Write a story about your favorite pet. "my favorite animal" - an essay about a pet. On White Silks

Almost every child has a pet or dreams of one. Therefore, homework such as writing an essay “My Favorite Animal” will not cause difficulties for schoolchildren. The most important thing is to approach the question responsibly and write an essay from the bottom of your heart, fully conveying your thoughts.

What should an essay be like for a school student?

Every student, no matter what grade he is in, should understand how to do his homework correctly. An essay about your favorite animal should be:

  • Written according to a pre-planned plan.
  • Be of the correct structure.
  • Completely convey the idea that should be conveyed in the essay.
  • Have an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Of course, each of the school students once received homework such as writing an essay. Therefore, they understand in general terms how this task should be completed.

Essay plan

Moms and dads can make it easier for their son or daughter to complete a task such as writing the essay “My Favorite Animal.” They can do this by suggesting to the child the correctness and order of transmission of thoughts in a creative task. A standard essay plan is usually like this:

This is a rough outline of the essay. Of course, depending on the age and creative abilities of the child, parents can offer their son or daughter a more detailed plan.

Essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades

Schoolchildren of the first, second or third grade may well receive a creative assignment home, in which they will need to convey thoughts about what role our little brothers play in human life. The essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades could be as follows:

My parents and I love animals. I like all of them without exception: fish, rodents, cats, and dogs. I am very sorry that we live in an apartment and the number of animals cannot be large. Therefore, I dream of a private house in which I can have several dogs, cats and even large animals such as a horse and a cow.

Even though we live in an apartment, mom and dad allowed me to have a pet. I have a cat Matryona and fish. My cat is a very interesting animal, she constantly asks to be held and petted. When she sits on her knees, Matryona begins to mutter to the whole apartment. I also love watching my Matryona look after the fish. There is a lid on the aquarium, so she cannot pull out the aquatic inhabitants with her paw. But watching fish for hours is my cat’s favorite thing.

I believe that every person needs animals. They make people kinder and give joy to every apartment resident.

Everyone in my family loves animals. That is why there was room in the apartment for a dog, a cat and even a chinchilla.

I can talk about my pets for a long time. Therefore, I will only say the main features of each of my pets. My dog ​​is a shepherd breed. This is my most faithful friend, she always looks at me like a person. And on the street he doesn’t leave a single step, because Lucy protects and protects me. The cat, whose name is Mila, is an Angora breed, very calm and sweet. She loves to sleep next to Lucy, and sometimes even on top of her. Chinchilla Shusha is not tame. She usually runs around her cage. But I still love to admire her.

I believe that every person, and especially children, should have a pet. They help you feel always needed and significant.

Such essays are quite suitable for little ones.

Essay on the topic “My favorite animal” for high school students

Students who have crossed the threshold of elementary school and entered middle school can write more complex statements of their own thoughts. You can take the following essay ideas as an example:

My favorite animal is a dog. I had different pets, cats, fish, and even ferrets. But when a Lambrador dog appeared in my house, I realized that I couldn’t think of a better animal.

My Richie, that’s the dog’s name, is always next to me. Mom and him accompany me to school, Richie looks after me with sad eyes, as if he doesn’t want me to leave. When I get home, he greets me by barking loudly and jumping on me to get me to play with him. Mom is not even afraid to send me to walk the dog myself, because my four-legged friend is a very reliable protection. Richie is happy when I play with him, sad when I leave. It seems to me that I am his favorite owner.

If I were ever offered to exchange my dog ​​for several other animals, I would never agree to it. Richie is my best, most loyal friend and I would never trade him for anyone.

I adore animals. For as long as I can remember, I have always had pets.

At first, my mother did not want to have animals at home. But because I kept asking for them, she went and bought an aquarium with fish. At first, only a couple of fish lived in it, and there were no special decorations. Gradually we bought various decorative corals, shells and also bought more fish. Today we have a large aquarium, the inhabitants of which are very pleasant to watch at any time of the day, especially in the evening. My next pet was a guinea pig. I really like her too. When I arrive, Masha lets out a squeak of joy. She also coos contentedly when I feed her.

Life is much more fun with animals. Therefore, it is worthwhile for everyone who, for some reason, does not yet have pets, should get one. Animals are very necessary for a person, they help to become real, sincere and kind.

Such combinations of thoughts will please the teacher and deserve praise.

Essay about an animal for high school students

In high school, they may also assign similar homework. Therefore, students must be prepared to put their thoughts together. As an example, you can take the following essay on the topic “Love Animals”:

From a person's attitude towards animals, one can easily understand his inner world. Angry people get irritated when a cat rubs near their feet or when a dog fawns on them. Unkind people are very easy to identify; if you are in a house where there are animals, they will definitely show themselves in some way.

Dogs, cats, fish, rodents, birds, any animal deserves to live together with a person, and not within the walls of pet stores. If everything makes you angry and those around you seem bad and indifferent, you should get yourself a pet. You can choose an animal based on how much free time you have.

You need to love animals, because they are sincere and never harm humans. Only pets help us become real, humane and world-loving people.

This essay has a philosophical meaning, so it is ideal for high school students.

How to convey thoughts correctly

To get a good grade and earn praise from the teacher, the most important thing is to write an essay from the heart, putting in sincerity and mood. Only then will the essay be worthy of the highest score and will help to recognize the inner world of the writer.

There is a cat in our family. His name is Masik. He will soon turn one year old. He is like a member of our family. When we sit down to dinner, he’s right there. He hits the tablecloth with his paw and asks for food. It turns out funny. He loves fish and bread. He also loves it when I play with him. And during the day, if no one is home, he basks on the balcony in the sun. Masik sleeps with me or his older sister Christina.

I love him so much.

Tymin Anton, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

I have a feathered pet at home - Kesha the parrot. He came to us two years ago. Now he knows how to talk and feels quite confident with people. My parrot is very cheerful, smart and talented.

I love him very much and am very glad that I have him.

Varfolomeeva Ekaterina, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My friend

My mother and I went to the market, bought a kitten and brought it home. He began to hide everywhere. We named him Tishka. He grew up and began to catch mice. We soon found out that it was a cat, and now we are expecting kittens.

Belevich Ksenia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My turtle

I have a little turtle living at home. Her name is Dina. We go for a walk with her. She eats fresh grass outside. Then I take it home. She walks around the apartment and looks for a dark corner. When he finds it, he sleeps in it for an hour or two.

I taught her to eat in the kitchen. Dina loves apples, cabbage, soaked bread, and raw meat. Once a week we bathe the turtle in a basin.

This is my turtle.

Miroshnikova Sofia, 2nd grade, school No. 11, Belgorod

My favorite rabbit

I have a little rabbit. He is so cute, he has tiny red eyes. He is the most beautiful in the world! When I saw him for the first time, I could not take my eyes off his beauty.

The rabbit never runs away from me, but on the contrary, as soon as he sees me, he immediately asks to be held in my arms. Well, just like my little brother! He is very smart. Likes to eat grass and corn.

I love my bunny!

Bobylev Denis, 7 years old

Kitty Samik

I don’t have any animals at home, but my friend the cat Samson lives with my grandmother in the village. Beautiful, fluffy, black with white spots on the chest.

Usually houses are guarded dogs, and the grandmother’s guard is Samik. First, he drove all the mice out of all the sheds and out of the basement. And for several years now, not a single mouse! But that is not all. He doesn’t let other people’s cats or dogs into the garden, or the garden, or the yard, and this helps my grandmother! Even if someone approaches the house, Samik begins to meow loudly, and the grandmother already knows that someone stranger has come!

Granny pampers her guard with milk, fish, and sausage. After all, he is so smart! He deserves it!

Baidikov Vladislav

When I was little, we lived in the North in the city of Noyabrsk. Mom, dad and I were at the market and bought two rabbits. One was white and the other was gray. I was very happy! We bought food for them. They lived in a cage on the balcony. I fed them carrots and cabbage every day and cleaned their cage. I really loved rabbits and played with them.

When we left the North, we were unable to take the rabbits on the long journey. They were afraid that they would die. Mom took a photo of me with them. I think about them often and miss them.

Eremeeva Sabina, 7 years old, 2 "A" class, school No. 11, Belgorod

I have a pet. This is a cat named Masha. She came to us when I was still in kindergarten. Now Masha is 7 years old, but despite her age, she still loves to run and play.

Our Masha is black, with a small white spot on her chest. If it weren't for him, our cat would look like a small puma. Her eyes are yellow-green.

Our cat is very affectionate, loves to be petted and never bites anyone too much. Therefore, everyone would like to have such a pet.

Masha likes to sleep on a chair. But after it, it’s better not to sit on it in light clothes, because the fur will stick to it. And you have to constantly wipe the chair.

We usually feed Masha the same food that we eat ourselves. We sometimes buy her sprat. We don’t buy kiteket for her because it contains flavor enhancers and then she doesn’t eat other food.

We all love Masha very much. And I would like everyone to have such a pet.


The amazing thing is that in elementary school I was very afraid of dogs. But then everything changed - from the moment I saw a photo of a very cute and touching puppy in one of the advertisements.

I really wanted to take him in, love him, pamper him, be friends and take care of him. I showed the ad to my parents, and to my surprise they agreed.

We called the number provided. A few hours later, a woman who introduced herself as Svetlana came to us and brought a small, yellow lump by taxi. She said that she works as a saleswoman in a grocery store and at the same time does volunteer work in one of the city’s shelters.

But my puppy turned out to be not one of those that she had in foster care - he was simply thrown under the doors of the store early in the morning. And we, as it turned out, called on the same day - that’s why the baby didn’t even stay with her for a day.

However, upon arrival to us the puppy was washed, fed, and treated for fleas and ticks. Together with him, Svetlana handed over a bedding and one of her favorite toys.

Once with us, the puppy instantly felt at home - after looking around the apartment, he was satisfied, ate a little, and, after playing with me, settled peacefully on his bed.

We said goodbye to Svetlana. It was too late. It's time to go to bed.

The next morning, all the “delights” that await the owner of a small puppy began - training to walk, a riot of energy destructive to the apartment and constant troubles.

Moreover, I took on 99% of them - only occasionally, when going to school, I asked my mother to look after the pet while I was away. I did everything else myself - fed him, taught him commands, took him out for walks (at first 5 times a day, later the number of walks decreased).

My dog's name is Lada. Now she is already 3.5 years old. During this time, she became as close to me as no other person (except close relatives) had been. When she was a puppy, I diligently measured her indicators every month, and at first she was on par with a German Shepherd puppy - but then “noble” traits began to appear in her, her growth slowed down, so now she is somewhat smaller than representatives of this noble breed.

However, it has a very similar muzzle to a shepherd. Height at the withers is about 55 cm, and weight is about 25-30 kg. I am not at all upset by the fact that she is not a purebred, because I did not buy her for exhibitions, but adopted her with the best intentions.

For these efforts, Lada still pays me with loyalty and selfless friendship. She is very playful and affectionate - but despite this she is very aggressive and distrustful of suspicious strangers. Security qualities are well developed.

I started training her at about four months old. During this time, Lada learned such basic commands as “lie down”, “sit”, “voice”, “fetch”, “come to me”, “give me a paw”, which she now performs at the first call.

We didn’t go to OKD and didn’t learn more complex tricks - simply because I didn’t want to “torment” her with exercises that wouldn’t be useful to her. After all, she is not a service or sports dog, but a family friend. And she copes with this mission “one hundred percent.”

Despite all my efforts, Lada is not always obedient - the reason for this is her excessive emotionality. She loves children and elderly people very much - therefore, sometimes you have to call out to her so that she does not rush to fawn on them.

However, Lada is known and loved by the whole house. Sometimes I let the neighbor kids play with her and pet her. Even though my dog ​​is very active, on rainy days she loves to be indoors - and sometimes even snuggle under the blanket. We love to walk and play, so we often spend time outside the house in the vacant lot.

Of the purchased toys, Lada really likes rubber glowing balls and plastic bones that can be pulled - but sometimes she does not disdain ordinary tennis balls, which she brings even within the walls of the apartment.

By the way, despite her decent size and natural courage, Lada is very afraid of thunder - hearing its rumbles, she again becomes a small and defenseless puppy, hiding behind my leg, hoping to find salvation and support.

Perhaps in some ways my dog ​​is inferior to those who have studied in training courses for several years. But for me this is the best friend and the best pet in the world, whom I love very much and will always love.

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My favorite animal is a cat. Since childhood I wanted to have a cat. And finally, my dream came true - a kitten appeared at home. His name is Timofey, but for now for everyone he is Timosha, Timka, Timulka.

The kitten is purebred and requires special care. He will grow into a huge beautiful cat. In the meantime, he is small and, like all children, very cheerful. My kitten is white with gray spots. He has small paws with which he steps completely silently, especially if he is sneaking. He has small pink pads on his paws. They help him walk so quietly. In moments of danger, Timosha releases sharp claws and can scratch.

The kitten sits in a special way. He puts his front paws slightly forward and can sit for a long time and carefully watch everyone.

The kitten's head is round and also white. Only the mustache is black and very long. Timka’s nose is black, like satin, and at the same time always cold. The ears are pointy and fluffy. Timokha is small, he is not even two months old. But despite this, he has sharp teeth and claws. The kitten likes to bite, but it doesn’t hurt at all when playing. He grabs the finger with his teeth and squeezes it. But when I say that it hurts me, he understands and immediately stops biting.

Timoshka is a big gourmet. Most of all, the kitten loves fish, especially fresh fish. He immediately pounces on her and eats with great appetite, even purring with pleasure. Having had enough, he leaves the fish on the plate to eat it later. Feeling hungry, he asks to eat himself. Then Timka starts running around his legs and scratching. He always eats carefully, without taking pieces out of the plate. He loves warm milk very much.

If Timoshka wants to sleep, he is capricious, like a small child. He sleeps wonderfully. Putting his head on his paws, he hides his nose in a pillow or covers it with his tail and closes his eyes. But he is a light sleeper. Grandmother says that Timoshka is not sleeping, but dozing. As soon as you rustle somewhere, the kitten immediately wakes up. He opens his eyes, raises his ears, ready to rush “at the enemy” at any moment.

Timka's favorite pastime is playing. He, like all little ones, loves to play. There is no end to his pranks: either he lies on his back and starts playing with my hands, or from around the corner he throws himself right at my feet. But most of all the kitten loves to play with a small ball. He runs after him and tries to bite him with his sharp teeth. And when this fails, he gets angry. The kitten begins to meow threateningly and pushes the ball with its paw. Timoshka even knows how to dance. He very funny stands on his hind legs, raises his front legs and starts spinning, trying to reach the piece of paper. Sometimes, not reaching it, he falls to the floor and somersaults over his head. Then he gets offended and moves away. His eyes become sad and sad. In fact, my friend's eyes are very beautiful. When the baby rubs gently at my feet and purrs softly, his eyes are green-green. But as soon as he gets angry, his eyes become completely dark, almost black. At such moments, the fur on the back rises up, and the tail arches. That's why I always try to calm the kitten down and say something kind to him.

Timosha is a very smart kitten. Sometimes it even seems to me that he understands human speech, he just doesn’t know how to talk himself. But he also has his own language. When Timka is happy and full, he meows affectionately and rubs himself against his legs. If you make him angry, he grumbles like a wild animal.

I tried to train the kitten, and now he knows how to give his paw. For this he gets something tasty. Our Timoshka is very clean. Every day he sits down on the rug, licks his paw with his pink tongue and begins to wash his face, head and even ears with it. Just like a person. On Saturdays we bathe him in a small bath. After bathing, the kitten's fur becomes beautiful, clean and shiny. He rejoices at this and purrs gratefully.

I really want our Timoshka to grow up faster and turn into a big beautiful cat, Timofey.

Stepanova Elena (9th grade)

Pets always surround the child. In some families, cats, dogs, and rabbits are their favorites. In others - turtles or guinea pigs, even more exotic ones, for example, iguanas. All of them are our four-legged friends since childhood. I really want to tell my friends and relatives about them, especially since they teach this very topic at school. About (2nd grade) will be discussed in this article. This material can serve as a good help both for children planning to write an essay on a given topic, and for parents who traditionally help them with this.

How to make a plan

So, where do we begin to plan a story about a pet (2nd grade)?

A story about a cat

“Once my mother and I bought a little kitten, he was very tiny and fit on his mother’s folded palms. We named him Tikhon, and affectionately Tishka.

Tisha has grown up a little. His fur is long and the color is white and red. The paws are thick and pink on the pads, there are almost no claws. And he himself is affectionate and gentle. He comes and purrs in the evenings in the arms of his mother or me. He also loves to be petted and scratched under the chin.

A little more time passed, and my mother and I learned that it was a cat. But that’s okay, I didn’t even have to change my name: Tishka remained that way. Moreover, she already responds to her nickname and runs to the kitchen, especially if she is given food. And soon we are expecting kittens and will distribute them to all our friends.

I love Tisha because she is affectionate and purrs. It’s also very funny that we bought a cat, but in the end we got a cat, but this is even better!”

A story about a pet: a dog

“I’ve been wanting a dog for three years now. Something that’s not too big and very friendly, like a spaniel, for example. And for my birthday they gave me a puppy. I named him Rocky. And he’s already starting to respond to his name.

He is fluffy, his ears hang almost to the floor, and his colors are white, gray and black. Very sociable and affectionate. You come home from school, and he jumps around and barks - he greets you. He is still very small and sleeps on my bed, but his mother wants to move him to her place near the door.

Sometimes we go for a walk with Rocky. We have to put him on a leash, but he doesn’t like it very much. He also chases pigeons and sparrows on the playground!”