Aquarium and fish care. Proper care of aquarium fish at home. Proper nutrition - healthy pets

For those who want to create a small living corner in their apartment, an aquarium with marine life is an excellent choice, as it will look impressive and beautiful. But in order for your beloved pets to be healthy and give aesthetic pleasure, careful care of aquarium fish is necessary. So that caring for them is not burdensome, but brings pleasure and joy, it is worth studying some of the subtleties and features of this process.

In order for your beloved pets to be healthy and give aesthetic pleasure, careful care of aquarium fish is necessary.

Choosing an aquarium

Caring for fish in an aquarium begins from the moment you select a habitat for them. The length and quality of life of pets depends on this. In order for marine animals to be comfortable, it is important to take into account the shape, size and volume of the future vessel.

When purchasing an aquarium The following points should be taken into account:

  • Before you go shopping, you must first decide on the size and number of future inhabitants themselves. The larger the fish, the more voluminous the vessel should be. For example, pets up to 5 cm will need about five liters of fluid to survive.
  • When deciding on the shape of the aquarium, it is necessary to take into account the issues of cleaning and maintenance. The standard rectangular vessel shape is preferred.
  • Landscape design is also important and should be given due attention. Many species of marine life will need shelter in the form of thickets or rocks. Others prefer open space. This point should also be taken into account.

Replacement of vessel fluid

The water needs to stand for about two to three days. During this time, the bleach has time to evaporate and the liquid reaches the proper level of purity.

In order not to waste so much time, the water can be heated to seventy degrees and cooled to room temperature. This also helps get rid of excess oxygen, which is harmful to aquarium inhabitants.

Water for the aquarium needs to be left for 2-3 days.

Preventative cleaning of the aquarium should be carried out no more than once a week and not in full. Do not change the fluid frequently or completely. Fresh water must be added little by little and only after the bottom of the vessel has been previously cleaned.

If the liquid in the aquarium begins to become cloudy, do not immediately panic, since in some cases this is due to the remains of dry food, and not due to the growth of bacteria.

In such cases you should do the following:

  • clean the bottom of the vessel from dirt;
  • do not feed fish with dry food for a while;
  • completely evacuate marine animals until their habitat is restored.

If the cloudiness does not go away after some time, it is worth doing a comprehensive cleaning of the vessel.

Daily care

  1. Feeding.
  2. Maintaining the required water temperature.
  3. Checking the condition of the filter, compressor, backlight.
  4. Monitoring the liquid level in the vessel.
  5. Monitoring the soil and cleaning up contamination.

The fish should be fed twice a day - morning and evening. It must be remembered that they are prone to overeating, which is why they can easily die.

For this reason, it is forbidden to pour feed in excess. And after finishing feeding, you need to use a net to catch the remains floating on the surface of the water.

Depending on the type of fish, Every day you need to monitor the temperature of the liquid in the aquarium, since most species of marine life need warm water. It is not recommended to place individuals with different temperature preferences in the same container.

It is necessary to maintain all the parameters of the environment to which the pets are accustomed. The condition of the filter is also checked daily and cleaned if it is clogged.

If the room where the aquarium is located is dark, then you need to turn on the backlight. We should not forget about maintaining a constant level of liquid in the vessel.

Lighting selection

You should not forget to properly care for the fish in the aquarium. The choice of lighting is also included in the mandatory care of its inhabitants.

Most fish do not require much additional light, while others cannot do without backlighting even in the daytime. If the aquarium is located in a dark corner of the room, then additional lighting should be available around the clock.

The most suitable lighting option- 0.5 W per liter of liquid. But you should also take into account the depth of the aquarium and the habitat of its inhabitants.

Excess or insufficient lighting can be determined experimentally. If the aquarium is overly lit, the water will begin to bloom; if there is not enough light, brownish spots may appear on the walls of the vessel, and the fish will have difficulty breathing.

Beginning hobbyist aquarists usually have a lot of freshwater aquarium fish in their first home aquarium, and, as a rule, lose all the pets within a few months. And beginners are often very surprised to learn that in fact the normal lifespan of pet fish varies in years, not months.

Depending on the species, aquarium fish at home live from about three to seven years or longer, while goldfish live for more than 20 years. And the better care you take for your fish, the longer they live.

