Euphorbia pallasa beneficial properties. Euphorbia Pallas: use for the treatment of various diseases

Euphorbia Pallas is a rare herb. The plant belongs to the class Angiosperms, family Euphorbiaceae. Scientific name: Fischer's spurge. Folk names: aconite climbing, man-root. The plant is poisonous. Endemic, growing area - Eastern Siberia, rocky slopes of the hills of Transbaikalia. Euphorbia Pallas is found in China and Mongolia.

Plant biology

Height - 40-50 cm. Perennial herb, with a thick stem and large inflorescences at the top. Description of leaves. In the lower part of the stem the leaves are small; on the upper part the leaves are arranged in whorls of 2-5 leaflets. Leaf blades of different shapes - round, ovoid.

  • Description of peduncles.

    At the top there are five flowering shoots - tripartite and bipartite. The flowers are collected in an umbrella-like yellow inflorescence. The corolla of the flower is large, bell-shaped, the fused petals are smooth and bare on the outside, fluffy on the inside, with cilia along the edges. Euphorbia Pallas blooms in May.

  • Description of the fruits.

    The fruit is dry (three-nut capsule), formed by three brownish nuts.

  • Description of the root system:

    taproot, the main branching root is well developed, reminiscent of a powerful ginseng root ("man" shape).

Description of the chemical composition. The plant has well-developed laticifers with thick white milky sap:

  • contain triterpenoids (essential oils), resins;
  • selenium (has antioxidant properties);
  • steroids, flavonoids (inhibit aging);
  • anthraglycosides (ensure the removal of stones from the urinary tract);
  • organic acids, coumarins;
  • plant analogues male hormones.

Collection and storage of medicinal raw materials

The roots, as medicinal raw materials, are harvested in July. The plant's grass is not used. When collecting raw materials, you must follow safety rules - wear safety glasses and gloves. The sap of the plant is poisonous, causing severe chemical burns, lacrimation, and runny nose.

The roots of the plant must be dug out by hand so as not to damage and to reach the branched lateral roots. The dug roots are washed in cold water, dried in the sun. The dried roots are peeled from the bark, cut into large pieces and dried in the sun. The bark must be removed, otherwise the roots will rot and lose their roots. medicinal properties.

Euphorbia Pallas in folk medicine

In official medicine, the medicinal properties of plants are not used, but pharmacists and doctors conduct research to study their phytotherapeutic properties. Thus, the benefits of milkweed preparations have been established:

  • provide positive effect on men's hormonal background.
  • have an anticoagulant effect;
  • exhibit immunomodulatory properties; promote wound healing;
  • due to the selenium content, they can be used to activate blood circulation;
  • exhibit antifungal effects;
  • exhibit laxative properties, accelerate vomiting;
  • suppress the growth of tumor cells, in folk medicine used to treat leukemia.

Chinese doctors use milkweed to cure tuberculosis, anthrax, mastopathy and uterine fibroids, infertility, prostatitis and adenoma. Euphorbia Pallas preparations regulate the exchange of male sex hormones, have beneficial influence for potency. The drug is indicated for damage to the male gonads - testicles, and decreased erection. Using lotions from a decoction of milkweed roots cures lymphadenitis and lymphangitis.

Tinctures in a ratio of 1:20 are prepared with vodka. They insist for a week. Apply starting with a drop and increasing to 30. Then the dose is reduced to one drop. It is recommended to take muzhik root prophylactically in spring and autumn, in courses of up to 1.5 months. The duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease. In some cases, the duration of treatment reaches up to a year.

Contraindications to the use of Euphorbia Pallas

Individual intolerance to the drug is possible. The use of milkweed by pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 18 years of age is prohibited. In case of overdose, a violation may occur heart rate, vomiting and loose stools with blood, convulsions, loss of consciousness, arrhythmia. May come death. When used externally, milkweed causes chemical burns; if it gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, blindness can occur.

Actions in case of poisoning:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Rinse the stomach with a 2% soda solution and crushed activated carbon.
  3. Drink cold milk with mucous drinks that reduce the absorption of poisons (jelly, flaxseed suspension).
  4. In case of contact with skin or eyes, rinse the burn area. big amount cool water(do not rub eyes or affected skin).

Euphorbia Pallas can be used internally or externally only under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to strictly follow the dosage and method of use.

In addition to Pallas's milkweed, swamp spurge also exhibits medicinal properties.

Plant biology

Swamp spurge - tall plant, growing along the banks, in marshy areas. A plant with narrow leaves of a soft green color. Flowers are collected in inflorescences. The corolla has a variety of colors - from white to purple. Varieties of this milkweed with beautiful yellow-orange and red inflorescences are grown in gardens. Swamp spurge blooms in early to mid-summer.

The fruits are long, with pea-like seeds. Ripen in July. The plant is listed in the Red Book of some regions of the country.

The chemical composition has been poorly studied, but the benefits and medicinal properties have been known to herbalists for a long time. The plant is used in folk medicine. The medicinal properties are exhibited by the above-ground part of the plant - grass, milky juice. Harvesting begins during the flowering period, most often the raw materials are used fresh. Tea: a teaspoon of powdered roots is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 5-7 minutes. Benefits of tea: used to treat asthma, syphilis, rheumatism.

The infusion can treat dysentery, diarrhea, and stomach inflammation. The expulsion plant has good medicinal effects. different types worms from the body. The benefits and medicinal properties of euphorbia are significantly higher than their poisonous properties. Euphorbia Pallas can be bought in alternative medicine pharmacies, but the use of the drug must be strictly as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Fischer's spurge, Komarov's spurge, sungazer, devil's milk, man-root, man-grass, exile, Transbaikal ginseng

The plant is not used by official medicine. Moreover, Pallas's spurge is poisonous. But a root man is in demand in folk recipes. Naturopaths assure that if the remedy is used correctly, the herb will provide immunostimulating, bactericidal, antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. The plant can provoke the removal of urinary stones, stimulate hematopoiesis and provide increased male sexual activity.

Latin name: Euphorbia fischeriana

Name in English: Spurge, euphorbia

There is a version that Pallas's spurge is a medieval mandrake, a plant that was endowed with almost magical properties. Indeed, a dug up milkweed root very much resembles a human figure. For this similarity and for its ability to restore male health, the plant is popularly nicknamed “man root.” Official medicine does not apply unique plant, but Pallas’s milkweed confirms the medicinal properties. At the same time, doctors remind that there are quite serious contraindications to Pallas's milkweed, which must be taken into account.

Description of culture

The grass received its name “Pallas” thanks to the biologist Peter Simon Pallas, who studied the unique plant for several years. It was his research that made it possible to uncover many of the mysteries of this rare culture. The man-root plant has characteristic features, by which it is easy to distinguish it from other brothers.

  • Stem. The straight bare stem barely reaches 40 cm. The stem and leaves contain milky juice. If you break the stem, this caustic substance will immediately begin to be released.
  • Leaves. Tapered long leaves, slightly reminiscent of an ellipse, grow directly from the stem.
  • Flowers. An umbellate inflorescence crowns the top of the stem. Small yellow flowers bloom in spring.
  • Fruit. At the end of flowering, a three-cell box with thick walls is formed. It contains three smooth spherical seeds.
  • Root. The branched and thick rhizome of milkweed can go one meter deep into the ground. If you carefully dig it up and clear it of soil, you can easily recognize the figure of a man in it. When cut, a milky white juice begins to ooze from the rhizome, which is highly pungent.

All parts of the plant contain milky sap. This liquid is released instantly if the spurge is accidentally broken. The milky sap of the plant is very poisonous. Therefore, the culture requires great care.

Collection and procurement rules

Despite the fact that the plant is listed in the Red Book of the Chita region. In Siberia and Altai, milkweed is often perceived as a garden weed that is not so easy to pull out of the ground due to its root. That is why it is easy for residents of these regions to prepare medicinal raw materials. In order to prepare Pallas's spurge yourself without causing harm to yourself, you need to listen to the advice of herbalists.

  • Collection time. For medicinal purposes, only the root is used. Its collection begins after the milkweed has withered. Sometimes the plant dries out already in August. But most often the collection begins in early autumn.
  • Body protection. After the milky juice gets on the skin, it remains a severe burn. And especially dangerous are plant vapors that can penetrate the respiratory system or drops of liquid that get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Therefore, before you start digging up the root, you need to take care maximum protection bodies. Be sure to wear clothing that completely covers your skin. Put thick gloves on your hands. Cover your eyes with glasses. It would be useful to wear a respirator or gauze bandage.
  • Correct excavation. Euphorbia Pallas has a fairly branched, powerful root, so start digging the plant away from the stem. Do not forget that healing power all branches of the root system possess, so try not to damage them.
  • Drying the root. The root is cleared of soil. It is then washed under water. The raw materials are laid out under the sun for initial drying. When the brown bark begins to peel off, drying is completed. All bark is thoroughly peeled off. The root itself is cut into pieces and dried in the air, but not under the sun. The raw materials are periodically turned over.

If you do not remove the brownish bark from the root, then such raw materials will acquire an ugly dirty-gray tint and a musty smell. Herbalists claim that such raw materials also lose their medicinal properties.

Healing components

There are many known plant species belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. However, the highest biological activity It is the Euphorbia of Pallas that possesses it. Its chemical composition includes many components with healing powers, as can be seen from the table.

Table - Chemical composition and benefits of Pallas's milkweed

Lactones - Provide bactericidal effect;
- inhibit the spread of cancer cells
Tannins - Have antiseptic properties
Selenium - Necessary for normal operation male reproductive system
Flavonoids - Protect against viruses;
- improve the condition of blood vessels and the heart;
- reduce discomfort in women caused by PMS and menopause
Fatty acid - Promote the removal of gallstones and urinary stones;
- protect blood vessels
Ascorbic acid - Strengthens the immune system

Medicinal properties of Euphorbia Pallas

The plant is not used in official medicine. However, scientists became interested in the medicinal properties of Pallas's milkweed back in the 50s of the last century. Since that time, culture began to be studied in detail. This made it possible to confirm the many healing effects of milkweed, which are successfully used by traditional healers.

One of the important effects for which Pallas's spurge is valued is its ability to restore hormonal balance in the male body. Selenium, which is part of the plant, is a necessary element for the synthesis of androgens. It helps in treating impotence.

At the same time, the plant helps fight not only male ailments. It is also useful for women in the treatment of mastopathy, cysts, and fibroids. Healers also give the following indications for the use of Pallas’ medicinal milkweed:

  • inflammation, tumors;
  • tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • colds, flu;
  • gastritis, ulcers, dyspeptic disorders;
  • anemia;
  • fungus;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • depression, psycho-emotional disorders, neurasthenia.


A healing plant can become a real poison if used incorrectly. Therefore, before starting treatment with Euphorbia Pallas at home, be sure to consult your doctor. And remember that a root man cannot replace drug therapy, so refusing doctor’s prescriptions is strictly prohibited. Euphorbia Pallas is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • excessive excitability;
  • tachycardia;
  • individual sensitivity.

Overdose: how to identify and what to do

During therapy, dosages must be strictly adhered to. Euphorbia is poisonous and, if abused, can lead to severe consequences. If milky juice gets on the skin, you must immediately place the burned area under running water. In case of internal overdose, the patient may experience:

  • bloody vomiting;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • fainting is possible.

To neutralize the harm of Pallas's milkweed, the following measures are used.

  • Take absorbent. It is recommended to take Activated Carbon. The number of tablets is calculated based on the patient’s weight. For every 10 kg 1 pill.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It is necessary to drink a lot of any liquid. This will allow you to quickly remove toxins from the intestines, liver, and kidneys.
  • Drink warm milk. If vomiting is not severe, then it is best to drink warm milk. This product binds toxic substances and removes them from the body.

If the patient has difficulty breathing, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Euphorbia in large doses can cause death.

Recipes and treatment regimens

Dry raw materials can be purchased for sale. This root of Euphorbia Pallas is used to prepare a decoction, water or alcohol tincture. There is another way to use the root - in powder form. Typically therapy lasts 1.5 months. Under the supervision of a doctor, treatment can be extended. The following recipes are most often used for therapeutic purposes.


Peculiarities. A water infusion is recommended for the treatment of the male reproductive system. It helps increase potency and treats prostatitis. An infusion of water is also useful for women. It is also recommended for the fight against fibroids, cysts, and fibroids. The drug helps with mastitis and infertility, if the latter is caused by inflammation. Take the infusion one tablespoon at a time. The medication is repeated four times a day at regular intervals.


  • milkweed root - 5 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. The root must be chopped.
  2. The resulting raw material is poured with boiling water.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and infuse the medicine for half an hour.
  4. Filtered.

This infusion is used for baths for severe joint or muscle pain. Such a bath can quickly relieve discomfort during an exacerbation of gout.


Peculiarities. Healers recommend drinking a decoction of Euphorbia Pallas for illnesses respiratory system, and the root man is especially useful in the treatment of bronchitis and tuberculosis. It even helps in treatment bronchial asthma. The decoction is indicated for oncology. Take it one tablespoon two to three times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology.


  • milkweed root - 5 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Euphorbia root is crushed.
  2. The resulting raw material is poured with ordinary water.
  3. The solution is boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then it is recommended to infuse the decoction for two hours.
  5. After this, the drink is filtered.


Peculiarities. The powder, as reviews show, helps with skin pathologies. It is recommended to sprinkle this product purulent wounds, treat burns, abscesses. The product allows you to effectively treat furunculosis. But even when used externally, one should remember moderation. It is recommended to sprinkle the affected areas with powder twice a day.


  • milkweed root;


  1. The raw materials are softened in a mortar.
  2. Then grind in a coffee grinder.

Honey pills

Peculiarities. The main purposes of such pills are to increase immunity, strengthen the cardiac system and improve the condition of blood vessels. By improving the condition of the walls of blood vessels, it is possible to normalize blood pressure. It is recommended to take two pills three times a day. They are washed down with water.


  • milkweed root - 100 g;
  • honey - 50 g.


  1. First, grind the milkweed root into powder.
  2. The raw materials are diluted with liquid honey and mixed.
  3. Small pill-balls with a diameter of 5 mm are formed from the viscous mass.

Alcohol tincture

Peculiarities. Tincture with alcohol or vodka is recommended for the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Also, with the help of vodka tincture, prostate adenoma, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, and impotence are treated.


  • spurge - 10 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.


  1. Euphorbia is crushed a little.
  2. Small raw materials are poured with vodka.
  3. The product is placed in a dark place and left for 14 days.
  4. Periodically, shake the container with the future tincture thoroughly.
  5. The drink is filtered.

How to drink the tincture

Used alcohol tincture Euphorbia Pallas root according to one of the following schemes.

  • Preventive and restorative. Take eight to ten drops three times a day. This treatment lasts two months. This particular regimen is also recommended for weight loss.
  • Medicinal (for illnesses) moderate severity). Start taking the tincture with one drop, three times a day. Every day the dosage is increased by one drop. This continues until they reach 30 drops. Then they begin to reduce the dose, decreasing by one drop daily.
  • Therapeutic (for severe illnesses). Typically, this technique is recommended for oncology or advanced diseases. The scheme is completely similar to the one described above, only they start with 15 drops. Reaching 30, they return to 15.

Taking Euphorbia Pallas root on an empty stomach can cause nausea and even cause severe vomiting. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, medicines based on muzhik root are taken only after meals.

The use of Euphorbia Pallas in folk medicine is widely known. It is otherwise called the male root. This plant is poisonous; it must be used correctly, strictly taking into account the dosage.

It can have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bactericidal, antitumor effects. It provokes the removal of stones, stimulates blood circulation, and is used to treat prostatitis and enhance sexual power in men.

Beneficial features

The root man got his name because of his resemblance to the human figure.

Euphorbia Pallas contains:

  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • steroids;
  • tannins;
  • anathraglycosides;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • organic acids;
  • bitterness;
  • selenium.

Due to its high selenium content, the plant stimulates hematopoiesis, it is indispensable in the treatment of anemia, during the recovery period after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, with leukemia.

Euphorbia prevents the process of metastasis, its antitumor effect is due to increased protective properties and regulation of immunity.

The advantage of the medicinal plant is the content of phytoandrogens, phytoexysteroids, which are an analogue of male sex hormones.

It is these components that lead Euphorbia Pallas to its demand in the treatment of the male reproductive system. It is used to regulate androgen levels, resulting in beneficial effect on the potency of men.

Widely used in the treatment of:

  • prostate adenomas;
  • prostatitis;
  • tumor processes;
  • violated hormonal levels;
  • impotence.

In addition, Pallas's spurge is a powerful immunostimulant that has the following properties:

Take note! Herbal medicine believes that the male root helps not only against prostatitis, but also in various branches of medicine.

How to use

Dry male root is available for sale, which is used to make decoctions, alcohol and water infusions. You can also use it in powder. Treatment usually lasts for 1.5 months, but if necessary, under the supervision of a specialist, therapy can be extended.

The most commonly used recipes for cooking are: medicine.

Water infusion

A water infusion is used to treat prostatitis, it increases potency. Should be taken 1 tbsp. l. four times a day. When taking it, it is important to ensure equal time intervals between consuming the infusion.

To make it you should take:

  • 5 g of milkweed root;
  • ½ l. water.

The crushed root is poured with boiling water, the container is covered with a lid and the medicine is infused for 30 minutes.

After which it should be filtered. The water infusion can also be used for bathing.


Decoction male root widely used for prostate cancer. It is taken 1 tbsp. l. 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology. To prepare it take:

  • 5 g of Euphorbia Pallas root;
  • ½ l. water.

The crushed raw materials are poured with cool water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Next, you need to leave for 2 hours, then strain.

Honey balls

Honey pills increase immunity and help relieve inflammation.

They can be taken as prophylactic to exclude relapse of the disease.

They provide beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to increased erection.

This tool Take 3 times a day, 2 balls, washed down with water.

To make pills you should take:

  • 100 g of milkweed root;
  • 50 g honey.

The crushed root is diluted with honey of a liquid consistency. Balls with a diameter of 5 mm are made from the resulting mass.


The powder is used to stimulate hematopoiesis, increase the body's protective properties, and regulate immunity. Use euphorbia crushed to a powdery state on the tip of a knife, about 0.03 g half an hour before meals, with water.

Alcohol tincture

Vodka tincture treats prostate adenoma, impotence, and inflammation in the male reproductive system.

To make it you should take:

  • 10 g root;
  • ½ liter of vodka.

Crushed spurge is poured with vodka, the medicine is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Periodically it should be taken out and shaken thoroughly. After preparation, strain the infusion.

  • The recovery regimen involves taking 8-10 drops 3 times a day. Treatment lasts for 2 months. This scheme helps for weight loss.
  • For the treatment of diseases medium degree gravity. Reception begins with 1 drop 3 times a day. Every day the intake is increased by 1 drop. Continues until it reaches 30 drops daily. Next, the dosage is reduced by 1 drop daily.
  • For the treatment of severe disease. This scheme is used for oncological process or advanced stage prostatitis. The scheme is similar to the one described above. You just need to start by taking 15 drops. If you increase the dosage by 1 drop every day, you should reach 30 drops. Next you need to go back to 15 drops.

The duration of treatment depends on the type and degree of the disease. For example, an oncological tumor is treated over the course of a year. As a preventive measure medicinal plant can be used in spring and autumn.

The herb should only be taken after meals, as it can cause nausea and vomiting if taken on an empty stomach..


It is good to combine the above treatment with the use of microenemas with the addition of 1 drop of milkweed decoction. Alternation with hemlock tincture gives a good effect. Flaxseed oil 1 tsp is excellent for microenemas. mix oil with 1 tsp. any vegetable oil and 40 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Beat the oils, mix with water, use immediately after preparation. For better effect microenemas should be performed at night.


Subsidence inflammatory process helps by taking a sitz bath with Pallas's decoction and adding medicinal herbs, chamomile, yarrow, celandine, sage. The bath temperature should be from 38 to 42 degrees.

It is important to remember that any sitz baths are prohibited in case of oncology and prostate adenoma. You can wipe the perineum from the anus to the testicles with a cotton pad dipped in warm broth or water infusion male root.

Clay applications

Clay applications prepared with powder give a good anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare them follows from the peel horse chestnut and 1 tsp. powder of a medicinal plant, poured with 1 cup of boiling water, knead the clay.

Make a cake out of it, which, while warm, is applied to the perineal area. Next, you should lie down in bed and wrap yourself in a blanket. The bandage lasts for 2 hours, after which you need to take a bath.

The course of treatment lasts a week. The use of Euphorbia Pallas in this form for prostate adenoma and oncology is prohibited.

Nutrition and treatment with male root

An important component in the treatment of prostatitis is the male root. balanced diet. The patient should have the most varied food based on dairy and plant components.

It is necessary to exclude pickled, salted, smoked foods, and any alcoholic beverages. During the period of exacerbation, it is important to increase the nutritional requirement; during remission, weakening is possible.

  • rich soups;
  • fatty foods;
  • fried food;
  • fruits with high acidity;
  • products that cause increased gas formation.

Will be useful:

  • apples;
  • watermelons;
  • lean fish;
  • lean meat;
  • skim cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • Walnut;
  • pumpkin seeds.

After the exacerbation subsides, it is recommended to switch to your usual diet gradually, over the course of a month.

Milkweed contraindications

Despite the many useful qualities, Pallas's spurge can be a serious poison. Before using it, you need to consult with your doctor who will assess your health condition. Milkweed contraindications:

  • hyperexcitability;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • tachycardia.

Due to the toxicity of the plant, it is important to strictly follow the dosage. Do not allow milkweed to come into contact with
skin, as this can lead to burns. In the event of such a development, you need to rinse the burned area with running water as quickly as possible. If the dosage is not followed, a man may develop the following: side effects which are a sign of poisoning:

  • labored breathing;
  • fainting;
  • vomiting blood;
  • diarrhea with bloody inclusions;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • dizziness.

To neutralize these symptoms, you should take activated carbon, which is calculated based on the patient’s body weight, 1 tablet per 10 kg. weight. You need to drink as much as possible clean water, thus removing toxins from the body. For mild vomiting, it is recommended to drink warm milk. Its action is aimed at binding toxic products and removing them from the body.

Important! Euphorbia is not a substitute for drug treatment, so it is necessary to continue the therapy prescribed by your doctor.

Useful video


With the help of the male root, you can cure prostatitis, support the condition of a man with prostate cancer, and control adenoma.

Euphorbia Pallas is a perennial plant, preparations from which are used as a strengthening and tonic.

The most common popular name for this plant is man-root or male root, which it received due to the resemblance of the root dug out of the ground to the figure of a man. According to a strange game of nature, the root-figure belongs to a plant that regulates the level of androgens in the body and has a beneficial effect on male potency.

The plant belongs to the Euphorbia family and is known in science by eponymous terms assigned in honor of the discoverers, those who described and immortalized their name in this way. Fischer's spurge, Komarov's spurge or Pallas's spurge are all the same inconspicuous specimen, rarely reaching a height of more than 40 centimeters.

But it has beautiful matte leaves, the size of which depends on their location on the stem, and an umbrella inflorescence that appears in May. So flower growers with exotic preferences grow it in their flowerbeds, reaping double benefits. Both the plant looks unusual and is a useful medicine.

Euphorbia Pallas: description of where species grow

This is a perennial plant that prefers rocky or gravelly soils and places well warmed by the sun. The original habitat area is the wide Mongolian and Chinese steppes, semi-steppes and East Siberian plains. You can find it in Korea, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, and in the Chita region it is listed in the Red Book.

The Euphorbia family is numerous and diverse, but this particular representative is distinguished by particularly strong medicinal properties. A long and strong root, which can only be extracted from the ground with great difficulty - its main advantage in the eyes of herbalists and healers, brings a lot of difficulties to gardeners and gardeners who are trying to get rid of it like a bothersome weed.

Saturated green color leaves with a matte surface brought it into the category of decorative, but the milky juice secreted by the stems and leaves, like all euphorbias, is abundant and poisonous.

The male root is unpretentious, does not require abundant watering and fertilizing, and is dormant in winter. In the wild, it is often found in solitary plantings, but easily tolerates the proximity of other plants when grown in medicinal purposes in summer cottages.

At home, it feels good only on the east or south side. In August-September, on Fischer's milkweed you can see a three-horned fruit, which appears in place of the May umbrella inflorescence.

Euphorbia Pallas - benefits of the composition

At the root of the plant you can find:





Organic acids;


The main distinguishing feature of the plant is the selenium content in all parts.

Its predominant advantage is phytoexysteroids and phytoandrogens - plant analogues of male sex hormones. They are what make the plant popular and unique in difficult cases, when it comes to male sexual performance and androgen hormone levels. That's why main aspect, which uses Euphorbia Pallas - treatment of the male genital area.

It is used in the treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, tumor neoplasms, hormonal disorders and impotence.

This is a powerful immunostimulant that has:




Wound healing;





Tonic and many other properties.

Herbalists and healers, and after them, doctors, believe that the root man is in demand not only in sexopathology, and can be used in almost all branches of modern medicine.

Euphorbia Pallas medicinal properties

Open and purulent wounds can be treated with Pallas's euphorbia, if the emphasis is on its anthelmintic, wound-healing, antimycotic and analgesic properties.

Anticarcinogenic drugs are used to prevent the formation of metastases if cancer occurs.

It slows down the aging process, treats diseases digestive system and respiratory diseases.

It is used in gynecology for mastopathy and fibroids caused by inflammatory processes.

It cleanses blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots, even affects the process of hematopoiesis, which makes it possible to treat anemia and leukemia with its help, and stop internal bleeding.

The most short description properties inherent in Pallas's milkweed - unique and universal. A whole pharmacy that grows in a root that looks like a human figurine.

Euphorbia Pallas application

Euphorbia Komarov is best known as a plant that can be used to solve problems of male potency. This is not an aphrodisiac with an immediate effect. This treatment plant, which, thanks to its unique analogues of androgenic hormones, treats problems at a basic level - regulating and restoring normal hormonal levels in men at puberty.

His additional effects– tonic, eliminating nervous and physical exhaustion, eliminating chronic fatigue, neurasthenia and depression, helps to achieve the intended goal faster than any chemical, synthetic hormone and a stimulant.

Prostatitis, prostate adenoma and other tumors genitourinary system, which create problems for male sexual power, can be treated with man root.

Sometimes people are firmly convinced that the man-root is a plant that can only help the male half of humanity. But they are excellent for treatment and some are especially women's diseases, and diseases common to women and men. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from users who returned normal condition using preparations from Euphorbia Pallas.

This medicinal plant is used for:

Weakened immunity (euphorbia root helps in the treatment of almost all diseases caused by recovery protective functions organism);

Malignant and benign tumors;

Venereal diseases;

Mastopathy and cysts in women;

Uterine fibroids, infertility caused by inflammation;

Skin diseases: scabies, fistulas, boils, abscesses, warts, calluses;

Fungal diseases;

Leukemia, anemia, since spurge improves the composition and cleanses the blood;

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis;


Infectious diseases;

Stomach diseases;

Lymphadenitis and lymphangitis;

Heart diseases.

Euphorbia Pallas application recipes

For treatment, it is better to contact a specialist who thoroughly knows the method of preparation, the ratio of ingredients, the required dosage, and the duration of the course. The specialist is able to adjust the medication intake in relation to the patient’s age, height and weight.

Folk recipes include common dosage forms characteristic of herbal medicine:

Alcohol tincture;

Pills (made from honey and milkweed root);

Powder that is used for oral administration.

Dried and crushed Pallas's milkweed root is used in decoction, infusion and tincture.

The root is also used for powder and pills, but ground dry to small particles.

Decoctions and infusions are traditionally prepared with water, while tinctures are prepared with alcohol. The ratio of ingredients, infusion or boiling time, amount of root and proportions of other components are determined depending on what disease will be treated. The subtleties of the process are well known to herbalists and traditional healers, herbalists and doctors who widely use folk recipes.

Tincture of Euphorbia Pallas

Pallas's milkweed tincture is one of the most famous medicinal products. It is used in the treatment of:

Joint pathologies;



Stomach ulcer;



Lung diseases.

Some herbalists recommend taking an alcoholic tincture of the male root for lotions and rubbing. The duration of treatment is variable, for example, for oncology it can last 12 months. In spring and autumn you can take in for preventive purposes, as a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent.

To prepare the drug, you will need half a liter of alcohol (70%), in which 10 grams of crushed and dried root is infused for two weeks. Courses of taking the tincture and their duration are best agreed upon with a specialist.

As a rule, it is taken according to the following schemes:

The first dose begins with taking 15 drops and increasing by 1 drop daily until their number is 30.

Then they begin to gradually reduce 1 drop every day until their quantity is equal to the original, i.e. 15 drops.

Take the tincture 3 times a day. After full course need to take a break.

According to the second scheme, start using 1 drop three times a day before meals and gradually increase to 30 drops. Then they begin to decrease 1 drop every day until they reach 1 drop again. After this, the intake is stopped and a repeat course is given according to the indications after the break.

According to the third scheme, the tincture is consumed 8-10 drops daily three times a day. The course is 30-60 days depending on the disease and the doctor’s prescription. According to this scheme, it is recommended to use the tincture for 2 months when losing weight.

Euphorbia root infusion (man-root)

To prepare a decoction, 5 grams of crushed root are brewed with 500 ml of boiling water, and, wrapped, leave for half an hour.

Strain and drink 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals, 30-40 minutes.

With this infusion you can make baths for pain in joints and muscles, gout in the acute stage.

Euphorbia decoction

The decoction is prepared in the same proportion as the infusion, i.e. For 500 ml of boiling water take 5 grams of root. The poured raw materials are boiled at low boil for 15 minutes and, after removing from the heat, leave for another two hours.

The strained broth is drunk 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to take this decoction for upper respiratory tract diseases and tuberculosis. It is prescribed for cancer.

Euphorbia Root Powder

As a tonic and strengthening agent, powder from the root of the plant is taken on the tip of a knife three times a day every day, washed down a small amount water.

This powder can be used for ulcers, burns, abscesses, teeth, applying it to the affected area 2 times a day.


You can make pills at home by mixing the root powder with honey. To prepare them take:

Natural honey – 50 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons)

Euphorbia root – 100 grams (powder)

Mix the components and make small pills from the resulting mass, approximately 5 mm in diameter.

Take them with a weakened immune system, to improve cardiac activity and blood vessels, 2 pieces three times a day, washed down with water.

Euphorbia Pallas contraindications

Like every medicine, preparations with Fischer's Euphorbia root have contraindications. The main ones are pregnancy, breastfeeding, tachycardia and increased excitability.

Negative consequences in the form of intestinal and digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting can be caused by an excessive dosage. Self-harvesting plants with poisonous milky sap often leads to skin burns and allergic reactions.

Individual intolerance to the substances contained in the root can lead to very serious consequences. That's why therapeutic measures can only be undertaken after consultation with a specialist.

While taking milkweed products on an empty stomach, some people may experience nausea or vomiting. In this case, you need to take them an hour and a half after eating.

Collection and preparation

Although the main growing region of milkweed is in Siberia and Altai, it can also be found middle lane Russia, and in other places. You can grow milkweed in your garden.

WITH medicinal purpose Only the root of the plant is used. You can use milkweed juice to remove warts by applying it directly to the affected area.

The root is harvested at the end of summer, beginning of autumn, when the plant begins to wither. When preparing, you need to remember that its juice can irritate the mucous membranes, skin, and eyes. Therefore, you need to do this carefully and wear protective gloves on your hands.

Its root is well branched, so when digging, you need to place a shovel at some distance from the base. Even small shoots have medicinal properties, so the entire root is taken.

After digging, it is cleared of soil, washed in water and dried.

The raw materials prepared in this way are laid out in the sun in one layer and dried. You can turn it over several times.

When the crust begins to come off, it is completely peeled and the root is cut into small pieces. The root should be dried in a ventilated area in the shade.

Euphorbia Pallas is a rare plant belonging to the class Angiosperms. This herb is popularly known as man-root. Application and beneficial features this perennial will be discussed in today's article.

A little history

For the first time, Yuba Ephorb, a doctor who served at the court of the Moorish king, became interested in the healing properties of individual plants belonging to the genus Euphorbia. Concerning scientific name specific species, then a confusing story happened here. Initially, the description of the plant was carried out by the German botanist Fedor Fischer. But out of absent-mindedness he assigned it a name already existing type. Subsequently, this oversight was noticed by another botanist, Nikolai Turchaninov. He specialized in species taxonomy and wanted to correct the mistake by giving the plant the name of Fischer himself, but through an oversight he wrote it down as Pallas's Euphorbia.

This perennial was once considered a good remedy for constipation. Its juice was used to get rid of birthmarks, warts and calluses. Mongolian and Chinese healers The muzhik root has been used for a long time. The use and beneficial properties, photos and history of this plant have been studied so well that it is still recommended today for enhancing sexual desire, maintaining an erection and treating sexually transmitted diseases.

Short description

Euphorbia Pallas (or Fischer) is a herbaceous plant with a well-developed root system and a long, strong stem. Its height can reach forty centimeters. On a simple, well-haired stem there are wide opposite leaves. Moreover, at the bottom they are scale-like, and at the top they are lily-like.

The man's root, the use and beneficial properties of which were known to our distant ancestors, blooms in May. Its fruit looks like a large flattened box with three brownish nutty seeds. All parts of the plant secrete abundant milky sap.

Distribution area

This is a purely endemic grass. It grows in Mongolia, Korea and China. In Russia it can be seen in Transbaikalia. It mainly grows in the southern and southeastern parts of the Chita region along the Onon, Argun and Shilka rivers.

This rare herb is listed in the Red Book. The man-root mainly grows on flat steppes, gravelly and rocky slopes.

Collection of raw materials

As a rule, the root of Euphorbia Pallas is used in medicine. They begin to harvest it immediately after the above-ground part of the plant wilts. This usually happens no earlier than July.

Since the milky juice of the grass is poisonous, its collection is carried out using gloves made of fairly dense material and special safety glasses. The root is removed by hand, trying to dig it out along with the lateral shoots. The extracted raw materials are cleaned of soil residues, washed and left to dry in the sun. After some time, the peeling brownish bark is removed from the roots, cut into large pieces and laid out at some distance from each other. Dry them in the open air, remembering to turn them over periodically. IN otherwise the raw materials will begin to rot and acquire an unpleasant musty odor.

Chemical composition

This aspect is still considered poorly understood. A man-root, the use and beneficial properties of which are determined by high content useful substances, rich in selenium, essential oils, myricin, sucrose and fatty acids. It contains quite a lot of alkaloids, toxins, flavonoids, tannins and bitter extractives.

The roots of Euphorbia Pallas contain 8% resins. And the fresh milky sap of the plant contains from 53 to 79% moisture and water-soluble substances. In addition, it contains eufuron, tirucallol and euphorbic acid anhydride.

properties and contraindications

The plant is useful because it contains high concentration phytoandrogens and phytoexysteroids. The active action of these substances contributes to quick deliverance from many diseases of the reproductive system. But at the same time, it should be used with caution by those who suffer from allergies.

Euphorbia Pallas has antitumor, restorative, laxative, bactericidal and tonic properties. Thanks to unique composition it is able to actively suppress inflammatory processes occurring in the human body.

Indications for use

Adherents of alternative medicine have been successfully using this herb (man root) for a long time. The use and beneficial properties of the plant, according to them, make it possible to effectively combat malignant tumors, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and diseases Bladder and kidneys. Preparations made from this perennial are indicated for phlegmon, boils, abscesses, purulent wounds and burns. The herb, endowed with strong laxative properties, is used to cleanse the intestines of toxins accumulated in it.

In folk medicine, Fischer's spurge has been used since ancient times to treat prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, testicular damage and chronic prostatitis. Preparations made from this plant are indicated for anemia. They are often prescribed to people who have undergone chemotherapy to restore blood flow. The herb prevents the growth of metastases and helps with leukemia.

Man root, whose medicinal properties are due to its unique chemical composition, is effective against bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia. It is used to combat various gynecological diseases, including cysts, fibroids and infertility caused by inflammatory processes. Mongolian healers use this amazing plant to treat liver echinococcosis and eczema. Herbalists use Euphorbia Pallas to reduce birthmarks, warts and calluses.

Side effects and overdose

It should be noted that the root man (application and beneficial properties, reviews and photos - all this information is presented in this publication) is very poisonous plant. Its milky juice contains a large number of euphorbic acid anhydride. The first sign of Fischer's milkweed poisoning is considered to be vomiting, accompanied by debilitating diarrhea, swelling of the tongue and a burning sensation in the mouth. The patient also experiences stomach pain, cramps, a sharp decline pressure, arrhythmia and heart failure. In especially severe cases, poisoning with this plant is fatal.

Overdose and long-term use of Pallas's milkweed can lead to ulceration. skin And chemical burns. Juice that gets into the eyes can cause blindness. Man-root should not be used for tachycardia, increased excitability, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Allergy sufferers should use this plant with extreme caution, strictly following the dosage recommended by the doctor.

Methods of application

The man-root, the benefits and harms of which were known in ancient times, is actively used in folk medicine. All kinds of decoctions, tinctures and powders are made from it.

To prepare one of these folk remedies take five grams of crushed root and pour half a liter of boiling water over it. All this is wrapped well and left for half an hour. After thirty minutes, the product is filtered through several layers of gauze and taken a tablespoon two to four times a day. This tincture effectively copes with cysts, mastopathy, fibroids, prostatitis and impotence.

To strengthen the immune system, stimulate hematopoiesis and activate protective forces the body often use powder prepared from milkweed root. It is taken 0.03 grams three times a day, half an hour before meals. The powder is also sprinkled on purulent wounds, burns and abscesses.

To combat stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, epilepsy, anemia, bronchial asthma, bladder and kidney diseases, use a decoction prepared from five grams of crushed Fischer's milkweed root. It is filled with half a liter of filtered water and placed on the stove. The broth is boiled for fifteen minutes, infused for two hours and filtered through cheesecloth. Accept healing agent three times a day, a full tablespoon before meals.

To enhance immunity and prevent various diseases It is recommended to use alcohol tincture. To do this, take ten grams of the root and grind it. The resulting powder is poured with half a liter of 70% alcohol and put in a dark place. Infuse the product for a week, shaking it periodically. Take 8-10 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Root man: application, reviews

People who actually used this perennial talk about high efficiency this tool. According to them, with the help of preparations made from Fischer's milkweed, you can get rid of many health problems. It has an excellent wound healing effect and helps strengthen the immune system.

Man root is also often used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. Use for men is due to the fact that this plant contains substances that affect potency.

Also, everyone who has used this plant recommends taking precautions and remembering what to do in case of poisoning. The first thing to do in case of an overdose is to call emergency help. Before doctors arrive, you can do a gastric lavage with a 2% soda solution and drink cold milk, flaxseed suspension or jelly.

Euphorbia Pallas (man-root), folk recipes

Euphorbia Pallas (man-root) is a plant not known to many. As a rule, it is familiar only to those people who practice traditional medicine and herbal medicine. This plant was unknown to me, because it grows in Siberia and the Urals, and is also found in Altai on jagged slopes. I have never been there, and I have never seen this plant in nature, however, it also deserves attention! Basically, only the roots are used as medicinal raw materials, but sometimes the above-ground part is also used. And this plant interested me because with its help diseases such as sarcoma and prostatitis are cured, it is used as an aphrodisiac and laxative for lung diseases, malignant tumors, especially with sarcoma, peptic ulcer, as a tonic and stimulant for severe common diseases. Euphorbia Pallas stimulates the exchange of male sex hormones during chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, testicular damage. It can also be used to restore blood after radiation sickness and chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Traditional medicine uses Euphorbia Pallas root preparations for malignant neoplasms most various localizations, including for leukemia. Chinese doctors use this plant to cure tuberculosis of the bone and lymphatic system. And in Tibet, anthrax is treated with a decoction of the roots. Herbalists recommend taking Euphorbia Pallas not only for diseases of the male genital area (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, infertility), but also with uterine fibroids and mastopathy.

In folk medicine, it is used in the form of alcohol tinctures, infusions and externally in the form of powders from the leaves to cover wounds, especially purulent ones, and is used for boils, abscesses, phlegmon, burns.

Euphorbia PallasAlcohol tincture is prepared as follows.

Pour 10 g of crushed root into 500 ml of 70% alcohol, leave for 10-12 days in a dark place, then strain. There are 3 methods of using the tincture:

Drink with 15 caps. 3 r. per day, every day, increase the dose by 1 drop. and so on up to 30 drops. Then in the reverse order, reducing 1 drop at a time.

Take 8-10 drops. 3 r. a day half an hour before meals.

Start with 1 drop. 3 r. per day before meals, increasing 1 drop every day. And so on until 30 drops. Then in reverse order to 1 drop. The tincture according to this scheme should be taken in spring and autumn.

The duration of administration depends on the purpose of use, the form and severity of the disease. For example, for impotence and anemia - a course of treatment from 3 to months. For oncology - from several months to 1 year. For prevention, it is enough to take the tincture 2 times a year, in spring and autumn for 1.5 months.

Eastern healers have long been aware of the beneficial properties of milkweed. They attributed herbal medicines from it to their patients, among whom was the great commander Genghis Khan. According to legend, medicine from milkweed gave Genghis the strength to defeat the enemy on the battlefield. Pallas's euphorbia also confidently helps overcome many diseases.

History of the name

Euphorbia Pallas is a succulent from the Euphorbiaceae family.. Like its relatives, the plant, when broken, releases viscous juice, for which it received its generic name. While traveling about healing abilities milkweed was heard by the famous naturalist P. Pallas. He was interested in an unusual succulent and the scientist devoted several years to its research. In memory of the scientific merits of the naturalist, milkweed was awarded his name.

Euphorbia received the epithet “euphorbos” (“fleshy”) for its thick leaves. It was first mentioned under this name by Pliny in his writings. The Latin name Euphorbia was finally fixed in the taxonomy of C. Linnaeus in the 18th century.

In common parlance, Euphorbia Pallas is called man-grass, man-root, exile, sungazer, devil's milk. Thus, the therapeutic power of the plant is emphasized, which has a beneficial effect on male potency. In addition, milkweed root slightly resembles a miniature human figurine, which is why it is sometimes called Transbaikal ginseng.


The main growing region of Euphorbia Pallas man-root is Eastern Siberia, Transbaikalia, and the Far East. The plant is classified as rare and is listed in the Red Book.

Euphorbia Pallas has a straight, thick stem that stretches 0.4–0.5 m in height. Appearance The leaf blades differ depending on their location: in the root zone they are scaly, in the upper part they are narrow and sessile. The color of the leaves is brown and brown-green.

In May, flowers bloom at the top of the succulent yellow flowers, collected in an umbrella inflorescence. After pollination, fruits are formed, in the form of a box with three brown nuts.

The most important part of the plant is the powerful, branched root., reaching a length of up to 1 m. Its harvesting is carried out in the fall, after the upper part of the exile has dried.

Chemical composition

Euphorbia Pallas has a complex of useful substances and elements. It contains:

  • organic acids;
  • coumarins;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids;
  • resins;
  • selenium.

Alkaloids, resins, tannins contribute fast healing wounds, disinfect skin lesions. Selenium has a positive effect on blood circulation and blood composition. Steroids and flavonoids slow down the aging process in the body. Anthraglycozoids normalize the functioning of the urinary system.

IN chemical composition The root contains lactone, phytoexysteroids and phytoandrogens, which provide the unique medicinal properties of the plant. Lactone is known as an effective antitumor agent. Phytoexysteroids and phytoandrogens are natural analogues of male hormones. Their effect helps to increase potency and normalizes hormonal levels in the male body.

Beneficial features

Traditional medicine makes full use of healing properties Euphorbia Pallas. Preparations with the root of the plant have the maximum effect. It has analgesic, tonic, antifungal, wound healing, antibacterial, diaphoretic, choleretic, anthelmintic and antitumor effects.

The succulent is famous as an effective immunostimulant. Preparations based on it are included in the medication course for the treatment of numerous diseases:

The chemicals contained in the herb thin the blood, so they are recommended for the prevention of thrombophlebitis, strokes and heart attacks. The root has antifungal properties that are used for treatment dermatological diseases- scabies, boils, fistulas, abscesses. It is also used in for cosmetic purposes for liquidation age spots, warts, calluses.

Medicines with muzhik root have a mild laxative effect and help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They have also proven themselves as a tonic and tonic, increase physical and mental activity, relieve fatigue.

Euphorbia Pallas, whose medicinal properties have long been known, has proven to be indispensable in the fight against cancer diseases. It is useful to take at all stages of the disease. The lactone contained in the root of the succulent hinders the formation of metastases and has an antitumor effect. In folk medicine, recipes with exorcism are used for diagnoses of duodenal cancer, leukemia, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, cirrhosis, and lymphogranulomatosis. Decoctions from muzhik root give strength to restore the body after courses of chemotherapy.

It brought glory to the plant beneficial effects on the reproductive system human body . Man root is equally beneficial for men and women. It helps treat prostatitis, prostate adenoma, testicular pathologies, mastopathy, infertility, and uterine fibroids.

Application, recipes

The official pharmacopoeia has so far made little use of the powerful medicinal potential of Pallas's milkweed. It is mainly used in their practice traditional healers. Man, the root is prepared in the form of decoctions, tinctures, infusions, powder, pills.

For the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, leukemia, peptic ulcer, epilepsy, oncological diseases, sarcomas Recommended decoction:

5 g root powder

The powder is poured with water and simmered over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then leave for 2 hours and filter. Drink 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

For infertility, fibroids, fibroids, mastopathy, prostatitis, cysts, diseases of the reproductive system in men, drink infusion:

5 g root powder

500 ml water

The powder is brewed with hot boiled water and left for 30 minutes under the lid. Strain before use. Drink 1 tbsp. lie down 4 times a day. The infusion can be used to make foot baths to treat gout.

Powder from muzhik root is taken as an immune-strengthening agent.(up to 5 g 3 times a day). Powder powder is used to heal wounds, boils, relieves toothache. An ointment made from a mixture of fat and powder is applied to areas of the skin affected by scabies (3 times a day).

Most Popular therapeutic agent is an alcohol tincture. It is given for impotence, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, peptic ulcer, pulmonary and oncological diseases:

10 g root powder

0.5 l alcohol (70%)

The powder is poured with alcohol and sealed in a container for 2 weeks. Infuse in a dark, cool place. Strain before use. The dosage of the drug occurs according to an increasing scheme from 15 drops at a time 3 times a day (1st day), with the addition of 1 drop in subsequent days. Maximum 30 drops. Then the dosage is also gradually reduced to 15 drops. After the course there is a three-month break.


Euphorbia Pallas is a toxic plant; the milky sap it produces is poisonous. It may cause burns if it comes into contact with skin. Hence one of the names of the succulent is “devil’s milk.” Collecting the root must be done carefully, after protecting your hands with gloves.

When using herbal remedies that contain exorcism, the dosage should be strictly observed. If the norm is exceeded, they may appear symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • tachycardia.

Pregnant and lactating women and children should not take medications containing Euphorbia Pallas.