make compresses! Such actions will provoke an expansion of the source of infection and worsen the patient’s condition.

2. To strengthen the immune system, you need to take a full course of multivitamins.

3. For preventative purposes, dress your child according to the weather. The child should not be sweaty while walking, otherwise he can easily get blown away. Take care of your head and ears.

Attention! Any treatment and manipulation is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. Do not try grandmother’s recipes on your child, and do not attempt to cure yourself. An incompetent approach to eliminating symptoms can only lead to aggravation of this problem and serious consequences.

In conclusion, I will add that most often the enlargement of the lymph nodes behind the ears in a child returns to its normal state after some time without outside intervention. I wish you health and good health.

All methods and methods of treatment outlined in the article, as well as medical supplies, mentioned in the article, are indicated as recommendations and advice.

Before using them, you must consult your doctor. and receive a prescription and plan for their use. The site is not a source of medical advice.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

The lymphatic system is an important part vascular system an organism that takes an active part in metabolism. This is a kind of biological filter that forms immunity, protecting the body from all kinds of infections. Lymph - clear liquid, returning salts, proteins, and toxins to the blood.

In normal condition, the lymph nodes are mobile, do not connect to the skin, painful sensations they don’t call it, the size is no larger than a pea. If they increase (the disease is called lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy), you need to immediately look for the cause, since this is a signal of disturbances in the functioning of some nearby organ. For example, if a child has an inflamed lymph node behind the ear (this happens often), this can be a sign of a variety of diseases.

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Causes of inflammation

When a child has an inflamed lymph node behind the ear, it is better to perform timely diagnosis in the hospital rather than guessing on your own about the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon. Parents can only make an assumption about what became the provoking factor, and it can only be confirmed by a specialist. Usually in such cases the problem lies in the organs located nearby. It can be:

  • ear problems: furunculosis in the ear canal, otitis media, sinusitis, nerve inflammation;
  • weakening of the immune system due to any colds, ARVI, even a common runny nose;
  • spicy or chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammatory and purulent processes, infected wounds in the oral cavity;
  • dental caries: if a child has pain in the lymph node behind the ear, this may be inflammation of the dental nerve;
  • syphilis and tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • all kinds infectious diseases: scarlet fever, mononucleosis, measles, parotitis, rubella, brucellosis, hysteriosis;
  • fungal infection;
  • lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • diphtheria of the tonsils;
  • streptococcal sore throat;
  • taking certain medications: allopurinol, atenolol, captopril, carbamazepine, cephalosporins, gold preparations, hydralazine, penicillin, phenytoin, pyrimethamine, quinidine, sulfonamides.

After identifying the real disease, due to which the inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the child’s ear began, it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment, and their size will return to normal. In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, you can observe a number of other symptoms that will signal malfunctions in the small body.


Most often, enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears in children are accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • increase in size, formation of soft swelling;
  • temperature (from 37°C and above);
  • malaise, lethargy, moodiness, insomnia, loss of appetite;
  • if the hard lymph node behind the child’s ear resembles a lump, this may not be the first stage, but running form a serious and dangerous infectious process occurring in a small organism;
  • if hair begins to fall out and the amount of dandruff increases, the main disease lies in a fungal infection;
  • headache;
  • sometimes a child may not feel any pain with an enlarged lymph node, and sometimes when palpated, he cries: the pain will radiate to his submandibular region and ear;
  • Sometimes, in the area of ​​the enlarged lymph node behind the ear, the child experiences pustular rashes.

All these signs will help parents realize it in time and consult a doctor for help. If a child has an enlarged lymph node behind the ear, only qualified specialist can prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug treatment

After the examination, the doctor will explain in detail what to do if a child has an inflamed lymph node behind the ear: what caused this, what course of treatment he prescribes, and even how to properly care for it. problem area. Diagnosis includes a blood test (required), computed tomography(rare), x-ray, biopsy (only in extreme cases). Therapy primarily depends on the underlying diagnosis.

  1. Antibiotics wide range actions ( penicillin drugs).
  2. For allergies - antihistamines.
  3. Sulfonamides.
  4. General strengthening agents.
  5. For diseases of the ear canal, anti-inflammatory drops are most often prescribed.
  6. For pain, analgesics and anesthetics are prescribed.
  7. To eliminate swelling, physiotherapy is most often prescribed.
  8. When diagnosed with acute purulent lymphadenitis, complicated by a necrotic or phlegmonous process, surgical opening of the abscesses can be performed with subsequent prescription of drug therapy for inflammation.

However, drug treatment in such cases is not enough. We also need quality care at home. The doctor will tell you not only how to treat an inflamed lymph node with medications, but also how to properly handle it so as not to aggravate or worsen its condition.

Home care

If the lymph nodes behind the child’s ears are enlarged, the doctor will advise the parents to care for the patient as carefully as possible, since this symptom has very great importance for the entire small organism. Some useful recommendations will speed up the baby’s recovery and significantly alleviate his condition.

  1. Under no circumstances should you warm an inflamed lymph node with anything: this can provoke further distribution infection, which will lead to a permanent deterioration in the baby’s condition.
  2. For the same purpose, avoid compresses.
  3. You need to take a course of multivitamins that will strengthen your immune system.
  4. In the off-season, in damp and cold weather, dress your child warmly, but not too hot, so that he does not sweat or get cold. Take special care of your head and ears: a hat made of natural material should be appropriate for the season.

If you find enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears in your child, you should not try to cure him with grandma’s remedies, as the cause may be too serious. The only right decision in such a situation is to contact a pediatrician who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. This will avoid complications and will contribute to the baby’s speedy recovery from any illness.

Inflammation of the vascular system of the body is a very common disease today. However, if it becomes inflamed parotid lymph node– this indicates the onset of an infectious disease in the body.

Pay attention to the condition and appearance of the lymph node. In case of pain, suppuration, immobility and increase in volume, you should immediately contact medical institution. This should be done immediately if the lymph node becomes inflamed behind the child’s ear.

About inflammation of the lymph nodes

It is important to remember that lymphatic system is an important part of the vascular structure of the human body, and lymph is a liquid that has no color. It washes all tissues and cells of the body.

Lymph nodes perform several functions in the human body..

They protect the body from bacteria and the invasion of various infections.

However, with the modern quality of life and bad ecology An enlarged lymph node behind the ear in a child is not a rare disease.

Thus, the body symbolizes the beginning of inflammation and viruses entering the blood.

However, in more serious cases inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child signals tumor formations.

The auricular lymph nodes are located at the back of the ears. They can be various shapes:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • in the form of beans.

Pay attention to the photo of the lymph node behind the child’s ear:

In the normal state, the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child mobile, do not come into contact with the skin and do not cause a painful reaction when touched. The size of the lymph node is no more than five millimeters.

In case of inflammation of this area, the child has pain behind the ear, the baby is often capricious and cries, and also refuses to eat and cannot sleep.

In addition, the baby’s body temperature increases, and lumps appear at the site of the lymph node.

Therefore, when enlarging this vessel, pay attention to the baby’s health as a whole, since enlarged vessels always warn of possible danger.

Lymph nodes behind the ear hurt in a child - causes

If you notice an inflamed lymph node behind the ear in a baby, you need to have it diagnosed at a medical facility.

For young parents do not start self-medication without determining the root cause of inflammation. Otherwise, there is a high risk of entering re-infection or complications of the disease.

However, before visiting a specialist, pay attention to the following signs and, if possible, begin treatment listed inflammations:

  1. Otitis.
  2. Sinusitis.
  3. Inflammation of the nerves.
  4. Problems in the outer ear caused by colds.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
  6. Runny nose.
  7. Inflammation of the tonsils.
  8. Chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.
  9. Inflammation in the baby's mouth.
  10. Caries.
  11. Purulent processes in the mouth.
  12. Open wounds in the mouth area.
  13. Inflammation of the dental nerve.

In more severe cases lymph node can become inflamed due to syphilis or tuberculosis and even HIV infection.

In addition, pay attention to possible infectious diseases. These include scarlet fever, mononucleosis, measles, mumps, and rubella.

The following reasons may not be the main ones, but they are necessary draw your attention:

  1. The appearance of fungus in the ear.
  2. A tumor disease of the blood system, in which tumor cells are formed from mature cells of lymphoid tissue.
  3. A malignant tumor in which the affected lymph nodes are clinically destroyed.
  4. Allergic dermatitis.
  5. Formation of white films in the pharynx.
  6. Streptococcal sore throat.

In addition to the listed symptoms, inflammation can cause long-term use antibiotics and medicines containing phenytoin, pyrimethamine, quinidine, sulfonamide.

Symptoms of the disease

Please note the following symptoms, since inflammation such as enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears in children is accompanied not only by an increase in size.