In fact, fish live even longer at home than in the wild and are often in better health. In nature, the food that fish eat comes and goes with the changing seasons and different weather conditions. Food supplies may be limited, and fish often need more energy to obtain enough food to survive.

In addition, predators and larger fish do not give fry and young fish, and even often adult fish, rest. In nature, fish rarely die of old age - weak and slow ones quickly become lunch. Therefore, although the home aquarium is a very limited aquatic environment, if you properly care for your fish, they will be healthy, energetic and will delight their owners for many years.

There are three basic rules for caring for pet fish.


Rule one - do not overfeed the fish! All uneaten food in the aquarium quickly pollutes the water. Caring owners are usually very worried that their fish will remain hungry, so they feed them too large portions, thereby killing their pets. The best rule is to feed the fish enough food to eat it within five minutes.

Most fish can be fed flake food. You need to use only branded, high-quality food products. There are many manufacturers of flake food, and it is better to buy several types and feed different ones each time. This way you can provide your fish with a more balanced diet.

Larger fish and catfish can be fed pellets. Freeze-dried foods are especially beneficial for fish that need more protein. If pet fish are occasionally offered fresh frozen and live food, the fish will receive adequate nutrition.

Commercial fish foods have a limited shelf life, so keep this in mind when purchasing them. If food containers at the store look dusty or like they've been sitting on a shelf for a long time, look elsewhere.

It is better to buy food in small packages, since within three to six months more than half of its original nutritional value is lost. Therefore, if there are not enough fish to eat a large amount of food within 2-3 months, you should not buy flakes in large quantities.

For vegetarian fish, flake food is available that contains more plant matter than protein.

If there are small bottom-dwelling catfish in the aquarium, do not forget that they must also receive a sufficient amount of quality food, just like other inhabitants of the aquarium. Bottom-dwelling catfish need to be given food just before the lights turn on. In this case, the food will not be eaten by other fish, and catfish usually eat in the dark while other fish are resting. It is better for catfish to throw sinking heavy food in granules.

Healthy pet fish can go without feeding for one to two weeks. If you're going on vacation for a week or a little more, don't worry about the fish starving without food. Fish die much more often from severe water pollution or overnutrition than from malnutrition.

Rule two is to spend 30 minutes maintaining your aquarium at least once every two weeks - this helps prevent common and long-term problems. The main goal of regular maintenance is a stable and balanced aquarium. If everything is working properly, the fish will be healthy even if the pH or hardness is a little out of range.

Water changes

Water changes are the most important part of caring for your aquarium and fish. It is recommended to do partial changes at least once every two weeks, 10-30% of the water volume, depending on the biological load on the aquarium.

First of all, for the replacement procedure you need to use a siphon. Using a siphon, the soil is “vacuumed”, food uneaten by fish, fish excrement and other harmful waste that has settled to the bottom are removed.

Tap water contains chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine is exhaled if water is left to sit for 24 hours, but chloramine does not erode. In any case, it is better to use water conditioner to neutralize harmful impurities. If there is ammonia in the water, it will be destroyed by nitrifying bacteria present in the aquarium.

Well water does not contain chlorine or chloramines, but it may contain phosphates, iron and other heavy metals.

But even if filtered water is used for replacement, it is recommended to regularly check it for vital parameters. Testing is carried out using tests for nitrates, nitrites, pH and carbonate hardness. It is recommended to test the aquarium water after each partial change.

Nitrates. Nitrates should be 10 ppm or less in a freshwater aquarium.

Nitrites. Nitrites should not be detected in the aquarium, only at the start-up stage. If nitrites are detected, then you need to test the water for the presence of ammonia.

pH should be stable, usually in the range of 6.5 - 7.5 for most types of freshwater aquarium fish, but slight deviations from the norm are allowed.

KH (carbonate hardness) is an indicator of pH stability. If KH drops to 4.5 dH (hardness level) or 80 ppm, then the hardness must be monitored more often. When the hardness is below 4.5 dH, the pH of the water in the aquarium drops. Adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to 100 liters of water raises the hardness by about 1 dH (17.8 ppm).


