Microelements: small agents in the human body and their great importance in his life. What are microelements, their role and importance in the human body

Essential microelements in in full force are in the diet. But trace elements necessary for a person, do not always enter the blood in sufficient quantities. This is due to the fact that in modern food products a large share is occupied by highly processed, refined foods. In such dishes, vitamins and microelements are lost during cooking. We invite you to find out which microelements needed by the body are considered essential, and how their deficiency manifests itself. After all, everyone knows that the human body needs microelements such as iron and zinc, manganese and chromium, selenium and phosphorus, calcium, sodium, chlorine and others.

The physiological role of microelements depends on their complete presence and ability to interact with the cells of the human body.

What is the biological and physiological significance of microelements in nutrition for the human body

Many minerals and trace elements benefit living organisms. Knowledge about the importance of microelements in the body is constantly deepening and expanding. When agricultural products are grown in soils rich in minerals, then they contain all the necessary nutrients.

While many have heard or read about calcium, people know almost nothing about cobalt, for example. And it is present in the structure of vitamin B12 and prevents the development of pernicious anemia. If it is not in the soil, then it is not in plants, or in animal meat, and it does not enter the human body. And these are not all microelements in the human body and their importance for performance must be constantly taken into account.

Microelements are also important in genetics; in particular, copper is necessary for the reproduction of hereditary information. If you eat unrefined foods, then enough of it enters the body. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of microelements in nutrition: zinc is needed for protein synthesis and the activity of many enzymes. Without it, for example, the ability to bear children will be impaired. Manganese is actively involved in metabolic processes. The importance of microelements for humans is limitless; for example, chromium is needed for the normal absorption of sugar.

In order to understand the importance of trace elements, you need to know that aluminum can be found in the human body, even if you never use aluminum cookware. This means that the body needs it. Humans also have bromine, tin, mercury, nickel, and silver. Physiological significance microelements of this group have not yet been fully studied.

It has been revealed that a deficiency of some minerals leads to a deficiency of others; they are all interconnected. For example, to absorb calcium and iron, you need hydrochloric acid in which they dissolve, and this is impossible without B vitamins. This is the main biological significance of microelements - they allow all nutrients to be fully absorbed.

Phosphorus in the body is associated either with proteins or with fats; it is needed for the construction of cellular structures. Calcium is ready to help the cell relax at the moment necessary rest, and potassium is ready to stimulate it to work. Chlorine “flashes” at high speed into and out of the cell, ridding it of unwanted carbon compounds.

Microelements can be both beneficial and harmful, it all depends on their dose.

What happens in the human body when there is a lack of the microelement phosphorus?

85% of phosphorus in the body is found in bones and teeth; together with calcium, it ensures their strength. Usually there is enough of it in the diet; overdoses are very rare. In terms of quantitative content in the body, phosphorus ranks second. What happens when there is a lack of microelements of this substance - bone tissue suffers first.

Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are linked by metabolism. When more phosphorus is taken in than calcium, it is excreted in the urine as calcium phosphate salt. Then the body loses both calcium and phosphorus. Lack of microelements leads to serious and persistent metabolic disorders.

For vitamin C deficiency bone tissue is partially destroyed, then calcium and phosphorus are not incorporated into the bone tissue. Lack of microelements in the human body leads to brittle bones, since the foundation of the bone tissue is too weak to support them. This once again suggests that vitamin and mineral complexes are needed.

The microelement phosphorus plays an important role in the synthesis of ATP molecules (adenosine-triphosphoric acid), necessary for the body’s energy processes. The lack of microelements in the body has a serious impact on ion exchange: it helps cells nervous system transmit incoming signals.

Note. Liver, yeast, wheat germ, lecithin, meat products rich in phosphorus and poor in calcium, so calcium lactate or calcium gluconate is needed.

The importance of the microelement manganese in the body

The name of the mineral comes from the Greek word for “magic.” This is a microelement that the body requires very small quantities. But with normal nutrition, even this amount does not enter the body and a lack of microelements occurs, which manifests itself in changes in the metabolic system.

Manganese activates many enzymes in the body, therefore it is one of the essential microelements. It is needed for growth, reproductive activity, wound healing, productive brain function, and normal metabolism of sugar, insulin and cholesterol. Helps digest fats and is needed so that choline can perform its function in metabolism.

The cause of manganese deficiency is a lack of microelements in the body associated with the use of ground and refined grains in food. Deficiency can be caused by iron and calcium intake, which act as manganese antagonists. Deficiency is determined by analyzing hair samples.

Manganese helps treat diabetes by improving glucose balance. When examining patients with diabetes, no more than half the required amount of manganese is found in the body. And this deficiency further disrupts the absorption of sugar.

It is an essential antioxidant, needed for the formation of an enzyme that protects cells from the effects of free radicals. Strengthens the walls of arteries, making them more resistant to formation cholesterol plaques. Cholesterol loses its ability to settle on the walls of the arteries.

Future fathers need manganese for normal sperm motility. For women, the deficiency is more serious consequences: Pregnant women have an increased risk of fetal developmental anomalies and defects in the nervous system.

Manganese - component glucosamine (a sugar-like substance), which is of paramount importance for joint health. The importance of manganese for joints is no less than that of calcium.

With its deficiency, arthritis occurs, leading to joint destruction.

Manganese deficiency increases the likelihood of epilepsy attacks. The less manganese in the body, the more often seizures occur.

Can't calculate correct dose manganese, without linking it with zinc and copper. Zinc should be 2-5 times more than manganese. In excess amounts, manganese is poisonous. The cause of excess is not food or drugs, but pollution environment. More often, the problem is a lack of a mineral; zinc and vitamin C are needed for its absorption.

Note. Rich in manganese, nuts, bran, green leafy vegetables.

The most beneficial microelements for humans and their properties: chromium

The list of the most useful microelements is very wide, but among them there are those that help normalize metabolism. Many diseases of our time are associated with disturbances in blood sugar levels and insulin production. The easiest way to cope with such disorders is to limit your carbohydrate intake. The beneficial microelement chromium ranks first among nutrients in its ability to normalize sugar levels.

The beneficial properties of trace elements can be used in different ways, for example, chromium is used for disorders associated with insulin resistance. Insulin is the key that opens the doors of the body's cells to sugar (glucose). Many believe that the fact is that the pancreas produces little insulin. But it has been established that from the very beginning of the disease, the receptors (sensing devices) are locked and are not sensitive to insulin. This is called resistance, that is, insensitivity. The cells do not have enough glucose, and the body sends an order to the pancreas for new batch insulin. Excessive insulin production is the cause of the disease.

What disorders are associated with resistance? These are obesity, unstable sugar levels, stroke, hypertension, as well as Crohn's disease, colitis, peptic ulcer, gastritis, sclerosis, Meniere's disease, migraines.

Chromium deficiency is involved in creating a vicious circle. When there is little of it in the body, the craving for sugar increases. With what more people consumes sugar, the more chromium reserves are depleted. The only way Providing the body with chromium is an additional intake. The most important substances are used more fully in the body useful microelements for humans: chromium picolinate and polynicotinate.

Chromium is essential for controlling non-insulin dependent diabetes(type 2), this is the most common and complex type of diabetes. It is also useful for insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1).

Type 2 diabetes develops exclusively with many years of consumption of refined carbohydrates. The body with type 2 diabetes cannot absorb chromium from food; it requires taking the drug.

Excess weight is one of the signs of insulin resistance. Chromium picolinate - The best way get rid of excess fat, of course, while limiting carbohydrates. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The effects of chromium supplementation are more pronounced if the chromium is taken with a small amount of niacin.

Chromium increases the level of “good” cholesterol, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels lead to disruption of blood pressure regulation, resulting in hypertension.

Scientists have discovered that the main factor in aging is cell death due to high level blood sugar. A the best remedy to combat sugar - chromium. He is also responsible for the condition of the arteries.

Note. Attention diabetics! If you take blood sugar medications or injections daily, your need for these medications will decrease after taking chromium! It is necessary to properly reduce the dose of medications under the guidance of the attending physician.

Chromium is found in mushrooms and oats if they grew in soils rich in chromium. It is found in seafood and meat from animals that have consumed chromium. The only product that contains a lot of chromium is brewer's yeast.

The role of the trace element iodine in metabolism

Iodine is the fuel for the thyroid gland. Everyone without exception knows the role of trace elements iodine thanks to television advertising. Not enough iodine enters the body with food, and it is necessary not only for the thyroid gland. Immunity, brain function, and hormonal balance body. The hormone thyroxine affects mental and physical development and the growth process.

The role of microelements in metabolism: iodine deficiency, first of all, leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland: it either begins to produce thyroid hormone in excess (hyperthyroidism), or, which is more common, weakens its function (hypothyroidism) until it stops completely.

Replenishing iodine deficiency does not cure a gland with weakened function, in best case scenario Iodine preparations help restore hormone production. So, with hypothyroidism, iodine preparations are not beneficial, because a long-term deficiency leads to the replacement of gland cells with scar tissue, and it does not produce hormones. The function of the gland can be weakened up to its complete absence, while myxedema and weakening of mental activity develop.

The role of trace elements in the human body is invaluable: during pregnancy, iodine deficiency can lead to the birth of a child with mental, neurological and physical defects. Children with iodine deficiency develop learning disabilities. Iodine is used for imbalance of female sex hormones.

For iodine deficiency thyroid increases in size and develops a goiter. The size of the gland does not mean that its function is increased. Patients complain about discomfort in the neck area, for discomfort. Thyroid hormones control the rate of metabolic processes and energy production. With a deficiency of hormones, a person is constantly cold, feels tired and apathetic. The heart rate slows down, blood pressure decreases, body weight increases, no matter what nutrition is used.

Overdose of iodine when used iodized salt and seafood cannot arise. If iodine is in excess, it is excreted in urine, sweat, and exhaled air.

The use of iodine should be under medical supervision. Large doses of the drug do not bring benefit; it is preventative, not remedy. It is better to regulate the intake of iodine from food. If treatment involves surgery to completely remove the gland, you will need to take thyroid hormones for life.

Note. The drug iodine is toxic and should not be taken unsupervised. It is better to eat sea fish and seaweed. There is no need to give up iodized salt.

What is the role of the trace element vanadium in the human body?

Vanadium is a trace element that is highly effective against diabetes. This has been proven for sure. But there are not many works on a comprehensive study of vanadium: whether it is replaceable or irreplaceable for the human body. Let me remind you that the term “essential” refers to vitamins and amino acids in official medicine has the meaning that these substances cannot be synthesized in the body independently by using other substances as raw materials. Therefore, they must enter the body in finished form.

These microelements have a role in the human body: this mineral has an insulin-like effect, that is, it promotes more efficient absorption of sugar in cells. This makes it possible to reduce the number of insulin injections. It lowers blood sugar levels and is effective in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The question of dose is very important. On the one hand, since vanadium is poorly absorbed into the blood, large doses are required to achieve the required amount in the blood; on the other hand, an overdose is dangerous. Taking the drug requires medical supervision. Currently, there is a search and study of vanadium compounds with other minerals and trace elements.

Since vanadium has an insulin-like effect, that is, it acts like a hormone, bodybuilders have tried to use it to increase muscle mass. But it does not affect metabolic processes in healthy people, but only in patients with diabetes. Taking it does not help build muscle mass.

Note. Vanadium is found in mushrooms, soybeans, grains, sea fish, and seafood.

What other microelements are vital for humans: selenium

Some time ago, selenium, like vanadium, was not considered at all as a trace element beneficial to human health. But studies of the properties of selenium have shown that this substance is very effective.

Selenium is an anti-cancer antioxidant. Moreover, it is a powerful anti-cancer agent with a broad positive effect on the entire body. It has a positive effect on the immune system, which is very important for cancer. Studies have shown a 50% reduction in mortality. The ability to influence immunity and the biological role of trace elements is used in the treatment of AIDS. With the help of selenium, the body produces other antioxidant enzymes.

As an antioxidant, selenium protects the body from atherosclerosis, cataracts, and arthritis. Low selenium levels increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 70%. In people with rheumatoid arthritis the level of selenium in the body is reduced. Selenium protects against viruses, thus preventing herpes, hepatitis, even Ebola, which is Lately claims many lives in Africa.

The anti-inflammatory properties of selenium are used especially well in combination with vitamin E and other antioxidants. But its effect does not appear immediately; it may take about 6 months. until signs of improvement.

Low selenium levels are observed in asthma sufferers. It is also useful for psoriasis; it is best to apply it to the skin. Selenium is necessary for normal operation thyroid gland. The properties of selenium in the field of neutralizing the effects of toxic metals - lead, mercury, platinum - have been least studied. However, selenium is known to make them chemically inert.

Birth healthy offspring depends on the presence of the optimal amount of selenium in the body. In combination with folic acid and zinc, selenium is critical for preventing spinal abnormalities in newborns.

In acute pancreatitis, selenium can save the patient's life; it reduces inflammation of the gland. There is no way to determine the amount of selenium in food.

Note. Sources of selenium include nuts, eggs, meat and whole grains.

