Enteritis in children 5 years old. Symptoms and treatment of enteritis in a child. Treatment of acute enteritis

Enteritis - inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic lesion small intestine, leading to chronic course to atrophy of its mucous membrane. The synthesis of intestinal juice and its barrier function. Therefore, patients should, whenever possible, avoid products for which mechanical and chemical processing methods are used.

Enteritis can appear in patients of any age, and in children it appears acute stage, and in the older generation - chronic, which is associated with other diseases. The chronic stage develops when there is no treatment acute form.

Studies have shown that in countries with hot climates, enteritis is diagnosed more often than in countries with temperate climates. Very often, the occurrence of enteritis is associated with long-term use of antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs, and alcohol abuse. Enteritis in children is especially dangerous, since it is often quite difficult to identify the cause of the disease and begin correct treatment.

According to statistics, every person in his life has suffered from an acute form of enteritis, and a quarter of the world's population has a chronic form of the disease.

Causes of enteritis

Enteritis is caused by the following reasons:

  • poor nutrition;
  • food poisoning;
  • food allergens;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • fatty food;
  • side effects of medications;
  • infectious agents;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • heredity;
  • poisoning chemicals with lead salts, mercury;
  • surgical interventions and intestinal injuries.

Symptoms of enteritis

Enteritis most often begins suddenly.

Against the background of general malaise, loss of appetite occurs quite intense pain in a stomach. Rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea characteristic of enteritis appear. Stool happens from 3 to 10 times a day. The bowel movements are usually profuse, sometimes with putrid smell And big amount gases, later - foamy, with a sour odor.

The temperature often immediately rises to high levels; in other cases it is subfebrile, less often normal. Nausea, vomiting and belching are observed mainly in the presence of gastric damage. In addition to food debris, vomit contains mucus and bile impurities.

There is usually no appetite. Patients are thirsty. The face is usually pale, the tongue is dry and coated. The abdomen is more often bloated, less often retracted. During an attack of cramping abdominal pain, peristalsis can be visible to the eye.

During palpation, abdominal pain and rumbling are noted. Protein, hyaline casts, urobilin and indican are found in the urine. At severe forms enteritis, collapse phenomena may be observed - thread-like pulse, drop in temperature, convulsions, etc.

Food intoxication occurs most violently and is accompanied by fever and falling cardiovascular activity. They are often accompanied by an enlarged spleen and in their manifestations are similar to typhoid fever, paratyphoid or cholera. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting lead to severe dehydration, anuria and the appearance of convulsions. The stool looks like rice water.

In some cases, Salmonella toxic infection can lead to death.

Treatment of enteritis

Patients with severe enteritis, as well as enteritis of toxic origin (the further course of which is difficult to determine in the first hours of the disease) must be hospitalized. Patients with infectious enteritis hospitalized in infectious diseases hospitals.

In all cases acute enteritis for the purpose of removal from the gastrointestinal intestinal tract toxins, the stomach is washed (with a tube or tubeless method) weak solution sodium bicarbonate, give a laxative orally (30 ml castor oil or 25 g of magnesium sulfate in 100 ml of water).

Viral enteritis

Spicy inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the small intestine, caused by a viral pathogen, is called viral enteritis. Often, along with the small intestine, the large intestine and stomach are affected, and enterocolitis or gastroenteritis develops.

ICD-10 code

All viral infections, causing disturbance bowel function international classification diseases (ICD) 10th revision belong to the group of intestinal infections, which, in addition to viruses, are also caused by bacteria and protozoa. ICD-10 code for viral enteritis– A08.

Placed in separate subgroups rotavirus enteritis(A08.0), acute gastroenteropathy caused by Norwalk (norovirus) (A08.1), adenoviral enteritis (A08.2), other viral enteritis (A08.3) and unspecified intestinal infection viral origin(A08.4).

Pathogens of viral enteritis

With enteritis of the viral type, infection occurs with enterotropic viruses, in which the mucous layer is isolated small intestine. Sometimes nearby and distant organs and systems are involved in the pathological process. The causative agents are viral infections such as enteroviruses, rotaviruses, ECHO or Coxsackie virus.

How does infection occur with viral enteritis?

