Upper front teeth hurt. Why do my upper front teeth hurt? Why does aching toothache occur after dental treatment?

Pain in the teeth always brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Most often the front lower and upper teeth hurt. There are several reasons that the dentist can determine most quickly.

Causes of pain

It is worth making a reservation: if several teeth hurt, this does not mean that there is only one reason. There may be many reasons, which are sometimes not interrelated:

These reasons can be attributed to both the upper and lower teeth.

Upper teeth

Why do my upper front teeth hurt and ache? What to do, if front tooth hurts? They are usually injured as a result of eating very hard food (for example, when gnawing nut shell, forks), after blows at sports competitions, fights, when performing music on a wind instrument.

Sometimes damage may not be visible at first glance, but this does not mean that it does not exist. They can be hidden inside: cracks, dislocations, so before treatment you need to do X-ray to know exactly the cause of the pain.

Lower teeth

What to do if your lower front teeth hurt and ache and why does this happen? If the front lower teeth ache or ache, then most likely the reasons lie in tartar, which began its development from plaque. This is especially true for interdental hard-to-reach spaces.

If the gums and lower front teeth hurt, then you need to pay attention to hygiene oral cavity: You need to clean them morning and evening. If you do not brush your teeth very thoroughly in the evening, this can lead to the development of caries, which causes discomfort. If the front teeth lower jaw If they hurt because of caries, then this process cannot be started, since it will be difficult to do any medical manipulations in the future.

The incisors are built in such a way that they are more fragile compared to the molars. This is the reason that ensures faster development of caries. The gum is usually the starting point for caries: it usually originates around it. Most often this happens when flossing is neglected after eating, which creates favorable conditions for the germination of bacteria.

First, the dentist must find the cause of the pain. Then you need to get rid of this reason by using exclusively methods within the framework clinical treatment. If the cervix is ​​exposed, surgical lifting or fluoridation or remineralization must be done.

Such operations help not only get rid of pain, but also replenish the lack of vitamins. What else to do if there is a deficiency? You can contact a neurologist to prescribe necessary medications. This should only be done if the problem is stress.

If the cause is hypertension, then you need to choose the right one toothpaste with alkali. In any situation, you need to contact a dentist - this is the only way to keep your teeth healthy.


If you need to relieve pain for a while before visiting the dentist, you can use the following products: traditional medicine. Usually the cause of pain is inside the tooth, in the gum or at the root. They will help following methods:

  • if the enamel is not damaged, then painkillers such as Analgin, Ketorol will be required;
  • if any of the pain relief methods are ineffective, you need to call an ambulance or immediately go to the dentist;
  • You can also use another method: rinse your mouth with sage solution. It doesn't relieve discomfort, but it relieves painful sensations.

If no other method helps, then you can try doing your favorite activity to distract yourself.

Enamel, with good care, should not feel anything, because there are no nerve endings there. When it begins to thin out or pathologies form, a person begins to experience pain. different localization. It begins to seem that the teeth are aching, aching, and from constant unpleasant sensations they are completely cramped. To prevent this, you need to periodically examine the oral cavity and, if possible, you should consult a doctor to find the cause.

Sometimes it seems that the teeth are breaking all at once, and in such a situation the cause may be trigeminal neuralgia. Here, unpleasant sensations can spread not only along the jaw, but also radiate to the temple, ear and eye, and a neurologist can solve the problem. In addition, all teeth can hurt, both on one left side and on the right, depending on where the cause is localized and it often becomes caries.

To prescribe a course of treatment, you will need to be examined by a dentist, but you should not postpone the visit so that the disease does not worsen.


People often wonder why their teeth ache when irritants come into contact with the enamel; the reasons for this may be:

Because of the thinned enamel, it feels like all the teeth on one side of the arch are hurting, although the reason may be, for example, 1 or 2 incisors.

Half of the dental arch is aching

To understand why the teeth on one side of the jaw ache and what to do in such a situation, you need to know the reasons for what is happening, and they may be:

Only a dentist can make an accurate diagnosis, so you should not self-medicate, so as not to subsequently spend a lot of money on long-term treatment for complications that arise.

Unpleasant sensations throughout the entire dental arch

If It's a dull pain all over the bottom or upper jaw does not apply to dental problems, then the doctor redirects to a therapist for examination, and he to a more specialized specialist.

The culprits for this type of pain are:

  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. If such a problem is observed, then the cause may be hypothermia due to weak immunity. This pathology is characterized by aching pain radiating to the jaw, and treatment can be prescribed by a neurologist;
  • Sinusitis. Aching pain in the upper jaw can be observed if an inflammatory process has begun in the paranasal sinus, localized above the dental arch. This happens due to pathologies in the root system of 1-3 molars. For this reason, an infection will appear in the nasal sinus, and it can cause odontogenic sinusitis;
  • Angina pectoris. During this illness, there is a lack of oxygen and it feels like your teeth are aching. If other symptoms are present, such as tightness chest, excessive secretion sweat and shortness of breath, then you need to urgently consult a cardiologist.

It is these reasons that may be hidden from the dentist, but must be treated by other specialists.

Pain in the teeth always brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and discomfort. Most often the front lower and upper teeth hurt. There are several reasons that the dentist can determine most quickly.

It is worth making a reservation: if several teeth hurt, this does not mean that there is only one reason. There may be many reasons, which are sometimes not interrelated:

These reasons can be attributed to both the upper and lower teeth.

Upper teeth

Why do my upper front teeth hurt and ache? What to do if your front tooth hurts? They are usually injured as a result of eating very hard food (for example, gnawing on nut shells, forks), after blows in sports competitions, fights, or when playing music on a wind instrument.

Sometimes damage may not be visible at first glance, but this does not mean that it does not exist. They can be hidden inside: cracks, dislocations, so before treatment you need to take an x-ray to know exactly the cause of the pain.

Lower teeth

What to do if your lower front teeth hurt and ache and why does this happen? If the lower front teeth ache or ache, then most likely the reasons lie in tartar, which began its development from plaque. This is especially true for interdental hard-to-reach spaces.

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Possible causes of toothache

If your gums and lower front teeth hurt, then you need to pay attention to oral hygiene: you need to brush them morning and evening. If you do not brush your teeth very carefully in the evening, this can lead to the development of caries, which causes discomfort. If the front teeth of the lower jaw hurt due to caries, then this process cannot be started, since it will be difficult to do any medical manipulations in the future.

The incisors are built in such a way that they are more fragile compared to the molars. This is the reason that ensures faster development of caries. The gum is usually the starting point for caries: it usually originates around it. Most often this happens when the thread is neglected after eating, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria.

First, the dentist must find the cause of the pain. Then you need to get rid of this cause using exclusively methods as part of clinical treatment. If the cervix is ​​exposed, surgical lifting or fluoridation or remineralization must be done.

Such operations help not only get rid of pain, but also replenish the lack of vitamins. What else to do if there is a deficiency? You can contact a neurologist to prescribe the necessary medications. This should only be done if the problem is stress.

If the cause is hypertension, then you need to choose the right toothpaste with alkali. In any situation, you need to contact a dentist - this is the only way to keep your teeth healthy.


If you need to relieve pain for a while before visiting the dentist, you can use traditional medicine. Usually the cause of pain is inside the tooth, in the gum or at the root. The following methods will help:

  • if the enamel is not damaged, then painkillers such as Analgin, Ketorol will be required;
  • if any of the pain relief methods are ineffective, you need to call an ambulance or immediately go to the dentist;
  • You can also use another method: rinse your mouth with sage solution. It does not relieve discomfort, but relieves pain.

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Ketonal as a remedy for toothache

If no other method helps, then you can try doing your favorite activity to distract yourself.

Remember! If you do not provide assistance in time, you may end up with gumboil formation.


Typically, caries occurs when hygiene measures are not followed. It corrodes the enamel, which leads to
to serious damage. To maintain healthy enamel, you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene:

You can get rid of the pain at home, but you need to look for the cause together with the dentist, otherwise it will lead to complications. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will save you from wasting time, money and effort.

  1. Filling the root canal not to its apex. As a result of this violation, a space remains in the root of the tooth in which inflammatory processes can occur and infections can develop.
  2. The pain may also be caused by poor quality filling of other nature: the substance can fill the entire canal to the very top, but voids and pores appear in it, which will also affect the condition of the prosthetic tooth.
  3. Wall perforation. There is naturally an opening at the top of the root canal, but in this case We are talking specifically about artificial perforation, which occurs due to poor-quality tooth filling. When cleaning a canal, the sharp parts of the device may not pass through the canal itself, but go beyond it at an angle, which in the future will lead to aching toothache.
  4. In the root canal the pin itself may not be positioned correctly.
  5. There are frequent cases and instrument fractures in the root canal due to improper operation of the device or its repeated use (at the end of its service life).

The wisdom tooth is supposed to “whin and cry” according to its status

The growth of wisdom teeth is accompanied by a number of unpleasant and painful problems:

  • : dull, aching;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • lymph nodes enlarge;
  • a “hood” is noticeable over the already slightly erupted tooth.

All these unpleasant sensations have their reasons:

  1. Formed before the age of thirteen bone . If the change of baby teeth and eruption in infancy occur even after not so long hard fabrics, then the path ahead is much more difficult.
  2. The second reason for pain lies in their very disadvantageous location: since for normal height there is little room for them except painful eruption There may be a problem with the wrong direction of their growth.

They treated my teeth, so much so that I want to cry

Any dental treatment is an invasion of a foreign body (devices), which naturally leads to painful sensations in the area of ​​gums and teeth. This normal phenomenon and it doesn’t portend anything terrible, unless the pain lasts for more than a week or two.

If this problem does not go away on its own, you should see a doctor, as the cause of the pain may be:

  • human intolerance to filling material;
  • the quality of the filling or treatment performed depends on the qualifications of the doctor himself: an incompetent specialist may not completely remove inflamed tissues, work poorly with filling material, disrupt the technology of processing and treatment;
  • equipment failure inside the channel;
  • transition of inflammation to the gums.

When the dentist won't help you

Also, there may be cases when teeth ache for non-dental reasons.

Even an experienced dentist will not be able to immediately explain what the reason is. If such a case has become urgent for you, do not endure the pain: this cannot be done under any circumstances, immediately go to see a therapist, as this may be:

  1. . During physical activity a lack of oxygen may occur in the body, which leads to irritation of the receptors, and this “misleads” a person who experiences a feeling of aching pain in the teeth.
  2. Shalit trigeminal nerve . Neuralgia can occur due to hypothermia or weakened immunity.
  3. Sinusitis There is common cause aching pain in the teeth due to inflammatory processes in maxillary sinuses mucous membrane. The pain will be felt especially strongly when chewing or eating hot foods.

Emergency help at home

The main rule when a toothache of any kind occurs is that it cannot be tolerated!

The fight must begin immediately. What can you do if your teeth ache unbearably, throbbing pain hits your temples, but now you can’t get an appointment with a doctor?

At a minimum, take a painkiller tablet: Ketanov, Sedalgin, Nurofen. These drugs, in addition to starting to act after a short period of time, will also help relieve inflammation a little.

A positive result from taking the pills does not mean that you can postpone going to the doctor: even if the tooth has not bothered you for a day, it is necessary to check it.

Compresses will help:

  • moisten a cotton swab in calendula tincture and apply to the sore tooth;
  • apple cider vinegar compress;
  • compress from soda solution;
  • Apply a piece of lard to the tooth.

Mouth rinse:

  • sage tea;
  • baking soda solution (1 large spoon per glass of water, preferably warm);
  • solution sea ​​salt(1 large spoon per glass of warm water);
  • for half a glass of water 50 grams of hydrogen peroxide.

Do not apply heat to a problematic tooth under any circumstances: blood flow may cause increased pain. In this situation, you should act on the contrary and apply an ice cube for a few minutes. It is also not recommended to lie down, as this can cause blood flow and aggravate the pain.

It will also help...

Aching toothache is so often the cause sleepless nights, which appeared in folk practice great amount ways to combat it:

  1. Swab soaked in ether fir oil , will relieve the pain quickly and for a long time.
  2. Can be used for rinsing warm strawberry decoction.
  3. Used to relieve pain clove of garlic, but in this case the result is achieved not so much by eliminating the cause, but by self-hypnosis. Cut the clove and apply it to the place where the pulse can be felt most clearly. Attach with adhesive tape.
  4. Works well decoction of chamomile and peppermint.

Dental care

If the essence of the problem lies in the appearance of caries, a filled tooth hurts, or an unbearable ache under the crown, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary, who will begin treatment or correct the mistake.

If the pain is caused by inflammatory processes, the doctor, in addition to treatment, will prescribe rinsing with soda or chamomile and taking painkillers.

Application of any medicine must be done under the supervision of the attending physician: self-medication is not allowed. IN in case of emergency You can take a painkiller once, but then visit a doctor.

Toothache is painful and its cause can be a banal violation of the rules of hygiene, nutrition, general condition health, as well as medical negligence.

To protect yourself and your teeth, remember to take good care of your mouth, consume enough, and visit your dentist regularly.

Often toothache appears in a specific place.

But sometimes pain occurs in all teeth simultaneously.

The presence of such sensations may indicate a number of specific reasons.

In such situations, you should not self-medicate, as this often leads to various complications. So, why do all teeth hurt at the same time?


No matter how trivial it may sound, pain in all teeth can occur due to neurological diseases.

So, it can be caused by the neurology of the trigeminal nerve, which is located at the edges of the jaw.

Trigeminal nerve

He is responsible for her physical movements. Also, in addition to this, the trigeminal nerve allows a person to feel his face.

If a nerve is pinched as a result of a cold or physical injury, this can lead to pain. Only a specialist can diagnose the presence of such a problem.

Don't put off visiting a doctor. He will be able to determine the real reason problems and assign effective treatment.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Diagnosing dysfunction is quite difficult.

This is due to the fact that this disease has few pronounced symptoms.

Of course, there are cases when pathology can be accurately diagnosed.

First of all, this concerns pain that manifests itself in the jaw, teeth and face. It should be borne in mind that the jaw joint does not have nerve endings. In this regard, pain does not always occur.

The main symptom of dysfunction is tinnitus, which occurs when opening the mouth. A crunching sound may be heard when opening the jaw. It can be noticed not only by the patient, but also by the people around him.

To diagnose the problem, you can simply move your jaw different sides. As a result, clicking or other extraneous sounds may be heard. This indicates slipped discs or muscle strain. The presence of such problems can cause pain in all teeth at the same time.

Pain may be caused by locking jaw joint. It arises from some kind of disorder that could be caused by improper movement of the joint.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Increased sensitivity often causes pain in all teeth at the same time.

The occurrence of such pain can be triggered by the consumption of sour, sweet or salty foods, cold or hot drinks.

Ordinary mechanical irritants are no exception.

Increased sensitivity may occur due to various reasons. One of these is the use of whitening toothpastes.

These products contain abrasive and chemical substances. They lead to partial destruction of tooth enamel, as a result of leaching of calcium from it.

Juices contained in acid-containing foods also have the same properties.

Increased sensitivity may also result from professional cleaning teeth.

Deposits cover the teeth, as a result of which they form a kind of protective barrier from negative environmental factors.

When removed, the enamel becomes weak and defenseless against thermal and other irritants.

After professional cleaning, experts recommend using remineralizing preparations.

Gum problems

In some cases, pain in all teeth may be caused by gum problems.

The main causes include the following gum diseases:

  • . With it, the mucous membrane near a specific tooth. The disease can be either acute or chronic. The processes do not affect dental tissue. If treatment for gingivitis is not started in time, it can develop into periodontitis.
  • . As a result of this disease, destruction occurs supporting apparatus tooth This leads to destruction of the tooth root. With the development of periodontitis, the gums move away from the tooth. This creates a pocket in which food debris can accumulate. Such accumulations can lead to the formation inflammatory process and the formation of pus. The acute phase of periodontitis may be accompanied by pain in all teeth.
  • . The disease is quite rare. With periodontal disease, tissue blood circulation is disrupted. In the future, this leads to tissue degeneration and exposure of the neck of the teeth. Crevices are no exception. The consequence of inflammatory processes in the gums can be tissue destruction. In many cases, periodontal disease affects two jaws, which causes pain in all teeth.

If you have such diseases, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe effective treatment that will lead to the elimination of symptoms that cause serious discomfort.

Cold or hypothermia

At colds additional pressure occurs in the sinuses. This is exactly what it is main reason why all my teeth hurt at the same time.

But, in addition to this, the cause of toothache can be:

  • Use large quantity liquids that contain acids. So, when a patient has a cold, he drinks tea with lemon. Lemon acid negatively affects enamel;
  • Rapid drying of the mouth. As a result of nasal congestion, a person begins to breathe intensively through the mouth. This leads to drying of the mucous membrane and an increase in the amount of sugar in the mouth, which has a negative effect on the teeth;
  • Vomiting and intestinal upset. Occurs with a severe cold and is accompanied by the release of a large amount of gastric juice. During vomiting, it gets on the teeth, thereby damaging the enamel.

To eliminate such negative factors, you need to rinse your mouth more often by special means. As for lemon, drinks with it should be drunk quickly and not allowed to stagnate in the mouth.

Cluster headache

The cause of unpleasant sensations in all teeth can also be cluster headache.

In this case, the dentist can also diagnose periodontitis of the upper teeth.

Unpleasant sensations can also occur behind the eye sockets.

In particular, such symptoms manifest themselves after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Cluster headaches can also spread to the teeth. In this case, the dentist will not be able to help in solving this problem. You can diagnose the problem yourself.

So, if unpleasant sensations in the head and teeth simultaneously subside, then the initial cause of their occurrence is precisely cluster pain. In this case, you will need the help of a neurologist.

Salivary stone disease

For salivary stone disease in salivary gland and its tributaries form stones. Often the submandibular and parotid gland, less often - sublingual.

Salivary stone disease

The causes of salivary stone disease can be different:

  • damage or mechanical impact on the salivary gland;
  • inflammation, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of stones and for the development of pathological microflora;
  • abnormal structure of the gland and its ducts;
  • entry of a foreign body into the duct around which bacteria multiply;
  • impaired calcium metabolism.

The disease has three stages. The first stage does not have pronounced symptoms. In the future, as the disease develops, the situation worsens significantly. As a result of an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, pain in the teeth may occur.

Heart diseases

Tooth pain may result from coronary disease heart and myocardial infarction.

As a result of blockage coronary vessels pain occurs. It comes on gradually.

Initially, a person may experience short-term pain after minor physical exertion. Over time, their intensity and duration increases. Thus, they can occur even in a resting position.

Acute pain is burning in nature and can radiate to the back, stomach, teeth and other parts of the body. Toothache is severe. In this case, even painkillers will not help relieve discomfort. If a person does not have diseased teeth, then the only option is to take nitroglycerin.


If pain in your teeth persists for a long time, stress may be the cause.

Severe stress can cause toothache

The fact is that the nerves that are located in the jaw are very sensitive to the lack of vitamins such as B6 and B12. During stressful situation vitamins are consumed at a high rate. Therefore, the pain intensifies.

Pain can also occur as a result of teeth grinding. Most often, bruxism occurs during sleep. In this case, the teeth suffer from mechanical stress.

Video on the topic

Diagnosing toothache is not that difficult. Eliminating it is another matter. To be prepared for anything, watch this video from a dentist's blog on how to eliminate toothache: