Drinking little water has consequences. The cat drinks little water. Increased levels of “bad” cholesterol

Why is there so much talk about water? Yes, because our body needs it in sufficient quantities every day.

If you drink little water, your body will suffer. Doctors advise drinking it as much as possible. However, many people neglect this advice without thinking about the health implications.

Due to a lack of water in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, toxins are not eliminated, and dehydration occurs. Severe dehydration occurs due to overheating and increased sweating, due to heat combined with windy weather, due to diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, increased body temperature and sweating.

The constant shortage in the body is not so noticeable. The human body gets used to this state. But if at the same time there are prerequisites for a large loss of fluid (hot summer days, for example), then fainting, confusion and other serious conditions requiring treatment are possible.

Want to know if you're drinking enough water? Then check yourself for 10 signs that indicate you're not drinking enough water.

Signs that there is not enough water in the body

  1. Dry mouth. Dry mouth is the very first and most obvious symptom that your body needs water. At this point, the body is already beginning to experience dehydration. Naturally, you should not fight dry mouth with tea, soda or sweet juices from packages. The body asks for water!
  2. . Our skin, like a mirror, reflects everything that happens to the body inside. If you suffer from excessive dry skin, then most likely this is due to a lack of water in the body.
  3. Sometimes intense thirst. Has it ever happened to you that you drink and drink and still can’t get drunk. Congratulations, your body has been dehydrated. This is no longer just dry mouth, this is already quite serious dehydration of the body, during which the brain begins to send active SOS signals and simply demand water. Alcohol dehydrates the body very much, which is why you still want to drink after a hangover.
  4. Dry eyes. If you experience dry eyes, even slight itching, and the whites seem to be bloodshot, then immediately go and drink some water. When there is not enough water in the body, our tear ducts dry out. This can cause a lot of damage to the eyes. People who wear contact lenses should be especially careful about this symptom.
  5. Decreased urine volume and a change in its color (it becomes dark). Each person’s body is individual and it is sometimes difficult to determine the norm. But pay attention to the amount of water you drink if you notice changes in your urination patterns.
  6. Increased heart rate heartbeat. When blood in the circulatory system loses water, it becomes viscous, its volume decreases, and it circulates more slowly. As a result, the load on the heart increases, blood circulation is disrupted, and human organs do not receive enough oxygen.
  7. Feeling pain in . Many people, even those who are not very old, experience joint pain. For some, it appears after running or jumping. Our body is thought out to the smallest detail. Our cartilage discs are 80% water to prevent joints from rubbing or grinding against each other, especially during intense use. Therefore, chronic lack of water begins to cause pain!
  8. Decreased muscle mass. Like cartilage and joints, muscles are half water. It is natural to assume that with a lack of water in the body, when it is dehydrated, moisture is lost - the volume of muscle mass decreases. All trainers and doctors came to the conclusion that even during training it is necessary to periodically drink water.
  9. Chronic fatigue and drowsiness. If the body does not have enough water, it begins to look for it, without receiving it from the outside, it borrows it from within. Including blood. Which leads to a lack of oxygen transported to all organs. One hundred, in turn, causes a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. And so, day after day, you feel more and more tired, you don’t get enough sleep even after 8 hours of sound sleep, and coffee no longer invigorates you, you still sleep on the go.
  10. Observed Digestive problems. It's important to keep your mouth hydrated, but this also applies to your entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and density of mucus in your stomach decreases, allowing stomach acid to harm your internal organs. This usually leads to what we call heartburn and indigestion.

The amount of water our body can hold decreases as we age. As we get older, we need to consciously increase our water intake. Although the signs of premature aging are more obvious on the outside, the damage that dehydration causes to your internal organs will ultimately be felt for a long time. To reduce the risks associated with this, you need to adhere to the drinking regime throughout your life.

If a person drinks little water, this can have a detrimental effect on the condition of his body, because we are 70% water. People can go without food for several weeks, but without water for only a couple of days!

What happens if you don't drink enough water?

