Ivermek instructions for use for cats. Ivermectin – can it be used for cats, the correct dose without side effects. Instructions for use and dosage for cats

Description of the veterinary drug

The drug belongs to the category of moderately hazardous substances. Its use will allow you to rid your cat of pest infestations in the shortest possible time. However, you should strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions so as not to harm your pet.

The form of release of the drug may be different. The medicine is purchased in the form of injections, solutions, spray or gel. If you prefer a solution, remember that it is used exclusively for injection. At the same time, the doses of injections and sprays will certainly differ, since the concentration of key components is different here.

This veterinary drug is made by fermenting the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis. It contains ivermectin, as well as vitamin E. The solution may be colorless or have a yellowish tint. During use, it is important to adhere not only to the information specified in the instructions, but also to the basic rules of asepsis.

Ivermec is a transparent, opalescent, light yellow or colorless liquid. This injection solution can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies, which sell it in polymer and glass bottles. Their volume is 100, 50, 20, 10 and 1 ml. The smallest bottles are packaged in cardboard packs of 50 pieces. For larger volume bottles, individual packaging is provided.

The drug is classified as a moderately hazardous substance. However, when using the medicine in recommended doses, nothing threatens the health and life of pets. The veterinary product does not have a negative effect on the animal body.

Mechanism of action of Ivomec (Hartgart) for dogs and cats

Ivomec acts on the central nervous system of heartworm larvae (so-called microfilariae). It is not effective against the adult form of heartworm. Although, both Hartgard and Ivomec inhibit the growth and development of adult heartworms. If your pet is diagnosed positive for heartworms, your veterinarian will likely use other medications to kill the adult worms.

Routes of administration and dosage

The drug is administered to animals subcutaneously in compliance with the rules of asepsis. In pigs, injections are given in the neck or inner thigh. All other animals in the neck or croup area.

The dosage for pigs is 0.3 g per kg of live weight, for all others, including cats and dogs, 0.2 g per kg of live weight. The calculation is carried out for a pure substance.

For example, for rabbits, dogs, cats, it is better to use Otodectin. It is easier to dose for small animals. The drug is available in ampoules of 5 ml. The dose is calculated as 0.2 ml per kg of live weight.

For large animals, or for mass treatments, it is better to choose Ivermectin 10. Packaging the drug in bottles of 10, 50, 100, 200 ml will help you choose a convenient option. If more than 10 ml is needed to administer the drug, then injections are carried out in two places.

The drug is administered, as a rule, once. However, for complicated, advanced sarcoptic mange, the treatment is repeated after 10-12 days.

If the animals are very small, then it is possible to calculate the dosage and dilute the drug with sterile water in the required quantity.

On livestock farms, treatment with the drug is carried out in the fall before placing in a stall, and in the spring before putting it out to pasture. Upon purchasing each new batch of the drug, a bioassay is performed. Having selected 10 animals, the drug is administered according to the instructions and observation is carried out. If no complications are observed within three days, the drug is administered to the main herd.

Ivermectin for dogs is best used as the active principle of the drug "Ivermec". The drug copes well with mature forms of heartworms and their larval stage. A single administration is sufficient to free the heart cavities from helminths. The dog's heart murmurs disappear 1-1.5 weeks after administration of the drug. The injection is performed intramuscularly. To treat demodicosis, a gel and spray are produced under the same name.

If it is not possible to consult with a veterinarian, then the following rule will help you calculate the dose: drugs with a 0.1% concentration (Otodectin) are dosed at 0.2 ml/kg, and with a 1% concentration (Ivermek, Novomek) 0.02 ml per kg of live weight.

Ivermectin is also applicable for myiases. In this case, in addition to subcutaneous injection of the drug, the cavity with the larvae is also irrigated with a solution of the drug.

Ivermectin is a new generation drug. Due to its wide spectrum of action and low toxicity for warm-blooded animals, it is successfully used as a nematicide, insecticide and acaricide.

Ivermectin has become more popular with the increase in heartworm infestations in dogs and cats. Experienced veterinarians, as well as dermatologists, have long had no doubt about its extreme effectiveness in the treatment of demodicosis.

Ivermectin is a pure substance that was isolated from a strain of the bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis and patented back in 1982; since then, work on the selection of the microorganism has not stopped.

