So similar and different: a comparison of German and East European Shepherds. The main differences between the German Shepherd and the East European Comparison of the German and East European Shepherd

Not every dog ​​breeder can distinguish a German Shepherd from an Eastern European one. At first glance, the characteristics of these breeds are so similar that some people prefer to group them into subspecies of one type of dog. In fact, the differences between the species are clearly visible. We are also talking about the purposes of breeding and the timing of breeding varieties. Consider the basic points, and you will understand exactly how the German Shepherd differs from the East European one.

The German Shepherd was bred in the Scandinavian countries at the end of the 19th century. This breed quickly became widespread throughout Europe. At first, the “Germans” were bred exclusively for shepherding.

But over time, the advantages of this species made it possible to successfully use these dogs in the service and investigative field. Even taking into account the emergence of dozens of new breeds in recent years, no one has yet managed to surpass German shepherds in this activity. As for East European Shepherds (VEO), this variety was created by domestic breeders, but already at the beginning of the 20th century. The thing is that the “Germans” had a hard time enduring the harsh winters in the Far North and the heat in the East. That is why it was necessary to develop a breed that could better maintain performance even in “Spartan” conditions. This is exactly how the Eastern European variety of service dogs was created.

Appearance and color

The key external difference between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European is the back. If the first one bends in a small arc, then the second one is straight. Interestingly, female East European Shepherds are much larger than males. You can distinguish one variety from another if you observe for some time the peculiarities of the dogs’ movement. For example, the “German” in running is somewhat reminiscent of a trot.

The Eastern European equivalent of this breed has a sweeping run. The difference between the East European Shepherd and the German Shepherd is not always visible in color. Both one species and the other can have both black and zoned shades of coat. If you want to see clear differences between breeds, don't rely on color. Better pay attention to the structure of the skeleton, features of behavior and movement.

Character and training

The European Shepherd is often distinguished from the German Shepherd by its character traits.

Temperament features are a consequence of the primary goals of breeding. For example, the “Germans” move a lot, have good endurance, run long distances and keep track well. Interestingly, they are considered choleric. This is because the dog is friendly towards the people around him, but as soon as someone shows aggression towards the owner, not a trace of the dog’s friendliness will remain.

Another key advantage of the breed is its ability to be trained. Unlike the hyperactive “Germans,” East European Shepherds are not so active. But they become excellent guides and have a stable psyche. Not very friendly to unfamiliar surroundings, they allow the owner and several “close associates” to approach them.

This breed is also trainable: if the “German” perceives it more as a game, then for him it is a job that he tries to do with diligence. It’s up to you to decide which breed is better to choose – a calm VEO or a hyperactive German Shepherd. Both types of dogs are in great demand among dog breeders. Consider their comparison and choose a four-legged friend that suits your temperament specifically.

There are still heated discussions about how the German Shepherd differs from the Eastern European. Sometimes you can hear false rumors filled with incorrect fiction. But sometimes there are also reliable statements. It is difficult to really make sense of the flow of information about the similarities and differences between these dog breeds. But everything can be mastered if you move forward purposefully.

For information

It is important to emphasize that during the Soviet era there were practically no German shepherds. And only after the strength and cohesion of the bulk of the Soviet Union began to show cracks, causing its destruction, they were appreciated on the territory of the present Russian Federation and began to be separated. Perhaps due to the root causes of the unfriendly attitude towards this breed of dog, from the point of view of political subtleties, the myth that the German Shepherd was bred as a result of crossing a dog and a hyena has become widespread. And yet there are still people who are ready to believe such unjust nonsense.

The pattern of persecution of the German Shepherd (GSD) breed ended in the 1980s.

