Coronavirus in dogs: what it is, how it is transmitted, how to treat your four-legged friend. Ways to determine coronavirus enteritis in dogs

The main cause of this disease in your pet is a virus. These microorganisms successfully perform their functions and infect the dog’s body. Coronavirus is transmitted in dogs by airborne droplets.

On this moment time, two forms of the disease are distinguished. These are intestinal and respiratory. Below we will talk in more detail about each of them.

Intestinal form

Coronavirus in dogs symptoms

Symptoms various diseases can help the animal owner to respond to body signals as quickly as possible. But, signs of coronavirus in dogs can only mislead you. Because symptoms of coronavirus in dogs strictly individual for each pet. For some, they may be absent, while for others, on the contrary, they may be pronounced. Let's look at what changes in the animal's behavior you need to pay attention to:

  • decreased physical activity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • gagging;
  • diarrhea, which is characterized by an unpleasant odor;
  • weight loss (a very common and dangerous symptom);

Diagnosis of the intestinal form of coronavirus in dogs

Before prescribing any treatment, the veterinarian must diagnose the body. The need for diagnosis, first of all, is to be able to distinguish symptoms of coronavirus disease that have similar symptoms to other diseases. These include many intestinal infections. That is why The professionalism of the doctor can play a decisive role. Our veterinary center"YA-VET" offers services only qualified specialists who are responsible for their actions. So, let's look at the main diagnostic methods:

Treatment of the intestinal form of coronavirus

After confirming the diagnosis, the veterinarian must prescribe the necessary treatment, which is used in the fight against the disease. If you don't provide it on time necessary treatment, the animal may die. Death can occur due to dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea. There are situations when an animal may not need treatment and its body will cope with the disease itself, but such cases are rare and individual. In general, an animal antibiotics are prescribed and other medications that will help him recover. Any pathology of an animal’s body requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. In no case should you ignore the symptoms or self-medicate; in both cases, the situation can only get worse and cause harm to the pet, even death.

Prevention of the intestinal form of coronavirus in dogs

Talking about preventive measures, which can help in the fight against coronavirus in dogs, it is worth mentioning the most effective of all - the vaccine. Timely vaccination your pet will protect him from the onset of illness and strengthen his immunity. Despite the fact that preparations for vaccinating dogs are freely available and sold in veterinary pharmacies, you should still leave the choice of drug to your doctor. Most veterinarians rely on past experience and try to give preference to drugs that have proven effective the best side. Our veterinary center uses only certified products that are purchased directly from the manufacturer.

  • tracking an animal while walking - you should not approve of relationships with stray animals and unfamiliar pets;
  • hygiene - the dog must be kept clean and periodically bathed and combed;
  • nutrition - for the body to be strong and strong, it requires essential vitamins and microelements. To do this, you need to feed the animal with high-quality food.

Respiratory form

Coronavirus in dogs: causes of the respiratory form

Knowing the reasons for the spread of a particular disease, the owner has the opportunity to prevent them. let's consider main influencing factors on the development of coronavirus in dogs:

  • direct contact - coronavirus can be transmitted from dog to dog when playing or when “getting to know” each other on a walk;
  • upon contact with a person - if you went to visit friends who have an animal and it is infected with enteritis, by stroking it, you become dangerous to your pet. Therefore, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly after handling other animals. After all, by licking your hands, your dog will easily get sick.

Symptoms of the respiratory form of coronavirus in dogs

Knowing the symptoms of a particular disease allows you to quickly respond to their manifestation and provide necessary help. The respiratory form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • cough - of course, the dog can choke and cough foreign body in the throat, but if this symptom occurs more often, you need to think about it and seek help from a veterinarian;
  • sneezing - may be caused by natural irritants or household chemicals, but may also indicate signs of coronavirus;
  • nasal discharge - the discharge is mostly clear and in large quantities;
  • temperature - changes in thermometer readings may indicate the development of the disease. But, as a rule, this symptom It is found quite less often than all the others.

Sometimes it is possible that The respiratory form of the disease can be completely asymptomatic. This feature of the course of the disease does not exclude the contagiousness of the pet, which poses a danger to the animals around it. In the presence of asymptomatic enteritis in combination with another disease, possible serious complications . Therefore, do not neglect visiting the veterinarian for scheduled inspection . Only professional doctor can reveal the presence of a disease if the dog’s behavior does not seem changeable at first glance.

How to diagnose coronavirus in dogs

Diagnosis of the respiratory form is completely similar to the intestinal one, since identifying the virus involves the same methods. Also, if there are suspicions of related diseases, additional research is possible.

Canine coronavirus treatment

After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed. At treatment of respiratory disease do not use any specific therapeutic measures, as they are not developed by veterinarians. All efforts are aimed at providing maintenance therapy. Medications are prescribed in the form of antibiotics and only when treatment requires parallel elimination of a bacterial infection. If your pet is affected by coronavirus, it needs to be isolated from other animals, in order to avoid infection of other individuals.

Quarantine- this is the time when the dog is still a carrier of the virus and it is undesirable to allow it to come into contact with other animals. The quarantine time is determined individually for each coronavirus patient and depends on the course of the disease. On average, this period is about three weeks.

Preventive measures to avoid coronavirus in dogs

Better than any treatment is the absence of disease. The best method in the fight against the appearance of the disease will preventive actions. If in the case of intestinal form, there is a vaccine against it, then There is no vaccine for the respiratory form. The only recommendations that can be given regarding the respiratory form would be:

  • monitor conditions of detention;
  • control the pet’s contact with other representatives of the fauna;
  • do not allow the virus to spread to other dogs if one individual is infected;
  • complete nutrition.

Coronavirus in dogs: conclusion

In this article, we looked at a disease such as coronavirus in dogs. It has two forms, which differ in their symptoms and possible treatment. Coronavirus is terrible disease, which under no circumstances should be ignored. With absence necessary treatment, complications are possible! Our veterinary center "YA-VET" offers services of professional veterinarians who have highly qualified And great experience work— more than 150 operations and 800 pathologies per month.

Very often, the health of animals suffers because their owners simply do not have time to seek help from a veterinarian. Specifically for such cases, we have a “call veterinarian on house". It will keep your dog's health at the proper level and save your precious time. We are always glad to see you!

A specific canine infection, from which no representative of this family is immune. Let's look at how the infection occurs, its symptoms and how you can protect your four-legged friend from this illness.

General information and pathogenesis

Coronavirus is an infectious disease that can spread quickly in large gatherings of animals. The disease can be of two types:

  • intestinal enteritis;
  • respiratory
The virus enters the animal’s body, attacks the nasal mucosa or small intestine. Having passed through the cell membrane, the infection quickly begins to grow and destroy the body inside, affecting blood vessels intestines. Because of this, the mucous membrane swells greatly and ceases to function normally - food digestion is disrupted. Erosions form on the inflamed mucosa, which are a good bait for the development of other bacteria, which are already sufficient in the intestines. From here it is obvious clinical picture, the main symptoms of which are diarrhea and vomiting.

Did you know? In 1971, German researchers discovered coronavirus infection in guard dogs. In the nursery where they were kept, they were visible characteristic features enteritis, which occurred in all animals in the same way.

Intestinal infection can occur in three forms:

  • acute- the most common. At first poor appetite, then complete failure from food, but high fluid intake. The animal vomits feces With unpleasant smell, become watery with green tint. If treatment is not started, puppies begin to dehydrate, which ends in the death of the pet. To establish preliminary diagnosis you need to know that with this form of the disease, the stool first becomes mushy and then liquid;
  • ultra-acute- occurs rarely, unless there are other viruses in the body, the combined action of which can lead to death. This form is dangerous for puppies under 10 weeks of age - 100% death within two days, even if treatment is started on time. Also for pregnant dogs and very malnourished dogs;
  • hidden- it is difficult to establish a diagnosis, since the dog is in in good condition. Sometimes diarrhea occurs, the animal loses weight, but does not refuse food and is in a lethargic state. This form is typical for those who are chronic carriers of the infection.

