It is better to use Enterosgel or Polysorb for babies. Non-standard use of sorbents. Enterosgel is an effective sorbent

To rid the body of toxic substances, allergens and other harmful components, doctors prescribe sorbent drugs to patients. After taking them, the body is cleansed and helps normalize the functioning of many vital organs. The most popular products are Enterosgel and Polysorb, but which one is better to choose? We will try to answer this question.

Sorbents and their analogues

The word sorbent translated from Latin means “absorbing”. Currently, sorbent preparations are actively used by patients to solve many health problems:

  • toxic conditions;
  • allergic reaction;
  • skin pathology;
  • diseases of the kidneys and other organs.

Most often, many diseases are caused by toxic and infectious damage to the body, as well as due to metabolic disorders. Doctors prescribe sorbents together with other drugs for complex treatment.

The pharmacy chain offers many products that can remove harmful substances from the body. However, most buyers prefer two drugs - Enterosgel and Polysorb. They belong to the group of enterosorbent drugs and have similar properties, removing harmful substances from the body.

Most drugs have analogues. They can be absolute and relative. Absolute analogues of medicines are distinguished by a similar composition in terms of the content of the main active ingredients. The drug may differ in dosage and method of administration. Relative analogues include products whose composition is slightly different, but has the same effect on the body.

In addition to the effectiveness of the drug, ease of use and safety are also important. To understand which drug to choose, Polysorb or Enterosgel, it is worth conducting a comparative analysis and summing up the results.

An effective sorbent helps fight poisons, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances. Medicine has a positive effect on the intestines, and also cleanses the blood. The main active ingredient of the drug is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate (organic silicon). Already on the third day a positive effect is noted.

Due to the structure of the medication, it absorbs harmful substances like a sponge. At the same time, microelements, vitamins and all other useful components remain in the body. After administration, favorable conditions are created in the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, pathogenic flora of the genitourinary system and intestines is eliminated.

Enterosgel is used depending on the patient’s age up to three times a day. The release form of the drug varies:

  • sachets;
  • pasta in plastic containers;
  • gel for suspensions.

This medication has many analogues, including white and black coal, as well as Smecta, Lactofiltrum and others.

Action of Polysorb

This is a drug with complex effects. After administration, it enters the gastrointestinal tract and removes harmful substances. Polysorb is often used to treat acute intestinal infections. Since it helps cleanse the body, it is often taken for weight loss and acne. For this purpose, it should be taken in a course.

The drug is a white powder with a bluish tint, odorless and tasteless. Main, active ingredient - silicon dioxide. Its molecules react with various harmful substances in the body and are able to bind them and remove them. It is characteristic that they are not absorbed into the blood.

You can take it up to 7 times a day. A single dose should be based on body weight. The drug Polysorb is sold in prepackaged sachets that need to be diluted with water. The shelf life of the ready-to-use solution is only 1 day.

Safety of use

When choosing Enterosgel or Polysorb, you must consult a doctor. Any patient may have an intolerance to individual components in these products or their analogues, which will negatively affect their health and bring only harm instead of benefit.

Gel-like Enterosgel has selectivity, maximally binding harmful compounds. However, it does not affect all the beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Polysorb has increased sorption activity towards proteins. With increased protein consumption in the body, protein “starvation” may begin, which will negatively affect the patient’s health. For this reason, it is better to choose Enterosgel for long-term use.

Water balance and microflora

In case of intestinal infections, kidney pathology, weight loss in conditions of dehydration, it is very important to prevent additional loss of fluid in the body. In this situation, it is necessary to select drugs with the greatest selectivity in relation to water molecules.

When taking hydrophilic sorbents for more than ten days, they begin to bind water, which can slow down the intestines, and this leads to atony. Enterosgel, even with long-term use, does not cause disturbances in the passage of contents in the gastrointestinal tract.

