Dental health is human health. Dental health is an indicator of health. Wearing braces requires careful care

Every person dreams of a beautiful and healthy smile. It's no secret that toothache and the upcoming trip to the dentist frightens many adults.It is impossible to completely protect yourself from diseases of the teeth and gums. However, this largely depends on us. Maintaining healthy image life, good habits and compliance with hygiene rules protect oral cavity and solve many problems. Modern dentistry known great amount interesting facts about teeth.

Whitening harms tooth enamel

Professional products and hardware techniques lead to thinning of the top layer of the tooth, and overindulgence The procedure gradually completely destroys the enamel. Many patients experience hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

Whitening pastes for home use contain harsh abrasives and aggressive chemical components, which erase and corrode the enamel. The laser technique is considered the safest, but you should be careful with it.

Food acids have a negative effect on teeth

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The condition of teeth is adversely affected not only by chemical substances, but also organic acids contained in many healthy products. The acid reacts with calcium and corrodes upper layer enamels.

Most high acidity possess citrus fruits and berries. It is worth remembering that these products are very useful and necessary for the body, including teeth. You need to use them in moderation. After eating, do not brush your teeth with toothpaste for 30 minutes, but simply rinse your mouth with water.

Oral hygiene after every meal

After eating, a lot of food remains remain in the mouth. They get stuck in the interdental space and settle on the mucous membrane. Food begins to decompose under the influence of saliva, which is favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Problems encountered:

After eating, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Regular hygiene should become a habit.

Fluoride is needed for healthy teeth

Fluoride is a compound of organic or inorganic origin that contains fluorine. Almost all toothpastes are rich in this element; it is also found in some foods and drinking water. Fluoride is really necessary for the teeth and the body as a whole, but its excess can have a detrimental effect on health (in high concentrations, fluorides are toxic).

Benefits of fluoride:

  • changes the color and condition of the surface of the crowns (white chalky spots appear);
  • negatively affects metabolism;
  • promotes deformation bone tissue;
  • affects the nervous system;
  • disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

White toothpastes are better than gel toothpastes

This statement can easily be classified as a myth. Experts say that white or gel pastes have the same cleaning and protective properties. In terms of their basic composition, they are completely identical. White color The paste is given titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate.

Choice between regular paste and gel – it’s a matter of everyone’s taste. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and suits the individual.

Mouthwash protects teeth and gums

Using mouthwash in the morning and evening has a beneficial effect on the health of your teeth and gums. After brushing your teeth, a certain amount of bacteria and plaque remains in your mouth. In addition, the brush does not clean the cheeks, palate and tongue, which also need hygiene.

The rinse contains refreshing, cleansing and protecting ingredients. Ethanol is a good antiseptic. Many liquids contain herbal decoctions that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea will help prevent caries

Green tea has many useful qualities. It invigorates, supplies the body with antioxidants, is natural antiseptic. Many people have heard that tea helps prevent cancer.

Scientists have found out about the positive effect of the drink on the oral cavity. It really protects against the development of caries and periodontal disease. Green tea kills bacteria and also reduces the acidity of saliva to normal indicators. In addition, it effectively freshens breath.

Wearing braces requires careful care

Braces consist of a continuous arch along the dentition and small “clasps” that are attached to each tooth and almost completely cover it. While eating, food is constantly retained in the brace system. This often provokes caries, periodontal disease and the formation of unsightly dark yellow plaque.

Careful care is mandatory for those with braces. It ensures dental health and protects the expensive structure from possible oxidation (if it is titanium).

Avoid eating particularly hard foods

Eating solid foods is necessary for the proper functioning of the facial and jaw apparatus. Such products strengthen teeth and gums and prevent the chewing muscles from atrophying. However, the habit of gnawing bones, cracking nut shells, or excessively eating seeds (if you crack them with your teeth) will not bring any benefit. Too hard food damages the tooth surface, injures the gums (scratches or wounds appear), and in some cases leads to crown breakage.

