Strengthening immunity in the autumn. Autumn is the time for colds and decreased immunity. Is it possible to make it different? How to protect your immunity

The cold weather is coming, and with it comes a cold. At the beginning of autumn, people begin to take special care of own health. Increased intake of vitamins, medications, and herbs begins. Let's figure out how to properly strengthen your immune system in the fall.

A few facts to strengthen your immune system:

Healthy and quality sleep

Everyone knows that our health depends on the quality and quantity of our sleep. But, unfortunately, most people neglect this fact. If in the summer you can sometimes allow yourself to go to bed later, then in the fall it is already necessary to increase the amount of sleep. After all, in the autumn season we do not have the same energy sources that are available in the summer: warm sun, plenty of fruits and vegetables.

A study on the effect of sleep on human immunity was described in the journal Arch Intern Med. The experiment consisted of the following: a group of healthy people was taken, numbering 153 people. They were injected with rhinoviruses (they are the main cause of colds). The study found that people who slept 7 hours a night were three times more likely to get a cold compared to people who slept 8 hours. It would seem that the difference in sleep duration was only one hour, but the risk of catching a cold was three times higher.

Keep your hands clean

Yes, all people from a very young age know about the need to wash their hands. Especially after the street.

Much research has been carried out on this issue. And as a result, it was proven: when you wash your hands five times a day (at least), the likelihood of getting a cold is reduced by 45%.

No nicotine

Did you know: there are special hairs in the human nose that protect the body from infections. Acting as a kind of filter that prevents the penetration of infections. So, cigarette smoke stops the work of these hairs for half an hour. After smoking a cigarette, your body will be open to infections for a full half hour. And what kind of strengthening of the immune system can we talk about then?

Physical activity

During the autumn period, do not forget about physical activity. Set aside at least 20 minutes for daily exercise.

We are sure that after reading this you will think about whether you should continue smoking. And most importantly, we are confident that you will make the right decision.

Strengthening the immune system and smoking are not compatible things.

Visiting the sauna

Interesting fact: if you visit the sauna twice a week, it will help reduce your risk of catching a cold by half. The fact is that viruses simply cannot withstand temperatures above 80 degrees.

Massage course

Massage will be useful not only for the back, it will also help increase resistance colds.

Vitamin D and sunlight

Thanks to the sun, the body produces vitamin D. In autumn there is not enough sun, so consume more products containing vitamin D.

A little about misconceptions in strengthening the immune system

Saline nasal sprays

Contrary to some claims, nasal sprays cannot guarantee reliable protection from a cold. You should not think that by using the spray, you have put up a reliable barrier to infection. Only their use in combination with other cold protection products will help you achieve the desired result.

Vitamin C

Taking 200 mg of vitamin C will increase the body's resistance to colds for a couple of hours. This proves that taking vitamin C in large doses, as some people like to do, is completely unjustified.

Many have noticed the fact that in the fall the frequency of colds increases several times. Influenza epidemics most often also occur in the autumn. Why autumn? In the spring, it goes without saying that hypovitaminosis occurs due to long absence fruits and most vegetables in winter period. But in the fall, it would seem that the body should have a lot of vitamins, so why does the immune system suffer? Is it possible to protect yourself from a cold?

What is immunity?

Immunity is the whole system body, which protects us from harmful factors environment. It is divided into two main types: specific and nonspecific. The first includes humoral substances or immunoglobulins. These are antibodies that act only on certain antigens. Each pathogen has its own immunoglobulins. It is this type of immunity that allows us to avoid getting sick again. chicken pox, scarlet fever, rubella and other diseases to which stable immunity develops.

However, the causative agents of colds are not capable of causing a long-term immune response, so we can suffer from a cold several times a year. In this case, nonspecific immunity is activated. It is he who is responsible for the fact that some people get sick more often than others.

Nonspecific immunity is the cells that guard our health. They recognize any pathogen and cause immune reactions that should prevent the disease from developing. Decline nonspecific immunity causes the body to become vulnerable to colds.