  1. Increased body temperature, reaching 39 degrees Celsius.
  2. General malaise, rapid onset of fatigue.
  3. The child is often capricious and cries.
  4. Insomnia sets in.
  5. The baby refuses food.
  6. Strong headache.
  7. Purulent rashes behind the ears.

In some cases, children do not feel any symptoms or cannot explain them due to their age. However, if the baby often touches his ears or face, this is a clear signal for an attentive parent to consult a doctor.

This inflammation has several stages. If a child’s lymph node has become hard and the skin color is rapidly changing, this indicates about a serious process in the body.

After determining the root cause, the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment. After completing physical therapy and taking a course of medications, the lymph node will return to its natural shape.

How to treat a lymph node behind the ear in a child

If inflammation is detected behind the ear in your baby, you should undergo full diagnostics health. Often for ruling accurate diagnosis necessary take a blood test.

In addition, the patient should undergo a computed tomography scan and x-ray.

After the examination and the results obtained, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Depending on the case, the patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • antibiotics and penicillins, e.g. "Flemoxin Solutab";
  • in case of enlarged lymph nodes due to allergens, the patient is prescribed antihistamines "Zyrtec", "Telfast", "Erius";
  • antimicrobials "Ibuklin", "Nurofen", "Paracetamol";
  • Medicines are also needed to raise the overall tone in the body: "Cefotaxime", "Tsiprolet", "Cefalexin".

In case of inflammation due to signs of otitis media, the patient is prescribed specialized drops and antibiotics. In milder cases, such as otitis externa, only ear drops and physiotherapy, including heat therapy and laser therapy.

To reduce pain, the little patient is prescribed painkillers, treatment with dressings and various tinctures.

With more serious illnesses, for example, in acute purulent lymphadenitis surgery cannot be avoided.

Before the operation, the patient is prescribed a special course with antibiotics and preoperative exercises.


Parents should daily monitor not only the condition of the ears, but also the lymph nodes. In addition, the mother of an infant should systematically check whether the lymph nodes are enlarged and take care of the condition of the outer ear as carefully as possible.

Remember that if there is an exacerbation of the lymph node It is strictly prohibited to carry out manipulations using traditional medicine.

The affected area should not be heated or massaged, or compresses should be applied without a doctor’s permission. This will lead to a deterioration in the baby's well-being.

It is best in such a situation to consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

The lymphatic system in the human body serves as a biological filter that protects the body from the invasion of infection. Situations where a child has an inflamed lymph node behind the ear are by no means uncommon. Individual elements protective system react to microorganisms infecting nearby organs. In addition, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs with malignant tumors.

Nodes are important elements of the lymphatic system

There are about 500–700 lymph nodes throughout the body. The diameter of most of them is normal conditions is approximately 1 cm (5 to 20 mm). Sizes vary depending on the location of the node and the functions it performs. Directly behind the auricle there is a group of lymph nodes of 2–4 elements. The size of each is comparable to a pea; the formations have a soft consistency and are not fused to the skin. In normal condition they cannot be felt.

The posterior auricular and superficial cervical lymph nodes under the ear are “responsible” for filtering lymph, clearing germs and foreign substances (drainage). As a result, cells are activated, destroying infection and tumor elements, and the formation of antibodies to pathogens of many diseases. The lymphatic system is involved in metabolism, transporting metabolic products and enzymes.

Lymphadenopathy, or an increase in the diameter of nodes, and lymphadenitis (inflammation) is caused by many infections, cancer and other diseases.

Drained area for the posterior auricular lymph nodes - scalp, auricle, external ear canal. The posterior auricular lymph nodes, together with the cervical and occipital lymph nodes, neutralize infections, cancer cells, foreign proteins. If negative changes begin in nearby tissues, the volume of the lymph node grows rapidly.

  • the lymph nodes behind the child’s ears or on the neck are enlarged up to 2–3 cm;
  • the size of the formations does not become smaller within three months;
  • redness of the skin over the lymph node behind the ear;
  • the formation moves easily under your fingers;
  • the child loses weight.

The abnormal size of the node in the case of isolated lymphadenopathy in children ranges from 1.5 to 2 cm. The most “suspicious” are formations over 2 cm in diameter. The child feels pain in this area, and a lump under the skin is visually noticeable. The course of the purulent process is indicated by redness of the skin over the lymph node.

The main reasons for enlarged posterior auricular lymph nodes

Lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis most often occur in response to the activity of bacteria and viruses. An increase in the diameter of the lymph nodes behind the ear and on the neck in a child signals external tuberculosis or inflammation of the ENT organs (often). Infectious diseases provoke lymphadenitis. Another variant - malignancy in adjacent areas of the body (rare).

An enlarged postauricular lymph node almost always indicates a pathological process in the tissues of the head or throughout the body.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child is often associated with respiratory viral infections(ARVI). As a rule, in this case, nearby lymph nodes increase in volume and become painful. This is how the immune system is mobilized to protect the body from viruses. Complications of ARVI can provoke the same changes.

Lymph nodes behind the ear in a child - causes of increased volume and inflammation:

  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, acute tonsillitis and exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, dental caries, periodontal disease;
  • Hodgkin's disease or lymphogranulomatosis;
  • lymphosarcoma or non-Hodgin lymphoma;
  • cat scratch disease or felinosis;
  • external and media otitis;
  • infected wounds;
  • Kawasaki syndrome;
  • furunculosis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ARVI, etc.

Cat scratch fever is caused by infection with Bartonella henselae. After a cat or hamster bite or scratches caused by animals, the microbe penetrates the skin or mucous membranes. Bacteria reach lymphatic vessels and enter nearby lymph nodes, which increase to 2–5 cm. The site of Bartonella penetration produces compaction and suppuration.

When there are no symptoms of inflammation of the ENT organs, a latent course of the disease is indicated by changes in the lymph nodes that limit the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Postauricular lymphadenitis is considered nonspecific if there are no special signs. However, when infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, symptoms characteristic of this infection occur (specific lymphadenitis).

Diagnostics and therapy

At acute form disease, the volume of the lymph node increases. The area of ​​skin located above it becomes painful and swollen. If postauricular lymphadenitis is not accompanied by suppuration, then the size of the lymph node behind the child’s ear changes slightly, and the skin retains its normal color. The formation remains elastic and is not fused with surrounding tissues.

The purulent form of lymphadenitis is accompanied by chills, headache, and fever. The size of the lymph node is comparable to hazelnut, plum, it becomes painful, swollen, the skin turns red. The danger of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear is the spread of the pathological focus to the organs of hearing and vision, and brain tissue.

Child when symptoms appear general intoxication and pain in the area of ​​the affected lymph nodes are provided by anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs.

The main stage of treatment is carried out taking into account the cause of lymphadenitis. The doctor directs little patient for a blood test to get general idea about the nature of the pathological process. In addition, this test suggests the development of tumors in the lymphatic system. Additionally, a puncture with a lymph node biopsy, ultrasound and other studies are prescribed to clarify and complement the picture of the pathological process.

If a child has an enlarged lymph node behind the ear, he should not be warmed up at home. This can cause suppuration and spread of the inflammatory process. Dry heat to the affected area, the doctor prescribes various physiotherapy procedures if there is no danger purulent inflammation. To remove ulcers, carry out surgery. When the outflow of pus is not ensured, the capsule ruptures, the infection spreads into the surrounding tissues, provoking the formation of phlegmon.

Treatment of lymphadenitis is carried out in parallel with the sanitation of foci of infection in the body. For antibiotic therapy, azithromycin, cotrimoxazole, rifampicin, clarithromycin are used. Amikacin from aminoglycosides is prescribed in some cases, antimicrobial agents from the group of fluoroquinolones.

The human body contains up to 1000 lymph nodes. They are a kind of filters for cleansing the lymph from microbes, toxins and foreign substances. Inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur repeatedly. This condition is associated with many fears of parents, who sometimes confuse painful processes with enlarged lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes react very sensitively to any disturbances in the human body. Their inflammation behind the child’s ears indicates the causes of hearing diseases. There are completely obvious symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes:

  • soreness behind the ear;
  • within a short time an increase in size;
  • redness, swelling around the lymph node;
  • various rashes, including purulent ones;
  • itching, peeling of the skin.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear or lymphadenitis is often accompanied by an elevated body temperature of the child. He may experience a decrease or lack of appetite, lethargy, fatigue, and irritability. If pus forms in the inflamed lymph node, the symptoms intensify.

What causes inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child?

Lymph nodes are part of the body's immune system. If they become inflamed, this may indicate serious problems with children's health. Lymphadenitis is a disease that occurs when various pathogens or their toxins spread through the lymphatic tract to the nearest nodes. Less commonly, bacteria, viruses, and fungi enter the lymph nodes through areas damaged skin, mucous membrane or through the bloodstream.

The main reasons that cause lymphadenitis are various infectious processes occurring in the child’s body. Flu, ARVI and other diseases can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes not only behind the ears, but throughout the child’s body, so before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the source of the disease.

All should be noted possible reasons, causing inflammation of the lymph nodes:

According to statistics, 40% of cats are carriers of Bartonella and Toxoplasma - microorganisms causing inflammation various lymph nodes, including those located behind the ear. This is especially true for children.

A normal lymph node, not dangerous to the child’s body, has the following characteristics:

  • less than 1 cm in size;
  • not welded to the skin, soft, elastic and movable.

Deviations from the norm require examination by a doctor. Inflamed lymph nodes that do not disappear for a long time (more than 2 weeks) should alert and cause alarm. In this case, you should contact a medical facility, because lymphadenitis may be a sign of a common cold, and severe cancer.

Fluctuation, a sensation of fluid moving behind the ear in the area of ​​the inflamed lymph node, also requires an urgent visit to the doctors. In general, enlarged lymph nodes are more a good sign than a bad one. This suggests that the immune system is working and guarding the child’s fragile health.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation can be visually determined by swelling and redness of the skin behind the ear. Often the child’s temperature rises, complaints of headaches and weakness appear.

To find out the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, pediatricians prescribe comprehensive examination: general analysis blood and urine bacteriological culture throat swab.

Sometimes x-rays and ultrasound are performed. If it is not possible to identify the causes of inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes behind the ear, it is necessary to do a biopsy - microscopic examination fabric sample.

Treatment and prevention

Important to know: before establishing the real reason lymphadenitis, local warming procedures are prohibited. First of all, a home regime is recommended.

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear is bacterial or viral nature, then treatment with antibiotics prescribed intramuscularly and orally is necessary. They kill pathogens, lead to the disappearance of infection, reduction of lymph nodes and relief of pain.

To reduce pain in the lymph nodes behind the ear in children, compresses from medicinal herbs. Moisten a gauze cloth with the juice of dandelion leaves and roots and apply to the site of inflammation for 2 hours. This procedure must be carried out in the morning and evening for 4 days.

Treatment with an ointment prepared from the herb norichnik gives a good effect. In a glass of melted visceral fat 45 g of crushed raw materials are poured. This mixture simmers in a water bath for 4 hours. After filtering, the ointment is stored in a glass container with a lid in the refrigerator. Three times a day medicine applied to inflamed lymph nodes.

Treatment with garlic infusion used as antibacterial agent, implies it daily use a teaspoon before meals.

To combat inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child, it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids. Will be useful natural juices and fruit drinks from rose hips and black currants, herbal tea and herbal decoctions.

It is necessary to constantly monitor cleanliness ears and the child’s oral cavity, which are foci of infection. Children's immunity depends on their supply of vitamins and microelements. You can restore and strengthen your child’s immune system through hardening and a sufficient level of physical activity.

The main factor in the formation of the protective properties of the child’s body is complete and balanced diet. To prevent lymphadenitis, it is necessary that each disease has timely treatment. Children should be protected from infection and injury, scratches, and wounds should be treated with an antiseptic in a timely manner.

The lymphatic system plays an important role in human health. It functions as a kind of filter, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, toxins and others hazardous substances. The lymphatic system is involved in the formation of immunity and metabolic processes.

Lymph nodes are an integral part of this system. There are about 700 lymph nodes in the body. Their inflammation and enlargement is quite common. In children, the lymph nodes behind the ear are usually affected.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are distributed throughout the body and, in a sense, are responsible for the organs located next to them. That is, any pathological processes in systems or organs affect the condition of nearby nodes. Behind the ear are the postauricular and cervical lymph nodes. They react to the condition of the entire head, including ENT organs, oral cavity, brain, soft and hard tissues, skin. In normal healthy condition the node is not visible visually and is not palpable during palpation. It is not fused to the skin and provides absolutely no sensations.

There are two main pathological process– lymphadenitis (inflammation) and lymphadenopathy (significant increase in size). It is difficult to determine on your own why the lymph node is inflamed, since this is an internal process and there can be many factors. The main causes of lymphadenitis:

  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis in acute or chronic form;
  • dental diseases ( advanced caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis);
  • non-healing wounds or ulcers on the oral mucosa that have become infected with bacteria;
  • sore throat of any origin;
  • viral infectious diseases (chickenpox, rubella, measles, brucellosis, etc.);
  • ARVI, influenza and other colds;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;

To determine the true cause of enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes, you need to consult a specialist.
  • otitis and other inflammatory processes in the ears;
  • furunculosis in the ear canal;
  • fungal infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • meningitis;
  • allergy;
  • lymphogranulomatosis ( malignant formations in lymph);
  • oncology, etc.

