Viral enteritis in dogs treatment. Enteritis in dogs is contagious to humans. Help at home

By medical standards, enteritis is a relatively young disease. He is only 40 years old. Enteritis in dogs has been diagnosed since 1978, when the disease was described by American veterinarians. A couple of years later, the first case of the disease was recorded in the Soviet Union. In today's Russia, enteritis is one of the top five most common canine ailments. Insidious disease affects the intestines of the animal, and then destroys the rest of the body. Enteritis is based on a virus. As it progresses, it strikes vitally important organs dog. Following the intestines, enteritis affects the liver, kidneys and heart.

Types of enteritis in dogs

Today, enteritis is one of the most common diseases of dogs. Alas, despite all the efforts of the doctor and the owners, it is rarely possible to cure it, and the animal dies. The thing is that the disease requires immediate treatment, but it is physically impossible to start it so quickly - sometimes it is simply unrealistic to track the disease right away.

Enteritis can be primary (when the intestines are damaged) or secondary (as a result of another disease and infection entering the animal’s body).

The secondary form of enteritis is diagnosed in dogs 2 times more often

Depending on the pathogen, the following types of enteritis are distinguished:

  • Rotavirus. Variety intestinal infection. It happens almost immediately sharp increase body temperature of the sick animal (up to 40°C).
  • Coronavirus. They are caused by viruses belonging to the coronavirus family. They are less dangerous compared to other pathogens. The most difficult situations in treating coronaviruses are situations when some other, “additional” infection is added to the disease. In a mild form coronavirus enteritis in adult dogs it can even go unnoticed by humans.
  • Viral. Their treatment is a serious matter, it must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a veterinarian and only with the help of medications, without any “healer’s prescriptions.”
  • Hemorrhagic. Distinctive feature- the disease occurs not only in an acute form, but also in a fairly mild one. Which, however, does not eliminate the need for serious treatment.
  • Spicy. A disease that leads to rapid dehydration. In combination with vomiting and constant diarrhea this exhausts the sick dog so much that within a day it can turn into a skeleton - “skin and bones.”
  • Parvovirus. This type of enteritis is the most common and dangerous. This disease in dogs progresses rapidly. The animal must be treated as quickly as possible, otherwise the disease can result in death. Diagnosis of parvo viral enteritis in dogs is carried out on the basis laboratory research.


A domestic dog can catch enteritis from its infectious stray brothers. To become infected, sometimes it is enough to sniff a random stray dog ​​or the waste products of another dog encountered on the road: their feces, vomit or saliva residues.
Recently, veterinarians published frightening statistics that indicate the destructive power of enteroviruses. It turns out that just 1 g of animal vomit can cause infection in up to a million dogs. Fortunately, in reality the figures are much lower.

Dogs become carriers of infection already during the incubation period (4–10 days).

Another possible way to get sick is when the virus enters the animal’s body along with food or contaminated water.
It is believed that even lap dogs, which go for walks exclusively in the arms of their owner, are not immune from the disease. They can pick up the infection from a person’s clothing or, for example, by sniffing the shoes of house guests.

One of the main causes of enteritis in dogs is lack of vaccinations.


The first signs that a pet owner notices are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. Suddenly, your four-legged friend becomes lethargic. Doesn't want to eat or play. More lies. Moves little. Doesn't even look away from his most favorite treat.
Then diarrhea begins.

During the day, the dog can empty its stomach up to 5 times.

The chair is shooting, with a specific and extremely unpleasant smell.
The owner of the animal should pay attention to the color of the feces. If it is dark yellow, then you can almost unmistakably establish: the dog has - rotavirus enteritis.

Then the sick animal’s temperature rises. Vomiting may begin (often with foam). Frightening changes are happening skin- they suddenly lose their elasticity. Lymph nodes enlarge, the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases (as evidenced by a blood test).

The next day at four-legged friend Vomiting and diarrhea continue, and shortness of breath and fever are added. Despite this, the dog can try to eat, but does so while lying down.

Because of the rotting inside long intestine food and the severe intoxication associated with this, the smell of feces is fetid

The disease is characterized by a rapid progression. The incubation period for enteritis in dogs lasts from 1 to 5 days. This time is enough for the virus to invade and begin to destroy the intestinal mucosa. Swelling begins, followed by swelling of the stomach. The digestion process fails. Stops being absorbed nutrients.
One of the first symptoms is pathogenic microorganisms, appearing in the pet’s secretions approximately 3–4 days after infection.

How dangerous is the disease?

The disease is especially dangerous for puppies - aged from 2 weeks to 3 months. It is very difficult to save babies; a sad outcome for them, alas, is almost a foregone conclusion. Puppies from 5 months to 1 year are also at high risk; you will have to fight desperately for their lives. Dogs one year and older have every chance of beating the disease - with proper treatment, which started at the right moment.