Water is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs. It is even needed to breathe; only up to half a liter of water is consumed every day in the body during exhalations. A constant lack of water in the body can cause excess fat, deterioration of the digestive tract, and poor muscle tone. Lack of water can also lead to low blood pressure. The first symptom of lack of water is thirst and headache, especially in the evening. The reason for this is that there is not enough water for the brain, which is 90% water.

Symptoms of severe dehydration: severe thirst, very dry mouth, dry mucous membranes, low blood pressure, dizziness and irregular heartbeat.

How to regulate your drinking regime

Pure drinking or mineral table water are the best options for replenishing water loss in the body. You need to learn to control and understand your body’s signals, for example, in the summer and during physical activity, drink more water. In such cases, a healthy body itself will tell you if a person drinks little water.

It is especially important to control the amount of water drunk for people at risk: children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, athletes.

How much water to drink per day?

Most people live in a state of dehydration and don't even know it. If you make a habit of drinking the required amount of water per day, then
you can be sure that your body will not experience dehydration. There is a method for calculating drinking water: 30 ml per 1 kg of person’s weight. If we take 70 kg as the average weight, then this is 2.1 liters, that is, a little more than 8 glasses. In fact, the question of how much water to drink is not at all specific, since it depends on activity, ambient temperature and how much water comes with food. Gender also matters - men, due to their higher muscle mass to body ratio, should drink more water.

Caffeine and alcohol - drinks not for replenishing fluids

You need to quench your thirst with water at room temperature; if your health allows it, it is better to drink cold water, since it is absorbed by the body faster. It is also recommended to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. This is important because most of the fluid that enters the body comes with food.

“I started drinking less water!”

If you have no signs of dehydration, but you start drinking less water, this is not a reason to worry. Perhaps more water began to enter the body along with food (juicy vegetables, fruits, liquid food, etc.), or they began to move less, the air temperature around them became lower than it was before.

A normally functioning body regulates fluid intake in a simple way - by feeling thirst. Why such close attention to water? Why not leave everything as it is, listening to your body's reaction?

A normally functioning body regulates fluid intake in a simple way - by feeling thirst. Why such close attention to water? Why not leave everything as it is, listening to your body's reaction?

In reality, everything is not so simple. Often problems arise because many people actually forget to drink plain water. People drink coffee, tea, juices, smoothies, carbonated drinks, compotes, kvass, wine, beer... anything, but not water.

Due to a lack of water in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, toxins are not eliminated, and dehydration occurs. Severe dehydration occurs due to overheating and increased sweating, due to heat combined with windy weather, due to diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, increased body temperature and sweating.

The constant lack of water in the body is not so noticeable. The human body gets used to this state. But if at the same time there are prerequisites for a large loss of fluid (hot summer days, for example), then fainting, confusion and other serious conditions requiring treatment are possible.

Want to know if you're drinking enough water? Then check yourself for 10 signs that indicate you're not drinking enough water.

Signs that there is not enough water in the body

Dry mouth. Dry mouth is the very first and most obvious symptom that your body needs water. At this point, the body is already beginning to experience dehydration. Naturally, you should not fight dry mouth with tea, soda or sweet juices from packages. The body asks for water!

Dry skin. Our skin, like a mirror, reflects everything that happens to the body inside. If you suffer from excessive dry skin, then most likely this is due to a lack of water in the body.

Sometimes intense thirst. Has it ever happened to you that you drink and drink and still can’t get drunk. Congratulations, your body has been dehydrated. This is no longer just dry mouth, this is already quite serious dehydration of the body, during which the brain begins to send active SOS signals and simply demand water. Alcohol dehydrates the body very much, which is why you still want to drink after a hangover.

Dry eyes. If you experience dry eyes, even slight itching, and the whites seem to be bloodshot, then immediately go and drink some water. When there is not enough water in the body, our tear ducts dry out. This can cause a lot of damage to the eyes. People who wear contact lenses should be especially careful about this symptom.

A decrease in the volume of urine and a change in its color (it becomes dark). Each person’s body is individual and it is sometimes difficult to determine the norm. But pay attention to the amount of water you drink if you notice changes in your urination patterns.

Increased heart rate, palpitations. When blood in the circulatory system loses water, it becomes viscous, its volume decreases, and it circulates more slowly. As a result, the load on the heart increases, blood circulation is disrupted, and human organs do not receive enough oxygen.