Enterosorbents have different selectivity, therefore, not all drugs treat beneficial microorganisms that live in the intestinal lumen with care. Causative agents of intestinal infections and other unfavorable factors lead to microflora disturbances in the digestive tract. Antibiotics also have a negative effect.

Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent. Its use can cause dysbacteriosis. Enterosgel has more delicate properties, so it selectively performs its work in the intestinal lumen. It absorbs only harmful bacteria, viruses, and toxins. At the same time, the development or growth of representatives of natural microflora is not suppressed. For this reason, selective enterosorbents work more effectively. Cleansing of the body occurs at a faster pace than from the use of non-selective analogues.

Side effects and contraindications

Polysorb is well tolerated and is a hypoallergenic drug. Side effects are rarely observed when taking it due to silica intolerance. It rarely causes constipation. If an adverse reaction occurs, then you should stop taking the medication. Contraindications include:

  • age of children under 1 year;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach ulcer, intestinal erosion.

Enterosgel is often prescribed as a medication for complex therapy for many diseases in children and adults. The unique composition of the drug makes it possible to give it even to infants. It is often prescribed to pregnant women during toxicosis as a prophylactic and for treatment. It can also be taken by young mothers while breastfeeding.

Eneterosgel has no side effects, but it has There are certain contraindications:

  • ulcer of the stomach and 12-type intestine during an exacerbation;
  • acute intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal atony, complicated by constipation.

According to reviews from practicing doctors, Enterosgel is inferior in effectiveness to Polysorb, although its cost is several times higher. These two products are very similar to each other because they have a similar principle of action. Which one to give preference to Enterosgel or Polysorb should be decided by each person after consultation with the attending physician. Much depends on the state of the body and other factors.

Heavy metals, toxins and other harmful elements can accumulate in the human body. To remove them, special preparations are used - sorbents. Their main purpose is to remove these substances and normalize the functioning of organs. For these purposes, doctors recommend using Polysorb or Enterosgel. But how do these drugs differ, and which one should you choose?

What is better – enterosgel or polysorb?

It is impossible to definitively answer this question, since experts do not have a common opinion. In most cases, it all depends on the human body. Therefore, before using any of them, you should consult your doctor. Only he will be able to select an individual type of treatment.

If you are interested in figuring out which drug is more effective, then it is worth comparing them according to certain criteria.

  1. Compound. In general, the composition of the drugs is similar, since they contain silicon substances. Polysorb is characterized by silicon dioxide. Its properties allow it to quickly bind bad substances and remove them, preventing them from being absorbed into the blood. Enterosgel consists of methyl silicic acid. The principle of its action is similar - the absorption of harmful substances and their removal from the body. Despite the similar principle of action, these two drugs have fundamental differences. Their constituent substances are characterized by unequal active surface area. For enterosgel this is 150 m2 per 1 g, for polysorb this figure is 300 m2 per 1 g. Therefore, the sorption capacity of enterosgel is much lower. Given this information, you should understand that consultation with a doctor is necessary because the body may react differently to the components of the medicine.
  2. Action of drugs. In terms of effectiveness, we have already managed to understand that Polysorb has certain advantages due to its larger area of ​​influence. But Polysorb is characterized by a non-selective effect. It helps remove from the body not only harmful substances, but also beneficial microelements and vitamins necessary for its normal functioning. When undergoing treatment with this drug, you need to take multivitamins to compensate for the losses. In this regard, enterosgel is economical, since its substances are aimed only at removing harmful substances. In the process, it does not harm the beneficial elements of the gastrointestinal tract. A smaller area of ​​action helps protect the gastrointestinal system from the negative effects of the drug. A positive point is that both medications do not affect the intestinal microflora. Moreover, the effect of their use is noticeable on the third day.
  3. Mode of application. Enterosgel has the form of a paste placed in special tubes. The paste is ready for use, and the convenient tube allows you to take the medicine with you and use it anywhere. Enterosgel is sold in pharmacies in the form of a gel placed in bags. It is used to prepare a suspension. Enterosgel is chosen for babies because it has a pleasant taste. Polysorb is sold in powder form, which must be mixed in water. This somewhat reduces functionality, since it is inconvenient to use on the road. Another disadvantage is that the solution can only be used for 24 hours from the moment of preparation. Differences between these drugs are also noted in the amount of use per day. Enterosgel can be used 3 times a day, but Polysorb - up to 7 times. However, both drugs are not recommended to be taken for longer than 10 days. If you use other medications in parallel with them, then be sure to maintain a certain gap between their use.
  4. Price. A similar chemical composition does not guarantee the same cost. Thus, the price of enterosgel is two times higher than polysorb. This can be explained by their different effects on the body and the form in which they are produced.