As a result of a biochemical reaction, neurons begin to secrete an increased amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid, it affects the receptors of nerve endings, and they, in turn, increase the permeability of membranes to chlorine ions.

An increased amount of chlorine blocks the transmission of impulses along nerve receptors.

Traces of the drug can be detected in the animal’s body even after 15 days. It is excreted from the body mainly with fecal matter.

The drug also does not have a strong effect on warm-blooded animals.

Release forms

Medicines “Stromectol” and “Mectizan” are produced in tablets, but they are imported and are not always available for free sale.

Solution for injection is clear, opalescent, colorless or light yellow.

In veterinary pharmacies you can freely buy the following drugs: “Ivermectin 10”, “Ivomek”, “Ivermek”, “Bivermectin”, all of them are available in the form of a solution for subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. The solution is colorless, transparent, sterile.

The drugs are available in vials and ampoules, but only from dark glass.

The drug is effective against mature and larval stages of nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract, lung and heartworms, as well as against attacks by external insects: ticks, lice, gadflies.

In cattle it is prescribed for strongyloidiasis, psoroptosis, neoascariasis of calves, sarcoptic mange, hypodermatosis, chorioptosis.

For small cattle with hemonchosis, dictyocaulosis, habertiosis, bunostomiasis, marshallagiasis, estrosis, strongyloidiasis, dictyocaulosis, malophagosis, psoroptosis.

Ivermek (solution for injection)

It is prescribed for horses for oxyurosis, gastrophylosis, strongyliasis, parascariasis, sarcoptic mange.

For rabbits it is used for nematodes and sarcoptoid mites, but with caution due to dosage.

For cats and dogs it is indicated for toxascariasis and toxocariasis, hookworm, notoedrosis, uncinariasis, sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, fleas, lice, lice.

Advantages of the product

The drug is intended for injection and can be found in any veterinary pharmacy. Available in both glass and plastic tubes of 1, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml. Large bottles are sold individually in individual packages, the smallest ones are sold in boxes of 50 pieces. To combat harmful insects inhabiting animal fur, use Ivermec spray.

Important! Pay attention to expiration dates. The drug should be used before 18 months have passed from the date of manufacture.

Ivermectin: instructions for use for livestock

Animals are given injections subcutaneously or intramuscularly, observing the rules of antiseptics and asepsis.


Cattle are treated by administering 1 milliliter of injection for every 50 kilograms of body weight (0.2 milligrams of Ivermectin per 1 kilogram of animal weight). It is advisable to inject the medicine into the neck or croup area.

Sheep and goats

Sheep, goats, and deer are prescribed the medicine in a ratio of 1 milliliter per 50 kilograms of animal weight. The injection should be given intramuscularly in the neck or croup area.


Pigs are administered Ivermectin intramuscularly at the rate of 1 milliliter per 33 kilograms of animal weight. It should be injected into the neck or inner thigh.

Dogs and cats

The dosage for dogs is 200 micrograms per 1 kilogram of pet weight. The drug is poorly tolerated in dogs, so the ratio of weight to drug should be strictly observed.

Safer and more effective veterinary medications are usually used for cats and rabbits. However, according to the instructions, these animals should be administered medicine at the rate of 200 micrograms per 1 kilogram of animal weight. For weakened and elderly pets, the dose is calculated based on their weight.

Adhering to such a long time distance is vitally important - an overdose will cause severe intoxication of the animal’s body. It will not be possible to remove a cat from this state on your own at home. In this case, you cannot do without introducing into the body a large amount of fluid, diuretics, as well as drugs that normalize the acid-base and water-electrolyte balance.

Note! Veterinarians do not rule out cases of individual intolerance to the drug in animals. If you experience tears, excessive salivation, vomiting, or muscle tremors, immediately wash off the medication with shampoo.

After the veterinarian has examined your pet and prescribed a specific form of Ivermek, you must strictly follow the dosage and follow all the specialist’s instructions.

If you are going to rid your cat of lice or ticks, it is best to use a spray. It must be sprayed onto the affected areas of the skin, while holding the bottle with liquid at a distance of 15–20 cm from the animal. It is advisable to carry out this type of treatment outside so that the pungent odor from the medicinal composition does not spread throughout your home. Remember that on average a single dose of the drug should be about 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Those who purchase Ivermek injections for cats should also read the instructions. The medicinal composition is injected into the thigh area or at the withers. It is permissible to administer no more than 0.1 ml of product per 1 kg. If you want to use the drug for preventive purposes, an injection once a year is the optimal solution.


The main forms of release: the drug Ivermec (ivermectin vitamin E), Ivermectin-10, Otodectin, Ivermectin Paste, Ivermec-gel and Ivermec-spray, differ in purpose.

Ivermectin belongs to the group of avermectins, the production of which is associated with fermentation by Streptomyces avermitilis.

One of the tasks of ivermectin is to fight ticks

Avermectins have been used in human and veterinary medicine since the 1970s, and their synthetic versions have appeared since the 1980s.


In the form of Ivermec, the Russian manufacturer combines (which others do not do) ivermectin and vitamin E in the original micellar (water-dispersed) form to improve its effectiveness. This is a cloudy transparent yellowish or colorless solution. It contains one percent of the active ingredient. Packaged in glass bottles from 1 to 500 ml.

Ivermek is a Russian drug

For horses, a paste form (such as Ivermectin Paste) with 1.87% active ingredient is proposed; this is a homogeneous paste, packaged in 6 g syringes. The “apple” flavor makes it easier to feed the drug to your pet.

Otodexin - a variation with 0.1% ivermectin for small animals, used in guinea pigs. A transparent, colorless liquid is packaged in glass (1 – 20 ml) or plastic (1 – 10 ml).


  • broad-spectrum nematicidal and arachnoentomocidal effect;
  • the most effective type of avermectin;
  • quick and prolonged effect.

There is ivermectin in the form of a spray, for example Russian

Due to the action of vitamin E, Ivermek ensures safe use; the unique matrix does not provoke inflammation and pain in animals. Administration by injection makes the medicine convenient and quick to take effect.

The key advantage of the paste is its ease of use for horses due to the aroma and packaging form, as well as the high concentration of the substance.


For cattle and small animals, the drug is prescribed in case of infection with worms (thelaziosis, strictylatosis, mulleriosis, trichocephalosis, habertiosis, etc.), lice (sifunculatosis), flyworms (hypodermatosis, melophagosis) and mites (sarcoptosis, psoroptosis, chorioptosis).

Cows are the main “consumer” of Ivermek


Poultry gets rid of worms (heteracidosis, ascariasis, capillariasis, etc.) and a number of entamoses and acaroses caused by skin insects.

Pharmacologists classify ivermectin into two groups: firstly, it is an anthelmintic agent, and secondly, it is a local anti-inflammatory.

After the injection, it begins to act within an hour

The medicine is stored in the packaging received from the manufacturer, without pouring or unpacking. The substance has a shelf life of two years if the following conditions are met: the storage location must be dry, the air must be kept at a positive temperature of no higher than 25 degrees, and protected from light.

The active substance has a high hazard class, the drug has a medium hazard class. The storage location must be inaccessible to children.

Ivermectin - veterinary medicine

The general rule is that each batch of veterinary medicine must first be tested on a group of up to 10 animals and monitor their condition over a three-day period. If there are no complications, the entire livestock can be treated.

You must first test the medicine on a group of up to 10 animals.


Cattle and small cattle ivermectin in the form of Ivermec is injected intramuscularly (rarely - under the skin), the treatment regimen is a single injection. Only for hematopinosis of severe sarcoptoidosis, two injections are provided, the second - in the same amount after 8-10 days.

Presence of contraindications

Ivermectin should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Its use is strictly not recommended in the following cases:

The drug is based on a potent substance, the use of which is not recommended if the pet has been diagnosed with an infectious disease. It is undesirable to expose emaciated and weakened animals, as well as pregnant and lactating animals, to the effects of medications (the most dangerous period is two to three weeks before birth).

Video on the topic

Side effects may occur in your cat if you overdose. There are frequent cases when the animal’s body turns out to be hypersensitive to the basic components of the drug.

Possible side effects include the following:

  • allergy;
  • excessive salivation (salivation);
  • frequent bowel movements and urination;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In some situations, cats may experience additional digestive problems, as well as disturbances in the respiratory system.

If side effects appear, they mostly occur 2–3 days after using the medicine. Try to monitor your cat during this period in order to notice possible complications in time.

As for contraindications to the use of Ivermek, they are also present. It is not recommended to use it to treat weakened individuals or animals that are currently suffering from viral or bacterial diseases. It is also undesirable to treat the fur of pregnant or lactating cats.

Ivermectin is not used in dairy herds.

Slaughter of cattle for meat is possible no earlier than a month after using the drug, and pigs after 20 days.

The main contraindications for use in cats are:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of feeding kittens;
  • postoperative period.

The dosage of the drug must be calculated by the treating veterinarian, otherwise an overdose is possible.

Ivermek, like any potent drug, has contraindications. The veterinary drug must not be used in the following cases:

  • if the animal has any infectious disease;
  • if the pet is severely weakened or exhausted;
  • ate the cat bears offspring.

In some cases, as the instructions indicate, symptoms such as increased excitability, vomiting, and increased urination are observed. This is not an overdose. The above signs occur in those animals that are hypersensitive to the components of the drug. In such cases, you should consult a veterinarian about further use of the product.

After applying the gel or spray for 20 minutes, you should avoid licking your pet. Despite the fact that ivermectin and the other components of the drug do not have a pronounced effect on the animal’s body, such a measure will be an additional guarantee of safety. Serious consequences that threaten the patient’s life are not observed in case of an overdose. However, if the interval between doses is not observed and the recommended doses are exceeded, nausea, increased salivation, frequent urination or defecation, loss of appetite, and nervous overexcitation may develop.

Ivermectin price

The average cost of the drug is from 45 rubles per 10 ml.

The cost of this medical drug depends entirely on the manufacturer and company. It is often possible to find Indian-made Ivermectin; its price can reach up to $100 per pack.

The wholesale price in developed countries is approximately $0.12. for a course of therapy. In the United States the cost reaches $25-50.

Since Ivermectin is not included in the register of pharmaceuticals in most CIS countries (including Russia and Ukraine), and is published for human use only abroad, it can only be purchased by ordering from another country.

The cost of the drug is determined by its volume and form. Approximate prices for Ivermek are presented in the table below.

Spray 30 ml 315 RUR Aerosol 50 ml 270 RUR Bottle with 30 ml gel 348 RUR

After injection, ivermectin is quickly absorbed by the animal’s tissues and concentrates in the internal organs. The therapeutic effect lasts 14 days. Vitamin E is used as an auxiliary component. It promotes the rapid distribution of the active substance in the animal’s body, accelerates the regeneration of damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs. Excreted from the body with bile and urine. And also with breast milk. Therefore, it cannot be used by a female during the feeding period.

Indications for use in cats are:

Symptoms of helminthic infestation include loss of appetite in cats, constipation or diarrhea, feces mixed with blood, nervousness, restless sleep, and weight loss.

Ivermek - instructions for use for cats, correct dosage

To treat cats, 1 injection is enough. In this case, the dosage is set based on the animal’s body weight and its general condition. The dosage is calculated in the ratio of 0.1 ml of the drug per 5 kg of body weight. In case of severe infection of cats, the injection is repeated after 14 days. The interval should be strictly observed to avoid overdose. Otherwise, side effects will increase.

Ivermek is produced in glass capsules and bottles. The smallest dosage is 1 ml. To achieve the required concentration, the solution is diluted with distilled water.

Where to give an injection to a cat

Ivermek - instructions for use for cats provides for the treatment of animals under the supervision of a veterinarian. The injection must also be administered by a doctor. As practice shows, this problem is addressed to qualified specialists of the unit. Most owners prefer to do this themselves. With this decision, you need to accurately determine the dosage of the medicine for your pet, as well as the place where to inject the injection. The injection is given into the withers or knee fold. When choosing the first method, slightly pull the skin.

Contraindications for use

Ivermek - instructions for use for cats contains a list of contraindications that should not be ignored. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian or independently assess its condition.

You cannot give an injection:

A direct contraindication for use according to the instructions is individual intolerance to the components. This is one of the reasons for side effects.

  • excited state of the nervous system;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent urination, defecation.

Advantages of the drug

Ivermek is a modern drug that is widely used in veterinary practice. The correct dose of the drug and compliance with the intervals between injections are the key to effective treatment. The main advantages include:

Ivermectin is a safe drug for humans. However, you should wear rubber gloves during the procedure. And after it, wash your hands well with soap.

Drug price

Ivermek is sold at any veterinary pharmacy. Affordable price, quick effect and low likelihood of side effects make the drug one of the most popular. Ivermek is produced by different manufacturers. Based on this, the price differs slightly. On average, you will have to pay 34 rubles for a bottle with a capacity of 1 ml. Consequently, 100 ml costs about 340 rubles. The shelf life is 18 months. Ivermek - instructions for use for cats warns that after the expiration date indicated on the package, use of the drug is strictly prohibited.


Iversect with a similar active component, supplemented with an antiseptic. Used as an injection. Minimum packaging – 10 ml. Cost 30 rub. Shelf life: 3 years.

Ivomec is intended for injection. Available in glass ampoules with a minimum volume of 1 ml. Stored for 3 years. Buying is problematic.

Main characteristics of the drug

The drug is a bottle of injection solution, depending on the type of animal for which it is used, and is available in various dosages. For large animals bottles are 50 ml, for cats 10 ml.


The main contraindications for use in cats are:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of feeding kittens;
  • postoperative period.

The dosage of the drug must be calculated by the treating veterinarian, otherwise an overdose is possible.

Use in cats

To do this you need:

  • calm the animal as much as possible;
  • fix it in one position;
  • draw the drug into a syringe with a thin needle (ideally insulin is used);
  • pull back the skin in the neck (withers) area and inject.

Animals do not like this procedure; be prepared for aggression. After the injection, a small lump forms under the skin; it is important not to hit this point when re-injecting the medicine. As soon as you give the injection, you need to remove any blood that appears with an alcohol swab.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor and is based on the principle: 0.2 ml per 10 kg.

Possible side effects

Possible adverse reactions to the drug in an animal may include:

  • excitement, anxiety;
  • uncontrolled urination;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased salivation.

It is possible that an allergic reaction may develop due to individual sensitivity to the components of Ivermectin. All of these reactions are temporary and disappear within a few hours after the injection.

Prices and analogues

The average cost of the drug is from 45 rubles per 10 ml.

The drug belongs to the category of moderately hazardous substances. Its use will allow you to rid your cat of pest infestations in the shortest possible time. However, you should strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions so as not to harm your pet.

The form of release of the drug may be different. The medicine is purchased in the form of injections, solutions, spray or gel. If you prefer a solution, remember that it is used exclusively for injection. At the same time, the doses of injections and sprays will certainly differ, since the concentration of key components is different here.

This veterinary drug is made by fermenting the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis. It contains ivermectin, as well as vitamin E. The solution may be colorless or have a yellowish tint. During use, it is important to adhere not only to the information specified in the instructions, but also to the basic rules of asepsis.

Video “How to properly give a cat a subcutaneous injection”

In this video you will learn how to properly give an intramuscular injection to a cat.

Indications for use


After the veterinarian has examined your pet and prescribed a specific form of Ivermek, you must strictly follow the dosage and follow all the specialist’s instructions.

If you are going to rid your cat of lice or ticks, it is best to use a spray. It must be sprayed onto the affected areas of the skin, while holding the bottle with liquid at a distance of 15-20 cm from the animal. It is advisable to carry out this type of treatment outside so that the pungent odor from the medicinal composition does not spread throughout your home. Remember that on average a single dose of the drug should be about 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Those who purchase Ivermek injections for cats should also read the instructions. The medicinal composition is injected into the thigh area or at the withers. It is permissible to administer no more than 0.1 ml of product per 1 kg. If you want to use the drug for preventive purposes, an injection once a year is the optimal solution.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects may occur in your cat if you overdose. There are frequent cases when the animal’s body turns out to be hypersensitive to the basic components of the drug.

Possible side effects include the following:

  • allergy;
  • excessive salivation (salivation);
  • frequent bowel movements and urination;
  • nausea and vomiting.

In some situations, cats may experience additional digestive problems, as well as disturbances in the respiratory system.

If side effects appear, most of them occur 2-3 days after using the medicine. Try to monitor your cat during this period in order to notice possible complications in time.

As for contraindications to the use of Ivermek, they are also present. It is not recommended to use it to treat weakened individuals or animals that are currently suffering from viral or bacterial diseases. It is also undesirable to treat the fur of pregnant or lactating cats.


Among the key advantages of the drug, the following are worth highlighting:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • quick effect;
  • minor pain during injection into the animal’s body;
  • prompt distribution of the composition throughout the body;
  • Vitamin E performs an antioxidant function, so the risk of side effects is low;
  • The product can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy, and its cost is very affordable.

Remember that the use of such a medicine does not threaten a person in any way. However, before starting the procedure, it is advisable to wear rubber gloves, and at the end of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The veterinary drug is obtained by fermentation of the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis. Contains vitamin E, ivermectin. Ivermek is produced in the form of a sterile, colorless, light yellow opalescent injection solution, packaged in hermetically sealed glass bottles of 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 ml. Each bottle indicates the series, manufacturer, date of manufacture, expiration date, volume, method of use, the inscriptions “For animals”, “Sterile”, the active ingredients and their proportions are indicated. The boxes must contain instructions for use.

One ml of Ivermec contains 10 mg of ivermectin, 40 mg of vitamin E. The unique water-dispersed form ensures a high degree of effectiveness of the veterinary drug.

Ivermek is stored in closed packaging out of the reach of children at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees Celsius. If stored correctly, the shelf life of the veterinary drug from the date of release is two years. After opening the bottle, Ivermek should be used within 24 hours. After the expiration date, the medication must be disposed of.

Ivermek belongs to the group of moderately dangerous pharmacological drugs. Before use, consult your veterinarian, carefully read the instructions, and strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. When working with veterinary medicine, follow the rules of asepsis.

Indications for use

Ivermek in traditional medicine is prescribed to animals (dogs, cats, pigs, cattle, small cattle, horses, camels, deer, chickens) for the prevention and treatment of:

  • nematoses;
  • ascariasis;
  • habertiosis;
  • arachno-entomosis;
  • sarcoptic mange;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • osteragiasis;
  • cephalomyosis;
  • demodicosis;
  • estroza;
  • syphunctulosis;
  • mallophagosis;
  • hematopinosis;
  • Thelaziosis (eye nematodes);
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • gastrointestinal and pulmonary helminthiases.

Ivermek has high therapeutic efficacy, even at small dosages. Unlike existing analogues, it does not have a strong toxic, sensitizing or embryotoxic effect.


Ivermek is administered to animals intramuscularly into the area of ​​the inner thigh, croup, and neck (withers). For large and small cattle, horses, deer, camels - 1 ml per 50 kg of body weight (200 mcg of active substance per kilogram of weight) once. For pigs - 1 ml of ivermek per 33 kg of animal weight (300 mcg of active substance per 1 kg of weight) once.

Ivermek is administered to dogs and cats at a dosage of 0.2 ml of the drug per 10 kg of animal weight (200 mcg of active substance per 1 kg of weight). In severe cases, with sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, treatment is carried out again 7-11 days after the first injection. To avoid overdose, representatives of small ornamental breeds are recommended to dilute the veterinary drug with sterile distilled water.

In severe cases, when treating advanced forms of sarcoptoidosis, hematopinosis, treatment is carried out twice with an interval of seven to ten days.

To prevent nematodes, Ivermek is recommended to be used before placing them in stalls, and at the beginning of the spring before putting them out to pasture. Against gadfly larvae - at the end of summer, at the beginning of autumn, against pathogens of arachno-entomosis - according to the testimony of a veterinarian.

If the volume of the administered drug exceeds 10 ml, it must be administered to the animals in several places. Each batch of the drug is first tested on a small group of animals before use. If within three days they begin to process the entire livestock.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects after administration are noted in case of non-compliance with recommended dosages, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug; side effects are noted in animals. Allergies, excessive salivation (salivation), frequent bowel movements, urination, nausea, and vomiting may develop. Possible disruption of digestive processes and respiratory function (ataxia). Ivermec should be used with caution for dogs of the following breeds: collie, bobtail, sheltie (due to breed intolerance).

As a rule, such symptoms disappear spontaneously on the second or third day. Therefore, after using the veterinary drug, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the animals.

Ivermek for treatment and prevention is not prescribed to weakened, exhausted individuals, or if the animal is suffering from a viral or bacterial disease. Lactating (nursing), milking, and pregnant females in the last trimester of pregnancy are not subject to treatment. The drug is not used in laying hens. Slaughter of animals is permissible only 28-30 days after treatment with Ivermek.