A viral agent is transmitted from a sick person or carrier to a healthy person with reduced immune status mainly with “dirty hands”, when shaking hands, when coughing and sneezing, when eating contaminated food and water, when kissing and hugging, and other contacts.

Possible transmission to the fetus from the mother during pregnancy. Toddlers and children are most susceptible to viral enteritis. preschool age. They, as a rule, tolerate the disease much easier than adult patients.

Symptoms and treatment of viral enteritis

Viral enteritis is confirmed by specific symptoms of intoxication, vomiting, and diarrhea. Therapeutic measures consist of symptomatic, detoxification actions. But, unfortunately, there are no preventive and targeted antiviral measures for people.

Consequences of viral enteritis

The consequences of viral enteritis can be serious for vulnerable groups of patients, since they may not have enough fluids to correct dehydration. Young children sometimes refuse to drink.

Therefore, in severe cases In such patients, hospitalization is indicated. Intravenous administration liquids perfectly correct dehydration and make it possible to quickly restore normal water-electrolyte balance in organism.

Chronic enteritis


The causes of chronic enteritis are most often the consequences of poor nutrition, helminthiasis, giardiasis, geotrichosis, and poisoning with certain heavy metals.

Also, chronic enteritis can be a consequence of long-term use of antibiotics and various medications (usually saline laxatives).

Some congenital diseases, accompanied by impaired synthesis of certain enzymes in the intestine, can also be causes of chronic enteritis.


With chronic enteritis, symptoms such as rumbling in the abdomen and in the umbilical area are observed dull pain, weakness and nausea are also present, in some cases there is diarrhea (more often with enterocolitis). On palpation of the cecum, rumbling and splashing is observed.

During defecation, there is an increase in the amount of stool, which becomes more watery or mushy, and its color is yellow-green with inclusions of undigested food.

The person’s general condition deteriorates, weakness and increased fatigue, appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, the person becomes irritable.


There are three degrees of severity of chronic enteritis.


Treatment of chronic enteritis should be comprehensive, including agents that affect etiological and pathogenetic factors, as well as local and general manifestations diseases.

According to research, positive result from complex treatment, including diet, enzyme and weak choleretic drugs, antibacterial, enveloping, astringent, adsorbing, neutralizing organic acids, along with drugs that normalize the passage of contents through the intestines and reduce inflammatory processes in it during local application received 84% of patients with chronic enteritis.

The patients stopped having diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, rumbling, which in 52% of cases was combined with a decrease in the degree of colonization upper sections small intestine microorganisms.


An indispensable component complex therapy is a mechanically, chemically and thermally gentle diet. Medical nutrition has a positive effect on the main links in the pathogenesis of diarrhea: it reduces not only the increased osmotic pressure in the intestinal cavity, but also intestinal secretion, leading to normalization of the passage of contents through the intestines.

First, during an exacerbation, diets No. 4 and 4a are prescribed, which help eliminate inflammation, fermentation processes in the intestines, and normalize intestinal peristalsis. After 3-5 days the patient is transferred to a complete diet No. 4b, rich in protein containing normal amount fats and carbohydrates (100-115 and 400-500 g, respectively).

Diagnosis of enteritis

The diagnosis is made based on clinical picture, epidemiological history data, laboratory test results.

On palpation, pain and rumbling in the area of ​​the small intestine are noted. Oliguria, proteinuria, microhematuria, often leukopenia, and erythrocytosis are observed. Determined in feces a large number of mucus, undigested fiber, starch grains, muscle fibers.

The results of bacteriological and virological research stool, detection of pathogen antigens in urine, saliva, blood or an increase in the titer of antibodies to them.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with acute appendicitis, less often with acute intestinal obstruction, perforated gastric ulcer or duodenum, acute pancreatitis. When excluding appendicitis, take into account that in adults it usually occurs without diarrhea.

Pain from appendicitis is usually localized in the right iliac region, in contrast to acute enteritis, signs of peritoneal irritation are revealed. For acute intestinal obstruction there is no stool, the abdomen is not bloated, gases do not pass, bowel sounds disappear, symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear, with x-ray examination intestines, fluid levels are determined.

For perforated ulcer characterized by “dagger” pain in the abdomen, pronounced tension in the anterior abdominal wall(board-shaped abdomen), absence of stool, leukocytosis, presence of free gas in abdominal cavity with x-ray examination.

At acute pancreatitis the pain is usually of a girdling nature, often due to intestinal paresis, stool retention is observed, and the level of a-amylase in the urine and blood increases.

Enteritis in children

The disease can occur in a child at any age.

Enteritis in children is dangerous due to the complexity of its course, which is especially true in the case of young children who mainly eat dairy products and cannot, for obvious reasons, talk about unpleasant sensations.


The causes of the appearance and development of the disease are extremely varied. All kinds of digestive disorders, decreased efficiency of the small intestine, rapid passage of food through the intestines, poor nutrition - these are the factors that can cause enteritis in a child.


Symptoms of the disease depend on the severity and form of the disease. As a rule, enteritis in children is accompanied by diarrhea, changes in the color of stool (from light yellow to gray), diarrhea, gas formation, rumbling in the stomach and pain in the stomach area. Accurate diagnosis Doctors make a diagnosis after a preliminary examination of the child and the necessary tests.


Prescribe a complete diet with a 10-15% increase in protein content, physiological amount fat and carbohydrate restriction. Avoid foods containing large amounts of fiber, as well as whole milk (diet No. 4).

The use of protein enpit and fermented milk lactobacterin enriched with lysozyme is effective. In severe cases use parenteral nutrition. Vitamins C, group B, and folic acid are administered.

The use of enzyme preparations (Pancreatin, Panzinorm, Polyzyme, Festal) is indicated. At severe course process is assigned antibacterial drugs: derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline (enteroseptol), nitrofuran series (furadonin, furazolidone), nalidixic acid (nevigramon), as well as sulfasalazine and biseptol.

After the course antibacterial treatment biological drugs that normalize intestinal microflora(colibacterin, bificol, lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin). Bacteriophages (staphylococcal, pseudomonas, coli-proteus, etc.) are also used.

Enveloping and adsorbing agents are effective (tanalbin, White clay, bismuth preparations), medicinal plants (chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort, nettle, blueberries, etc.). Forecast at long-term treatment favorable.

Prognosis for enteritis

The prognosis for enteritis is favorable.

If a patient with an acute form is treated strictly according to the doctor’s recommendations, then recovery will begin in the near future. Concerning chronic stage, here things are a little different. The chronic form constantly progresses; due to the exhausted body, death occurs in adults.

Questions and answers on the topic "Enteritis"

Question:What is enterostasis?

Answer: Hello. Enterostasis - intestinal obstruction.

Question:Hello! My baby is 8 months old. The doctor diagnosed us with enteritis. We receive treatment: Stopdiar, Enterosgel and Creon. Supposedly we don't have enough enzymes. The symptoms are lactase deficiency. We can’t start complementary feeding - the doctor sends us for a consultation with a geneticist. Please tell me what information we can get from a geneticist? How long is this consultation necessary? What tests will need to be taken before this consultation?

Answer: Hello. A geneticist will help you understand how likely cystic fibrosis is - another digestive disorder, but already caused by a genetic predisposition. There is no need to take any tests before a geneticist; he will direct you wherever he sees fit.

Question:Hello! My child was diagnosed with enteritis at the age of 11 months (before that, she had been treated for dysbacteriosis for a month to no avail; food was very poorly digested). The diagnosis was made by an experienced gastroenterologist, who, unfortunately, is not from our city. Treatment was prescribed: enterol + bifiform + diet, we coped with this problem, but for a while, because the slightest violations in nutrition or hygiene ( dirty hands) she begins to have diarrhea and her tummy hurts. Now she is 5 years old, we took another course in January after an exacerbation. Over the past 3-4 weeks, my daughter has often begun to complain of a tugging pain in the abdomen in the navel area. The gastroenterologist at our clinic is so “experienced” (I wouldn’t like to discuss the doctor, but she was not able to give us the correct diagnosis, she didn’t know about such a disease) that the only thing left is to either go for a consultation in another city, or a virtual consultation. I understand that treatment in absentia is not prescribed, at least a consultation! And another question is: can the body get used to the drugs? In particular, to the biological product bifiform? Does it make sense to drink, for example, Linux?

Enteritis is an acute inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the small intestine and is accompanied by the inability of the organ to perform its functions. Today it is a fairly common disease, occurring with equal frequency in both adults and children.

Symptoms of enteritis in children

The key symptom by which enteritis can be diagnosed in a child is diarrhea. Liquid feces have an abundant frequency of manifestation, unpleasant and Strong smell, bright yellow or light brown in color, and may also contain particles of undigested food mixed with blood or mucus. Sometimes the feces acquire a putrid gray color and a peculiar shine, which indicates the beginning of fermentation processes.

Painful defecation combined with increased gas formation, burning intestines, rumbling of the perineum and spasms in the navel area. The child begins to complain about general health, over time, apathy and indifference to everything that happens appears, as well as increasing irritability, fatigue and decreased appetite.

Reasons for the development of enteritis

Experts include the following reasons for the occurrence of enteritis:

  1. The presence in the child’s intestines of infectious diseases of both viral and microbial origin that arise due to infection coli, salmonella, rotavirus, etc.
  2. Harmful effects of physical and chemical factors. This may include radiation and exposure, long-term use antibiotics, iodine preparations or other medications.
  3. The presence of allergenic factors to water or medications in the body.
  4. Nutritional reasons. This group includes the consumption of large amounts or, conversely, small quantity foods, spicy, salty, fatty, floury or too sweet dishes.
  5. Negative toxic effects from metal production.
  6. The child has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, enzyme deficiency.

How is enteritis transmitted in children?

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of childhood enteritis consists of assessing information based on anamnesis. The child undergoes clinical and instrumental examination, takes tests in the laboratory. IN in some cases little patient carry out special carbohydrate loads based on monosaccharides. Endoscopy, biopsy and histological examination also provide useful data. Using a coprogram, you can identify the absence or presence of creatorium, amilorrhea and steatorrhea. Children who have hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of the disease, differential diagnosis is carried out.


Treatment of enteritis in children requires a careful and comprehensive approach. Its essence lies in maintaining a strict diet, excluding foods harmful to the child’s body from the diet, and establishing physical condition, the use of special medications and anti-inflammatory and soothing enemas.

Treatment of acute enteritis

Treatment of acute enteritis includes:

  1. Taking enzyme preparations.
  2. Restorative balance of water-salt metabolism.
  3. Rehydration stage.
  4. Taking medications that restore intestinal flora.

All medications are prescribed by a specialist on an individual basis. Most common enzyme preparations are: nalidixic acid, nitrofuran, biseptol, sulfazalin, bacteriophage. Excellent adsorbents are medicinal infusions And herbal infusions from chamomile, hawthorn, ginseng, mint, nettle, St. John's wort.

Treatment of chronic enteritis

During treatment chronic form the course of enteritis Special attention paid to the child's diet. The baby must replenish the fluid and vitamins lost during the illness. His daily menu should include a large amount of protein and fat. Consumption of carbohydrates in in this case will have to be excluded for a while.

Treatment of viral enteritis

In the presence of viral enteritis, the child is prescribed parenteral nutrition, vitamins B and C, folic acid, as well as antibiotics. Enzyme therapy is mandatory. Also during treatment should be restored water-salt balance, in connection with which the patient is prescribed solutions of salts and glucose. The salt may contain sodium chloride, Oralite or Rehydron. After full course the child needs treatment antibacterial therapy, helping to normalize the state of intestinal microflora.

Enteritis is a disease, the essence of which is that an inflammatory process occurs in the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The disease develops against the background of symptoms of other diseases of the intestines or stomach and other organs of the digestive system. Enteritis is becoming more common. It can occur in acute or chronic form.

Causes of disease development in children

Can provoke the development of the disease different groups factors. Among them:

  • poisoning with toxic substances ( heavy metals, mushrooms);
  • worms;
  • diseases caused by viruses or bacteria (for example, rotavirus);
  • somatic diseases;
  • chemical damage (for example, drug poisoning);
  • inadequate food intake (for example, if the food is too heavy for early age child);
  • physical influence (for example, radiation);
  • allergy;
  • intestinal diseases.
Drug poisoning is one of the causes of the disease.

Contribute negative impact risk factors may include vitamin deficiencies, microflora disorders in the body, severe hypothermia or overheating, eating cold or hot foods, deterioration of immunity. The disease can develop as a result of surgical intervention.

May be caused by helminths or protozoa in the intestines. It develops due to bad habits or poisoning. Smoking, inflammatory processes in the mesenteric vessels, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, kidney failure.


Enteritis in children can manifest itself with symptoms, which can be divided into intestinal and extraintestinal. Viral, follicular and other types of enteritis primarily affect the intestinal mucosa, which is why the first symptoms appear. Intestinal symptoms are mild. Only in neglected form Characteristic signs of the disease include:

  • reusable stool (up to 20 times a day);
  • flatulence;
  • rumbling (increases with palpation);
  • feces are mushy and contain undigested remains food;
  • watery stool in infants;
  • there is an oily sheen in the stool;
  • painful sensations in the navel area after eating;
  • pain can manifest itself in different ways: from dull dull to cramping;
  • nausea;
  • gagging.

Fast weight loss, loss of strength, fatigue and lack of appetite are symptoms of the disease not related to the intestines.

Symptoms in children not related to the intestines:

  • fast weight loss;
  • loss of strength and fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • poor sleep;
  • dry skin;
  • hair deteriorates and falls out;
  • nails begin to crumble;
  • jams appear;
  • muscles hurt;
  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • irritability;
  • heat;
  • headache.

On initial stage the disease is highly treatable. The effectiveness of therapy appears after a couple of days. If the disease is advanced, symptoms may appear that are provoked by:

  • violation of the integrity of the walls of the small intestine;
  • anemia;
  • dehydration;
  • intestinal bleeding.

How is enteritis transmitted?

Enteritis in children is spread by infecting the child infectious disease, which provokes a number of diseases of the digestive system.

Diagnosis of the disease

Examination of a child consists primarily of palpation and anamnesis.

Diagnosis of enteritis for children follows the same scheme as for adults. First of all, the doctor collects anamnesis and palpates the abdominal cavity. This gives the doctor a basis for making a diagnosis, which is further confirmed or not using diagnostic methods.

After this, the children are sent to undergo laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The child needs to undergo blood and stool tests. Sometimes tests are carried out in which they do a carbohydrate load.

Apply endoscopic methods research, biopsy, in which material is taken for histological examination. Informative method is a coprogram with which you can see amilorrhea, creatorium and steatorium. When checking stool, color, consistency, and smell are taken into account. Measure the acidity and alkalinity in the stool.

An important stage in research is functional tests.
With the help of jejunoperfusion, abnormalities in the intestines are checked at the level of cells and molecules.

Bacteriological analysis is performed to check for intestinal infections or dysbacteriosis.

Biochemistry for chronic enteritis will show malabsorption. Often used X-ray methods studies using contrast. If it is revealed that a newborn has a hereditary predisposition to enteritis or the disease is in a chronic stage, a differential diagnosis.

First aid for enteritis in a child

When manifested acute attack It is dangerous to self-medicate enteritis - qualified help is needed.

If an acute attack of enteritis occurs, self-medication is dangerous, so you should immediately seek help. medical assistance. Only after diagnostic procedures and confirmation of the diagnosis of rotavirus enteritis or another type, is prescribed adequate treatment from diarrhea and vomiting. First aid scheme for enteritis:

  • gastric lavage with tannin, water with activated carbon, etc.;
  • laxative use and cleansing enemas;
  • drinking large amounts of slimy drinks;
  • hunger for up to 2 days;
  • wrap up;
  • reception medicines, including antibiotics.

If a baby has rotavirus enteritis, it is better to use the services of an ambulance.

Treatment of children and infants.

Treatment of enteritis in children in a hospital setting is recommended for:

  • newborns and children up to 12 months;
  • patients who have;
  • children with weak immunity or with other diseases;
  • children under 3 years of age with moderate severity of enteritis.

Enteritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the small intestine under different etiologies. Most often it is detected in other diseases, also affecting the intestinal mucosa. Enteritis can develop simultaneously with enterocolitis, gastroenteritis or occurs under the guise of gastroenterocolitis. They can be modified only based on the manifestation of symptoms.

Enteritis in children, causes

The most common cases of diagnosing this disease occur against the background of intestinal dysbiosis, hypothermia, and consumption of foods rich in coarse fiber. This can also happen for other reasons, for example, such as:

  • chronic pancreatitis, celiac disease and other diseases of organs involved in the digestive process;
  • toxic effects of poisons: arsenic, mushrooms (false honey mushrooms, toadstool), etc.;
  • allergic reaction to certain foods and medications;
  • constant use junk food: hot, salty, spicy dishes.

In addition, there may be: intestinal yersiniosis, salmonellosis, viral infections.

Enteritis in children, symptoms

Intestinal symptoms

If the inflammatory process occurs in the small intestine, the symptoms are quite mild. Other cases are characterized by increased bowel movements (up to twenty times a day), flatulence, rumbling and distension of the abdomen.

There are no pathological impurities (blood, mucus) in the stool. The volume of feces is increased and may contain large amounts of fat and particles of undigested food. As the disease progresses, the stool becomes liquid like water, so in small children it can be absorbed into the diaper.

Pain sensations are usually localized near the navel. According to etiology, they can be: dull, bursting or cramping. The pain occurs several hours after eating. It is possible that nausea may occur, accompanied by vomiting.

Extraintestinal symptoms:

  • weight loss due to loss of appetite;
  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • dryness and flaking skin. In addition, hair loss and fragility, separation of the nail plate are observed;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

If the disease occurs in mild form And moderate severity, recovery occurs within a few days. In severe cases of the disease, complications are possible: Iron-deficiency anemia, perforation of the small intestine, dehydration.

How and with what to treat?

It is very good when parents begin to sound the alarm in a timely manner, and do not wait until the disease will pass by herself. Such an ailment does not exist in nature, so you need to start treatment immediately after visiting a specialist.

Proper nutrition is the first step to recovery

Children under twelve months are strictly prohibited from following a “starvation diet” with frequent loose stools, because due to poor nutrition the process of mucosal regeneration slows down. This only leads to active reduction weight and increased diarrhea.

If enteritis in children is mild, nutrition should be age-appropriate. On the first day, the child is given soft food and drinking plenty of fluids. From the diet, until recovery occurs, you will need to completely exclude foods that promote fermentation in the intestines and weaken the stool.

Moderate severity - reduce the amount of food by thirty percent. If there is an improvement in health, nutrition is gradually stabilized according to age category patient.

So, products for children:

  • infants - mother's milk. If the child is transferred to artificial feeding, then give him fermented milk mixtures;
  • from six months. Porridges prepared with milk, which is previously diluted by half with water. A few days later - fruit jelly, vegetable puree, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • from eight months. If the child it's already underway on the mend, he is allowed to be fed dairy products, soups, minced meat and similar dishes.

But since this material is intended for informational purposes only, more about dietary nutrition will tell qualified specialist. You also need to take into account the fact that children may be allergic to certain vegetables and fruits. Therefore, it is better to ask your pediatrician all questions about nutrition.

Exclude products:

  • grapes, greens, oranges and other vegetables/fruits that are rich in fiber;
  • porridges prepared with whole milk. Dairy products should also be removed from the child's diet;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • crackers (bread) from white and rye bread.

Apples, carrots, potatoes, and zucchini have a positive effect on the condition of the intestines. They contain pectin, which absorbs water, swells and absorbs pathogenic microorganisms and harmful toxins. These fruits and vegetables are best prepared pureed, so they retain more of the nutrients.

Treatment with antibiotics

It is preferable to give antibiotics to your child by mouth. If persistent vomiting does not allow this, they are administered through injections. Antibacterial agents selected depending on the detonator of the disease and its sensitivity.

With mild and medium degree Children under two years of age are prescribed Furazolidone, Nevigramon, Nikroksolin. Duration course treatment with chemotherapy and antibiotics is from 5 to 7 days. But if necessary, the doctor can change the treatment regimen.

Oral dehydration

To prevent dehydration child's body due to constant diarrhea and vomiting, they need to be given water saline solutions. They are sold in finished form. In addition, increase the volume of water according to this scheme:

  • up to two years: up to one hundred milliliters after each act of defecation;
  • up to ten years. Up to 200 ml;
  • over 10 years old. He decides for himself whether he wants to drink or not. There is no need to force him to drink water.

Water supply rules: the child should be given a tablespoon of water every 4-5 minutes. To make up for the loss minerals, give fresh compote according to a similar scheme, pre-cool to a comfortable temperature.


It could be Activated carbon. This drug absorbs everything harmful substances and takes them out through the chair. The duration of treatment is almost a week, but first consult with a specialist. It is possible that he will recommend another remedy.

In addition to all of the above, enteritis in children can be treated with probiotics and antispasmodics. It is strictly forbidden to give antidiarrheals, because in this case only harmful substances are removed, and pathogens pathological process remain to progress. The latter can lead to a deterioration in the patient's well-being.

ATTENTION! Treatment should begin after the doctor examines the child, receives test results and makes a conclusion. You don’t need to take measures on your own, especially if you don’t have the slightest experience in this.

Treatment of enteritis with traditional medicine:

  • take one tablespoon of dried St. John's wort herb and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Leave for forty-five minutes, strain. Take half a mug three times a day;
  • For 200 ml of boiling water there is 1 large spoon of blueberries (dried). Leave for 1/3 hour, take in the same way as in the previous recipe;
  • tincture based on kvass herb. Take 12 g. herbs per 200 ml of just boiled water. Leave to infuse for forty-five minutes, then strain and you can begin treatment. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Before treating a child with decoctions, it is necessary to agree on the recipe with a specialist, because not all infusions are equally useful for different patients.

Preventive actions

They are divided into primary and secondary prevention.
The first is aimed at identifying and monitoring children with dysbacteriosis, suffering from functional disorders gastrointestinal tract. If detected similar pathologies, children are again sent for secondary prevention.

Secondary prevention involves identifying children who have enteritis. They are registered and monitored. Every year in spring and autumn, anti-relapse therapy is carried out. If an exacerbation begins, parents are advised to send the child to a medical sanatorium.

The list of childhood diseases today is so large that sometimes it is simply impossible to count it. This includes rubella, and chicken pox, and whooping cough, and otitis media, and scarlet fever, and so on and so forth. One of the diseases that can occur in childhood, is and enteritis. In fact, this disease differs from many others in the complexity of its course.

What is a disease called enteritis? What are its types and reasons for its development? How dangerous is enteritis for a child’s body? What are the methods for diagnosing and treating enteritis in children?
.site) will try to answer right now. Surely information regarding enteritis in children is of interest great amount parents. If you are one of them, then stay with us until the end.

What is the disease called enteritis?

First of all, we note that this name of the disease comes from the Greek word “ enteron", which means "gut". Enteritis refers to the inflammatory process of the small intestine. Modern medicine distinguishes two types of enteritis in children. It's spicy and chronic enteritis. If we talk about acute enteritis, then this type diseases are like two peas in a pod, similar to acute gastroenterocolitis. As for the chronic form of enteritis, it occurs as a result long absence treatment of the acute form of this disease.

What are the reasons for the development of enteritis in children?

In fact, there are quite a lot of such reasons. These include indigestion, accelerated passage of intestinal contents, decreased efficiency of the small intestine, poor nutrition, and some others. Let us immediately draw the attention of all parents to the fact that the age of the child, as well as the severity of the enteritis, determines how severely the child’s metabolism will be disrupted.


Surely many parents are interested in the following question: What are the symptoms of enteritis in children?
The very first sign of enteritis is still diarrhea. The child goes to the toilet very often, and pieces of incompletely digested food and mucus can be seen in his stool. By the way, feces can be either light yellow or gray in color. Most often, a baby’s stool in the presence of enteritis also has a foul, pungent odor. The frequency of bowel movements can reach ten to twenty times a day. Other symptoms of enteritis in children include: pain in the abdomen, excessive gas formation, rumbling stomach, pain during bowel movements and some others. How younger child, the more difficult it is for him to cope with this illness, and especially to endure the symptoms of enteritis.


If you notice that there is something wrong with your baby's stool, take him to the doctor immediately. Diagnosing enteritis in children today is not difficult. Parents will be asked how the baby is behaving, what symptoms are bothering him, and what he has eaten. Then they will take the baby's stool for analysis. With the help of scatological research, specialists will be able to find out all the questions that interest them. It is quite possible that to identify of this disease the child will be sent for intestinoscopy with targeted biopsy. The results of all these methods for diagnosing enteritis will help the doctor draw his conclusions and prescribe the correct course of treatment.


As for the treatment of enteritis in children, it is based on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a special diet, the use of enzyme, antibacterial, and biological drugs, the use of bacteriophages and medicinal plants. I would like to draw the attention of parents directly to the diet that a child should follow with enteritis. All food consumed by the child must be fortified