To summarize, let us remember that these drugs are good analogues of each other. Therefore, you can choose any of them.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the rate of cleansing of the body, which is higher with polysorb, as well as the negative effect on beneficial substances - this is not typical for enterosgel.

The benefits of bowel cleansing drugs

Now you can decide whether enterosgel or polysorb is better to use in the fight against harmful substances.

Indications for use and side effects

Having learned about the effects of these drugs, it is necessary to pay attention to the cases in which they are used. These can be different types of health problems:

  • intestinal infections;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • different types of poisoning (medicines, alcohol or drugs, poisons);
  • allergic reactions;
  • skin diseases, including psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature;
  • problems with liver function;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • consequences of chemotherapy;
  • negative effects of radiation sickness.

Interestingly, both drugs can be used for toxicosis during pregnancy - the components of the drugs are not absorbed into the blood and cannot cause harm to the fetus. Their use is also acceptable during breastfeeding. It is permissible to use these medications for infants with the permission of doctors.

Traditionally, sorbents are taken orally. But it has already been noted that they are also effective for skin diseases. Enterosgel can be applied to wounds or burns. Polysorb - used as a compress. You must first make an aqueous solution and then apply it to problem skin areas. Note that the positive effect of their impact is achieved through a combination of these two forms of application - inside and outside.

  • individual intolerance to certain components;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Negative consequences of using these medications are nausea and constipation.

Drug analogues

As already noted, enterosgel and polysorb can replace each other well. But are there other analogues of these drugs and how effective are they?

  • Linex - this drug contains lyophilized lactic acid bacteria, which help normalize the intestinal microflora. It is used in the treatment of dysbiosis and is used as an analogue of enterosgel.
  • Enterofuril - has a cleansing effect and is characterized by an antimicrobial effect.
  • Ersefuril is another analogue that has a similar name to the previous one. Its properties are similar to Enterofuril, and when exposed it does not disturb the intestinal microflora.
  • Acilope is a probiotic containing kefir grains and live lactobacilli. It helps restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the intestines of bacteria.
  • Normobact - contains strains of live bacteria that protect the intestines from bad microbes.
  • Enterosgel is an enterosorbent that is designed to cleanse the body of toxic substances, restore mucous membranes and normalize microbiocenosis. The drug has detoxification, antidiarrheal and enveloping characteristics. With its help, it is possible to cope with dysbiosis and stimulate intestinal motility. In some cases, it is necessary to select analogues of Enterosgel.

    These analogues may be of natural or synthetic origin. They absorb harmful substances on their own surface. Therefore, such drugs can be used in case of poisoning. Such drugs are produced in tablet form.

    While using any sorbent, you should drink plenty of fluids. The daily volume should be at least 1.5-2 liters. This will help restore the functions of the digestive organs and avoid dehydration.

    Activated carbon

    When choosing Enterosgel or Activated Carbon, it is worth analyzing the properties of these drugs. Thus, coal has pronounced absorption characteristics. This remedy has no contraindications or side effects, which is why it is very often used for various intoxications.

    This inexpensive analogue of Enterosgel has approximately the same properties:

    • promotes the binding of harmful substances - glycosides, alkaloids, barbiturates;
    • adsorbs microelements, acids and alkalis;
    • cleanses the body of toxins and prevents their absorption into the digestive organs;
    • copes with diarrhea.

    The substance does not cause irritation of mucous membranes. The use of this cheap analogue of Enterosgel is justified in the event of dyspeptic disorders or putrefaction in the intestines.

    At the same time, Activated carbon is prohibited for ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs. It is not prescribed for bleeding. Sometimes the drug causes bowel problems. With prolonged use, there is the development of hypovitaminosis and impaired absorption in the intestine.

    The substance is available in tablet form. Each blister contains 10 pieces. These are very inexpensive tablets - the average price is only 7 rubles. Such drugs as Sorbex and Karbolen have similar properties.

    White coal

    This enterosorbent is a new generation substitute for Enterosgel. It contains silicon dioxide and potato starch. The product also contains microcrystalline cellulose and powdered sugar.

    The substance cleanses the body of toxins, allergens, and physiological elements much more effectively. The undoubted advantages of the product include the following:

    • no toxic effect;
    • good sorption characteristics;
    • removal in a short time.

    White carbon has the same indications as Activated carbon. The medicine has a good effect on the condition of the skin, normalizes intestinal functions, and accelerates the cleansing of cholesterol.

    However, it is prohibited to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, the drug is not prescribed for bleeding in the digestive tract and intestinal obstruction. These tablets are more expensive - about 140 rubles.

    This category includes substances of plant origin. They are present in woody plant cells. Such preparations contain fiber or dietary fiber. The active ingredients of the products pass through the gastrointestinal tract without changing their form.

    Preparations containing fiber bind and cleanse the digestive system of pathogenic bacteria and eliminate the negative consequences of metabolic processes. Coarse fibers lead to normalization of the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. With their help, it is possible to improve the absorption of nutrients and strengthen the immune system.

    On a note. Fiber improves the composition of intestinal microflora, which helps reduce the negative consequences of abnormal processes in the digestive organs. Such medications are used for dysbacteriosis and enterocolitis. Irritable bowel syndrome is also included in the indications.

    What can replace Enterosgel? This category includes the following drugs:

    • Bionorm;
    • Psyllium;
    • Phytomucil.

    Such drugs can be prescribed to both adults and children. In this case, the cost can be different - from 20 to 110 rubles.

    This category includes mineral adsorbents that are made from aluminum oxide. This substance has a porous structure and has a mild effect on the body. Such products have astringent and bactericidal characteristics. They are produced in the form of a suspension for internal use.

    Instead of Enterosgel, you can use the following products:

    1. Almagel - prescribed for food poisoning. The product can also be used in cases of drug overdose. The cost of the medicine is about 200 rubles.
    2. Alumag – promotes the binding of bile and stomach enzymes. With its help, it is possible to stop the destruction of the mucous layer and achieve a slight laxative effect. The substance will cost about 150 rubles.
    3. Gastal - prescribed for food intoxication. With its help, it is possible to bind and remove phosphates. The medicine will cost 310 rubles.


    Such sorbents are produced in powder form. These substances are usually used to prepare a suspension.

    Polysorb MP

    When choosing Polysorb or Enterosgel, it is worth analyzing the characteristics of these drugs. Thus, the first remedy is used for children and adults for dysbiosis, poisoning, infections and allergic reactions. Just like Enterosgel, Polysorb helps to cope with the symptoms of damage from potent poisons.

    Before use, you need to make a suspension. In this case, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. The dosage is selected depending on the patient’s weight and the level of damage to the body. The maximum permissible volume should be 20 g.

    The medicine is well tolerated by all patients. Sometimes it causes constipation. Contraindications include ulcers, erosive intestinal lesions and obstruction of the digestive tract.

