Important information about what vaccinations your dog receives. Vaccination for dogs: how to prepare your pet for it and how often dogs should be vaccinated. What annual vaccinations are given to dogs?

Dogs, like other animals, are very susceptible to diseases, the pathogens of which can easily be found on the street. Only timely vaccination will help protect your pet from diseases, many of which are fatal.

We will tell you about the importance of vaccinations in the life of every animal in this article.

A standard dog vaccination plan includes vaccinations against the following infectious diseases:

  • Rabies- this disease is equally dangerous for both the dog and its owner. After infection of an unvaccinated animal, death occurs in 99%. Due to the high mortality rate from this disease and the lack of drugs, vaccination against rabies is mandatory and regulated at the legislative level. If you still doubt whether your dog needs to be vaccinated against rabies, then there is only one answer: vaccination is definitely necessary.
  • - a serious disease in which the virus affects the central nervous system of the animal (dogs are more susceptible to this virus), as well as the skin and internal organs. Mortality is high.

  • - a serious disease characterized by damage to the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. The disease is difficult to treat, and the mortality rate among animals is high.
  • Leptospirosis- an acute bacterial disease, its pathogens affect the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, as well as the liver and kidneys. This virus is also dangerous for humans - it causes acute jaundice and is often fatal.
  • Infectious hepatitis Particularly dangerous for young dogs under 3 years of age. The virus affects the mucous membranes of the body, the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system of the pet.

Important! Rabies vaccination is quite difficult for animals to tolerate and often causes complications. When planning to vaccinate your pet, make sure that the rabies vaccine is not combined with other injections. This is an independent vaccine and is injected separately.

As you can see, these are very serious infectious diseases; in most cases, the unvaccinated animal dies. Timely administration of the vaccine helps to build immunity to pathogens.
Your veterinarian may also add additional vaccinations for your pet to the vaccination schedule, for example, against tick-borne borreliosis, parainfluenza, and piroplasmosis. The exact list of vaccines depends on the breed of the dog, its lifestyle and the epidemiological situation in the area of ​​​​residence.

At the moment, veterinary clinics have a wide range of domestic and imported vaccines. There are no clear answers about the quality and effectiveness of drugs, depending on the manufacturer.

Vaccines for dogs come in monocomponent and multicomponent types. Monocomponent ones contain a weakened virus of one disease, thereby forming the animal’s immunity to one disease.

Did you know? In order for a spoiled puppy to accept you as an owner, experienced breeders advise grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, it is better to do this with your teeth.

Multicomponent ones contain pathogens of several viruses (from 2 to 9); such vaccinations are recommended for special adults, since their body is strong enough to resist several viruses at the same time. A consultation with a veterinarian will help you make your final choice.

We will tell you at what age puppies can be vaccinated. It all depends on when the babies were taken from the nursing mother. The fact is that while puppies are fed milk, their body receives not only useful substances, but also antibodies that are present in the body of their mother. Most often, puppies are separated from their mother when they reach 1.5–2 months, so this age can be considered optimal.

Before the first vaccination, it is very important to prepare the baby so that his growing body can endure this procedure as comfortably as possible:

  • 2 weeks before vaccination, the puppy must be given anthelmintic drugs. If possible, choose an anthelmintic designed for puppies. It is most convenient to use the drug in the form of a suspension.
  • If possible, a week before the treatment procedure, do not walk outside and avoid contact with other dogs, especially adult dogs.
  • A few days before the injection, measure the animal’s body temperature every day.
  • Make sure your puppy is alert, has a good appetite and is inquisitive on the day of the vaccination.

The first vaccinations for dogs must be done before the puppy reaches 1 year of age..
The vaccine administration schedule is approximately as follows:

  • Age 5–8 weeks- primary vaccination against selected diseases.
  • Age 11–14 weeks- revaccination. Make sure your veterinarian administers the same drug that was administered the first time.

Since post-vaccination immunity develops within 14–21 days, your pet may feel worse during this period. You may observe the following symptoms: lethargy, loss of appetite, slight increases in body temperature. This reaction to vaccines is within normal limits, but it is very important not to overload the puppy:

  1. Feed as desired, but make sure a bowl of clean water is readily available.
  2. Don't walk outside and avoid interacting with other dogs. If you want to let your puppy run around in the fresh air, try to go out of town.
  3. Protect him from possible stress.
  4. Do not visit veterinary clinics unless absolutely necessary.

Important! If you have several animals, it is best to vaccinate them on the same day. But after the vaccine is administered, they must be isolated from communication with each other for 10 days.