The filter must be washed at least once a month. An aquarium filter is a container for waste; cleaning it is as necessary as taking out trash from your home. For rinsing, use clean water or water drained from the aquarium. If necessary, filter media must be replaced. Never use detergents or cleaners, bleaches or other chemicals to clean the filter.

Pet fish care schedule

Daily check that all equipment is working correctly. The fish are fed 1-2 times a day. Monitor your fish while feeding: if the fish's behavior changes, this is likely an indicator of a potential problem.

Weekly check the number of fish. If any have died, their decomposition can produce ammonia and nitrites, resulting in high nitrate levels.

Every second week Test the water for vital indicators: pH, carbonate hardness, nitrites and nitrates. Using a siphon, drain 20-30% of the water. Rinse the filter sponge in drained water. Add clean water to the aquarium.

Monthly rinse the filter, clean algae from glass and decorations. Check the equipment, replace filter fillers, check the expiration dates of fish food, tests, air conditioners.

Diagnosing diseases in pet fish is extremely difficult, and many books have been written on this topic. Pisces suffer from a variety of diseases and few people know how to treat them correctly. Therefore, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. And here the third rule works.

Fish that live in clean, high-quality water, receive a balanced diet and do not suffer from stress very rarely get sick. The immune system of fish is quite capable of protecting them from pathogens that are always present in the water. And even if the fish get sick, in clean water you can always notice the symptoms at an early stage.

First of all, the disease can be determined by the appearance and behavior of the fish, which is why it is so important to observe them while feeding. If something in the behavior of the fish worries you, it is better to check the water parameters to make sure that there are no problems. For prevention, you can rinse the filter and replace 1/3 of the water in the aquarium.

If you suspect any disease, do not rush to add medications to the water. Many medicines for fish are ineffective or contain few medicinal ingredients, and not knowing what the fish is suffering from can cause it more harm than good.

For example, when treated with antibiotics in small doses, bacteria will not die, but they will develop resistance to the drugs. And when treated with antibiotics in excessive doses, colonies of beneficial nitrifying bacteria can be destroyed, which is even more dangerous.

The instructions for most medications for fish recommend changing the water before each application of the medication, and most often it is thanks to changing the water that the condition of the fish improves.

Avoid using medications containing copper. Copper can build up in an aquarium and be suddenly released when water chemistry changes, killing the fish. Copper is especially dangerous in soft water aquariums.

Another common and easily treatable fish disease is fin rot. This causes the fish's fins to look uneven, break down, and become shorter and shorter. This disease most often occurs due to poor water and irregular fish care. First of all, you need to put things in order in the aquarium, and then proceed to.

Another common disease among pet fish is a fungus that appears as a fuzzy white cottony spot. This is a secondary disease that occurs at the site of physical trauma. If the water quality is poor, fungus can enter the wound. This disease can also be treated with proper aquarium care and the right medications.

What to do to breed fish? Where to begin? How to properly start an aquarium at home for the first time? Which fish are the most unpretentious? Do you need shells in an aquarium? What soil should you choose? These and many other questions arise for beginning aquarists when they decide to buy a home aquarium and breed fish. Of course, experienced aquarists already know many secrets and nuances in this difficult hobby of fish. What should beginners do in this case? And in today’s article we will dwell in detail not only on what an aquarium is for beginners, but also on what needs to be done to create a real work of art at home.

Rule one - you can’t overfeed the fish!

After purchasing a new artificial pond for your home, it is better to start keeping fish by feeding it no more than once a day. Of course, then you can feed her more often, but little by little. After all, an aquarium is, first of all, a closed habitat. If there is a lot of food, it is not eaten by the fish, then it falls into the ground and begins to rot. From overfeeding, the fish begin to get sick and then die. How can you tell if a fish is overfed or not? It's simple. After entering the aquarium, food should be eaten immediately and not settle to the bottom. True, there are such fish as catfish. They are the ones who eat the food that has fallen to the bottom. The fish also need to have fasting days, but only once a week.

Rule two - aquarium care

Aquarium keeping is a very delicate matter. If you are purchasing aquariums for beginners, then it is best to focus on their equipment and only then think about launching. After all, everything requires maintenance and care, and the aquarium is no exception to the rule. In a new aquarium, the water does not need to be changed immediately, but only after several months. And the basic rules for caring for an artificial pond are replacing the water, but only partially. You also need to watch for algae. Don’t forget to change the filter and clean the soil. Don't forget to check your thermometer as well. And remember, you need to disturb the aquatic inhabitants as little as possible. Fish don't like this.