How unexpectedly they entered our country, so quickly they began to win the hearts of dog breeders that, on the contrary, the displacement of East European Shepherd Dogs (VEO) even began. But connoisseurs of the old days caught on in time and rallied, organizing a club for lovers of East European Shepherds. And now the two breeds, on equal terms, continue to conduct, one might say, competitions that are already of a friendly nature. After all, when a person chooses a faithful four-legged friend for himself, he should first of all look not at the breed, focusing on its general characteristics, but at the individual characteristics of each animal.

However, the topic of the difference between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European is of great interest and excites with intriguing mystery. But in reality there are not so many secrets there.

Origin of rocks

The main criterion for the difference between the German and European Shepherd lies in the history of their origin. Thus, German Shepherds are an older breed. The starting point of their history dates back to the late 80s of the 19th century. One day, a German captain named Max von Stephanitz became so carried away by the idea of ​​​​creating a completely new breed of dog, which would combine, at first glance, previously incompatible qualities.

At the same time, he had the necessary knowledge for the planned project, and his financial capabilities allowed him to carry it out. All that remained was to find a dog with whom to start working. The captain looked for him among worthy representatives of Old German Shepherds. And one day at a significant exhibition such a dog was found, his name was Hector. But when Stefanitz started working with it, he renamed it. And from then on the dog began to be called Horand von Grafrath.

And, indeed, the new nickname was more suitable for this wonderful and unique dog. He was obedient, intelligent, easily learned various official duties and quickly carried out commands, which, according to the captain, were the main characteristics that representatives of the future breed must have. But at the same time, Horand von Grafrath’s appearance beautifully reflected strength and power, although the dog was of medium size. So the new owner was attracted by such features as:

  • strong harmonious physique;
  • noble posture;
  • energy flowing like an inexhaustible fountain;
  • "gentlemanly" behavior.

Therefore, it was this unique dog that became the progenitor of the German Shepherd breed. It is interesting that the new breed very quickly, within 2 years, managed to become independent and win the hearts of many people. Moreover, if the very first representatives were demonstrated as shepherd dogs, they soon showed excellent performance in the police service, after which they began to be actively used in the army.

But the East European Shepherd is a younger breed, it appeared in the 20-30s.

last century, thanks to the German shepherds brought to the territory of the USSR for the first time. At that time, it was believed that HOs were not adapted to live in more severe climatic conditions. Therefore, the goal was set not just to improve them, but to develop a new independent breed of dogs.

And in different parts of the USSR work began to boil, German shepherds began to cross with other local breeds. Moreover, in the south, the best representatives of the Central Asian breed were selected for these purposes, in the north and in the middle zone - powerful Caucasians and large huskies. And then selection awaited the resulting newcomers. They were compared by phenotype, eliminating those who least met the stated requirements. That is, dogs were selected that met certain criteria in the aggregate:

  1. In appearance - those whose external characteristics most closely resembled German Shepherds, but were larger.
  2. By the nature of their behavior - those who were more amenable to training and were easily controlled.
  3. By disposition - those who had the strongest disposition and balanced character, that is, if necessary, they could resist the enemy, but they themselves were not inclined to show aggression.
  4. In terms of physical qualities, those who were characterized by strong endurance and were more adapted to unfavorable conditions than anyone else.

As a result, the best representatives of the new breed remained - the East European Shepherd. And with lightning speed they became the pride and glory of Soviet cynology.

It is important to note that, according to experts, today you will no longer find such a wonderful dog.

But, most likely, the main reason for this imperfection is that in the 80s the breed was almost completely translated. However, it was soon revived again, although perhaps some of the original advantages were lost forever.

External signs

The German and East European Shepherd differ not only in their history of origin. If you compare their external data, you can find many differences. So, the main difference between the East European and German Shepherd is size. East European Shepherds generally have a height at the withers of 62 to 67 cm, while German ones range from 55 to 65 cm. The weight of VEO is usually in the range of 30–60 kg, and the weight of HO is in the range of 22–40 cm. It becomes clear , that Eastern European dogs are often much larger than Germans. And also the main difference between the East European Shepherd and the German is the difference in the nature of the arch of the back. VEOs have a weaker back slope than Germans. Due to such external differences, the following difference in the nature of movement follows.

The German breed is characterized by a squat, smooth trot, while the Eastern European breed is characterized by a sweeping trot, accompanied by strong jerks.

That is why each dog breed has its own advantage. So, over longer distances, a fast East European Shepherd will outrun a German one. But the Germans will give the eastern dogs a head start when working on the scent for a long time.

In principle, in terms of color, Germans and VEOs are not very different. All breeds are characterized by 3 main types of color: zoned, black and black. However, if you can meet a completely black European Shepherd, then you cannot meet a German one. In general, German Shepherds are most often saddle colored with a characteristic red tan marking.

Temperament and purpose

A comparison of the disposition and temperament of Eastern and German Shepherds reveals not only the difference in these criteria, but also explains the differences in their application. If HO is a more athletic and playful dog, distinguished by a cheerful disposition, then VEO has a more balanced character and calm temperament. She is in no way lazy, moderately active and more serious.

It is important to note here that the East European Shepherd is characterized by later maturation, unlike the Germans.

Most likely, the differences in the temperament of the breeds are based on the fact that when breeding each breed, a variety of specific requirements were set. For example, when they were breeding VEO, they tried to instill in her a greater severity of character. Maybe this is why employees in the border and military units of the Russian Federation still give their preference to East European Shepherds. However, German dogs are the winners of sporting competitions and leaders of show rings. It is important to note that VEOs are most often good companions and employees, and German Shepherds are good companions, shepherds, watchmen, and at the same time are very amenable to sports training.

For those people who live in a small city apartment, or for those who want to have a faithful companion with whom they can engage in any sports and active recreation, the German Shepherd is suitable (the Eastern European dog is most suitable for those people who value calm and serious pets, capable of guarding without unnecessary aggression and accurately and quickly carrying out commands).


Of course, these two amazing dog breeds are very popular, and there is no better one among them. They are all good in their own way and have the best character traits, a lively mind, are highly trainable and have self-esteem, never betray or give in to difficulties.

Knowing their differences, each person can choose exactly the shepherd dog that will best meet individual expectations. But in order not to really be disappointed in the purchased dog, it is best to take it from trusted sources: either from good friends or from kennels that have earned a fair positive reputation. It is also important to understand that in order for an adult shepherd dog to have the desired traits of character and temperament, educational work should be carried out correctly and regularly with it. After all, in reality there are no bad dogs, there are unscrupulous owners with the wrong approach.

East European Shepherd and German Shepherd (VEO andBUT)... You look at them and say: “Yes, they are the same!”

Earlier in Soviet times, scientists were very mistaken and considered these two breeds to be one and the same. But no matter how it is. These are two different types, each of which has its own characteristics. They also have similarities between themselves and differences. Let's figure it out who is better.

What is the difference between a European Shepherd and a German Shepherd?

Characteristics of the German Shepherd

Peculiarity Its main advantage is that it has a wide range of applications: from exhibitions to work in investigative agencies.

Characteristics of the East European Shepherd

This breed has more high growth. The back is not inclined, although it also moves at a trot, but due to the different structure of the body, the dog moves more sweepingly, with a push. Rib cage she has more, wider than the German.

Are different These breeds are due to the fact that this dog is not as versatile as the one described above, but it performs well as a service dog. Also this breed Great suitable for the role of a companion or even a rescuer.

The main feature of this “dog” is complete obedience owner.

She is always ready to do whatever he wants and is highly trainable.

Comparison of two shepherds

Previously, there were no BUTs in the USSR due to the negative attitude after the Second World War towards everything that was associated with German roots; they appeared only in the 80s.

The dog handlers set themselves the goal of the new breed was different behavioral reactions from NO. It had to be more massive and durable, and they succeeded.

Despite the external similarity, which also shows a number of differences, the “Easterners” are very different from the “Germans” in behavior and character; it was more adapted to our climate, and therefore was more common than the first. However, closer to our time, everything has become the other way around. Eastern lost its former glory and was replaced by the same “German”.

The first breed almost became extinct, but lovers of this breed reunited in clubs and defended the VEO. Now it exists to this day.

What is the difference between a German Shepherd and an Eastern European one?

  1. Difference between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European, first of all, in size. VEO is larger than the German one.
  2. East European Shepherd as opposed to German It does not move smoothly, but rather roughly, sweepingly and with a push.
  3. Second breed very balanced, one might even say, serious. The German is choleric and very active.
  4. German dog more universal, and is suitable for security, protection, searching for prohibited substances and so on.
  5. Also difference the fact that Germans are less adapted to harsh climatic conditions than East European Shepherds.
  6. Let's take the speed of movement of two rocks. If you compare them, then there is a significant difference. VEO is fast over short distances. If we take long distances into account, then the German one is more resilient and will outperform its opponent.

East European Shepherd and German Shepherd (photo):

But general they don't have enough:

  1. They have the same roots.
  2. The coat color is the most noticeable similarity.
  3. Both breeds respond well to training. Read more about training a German.

Important! Such a breed as " east german shepherd", does not exist!

Sometimes people who have absolutely no idea about the East European and German Shepherd breeds get confused and look for the breed on the Internet "East German Shepherd", photo, description, characterization, so this is not correct. There is no such breed.

As you can see, two seemingly similar breeds have practically no special similarities. Differences much more than the number of similarities. From this comparison we can draw a fairly simple conclusion. Of course, which is better The breed is up to you to decide based on your own desires and ambitions, therefore:

  1. If you need a compact, an energetic dog with whom you will spend time and be actively engaged, and even if you live in an apartment, then feel free to choose a German shepherd!
  2. If you need a serious security guard, but without unnecessary aggression, which will adequately guard a private house and plot, then the best choice is an Eastern European breed!

And the East European Shepherd are so similar that they seem to be the same breed.

But, despite the external similarity and common origin, these dogs are completely different both in their character and temperament, and in their service use.

And externally, if you look closely, the “German” and the “Eastern” are not so similar.

Which of them is better and who is better to have as a friend and guard?

Let's find out everything in the article.

Description of the breed

This is one of the most famous dog breeds in the world, if not the most famous. Despite the fact that the original purpose of German Shepherds was to herd livestock, the characteristics of their character and temperament made these dogs suitable for any service.

“Germans” not only serve in the army and police, but also work as rescue dogs or guides for the blind.

German Shepherds also go in for sports, and they can master any kind of sports. And, of course, German shepherds are wonderful guards and bodyguards.

It is not surprising that all over the world these dogs are most often chosen as guards for private houses and city apartments. After all, the endurance and unpretentiousness of shepherd dogs make them suitable for living in a wide variety of climatic conditions.

The German Shepherd is large in size: it is 50-65 cm, and can reach 30-50 kg.

Her body format is somewhat stretched out, but at the same time the dog looks harmonious and not too squat. The length of the head is approximately equal to 40% of the height at the withers, while the skull and muzzle are equal in length.

From above, the head resembles a wedge: wide at the top, it tapers towards the nose. The ears of the German Shepherd are not very large, erect, in the shape of a triangle with a wide base.

The eyes are oval, the look is intelligent and alert. The nose is quite large and black. The neck is strong, strong and muscular. The withers are well defined, the line of the back is even, slightly lowered.

The croup slopes down and goes into the base of a saber-shaped, slightly curved tail.. The forelimbs are smooth and straight, the hind limbs are strong and muscular.

Maybe dark or light gray, black and tan, as well as red in various shades. They are also bred in America, but this color is not recognized in Russia.

The German Shepherd can have both coarse and relatively short hair, and longer hair, forming fringes on the ears, limbs and tail.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Smart and...
  • He is distinguished by exceptional devotion.
  • Unpretentious - hers.
  • They treat children well.
  • They are able to distinguish a “work” situation from an everyday one.
  • Well guarded.
  • Universal, suitable for any work or sport.


  • It is necessary to seriously engage in training.
  • The German Shepherd needs a lot of physical exercise.
  • Not a lap dog, but a working dog who should have his own business.
  • May show excessive aggression if improperly raised.
  • Dogs of this breed can be hyperactive.
  • Nervous breakdowns are possible during overtraining.


The German Shepherd is an attentive, obedient and incorruptible service dog, known for its courage and determination.

Quite angry and distrustful of strangers, at the command of the owner she is ready to attack the intruder at any moment.

At home, she is calm and friendly towards the owner and members of his family.

Briefly about the East European Shepherd

The East European Shepherd was bred on the basis of the German Shepherd breed in the 20-30s of the 20th century.

When creating the “Easterns,” the main goal was to breed the ideal dog for service in the army and law enforcement agencies, which is why the emphasis was placed on large stature, endurance and physical strength, for which the dogs were crossed with huskies and some breeds of mastiffs.

As a separate breed, the East European Shepherd was recognized only in 1976, despite the fact that already around the 1930s, mainly dogs of this type were bred in the country.

The East European Shepherd is a large dog, whose height is 62-76 cm at the withers. In terms of the shape of the head and general proportions of the body, it is not much different from the German Shepherd, except for the fact that the “German” has a pronounced back, while the “Eastern” has a straight back.

The coat is dense, hard, and medium in length. The undercoat is shorter than the spine and well developed.

Most preferred colors: black and black. Zone-gray and zone-red are allowed by the standard, but are not very desirable.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Calm and balanced.
  • Smart and understanding.
  • Differs in devotion to owners.
  • Understands when it is time to stop pursuing the offender and return to the owner.
  • Patronizing towards children.
  • An excellent security guard and watchman.
  • Even an elderly person or a teenager can cope with her training.
  • Doesn't get into a rage while working, but carries out commands with maximum concentration.


  • Serious training is required.
  • She may be overly distrustful of strangers.
  • Not universal.
  • Puppies of this breed are more difficult to raise due to their large size and accelerated growth.
  • Sometimes they are very stubborn.
  • They like to show independence.


East European Shepherds are calm and balanced. They take their work seriously and responsibly. These dogs have a strong protective instinct, which makes them excellent watchdogs.

Very intelligent and have an excellent memory, just like Belgian Shepherds.

During training and professional use, problems can only arise due to their stubbornness and excessive independence.

Children are treated patronizingly.

They do not harm other people's dogs and other animals, unless they themselves annoy them..

What are the differences?

East European Shepherds are larger and more massive than German ones: their height is about 10 cm greater. But the main external difference between these two breeds is their structure.

If the “German” has a back inclined from the withers to the base of the tail, then the “Eastern” has practically no slope.

In addition, the front limbs of the German Shepherd are longer than the hind limbs, while the Eastern European has all the legs of approximately the same length.

The type of movement is another external difference.

“Germans” move at a measured and free trot, and “Easterners” move at a sweeping and fast gait.

These breeds also differ in temperament: German shepherds are choleric, and Eastern European ones are phlegmatic. And, if the former are distinguished by impetuosity and speed of reaction to an immediate threat, then the latter are calm and unperturbed.

German Shepherds act impulsively when detained and, if they get into a rage, it can be difficult to stop them.

The East European Shepherd acts deliberately and carefully: it monitors the actions of the detainee and therefore it is not easy to take him by surprise.

“Germans” are a universal breed, but “Easterns”, originally bred for protection, are mainly used as watchdogs.

How are they similar?

  • Both of these shepherds are smart, quick-witted and highly trainable.
  • They both have a protective instinct by nature.
  • Both the “German” and the “Eastern” are able to sense the mood of the owner and act in accordance with it.
  • Both breeds are distinguished by strength, endurance, courage and viciousness, as well as distrust of strangers.
  • Both dogs are unpretentious to living conditions.


With proper training, both the “German” and the “Eastern” make wonderful working dogs: loyal, reliable and hardy.

Which breed is best suited for living in an apartment?

A German Shepherd is more suitable for apartment living, since a more powerful and heavier “Eastern” dog will be uncomfortable in an apartment.

“When deciding who is better to get - a German or East European shepherd, you need, first of all, to focus on the purpose and temperament of these dogs. The German Shepherd is more active and impulsive, while the Veo is calm and balanced. Representatives of both breeds can guard the house, but the “German” is more suitable for apartment maintenance. If we are talking about buying a future exhibition champion or winner of a sports competition, then, of course, you need to get a German shepherd.”

Who is easier to maintain and care for?

Caring for the “German” and the “Eastern” is almost the same: both dogs need regular brushing (3-4 times a week, and daily during shedding).

They also need to clean their eyes and ears if necessary, and in order to clean their teeth, give them special chewing toys. Nails should only be trimmed if they do not wear down on their own.

Representatives of both breeds are bathed no more than once every 2-3 months.

Attitude towards children and pets

The German Shepherd treats children as equal playmates, but at the same time does not particularly like their pestering and does not tolerate being annoyed. The East European Shepherd treats children patronizingly: it takes care of and protects them.

Representatives of these breeds treat pets differently.

The “Germans” try not to offend cats unless they offend them themselves. Other dogs are only tolerated, and small animals are treated as potential prey.

“Easterners” are calmer and treat any other animals quite loyally.

In order for the dog to treat other pets normally, you need to introduce the puppy to them as early as possible, while avoiding conflicts.

Who is more picky about feeding?

The German Shepherd can be fed with ready-made high-quality food no lower than premium. These dogs can also eat natural food based on animal protein products.

Experts recommend feeding the East European Shepherd with natural food..

Due to the fact that such large dogs have problems with the musculoskeletal system during periods of active growth or in old age, you need to give them enough soft cartilage and add drugs with chondroprotectors to their food, which the veterinarian will recommend.

Other criteria


German Shepherds are much more active than the calmer Eastern European dogs, who are more interested in their immediate work than in participating in family games.

Trusting strangers

Representatives of both breeds are distrustful of strangers, but with proper upbringing they restrain themselves from showing aggression until they receive an order from the owner to attack.


East European Shepherds live 12-16 years, while the “German” lives 10-14 years.


Both breeds are distinguished by exceptional devotion to their owner. But the East European Shepherd is more likely to bond with one person, while the German will willingly work with anyone who gives him the opportunity to use his working skills.


The “German” treats training as a game, and the “Eastern” - as real work, for which there should be encouragement.

Price difference

Puppies of both breeds cost approximately the same: 20-30 thousand rubles on average.

Show-class German shepherds are more expensive, especially those from imported parents.

Which breed should you choose?

When deciding who, after all, to get - a “German” or an “Eastern”, you need to focus on the purpose of the pet and the conditions of detention.

For people living in a city apartment, their choice should be a German shepherd, since the Eastern European is not suitable for apartment living due to its large size and the fact that this dog needs a large living space.

And those who live in a private house need to decide who is more suitable for them in terms of temperament and character traits: an energetic and very active “German” or a calm, reasonable and imperturbable “Oriental”.

The German and East European Shepherd are related breeds, but there are many differences between them. First of all, they relate to character traits, temperament and official use.

The German Shepherd is a universal service dog, suitable for any job, while the “Eastern” is more focused on guard duty. He is more balanced and not as mobile as the “German”, who constantly needs to be at work, to be on the move.

It is also important to take into account that the German Shepherd is valued as a show dog, while “Orientals” are bred mainly from working lines.

Useful video

From the video you will learn the differences between German and East European Shepherds:

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