Feeling pain in the joints. Many people, even those who are not very old, experience joint pain. For some, it appears after running or jumping. Our body is thought out to the smallest detail. Our cartilage discs are 80% water to prevent joints from rubbing or grinding against each other, especially during intense use. Therefore, chronic lack of water begins to cause pain!

Decreased muscle mass. Like cartilage and joints, muscles are half water. It is natural to assume that with a lack of water in the body, when it is dehydrated, moisture is lost - the volume of muscle mass decreases. All trainers and doctors came to the conclusion that even during training it is necessary to periodically drink water.

Chronic fatigue and drowsiness. If the body does not have enough water, it begins to look for it, without receiving it from the outside, it borrows it from within. Including blood. Which leads to a lack of oxygen transported to all organs. One hundred, in turn, causes a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. And so, day after day, you feel more and more tired, you don’t get enough sleep even after 8 hours of sound sleep, and coffee no longer invigorates you, you still sleep on the go.

Digestive problems are observed. It is important to moisturize the oral mucosa, but this also applies to the entire digestive system. Without proper hydration, the amount and density of mucus in your stomach decreases, allowing stomach acid to harm your internal organs. This usually leads to what we call heartburn and indigestion.

The amount of water our body can hold decreases as we age. As we get older, we need to consciously increase our water intake. Although the signs of premature aging are more obvious on the outside, the damage that dehydration causes to your internal organs will ultimately be felt for a long time. To reduce the risks associated with this, you need to adhere to the drinking regime throughout your life. published

For life. On average, approximately 5 liters of blood circulate in the adult body. Blood plasma is 92–95% water. Thanks to water, blood can perform its functions:

  • deliver nutrients to organ cells;
  • bring oxygen to tissues from the lungs and return carbon dioxide to them;
  • release waste substances from internal organs through the kidneys;
  • ensure homeostasis (constancy and balance of the internal environment): maintain temperature, water-salt balance, the functioning of hormones and enzymes;
  • protect the body: leukocytes and plasma proteins circulate in the blood, which are responsible for immunity.

If there is not enough water in the body, the blood mass decreases and its viscosity increases. It's not easy for the heart to pump such blood. Premature wear of the heart muscle occurs, which leads to pathology up to myocardial infarction.

That is why during active sports and high loads the body needs more water.

Is it true that lack of water causes headaches?

Is it true. Even mild dehydration causes the brain to work worse.

The brain cells are more than 80 percent water, and it is constantly washed by a fifth of all blood. Plus, the brain is “bathed” in cerebrospinal fluid, which fills all the spaces in the spinal canal and cranium.

With water, oxygen and glucose are supplied to the brain, which are necessary for the generation of nerve impulses, that is, for nervous activity. Water removes metabolic products and toxins from the brain.

Therefore, if there is not enough fluid, dehydration (dehydration) of the brain occurs. And along with it:

  • increased fatigue and absent-mindedness;
  • memory impairment;
  • slowing down the speed of mathematical calculations;
  • negative emotions.

Dehydration has been found in people suffering from autism, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. But schoolchildren who drink water during the school day improve their academic performance.

What happens if I don't drink enough water?

Your health will worsen. In addition to the headache, other unpleasant symptoms of dehydration from the digestive and excretory systems will appear.

The work of the stomach and intestines is impossible without the supply of water. And there are several explanations for this. Water ensures normal digestion of food and absorption of nutrients from the intestines. If there is not enough water in the body, discomfort in the stomach and constipation will appear.

The kidneys filter 150–170 liters of blood per day to produce 1.5 liters of urine. This means that for the normal removal of toxins and waste substances, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, but preferably more.

With a lack of fluid, the filtration ability of the kidneys deteriorates, and they themselves can accumulate an excess of toxic substances. Against this background, various renal pathologies can occur. One of the main medical prescriptions for kidney pathology is the recommendation of drinking plenty of fluids to cleanse them and restore function.

When do you need more water than usual?

When you want to have a child. The basis of seminal fluid is water. Thanks to her, the sperm goes in search of the egg, swimming through the woman’s reproductive tract until conception occurs.