Enteritis in dogs is not contagious to humans. For animal owners terrible disease will not be transmitted.
The place where a sick dog is kept should be in perfect condition. The infection dies when it is exposed to any preparations containing chlorine.


Diagnosing enteritis in dogs is difficult due to the fact that it literally appears out of nowhere. The owner of the animal cannot understand the reason why the dog suddenly fell ill: after all, this was not preceded by any changes in diet, or stressful situations, or peculiarities of walking or changing routes.

When establishing a diagnosis, epidemiological data for the region are taken into account.

In addition, to diagnose enteritis, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. And in conditions of illness there is simply no time for them, although it is necessary to submit the animal’s feces for examination.

The laboratory will be able to determine the causes of symptoms. Either mistakes in feeding the pet are to blame (this also happens) or vomiting with diarrhea is the result of a virus.


A sick animal must be immediately isolated from other pets. Provide comfort, complete absence drafts and immediately begin rescuing the four-legged animal.

An enema helps free the intestines from rotting masses. But you need to be very careful with it, monitor the condition of the animal.

Experts argue where it is better to treat a patient - at home or in a veterinary clinic. At the same time, many are inclined to believe that treatment of enteritis in dogs should be carried out at home. Moving to the hospital will force the four-legged animal to endure stress, which during the period serious illness will be redundant.

The course of treatment of the animal, its result, as well as the duration of the procedures that will be required, depend on several factors. These include the following indicators:

  • how strong is the virus that has entered the dog’s body;
  • what shape was the dog in at the time of infection, in what state did the animal’s immunity meet the virus;
  • the intestinal condition that the dog had before the disease, whether there were any abnormalities.

Saline solutions are given to restore water-salt balance, violated due to constant vomiting and diarrhea

When treating enteritis in dogs, specialists and animal owners should determine their main goals:

  • defeat the virus (with the help of drugs);
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • help the animal restore the required volume of fluid (this will have to be done through a syringe, and it is important to remember: the water that is given to a sick animal must be boiled and, of course, without gas);
  • support the immune system (it fights the virus immediately, because it takes 5-6 days to accumulate antibodies to resist the disease);
  • help restore the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and heart.

The effect of the treatment started should be noticeable within 24 hours after a person enters the fight for the dog’s life.

The 5th–6th days of illness become decisive, when the dog’s body completes the production of antibodies.

Full recovery of an animal is not a quick process. The dog owner will have to help his four-legged friend get better with the help of medications, traditional medicine, as well as a properly formulated diet.


Scientists have not yet come up with a universal remedy for enteritis in dogs. Today, a range of measures and a variety of medications are used for treatment.

At the very beginning of the disease, medications are administered using intravenous injections- This is the only way to achieve an effect. If you do this intramuscularly, then at this stage they simply will not be absorbed, which means they will not be able to start working.

They are given as enterosorbents Activated carbon And white clay so that they adsorb toxins formed during feed rotting on the surface

The medicinal arsenal includes serums and immunoglobulins containing antibodies to pathogens.
How much of the drug needs to be administered to the dog is calculated by the attending physician. At the same time, he takes into account the weight of the dog. Usually, on the first day of treatment, more injections are prescribed, and their reduction occurs already from the second day. Courses of injections can last up to two weeks.

Among the drugs that are almost always included in the list drug treatment, we can highlight:

  • Antibiotics. They will not be able to destroy the virus, but they are entirely within their power to maintain the stable condition of the animal. In addition, they kill foreign bacteria, which reduces the risk of complications.
  • Levomycetin. Unlike other drugs and antibiotics, it is much more effective and suitable for use even in the most severe cases.
  • Serum. Immune drug, the effect of which is designed for a short time. It helps well in combination with other medications.
  • Cerucal. An antiemetic drug that has its own characteristics. For example, it cannot be used in cases where you are sick little puppy. There is a limitation on the period of use: you cannot use it for more than a week (when taken three times a day).

This mandatory list of medications does not end there. Veterinarians remind: at the same time, the pet must receive vitamins, and along with them, medications that will support the liver and heart.

Folk remedies

Some owners are afraid that the “chemistry” will only harm the animal, and they take up the treatment of enteritis in dogs folk remedies. Indeed, oak bark extract can be useful for enteritis in dogs, as well as flax seeds, which have an enveloping and astringent effect.

We must admit: homeopathy alone to a pet you won't help. To cure a dog, you will have to use medications.


It is necessary to give food to the animal starting from the moment when it is possible to curb and stop the vomiting processes. To know what to feed your dog after enteritis, you need to consult a specialist. The diet for the patient is exclusively dietary. Portions are small and fractional. An important point: you should never force food into your dog’s mouth. She herself must show at least the slightest desire to eat.
During the period of illness and treatment it is important:

  • Add to dog diet“milk” - kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • cook for a four-legged patient chicken bouillon(the main thing is not to overdo it: the soup should not be too fatty);
  • limit carbohydrate intake;
  • add new products gradually. For example, boiled meat, cereals and boiled vegetables can be offered to your pet a week after the appetite has returned.

Possible complications

The recovery period also imposes restrictions on nutrition. The dog should not be fed sausage, sweets, baked goods, foods with spices, fish or meat bones. Healthy and dietary food will become a dog’s companion for a long time, because with enteritis it is the gastrointestinal tract that is seriously affected, and after defeating the disease it will need to be treated very carefully. Otherwise, complications may arise.

In bitches, enteritis can cause complications on the reproductive system

The most common reminders of past enteritis in dogs are:

  • lameness of the dog (it can last for several months, and sometimes for life);
  • polyps in oral cavity(they will have to be removed surgically);
  • heart disease - myocarditis (a consequence of enteritis suffered at a very young age of up to 9 weeks).

If the illness was not very severe, all these consequences should go away within a year - on their own.


The only way to prevent enteritis in dogs is to vaccinate the animal. Poly- and monovalent vaccines provide protection against the virus. The guarantee that the dog will not get sick after vaccination is quite high.

According to statistics, the risk of infection in vaccinated dogs is 5%.

However, even in the event of a disease, defeating it after vaccination turns out to be much easier. In addition, the risk of death is almost completely eliminated.

Vaccination takes place in five stages. The first injection is given to puppies when they are one month old, the second at two months, and the third at three months. The fourth stage is planned for the moment when the animal undergoes a change of teeth. The fifth vaccination is planned 11 months after the fourth. Further vaccination is carried out annually.

General preventive methods are aimed at maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions

To reduce the risk of infection in the smallest animals, people should follow these rules:

  • You should not walk unvaccinated puppies on the street;
  • puppies should not be given the opportunity to sniff their owner’s shoes and clothes;
  • before petting the pet, the owner must wash his hands with soap;
  • It is useful to establish a temporary quarantine at home - do not allow strangers into it until the dog has been vaccinated.

Enteritis is an inflammation of the intestines, or, to be more precise, its thin section. It can have an infectious (viruses, bacteria) and non-infectious origin. The disease manifests itself in dogs with diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area and increased gas production.


Like any disease, it does not appear just like that. There are definitely some unfavorable factors that contribute to its development.

If we are talking about non-infectious enteritis, then errors in feeding the pet come to the fore:

  • feeding expired dry food, spoiled meat or fish,
  • use of cheap low quality feed,
  • abrupt transfer from one type of food to another,
  • systematic overfeeding of the dog.

By overfeeding our four-legged friend, we put him into the risk zone. It's better to underfeed than to overfeed!

There are cases when enteritis occurs due to bad water or even changing it, for example, when moving or. It's no secret that after drinking raw water from the tap in a new place, and a person may experience trouble in the form of an upset stomach. What can we say about dogs, whose intestines are not particularly resistant to any stressful situations. This especially applies to decorative breeds.

Inflammation can be caused by eating sharp, hard bones that injure the intestinal mucosa as they pass through the digestive tract.

Another cause of non-infectious enteritis is poisoning chemical poisons or poisons plant origin.

When the body is exposed to viruses (coronavirus, parvovirus, canine distemper virus), infectious or parvovirus enteritis occurs, which is especially destructive for unvaccinated puppies under one year of age.

Secondary enteritis is no less dangerous against the background bacterial infection(salmonellosis, tuberculosis, colibacillosis) or invasions (ascaridiosis, hookworm).


Non-viral form

Regardless of the cause, for all types of enteritis main symptom- diarrhea, abdominal pain and increased gas formation. Undigested food fragments are found in feces, often mixed with mucus, blood, and necrotic tissue areas. Foamy stool due to formation large quantity gases

The dog's stomach is rumbling: rattling and seething sounds are heard, which can sometimes be heard at a distance, which indicates increased peristalsis intestines. It should be noted that this picture is more typical for acid catarrh, accompanied by the fermentation of carbohydrates with the formation of acids and gases.

With enteritis of an alkaline nature, when the process of putrefactive breakdown of protein occurs with the formation of toxic products (indole, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), along with diarrhea, severe depression and fever are observed. The pet refuses food, visible on the tongue white coating, vomiting may occur.

Viral nature

Symptoms parvovirus enteritis more scary. They depend on the degree of intestinal damage, the presence of a secondary infection, living conditions, and the age of the pet. Under the influence of the virus, the cells of the mucous membrane become necrotic, leading to the development of catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis. The disease manifests itself as diarrhea, vomiting, exhaustion, dehydration, weakness and abdominal pain.

Signs of coronavirus

The disease is accompanied by progressive weight loss, up to anorexia, vomiting and fever up to 39⁰C. The feces are watery, mucous, with an unpleasant odor, the color of the stool is green, and sometimes blood can be seen.

Signs of the intestinal form of plague virus

The main symptoms here are vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration. Feces contain mucus and undigested food. The dog's temperature rises to 40⁰C and can be maintained at this level for a long time.

By the way, it’s worth taking a closer look at the symptoms of dehydration, since this condition is one of the most dangerous.

It is characterized by:

  • decreased skin elasticity,
  • tousled fur,
  • visible mucous membranes are dry,
  • sunken eyes,
  • the dog looks exhausted.

How to make a diagnosis?

One of the most important points in diagnosing enteritis is distinguishing a simple intestinal disorder from an infection.

When the first signs of illness appear, it is necessary to exclude acute viral infection or worms. For example, diarrhea often occurs in puppies up to three months of age.

It is advisable to send feces for examination to a laboratory to isolate and determine the type of pathogen if there is a suspicion of a viral or bacterial nature of the disease.

As a rule, if a specific microorganism is not detected in the laboratory, then most likely the cause of the appearance of signs of enteritis was improper feeding or poisoning.

But before you trust clinicians, it doesn’t hurt to conduct own investigation, that is, collect an anamnesis, which, in principle, any qualified veterinarian does. Be sure to find out all the life circumstances that preceded the disease: what the dog was fed, whether there was access to any chemicals, whether vaccinations were given, when and what.

The whole complex of actions will help to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment, which, by the way, during infectious and non-infectious form will be different.

How to treat

In case of non-infectious enteritis, the source of the disease is first determined (stale food, exposure to poisons, etc.) and its effect on the body is eliminated.

At mild form In case of illness, the animal is put on a starvation diet for a period of 1 to 2 days, and water is always given in unlimited quantities. It’s even better to use special salt (electrolyte) solutions instead of water that retain fluid in the body, for example, rehydron.

In case of vomiting, cerucal is administered intramuscularly (giving it through the mouth is useless - cerucal will not have time to dissolve due to vomiting). To relieve pain during intestinal colic no-shpu is also used in the form of injections in half with baralgin.

After a forced hunger strike, the animal is prepared with oatmeal or congee and gradually introduced into the diet minced chicken. As the dog recovers, it is transferred to a normal feeding regime.

When the first signs of illness appear, the intestines are cleansed. What exactly to do the enema with will depend on the nature of the inflammation: for acid enteritis it is used Glauber's salt, for alkaline ones - castor oil.

To suppress secondary microflora and prevent possible complications antibiotics are prescribed.

Be sure to combat dehydration and intoxication of the body, for which intravenous infusions of sodium chloride with glucose are used.

If there are blood impurities in the feces, which indicates bleeding, then Vicasol or other hemostatic drugs are additionally prescribed.

If parvovirus enteritis is suspected or confirmed, a special polyvalent serum, which works in several directions at once: neutralizes the effect of the plague virus, parvo and coronavirus.

It is necessary to emphasize the use of hyperimmune serum: after its administration, the effect of previously administered vaccinations will cease. Therefore, after recovery, the puppy will have to be vaccinated again.

The use of nonspecific medications improves the condition with no less success. antiviral drugs, for example, fosprenil or enterostat. To stimulate the immune system, modulators are used: ribotan, cycloferon, catozal and others. You can also take a course of Gamavit.

With viral enteritis, it is disrupted enzymatic activity intestines, therefore the use is indicated digestive enzymes, as well as drugs containing metabolic products intestinal microflora(hilak).

How to warn?

First of all, they monitor the quality of feed and living conditions. To prevent enteritis viral etiology do not forget to vaccinate on time, and to prevent infestation, the dog is periodically wormed.

Coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis in dogs are dangerous ailments that are not always amenable to even qualified and timely treatment. It’s not difficult to protect your pet, you just need to remember to annual vaccination. But viruses are insidious, capable of mutation, and sometimes overcome better protection. Therefore, the owner is obliged to know how infectious enteritis develops in dogs in order to notice the disease in time and not waste precious time.

Canin Parvovirus is highly contagious and persistent in external environment. It does not die in heat or cold, cannot be destroyed by conventional disinfectants, survives for a long time on dry surfaces and exists for months in humid environments. Infectious enteritis in dogs it is transmitted even through minute contact with an infected stray. A person can bring the pathogen into the house on clothes, shoes or hands. The virus is contained in secretions, which means it can be on the grass, ground and in puddles through which the dog walks.

In most cases, viral enteritis in mature dogs is less dangerous than in puppies. Young animals are more susceptible to this disease, especially in the period from 2 to 10 months. Overall mortality– about 12%, among puppies – about 30%, among puppies born from unvaccinated bitches – up to 80%. Gender, breed, fertility do not matter. Fortunately, dogs vaccinated against parvovirus rarely become ill.

Once in the body, the virus attacks the intestines, heart tissue, or both. The more dividing cells, the more comfortable conditions for the rapid reproduction of parvovirus, which is why it poses a great danger to puppies during the period of active growth.

The first symptoms of enteritis in dogs appear unexpectedly: they were just frolicking and suddenly fell ill. As a rule, owners suspect mild apathy, fatigue or minor poisoning, and miss the onset of the disease. The pet simply sleeps, does not want to play, and reacts sluggishly to people. Within a day (sometimes after 3-5 hours, if it’s a small puppy), the situation worsens sharply:

  • temperature rises to 40-41°;
  • vomiting of mucous or foamy mass, often yellowish;
  • diarrhea is mucous, very foul, liquid, red, brown, green, yellow or even almost black;
  • complete refusal of food and water;
  • increasing weakness, tremors in the limbs, staggering.

Usually, acute enteritis in dogs it results in a matter of hours. Incessant diarrhea, debilitating vomiting, refusal to eat and drink exhaust the pet, which within a day resembles a skeleton covered with skin. Shortness of breath quickly increases, mucous membranes turn pale, the fur becomes icicles and disheveled. About half of dogs develop - a sharp decline level of leukocytes in the blood. After 1-3 days, the temperature either returns to normal or drops to 37° and below. IN the latter case the chance of recovery is very small.

If the disease affects the heart, parvovirus enteritis in dogs provokes dry, mucous membranes turn blue, breathing becomes heavy and strained. The pet does not get up, breathes open mouth, the heart grows and develops. When both the intestines and the heart are affected, the symptoms are mixed. If your pet's nose is running, the eyes are swollen with pus, the dog is sneezing, most likely it is distemper or another virus, but not enteritis.

Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment for enteritis in dogs, based not only on symptoms, but also on test results (the causative agent must be determined). For parvovirus, dogs are given a serum that prevents the pathogen from multiplying. In addition, antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate secondary infections, painkillers, sedatives, B vitamins, antiemetics, . To eliminate dehydration and replenish strength, use nutrient and salt droppers.

You can feed your pet only 12 hours after the return of appetite. Veterinarians usually explain what to feed a dog after enteritis: diet therapy includes purees, soups, meat and fish mousses with stewed vegetables and well-cooked rice, lukewarm, in small portions 4-6 times a day. On the fifth day you can add boiled eggs, fresh kefir. Raw foods are excluded completely. You can use dry or canned food for convalescent dogs with sensitive digestion (canned food is heated, the granules are soaked to a pulp).

Read also: Uveitis in dogs - causes, symptoms, treatment


Unlike parvovirus, coronavirus enteritis in dogs it does not affect the crypt cells, and therefore proceeds more easily and less often leads to a sad outcome. However, only on condition that the pet is provided with qualified assistance.

Canin Coronavirus is less contagious and is only transmitted through contact with feces. However, we must not forget that the grass may be stained with feces, the oncoming dog may have recently licked itself, or may have licked something that a person will then touch (and bring the virus into the house). More often, the coronavirus affects puppies; adult pets tolerate the disease more easily and get sick less often. Vaccination against viral enteritis in dogs does not provide lasting immunity, so a vaccinated pet can also get sick: immune dogs suffer from a mild form of the disease, sometimes unnoticed by the owner, often no treatment is required other than supportive care.

As with parvovirus, the incubation period for enteritis in dogs is about a week. But if we're talking about In case of a puppy born from an unvaccinated bitch, symptoms develop within two days after the virus is introduced into the body. Of course, the amount of virus plays a role and general state pet.

Infectious enteritis in dogs is a disease that began to be diagnosed in these animals relatively recently, but its destructive power is already being compared to the plague. This is extremely dangerous illness, since even a highly qualified veterinarian is not always able to cure an injured pet. Since the chances of a dog recovering from enteritis are not very high, many professional breeders and doctors insist on the need for annual vaccination.

Vaccinations do not always protect an animal 100% from infection, but they can significantly reduce the risk. Imperfection prophylactic agents This is largely due to the fact that the viruses that cause this pathological condition are prone to mutation, so the vaccines on the market are not always effective against new strains.

How does this dangerous infection spread?

It is now known that viruses that cause enteritis in dogs never infect humans. This infectious disease was first identified in these animals in Russia in 1980. Since dogs living in Eurasia do not have natural immunity that protects them from infection, infected individuals quickly die.

It is deadly between the ages of 2 and 9 months.

In this period the immune system The animal's immune system has not yet been formed, so upon contact with the virus, infection occurs very quickly, and the disease is extremely severe.

In addition, even if you manage to get the puppy out, the consequences past illness sometimes they stay with him for life. The main source of the spread of viruses that cause enteritis in dogs is considered to be infected individuals. They secrete the pathogen along with saliva and feces. In the external environment, the virus can persist for quite a long time. Even lap dogs, which are practically never taken for walks, are not immune from infection.

A person can bring into the house dangerous infection on shoes or clothes.

In addition, the virus is transmitted from the bitch to the puppies, not only in utero, but also through milk during feeding. Thus, the entire litter may die in short time. Relatively recently, it became known that when a dog goes through the incubation period, which can last from 4 to 10 days, the animal is already contagious. It's transmissible in various ways the disease quickly spread through the dog population.

Manifestations of parvovirus enteritis in dogs

This is the most common variant of the disease, which is diagnosed in approximately 75% of all cases. Parvovirus in dogs leads to rapid damage to the body, so animal owners need to recognize the first signs of the disease, since in this case it will be possible to save their pet. The pathological condition caused by this virus can occur in both intestinal and cardiac forms.

Parvovirus enteritis of dogs, accompanied by damage to the gastrointestinal tract, is much more common, as it can develop in animals of any age. With this form of the disease, rapid death of the mucous membrane is observed. It promotes joining additional infections. Typically, parvovirus enteritis is manifested by rapidly increasing lethargy in the animal. Your pet's body temperature may be slightly elevated at first.

In some cases, even during incubation period the still active and mobile dog exhibits atypical behavior. When stroking, the animal may arch its back and tuck its tail. When palpating the abdominal area, the dog becomes restless, as this causes it pain or obvious discomfort.

However, after a short time The animal's condition is rapidly deteriorating. Usually in puppies, symptoms appear more pronounced and severe from the first days than in adults. After the incubation period is complete, parvovirus infection in dogs manifests itself:

  • refusal of water and food;
  • watery or bloody diarrhea;
  • restless behavior due to pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomiting of mucous or foamy mass;
  • trembling in the limbs.

Infection transmitted between dogs is extremely dangerous. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs leads to rapid dehydration of the animal's body, which is extremely dangerous for its life. If the symptoms of enteritis in dogs are severe, the pet may die within 1–3 days. A puppy's death occurs with such an unfavorable course in just 12 hours.

The cardiac form of this disease in most cases affects puppies from 2 to 9 weeks of age. Although severe pain not in the stomach, the animal becomes lethargic and sleepy. Usually, noises and rumbling emanating from the pet's intestines are clearly audible. The puppy stops eating, but at the same time consumes water in doses. IN further distribution enterovirus and tissue damage vascular system leads to an increase in signs of heart failure.

The animal's breathing becomes very difficult.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis in dogs

This type of disease is much less common. It is caused by coronavirus, so the pathological condition occurs more easily and is less likely to cause fatal outcome. When coronavirus enteritis develops in a dog, symptoms appear after the incubation period has completed, which usually lasts no more than 3-5 days. The first signs of the disease are rather vague. The animal refuses to eat, but at the same time consumes a lot of water. In some cases, vomiting may occur, but this is not at all necessary. Most animals experience severe watery diarrhea.

This viral enteritis in dogs does not lead to a rapid increase in temperature and never occurs with symptoms of damage to heart tissue.

At mild flow This form of the disease does not pose any particular danger to adult animals. Puppies may show distinct symptoms, but even so, with targeted therapy, recovery can occur very quickly. Thus, in this case, even treatment at home without the involvement of a specialist can give a good effect.

If signs of enteritis in adult dogs appear clearly, this may indicate acute form course of the disease. In this case, due to the weakening of the animal’s body, additional infectious diseases may develop. Even though it's clean dog disease enteritis, coronavirus can also affect other pets in the house. This severe course predisposes to the spread of infection. In adult dogs, this form of the disease usually has a favorable outcome. For puppies, severe symptoms of the disease can cause serious harm. In the absence of targeted treatment, animals can quickly die.

Consequences of enteritis

Most people who are faced with the need to save their pet, even if the therapy was successful, note a significant deterioration in the pet’s health. After enteritis, which occurs in the intestinal version, the animal exhibits symptoms of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. To restore the body, the pet needs special diet. The dog's diet should include liquid food, for example, low-fat broths, cottage cheese diluted with water or porridge. After enteritis, you can give your pet a special veterinary food. You need to give food in small portions 5-6 times a day. Food should be at room temperature.

Among other things, after enteritis, even with proper treatment, the animal can develop severe complications. Puppies who have suffered this pathological condition often develop lameness later on. In some cases, when proper therapy it goes away after just 2-3 months, but sometimes it remains forever. If the heart was affected during the course of the disease, after enteritis the animal may lag behind in development. In addition, in adulthood, the animal may develop failure due to residual myocardial damage. TO rare complications, observed after suffering enteritis, include disorders of the liver and gall bladder. In addition, the bitch after this infectious disease may become infertile.

In most cases, if the animal was able to survive enteritis, all residual effects disappear within the first six months.

In dogs that have had it infectious disease, stable immunity appears. Thus, subsequently the risk reinfection viruses that cause enteritis is minimal.

What is non-infectious enteritis and its manifestations?