This quarantine lasts at least 10 days. Remember that if unpleasant symptoms do not go away, be sure to show your baby to the veterinarian.

To maintain the body's resistance to various infections in the first year of life, vaccinations are not enough. From 1 to 3 years of age, the dog requires annual vaccinations. The veterinarian will help you determine the exact list of required vaccines. As a rule, adults survive the post-vaccination period almost unnoticed. However, even an animal “accustomed” to weakened viruses needs proper preparation before vaccination in order to minimize the risk of complications:

  • In 7–10 days, a mandatory test is carried out. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight of the animal.
  • At the time of vaccination, the dog must be absolutely healthy. She should not have any discharge from her nose or eyes, and her temperature should be within normal limits.
  • A few days before vaccination, limit your dog’s interaction with other pets on the site.

Many breeders ask the question of whether it is possible to walk the dog after vaccination. For an adult animal, post-vaccination quarantine is conditional - you can and should go for a walk, but the walk must be on a leash to avoid contact with other animals. The main thing is that the dog does not freeze or become overtired - for an organism weakened by the vaccine, these factors can provoke complications.

In any case, during a 2-week period you should observe the dog’s behavior - this is done to timely identify adverse reactions that may occur.

Starting from the age of 4, there is no longer a need for annual vaccinations. As a rule, at this age the dog has developed a stable immunity to diseases. The need for vaccinations is discussed with the veterinarian in each case separately.

Proper vaccination of dogs includes the following:

  • a week before this procedure, the animal is given antihelminthic drugs;
  • at the time of vaccination the dog must be absolutely healthy;
  • All vaccinations must be given according to the schedule approved by your veterinarian;
  • vaccines should not be expired;
  • the syringes used must be sterile;
  • After the procedure, the veterinarian must enter data in the animal’s passport with the name of the vaccine administered.


Sometimes your pet may experience complications after vaccination. They are divided into 2 categories:

  • local;
  • are common.

Local complications include the appearance of redness at the injection site, the formation of a lump or even a lump. The swollen area may be very hot and painful. Common symptoms include fever (up to 40 °C), lethargy and apathy, lack of appetite and depression.

Basically, these symptoms go away after a few days and do not cause much damage to the pet’s health.

You may also be allergic to any component used in the manufacture of the vaccine. The most dangerous manifestation is anaphylactic shock.
It can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • weakness in the limbs;
  • the appearance of a bluish tint in the oral cavity;
  • shortness of breath or inability to take deep breaths;
  • increased salivation.
If such signs appear after the vaccine is administered, the animal must be urgently hospitalized. If veterinary care is not provided in a timely manner, the dog may die.

Never doubt whether to vaccinate your dog or not. This is the only way to protect your pet from fatal diseases, which often pose a danger to humans.

It has been proven by science: if you get over an illness, the second illness will go away easier or completely unnoticed. This is due to the formation of immunity. Puppies are vaccinated to develop acquired immunity. Acquired immunity is a state of the body in which antibodies are produced that destroy infections and viruses. The duration of acquired immunity varies - from 15 days to a number of years. If you vaccinate your puppy in a timely manner, you will be confident that the baby will not contract the disease against which the vaccine was given.

Vaccination of puppies is an important task in dog breeding. Dogs, like people, are susceptible to diseases, some diseases are dangerous and pose a serious threat to canine health and life. Veterinarians encourage puppies to be vaccinated. An animal that has completed a course of vaccinations can be safely taken outside for walks without fear that the puppy will contract a fatal infection.

Distemper, viral hepatitis, enteritis and rabies are recognized as common and dangerous infectious diseases in dogs. If in the old days puppies were vaccinated primarily against distemper and rabies, today it makes more sense to vaccinate a puppy against all diseases at the same time. It has been proven that strains of diseases mutate, and even mild diseases can now lead to the death of an animal. If you want your pet to live a long and happy life without disease or suffering, vaccination is required!

The vaccine is produced in Russia and abroad. Moreover, vaccines are available against a single disease or against a combination of diseases (up to 5 diseases inclusive in one injection).

If the puppy is breastfed, it receives its first immunity in life through breast milk. When the baby is weaned, the puppy needs additional protection.

  • The puppy's first vaccination is given at 2 months.
  • Until this time, it is forbidden to take the puppy outside, allow him to interact with animals, or expose him to colds and infectious diseases.