The third rule is the conditions for fish: what should they be?

In order for the inhabitants of their future home to always be in order, it is necessary to properly maintain them. First of all, they need to create optimal conditions for their habitat. And for this, before purchasing fish at a pet store, carefully study the information about a particular type of fish. After all, one fish may simply not be suitable for the environment or the decor with which the vessel is equipped.

The fourth condition is the right equipment.

Remember the main rule. First you will need:

  1. Aquarium and minimal equipment for it.
  2. Priming.
  3. Plants.

And only after purchasing all of the above can you think about choosing fish. You need to choose an artificial pond that is not very small. What equipment do you need? This is how it is referred to:

  • filter;
  • thermometer;
  • heater with thermostat;
  • lighting.

And now, when all this has been acquired, you can start installing the vessel in your room. It is best to do this on a flat surface, having previously laid a travel mat under the bottom of the aquarium. You also need to wash the soil and sand, pour it into the aquarium and fill it with cold tap water. Install a filter and heater (it is especially important to monitor the water temperature in winter). Because fish can die from the cold.

Next, we heat the water to 20 degrees and begin to plant the plants. You need to plant your home aquarium with live plants. They are simply necessary. Even if there are fish in the aquarium that like to eat plants, it is better to simply feed them more. The water will be cloudy at first. And this is where you shouldn’t rush too much. The best thing to do is wait about 7 days. And after the water becomes clear, you can launch the fish.

Important! When buying fish, do not forget to check whether they will get along together.

The fifth rule is that the filter must be washed in aquarium water.

Don't make an irreparable mistake. The filter must be washed not under running water, but under aquarium water. This is necessary in order to maintain the balance that is inside the filter.

The sixth rule is to collect more information about the fish

Do you want to avoid problems that may arise after introducing fish into the aquarium? Don’t be shy, ask the seller at the pet store about the fish and their contents, read various information and then everything will be right. After all, all fish are different. Some are small, others are large. Some are calm, others are aggressive. And there are also, for example, predatory ones. Remember that both the comfort of the fish and the internal balance in the ecosystem of the vessel depend on your correct choice.

What kind of fish can you choose? The most classic ones are guppies. Their content is not difficult. So, they are unpretentious, viviparous and eat a variety of foods. It is very easy to distinguish a female from a male. Swordtails are also viviparous, so there will be no problems with fry. Swordtails are similar to guppies in behavior and content. Danio rerio is very popular in the aquarium hobby. They are graceful, unpretentious and very mobile. They eat all types of food. Another type of fish is the cardinal. They are very small and unpretentious. They need to be properly maintained, and then they can live up to 3 years. When choosing fish, pay attention to their color and color. They shouldn't be pale.

Important! Beginner aquarists - do not breed too many fish at once!

The seventh rule is to introduce a new fish slowly!

As mentioned above, the fish should be launched only when the artificial pond at home is established. Remember that if all the rules are not followed, the water in the aquarium will quickly become cloudy and the fish will die.

Quite often a situation arises when, after purchasing a fish, many beginners do not know what to do next. For experienced aquarists, this is not a problem since they start the fish automatically. But beginners may have problems. First you need to simply put the bag with the fish in the aquarium. Let him swim there. Thus, the fish gets used to the new environment. And the fish that are already in the aquarium will become familiar with it this way. Then you need to start lowering the bag lower so that water from the aquarium gets into the bag. Let it stay like this for a little while longer, and then release the fish into the aquarium from the bag.

Important! The more expensive the fish, the more hassle it will be!

Eighth rule - water quality

Whatever fish you purchase, any of them is very sensitive to the chemical composition of the water. And filling the aquarium should begin by checking the composition of the water. All water composition parameters can be checked using special tests for aquarium water. To do this you need to purchase such a test.

Then collect the required amount of water into a clean, well-dried test tube, glass, or glass. Add an indicator reagent to the water and shake the test tube with water. After 5 minutes, compare the result obtained in the reference map. Based on the results obtained, action must be taken. If the water turns out to be very hard, then it needs to be softened.