In addition, there are barrier factors, the main task of which is to prevent the pathogenic agent from entering the body. These are skin cells, respiratory and digestive system, as well as substances on the surface of these cells. For example, airways lined with ciliated epithelium. The cilia are in constant motion, as if sweeping away unnecessary substances from the surface respiratory tract. It also contains cells that produce mucus, which glues pathogenic factors together. Thus the lumps from harmful substances, pathogens and mucus leave the body under the action of cilia.

Why does immunity decrease in autumn?

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question about the decrease in immunity in the fall. Most likely, several predisposing factors have an impact, but the main one is the weather. And it’s not just about rain and dampness. The main reasons for decreased immunity are as follows:

  1. Increased aggressiveness of pathogens. Many viruses and bacteria like the weather of spring and autumn. They don't like straight lines Sun rays and cold, but they love dampness and average temperatures. Simply put, in the fall our body is faced with so many pathogens that our immune system may simply not be able to cope with them all.
  2. Wet feet. Everyone knows that wet feet are the main cause of a sore throat, but not everyone knows exactly why. Hypothermia of the feet reflexively causes spasm of the vessels of the larynx and pharynx and hypoxia of the tissues of these organs. Firstly, tissues under hypoxic conditions are more permeable to pathogenic pathogens. Secondly, ischemia is followed by an increase in the filling of capillaries with blood, which have already increased their permeability and this is how inflammation occurs.
  3. Cold air. Inhaling cold air (especially if you breathe through the mouth rather than the nose, where the air is warmed and disinfected) leads to the same result as wet feet.
  4. Hypovitaminosis. Many people mistakenly believe that vitamins consumed in summer period, remain in the body until spring. In fact, some of these substances are not stored in the body at all. That is, there are enough vitamins only when we constantly consume them. First of all, this concerns vitamin C.
  5. Unhealthy eating. What do we eat most often in the summer? Salads, kebabs or other delicacies. And sometimes we even go on a diet in order to impress everyone on the beach with our figure. Such a diet leads to a decrease in the body’s supply of protein substances, and the immune system works primarily at their expense. Moreover, proteins are consumed gradually and their deficiency begins to appear only in the fall.
  6. Lack of fresh air. It’s nice to sit in a warm room and watch the rain from the window, and there’s less chance of getting your feet wet. However, in the stuffy indoors concentration pathogenic microorganisms may be quite high.

Despite the fact that these causes of decreased immunity affect everyone, some people still manage to maintain their health. It is worth remembering that children, old people, smokers, people suffering from chronic diseases and obesity.

Are there ways to boost your immunity?

It’s worth saying right away what’s next we'll talk about increasing immunity with a slight deviation from the norm. That is, following these rules will not help people with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). With a decrease in immunity due to specific disease, it is necessary to treat the disease that has become the root cause.

For those who are concerned about the seasonal decrease in immunity, you can try to increase it in the following ways:

  1. Proper nutrition. Despite the banality of this advice, it really has great importance. You should eat as much protein food as possible. In this case, it is better to give preference to boiled and baked meat. Also, do not forget about seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  2. Daily regime. This point is important at any time of the year. Maintaining a sleep/wake and work/rest schedule can strengthen not only the immune system, but also the nervous system.
  3. Walking on fresh air. It is important to go outside every day and spend at least half an hour in the fresh air, regardless of weather conditions. It is enough to dress appropriately to avoid getting wet and freezing.
  4. Vitamin C intake. This wonderful substance reduces tissue permeability and is an antioxidant that strengthens all parts of the body. immune system. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in greens, citrus fruits, and apples. In addition, pine drinks hold the record for vitamin C content.
  5. Phytotherapy. To strengthen the immune system, decoctions of rowan, echinacea or rose hips are perfect. To do this, just fill the selected plant with water at a rate of 1:10, boil for 15 minutes, and then leave to settle for 40 minutes. Drink a total of a glass a day every day.
  6. Medications. There are many immunostimulants, many of which also have antiviral activity. It is worth paying attention to such drugs as: Amiksin, Arbidol, Immunal, Gripferon, Molixan, Cycloferon. They should be taken after consulting a doctor and according to his prescription.
  7. Refusal bad habits. Smoking, alcohol consumption, sweet tooth – all this reduces immunity. You should be patient and give up what is harmful to your health.