Vaccination rules

It is not recommended to vaccinate a puppy before 2 months of age. Before vaccination you will need to meet the following conditions:

  1. Preparing the dog. The puppy must be dewormed 15 days before vaccination. Many domestic and imported drugs have been developed and are purchased at a veterinary clinic.
  2. Only healthy animals are vaccinated. If the puppy is sick or unwell, vaccination is postponed until the baby has fully recovered.

The first vaccination of puppies is carried out at 8 weeks. As an exception, puppies can be vaccinated for the first time at 6 weeks, provided that the mother of the puppies was not vaccinated before mating.

  • The first vaccination of puppies takes place in two stages - an indispensable condition. The first injection is given, and after 7-14 days the second injection is given.
  • When the puppy's baby teeth are replaced, the vaccination is repeated. The period of teeth change occurs between the ages of four and six months.
  • The next vaccination is given to the dog at 1 year of age.
  • Then the dog is vaccinated again every year.
  • There is a special condition for bitches - they must be vaccinated annually, but 1 month before the expected mating (or estrus).

Vaccination of dogs and puppies is done according to the vaccine instructions exclusively by a veterinarian. Some vaccines are given subcutaneously, some are given intramuscularly, others can be given intramuscularly and subcutaneously. An incorrectly administered injection can lead to negative consequences in the animal’s body: vomiting, diarrhea, weakness in the legs, disability.

After vaccination, puppies are still susceptible to infectious diseases. Full immunity from the disease is developed three weeks after repeated vaccination. During the risky period, you will need to carefully protect the puppy from communicating with relatives, from infection during a walk, and from colds. Walking a one and a half month old dog means exposing your pet to unnecessary risk. You should not take your dog to shows or show off your baby to guests.

The dog must be healthy during the vaccination period! If the puppy is sick, or you suspect the dog has a disease, vaccination will only worsen the course of the disease. In the period before vaccination, the best places for walks will be uncrowded country forest parks, where there is little chance of meeting other animals. Such walks will help protect the puppy from the danger of falling victim to infectious diseases and will be beneficial. The animal will receive a lot of new impressions; fresh air and space will help the development of the body and strengthen the immune system.

Varieties of vaccine

Puppies are vaccinated against these diseases.

  1. Rabies - vaccination is required. Dog rabies is a dangerous disease that can be transmitted to humans. Animals suffer severely from pathology and die. Vaccination does not cause complications in the puppy and is easily tolerated by the body. A dog is given a rabies vaccine once a year.
  2. Carnivore plague is an infectious disease that leads to agony and death of the animal. Vaccination is easily tolerated by dogs; it happens that puppies experience lethargy and loss of appetite after vaccination. This discomfort goes away within 2-3 days.
  3. Parvovirus gastroenteritis is a dangerous intestinal disease that leads to complete dehydration of the dog's body. Vaccination against the disease is considered a preventive measure to combat the disease.
  4. Leptospirosis is a dangerous infectious disease that leads to the rapid death of the animal. Vaccination is carried out for preventive purposes.
  5. Infectious hepatitis is a contagious viral disease of acute form. Characterized by fever, snot, saliva, damage to the central nervous system and liver.
  6. Adenovirus infections are mostly susceptible to puppies. The dog's condition depends on its immunological status.
  7. Parainfluenza is transmitted by airborne droplets. Your pet should be vaccinated first - at the beginning of the epidemic period, especially if you exhibit the dog at exhibitions.

All of the above diseases are especially dangerous, but a vaccinated animal develops immunity; in case of contact with a sick pet, the vaccinated dog will suffer a mild form of the disease, which will relieve complications and save life.

Today, mono-vaccines (against a single type of disease) and complex vaccines (the composition of the vaccine fights several diseases) have been developed. Complex vaccines are preferred. With one injection it is possible to vaccinate an animal against a list of common diseases (plague, rabies, hepatitis, enteritis and others).

Nobivak vaccine

Nobivak is considered a common live vaccine against dangerous diseases. This combination vaccine protects against known canine diseases, from distemper and rabies to parainfluenza and leptospirosis. The vaccine is a white liquid, the injection is given either subcutaneously or intramuscularly (depending on the type of vaccine).

Conditions for vaccination with Nobivak vaccinations:

Does a puppy need vaccination?

Vaccination of puppies and adult dogs ensures their health. Vaccination of pets is considered a necessity for animals and humans. The price of puppy vaccination depends on many factors: the location and popularity of the veterinary hospital, the qualifications of the veterinarian, the location of the vaccine (calling a veterinarian to your home is much more expensive) and the manufacturer of the vaccine. In different regions, the price for puppy vaccination is different, fluctuating in the same category for the first vaccination.

Repeated and subsequent vaccinations of a puppy are half the price. This is explained by the fact that during the first vaccination, the veterinarian gives a full consultation and answers any questions that arise, charging an additional fee. Subsequent vaccinations do not raise many questions; veterinarian advice is not required.

Vaccination scheme

At 2 months the first vaccination is carried out. After the injection, the puppy should not be washed, overfed or taken outside. Immunity after the first vaccine is developed within 12 days, a period that becomes dangerous for the baby. A person will need to make a lot of effort to alleviate the puppy’s condition. After the first vaccination, puppies experience increased body temperature, general weakness and diarrhea.

After 3 weeks, the puppy is given a second vaccination with the same vaccine. As a rule, after the second vaccination the dog feels much better; for 12 days the baby is protected from other animals, from drafts and is not taken out for walks. After the time has passed, walks are allowed.

At 6 months of age, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies and a comprehensive vaccine against a number of diseases. It is forbidden to vaccinate if the dog's teeth are changing. You need to wait until the teeth change and then vaccinate your baby.

At one year of age, the dog is given a comprehensive vaccine.

The puppy is vaccinated by a professional. Before vaccination, the doctor must examine the dog, measure its body temperature, and administer an injection. The vaccine is placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the dog. The veterinarian will write down the list of vaccinations in the dog’s passport. The document indicates the date of vaccination, the owner keeps track of the expected date of the next vaccination.

Consequences of vaccination

Each dog’s body is individual, sometimes after vaccination the puppy feels unwell. The reaction to vaccination in a puppy can be different: increased body temperature, lethargy, loss of appetite, passivity. If the puppy is lethargic after vaccination or other symptoms of illness are observed, it should not be disturbed. You cannot force your baby to eat, but drinking water should be nearby at all times.

Usually these symptoms go away on their own within 3 days. If the puppy's condition worsens, you need to show him to a doctor. It is possible that the dog was sick during vaccination. The vaccine caused more damage to the body, and the animal’s condition worsened.

A common occurrence: your puppy has a bump after vaccination. This kind of trouble happens if the injection is placed incorrectly in the intercutaneous space. In mild forms, the lump will resolve on its own. If the lump does not disappear and continues to increase in size, surgical intervention or treatment with medications is required. It is possible that an infection may be introduced under the dog's skin during vaccination.

If the puppy’s behavior after vaccination becomes incomprehensible: constant drowsiness, shortness of breath, excessive salivation, bluish skin, the animal has an allergic reaction to the composition of the vaccine. It cannot be done without medical intervention. If emergency measures are not taken in a timely manner to improve the puppy’s condition, delay will lead to the death of the animal. Before the doctor arrives, it is recommended to give the dog any antihistamine drug intended for humans.

A puppy in the house is always joy and a lot of positive emotions. In order for this cute creature to grow up and turn into a healthy, beautiful dog, the owner needs to make sure that the puppy is vaccinated against all kinds of infectious diseases.

At what age do puppies get their first vaccinations, how to prepare a dog for vaccination and what vaccination rules must be followed, you will learn from this article.

What is vaccination

A vaccine is administered into a dog’s body in order to prevent a particular infectious disease. The vaccine itself is not a medicine. The components of vaccines are weakened or killed pathogens of various infections that cause a certain reaction of the immune system in the dog’s body. During this reaction, antibodies to infectious agents are formed.

These infections can lie in wait for your dog anywhere - on a walk or even at home. You can bring the causative agent of the disease into your home from the street on your own soles, since some viruses have a fairly high resistance to environmental influences. Some infections, such as rabies, can be very dangerous for humans.

What vaccinations are given to puppies up to one year old?

Vaccinations for puppies usually begin at eight to nine weeks of age. Previously, it makes no sense to do this - the puppy receives the necessary immunity from the mother along with colostrum, and the vaccine antigens will simply be blocked by antibodies obtained from the mother's milk.

If earlier protection against diseases is necessary (in the case of early sale, relocation of puppies, or an extremely unfavorable situation due to a viral infection), vaccination can be carried out from one month (4 weeks) of age.

If you have adopted an adult dog that has not been vaccinated before, then the dog will receive a comprehensive vaccine. It is given once every year, and animals usually tolerate this vaccine well.

According to the standard schedule, puppies are vaccinated against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, rabies, and adenovirus. When the vaccination period is missed, or there is no information about whether the animal is vaccinated, the doctor will propose an individual vaccination regimen.

Attention! Do not try to vaccinate your pet yourself at home. This can only be done by a veterinarian in the clinic, taking into account the condition, physiological characteristics and age of the animal.