Professional cleaning - every six months

Professional cleaning should not be confused with whitening, as cleaning at the dentist's office is beneficial and is recommended every 6 months. With careful care, mouthwash and dental floss, plaque and bacteria remain in the mouth, forming hard tartar. Cleaning removes all types of dirt from hard-to-reach places. The procedure is especially useful for coffee, tea, red wine lovers and smokers.

Hard stone becomes one of the main reasons for the development of dental diseases. It multiplies many microorganisms that are harmful to health. During the procedure, in addition to stone and dense plaque, bacteria are destroyed, pigmentation is eliminated, as a result of which the enamel becomes 1-2 shades lighter (it acquires its natural shade).

On the advice of a doctor, you can choose one of the cleaning methods:

  1. ultrasonic;
  2. air flow;
  3. laser;
  4. mechanical (hygienic).

Chewing gum is not always healthy

There are many myths surrounding chewing gum for teeth. According to experts, it can bring both benefit and harm at the same time.

  1. cleanses the oral cavity after eating;
  2. freshens breath;
  3. accelerates food digestion processes;
  4. provides additional chewing load for better circulation blood.

Harm (especially when using low-quality chewing gum with sugar):

  1. the habit of chewing becomes an addiction, like smoking;
  2. can pull out fillings;
  3. increases stomach acidity;
  4. Sugar causes tooth decay.

Cheese and cottage cheese are the best foods for teeth

Cheese and cottage cheese natural origin rich in calcium and phosphorus. These microelements form and strengthen bone tissue. In addition, these products have a beneficial effect on the entire body and well-being. It is worth including cottage cheese and cheese in your regular diet, consuming them at least several times a week. Those who don’t like cottage cheese at all can add berries, honey to it, make delicious casserole or cheesecakes.

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the composition of saliva

Saliva is a secretion secreted salivary glands. Its normal chemical composition is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.

Many essential oils have a positive effect on the entire oral cavity. They normalize the pH of saliva, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, and sometimes analgesic properties.

The best oils for aromatherapy:

  • tea tree;
  • sage;
  • grapefruit;
  • juniper;
  • myrrh;
  • pine;
  • orange;
  • neroli lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • mint;
  • thyme.

You need to change your toothpaste every 3 months

Using medicinal pastes they need to be changed every 1-2 months, otherwise the internal microflora will get used to the composition and stop responding to therapy. It is believed that with ordinary hygiene products the same thing happens. Dentists cannot confirm this 100%, but they do not see anything wrong with changing the product.

It is also very important to change the brush every 3 months. Bacteria accumulate on it and are not washed away with water. As a result, cleaning is completely unhygienic.

Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Bruxism ( night rattle) negatively affects teeth and gums. Pathology appears in adults and children due to malocclusion, psychological disorders, stress, disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system.

When grinding the jaw, they have strong pressure Each other. As a result, the enamel first becomes thinner and cracks, then the crown is damaged. Sometimes this leads to spalling or complete loss tooth

The pressure produced by the molars reaches 8 MPa

The pressure created by the masticatory muscles can reach high levels. Was invented special apparatus to measure it - a gnathodynamometer.

Depending on gender, physical strength and dental condition, it can range from 25 kg to 80 kg and even more. It should be noted that too high performance dangerous, teeth may crumble or break.

It is a known fact that the pressure produced by molars reaches 8 MPa. This means that the muscles and teeth press with a force of 800 g per square millimeter.

Dental health is an important factor on which not only the beauty of your smile, but also your self-confidence depends. In addition, any pathology in the oral cavity can lead to serious diseases at the systemic level, which may require long-term treatment. Therefore, knowledge of how to properly care for your teeth and what factors can affect their condition can help you maintain dental health and avoid problems in the future.

Dental health depends on many factors, and not all of them directly relate to the condition of the oral cavity. However, in the human body everything is interconnected. Therefore, any “failure” can in one way or another affect the health of teeth and gums. Let's look at the main factors that are primarily responsible for how often you will have to visit the dentist.

The role of heredity

Information about the location of teeth in the dentition, their density, shape, height, degree of enamel strength and its color is transmitted from parents to children. The genetic code encrypted in DNA determined individual characteristics your dental apparatus and will determine the characteristics of your children’s teeth and gums in the same way. But one should not assume that genes are also to blame for the occurrence of caries - this is not so. Heredity has nothing to do with dental diseases, which is what caries is.

Nutrition of the expectant mother and child’s dental health

The dentofacial apparatus, like all other organs, is laid down and formed during the prenatal period of development with only one difference: the child is born without teeth, but has both temporary and permanent rudiments that will grow into right time. The quality of these “embryos” depends on nutrition and dental care during pregnancy, which only after a few years will begin to fully perform the functions assigned to them. Shortage nutrients, lack of diet expectant mother foods rich in calcium, fluorine and magnesium are the most shortcut to poor dental health in her child. In such cases, the baby most often experiences insufficient saturation of hard tissues with minerals, loose tooth enamel, “milk” caries and other pathologies.

Water and human dental health

The quality of the liquid we drink is an important factor that determines the health of teeth and other organs of our body. The adult human body consists of almost 70% water, and about 30% in bone tissue. The minerals it contains help compensate for the deficiency of certain microelements that are part of bone and soft tissue. When the quantity, quality and composition of water in the body changes, a violation occurs. the most important processes, including the absorption of nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of all systems.

Doctors and scientists identify not many factors that influence the health of a person’s teeth. The most important among them are:

. proper nutrition mothers during pregnancy;
. correct balanced diet and quality water every day for adults and children throughout their lives;
. proper care for teeth.

Heredity and dental health

A person can inherit not only from his parents high growth, Brown eyes and a tendency to be overweight. Inheriting teeth is real! It is well established that information about the structure of the hard tissues of teeth is inherited: the shape of the teeth and dentition, the color of the enamel, the bite, i.e. structure of teeth and gums. But it is precisely established that the tendency to caries is not inherited. And caries is the gradual destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth and the formation of a cavity in it - the most common disease in people.

Nutrition of the expectant mother and child’s dental health

Maybe dental health depends on the nutrition of mothers during pregnancy? Depends! The main substances of the tooth are calcium and phosphorus, as well as fluorine, which is part of the enamel. During pregnancy, women's need for calcium increases several times, especially in the first trimester, when the process of formation of the fetal skeleton occurs. If there is a lack of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in the mother’s food, the process of laying the child’s primary teeth will be disrupted, as well as the process of laying the rudiments permanent teeth baby. In addition, poor nutrition can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the mother’s teeth, and therefore her health in general, which cannot but affect the well-being of the future person. Poor nutrition the expectant mother can lead to a weak saturation of tooth enamel with minerals, which leads to early caries of baby teeth in 2-3-year-old children and disruption of the formation of permanent teeth.

Food and water and their effect on human dental health

Water acts as a conductor of heat, vehicle, solvent and body cleanser. Minerals are no less important for the body. Minerals, which are contained in water and affect the structure of teeth:

Calcium. Forms the basis of bone tissue. If there is an excess, salts are deposited in the kidneys and urinary tract, growth arrest. With a deficiency, spontaneous contractions are observed muscle cells, convulsive contractions of the heart, the processes of blood clotting and normal bone formation are disrupted.
Magnesium. Participates in energy metabolism, bone formation, utilization of vitamins, regulation of work nerve tissue. When in excess, magnesium can displace calcium from the bones, which can lead to osteoporosis. With a deficiency, syndromes may develop respiratory paralysis and heart block, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Fluorine. Dental health. Excess causes fluorosis, which results in staining of tooth enamel. With a deficiency, caries appears.

Caries occurs due to various reasons. But more often than not, the more sweets we eat, the higher the risk of having healthy teeth. Also, the health of our teeth is affected by excess acids in various products. The scheme is simple. At first, the enamel is destroyed by acids. Microorganisms then begin to penetrate into more deep tissue tooth

Teeth must be protected from the influence of excess acids. Therefore, it is advisable to dilute fruit juices water, and drink juices through a straw.

Cottage cheese is very useful for the human body. This is wonderful fermented milk product, it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium salts, vitamins B12, B2, folic acid, it contains significant quantities vitamins B6 and PP.

After any meal, be sure to rinse your mouth boiled water. And do not brush your teeth immediately after consuming juices, fruits and vegetables. Dentists recommend delaying this procedure.
Every person needs proper, balanced nutrition, which helps keep the mouth and teeth healthy. in better shape, thereby having a beneficial effect on general health. Since bacteria in the mouth use sugar to grow and reproduce, the more sugary and starchy foods a person eats, the faster plaque forms due to the accumulation of bacteria that is deposited on the teeth.

Sugar found in fruits such as oranges is less accessible to bacteria and therefore less harmful. Similarly, the starch contained, for example, in potatoes, can also be used by bacteria, but much less successfully, which is not so harmful to the teeth. Bacteria need to constantly feed, and the more often a person likes to eat, the worse it affects his teeth, so everyone should strive to limit themselves in food, especially in the consumption of refined sugar. You should try to eat most of it during your main meal. If you eat mostly hard, fibrous foods, they will mechanically clean your teeth.

Cheese or chewing gum sugar-free also have some protective effect because they create high level pH, which makes the environment in the mouth more alkaline, and stimulates the secretion of saliva, which has weak buffer properties and prevents the formation acidic environment. Rough food maintains the health of the gums and ligaments that secure the teeth in them, stimulates the mucous membrane and normal blood supply.

A person receives teeth a few months after birth and, if lucky, keeps them for life. Such a common thing! They are cared for, they are proud of them, they are embarrassed. However, few people know what they are capable of.

Today in fashion Hollywood smile. Has it always been like this? How has the fashion for teeth changed, and, most importantly, which ones are stronger - white or yellow?

About human teeth: interesting facts

Is it good or bad to have dentures in your mouth? Which teeth are the most beautiful, which are the strongest? What people have not done with their teeth throughout human history: ink, put on gold crowns, paint different colors. Today fashionistas decorate them with rhinestones and sometimes with precious stones.

However, before improving, it’s good to understand what they really are. What is good for them and what is harmful? Are they durable or will they crack if a bone gets into the food?

The condition of teeth is directly related to the health of their owner. Since in human body everything interacts, the condition of the teeth can be used to judge which organs are susceptible to disease:

  1. The upper and lower incisors reflect the condition genitourinary system. Their diseases signal kidney disease. Our ears are also connected to them.
  2. Sick fangs warn of problems in the biliary tract.
  3. Premolars show the condition of the lungs, bronchi, and signal the appearance of polyps. They are also affected by disruptions in the functioning of the large intestine.
  4. Molars suffer if the spleen is naughty, with diseases digestive tract and excretory system.
  5. The last of the molars, wisdom teeth, reflect the work of the heart. If they are in trouble, it is useful to check whether coronary disease or other cardiac problems.

Chewing organs are essential to humans and have been treated, decorated, replaced and, of course, cleaned throughout history. Many interesting facts are known about them. The oldest toothpaste was found in Egypt. She is 5 thousand years old. The toothpaste consisted of wine and pumice, and sometimes urine was added to it to use the cleansing agents of the ammonia it contained.

Teeth are sold at special auctions. The only one extracted tooth Isaac Newton sold for $3,240, while John Lennon's tooth cost £19,500. What does the health of our teeth depend on?

Enamel: fragile or durable?

The health of teeth is determined by the enamel. Toothpastes contain substances that make it whiter and promise to strengthen it. However, few people know that enamel itself is very hard, it is the most hard fabric in the human body. The content of inorganic substances in enamel reaches 97%, but water is only 3%.

Different parts of the tooth are covered with enamel of different thicknesses. The surface intended for chewing is not thick at all; the layer on the sides is much larger. The least amount of enamel is at the base of the tooth, near the gums.

We need it not only for protection internal parts tooth Enamel protects us from discomfort when we eat hot or cold, sour, spicy, sweet. Thinning enamel causes a lot of trouble, but it makes you understand how important it is to take care of it. Thin enamel cracks easily and is at risk of caries.

The composition of the enamel is constantly changing, it is influenced by what is going on in the body. metabolic processes, and foods consumed. In addition to the fact that it wears off over time, minerals are washed out of it when frequent use sparkling water and packaged juices. However, it can be helped by including calcium-rich foods in your diet.

Color and shape

Smooth white teeth are an ideal that you want to achieve. However, natural coloring is rare. Only in youth, when the enamel layer is thick enough and has a pronounced microrelief, do the teeth look snow-white. In reality, even during this period their color is uneven. The cutting surfaces are slightly lighter than the side surfaces, and the teeth themselves have different colors. The canines, for example, are darker than the incisors.

Over the years, the enamel becomes thinner, dentin appears through it, which is darker in older people. Older people's smiles no longer shine white. Excessive bleaching, which thins the enamel, can have the same effect.

Color also depends on heredity (see also:). In people with different colors skin related to different races, the color of the enamel also differs. The most common shade is red-brown. This does not mean that people have red or brown teeth. It’s just that the enamel has a slight difference from the standard white. The Slavs are distinguished by their yellow-red hue. Africans have the whitest teeth, but this effect occurs in contrast to their dark skin.

The shape of teeth depends on the functions they perform. The incisors are thin, but have a sharp edge. The fangs are conical in shape and are designed to hold food. Premolars carefully process the foods they eat and prepare them for delivery to the stomach. Molars grind rough food, produce it primary processing. Everyone's teeth perform the same functions, and yet they are individual for everyone.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have tried to determine a person’s inclinations and character by their teeth. It was believed that they encrypted information about a person’s future, his personal qualities, relationships with the world and others.

Happiness and prosperity awaited people with straight white teeth. Those who had them evenly, but were yellow and diseased, especially if some had already been lost, were considered lazy and irresponsible. However, it was possible to determine the character and future of a person only by teeth that were not touched by the dentist.

Quantity: the more the better?

Over time, teeth begin to deteriorate and some have to be removed. It would probably be nice to have spare ones so that you don’t have to replace lost ones with prosthetics. However, is it good to have a lot of teeth?

There are facts in dentistry that call this statement into question. There is such a disease - hyperdontia. It consists in the fact that a person grows additional teeth. If there are 1 or 2 extra, you can still live with it. IN as a last resort, just delete. However dental treatment at large quantities teeth represents serious problem. When there are a lot of them, you have to remove not just one or two, but dozens.

It turns out that there are not so few people who have supernumerary teeth. 2% of the world's population has encountered this problem. In 2014 alone, 2 records were set for the number of teeth removed: a seven-year-old patient had 80 supernumerary units removed, and another, an Indian teenager, had as many as 232!

Implants and prostheses: the well-forgotten old

Empty positions in the dentition are replaced with dentures. Bridges are attached to adjacent units and allow food to be chewed. IN last years Implants that are implanted into the bone and covered with a crown on top have become widespread.

However, implants and prostheses are not a new invention at all. Teeth have long been replaced in place of lost ones, because without them a person would be unable to eat. The Etruscans are recognized as the founders of prosthetics. 6 centuries before the beginning of our era, they learned to make bridge prostheses by cutting them from animal teeth.

In the southern regions globe they were made from hard turtle shells. Making prosthetics was a real art, so not everyone could afford such luxury. The most magnificent of ancient teeth were found in South America. The Inca prosthesis included a complete set of 32 units, made of quartz and amethyst.

For other peoples, dentures were the teeth of soldiers killed in battle. In England in the Middle Ages, people sought to acquire dentures as early as possible. It was believed that we couldn’t do without them anyway, so it was better to do it as early as possible. They replaced their teeth with artificial ones in their youth, and the prosthesis was considered a wonderful wedding gift.

Healthy teeth – what are they?

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Every person wants to have healthy strong teeth, but this requires proper and thorough oral care and a balanced diet. However, many people neglect hygiene and do not pay attention to the foods they eat. Because of this, various diseases develop, which cause inconvenience and sometimes lead to terrible complications. Let's consider what a healthy tooth is, how and how to avoid caries and other diseases.

Signs of healthy teeth

Of course, only a professional doctor can accurately determine whether your teeth are healthy or not, after conducting an examination and necessary research. But there are several signs by which you can make a conclusion about the health of your teeth:

  1. A healthy tooth does not have a yellowish or any other tint.
  2. No unpleasant odor from the mouth, there is only fresh breath.
  3. The gums are pinkish, they don’t bleed when brushing your teeth, no painful sensations.

If you notice that your teeth do not correspond to the listed signs, you should urgently consult a doctor to treat existing ones and prevent the occurrence of other diseases. Healthy teeth and gums can be easily preserved by following simple rules, which we will consider further.

10 secrets to maintaining healthy teeth

Regular and proper brushing of teeth

It is necessary to brush your teeth so that bacterial plaque does not appear and food particles do not remain. Most diseases appear due to bacteria that actively multiply in the mouth. To avoid this, you need to regularly brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste twice a day. The brush will help get rid of bacterial plaque and food debris, and the paste will neutralize the acids that bacteria produce and strengthen tooth enamel.

To have healthy whites must be effective. It’s not enough to just brush your teeth. It is necessary to treat the surface of all teeth. There are many different techniques cleaning, and which of them is the only correct one, not a single dentist can say with certainty. But it is known for sure that you need to brush from the base of the tooth to its cutting part. Two minutes active work- This best time for this procedure. No longer necessary, as it can damage the enamel. After such thorough and regular cleaning, each of your healthy teeth will thank you.

Visiting the dentist

Many people are afraid of visiting, but you should look your fears in the eye. If you take good care of your oral cavity, a visit to the dentist will be just preventive measure. And then the fear of the dental chair or painful sensations is reduced to zero. You need to see a doctor once every six months. This is explained by the fact that almost any dental disease manifests itself during this period of time. A visit to the dentist will help identify this disease. early stages and make his treatment easier.

Correct selection of brush and paste

A properly selected toothbrush and toothpaste for you personally will help avoid various problems. The brush should be used with artificial bristles and a comfortable handle. But the most important thing is to choose the stiffness of the bristles. It is better to avoid hard ones in any case, and if you have increased sensitivity teeth, then in general you need to carefully approach the choice so as not to harm yourself.

There shouldn't be any toothpaste either. The condition of your teeth and gums also plays an important role when choosing a cleaning product. You can’t choose a common pasta for the whole family. Everyone’s dental condition is different, and everyone’s toothpaste should also be personal.

Cleansing the entire oral cavity

To have truly healthy teeth, you need to take care of your entire mouth. Bacteria successfully multiply not only on the surface of the teeth, but also on the cheeks, gums, and tongue. But use regular toothbrush in this case it is impossible. It is better to use various elixirs that will not only cleanse your mouth of bacteria, but also freshen your breath.

Compliance with sanitary rules

To have healthy teeth, each family member should have their own toothbrush. Under no circumstances should you use one. This contributes to the transmission of various bacteria and the formation of unpleasant diseases. Nobody wants to have a huge amount of bacteria in their mouth. And even more so, we don’t want strangers to get into our mouths. You should thoroughly rinse and dry your teeth cleaning utensils. In humidity pathogens They multiply quickly and you then put them back in your mouth. In addition, you should not forget to replace your toothbrushes with new ones every three months.

Using floss

If you dream of having healthy beautiful teeth, then cleaning alone is not enough. Dentists recommend using floss (dental floss). If your teeth are too close together, it is simply impossible to brush between them with a regular toothbrush. And various bacteria very often multiply in the spaces between the teeth. Such caries can only be detected with professional help, and its treatment requires considerable experience of the doctor, since it is very difficult. Dental floss will help get rid of stuck food particles. You should use it after every meal and immediately before brushing your teeth. After such careful care, each healthy tooth will delight you with its appearance and absence of diseases for a long time.

Use toothpicks carefully

You need to use toothpicks very carefully. Using floss is not always convenient, but toothpicks are available in every cafe, restaurant and home. It is better to use wooden ones, but plastic ones are also suitable. But the use of any metal objects (needles, paper clips) is prohibited. They can ruin even the healthiest teeth. Because of them, the enamel is destroyed, and bacteria penetrate deeper and actively multiply.

Protecting teeth from sugar and various acids

Many foods that you are accustomed to consider healthy have a detrimental effect on your teeth. For example, various fruits and juices contain concentrated acids that destroy enamel. The worst sweet foods for teeth are sucking candy. Due to the fact that they remain in the oral cavity for quite a long time, excellent conditions are created for the development of bacteria. Chocolate is less dangerous for the oral cavity. The cocoa beans included in its composition neutralize the effect of sugar. Eating spicy foods is also good for your teeth, as it produces more saliva and washes away food debris from the surface of your teeth.

Other products that we consider harmful, on the contrary, have positive influence on the teeth. For example, tea and coffee. Tooth enamel strengthened with tea and also regulated acid balance in the mouth. And natural coffee neutralizes many microorganisms, in particular those that cause caries.

Proper nutrition

Fluoride and calcium are the main elements on which dental health depends. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. It can enter the body with food or be produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To always have enough vitamin D, you need to eat veal, poultry, butter, sea ​​fish and eggs. Calcium is found in yogurts, cheeses, spinach and broccoli. And fluoride is found in black tea, wholemeal bread, and fish. All of these products are available in almost every refrigerator, so it’s easy to maintain your teeth.

Load on teeth

Every person's teeth can withstand different load. Someone can open a bottle with their teeth or crack a nut. But it should be remembered that the oral apparatus is not designed for such loads, and very soon people who practice this use of teeth will greatly regret it. Many seamstresses often bite threads with their teeth. But even this procedure can be very harmful. This damages the enamel and weakens the teeth. Grinding your teeth is very harmful. This is often done by children who urgently need to be weaned from it. But for some people it happens voluntarily during sleep. Then you need to use special mouthguards that will save your teeth from such a destructive effect.

Despite all of the above, you cannot always spare your teeth. You need to chew hard fruits, vegetables and other foods. You were not given teeth so that you can constantly eat mashed potatoes and minced meat. If you do not use them as intended, they weaken and lose their functions. After all, in nature, what is not used dies. Therefore, simply adjust the load on your teeth.

So, we looked at ten basic rules for dental care. By following them, you will preserve your oral cavity for a long time and forget about diseases, including caries. Remember that healthy teeth mean a healthy smile. And by smiling, you will make everyone around you happy and you yourself will be happy.

Oral hygiene in children

Every parent wants to maintain healthy teeth for their child. Healthy child always cheerful, cheerful and makes his family happy. It is extremely important to teach your child to take care of his teeth. Children's baby teeth need special care, because their health is a prerequisite for the growth of strong permanent teeth. Parents should learn how to choose the right dental care products for their children.

You need to start taking care of dental hygiene the moment your baby gets his first tooth. And at a time when teeth have not yet begun to grow, you need to get rid of food debris in your mouth using napkins.

How to choose hygiene products for children? Until the baby turns three years old toothpaste cannot be used. You need to brush your teeth with a special gel. At four years old, the child already knows how to spit out the paste, so you can start using it. When does a child appear permanent teeth, then you need to care for them in the same way as adults. Although during this period you can still use special children's toothpaste.

As your child grows, you need to choose a toothbrush that is appropriate for his age. The cleaning head of the brush should be no larger than the three lower teeth. For very young children, it would be even better to use not a brush, but a device that you put on your finger and brush your teeth. Thus, less likely harm teeth and destroy enamel.

Basic rules for child oral care


In this article, we reviewed the basic rules for caring for the teeth of adults and children, which will help keep the oral cavity healthy and prevent the development of various diseases, including caries. Follow these simple tips and stay healthy.