It can be concluded that immunity is a complex system, which protects our body from diseases, but itself depends on many factors. Our lifestyle, habits, behavior and even the weather can reduce our defense mechanisms. In autumn, the immune system suffers the most, but you can avoid diseases if you adhere to simple rules behavior.

Video: super recipe for immunity

With the onset of the first cold weather and frosts, many people begin to feel unwell, which smoothly develops into all kinds of colds. Runny nose, cough, heat, fast fatiguability– all these symptoms occur, for the most part, in the fall, since it is during this period that our immune system weakens.

The latter is a multi-stage system, including internal organs, molecular structures, and body tissues that neutralize and destroy numerous armies of viruses and pathogens. Strengthening the immune system is the key to health, so everyone should take care to strengthen the protective functions of their body.

Why does immunity decrease in autumn?

There is a whole arsenal of reasons that directly or indirectly “weaken” the immune system in the fall.

These include:

  • frequent stress, regular depression;
  • systematic lack of time to sleep;
  • poor nutrition;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • hypothermia;
  • excessive use of antibiotics.
The above list is not exhaustive, so give an answer to the question: “Why is the immune system weakened?” Only a doctor can.

Macroelements and vitamins that strengthen the body's protective functions

Vitamin deficiency in 99% of cases leads to an imbalance of the immune system.
  1. Vitamin A (Retinol). Strengthens hair follicles, improves skin condition, restores vision and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Vitamins B. Representatives of this group play a critical role in the processes of metabolism, synthesis of acids, proteins and fats.
  3. Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid). If you don’t know what vitamins you should take in the fall to boost your immunity, then you should pay close attention to Ascorbic acid. The lack of this element prevents the production of interferons (the main components responsible for the body's resistance to external threats). Vitamin C is necessary to combat free radicals and neutralization of oxidation processes.
  4. Vitamin E. Acts as an antioxidant in the body, activating metabolism, improving blood flow, neutralizing toxins and restoring reproductive function. Required amount Vitamin E is contained in cedar oil with resin.
Here are the best vitamins to take autumn time of the year.

However, to restore immunity, we must not forget about the balance of macroelements.

List of essential macroelements:

  • magnesium (activator of main chemical reactions in organism);
  • zinc (catalyst for tissue regeneration);
  • calcium (building material for bone structure);
  • iron (an element that prevents the development of anemia, hypoxia and is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin);
  • selenium (an element responsible for cell mitosis and preventing the development of cancer).
Before purchasing this or that vitamin complex, mandatory Get advice from a specialist who will help you determine exactly which macronutrient is missing in your body.

There are several ways by which protective functions can be restored. Those who are haunted by the question of how to strengthen the immune system in the fall should remember that the problem should be solved comprehensively. If, for example, you change your diet and at the same time continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the efficiency of your efforts will be low. It is better to adhere to the maximum set of recommendations and then you can forget about the problem of how to support immunity in the fall once and for all.

Supply system

Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible, and, if possible, raw. Avoid sour cream and mayonnaise for a while. Also set aside confectionery(cookies, buns, puff pastries, waffles, sweets). As an alternative to the latter, you can use dried fruits and honey. Be sure to include fish in your diet, as it will enrich your body with polyunsaturated fatty acids(“Omega 3.6”). Give up fried food and focus on boiled. Use supplements and vitamin complexes from natural raw materials of herbs, oils, beekeeping products, which are provided in well-known companies, for example, like the Royal Cedar, according to the recommendations of your doctor, of course.

Physical exercise

How else to strengthen the immunity of an adult? It is necessary to abstract yourself (at least for a while) from a sedentary lifestyle. Morning exercises, hiking Gym, evening walks in the fresh air - all these actions should become a habit. If you know exactly what vitamins to take to restore the immune system, and you exercise at least 30-40 minutes a day physical exercise, then you are guaranteed 70% of success in achieving your intended goal.


You can strengthen the body's protective properties by various methods physiotherapy. Don't have the slightest idea how to boost your immunity in the fall? Just train yourself to wet yourself every morning cold water. But you should lower the temperature gradually: you need to start with a comfortable temperature.


How to boost your immunity in the fall? You can use folk remedies. You will need aloe juice and honey. It will not be possible to prepare a composition from the above components at home. special labor. Decoctions of St. John's wort and licorice will also help support immunity.

What should you give to a child, small children, so that they get sick as little as possible in the fall? Naturally, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Freshly squeezed juices, dried fruits and seafood must be present in the diet.
How else can you boost your child’s immunity? Need to choose optimal mode day, providing sufficient time for rest and sleep. The child must walk in the fresh air for at least two hours a day. Playing sports (hockey, football, swimming, etc.) will also help strengthen resistance to disease.

Cool nights and high humidity are some of the first signs of autumn. It is often during this period that nasal congestion and sore throat occur. How to resist a cold? The experts gave simple, but very important tips How to strengthen your immune system and not get sick with the onset of autumn days.

At the same time, contrary to the opinion of many people, it is not necessary to swallow immunostimulants by the handful and not let go of the jar of oxolinic ointment. American doctors share scientifically proven ways to increase the body's own defense.

  • Full sleep.

If you want to have strong immunity, then go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Watching TV for a long time or sitting in front of the computer until the morning seriously undermines the immune system. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to almost any infection.

  • Garlic in the diet.

Verified folk method for any disease - garlic is common not only here. Even in America, doctors advise consuming garlic to stimulate the body's defenses, destroy harmful bacteria and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Garlic is equally effective regardless of how it is consumed: as a bite or as part of already cooked food. Employees Medical Center at the University of Maryland recommend for initial symptoms colds, urgently add garlic to your diet, ginger root, carrots and lemon.

  • Healthy drinks.

Almost every family has its own recipe for a “health drink” in case of a sudden cold. Some people prefer raspberry juice or a decoction of currant branches, while others make mulled wine. However American doctors advise to convert Special attention for a warm drink based lemon juice, honey, ginger and turmeric.

Here is how this recipe is “deciphered”:

  1. honey is an antioxidant and immunostimulant;
  2. turmeric – has antiviral effect;
  3. lemon juice – contains a large number of ascorbic acid and has a good effect on all parts of the immune system;
  4. ginger root – rich essential oils, destroys bacteria and stimulates healing.
  • Chicken bouillon.

Rich broth based on chicken meat is very useful for both preventing and treating colds. Almost twenty years ago, scientists from the University of Nebraska discovered that chicken broth has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

Cup chicken broth with the addition of vegetables will help alleviate the first signs of acute respiratory infections, thanks to the component carnosine - scientists have recently discovered this substance and proven its effectiveness.

  • Morning exercises.

According to the staff of the National American medical library, morning exercises help remove pathogenic microbes from the respiratory system, reducing the chances of getting sick. In addition, physically active people immune cells are also more active and respond faster to the introduction of infection.

Immunity protects a person all year round from unfavorable factors external environment and pathogens. But the state of the human immune system is subject to seasonal fluctuations. A temporary decrease in the body's defenses occurs during the transition season - spring and autumn.

Let's find out the reasons for the seasonal decrease in immunity. Let's find out how you can strengthen your immune system in the fall. What foods and vitamins increase protective forces children and adults. What physical measures help strengthen the immune system. Does seasonal influenza vaccination strengthen your defenses? Let's look at how to boost children's immunity. Let's look at all these issues in detail.

What happens to the immune system in the fall?

Why does immunity decrease in autumn? The human body is subject to circadian (seasonal) rhythms. Natural phenomena change metabolism biological systems body on cellular level, resulting in adaptation (synchronization) of work internal organs and external seasonal fluctuations.

Factors that influence human physiological rhythms:

  • change in atmospheric pressure;
  • seasonal changes in daylight hours;
  • changes in magnetic fields;
  • seasonal temperature changes;
  • intensity of cosmic radiation;
  • ebbs and flows;
  • influence of solar-lunar changes.

Significant fluctuations in natural phenomena occur during the transitional seasonal period - autumn and spring. Under the influence of these factors, circadian rhythms in the human body change - the production of hormones, the absorption of minerals and vitamins. This disrupts the balance of these substances, which negatively affects the immune system. The central region is subject to the greatest seasonal variability. nervous system, immunity, respiratory and circulatory organs, gastrointestinal tract.

seasonal depression

The consequence of seasonal fluctuations in the body’s rhythms is:

  • decreased immunity in autumn and spring;
  • seasonal depression in autumn;
  • increased frequency of cardiovascular crises in spring and autumn (angina pectoris, hypertonic disease);
  • exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in spring and autumn;
  • spring and autumn exacerbation allergic diseases(hay fever, bronchial asthma).

Also, the activation of viruses and bacteria contributes to a decrease in immunity in the fall. In the wake of an acute respiratory infection outbreak, a seasonal influenza epidemic begins. If infected, influenza further weakens the immune system.

How to improve your immune system in the fall

Strengthening the body in the fall will help cope with colds in winter and increase the body's resistance to the flu virus. Immunologists and nutritionists give recommendations on how to support immunity in the fall.

Main curative measures to increase the body's defenses:

  • balanced diet;
  • good sleep;
  • hardening of the body;
  • flu vaccination;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • weight loss;
  • combating stress.

Seasonal decrease in immunity is a temporary phenomenon. In healthy people proper nutrition adaptation of the body occurs without additional intake of vitamin complexes. But to accelerate the increase in immunity in the fall, it is important to organize proper nutrition.

Balanced nutrition for immunity

Nutritionists recommend how to support immunity in early autumn. For proper nutrition in the fall, you need to eat what you need for immunity - fruits and vegetables containing vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. This is where you need to start lunch and dinner. Vegetables quickly create a satiating effect, and this allows you to limit your intake of high-calorie foods - source excess weight. A diet for the immune system includes protein, carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals. The basis healthy immunity consists of vitamins C, D, E, A and B groups, and minerals - magnesium, zinc and selenium.

The components necessary for protective forces are contained in following products:

Vegetables and fruits of different colors contain different minerals and vitamins, so they need to be alternated to get the full complex of vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are a very useful vegetable because they improve immunity and thin the blood.

Nutritionists recommend eating whole grain bread and whole grains. They contain a complete vitamin and mineral complex and biological substances- immune stimulants. Among whole grain cereals, barley is especially important for immunity. It stimulates immune cells - macrophages, which devour pathogens in our body. Barley is consumed in the form barley porridge.

Meat is necessary in the diet not only to replenish protein - building material immune cells. IN winter time meat products- This the only source of iron, which forms the basis of hemoglobin. Phagocytes - cells of the immune system also consume a lot of iron when functioning. And so that iron from meat is absorbed faster, it is served with a salad or a side dish of vegetables. An adult's diet for a healthy immune system consists of: daily use 150 grams of meat, fish or chicken.

Dairy products Helps in proper digestion and absorption nutrients. Milk and cottage cheese 3–9% fat contain easily digestible protein and fat-soluble vitamin D. In low-fat dairy products, in the absence of vitamin D, calcium absorption does not occur. As a result, teeth and bones weaken. The protein contained in dairy products is easily digestible and is indispensable for improving the immunity of children and adults. In general, a diet to boost the immune system has no restrictions, and it needs to be varied.

Physical activity to strengthen and support immunity

During physical activity, a person’s energy reserves are activated. At the same time it changes chemical composition blood, and this leads to the renewal of leukocytes - cells of the immune system. To improve immunity, it is not at all necessary to visit a fitness club. Sports walking for 30 minutes a day will speed up blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. A simple set of exercises at home also stimulates the immune system, relieves stress and lifts your mood. Physical inactivity, even with proper nutrition, will sooner or later lead to a decrease in the body's defenses. At sedentary During life, metabolism slows down, which means that immune cells are formed slowly.