Physiological role of the trace element molybdenum

The body needs very little molybdenum, but the effect of the microelement is significant. It cleanses the body's cells of toxic compounds, the accumulation of which leads to depression, pain, chronic fatigue and impaired liver function. It is used to improve the health of the body with allergies.

By ridding the body of toxins, it promotes clarity of thinking, which occurs with disorders of the colon flora, with candidiasis.

The physiological role of the trace element is that molybdenum generates energy and helps the body synthesize hemoglobin. Taking it reduces pain of various nature, including arthritic ones. The effectiveness of the microelement is versatile. It is noted that it is able to reduce the risk of colon cancer and helps prevent caries.

Those with a sweet tooth, egg and alcohol lovers need a dose higher than the minimum. Their supply of molybdenum decreases, and therefore the need for the mineral increases.

It is easily excreted in urine. With gout, you need to pay attention: molybdenum increases the level of uric acid, which worsens the condition of gout. But even at high doses this is rare.

Minerals related to trace elements: boron, silicon and germanium

Mineral microelements have wide range actions in the human body. All minerals, related to microelements, are contained in the world around us. But not all minerals are microelements; some of them are in the macro formula and require a chemical reaction to obtain them.

Boron provides support for bones and sex hormones. The intake level for boron has not been established. For female bones it is necessary no less than calcium.

With boron deficiency, clarity of thinking deteriorates and coordination of eye movements is impaired. Little research has been carried out, but it has been established that boron can increase estrogen levels in a woman’s body just as effectively as hormonal drugs. replacement therapy. It can effectively resist osteoporosis. This is very important for those at risk of osteoporosis but who cannot take hormones due to the risk of cancer or high blood sugar.

The experiment also found that boron halved the excretion of calcium, the main component of bones, in urine. Boron promotes effective use vitamin D, responsible for the accumulation of calcium in bones.

Boron reduces the content of oxalates in the urine, and this prevents the development of urolithiasis, in which kidney stones are formed from oxalic acid salts. It improves the condition of patients with arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Boron is poorly absorbed into the blood; poisoning does not occur with it. With food, our body receives boron daily, mainly from drinking water.

Note. Sources of boron - vegetables, nuts, seeds. There is a lot of boron in wine and beer.


The microelement silicon, as well as boron, vanadium and germanium, until recently were not considered at all useful for the metabolic processes of the body. Therefore, there is still little data on these microelements. But it is definitely established that they are necessary in the diet.

As a rule, silicon is not contained in multivitamin complexes. There is no data on silicon deficiency in the human body. It is believed that we get it in sufficient quantities from food.

It is needed for the formation of collagen, cartilage tissue, helps bones absorb calcium, is needed for the normal development of blood vessels and the brain, affects the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. Silicon is necessary for skin, hair, nails. Research into its properties continues.

Note. There is almost no silicon in refined products. Instead of tablets, you can use horsetail extract, rich in silicon. Among the foods rich in silicon are apricots, legumes and root vegetables (turnips). It is also found in corn, a whole grain.


Germanium is a supplier of oxygen to tissues. There is evidence that germanium can accelerate wound healing and reduce pain and improve overall well-being.

It is used for oncological diseases. Germanium compounds, primarily sesquioxide, strengthen the immune system, protect against free radicals, help the body remove toxins, and stimulate oxygen production. All this helps in the fight against cancer.

Sesquioxide (from the word “six”) - one molecule of it delivers six molecules of oxygen to the tissues. But cancer cells that multiply in an anaerobic, oxygen-free environment do not like oxygen. Other anaerobes do not like oxygen, causing, for example, tetanus and gas gangrene.

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Minerals – biologically significant for normal functioning human body elements are classified into macroelements (content more than 0.1%) and microelements (content less than 0.001%). This article is devoted specifically to microelements, the content of which in the body is small, but very significant.

The role of microelements in the human body

A sufficient level of microelements is essential for the healthy and productive functioning of the entire body. Micronutrient deficiencies, which currently affect more than 2 billion people worldwide, are a leading cause of mental retardation, blindness and death during childbirth. Since they are responsible for central nervous system defects, their role in reducing the most common form birth defects– heartfelt, quite significant.

Microelements also have a huge impact on the human immune system. A person's chance of dying from measles, diarrhea or the flu is between 30 and 50 percent. This percentage is significantly reduced with proper nutrition and, accordingly, a sufficient level of microelements in the human body.

Each microelement plays its own unique and important role in the human body, influencing a certain area of ​​its life. Microelements, naturally, as well as macroelements and vitamins, are found in various plant and animal foods. Although in the modern world they can be obtained by synthesis in laboratories, it is still much more effective for the body to replenish their supply by consuming certain foods that contain them. Information on the main microelements, indicating the natural products that contain the microelement and the consequences of its deficiency for the body, is given below.


Boron is present throughout our body, but most of all in bones and tooth enamel. Its beneficial effects are felt literally by the entire body: it stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, is a participant in the formation of the skeleton, increases the level of sex hormones, which is especially important in menopause for women.

List of products: legumes, soybeans, beets, corn, buckwheat, rice.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: hormonal imbalance in the body, which in women can result in erosions, fibroids, cancerous tumors female organs, osteoporosis. Urolithiasis and joint diseases.


Affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, participates in the functioning of the central nervous system, enhancing inhibition processes. Preparations with bromine, for example, suppress sexual desire.

List of products: grains, legumes, nuts.

Symptoms: insomnia, decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.


Adjusts functions of cardio-vascular system, stabilizes cholesterol production, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis, reduces swelling and tumors, and affects certain functions of the eyes, liver, and kidneys. Also involved in the regulation of glucose and hemoglobin in the blood.

List of products: cereals, rice, potatoes, radishes.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: decreased cholesterol levels, diabetes, atherosclerosis.


Iron is a component of hemoglobin that stimulates the process of cell respiration. Responsible for hematopoiesis. Particularly responsible for the condition of skin cells, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity.

List of products: hazelnut, sesame, mustard, kelp, pomegranate, apple, pumpkin seeds.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: fatigue, drowsiness, dry and rough skin, bad condition nails, dry mouth, in a word, anemia. A perversion of taste is also characteristic.


Iodine is the main participant in the production of thyroxine, the thyroid hormone. Of the 25 mg of iodine in the body, 15 is found in the thyroid gland. Iodine is also important for the functioning of the liver, kidneys, ovaries and prostate gland.

List of products: champignons, beans, wheat, rye, dairy products, seaweed, seaweed, spinach.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: deficiency, as well as excess, of iodine leads to the development of goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), muscle weakness, dystrophic changes, and slowed mental development.


Cobalt is an essential component in the process of hematopoiesis, participating in the production of vitamin B12 and insulin.

List of products: salt, soybeans, legumes, pear semolina.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: anemia, fatigue, drowsiness, “sleeping on the go.”


Responsible for reproductive function, the functioning of the nervous system and bone tissue. Renders positive influence on potency by improving muscle reflexes, reduces nervous irritability.

List of products: ginger, nuts, agar-agar.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: impaired ossification of the entire skeleton, deformation of the joints.


In the body, copper is mostly concentrated in the liver. It is part of melanin, that is, it participates in the process of pigmentation of the body and the production of collagen. Helps with iron absorption

List of products: sunflower, sesame, kelp, shitake mushrooms, cocoa.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: anemia, baldness, severe weight loss, decreased hemoglobin levels, dermatoses of various etiologies.


It is the main part of the enzyme that utilizes iron and thereby prevents anemia.

List of products: salt, legumes and grains.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: Molybdenum deficiency is poorly understood.


Participates in hematopoiesis, providing cells with oxygen, takes part in fat metabolism, participates in the formation hormonal levels, affects arterial pressure towards the downside.

List of products: pear, apple, corn, soybeans, lentils and other legumes.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: to date, little has been studied about the effect of nickel deficiency.


Antioxidant, prevents the growth of abnormal cells, that is, protects against the occurrence and development of cancer, protects against heavy metals. Necessary for the formation of proteins, that is, for the normal functioning of the liver, pancreas and thyroid glands. It is a component of sperm, that is, it is important for maintaining reproductive function.

List of products: wheat and its germ, sunflower seeds

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: dysbiosis, allergic reactions, muscle dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, developmental delay, heart attack, cancer.


Fluoride is the main participant in the formation of dental tissue and tooth enamel.

List of products: nuts, pumpkin, millet, raisins.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: fluoride deficiency is manifested by frequent manifestations of dental caries.


Accelerates insulin production, improves carbohydrate metabolism.

List of products: beets, soybeans, radishes, peaches, mushrooms.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: nails, hair and bones are primarily affected.


Controls a number of the most important functions of the body - metabolism (participates in the production of thymus hormone), reproductive function, hematopoiesis.

List of products: wheat germ, sesame.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: white spots on the nails, increased fatigue, frequent infectious and allergic diseases.

Compatibility of vitamins and microelements

In the process of assimilation of microelements in the body, the latter interact with vitamins and macroelements. Some combinations have a positive effect on the body as a whole (synergism), others can even destroy each other (antagonism), and the influence of each other may be completely absent (neutral effect).

Examples of compatibility of vitamins and microelements:

  • Well known and important vitamin D is perfectly absorbed in the presence of zinc.
  • Vitamin B12 becomes useless under the influence of copper and iron.
  • At simultaneous administration iron and vitamin A, the former is absorbed better. Selenium enhances the effect of vitamin E and, thereby, its antioxidant effect on the body.
  • The bioavailability of magnesium is increased by vitamin B6.
  • Examples of incompatibility of vitamins and microelements:

    • Phosphorus reduces calcium bioavailability
    • Magnesium, zinc, and calcium interfere with iron absorption
    • Folic acid (B9) negatively affects zinc transport

    The list of compatibility of vitamins and microelements can be continued for a long time, but is it worth it? In case of replenishing the deficiency of microelements by taking a multivitamin complex, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations of the instructions.

    Often such complexes are divided into two parts (two tablets), which must be consumed in different time days and always after a certain period of time.

    If there is no need to replenish microelements, then a sufficient level of the latter should be maintained with the help of balanced nutrition and drinking regime.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that many medications interfere with the actions of microelements or completely destroy them. For example, aspirin washes out zinc, tetracycline – iron, magnesium. Therefore, when taking this or that medicine, you should compensate for the lack of certain microelements, which is always indicated in the annotation and your doctor should definitely pay attention to this.

    Lack of microelements

    It is already quite clear that each of the microelements plays a necessary and important role to ensure the effective functioning of the body. A lack of one or another microelement can be a significant problem for the body.

    A decrease in micronutrient levels can cause:

    • Decreased immunity
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Diseases of nails, teeth, hair
    • Various skin diseases
    • Bone diseases – osteoporosis, scoliosis
    • Anemia
    • Cardiovascular problems
    • Infertility
    • Decreased potency and decreased libido
    • Developmental delay

    Main reasons, causing deficiency microelements:

    • Unbalanced diet, poor quality drinking water
    • Living in environmentally unfavorable areas
    • Bleeding resulting in a large loss of minerals
    • Use of medications that cause loss of microelements

    If your face shows signs of a lack of microelements, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination of your body. Testing for microelements is now quite simple and accessible.

To ensure optimal functioning of the body, it contains various minerals. They are divided into two categories. Macroelements are present in a larger volume - 0.01%, and microelements are contained in less than 0.001%. However, the latter, despite such concentration, have special value. Next, we’ll figure out what microelements are present in the human body, what they are and what they are needed for.

The role of microelements in the human body is quite large. These connections provide normal course almost all biochemical processes. If the content of microelements in the human body is within normal limits, then all systems will function stably. According to statistics, about two billion people on the planet suffer from a deficiency of these compounds. Lack of microelements in the human body leads to mental retardation and blindness. Many babies with mineral deficiency die as soon as they are born.

The compounds are primarily responsible for the formation and development of the central nervous system. The role of microelements in the human body is also distributed to reduce the number of the most common intrauterine disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system. Each connection affects a specific area. The importance of microelements in the human body in the formation of protective forces is important. For example, in people who receive minerals from required quantity, many pathologies (intestinal infections, measles, influenza and others) are much easier.

Sources of trace elements

Many food products contain microelements necessary for the body. Their content in foods of plant origin is not sufficiently balanced. Animal food is characterized by a large number of microelements. In such sources, maximum balance is observed.

Vitamins and microelements are necessary for every person in certain quantities. In literary sources there will probably be a table that clearly indicates the amount of macro and many microelements. Their role in the body is great.

You can get enough microelements from foods such as grains, vegetables, legumes, dairy products, animal and poultry meat, eggs, and seafood. To enrich the body with useful substances, the presence of foods of various classes in the diet should be controlled.

It is recommended to alternate ingredients daily if necessary. Examples of proper balanced nutrition can be found in a special manual. It lists the necessary macro and some microelements that should be supplied to the human body daily with food.

The role of minerals for people on a low-calorie diet is especially important. It's not always possible to get the right amount useful substances with food. Then the person is prescribed pharmacy vitamins and minerals.

Pharmaceutical companies produce products with the necessary content of microelements.

Every person has information about the role of microelements. When developing the drug, the compatibility of vitamins and some microelements included in its composition was taken into account. The vitamins and minerals included in pharmaceutical complexes completely restore the strength of the human body.

Not every person is ready to accept vitamin complexes, especially since there is always the option of getting the substances the body needs directly from food. Let's consider the ratio of some microelements and products:

  • copper - can be obtained from the liver, kidneys, heart;
  • zinc - obtained from seafood, cereals, legumes, onions, mushrooms, potatoes, cocoa, milk;
  • iodine - found in seaweed, all other algae and seafood;
  • potassium - found in tomatoes, bananas, beets, potatoes, seeds, citrus fruits;
  • calcium - found in milk and dairy products;
  • magnesium - present in nuts, bananas, leafy vegetables;
  • iron - found in apples, legumes, mushrooms;
  • sodium - present in table salt, sea buckthorn, beets;
  • sulfur - present in viburnum;
  • cobalt - found in cabbage, beets, carrots;
  • nickel - present in nuts, peas, soybeans;
  • fluorine - found in legumes, beans, soybeans, peas;
  • chlorine - present in viburnum.

It is difficult to identify any universal products that are rich in all microelements at once, so the best option is to include them in your diet maximum variety plant and animal food. The more different foods you have on your table, the better you provide your body with everything it needs.

Aluminum (Al)

Aluminum is found in almost all human organs and tissues. In moderate quantities, this trace element performs a number of important functions, but in large doses it is serious danger for human health. Aluminum accumulates in the lungs, bones and epithelial tissues, brain and liver. It is excreted from the body through urine, feces, sweat and exhaled air.

Promotes epithelization of the skin, takes part in the construction of connective and bone tissue, participates in the formation of phosphate and protein complexes, increases digestive ability gastric juice, increases the activity of a number of digestive enzymes, affects the function of the parathyroid glands.

Boron (B)

This element can be found in literally all human tissues and organs, but the bones of our skeleton are richest in it, as well as tooth enamel. Boron has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to this substance, they begin to work more stably endocrine glands, the skeleton is formed correctly, the amount of sex hormones increases, which is important primarily for women during menopause. Boron is found in rice, legumes, corn, beets, buckwheat, and soybeans. If this element is not enough in the body, then a hormonal imbalance occurs, as a result of which women may develop the following diseases: osteoporosis, erosion, cancer of the female organs, fibroids. Urolithiasis and joint diseases may also occur.

Bromine (Br)

Bromine influences the proper activity of the thyroid gland, participates in the functioning of the central nervous system, and enhances inhibition processes. For example, a person taking a drug containing bromine has a decreased sex drive. This element is present in foods such as nuts, legumes, and grains. With a deficiency of bromine in the body, sleep is disturbed and hemoglobin levels decrease.

Vanadium (V)

Vanadium is a little-known chemical element. However, vanadium is required for proper functioning immune system. Vanadium stimulates the movement of phagocytes towards the pathogen, pathogenic microorganism. And phagocytes are capable of destroying pathogenic microbes. Research recent years showed that vanadium can slow down the aging process. In general, the functions of vanadium in the body have not been sufficiently studied, however, this element takes part in the regulation of activity of cardio-vascular system, carbohydrate metabolism, regulation of bone and tooth metabolism.

Vanadium deficiency leads to high risk development of diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Excess vanadium reduces the content ascorbic acid in the body, increases the tendency to bronchopulmonary diseases, leads to a risk of developing cancer.

Vanadium compounds have been known in medicine for a long time and were used in the treatment of syphilis, tuberculosis and rheumatism.

So, what products contain such a little-known, but necessary element. Vanadium is found in brown rice, oats, rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat, radishes, lettuce, carrots, beets, cherries, and strawberries.

Iron (Fe)

The microelement iron is a component of the most important iron-containing proteins, including enzymes, which it includes both in the form of heme and non-heme form. The bulk of iron in the form of heme is included in hemoglobin. In addition, iron in the same form is part of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome G 5, cytochromes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, and antioxidant enzymes (catalase, myeloperoxidase). Therefore, this trace element is important not only for providing the body with oxygen, but also for the functioning of the respiratory chain and ATP synthesis, metabolic processes and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances, DNA synthesis, and inactivation of toxic peroxide compounds.

Iron deficiency causes pallor skin, injection of scleral vessels, dysphagia, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and stomach are damaged, nails become thinner and deformed.

Iodine (I)

Most high content found in the thyroid gland, for the functioning of which iodine is absolutely necessary. Insufficient intake of iodine into the body leads to the appearance of endemic goiter, and excess intake leads to the development of hypothyroidism. The daily requirement for iodine is 50-200 mcg. The main dietary sources are milk, vegetables, meat, eggs, sea ​​fish, seafood products. Normally, blood plasma contains 275-630 nmol/l (3.5-8 μg/100 ml) of protein-bound iodine.

Silicon (Si)

Silicon is necessary for normal flow fat metabolism in organism. The presence of silicon in the walls of blood vessels prevents the penetration of fats into the blood plasma and their deposition in the vascular wall. Silicon helps the formation of bone tissue and promotes collagen synthesis.

He provides vasodilator effect, which helps lower blood pressure. It also stimulates the immune system and helps maintain skin elasticity.

Cobalt (Co)

The highest content is observed in the blood, spleen, bones, ovaries, pituitary gland, and liver. Stimulates hematopoietic processes, participates in the synthesis of vitamin B12, improves the absorption of iron in the intestine and catalyzes the transition of the so-called deposited iron into hemoglobin of erythrocytes. Promotes better nitrogen assimilation, stimulates synthesis muscle proteins. Cobalt affects carbohydrate metabolism, activates bone and intestinal phosphatases, catalase, carboxylase, peptidases, inhibits cytochrome oxidase and thyroxine synthesis.

Excess cobalt can cause cardiomyopathy and has an embryotoxic effect. The daily requirement is 40-70 mcg. The main sources of nutrition are milk, bread and bakery products, vegetables, liver, legumes. Normally, blood plasma contains approximately 20-600 nmol/l (0.1-4 μg/100 ml) of cobalt.

Copper (Cu)

Copper is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the level of which decreases with its deficiency, and doctors are beginning to recommend that we drink pomegranate juice. Copper deficiency also leads to atrophy of the heart muscle, therefore, to prevent such health problems, eat: vegetables, cereals, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, coffee and cocoa, legumes, apples, currants, gooseberries, strawberries.

Manganese (Mn)

This mineral is responsible for the function of childbirth, the condition of bones, and regulates the functioning of the central nervous system. Manganese improves potency, since under its influence muscle reflexes become more active, it reduces nervous irritation. Products with manganese: agar-agar, nuts, ginger. If the body does not have enough manganese, the ossification of the human skeleton is disrupted and joints are deformed.

Molybdenum (Mo)

The body needs a regular supply of molybdenum. For an adult, the daily requirement is about 150 mcg. Increased concentration causes the development of “molybdenum gout”.

The optimal amount ensures disease prevention. Preparations containing the mineral are prescribed individually to the patient, since exceeding the dose may cause undesirable consequences.

Nickel (Ni)

This microelement is involved in the formation blood cells and saturating them with oxygen. Nickel also regulates fat metabolism, hormonal levels, lowers blood pressure. The element is present in corn, pear, soybeans, apples, lentils and other legumes.

Selenium (Se)

The role of the microelement selenium in the body is determined primarily by its inclusion in one of the most important antioxidant enzymes - Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase, which protects cells from the accumulation of peroxidation products, thereby preventing damage to its nuclear and protein-synthesizing apparatus. Selenium is a synergist of vitamin E and helps increase its antioxidant activity. Selenium is part of the enzyme iodothyronine-5-deiodinase (which controls the formation of triiodothyronine), and is part of proteins muscle tissue and, most importantly, myocardial proteins. In the form of selenium protein it is integral part testicular tissue. Therefore, selenium deficiency leads to a weakening of the antioxidant status, anti-carcinogenic protection, causing myocardial dystrophy, sexual dysfunction, and immunodeficiency.

In addition, selenium exhibits antimutagenic, antiteratogenic, radioprotective effects, stimulates antitoxic protection, normalizes the exchange of nucleic acids and proteins, improves reproductive function, normalizes the exchange of eicosanoids (prostaglandins, prostacyclins, leukotrienes), regulates the function of the thyroid and pancreas. Due to the above, selenium is classified as a geroprotector.

Fluorine (F)

Fluoride is the main participant in the formation of dental tissue and tooth enamel.

List of products: nuts, pumpkin, millet, raisins.

Symptoms of deficiency in the body: fluoride deficiency is manifested by frequent manifestations of dental caries.

Chromium (Cr)

Daily requirement: 150 milligrams per day.

Meaning: regulates blood sugar levels, affects hematopoietic processes, helps overcome stress, promotes the breakdown of fat.

What foods contain: liver, meat, beans, cheese, black pepper, peas.

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc is so widespread because it is an essential component for the functioning of many enzymes. For example, zinc is part of the most important antioxidant enzyme - superoxide dismutase. Thanks to this, we can safely consider this element a necessary component for creating antioxidant protection body cells. Zinc is essential for protein synthesis (such as collagen) and bone growth.

This element also takes part in the processes of cell division and maturation, and in the formation of an antiviral immune response. Zinc regulates the activity of insulin and is part of the sex hormone dihydrocortisone. Without zinc, it is impossible to effectively absorb vitamin E and maintain normal levels of this vitamin in the body. In case of intoxication carbon dioxide zinc promotes the rapid removal of gas from the body.

Dermatologists use zinc's properties to speed up the healing of skin wounds, promote hair and nail growth, and reduce activity sebaceous glands. For the good condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as the proper functioning of the skin, zinc is vital.

This chemical substances, necessary for living organisms for their normal existence. There are very small amounts of them in the human body, but they take part in biochemical processes. Maintaining their quantitative composition in tissues at the proper level helps maintain health and proper functioning of all human organs.

General information about the role of trace elements

In the cells and tissues of the body there are constantly chemical reactions, as a result, nutrients that are necessary for life are produced. The lack of even one of these important components leads to disruption of the entire chain of interaction, causing interruptions in the activity of individual organs and systems.

To ensure normal life, it is necessary to rationally organize nutrition so that the body regularly receives minerals in the correct ratio. Along with nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and biologically active ingredients(vitamins) it is constantly necessary to maintain the composition of microelements in food. They are not synthesized in the body, but are essential components of its nutrition. With a deficiency or excess of them, disturbances in the functioning of organs occur that cause diseases. All minerals are divided into three groups:

  1. Organogens. They are basic chemical elements, without which there is no life. The main ones are oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen.
  2. Macroelements. Their content in the body is determined in large quantities, measured in milligrams.
  3. Microelements. They are necessary for life in minimal doses of micrograms.

Main functions

Answering the question of what microelements are, we note that they take part in the following processes in the human body:

  • construction of tissues, especially bones, the main materials for which are phosphorus and calcium;
  • maintaining acid-base and water-salt balance;
  • maintaining osmotic pressure at the cellular level;
  • effects on the circulatory and immune systems, as well as blood clotting;
  • production of enzymes.

So what are micronutrients? These are such important chemicals for the body that the following diseases often occur with their excess or deficiency:

  • weakened immunity;
  • diseases of the skin, nails, hair;
  • allergic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis;
  • dysbacteriosis, gastritis, chronic colitis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of growth and development of children;
  • infertility.

During pregnancy

A person needs a very small amount of vitamins and microelements per day, which amounts to hundredths of a milligram, and sometimes less. But it is precisely this tiny number of miraculous substances that promotes the growth and development of the fetus, improves the general condition of the mother, increases the body’s resistance to diseases, strengthens muscle and bone mass, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory systems. However, even in summer and autumn periods You cannot get the daily dose of these elements necessary for the body from food. This means that in this case you cannot do without vitamin-mineral complexes.

Difficult choice

Vitamin-mineral biological complexes prescribed during pregnancy and lactation must contain the required amount of all vitamins and microelements for a woman at this stage. It is necessary that the percentage be indicated on the packaging daily norm substances contained in each tablet.

By at least 20-30% of this norm should be vitamins and minerals. If the required elements are insufficient, they should be supplemented with separate preparations (for example, containing only calcium), after consulting a doctor.

Important element

Stimulation of hematopoiesis - this is the main role of iron in the human body. This element promotes the formation of hemoglobin, increases the amount of oxygen in tissue cells, and is used for the development and smooth functioning of the immune system. Iron increases the body's resistance to various diseases, he gets less tired. It prevents the development of obesity, gives the skin healthy color and restores its tone. With iron deficiency, disturbances occur in the following systems:

  • central nervous: dizziness, headaches and decreased attention;
  • muscular: weakness appears, endurance decreases;
  • immune: frequent colds based on immunodeficiency;
  • circulatory: anemia develops;
  • cardiovascular: metabolic processes are disrupted.

Imbalance of iron in the body

One of the most common diseases in the world is iron deficiency. Moreover, women most often lack calcium at the same time, but the presence of copper in food promotes the proper absorption of iron. An excess of this microelement, as well as a deficiency, negatively affects the condition of the body.

It causes allergic, cardiovascular diseases, leads to the appearance of neoplasms; problems can also appear in the nervous system. In pregnant women, excess iron has a negative effect on the development of the fetus. It should be remembered that coffee and tea interfere with the absorption of this trace element in the human body. The primary source of iron is animal foods (red meat, chicken, fish, pork liver). Beans, mushrooms, apples, plums, and peaches occupy a leading position in iron content among plant foods.

No less significant

Calcium is one of the important microelements that is used by the body as construction material for bones, hair and teeth. This one is vital essential microelement occupies not the last place in the composition of the cell nucleus, in tissue fluids, membrane, and also takes part in the work of enzymes and hormones. Calcium promotes blood clotting, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, removes heavy metal salts, relieves irritability, and reduces the reaction to stress. This element is especially necessary during certain periods of a person’s life, for example, pregnant women, children before reaching one year old, children when entering school, in adolescence, adults over 50 years old.

Proper nutrition helps replenish calcium in the blood. IN otherwise with its prolonged deficiency, joint pain begins, cramps occur, drowsiness, constipation appear, and growth problems may occur in children. Neglect of these factors leads to serious problems with health.

Briefly about other microelements

We have discussed what iron and calcium are, as well as their role in our body. However, it is necessary to take into account other substances that are irreplaceable in their effects on humans:

  • iodine - regulates the functioning of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland, protects against radioactive radiation, and affects mental development;
  • sulfur - promotes blood clotting, synthesizes collagen, which is part of the skin, hair, nails, bones;
  • silver - has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, natural antibiotic, increases immunity;
  • fluoride - improves the strength and elasticity of bones, forms tooth enamel and hard dental tissues;
  • chlorine - produces hydrochloric acid, regulates water metabolism.

Laboratory research

Using a blood test for trace elements, you can determine the following changes in the body:

  • increased inflammatory process;
  • disturbances in water-salt balance;
  • diseases of a rheumatic nature.

In addition, it is possible to determine the state of work of all organs, confirm or refute the diagnosis and prescribe correct therapy. You should not refuse such an analysis if your attending physician has prescribed it. An imbalance of microelements disrupts the functioning of tissues and individual organs. It leads to feeling unwell, and sometimes to serious illnesses.

When to get tested

If the patient's condition worsens, biochemical research blood for microelements. Using the results obtained, you can assess the general condition of the patient, as well as find out the quantitative content of substances. This analysis is usually prescribed for:

  • identifying progressive pathologies accompanied by changes in the content of microelements;
  • control over the treatment;
  • monitoring patients at risk;
  • control of blood components in patients with artificial ventilation lungs;
  • diagnosing patients with acute or chronic forms of heavy metal poisoning.

Features of absorption of microelements in the gastrointestinal tract

To perform all functions during life, the body constantly requires nutrients. Their sources are proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. The process of breakdown and absorption of food under the influence of enzymes begins in the oral cavity, then in the stomach and most intensively occurs in the small intestine. From the stomach to the intestines, food comes moistened with pancreatic juice and bile. Such an environment promotes vigorous absorption of substances, which occurs in the duodenum. The absorption of sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, and copper occurs here. But chromium, iodine, molybdenum and selenium are absorbed in the stomach. Calcium and magnesium are absorbed along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible failures

With a lack of magnesium in food, calcium absorption is delayed. This can lead to gastritis, disruption of neuromuscular transmission, decreased functions of the central nervous system and gastric motility. Absorption of zinc mainly occurs in duodenum. Its deficiency entails a decrease in immunity, impaired hair growth, the occurrence of tumors, and dermatitis. A large number of copper is absorbed in the stomach, and iron is absorbed in the duodenum. Zinc, iron and cobalt accelerate the absorption of copper, and it, on the contrary, inhibits the absorption of molybdenum, zinc, cobalt and iron. An imbalance of these substances causes iron deficiency anemia, urolithiasis and thyroid dysfunction. Their absorption process is disrupted when inflammatory diseases intestines and gastric mucosa. In this case, a deficiency of microelements occurs and increased absorption of toxic substances occurs. Knowing the role of microelements in the human body, you should constantly monitor them quantitative composition in blood.

Everything is vital necessary substances without exception, have an impact on the human body. They contribute to the normal functioning of certain organs and systems, strengthen defenses and help cope with any ailments. This is the main importance of microelements for the human body.

All minerals important for optimal functioning of the body are divided into microelements (they are found in the body in ultra-small quantities, less than 0.001%) and macroelements (they are found in the body more than 0.01%). The importance of microelements, which are contained in very small quantities in the body, for human health is nevertheless very great; they provide normal course almost all biochemical processes in the body.

Microelements: their role in the human body

If there are enough microelements in the body, then the person will be healthy, and all systems and organs will work productively. Two billion members of humanity today have insufficient levels of these minerals; such people suffer from mental retardation, blindness, and babies die just before they are born. Microelements are primarily responsible for the development of the central nervous system; they also play an important role in reducing the number of the most common intrauterine abnormalities in the formation of the cardiovascular system.

Microelements also have a huge impact on the functioning of the human body’s defenses. For example, in a person who eats properly, receiving all microelements in sufficient quantities, diseases such as influenza, measles or intestinal infections are much easier.

All microelements, without exception, are vital for the human body, because each of them affects one or another area of ​​its functioning. These minerals, as well as vitamins and macroelements, are found in different products plant and animal origin. Of course, in our time, these substances can be synthesized in a laboratory, but the ingestion of these minerals into the body along with plant or animal food will bring a person much more benefit than taking the same microelements obtained as a result of chemical synthesis.

Let's find out about the main microelements, the products that contain one or another of them, and also why the lack of these minerals is dangerous for human health.

Basic microelements important for the normal functioning of the body


This element can be found in literally all human tissues and organs, but the bones of our skeleton, as well as tooth enamel, are richest in it. Boron has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Thanks to this substance, the endocrine glands begin to work more stably, the skeleton is formed correctly, and the amount of sex hormones increases, which is important primarily for women during menopause. Boron is found in rice, legumes, corn, beets, buckwheat, and soybeans. If this element is not enough in the body, then a hormonal imbalance occurs, as a result of which women may develop the following diseases: osteoporosis, erosion, cancer of the female organs, fibroids. Urolithiasis and joint diseases may also occur.


It influences the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, takes part in the work of the central nervous system, and helps to enhance inhibition processes. For example, someone who takes a drug that contains bromine ceases to experience sexual desire. The following foods are rich in bromine: nuts, grains, legumes. Signs of insufficient bromine levels in the body: a person sleeps poorly and little, the level of hemoglobin in the blood may be low.


Participates in the regulation of the heart and blood vessels. Thanks to vanadium, cholesterol levels are stabilized, which means the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis is reduced, tumors and swelling are reduced, vision improves, and the liver and kidneys work better. Vanadium regulates the amount of hemoglobin and glucose in the blood. Products: radishes, cereals, rice, potatoes. If this element is lacking, cholesterol levels increase, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis may occur.


This element is a component of hemoglobin, it helps cells breathe and is responsible for the formation of blood cells. The condition of the cells of our skin, mouth, as well as the stomach and intestines directly depends on the level of iron in the body. This mineral can be found in pumpkin seeds, hazelnut, apple, sesame, pomegranate, seaweed, mustard. Signs of iron deficiency in the body: a person experiences constant drowsiness, quickly gets tired, the skin becomes rougher and drier, the condition of the nail plates worsens, the mouth often dries out, and anemia occurs. Taste sensations may also change.


As you know, iodine is involved in the production of a hormone called thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland. Most of this element (15 out of 25 mg) found in the body is contained by the thyroid gland. If there is enough iodine in the body, then the functioning of the kidneys, liver, ovaries and prostate occurs without deviations. List of products: spinach, beans, rye, seaweed, champignons, dairy products, wheat. Symptoms of iodine deficiency: enlargement of the thyroid gland, the so-called goiter (can also occur with an excessive amount of the element), muscle weakness, dystrophic changes, slow development of mental abilities.


It is an integral part of the formation of blood cells, participates in the formation of vitamin B12, and also promotes the production of insulin. Products containing cobalt: semolina, salt, pears, soybeans and legumes. If a person lacks this element, anemia may develop, he constantly wants to sleep, and fatigue quickly sets in.


This mineral is responsible for the function of childbirth, the condition of bones, and regulates the functioning of the central nervous system. Manganese improves potency, since under its influence muscle reflexes become more active and it reduces nervous irritation. Products with manganese: agar-agar, nuts, ginger. If the body does not have enough manganese, the ossification of the human skeleton is disrupted and joints are deformed.


Most copper is found in the liver. Copper is one of the components of melanin, which means it takes part in the production of collagen and the process of pigmentation in the human body. With its help, iron is better absorbed. Products containing copper: cocoa, sesame, seaweed, sunflower, shiitake mushrooms. With a lack of copper, a person may suffer from anemia, go bald, and pathologically lose weight. The level of hemoglobin in the blood may also decrease, and dermatosis of various natures may develop.


It is the basis of the enzyme that utilizes iron. This process prevents the development of anemia. Products: legumes, grains, salt. A lack of molybdenum in the body leads to decreased immunity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.


Takes part in the formation of blood cells, saturating them with oxygen, regulates fat metabolism, hormone levels in the body, and reduces blood pressure. List of foods rich in nickel: legumes (especially lentils), apples, soybeans, pears, corn. Signs of iodine deficiency in the body: the issue has been little studied.


It is an antioxidant and prevents the growth of abnormal cells, which means it prevents the appearance and spread of cancerous tumors. This mineral protects the body from heavy metals; it is very necessary for the production of proteins so that the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland function without deviations. Selenium is part of seminal fluid and supports reproductive function.

Here are foods containing selenium: sunflower seeds, wheat and wheat germ. Signs of a lack of selenium in the body: dysbacteriosis, all kinds of allergies, cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart attack, muscle dystrophy, and delayed development can be observed.


Takes an important part in the formation of tissue, as well as tooth enamel. Fluoride is found in the following foods: raisins, pumpkin, nuts, and millet. If there is not enough fluoride in the body, then the person constantly suffers from dental caries.


Affects the acceleration of insulin formation, under its influence carbohydrate metabolism improves. Products: mushrooms, soybeans, peaches, radishes, beets. With a lack of chromium in the body, the condition of bones, nails and hair worsens.


Regulates the vital functions of the human body: metabolism (takes part in the formation of the thymus hormone), the functioning of the reproductive system, the process of blood formation. List of products with zinc: sesame, wheat germ. Signs of a lack of zinc in the body: such a person develops whitish spots on the nail plates, he becomes very tired, and is susceptible to frequent allergies and infectious diseases.

Compatibility of vitamins and microelements

Microelements absorbed by the body immediately begin to interact with macroelements and vitamins. In this case, various combinations are formed. Some of them provide beneficial influence on the entire organism (synergism), others contribute to mutual destruction (antagonism), the third option is the absence (neutrality) of influence on each other.

Best compatibility of vitamins with microelements: examples

  • Zinc promotes good absorption of the well-known vitamin D, which is so important for the body.
  • If you take both iron and vitamin A at the same time, the microelement will be absorbed better.
  • Selenium enhances the effects of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant, on human organs and systems.
  • Magnesium goes well with vitamin B6 and other B vitamins.

Incompatibility of vitamins with microelements: examples

  • The bioavailability of calcium is reduced by phosphorus.
  • Copper together with iron block the absorption of vitamin B12.
  • Calcium, magnesium and zinc prevent the body from absorbing iron.
  • Zinc is less transported under the influence of vitamin B9 (folic acid).

These lists can be continued indefinitely, but is this necessary? If you plan to take multivitamin complex, then it is better to carefully study the instructions for the drug and strictly adhere to the recommendations contained in it.

Often these drugs are divided into 2 parts - tablets. They usually need to be taken at different times, maintaining a certain time interval between doses.

If you do not urgently need to replenish the missing microelements, constantly try to keep your mineral levels normal. For this purpose, you need to eat a balanced diet and maintain a drinking regime.

Remember that many medications have a detrimental effect on microelements, destroying them, or slowing down, neutralizing their effect. For example, aspirin promotes the leaching of zinc, and tetracycline - magnesium and iron. That is why, when using any drug, you need to replenish the deficiency of certain minerals. This information is usually included in the drug leaflet, and your doctor should not ignore it.

What can a lack of microelements lead to?

It is known that each of the above minerals is vital for the normal functioning of the body and its effective functioning. If any element is missing, it can have a serious impact on human health. If the level of microelements is insufficient, the following problems are likely to occur: weakening of the body's defenses, various diseases skin, diabetes, diseases of hair, teeth, nail plates, obesity, bone diseases (scoliosis, osteoporosis), anemia. Problems with the heart and blood vessels, reproduction, potency, and sexual desire may arise. Development is suspended.

Micronutrient deficiencies may occur if you:

  • you use drinking water Low quality, have an unbalanced diet;
  • live in an area with unfavorable ecology;
  • suffered bleeding, and as a result - a huge loss of minerals;
  • took medications that destroyed microelements.

If symptoms of a lack of microelements are visible even to the naked eye, you need to visit a doctor and get examined; such examinations are now quite simple and accessible.