Vaccination schedule for dogs using clinic medications

Puppy vaccinations begin at the age of four to eight weeks, depending on lifestyle and the purpose of the vaccine. After three to four weeks, the developed immunity is strengthened - a second vaccination is given. Immunity lasts twelve months, then weakens, and then it is necessary to revaccinate the dog. Then it is carried out annually from the last date of vaccination. This is exactly how vaccination differs from revaccination. Revaccination is done throughout the life of the animal.

The doctor may postpone the vaccination date if there are contraindications to vaccination (suspicion of a disease as a result of taking an anamnesis, or if the animal is weakened due to injury, surgery, childbirth, etc.).

Our clinic recommends only proven, high-quality imported vaccines, the manufacturer of which guarantees quality control of the drug. In our practice, we do not use a number of vaccines whose effectiveness has been poorly proven. And also a number of those that have a high probability of side effects. Below are the vaccination schedules using the clinic’s drugs.

Nobivak vaccination scheme (Netherlands):

Composition of the drug:

  • D - plague of carnivores.
  • H - hepatitis.
  • P - parvovirus enteritis.
  • Pi - parainfluenza.
  • Lepto - leptospirosis.
  • R - rabies.

4-6 weeks- Nobivak Puppy DP, KC (distemper of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, parainfluenza, bordetellosis). This vaccine is not used often, mainly by breeders, so it can be purchased on order. Most often, the drug is used before selling, transporting a puppy, in cases of illness in the owner’s other pets, as well as when purchasing a puppy under 8 weeks old.

8 -9 weeks- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi +Lepto (R) (canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, rabies).

12 weeks- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto (R) (strengthening immunity).


First and second year- Nobivak DHP, DHPPi + Lepto.

Third year- Nobivac DHP, DHPPi + Lepto (R).

Vaccination scheme Eurikan (France):

8-9 weeks- Eurikan DHPPi2 + Lepto(distemper of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis (adenovirus) type 2, parainfluenza type 2 (bordetellosis/aviary cough), leptospirosis).

12 weeks- Eurican DHPPi2 + Lepto (R).


12 months- Eurican DHPPi2 + Lepto (R).

After each vaccination, your pet must undergo a two-week quarantine. The fact is that a dog’s strong immunity is formed during this time, and the vaccine will not yet be able to protect its body from infection. During this period, it is not recommended to walk the dog, bathe it, overcool it, or subject it to physical activity. If there are other animals in the house that go outside, it is better to prevent the dog from coming into contact with them.

Side effects. Lump after vaccination in a dog

Usually the injection is given in the scapular area subcutaneously, or in the thigh area intramuscularly. Sometimes a so-called diffuse swelling or nodular formation appears at the injection site. These formations usually disappear within four days, less often after fourteen days, and do not require special treatment.

If the vaccine is administered intranasally (Nobivak KS), very young puppies may experience slight discharge from the nasal cavity and eyes.

Documentation of vaccination

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, or you will simply take it abroad, you will need an international veterinary dog ​​passport. It lists all the vaccinations your dog has received. Also, when traveling abroad, you will need to issue a certificate (form No. 1) with the stamp and signature of the clinic doctor. In EU countries, a dog, among other things, will need to have an implanted electronic chip, that is, the dog will need to be microchipped.

Our clinic is certified according to international standards and provides, among others,... This simple procedure is painless and harmless for the animal. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is implanted under the skin in the withers area. It allows you to read information about your pet and the owner. The information is read after entering a unique code (15 characters) into the database.

The cost of vaccinations for puppies

In our clinic, you can vaccinate your pet with high-quality vaccines against the most common infections for a relatively low cost. The clinic guarantees compliance with the rules for storing and transporting vaccines. Taking care of your pet's health from puppyhood is the key to an energetic and high-quality life for your dog in the future.

Health to you and your pets!

How nice it is to have a four-legged friend who will never give up and is sincerely happy when he sees us! When our beloved dog is running at full speed and lying on the floor, it seems that his life is carefree and nothing in the world can break his unkillable optimism. However, a dog is also a living creature whose health is not limited, and if you do not take proper care of your four-legged friend, then there is a high risk that he will get sick. This is especially true for owners of purebred dogs, because when breeding breeds with different characteristics, adaptability and the ability to resist various infections were not a priority.