The ninth rule is a good seller

Now in the age of computer technology, you can find any answer to any question at home by going online. But live communication is still better. And if you are lucky and fate brings you together with an avid aquarist, then success for a beginner is almost guaranteed in breeding fish at home. It would also be nice to make friends with the seller at the pet store, thus receiving not only an experienced adviser, but also, in the future, possibly a good discount and the right of first choice of the specimen you like.

Tenth rule - aquarium farming is my hobby!

The most important thing in aquarium keeping is to work with fish with great passion, and without forcing yourself. Do it in a way that brings pleasure and enjoyment. After all, this is a real vacation at home. You can spend a lot of time near an artificial pond observing the behavior of fish.

In addition, scientists have proven that launching and observing fish normalizes blood pressure and calms the nervous system. And if there are small children at home, then this is also a very good educational moment. After all, from childhood, caring for fish will teach them to care and attention. After all, probably few people would want their first experience with an aquarium to be bitter and end in the death of the fish. After all, it often happens that novice aquarists, unable to cope with problems, give up on their dreams.

Don’t give up right away, and after a while there will come a period when an experienced aquarist will grow from an inexperienced beginner, who will help the same beginners, like him, who bought aquariums for beginners himself just a few weeks or months ago. Believe me - it's not difficult!

It is important for all aquarists, both beginners and experienced, to know how to care for aquarium fish correctly. In fact, caring for them begins with the purchase of an aquarium, because its shape, size, and material determine how comfortable the life of pets will be. Aquascape, feeding, compatibility with other aquatic organisms are also important conditions for the harmonious life of a fish. To ensure proper care for your fish at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules.

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Arrangement of the aquarium

To choose the right aquarium for your fish, consider the following recommendations:

See how to install.

Selection of fish

Instructions for choosing aquarium fish:

  1. Choose pets according to your experience in aquarium business. Of course, for beginners it is better to choose small and unpretentious fish that are easy to care for. Find out in advance about the species’ lifestyle and its taste habits.
  2. Find out at what water parameters the fish can be kept, what food it should be fed and how many times a day.
  3. Choose your aquarium neighbors wisely. Predatory and herbivorous fish should not be housed together, especially large and small species. Disproportion causes some fish to be eaten by others.
  4. Watch the video with the compatibility rules for aquarium fish.

  5. There are schooling fish species, these are small hydrobionts that feel calm in the company of their relatives. A large school of non-aggressive fish does not show aggression towards its neighbors.
  6. Some fish are only suitable for experienced aquarists. It is important that caring for your pets does not tire you, because they take time.
  7. When purchasing fish, pay attention to their appearance and behavior. They should not have faded, ruffled scales, and their fins should be in place. The selected fish should actively swim and not be constantly at the bottom. Choose young fish if you want to breed them in the future. Check with the seller about the feeding regimen.

Proper feeding

Constant, varied feeding also constitutes proper care for aquatic pets. It is advisable to give food 2 times a day, at the same time. Some species may take food from hands over time, but the hands must be clean, free of blood and foreign odors. Fish may see or hear tapping on the glass and swim out of hiding in anticipation of feeding. Pets can become so accustomed to the routine that they begin to prepare for meals at the same time. Fish should not be overfed, as this can lead to health problems. Small portions that they eat in 3-5 minutes will be enough.

Feeding instructions:

Fish Care Basics

Caring for aquatic pets must be constant and of high quality. Cleanliness is the key to health and a carefree life, both for the owner and the pet. Instructions for caring for an aquarium with fish.

If you want to have aquarium fish, then care and maintenance should come first. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions for them. To do this, you need to answer some questions about what you need for a home aquarium, how to properly care for fish and what types of fish they are. Let's look at the most popular inhabitants of the aquarium.