The new organism also spends all nine months in an aquatic environment. The amount of amniotic fluid increases with the size of the fetus, reaching 1,000 milliliters by birth. Water supports the fetus, protects it from infections, and creates conditions for growth and development.

During childbirth, water ensures normal dilatation of the cervix and promotes the safe movement of the baby through the birth canal.

I always drink little. Will this affect me in any way?

You'll likely look worse as you get older.

Avicenna also noted that old age means dryness. In order for the skin to fulfill its protective function, it must maintain turgor (elasticity and firmness). Then she will be able to withstand the hot sun, drying wind or low air temperatures.

Healthy skin consists of 25% water and becomes wrinkled when dehydrated. This means that to maintain its turgor, daily intake of water is necessary. Better than clean, low-mineralized and without gas.

To maintain skin health, it must receive at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

What other negative consequences does water shortage cause?

Even your joints need water. If they are stiff, the person is deprived of freedom: he moves poorly and has difficulty coping with business. According to statistics, 30% of the population has joint diseases.

The joints are covered with cartilage tissue. It is the slippery elastic cartilage that ensures the mobility of bone joints. Water makes up 80% of cartilage. In addition, the articular capsule surrounding each joint contains articular fluid to lubricate the cartilaginous surfaces. With a lack of water, they collapse, causing severe pain to a person.

What should I do if I don't want to drink?

While we're busy doing things, we sometimes don't notice that we're thirsty, and we even confuse thirst and hunger, reaching for snacks when we just need a sip of water.

The best way to prevent dehydration and all its unpleasant consequences is to put a bottle or cup of clean, low-mineralized water on the table and take a sip every time your eyes fall on the water.

If you realize that you are thirsty, then eliminate your thirst in time. And if not, a sip of clean water never hurt anyone.

*According to research conducted by Zenithinternational (specialist consultants to the food and drink industries worldwide) in 2016.
** Eden is “Eden” artesian water.

Every living creature needs water; it is the basis of life on earth. With the help of water, our body performs all its functions. And with enough of it, vital processes in the human body occur at optimal speed.

Water regulates body temperature, normalizes digestion, flushes out toxins and most importantly replenishes the body's water balance.

Coffee, tea, juices and other drinks are no substitute for water. The body perceives them as food, they take a different route and contribute to dehydration.

What signs may indicate that you are not drinking enough water?

High blood pressure

Our blood is 94% water. When there is not enough of it, it thickens and flows worse through the vessels. If you have high blood pressure, immediately drink a glass of good water. Up to 30% of people who died from a heart attack could continue to live if they drank just a glass of water in the first minutes.


Mild dizziness may indicate that your body needs water. If you feel dizzy, drink some water.


If you periodically suffer from heartburn, this is a clear sign of increased acidity in the stomach, and water is needed to reduce it. Drink a glass of water half an hour before and two hours after meals and you will get rid of heartburn.


One of the causes of headaches is insufficient water intake. If you suffer from migraines, try drinking oxygen-containing water every day and mineral water with magnesium before meals.

Dry mouth

If there is no saliva in the mouth for a long time, then the risk of damage to the mouth and throat increases. Dry mouth is an indicator of significant dehydration; do not try to cope with it by drinking sugary sodas or beer.

Color and turbidity of urine

The darker and more cloudy the urine, the more your body needs water. In this case, urgently increase the amount of water you drink per day until your urine becomes almost colorless. And in the future, try not to let the color get darker.


If you still feel hungry even after a snack, then you need to drink water. Hunger signals due to a lack of water in the body are very similar, do not confuse them. Instead of snacking on chips, drink a glass of water. It has no k/kal and a lot of energy.

Urinary frequency

The amount of urination per day varies for each person. But we can say that if the number of your trips to the toilet is no more than 2-3, then this is a sign that you are not getting enough water. This affects kidney function and leads to serious complications.

Dry skin

Dry facial skin indicates dehydration. Drink a glass of water an hour every day until your skin condition returns to normal. And in the future, maintain your water balance at the proper level. Water containing silicon is especially beneficial for the skin.