As an exception, we can recall such a breed as the German Shepherd - these animals are able to survive in harsh conditions and have good health, because this is what they were bred for. However, a responsible and loving owner must know the characteristics of his pet. And since the same German Shepherd must be strong and resilient, its health, like a house, needs to be built when it is small. Pay attention to your dog and she will make you happy! How to vaccinate a dog correctly? Where should the vaccine be injected - into the withers or the hind leg? When is prophylactic vaccination against rabies carried out? How to vaccinate your dog yourself? How to vaccinate your dog against rabies with minimal discomfort? You can find out more details below.

How to vaccinate a dog correctly?

How can you vaccinate your dog to protect him from rabies and keep others safe? This is a fairly important question, because rabies is not just an inadequate and aggressive dog that needs to be placed in an enclosure and limited from others. The main problem of this disease is death.

Very often, dog owners who have had contact with animals infected with rabies do not notice that their pet is sick. However, when a dog refuses to eat because of a sore throat and becomes too aggressive, then you can understand what the problem is. But, unfortunately, this is the stage of the disease when the dog’s nervous system is too damaged and saving the pet will be either too difficult or impossible. In addition, the animal can infect others with this disease even before symptoms appear. As you know, rabies can be just as deadly in humans.

Rabies often comes from other domestic animals - cats, dogs, etc. But any contact with wild animals (even with rodents like hedgehogs that live near civilization) is even more dangerous. To become infected, it is not necessary to receive a bite from another animal - contact of the biological substance of an infected animal with the mucous membrane of your dog will cause the disease. The first rabies vaccine should be given to puppies at the age of 3 months. The Nobivak vaccine is a very reliable remedy. Nobivak is a dry vaccine. Vaccinations are carried out by specialists, that is, veterinarians. Nobivak can be injected into the withers or hind leg.

It is worth remembering that a week before vaccination with Nobivak it is necessary to carry out worm prevention. As a rule, vaccination with Nobivak is carried out once a year; during the prophylaxis period, the animal should not get sick, that is, conditions that are comfortable for the dog must be maintained.

In addition to rabies prevention, the puppy needs protection from other negative factors. As you know, if you get sick with something, but then recover, then the body develops immunity to the disease and re-infection will either be unnoticed, or the body will quickly cope with the disease. Just as children are vaccinated against viruses, puppies are also vaccinated against various types of infections. The process by which puppies develop immunity to viruses and infections in their bodies can last from two weeks to several years. Timely vaccination is the key to protecting your puppy from disease.

When a puppy feeds on its mother's milk, its body is under reliable protection. But as soon as he grows up and stops drinking mother’s milk, it is necessary to artificially protect his body from diseases. When the puppy turns 2 months old, he needs to get his first vaccination. Until this time, you should not allow him to come into contact with other animals, take him outside, or allow him to catch a cold.

2 weeks before vaccination you need to prevent worms in your puppy. A properly prepared vaccine and a carefully administered injection can strengthen his immunity.

Diseases that are the most dangerous for your dog:

  • rabies;
  • plague(the virus affects the nervous system of dogs, especially the brain and spinal cord. Infection is most likely at an early age - from 2 to 12 months, during this period the body of puppies is weakened due to the change of teeth. Infection occurs both by airborne droplets and contact by, for example, through the mucous membrane);
  • parvovirus gastroenteritis(an infection that can be contracted by dogs through the saliva, vomit and excrement of other dogs that are infected. It is an infectious disease of the digestive tract, so the sick dog suffers from diarrhea and vomiting. Symptoms can vary, so identifying the paravirus is more difficult than other diseases);
  • leptospirosis(one of the most common diseases in dogs. Dogs of all breeds suffer from it.

It manifests itself as suppuration and death of mucous membrane tissue. The main pathogen is rodent pests.).

Fortunately, today vaccines have been developed that are universal, that is, one such vaccination can protect your pet from many diseases.

Since in the first time after the vaccine is administered, puppies have a sickly appearance and a weakened body, the owner must carefully monitor them - the puppies should eat normally (but not overeat), the fur should not be wet or the puppies should not be allowed outside, especially if the air temperature is low, and the humidity is high, these are conditions that contribute to a general decrease in immunity.

The next vaccination is administered after 3 weeks. This time, the puppy’s body will react less painfully, since it begins to produce antibodies, but just like the first time, the puppy must be isolated from contact with other animals for two weeks and avoid hypothermia or overheating. When a puppy is six months old, he needs to be vaccinated against rabies and comprehensively vaccinated against various diseases. However, it is worth remembering that in case of tooth loss, vaccination should be postponed until the puppy has grown permanent teeth. Adult dogs receive complex vaccines, once a year. These vaccinations must be carried out in a veterinary clinic; the veterinarian writes down the composition of the vaccine and the conditions for vaccination in a document - a dog passport.