    Polysorb or Enterosgel – which is better? Specific recommendations should be given by the attending physician, depending on the clinical picture and tolerability of the drug. The price factor is of no small importance. On average, Polysorb costs 115-335 rubles - it all depends on the volume of the bottle. The cost of 1 sachet is 37 rubles.


    When choosing Polyphepan or Enterosgel, you should consult your doctor. The first product is a dark brown powder, which is intended for internal use. It is not subject to changes in the intestines and leaves the body in its original form.

    The medicine is prescribed for acute intoxication, lipid metabolism disorders, allergic reactions of food origin. The list of indications includes diseases such as salmonellosis, cholera and dysentery. The product also helps remove radioactive elements.

    When choosing Polyphepan or Enterosgel, you should also take into account the list of contraindications. Thus, the first remedy is prohibited for use in case of severe allergies, which are accompanied by dermatitis, gastritis, and high sensitivity to components.


    Many people are interested in which is better – Smecta or Enterosgel. When choosing a specific medicine, you need to consult a doctor. Smecta contains aromatic additives, which makes it more attractive to children. The product is a combination of magnesium and aluminum. The main action is aimed at binding and removing toxins and gases.

    In addition, Smecta has an enveloping effect on the digestive tract. This helps prevent ulceration. The substance makes the epithelium more resistant to external influences.

    On a note. The drug can be prescribed to adults and infants from 1 month of life. In case of intoxication, the medication not only removes toxic substances, but also creates good conditions for the development of beneficial microflora. Negative reactions are extremely rare and manifest themselves in the form of nausea, stool disorders, and flatulence.

    The average cost of this medication is 155 rubles. An analogue of the substance is Neosmectin.

    When choosing Enterodes or Enterosgel, you should study the instructions and consult a doctor. Enterodes is a white powder from which a suspension is prepared. It is produced in sachets of 5 g. The substance does not change in the digestive tract and is eliminated with toxins.

    The substance is used as a detoxifying agent for acute intoxication and intestinal infections. The result is achieved after 20 minutes. The drug is also prescribed for kidney and liver failure.

    Adverse reactions include nausea and vomiting. The product should not be taken if an allergy develops. The maximum permissible volume for adult patients is 15 g. The substance is prescribed to children after one year. The dosage should be selected by a doctor. The cost of the medicine is about 370 rubles. You can also use Enterol.


    When choosing Atoxil or Enterosgel, it is also worth considering many features. Atoxyl is a powder from which a suspension is prepared. The product has an antimicrobial, antiallergic, wound healing effect. The substance also has a bacteriostatic effect.

    With its help, it is possible to achieve the absorption of toxins and cope with the processes of decay. Due to high dispersion, the process of removing harmful substances is stimulated. The main indications include viral hepatitis, severe diarrhea, and alcohol intoxication.

    The product is not used during pregnancy and lactation. Also, the substance cannot be used for ulcerative defects and erosions. Intestinal obstruction is also considered a limitation.

    Lacto- and bifidobacteria

    Thanks to the use of such products, it is possible to cope with pathogenic microflora, restore metabolism and normalize the digestion process. The main remedy from this group is Lactofiltrum.

    Many people are interested in what is better: Lactofiltrum or Enterosgel. To answer this question, it is worth studying the properties of the drugs. When choosing Enterosgel or Laktofiltrum, one must take into account that the second remedy is used for dysbiosis, after taking antibiotics, for liver pathologies and allergies.

    When choosing cheap Enterosgel analogues, you should consult a doctor. There are no structural substitutes for the drug, so only a specialist can choose the most similar drug in action.

    The word "sorbent" is of Latin origin and means "absorbing". Today, doctors can no longer imagine treating toxic conditions, allergic diseases, pathologies of the skin, digestive organs, and kidneys without the use of enterosorbents. The development of the pharmaceutical industry, on the one hand, has facilitated the treatment of many diseases, and, on the other hand, has confronted specialists and patients with a difficult choice.

    Polysorb or Enterosgel: which is better?

    In order to find out, it is necessary to conduct an objective comparative analysis, guided by information from reliable sources. The main property of enterosorbent, which worries both the doctor and the patient, is its effectiveness. As it turned out, not only this indicator is important, but also the safety and ease of use of the drug. Enterosgel is the only jelly-like representative of enterosorbents based on methyl silicic acid. Polysorb is a powdered enterosorbent consisting of small silica particles. Both drugs have similar indications for use. What is the difference?

    Ease of use comparison

    Polysorb and Enterosgel have a high sorption capacity, which determines the effectiveness of these drugs in absorbing harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract. However, before use, Polysorb must be diluted with water and mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous (!) mass is formed. Enterosgel does not require such a procedure; it is already ready for use in a tube. To reduce the thickness of the drug and optimally distribute it in the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink it with water or any drink available “at hand”.

    Polysorb or Enterosgel? Security Profile

    Research shows that high sorption activity can be a “double-edged sword.” Despite all the obvious benefits of absorbing a particular drug, it is unacceptable to forget about the peculiarities of its selectivity. Enterosgel, in comparison with its well-known “brothers”, including highly dispersed silicas, is distinguished by its selectivity. This silicon-based gel maximally binds harmful medium-molecular compounds toxins, allergens, metabolites, and does not affect beneficial vitamins, microelements, proteins necessary for the body.

    Polysorb has increased sorption activity towards proteins. In practical medicine, this enterosorbent is often used in the treatment of burn disease, since in these conditions a large number of breakdown products of a protein nature circulate in the bloodstream. However, when following a low-calorie diet when losing weight, in case of some intoxications, when increased protein consumption occurs, then it is recommended to use selective enterosorbents (for example, Enterosgel). Otherwise, with long-term use of enterosorbents with low selective properties, signs of “protein starvation” may develop - edema, anemia, muscle weakness, brain failure, decreased immunity.

    Water, water is always needed

    In conditions of dehydration due to intestinal infections, weight loss, and kidney pathology, it is important to avoid additional fluid loss. In such cases, when prescribing an enterosorbent, it is necessary to choose a drug with the greatest selectivity with respect to water molecules. Hydrophilic sorbents, by binding water, with long-term use (more than ten days) can slow down intestinal motility and lead to intestinal atony. Enterosgel does not cause disruption of the passage of contents through the gastrointestinal tract even with prolonged use.

    Comparison of effectiveness: Enterosgel or Polysorb

    What about the microflora?

    Having different selectivity, not all enterosorbents treat beneficial microorganisms living in the intestinal lumen with care. It has been proven that pathogens of intestinal infections and a number of other factors disrupt the normal microflora of the digestive tract, not to mention the effect of antibiotics on it...

    Polysorb is a non-selective enterosorbent. When using it, dysbacteriosis may occur. Enterosgel is particularly delicate, selectively working in the intestinal lumen. This drug absorbs harmful bacteria, viruses, protozoa and their toxins without suppressing the growth and development of representatives of natural microflora. In this regard, the effect of treatment with selective enterosorbents is achieved at a faster rate than with non-selective therapy.

    Damage instead of protection?

    In the instructions for use of Polysorb, among the contraindications, erosive and ulcerative defects of the stomach, duodenum in the acute stage, suspected ruptures of the mucous membrane and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract are noted. Enterosgel has no such contraindications; on the contrary, it envelops the lining of the stomach and intestines. The new generation organosilicon enterosorbent does not irritate the mucous membrane, creates favorable conditions for restoring its integrity, local immunity, and protects against the damaging effects of aggressive factors (acids, alkalis, alcohol, medicinal components, infectious agents and their toxins).

    “So, Enterosgel or Polysorb: which is better? Which drug to choose as an ideal enterosorbent? The answer to this question is obvious.

    Enterosgel or methylsilicic acid hydrogel. This drug is based on organic silicon.

    This is a selective enterosorbent, which is used: to remove toxins of various nature; binding and removal of metabolites, pathogens; restoration of intestinal microbiocenosis and restoration of the integrity of the mucous membranes

    The active substance is methyl silicic acid hydrogel (70 g of active substance per 100 g of the drug). Auxiliary components are purified water and, in some preparations, a sweetener.

    Country of Origin:

    • Russia;
    • Ukraine.

    Characteristics and properties

    Storage conditions:

    • Storage temperature – 15-25°C.
    • Shelf life – 3 years.

    Release form:

    • Paste in plastic containers (45,135,225,450 g);
    • packages (15 g);
    • gel for preparing suspension (45,135,225,450g).

    Enterosgel, Lactofilturm and Polysorb: which is better?

    The pharmacy market is saturated with sorbents.

    Among the most popular and effective sorbents are polyphepan, lactofiltrum, smecta, and activated carbon.

    Let's take a closer look. Lactofiltrum contains a prebiotic, so it can be effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Lactofiltrum is a combined type sorbent containing, in addition to enterosorbents, lacto- and bifidobacteria.

    Thus, lactofiltrum has a double effect - in addition to cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, it normalizes the intestinal biocenosis, which faster and better restores its immunity and the body as a whole.

    But you can’t take Lactofiltrum for a long time.

    Lactofiltrum charcoal is prescribed to drink in combination with antibiotics, for example, enterofuril.

    When comparing polysorb or enterosgel, the following should be noted. Polysorb's sorption area is twice that of the latter.

    Therefore, by this criterion it is more effective. Otherwise, these drugs are similar in action.

    The price of Polysorb is almost 50% less than its analogue. Both drugs are safe to use.

    Both Polysorb and Enterosgel relieve toxicosis during pregnancy. They are prescribed for nursing women and breast-fed and bottle-fed infants. Smecta is one of the sorbents that is indispensable in pediatrics.

    Smecta should be given to children of all ages, but more often to infants. Indications for taking smecta are colic in newborns, diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, dysbacteriosis, prevention of dyspepsia during artificial feeding.

    The advantages of smecta are:

    Polyphepan, a universal intestinal sorbent that adheres to and removes toxins of various origins from the body. Its advantages:

    Among the enterosorbents, one can name another drug that can be taken for various gastrointestinal disorders. This is activated carbon.

    Activated carbon should always be present in your first aid kit.

    And although more effective sorbents now exist, activated carbon can be used as first aid for symptoms of poisoning and dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    Enterofuril is sometimes unreasonably classified as analogues of enterosgel.

    But, enterofuril is an antimicrobial drug that affects pathogenic microflora in the intestines during various infections.

    Use in the treatment of diseases

    Enterosgel is used mainly for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. These are chronic gastritis and duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, enterocolitis. It is best to drink it in the complex treatment of allergic conditions and dermatoses.

    Also, enterosgel is widely used during pregnancy to relieve toxicosis.

    Particular attention should be paid to the use of the drug in the treatment of psoriasis.

    Psoriasis does not have a clear theory of etiology, but the disease has a clear connection with metabolic disorders, that is, with the condition of the intestines.

    In the treatment of psoriasis, Enterosgel is used as a local remedy and orally. How many positive reviews indicate its effectiveness in prolonging periods of remission!

    Unlike other enterosorbents, this drug can be used for long courses!

    Indications for use

    Enterosgel, the indications for use of which can be endless, is prescribed for many diseases and conditions as an element of complex therapy.

    The indications are as follows:

    The uniqueness of the drug allows it to be given to infants.

    Enterosgel is also prescribed during pregnancy as a way to prevent and treat toxicosis, and for women while breastfeeding.


    • Exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
    • Intestinal atony, complicated by constipation;
    • Acute intestinal obstruction.

    There are no side effects that would be an obstacle to taking the drug!