As ancient as the world, a way to strengthen the immune system is hardening. Note! - healthy body- this is a strong immune system!

To harden, it is not necessary to dive into an ice hole, as Siberians, who are famous for their excellent health, do. To modern man For those who spend a lot of time sitting behind the wheel or using a laptop, it is enough to take cold and hot shower, if he decides to do at least this. You can gradually get used to cool water. One way or another, after the water procedure you will get rid of negative energy and improve your mood. Regular water treatments followed by rubbing, stimulating blood circulation, strengthening the body's defenses.

Sound sleep is the basis for a healthy immune system

Daily circadian biorhythms are inherent in humans by nature. Evolution has adapted the human body to act during the day, and at night to restore strength and physiological processes in organism. A person who does not sleep for 7–8 hours at night greatly undermines his immunity. Missing 1 or 2 hours of sleep at night - and your immunity decreases! Research by American scientists has shown that people who sleep less than 7 hours at night are 3 times more likely to get colds.

Important! Daytime nap does not compensate for nighttime, since only in the dark the hormone melatonin is produced, which improves immunity.

Features of strengthening immunity in children

Children with weakened defenses get colds 5-6 times a year. Especially in autumn and winter. The course of acute respiratory infections in such children takes a protracted form. The reasons for the decrease in children's immunity in the fall are the same as for adults. In addition, the immune system of children is still imperfect. How to strengthen your child’s immunity in the fall?

The basic rules for strengthening children's immunity in the fall are as follows.

  1. The child's nutrition consists of quality products. Protein, selenium, zinc and vitamin D are required for the normal functioning of the immune system. These substances are contained in the foods listed above in the list balanced nutrition for adults. A child needs to consume protein and iron 5-6 times a week to get protein and iron. meat dishes. Iron, from which hemoglobin is formed, is also necessary for the synthesis of phagocytes - immune cells.
  2. Children need to be hardened, but this must be done gradually and slowly.
  3. Outdoor games for 1–2 hours will enrich the child’s blood with oxygen and serve as physical activity, which stimulates the child’s immune system.
  4. Massage and gymnastics, improving blood circulation, strengthen the child’s defenses.

For children preschool age To improve immunity, you need 9-10 hours of sleep. Systematic lack of sleep reduces the production of immune cells.

In autumn the child visits kindergarten or school. At the same time, the child’s body undergoes adaptation to new microbes and viruses in the team. For prevention, use Interferon before visiting the team and upon returning home. To prevent ARVI and strengthen the immune system, WHO recommends that children frequently wash their hands and change their clothes after visiting a child care facility.

Vitamins for immunity for children and adults

The immune system healthy person middle-aged people do not need additional vitamin complexes. But for people over 50 years old or who often suffer from colds, it is recommended to support the body with vitamins in the fall and spring. Vitamin complexes are used to stimulate metabolism and immunity.

Seasonal flu vaccination

Autumn is the time for colds. In the wake of acute respiratory infections outbreaks, small and large influenza epidemics occur annually. Vaccination provides specific immunoprophylaxis against influenza. The flu vaccine is guaranteed to protect a person from infection, thereby maintaining a healthy immune system.

Modern vaccines wide range change annually according to the strain of the virus in the current year. Children and adults, including pregnant women, tolerate the vaccine easily. Vaccination against influenza in Russia is carried out in September and October. Employees and students of general education institutions, the food sector, children from six months of age and people over 65 years of age are subject to mandatory vaccination.

In conclusion, we emphasize that immunity decreases in autumn and spring due to natural circadian rhythms. The main condition for enhancing the immune system is the correct good nutrition, exercise stress, healthy sleep And correct image life. Children get a raise protective system walks and outdoor games, long sleep according to age. People prone to frequent colds are prescribed vitamins in the fall to boost immunity. To maintain a healthy immune system and specific immunoprophylaxis, people are vaccinated against influenza in the fall.