The vaccine for your dog can be purchased at your nearest veterinary pharmacy. You can also buy it from a trading company, but you must be sure that you are buying a quality product. With the same success, you can disinfect your pet’s withers or thigh and vaccinate him yourself at home, but in this case you will not be able to document the vaccination. That is why animal owners turn to the veterinary clinic with these questions.

How to properly vaccinate a dog at home yourself - here are some tips for dog owners who have decided to take this step:

  1. Disinfection— you need to moisten a cotton swab or piece of cotton wool with alcohol. Then, with this piece, you need to wipe the place where the vaccine will be administered - just as they do for children. Don’t forget about yourself - you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap to prevent any microorganisms from entering through the injection site - this can cause a lot of trouble. The ampoule with the vaccine must also be wiped with alcohol before opening.
  2. You need to shake the ampoule- this way the entire composition of the medicine will be evenly mixed with the liquid.
  3. Vent excess air- if after filling the syringe with the contents of the ampoule there are still air bubbles, then it needs to be released - you need to lift the syringe with the needle up and squeeze out a little medicine through the needle. This way, only the medicine will remain in the syringe.
  4. Injection in the withers or thigh- an injection is given in these places because here the dog has loose and soft tissue in which there are blood vessels. The pre-made vaccine composition is administered smoothly. You need to insert the needle about halfway, but you must not allow it to rest against the bone.

Timely and competent vaccination of dogs not only helps to curb the growth of major viral epidemics, but also helps to preserve the four-legged pet’s health throughout its life.

General rules for puppy vaccination

In many foreign countries, vaccination of a dog of any breed and any age is a mandatory condition for keeping such a four-legged pet in an urban or suburban household. An animal without vaccinations will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions, and export abroad will also be prohibited. It is very important to remember a few of the most important, basic rules regarding the timing of vaccination and the rules for choosing a vaccine.

If there is a difficult epidemic situation in the region where you live, preference should be given to vaccines that are suitable for use at a very early age. In areas with relatively favorable conditions for the animal, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of a veterinarian. It is also necessary to make sure that the vaccine was stored in accordance with the attached instructions and fully complies with the established expiration date.

It is strictly forbidden to vaccinate without first performing deworming. Recently, various immunostimulating components have been increasingly used simultaneously with the introduction of the vaccine, which makes it possible to obtain a strong immune response in the animal in the shortest possible time. Veterinarians recommend using this method if necessary to prevent infections during the seasonal exacerbation of severe contact diseases.

This is interesting! At the moment, the situation with almost any serum of the treatment and prophylactic type is quite complicated. Depending on the characteristics of the series and the manufacturer, the titer of the antibody set can vary significantly, which immediately affects the level of protection.

Types of vaccines and diseases

Vaccinations for a puppy are a necessary necessity to prevent your pet from contracting the most dangerous diseases, including distemper, rabies, coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis, as well as other infectious diseases. Currently, all vaccines used differ in several characteristics, but the main ones are only five types, presented:

  • weakened live vaccines, which contain only live, but sufficiently weakened strains of pathogens;
  • inactivated vaccines containing only completely dead microbial pathogens;
  • chemical vaccines consisting of pathogen antigens that have undergone physical or chemical purification;
  • toxoids or toxoids made from components of pathogens that have undergone preliminary complete neutralization;
  • by means of modern genetic engineering, which are currently constantly being tested and improved.

Depending on the main characteristics of the vaccine, as well as the main components, absolutely all modern vaccines can be classified into the following types:

  • complex vaccinations or so-called multicomponent vaccines, capable of forming immunity to several pathogens;
  • double vaccines or divaccines that can form good immunity to a pair of pathogens;
  • homologous preparations developed on the basis of biologically active materials of the animal itself with subsequent administration;
  • monovaccines containing one antigen against one pathogen.

Basic multivitamin preparations are considered separately. Depending on the method of use, all vaccination preparations are presented:

  • intravenous vaccines;
  • intramuscular vaccines;
  • subcutaneous vaccines;
  • cutaneous vaccines followed by scarification of the skin;
  • oral vaccines;
  • aerosol preparations.

Somewhat less frequently, vaccination of a four-legged pet is carried out with internal or conjunctival preparations.

Animals can be vaccinated against canine distemper with Biovac-D, Multikan-1, EPM, Vakchum and Canivac-C. Prevention of parvovirus enteritis is carried out by “Biovac-P”, “Primodog” and “Nobivak Parvo-C”. Protection against rabies is best carried out with drugs such as Nobivak Rabies, Defensor-3, Rabizin or Rabican.

The divaccines “Biovac-PA”, “Triovac” and “Multikan-2” have proven themselves very well, and the polyvalent drugs “Biovac-PAL”, “Trivirovax”, “Tetravac”, “Multikan-4”, “Eurikan-DHPPI2” are also effective -L" and "Eurican DHPPI2-LR". Veterinarians recommend the polyvalent drugs “Nobivak-DHPPi+L”, “Nobivak-DHPPi”, “Nobivak-DHP”, as well as “Vangard-Plus-5L4”, “Vangard-7” and “Vangard-Plus-5L4CV”.

Important! For each type of vaccine administration, the characteristic presence of strictly individual indications for use must be taken into account.

When to start vaccinating your puppy

Any domestic dog receives a certain set of vaccinations throughout its life, and the body is also capable of producing antibodies in the process of transmitted diseases, so puppies born with mother’s milk in the first days of life receive a fairly strong immunity. However, such immunity does not last long, about a month, after which you should think about vaccination.

In order for the puppy’s first vaccination procedure to be easy and hassle-free, it is necessary to find out from the breeder the type of food and the conditions for keeping the animal before sale. It is important to remember that a couple of weeks before vaccination, it is strictly not recommended to introduce new, even very expensive and high-quality food into the animal’s diet.

This is interesting! As practice shows, the very first vaccination for a puppy is most often given by the breeder himself in the nursery, at about one and a half months of age, so you must definitely check the presence of such data in the veterinary passport of the animal you are purchasing.

Vaccination schedule for puppies up to one year old

Today, the existing dog vaccination scheme causes a lot of criticism from veterinarians and disputes among specialists. Only rabies vaccination is not considered in this context, since the rules for its implementation are strictly regulated in our state.

Regarding other diseases, it must be remembered that the distribution area of ​​pathogens has changed very dramatically in recent years, but practically throughout the entire territory of our country, preventive measures aimed at protecting against damage from canine distemper, hepatitis, parvo- and coronavirus enteritis, as well as adenovirus remain relevant. In some regions, over the past few years, there have been massive outbreaks of a disease such as leptospirosis.

Today, when vaccinating dogs under one year of age, it is advisable to adhere to the following optimal schedule:

  • at 8-10 weeks it is required to perform the first vaccination of a four-legged pet against pathogens of such serious diseases as parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and canine distemper;
  • approximately three weeks after the initial vaccination, a second vaccination against diseases is carried out: parvovirus enteritis, viral hepatitis and canine distemper, and the first vaccination against rabies is also mandatory.

It is important to note that in conditions of unlikely contact of a puppy with carriers of the rabies virus, the first vaccination against this disease can be performed between the ages of six months and nine months. Some currently used vaccines can provoke pronounced darkening of tooth enamel, so it is practiced to vaccinate a growing pet before or immediately after changing teeth.

Important! According to the scheme established in our country, it is strictly not recommended to vaccinate puppies less than two months old, which is due to the presence of maternal antibodies and the animal’s not fully formed immune system.

Preparing a puppy for vaccination

About a week before vaccination, the puppy must be given any anthelmintic drug. It is advisable to give 2 ml of a suspension of the drug “Pyrantel” to one-month-old pets, after which, after half an hour, approximately one and a half milliliters of pure vegetable oil are given. It is more convenient to give anthelmintic medicine from a syringe, early in the morning, about an hour before giving food. After a day, this procedure must be repeated.

Dogs aged two to three months can be given special anthelmintic drugs in tablets. As practice shows, it is best to use “Alben”, “Milbemax”, “Kaniquantel”, “Febtal” or “Prasitel” for this purpose, which have practically no side effects and are very well tolerated by animals.

Vaccination is usually performed in the morning, and is best done on a completely empty stomach. If the puppy is supposed to be vaccinated in the afternoon, then food is given to the pet approximately three hours before the procedure. When feeding naturally, it is advisable to give preference to the most dietary and not too heavy food products, and the amount of dry or wet food should be reduced by about a third.

After the puppy is weaned from its mother and until the course of basic preventive vaccinations is fully completed, standard quarantine must be observed. You cannot walk a quarantined four-legged pet on public walking areas or in the company of other dogs.

Important! It is also advisable to observe your pet’s behavior and appetite for several days before the first vaccine is administered. Animals with any behavioral abnormalities or loss of appetite are not subject to vaccination.