The respiratory type of virus spreads only by airborne droplets, and the main foci of infection are nurseries where a large number of dogs. Since bacteria multiply in the nasopharynx area, animals begin to sneeze and cough frequently.

Did you know? In 2003, English virologists accidentally discovered a respiratory type of coronavirus; abroad it is known as CRCoV.

Routes of transmission and causes of the disease

Knowing how coronavirus can be transmitted, you need to take action necessary measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease. The infection is transmitted in several ways:

  • close contact with a sick dog - during sniffing;
  • contact with feces - the grass may be soiled, an animal nearby licked its fur and licked something that a person could touch, and then the virus will appear in the house.

Basically, the virus appears in the animal’s body from dirty water and products, in windy weather with dust containing feces. Virologists are inclined to believe that if an animal has had coronavirus, its feces can be infectious for another six months after recovery. The version that the infection enters the DNA of intestinal cells and at any time when unfavorable conditions may begin to develop - this also occurs.

Important! A sick dog sheds the infection in its feces for 15 days, and most of all on the 6th day of infection.

Incubation period and signs of dog infection

At the onset of coronavirus infection, symptoms of the disease in dogs are often invisible, and the incubation period lasts up to 9 days. The animal becomes lethargic, lies around a lot and eats poorly. After a few days, the symptoms of the disease become obvious:

  • complete refusal of food and large consumption of water;
  • excreta yellow color, without blood and foul odor;
  • vomiting only a few times a day;
  • the oral cavity has a pale appearance.

Examination of a dog by a veterinarian and diagnosis

At the first symptoms indicating the presence of coronavirus, you must contact a specialist who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must ask the dog's owner about all the most frequently recurring symptoms of the disease. To make a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary conduct laboratory tests:

  • fluorescent examination of fresh stool gives exact result within 2 hours;
  • It is necessary to take blood from the animal to check the antibody content in it;
  • immunographic analysis - based on the reaction between antigen ( foreign substance in the body) and antibody (a protein that is produced in the body after the introduction of an antigen).

Treatment regimen for coronavirus in dogs

Treatment of the virus is supportive with mandatory control cases of vomiting and diarrhea:

  • serum with immunoglobulin is injected;
  • use vitamin preparations to support the body;
  • the use of droppers for intravenous administration of saline solutions that restore water and salt balances;
  • use of drugs that relieve spasms and adsorbent substances;
  • the use of antibiotics to prevent recurrence of the disease;
  • diet.

Important! Animals that have suffered enteritis are contraindicated for any physical activity for a month.


To prevent your pet from getting an infection, must be observed basic rules:

  • personal hygiene - at room temperature the virus dies within two days, disinfectants they help it, but boiling water kills it instantly;
  • the room where the animal is kept must be clean - weak disinfection of the room immediately kills the virus;
  • When walking, keep an eye on what your dog is sniffing;
  • Get vaccinated annually.
These rules are mandatory for all dogs, but especially for those visiting places general training and exhibitions, in nurseries, where there may be a large concentration of animals. and the person is completely safe, because in external environment it dies quickly and basic hygiene rules help this process.

When purchasing a four-legged friend, we should know that dogs, like people, are susceptible to all sorts of infections. One of them is coronavirus - 55% of dogs suffer from it. Knowing the signs of the disease, up-to-date vaccinations and caring for your pet will help you avoid contracting the virus, but if this happens, timely appeal Seeing a specialist will help you quickly cope with the disease.

Coronavirus infection in dogs is a disease caused by an RNA virus (Canine coronavirus), which has peculiar protrusions on its shell in the form of crown teeth, which is the reason for its name. Coronavirus is widespread everywhere.

Puppies aged 1-3 months are most susceptible to the disease, but adult dogs, especially those participating in competitions, exhibitions and other events involving crowds of animals, are also at risk. The route of infection is nutritional; most often, infection occurs by eating feces.

When infected, the coronavirus enters the animal’s body and penetrates the columnar epithelium within 24 hours. thin section intestines ( lower section). It destroys epithelial cells, which are gradually rejected and this leads to atrophy of the intestinal villi.

Another one unpleasant feature canine coronavirus - its prolonged discharge even after the animal has recovered. That is, the cured dog continues to appear potential threat for dogs not vaccinated against coronavirus for a long time.

Coronavirus infection is usually associated with a mild or subclinical form of the disease. Most characteristic symptoms Canine coronavirus causes vomiting and diarrhea, which usually appear within 5-7 days after infection. With diarrhea, the feces are usually watery. Apathy and weight loss may also occur. Bloody diarrhea, fever and leukopenia are not typical for uncomplicated caronovirus infection; such signs indicate other concomitant infections. Spontaneous recovery occurs after 7-10 days, although sometimes diarrhea can continue for several days. Deaths are very rare, most of them attributed to infection in newborns. Forecast full recovery favorable.

Final diagnosis can be diagnosed based on detection of viral particles using electron microscopy or virus isolation PCR method. In this case, fresh feces are examined (no later than 48 hours), since viral particles are very unstable and are destroyed when long-term storage, so false negative results are common.
Specific treatment coronavirus infection does not exist. Conduct symptomatic therapy:

  • intravenous infusions for significant loss water;
  • systemic antibacterial drugs for secondary bacterial infections or the perceived danger of their development, as evidenced by fever, leukopenia, the appearance of blood in the feces;
  • immunostimulants for confirmed carriage of the virus.

To prevent coronavirus infection great importance has compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and maintaining cleanliness in the premises where the dog is kept, preventing the dog from eating feces during a walk. But, of course, the most effective method prevention is to vaccinate your dog against coronavirus infection. This applies to dogs of any age, gender, breed, and primarily to those animals that visit training grounds, exhibitions and other places where there are large concentrations of animals. The importance of vaccinating dogs against coronavirus is invaluable for those animals that are used for breeding. Today, protection against coronavirus infection in dogs is provided by the Duramune DHPPi4L+CvK (Duramune MAX 5 4L/CvK) vaccine, developed by the American company Fort Dodge, and the Multikan-6 vaccine, produced by NPO Narvak, Russia.

The schedule for using the Duramune MAX 5 4L/CvK vaccine is as follows: the first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 2 months, followed by booster vaccination after 21 days. Subsequent vaccinations are carried out annually. If the first vaccination was given later than three months of age, revaccination is carried out after 14-21 days.

Multikan-6 is administered to puppies at 8-10 weeks of age and again after 21-28 days. Revaccination of puppies is carried out at the age of 10-12 months. Adult dogs are vaccinated once a year. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in the thigh area in a volume of 2 ml immediately after dissolution. Small dogs and ornamental breeds vaccinated in a volume of 1 ml.

Epizootology and pathogenesis: Coronavirus is widespread, antibodies to it are found in the serum of about 54% of dogs living in families, and in some populations kept in enclosures, this figure reaches 100%. Dogs of all ages and breeds are susceptible. The virus is isolated from the feces of dogs with diarrhea and clinically healthy ones. Its role as a primary pathogen is questionable. Although coronavirus is isolated from sick dogs, especially those 6–12 weeks of age, it can act as a secondary pathogen.

Lysis of coronavirus-infected enterocytes results in epithelial loss and villous atrophy; crypt cells are not affected. The virus can infect cells of the epithelium of the colon and alveolar epithelium, as well as mesenteric The lymph nodes, although apparently it doesn't have clinical significance. Incubation period is 1–7 days. The virus is released in environment within at least 16 days after illness; virus-neutralizing antibodies are detected by the 5th day of infection.

Clinical signs: Coronavirus infection is usually associated with a very mild or subclinical form of the disease. If diarrhea develops, the stool is usually watery. Rarely develops more serious disease with signs of acute anorexia and a depressed state, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea, fever and leukopenia are not typical for uncomplicated coronavirus infection; such signs indicate other concomitant infections. According to the literature, up to 25% of dogs with enteritis can be infected with coronavirus and parvovirus type 2 simultaneously (Evermann et al., 1989). Coronavirus may complicate parvovirus disease because loss of epithelial cells and villi stimulates the replication of crypt cells, which makes them more susceptible to parvovirus infection. Spontaneous recovery occurs after 7–10 days, although sometimes diarrhea can continue for several weeks. Deaths are very rare, most of them attributed to infection in newborns. The prognosis for complete recovery is favorable.

Diagnostics: because the Clinical signs minor and dogs respond well to symptomatic therapy, confirmation of the diagnosis is usually not necessary.

The final diagnosis can be made based on:

Determination of viral particles using electron microscopy or virus isolation; fresh feces are examined (no later than 48 hours). Viral particles are very unstable and are destroyed during long-term storage, so false negative results are common

Paired serology showing a fourfold increase in antibody titers. This allows the diagnosis to be made retrospectively. Such test systems are not commercially available; however, test systems can be used to diagnose feline coronavirus infection with minor modifications.

Treatment and prevention: specific treatment There is no coronavirus infection. Maintenance therapy may be required. Protection against coronavirus infection is provided by mucosal IgA, the secretion of which is stimulated intestinal infection. General education antibodies stimulated by parenteral vaccination do not provide protection against infection, possibly because vaccination does not induce a sufficient immune response at the mucous membranes. Oral vaccines will provide protection with more likely, however, with low incidence and mild flow disease there are no indications for vaccination against coronavirus infection.

Given infection It’s difficult to call it one of the deadly ones for animals, but this is not a guarantee that other infections will not join it while the body is weakened. Coronavirus infection in dogs is very insidious and sometimes becomes a trigger for a number of problems.

Symptoms of coronavirus in dogs

So, why is coronavirus so insidious and dangerous in dogs? The virus itself received its name from the processes on the outer shell, which are very reminiscent of a crown. After infection, it travels to the lower intestine and begins to destroy the columnar epithelium. As a result, we get the following picture: over and over again the epithelium begins to be rejected and the intestinal villi atrophy. That’s why the virus itself may not have much impact on the body, but when combined with others, it can kill the animal. But fortunately, we have to admit that deaths not so much.

The second reason why coronavirus in dogs is an insidious disease is its enormous and widespread contagiousness. It’s like chickenpox in humans: the animal looks completely healthy, but remains a carrier of the disease for a long time. The only difference is that the virus is still active after the dog has been treated and recovered.

As for symptoms in dogs, the classic development of coronavirus is diarrhea and constant vomiting. Very easy to confuse with . But often these two signs go together with depression in the dog, often this is a sharp exhaustion of the pet. To confirm your fears, be sure to go to the veterinarian and remember if there were any contacts with other animals about a week ago. It would be a good idea to find out about the well-being of your friends’ pets if you often walk in pairs.

Unfortunately, in the acute phase there are no tests that can clearly show the presence or absence of the virus. But you can take a blood test, and after a few weeks you can observe whether the antibody titer in the blood serum increases.

Treatment of coronavirus in dogs

There is no treatment as such here. Or rather, there are no drugs specifically to defeat the virus. The task of the dog owner and the veterinarian is to prevent joining secondary infection and consequences for the body after fluid loss.

For coronavirus infection in dogs, intravenous infusions are prescribed if observed dangerous degree fluid loss. If the owner is confident in the diagnosis (it is known for sure that there was contact with an infected animal), immunostimulants are usually given additionally. This almost always works out. If the stool has changed and bloody fragments have appeared, the dog has increased fever or other symptoms, you have to additionally resort to antibiotics.