It is not always the case that such pet health problems can be caused by harmful viruses. It is now known that dogs often suffer from non-infectious enteritis. This pathological condition is considered less dangerous. It occurs with severe pain and bloating, the appearance of undigested food fragments in the stool. In addition, the pet develops diarrhea and vomiting. He may refuse food and water. In some cases, the animal experiences a depressed state and severe fever. This pathological condition can develop in both a puppy and an adult.

Canine enteritis of a non-infectious nature is usually the result of a violation of the conditions of keeping and feeding the animal. The main reason The use of low-quality, cheap food is considered a similar health problem for your pet. Often people who get a pet don’t even know what to feed the dog.

Thus, spoiled meat and fish, and other unsuitable foods are included in the pet’s diet. Using expired dry food may cause problems. Very hot or cold food under certain circumstances, provokes disruption of organ function gastrointestinal tract. IN in rare cases non-infectious enteritis can be the result of severe damage to the animal’s body by helminths. For some systemic diseases A similar disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often develops.

The development of non-infectious enteritis in dogs is often the result of a sudden transfer of the animal from natural feed to dry.

A sudden change in brands of mixtures in some cases leads to problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Many pet owners try to make their pet’s life as comfortable as possible, so they systematically overfeed it. Obesity is one of the risk factors for the development of non-infectious enteritis. Besides everything else, similar problem problems with an animal’s health are often the result of poor-quality water or its stagnation (in the absence of frequent changes).

The inflammatory process in the intestines can develop against the background of injury to the mucous membrane hard objects and sharp bones as they pass through digestive tract. To more rare reasons The development of non-infectious enteritis is considered to be poisoning by poisons and toxins of chemical and plant origin. This option is characterized by an extremely severe course. A pet's ability to survive depends on the type toxic substance and its quantity.

Methods for diagnosing enteritis in dogs

This disease requires careful attention from a veterinarian. Enteritis in dogs must be distinguished from ordinary food poisoning. Despite the fact that the symptomatic manifestations of this pathological condition are quite indicative, making a diagnosis solely on the basis of the collected anamnesis is not possible. The most important point is to identify the microflora that caused all the signs of the disease. It is best to submit animal feces for laboratory testing.

In most cases, if specific pathogen was not detected, this may indicate that characteristic symptoms appeared as a result improper feeding and content. In this case, the attending physician tries to find out what the animal was fed, whether it was vaccinated, and in what conditions the pet was kept. Only after a full examination can it be determined how to treat enteritis in a dog.

It is worth noting that before starting targeted therapy, it is very important to assess the pet’s condition and the duration of the existing symptoms, since only in this case it is possible to select best practices impact. Given the severity of this disease, in some cases, the veterinarian may suggest euthanasia, since the chances of survival are minimal, and such radical method will save the animal from suffering.

How is enteritis treated in dogs?

Wherein pathological condition only a veterinarian can prescribe adequate therapy after identifying the type of pathogen. Symptoms and treatment are largely interconnected with enteritis, since in most cases the dog’s dehydrated body requires support. If canine parvovirus has been determined, a special serum is prescribed that blocks the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and helps to suppress it.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs at home in this case is not possible.

The pet must be prescribed antibiotics to prevent the development of additional infections. Drugs are prescribed to reduce the intensity symptomatic manifestations. These drugs include sedatives and painkillers.

In addition, in most cases they are used antiemetics. Among other things, in medicinal purposes B vitamins and immunomodulators can be used. To prevent the animal from dying from dehydration, as well as to replenish strength, salt and nutritional droppers are prescribed. If treatment for parvovirus enteritis in dogs is successful, your pet should develop an interest in life and an appetite. Water can be given to the animal. This will remove all toxic substances from the body. You can feed the animal only 12 hours after the appearance of appetite.

The veterinarian will be able to explain in detail what is best to give to the animal. As a rule, the drips are continued until the dog’s condition is completely normalized. Diet therapy includes:

  1. puree;
  2. fish;
  3. meat mousses with stewed vegetables.

In addition, well-cooked porridge can be included in the diet.

Food should be given to the dog warm, at least 5-6 times a day.

Only on day 5 you can gradually begin to introduce boiled eggs and kefir into your diet. Raw foods should be avoided for at least a month. For dogs with sensitive digestion, you can use dry food or canned food, slightly warmed to desired temperature. If you plan to give your animal a dry formula, the granules need to be crushed into a paste.

Every owner loves their dog, worries and cares about its health. Unfortunately, our smaller friends are subjected to various diseases often. To protect them from diseases and their consequences, you need to know the main signs and methods of their treatment. Consider enteritis in dogs . The knowledge gained will protect you from many troubles.

Characteristic features of enteritis

Viral enteritis belongs to the group of infectious diseases that cause, which is included in the list of the five most common in dogs.

It is relatively new, but has very high level mortality , the death statistics are almost equal to. In our regions, this disease was first noticed in the eightieth year of the last century.

During the first outbreak, natural immunity had not yet been developed, which caused massive deaths of animals. Relatively for dogs young, on average from two to nine years old, the infection is deadly. The most severe complications then observed in puppies.