Usually the lymph nodes behind the ears of a child are enlarged precisely because of pathologies of the ENT organs or colds, ARVI and flu. Inflamed lymph node only on one side indicates the location of the pathological process.

Symptoms of pathology

In addition to the general symptoms of the disease that caused the problem, there are usually characteristic features, indicating an inflammatory process in the nodes. Asymptomatic lymphadenitis or lymphadenopathy rarely occurs, which should definitely alert parents.

Symptoms of inflammation:

  • the lymph node is enlarged (in the photo it looks like a soft tubercle);
  • upon palpation it may or may not cause discomfort;
  • temperature, heat, chills;
  • headache;
  • poor health (moody, drowsiness, lethargy, poor appetite);
  • sometimes the skin over the swelling becomes red (this does not always happen);
  • poor hair condition – dandruff or hair loss (fungal infection);
  • discharge of purulent exudate (purulent lymphadenitis).

If the lump becomes hard and hurts a lot, it means that the infection has been present in the body for a long time. This indicates a neglected inflammatory process, which had not been noticed before.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

What to do if the lymph node becomes noticeably enlarged and inflamed? If you notice swelling behind the ears, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. Only the doctor after necessary diagnostics determine the cause of the pathology. Pediatrician conducts full inspection and prescribes a series of laboratory tests.

A blood test allows you to determine the nature of the infection and its origin. Sometimes a biopsy, MRI or CT scan, ultrasound, or radiography is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Depending on the source of inflammation, the treating doctor will refer you to a specialist for further treatment. This is a dentist, ENT, immunologist, allergist, oncologist.

Treatment regimen

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the infection that caused the enlarged lymph node. As soon as the child recovers, the lump behind the ear will disappear. For this purpose, a directed drug treatment. Depending on the form of lymphadenitis, you will need a course of physiotherapy or surgical intervention. Home care for a child plays an important role in recovery.


Drug treatment is a key part general therapy. Medicines eliminate the source of the problem. The course of treatment depends entirely on the patient's diagnosis and type infectious agent. These could be antibiotics, antifungals, bactericidal agents, antimicrobial drugs.

Broad-spectrum agents are used, including penicillins, macrolides, azalides, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, etc. For example, Azithromycin, Co-trimoxazole, Clarithromycin and their analogues.

At ear infections shown local treatment in the form of drops. Allergic reactions are eliminated with age-appropriate antihistamines. For get well soon use vitamin or immunomodulating complexes (for frequent ARVI and colds).

Folk remedies

TO self-treatment you need to approach it very carefully. In case of lymphatic system You can easily cause harm and only make the situation worse. It is important to follow all doctor's instructions and prescriptions. He will give recommendations on the correct home care for a small patient.

It is strictly forbidden to warm up swollen areas on your own. When heated, the abscess may burst and the infection will spread throughout the body. At home, you can use Vishnevsky ointment in the form of applications to treat lymph nodes. Echinacea tincture has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Dilute the tincture with water in a 1:2 ratio, soak a bandage or cotton pad in the solution, and apply to the bump.

Other methods

If the doctor is sure that there is no suppuration in the node and the infection will not spread further, he will prescribe a course of physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at relieving inflammation and swelling. Commonly used dry heat and UHF.

If there is no purulent content in the lymph node, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory physiotherapeutic procedures to the patient

The presence of an abscess requires minor surgical intervention. The pus must be removed and the tissue cleaned. If the exudate does not find an outflow path, the capsule will constantly increase and then simply burst. As a result, infected pus will affect healthy organs and enter the bloodstream. The procedure is not the most complicated, children's body recovers quickly after such interventions. To consolidate the result after surgery, it is prescribed drug therapy(antibiotics, antimicrobial, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agents).


The lymphatic system is involved in the formation of immunity, so strengthening the body’s protective functions will avoid unpleasant consequences. This requires proper and balanced nutrition, walking fresh air, physical activity, correct routine day, take multivitamins. During the cold season, dress your baby according to the weather. He should be warm, but not hot. The neck and head should be warm and protected from drafts.

Lymphadenitis often occurs as a complication of advanced infection. Flu, ARVI, sore throat, pharyngitis, otitis, rhinitis must be treated in a timely manner to avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes.