Coronavirus enteritis (coronavirus) in dogs. Coronavirus in dogs: what is it, how is it transmitted, how to treat your four-legged friend

Two varieties of the virus have been discovered, causing disease characterized by different symptoms. These are RNA molecules surrounded by a protein capsule. Intestinal variety The virus occurs inside the nursery and occurs with signs of enteritis. The respiratory type is spread exclusively by aerosols and belongs to a group of pathogens called kennel cough.

It is believed that about half of the adult dog population is carriers of the coronavirus. They look clinically healthy, but the disease occurs when the body weakens unfavorable factors external environment. It is not the coronavirus that poses a threat to life, but more formidable infections that a weakened immune system is unable to fight.

The virus is unstable in the external environment and is defenseless against disinfectants, which eliminates the occurrence of epizootics. The chance of infection of an animal living at home is small, but if a dog is taken from a shelter or a problem kennel, then the appearance of symptoms of the disease cannot be ruled out.

Coronavirus enteritis

Most dangerous form diseases. Characterized by short - 1–3 days - incubation period. Over the next two weeks, the animal actively secretes the virus, infecting others. Puppies that have recovered from the disease can become lifelong carriers of contagion, remaining clinically healthy. In adolescent and adult dogs, the disease occurs in mild form and ends with recovery.

With puppies 1–2- one month old everything is different. Main danger consists of the addition of accompanying microflora. A person does not become infected and cannot become a carrier of coronavirus.


The virus destroys epithelial cells mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, intestines and endothelium blood vessels. Swelling, hyperemia occurs, and digestive function. Mucosal cells die, defects form, into which conditionally pathogenic microflora penetrates. If to pathological process When parvovirus occurs, the disease most often ends in the death of the puppy.

Forms of the disease

Coronavirus enteritis occurs in the following forms:

  1. Lightning fast.
  2. Spicy.
  3. Hidden.


Clinical signs depend on the form of the disease. A hyperacute course occurs on the day symptoms appear or on the next day, indicates the addition of parvovirus or rotavirus, and is characterized by high mortality. Characterized by the following features:

  • sudden watery diarrhea;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • hyperthermia, >41°.

The acute course is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • anorexia;
  • thirst;
  • dehydration;
  • diarrhea, foul-smelling feces, greenish color;
  • Initially the stool is mushy, then becomes watery.

The latent form occurs with mild symptoms, characterized by weight loss, developmental delays, and occasional diarrhea.


A preliminary diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms. Unlike parvovirus enteritis, blood does not appear in feces immediately. The excrement is initially mushy, but later acquires a watery consistency. From laboratory methods the most informative is ICA (immunochromatic analysis).

Treatment and possible complications

Specific treatment coronavirus enteritis not developed. The therapeutic strategy is aimed at eliminating painful symptoms, first of all - dehydration. Cerucal is administered to stop vomiting. Then use subcutaneous injections saline solutions with glucose for detoxification, as well as restoration of water and electrolyte balance.

Antimicrobials prescribed if there are signs of secondary microflora joining. Use medications to support heart function, as well as restoratives, vitamin preparations. To normalize digestion, sorbents, probiotics, and prebiotics are used.

A recovered puppy may experience the following complications:

  • developmental delay;
  • lameness;
  • benign neoplasms in the mouth, which are removed promptly;
  • cardiac failure;
  • cholecystitis;
  • infertility in bitches with preserved estrus.

In most situations, the above symptoms are eliminated within 6-8 months, or they go away on their own.

Respiratory form

Occurs mainly in adolescents and the elderly. The symptoms resemble the human cold. If possible, sick people are separated and provided with comfortable housing and adequate feeding. In most cases drug treatment not required. If a secondary infection occurs, antibiotic therapy is practiced.


In addition to organizing comfortable maintenance and full feeding carry out vaccination prophylaxis. For immunization against coronavirus enteritis, the biological product Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV is used from six weeks, and Multikan-4 from eight weeks. 100% protection against of this disease vaccines are not provided, but the disease is mild, responds well to treatment, and is not accompanied by complications. A reliable way to protect puppies from infection is to vaccinate bitches before mating.

Most adult dogs are carriers coronavirus infection. It affects weakened animals. The intestinal form of 1–2 month old puppies is especially dangerous. Treatment consists of eliminating painful symptoms. Prevention consists of organizing good nutrition, comfortable maintenance and vaccination.

Heavy infection- coronavirus infection in dogs develops after penetration of the dangerous pathogen Canine Coronavirus into the body. IN initial stage pathology in latent form specific symptoms are absent, the pet can infect other pets. In advanced cases, with over acute form, against the background of exhaustion and dehydration, the death of the sick individual is possible.

It is useful to know how to recognize coronavirus (CCV) in dogs. Types and forms of the disease, clinical picture with the development of coronavirus enteritis, effective methods of treatment and prevention are described in the article.

Causes of the disease and routes of infection

There are several types of coronavirus in nature. The pathogen can be found almost everywhere. Dogs become infected when Canine Coronavirus enters their body.

The causative agent of a dangerous infection is common among animals, but not everyone gets sick four-legged pets. Active reproduction of pathogenic microflora occurs against the background weak immunity, at bad conditions keeping an animal, chronic infections, negatively affecting the defenses.

Coronavirus enteritis in dogs was first diagnosed in Germany in the early 70s of the 20th century. Later, the pathogen was identified in other regions of the world.

Routes of infection

The PIC is transmitted:

  • when an infected animal communicates with other dogs or cats. Animal coronavirus is also transmitted to pigs;
  • fecal-oral route;
  • less often - fecal-droplet route infection;
  • with contaminated water.

Four-legged pets of all breeds and categories are sensitive to the action of the coronavirus infection pathogen, but the pathogen poses the greatest danger to puppies that are under 5 months old. Weak immunity, imperfection digestive system- factors that increase the risk of developing a dangerous infection.

General rules

Treatment regimen:

  • use of immunostimulants;
  • prescription of vitamin complexes;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • administration of therapeutic and maintenance solutions (droppers) to replenish fluid and electrolyte levels;
  • symptomatic drugs: enterosorbents, to prevent internal bleeding;
  • antibiotics when a secondary bacterial infection is detected;
  • antihistamines for dogs with the development of allergies;
  • analgesics and painkillers;
  • therapeutic diet;
  • disinfection of objects, dishes on which the pathogen may remain, boiling water.

Most drugs are not administered orally, but are administered intravenously and subcutaneously. Frequent bowel movements and vomiting interfere with the complete absorption of drug components during oral administration: It is important to take this point into account.

Coronavirus dies after exposure to certain substances and procedures:

  • chloroform, ether;
  • strong soda solution with a concentration of 10% (the pathogen loses its viability after 10 minutes);
  • exposure to temperature +56 C kills pathogen in ten minutes.

Coronavirus in dogs cannot exist for long without a host: the pathogen persists in feces for no more than two days.


The optimal drug is selected by the veterinarian. A mucous mass or smear is first taken to identify the pathogen. The result of an antibiotic sensitivity test gives the answer: which drug is more effective in combating the identified bacteria.


For effective therapy New generation immunomodulators are used:

  • Vitan.
  • Lycopid.
  • Ribotan.
  • Galavit.

Immunomodulators do not stimulate as much nonspecific immunity in dogs, but also warn severe form intoxication.

Fighting dehydration

An important element of treatment to reduce the risk of heart failure and fatal outcome. Preparations for stabilization water-salt balance administered subcutaneously and in the form of droppers.

Ready solutions:

  • Acesol.
  • Fizrastovr.
  • Quartsol.
  • Trisol and others.

Medical nutrition

The first two days after vomiting stops, dogs are prescribed a starvation diet. It is important that the weakened gastrointestinal tract began to recover.

On the third day, small portions of dry and wet food series " Veterinary diet" Many well-known companies offer medicinal feed for dogs with sensitive digestion. Brands Akana, Orijen, Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Brit have lines for feeding weakened pets.

External means

If coronavirus infection develops, ointments and medicated creams used for application to the anal area for severe irritation and inflammation of delicate tissues. With frequent bowel movements, acute diarrhea feces with mucus and blood irritate the skin anus, redness and inflammation often develop. Before applying the composition you need to wash boiled water the problem area, lubricate it with a product for external use.

At chronic diarrhea many formulations are ineffective if the animal relieves itself very often. You should not completely abandon the use of ointments: treating inflamed tissues reduces itching and irritation for a certain period.

How does it manifest itself, how to recognize the disease and how to treat it? We have the answer!

General rules and effective methods for treating vasculitis in a dog’s ears are described on this page.

Go to the address and find out what you can give your dog for diarrhea using human medications.


Vaccination is an effective method of preventing severe intestinal infection in dogs.

Domestic and foreign vaccines are used for immunization:

  • Vanguard Plus 5 L4 CV,
  • Multikan 4, 6 or 7,
  • Biocan,
  • Nobivac.

The prognosis for detecting coronavirus infection in dogs largely depends on the form and stage at which treatment is started. In the hyperacute variety of CVS, the prognosis is unfavorable; the acute form can result in recovery or death of the animal. With the latent course of coronavirus enteritis, recovery occurs in approximately ten days. The main thing is to start comprehensive treatment on time. Veterinarians advise vaccinating dogs on time to avoid the severe consequences of CVC, including death.

For several decades now, humanity has been continuously fighting against viral diseases. These diseases affect not only people, but also animals. To this day, no specific cure for viruses has been found; all hope for getting rid of viral infections rests only on immune system sick.

Coronavirus infection is often found among dogs, affecting pets of absolutely any breed and age group. For adult pets, the disease is not considered fatal, but for young animals, infection with coronavirus can end tragically.

What is coronavirus

At the end of the 20th century in Germany, virologists discovered the new kind infection called coronavirus. It was found that it was this pathogen that caused enteritis in guard dogs. At the beginning of the 21st century, the attention of scientists was attracted by the fact that a group of dogs kept in the same enclosure became en masse sick with the same disease (the animals developed a cough).

Virologists carefully took up the study of a form of infection previously unknown to veterinarians and discovered that this state animals is caused by the penetration of the same virus into their body.

The virus has low resistance to environmental conditions: in a heated room the pathogen dies after a few days and is resistant to boiling and most disinfectant solutions.

Today, coronavirus is divided into 2 types of infection:

  • Intestinal.
  • Respiratory.

Neither type of coronavirus is considered fatal dangerous disease for adult dogs, but if this infection is accompanied by secondary inflammatory processes, this condition threatens the pet’s life. Coronavirus is extremely dangerous for young dogs and puppies, as this disease is often complicated by parvovirus enteritis, which causes high mortality among young animals.

How does coronavirus infection occur?

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to 10 days, and often, even the most attentive owner is unable to suspect that pet already infected with the virus.

The first type of coronavirus is transmitted from a sick dog to a healthy one in the following ways:

  • in direct contact with animals (for example, sniffing);
  • through the excrement of an infected dog (a healthy animal can eat the feces of a sick dog, or get dirty in it, and then lick the fur);
  • through contaminated water and dog food.

It has been established that there have been cases of coronavirus infection through contact with old feces, which means that when favorable conditions external environment, the virus is able to maintain its activity for several months.

The second form of coronavirus infection is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets and most often it is registered in places where dogs are kept in large numbers (kennels).

Once in the dog’s body, the virus destroys epithelial cells in the nasopharynx, and then in small intestine. Penetrating through cell membranes, the pathogen begins to actively multiply, striking the cells of blood vessels. As a result, the gastrointestinal mucosa swells, turns red and ceases to efficiently perform the function of digestion. Soon, foci of erosion and necrosis develop in the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane, into which pathogens of secondary diseases can enter.

Symptoms of coronavirus in dogs

For each dog, the signs of coronavirus infection can vary significantly, as the severity of the disease is influenced by age, condition protective function body, as well as the presence of other concomitant diseases of the animal. In most cases, coronavirus occurs without any symptoms, but sometimes the dog experiences brief vomiting or. An increase in body temperature is very rare, but a sharp lack of appetite and severe weight loss of the animal are the most common symptoms intestinal form coronavirus.

Common signs of coronavirus infection are considered to be:

  • Lethargy, apathetic state of the dog;
  • Severe dehydration, and as a result – significant weight loss;
  • Frequent vomiting;
  • Complete refusal of food;
  • Diarrhea (feces have a watery consistency and a foul odor).

The respiratory form of coronavirus proceeds as usual colds and doesn't count dangerous condition for an animal.

Symptoms for the respiratory form are as follows:

  • Mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • Sneezing;
  • Frequent cough;
  • Increase in body temperature (very in rare cases).

Sometimes, with the respiratory form of coronavirus, the development of pneumonia (pneumonia) is observed, but such a complication occurs in extremely rare cases and indicates the addition of other bacterial infections.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first suspicious signs of disease, the animal should be shown veterinarian. Based on a clinical examination, the specialist can only determine preliminary diagnosis, accurate confirmation of coronavirus infection is carried out using methods laboratory diagnostics, namely:

  • Serological analysis - determination of pathogen antibodies in the blood of a sick animal;
  • Luminescent examination of feces for the presence of the virus (feces should only be fresh);
  • Immunographic study.

Treatment of coronavirus infection

Unfortunately specific drug, there is no cure for coronavirus; all therapy during the disease is aimed at strengthening the dog’s immunity and restoring its weakened body.

The treatment regimen for coronavirus infection is as follows:

  • Administration of immunoglobulin serum.
  • The use of vitamin complexes.
  • Usage physiological solutions to relieve dehydration (administered only by drip).
  • Prescription of antispasmodic drugs.
  • The use of adsorbent substances to relieve intoxication.
  • Application antimicrobials to prevent and eliminate secondary inflammatory processes.

A recovering animal definitely needs a diet. The food must be soft or liquid; you can only feed the dog in small portions. In addition, a recovered pet should not be subjected to physical activity for at least another month after recovery.

Consequences of coronavirus

The disease itself does not pose a serious threat to the life of a dog, but very often, against the background of weak immunity, the animal develops more severe diseases in parallel with the coronavirus. dangerous infections. In most cases, it is registered, which has a high mortality rate among weakened and emaciated dogs, as well as in puppies under 3 months of age. Very rarely, respiratory coronavirus infection occurs along with inflammatory process in the lungs, which also poses a danger to dogs in poor health.


Every pet owner can protect their dog from coronavirus infection; to do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • Vaccinate dogs once a year;
  • Keep your pet's habitat clean;
  • Try to prevent your pet from coming into contact with the feces of other dogs;
  • Monitor the animal’s health and strengthen its immunity (daily physical exercise, taking vitamins and minerals, balanced feeding);
  • If you suspect an infection, try to isolate sick animals from healthy ones.

Coronavirus in dogs is a very common infection among pets. Only careful care for your pet, and qualified veterinary care when infected with a virus, they are able to give the dog health and joy for long years life.

Coronavirus infection in dogs is a disease caused by an RNA virus (Canine coronavirus), which has peculiar protrusions on its shell in the form of crown teeth, which is the reason for its name. Coronavirus is widespread everywhere.

Puppies aged 1-3 months are most susceptible to the disease, but adult dogs, especially those participating in competitions, exhibitions and other events involving crowds of animals, are also at risk. The route of infection is nutritional; most often, infection occurs by eating feces.

When infected, the coronavirus enters the animal’s body and penetrates the columnar epithelium within 24 hours. thin section intestines ( lower section). It destroys epithelial cells, which are gradually rejected and this leads to atrophy of the intestinal villi.

Another one unpleasant feature canine coronavirus - its prolonged discharge even after the animal has recovered. That is, the cured dog continues to appear potential threat for dogs not vaccinated against coronavirus for a long time.

Coronavirus infection is usually associated with a mild or subclinical form of the disease. Most characteristic symptoms Canine coronavirus causes vomiting and diarrhea, which usually appear within 5-7 days after infection. With diarrhea, the feces are usually watery. Apathy and weight loss may also occur. Bloody diarrhea, fever and leukopenia are not typical for uncomplicated caronovirus infection; such signs indicate other concomitant infections. Spontaneous recovery occurs after 7-10 days, although sometimes diarrhea can continue for several days. Deaths very rare, most of them relate to infection of newborns. Forecast full recovery favorable.

Definitive diagnosis can be made based on identification of viral particles using electron microscopy or virus isolation PCR method. In this case, fresh feces are examined (no later than 48 hours), since viral particles are very unstable and are destroyed when long-term storage, so false negative results are common.
Specific treatment There is no coronavirus infection. Symptomatic therapy is carried out:

  • intravenous infusions for significant loss water;
  • systemic antibacterial drugs for secondary bacterial infections or the perceived danger of their development, as evidenced by fever, leukopenia, the appearance of blood in the feces;
  • immunostimulants for confirmed carriage of the virus.

To prevent coronavirus infection great importance has compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and maintaining cleanliness in the premises where the dog is kept, preventing the dog from eating feces during a walk. But, of course, the most effective method prevention is to vaccinate your dog against coronavirus infection. This applies to dogs of any age, gender, breed, and primarily to those animals that visit training grounds, exhibitions and other places where there are large concentrations of animals. The importance of vaccinating dogs against coronavirus is invaluable for those animals that are used for breeding. Today, protection against coronavirus infection in dogs is provided by the Duramune DHPPi4L+CvK (Duramune MAX 5 4L/CvK) vaccine, developed by the American company Fort Dodge, and the Multikan-6 vaccine, produced by NPO Narvak, Russia.

The schedule for using the Duramune MAX 5 4L/CvK vaccine is as follows: the first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 2 months, followed by booster vaccination after 21 days. Subsequent vaccinations are carried out annually. If the first vaccination was given later than three months of age, revaccination is carried out after 14-21 days.

Multikan-6 is administered to puppies at 8-10 weeks of age and again after 21-28 days. Revaccination of puppies is carried out at the age of 10-12 months. Adult dogs are vaccinated once a year. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly in the thigh area in a volume of 2 ml immediately after dissolution. Small dogs and ornamental breeds vaccinated in a volume of 1 ml.

At the mere mention of the word “enteritis,” dog owners shudder. And it is not surprising, because theoretically even a vaccinated person can catch this infection and practically healthy dog, let alone weakened animals, young puppies or old pets. In order not only to save the animal, but also to prevent the disease, you should know the enemy virus “by sight.” The article will talk about enteritis in dogs- a disease that can lead to severe consequences and even the death of a pet.
  • The dog is indifferent and sad;
  • Repeated foamy vomit opens;
  • Loose stools ( pathological color with a very unpleasant odor);
  • Decline below 37 degrees;
  • Unsteadiness of gait, trembling;
  • Pain in the abdominal area.
  • If parvovirus “bursts” into cardiovascular system, then the disease can be recognized by the following signs:
    • Apathy;
    • Paleness and even blue discoloration of the mucous membranes;
    • Dry debilitating cough;
    • Heavy breathing through the mouth;
    • Heart rhythm disturbances;
    • Dyspnea.
    When both the heart and intestines of a dog are affected at the same time, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis will be mixed (for example, the animal will have diarrhea, rapid pulse, breathing problems, etc.). The intestinal type of parvovirus enteritis is especially dangerous for puppies, elderly or weakened animals when dehydration is caused by constant vomiting and diarrhea develops too quickly.

    Gastroenteritis (coronavirus and parvovirus). The already familiar coronaviruses and parvoviruses can also damage the stomach (and sometimes the intestines) of a dog. At risk are puppies under six months old, older dogs, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

    In acute form of crown viral gastroenteritis in dogs there are:

    • Bleeding of the stomach or intestines;
    • Frequent vomiting;
    • Diarrhea (possibly mixed with blood);
    • Unpleasant odor from the mouth;
    • Paleness and dryness of mucous membranes;
    • Painful sensations in the abdominal area.
    In the acute form of parvovirus gastroenteritis, the symptoms will be as follows:
    • The dog does not eat or drink;
    • Diarrhea with blood (putrid smell);
    • Heavy breathing, pulmonary wheezing;
    • Flatulence;
    • Possible increase in temperature.
    It is worth noting that the symptoms of viral gastroenteritis may not appear in adult dogs with a latent form of the disease (the dog may be depressed and refuse food, nothing more). In the fulminant form, the pet’s death can occur within a couple of hours after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

    How to treat enteritis in dogs?

    First of all, noticing the first alarming symptoms in a dog, you should contact your veterinarian to diagnose accurate diagnosis(examination of the animal, tests of feces, urine, blood). It can be problematic to independently determine what exactly the dog is sick with, since the symptoms of enteritis are almost the same as in other cases. viral infections. When an animal suffers from debilitating vomiting and diarrhea, there is pain syndrome, it is advisable to refuse a trip to the veterinary clinic, insisting on a veterinarian visit to your home.

    Before a specialist arrives, a dog with diarrhea to prevent dehydration can be prepared with the following solution for drinking (give at the rate of 40 ml of the prepared solution per 1 kg of body weight):

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 3.5 g salt;
    • 2.5 g soda;
    • 1.5 g potassium chloride;
    • 20 g sugar.
    You should not feed or water a dog against its will (and in the first day or two after the start of treatment, eating food is not at all advisable). Heavy feeding will not help cope with the virus, but will bring additional suffering to the animal. If your dog is not vomiting, you should give him clean water and tablets activated carbon(1 tablet per 1 kg of body weight). It is better to avoid administering antipyretics, painkillers, and antibiotics until the doctor arrives.
    • Antimicrobial agents and antibiotics (“Sulfatone”, “Furacilin”, “Amoxicillin”);
    • Adsorbents (“Enterosgel”, “Enterosorbent”);
    • Astringents (decoction of oak or bird cherry bark);
    • Cleansing enemas (based on chamomile decoction, salicylic acid, potassium permanganate);
    • Painkillers (“No-Shpa”, “Besalol”);
    • Nutrient enemas and droppers;
    • Enzyme medications (“Enzistal”, “Ferestal”);
    • Immunoglobulins (“Globcan-5”, “Vitacan-S”);
    • Vitamins (“Beafar”, “8 in 1 Excel”).
    Besides medicines dogs are prescribed a diet (but the pet should not be force-fed). Eat at viral enteritis the animal can:
    • Porridge (oatmeal, rice, semolina) with water or low-fat broth;
    • Fish and meat broths (low-fat);
    • Boiled and chopped warm meat (veal, chicken);
    • Low-fat cottage cheese.
    In case of enteritis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet for a while fatty foods, bones, vegetables that contribute to intestinal upset. Sweets, spices, and flour are strictly prohibited. You need to feed the animal in small portions up to 6 times a day (it is important that the food is moderately warm, but not hot).

    The owner of a dog with enteritis will definitely have to disinfect the home:

    • Dispose (if possible) or boil all things that the sick animal came into contact with;
    • Treat carpets, walls, floors and furniture disinfectant(“Medilis-DEZ”, “Medichlor” or others);
    • Carry out quartzing of the home.

    Prevention of viral enteritis

    It’s not even 100% protected from virus infection. However, a vaccine given on time (for example, Nobivak, Multikan, etc.) almost completely eliminates the possibility of infection. Vaccination against enteritis is given to puppies at the age of 4-6 weeks, repeated a month later and then given annually throughout their lives.

    To protect a dog from disease, the owner must:

    • Don't forget about vaccination;
    • Try to reduce your animal’s contact with stray dogs – potential carriers of viruses – to zero;
    • Monitor your dog's health and quality nutrition. Animals with low immunity most often infected with enteritis;
    • Always be vigilant if your dog is not eating or suddenly becomes lethargic, vomiting, or has diarrhea. A timely call to the veterinarian will most likely help avoid a tragedy.