Puppies are most susceptible to severe complications.

Enteritis primarily provokes disruption of the heart, kidneys, and other internal organs.

Genetic predisposition

There is no genetic predisposition to it in certain breeds, but Doberman Pinschers, Whippets and East European Shepherds suffer the disease worse than others.

Doberman dogs have genetic predisposition to illness.

This problem is dangerous for dogs of any age and breed. But it practically does not affect other animals, and does not pose any threat to people.

Characteristic signs and symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Approximately ten hours after the virus enters the body, four to five times a day.

A dog's diarrhea begins approximately 10 hours after exposure to the virus.

Coronavirus and rotavirus enteritis

With enteritis, the dog begins to drink a lot of water.

Parvovirus enteritis provokes a decrease in the dog’s temperature to 37.5 degrees.

In this case, the pet defecates very often with at intervals of twenty or forty minutes. Fecal discharge occurs in a sharp stream, sometimes over a distance of up to a meter, and has Strong smell, brown or green color and watery texture. IN stool there are pieces of skin and small tubes. Vomiting occurs every half hour.

The disease most affects the intestines, destruction of the mucous membrane occurs, its exfoliated particles can be released along with feces. Because of this, a larger volume of cells disintegrate and release toxins that damage the walls of blood vessels. Which in turn provokes the movement of fluid into the walls and cavity of the intestine, increasing its size. On damaged intestinal surfaces, active proliferation of microbes occurs, which provoke intoxication of the entire body. The virus can travel through the blood to everything internal organs, including the heart, destroying it.

After twelve hours, the intensity of the attacks decreases and they occur less frequently. The temperature drops from forty to thirty-seven and a half degrees. After five days the body produces a considerable amount antibodies to bind viruses. But by this time, most of the pathogens have already moved to the intestines and heart. Therefore, antibodies often do not have time to get to their localization sites, because protective function the body is significantly inferior to infection in the rate of development.

Risk of death

The most life-threatening periods are from the second to the fifth day, from the seventh to the twelfth.

2-5 days has high risk lethal outcome.

It is at this time that the risk of death is high. Even with high-quality and timely delivery medical care high percentage of animal deaths: rotavirus enteritis - less than five percent, coronavirus - up to ten. The most dangerous is the parovirus type of the disease. The mortality rate for its victims is more than eighty percent.

Causes and routes of infection

The causative agents of the enteritis virus are transmitted through sick individuals; the main source in large cities is stray dogs that do not have proper care and living conditions.

Stray dogs are carriers of the enteritis virus.

They are excreted in feces and vomit, in which they can persist for more than one day even at zero temperature. Viruses are quite tenacious, they do not change their structure even at sixty degrees of heat, they die only when exposed to direct sunlight.

Transfer methods

Dogs that have been stressed are especially vulnerable to the disease.

There are two ways of transmitting viral enteritis: contact and non-contact.

The first involves direct contact with an infected animal or carrier. In the process of sniffing and licking them, you can become infected. But pathogens are also transmitted through food or water, care items, and bedding.

Treatment of enteritis includes restoring the dog's immunity.

All types of enteritis have significant differences from each other. But the process of combating them has a number of general directions:

  • destroy the causative agent of the virus;
  • restore required amount liquids;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • restore proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • maintaining heart function.

Stages of treatment

Catozal is a drug used to fight infection.

  1. The first stage of treatment must be carried out veterinarian , because the infection can only be overcome by introducing special drugs into a vein. After all, through big loss liquids from other injections will not be absorbed.
  2. Used to fight infection serum or immunoglobulin containing antibodies . But they are not administered intravenously. They often resort to the use of catozal, erbisol and other agents that stimulate the immune system. Intravenous administration of a salt solution (disol, trisol, quartosol), as well as glucose. Which solution and its concentration is prescribed by the doctor, based on the dog’s condition. Glucose is used only in the form of a five percent solution.
  3. Toxins are eliminated by hydrolysine and its analogues . In this case, it is necessary to use substances that support the functioning of the liver (glutargin), because it is the liver that is involved in the treatment of intoxication. There are also medications that provide complex treatment. For example, taking polyoxidonium or lycopidium guarantees the removal of toxins and increased immunity.
  4. Metoproclamide helps stop vomiting . Main danger lies in the rapid development of microbes in the affected areas of the intestine. This problem can only be eliminated with antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to include in the course of treatment the use of enterosgel, oak bark extract or flax seeds. They have an enveloping and bonding effect. But you can start intestinal rehabilitation only from the second day of infection.
  5. Love and attention to him will help save the life of your pet after suffering from enteritis. . Protect the animal from any stress and increased physical activity. The pet will need to follow a strict diet and take vitamins.

And most importantly, remember that you are responsible for the life of your dog; if at least one of the symptoms appears, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Video about enteritis in dogs