The most common and unpretentious inhabitants of the aquarium

  1. Guppy. Their homeland is the reservoirs of Brazil and Guiana. Caring for fish is quite simple, they are unpretentious. Both dry food and bloodworms, daphnia and tubifex are suitable for them. Guppy is the first living creature to travel into space. Following them, hedgehog fish, cichlids and swordtails were sent into space.
  2. Goldfish. The history of breeding originates in China and Korea. To date, more than 300 species of these fish are known. Keeping and caring for them is not difficult: they are omnivores and can live in water at room temperature.
  3. Danio rerio. They live in the waters of Asia. These schooling fish are constantly on the move. What types of zebrafish are there? They are very original in color: leopard print, pink and striped. The latter are better known as lady's stocking or zebra. In an aquarium, they need room to swim and a slight current.
  4. Siamese cockerel. This aquarium fish is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its fighting character. Some individuals are so aggressive that they can fight with their reflection to the point of exhaustion. They are omnivores. The better the conditions for keeping the fish in the aquarium, the brighter the color of the fins.
  5. Gourami. These beauties live naturally in Southeast Asia. Keeping fish has its own characteristics: they can breathe air thanks to a special “thread”. The most common species in home aquariums are lemon, pearl, honey, cherry and marble gouramis. They love bright light and dense vegetation. The aquarium must be covered with glass or a lid, as gourami jump well.
  6. Barbs, or “barbels,” belong to the carp family. More than 370 species of these fish are known, however, only 15 are found in aquariums. The most famous of them is the Sumatran fish. How to keep these aquarium fish? They are very active and are best housed in flocks. They are incompatible with species having veil and filament fins. Barbs are omnivores and love clean water with good aeration.

How can a beginner care for an aquarium at home? Here are the most basic rules for caring for an aquarium:

  • Don't overfeed your fish. Give her food 1-2 times a day.
  • The main requirement on how to properly care for an aquarium is to place it in the darkest part of your room.
  • How many fish can you keep in an aquarium? It all depends on the amount of oxygen, the power of the filter and the volume of the aquarium. But it is very important not to overpopulate it, otherwise your pets will start fighting and many of them may die.
  • How to keep an aquarium clean? The water must be changed regularly. Preferably once a week. At the same time, wash the glass; mucus accumulates on them. If it is not removed, algae begins to grow.
  • Do not forget about such a concept as fish compatibility. Take this into account when selecting inhabitants for your aquarium.
  • Priming. If yours is sandy, don’t forget to clean the sides of it from algae. But you need to loosen the pebbles and buy a special device - a so-called vacuum cleaner.
  • Caring for an aquarium and fish requires certain knowledge and skills. Before purchasing a fish from a pet store, find out everything about it: how to keep it, what to feed it, who it gets along with. This information is extremely necessary, thanks to it the aquarium will bring you joy.

The most expensive fish

Many people dream of exotic aquarium fish, but you will have to spend a lot of money caring for them. Let's start with the arowana. In China and Asia, it is considered a symbol of good luck and wealth. In captivity it can live more than 10 years. She is not picky about living conditions and adapts easily. The average price for this fish is about $400 thousand. How to properly keep an arowana? She grows very quickly and needs an aquarium of at least 800 liters. She is unpretentious when it comes to food. Arowana is compatible only with very large fish - Indian knife, black pacu and giant gourami.

Koi carp are distinguished by their variegated colors and a huge variety of species. The main colors of koi are black, cream, blue, yellow, white, orange and red. Under artificial conditions, koi live for more than 20 years. The cost of some types can exceed $200 thousand. How to care for aquarium koi fish? They need a large aquarium.

There is one rule here: 5 liters of water for every centimeter of length of the koi carp.

They are unpretentious, but very demanding of a clean aquatic environment. Filtration must be constant and powerful.

One of the most expensive stingrays is the pearl one. It is valued for its spectacular color and small size. To maintain it, a home aquarium must have a volume of at least 450 liters and must have a wide bottom. The price for one individual can reach $50 thousand. Proper care of a pearl stingray includes a large aquarium without decorations or plants, with strong aeration. You need to feed it at least 2 times a day, but you can do 3. The stingray's diet should be varied: mussels, worms, squid, bloodworms, small fish, shrimp.

Angelfish are considered one of the most amazing marine animals. These are inhabitants of coral reefs, they are very thermophilic. Some species reach 60 cm in length, while others can be 10 cm. The cost of some rare individuals is about $30 thousand. Keeping aquarium angelfish requires powerful filtration and timely water changes. They do not get along well with their relatives, but get along well with butterfly fish.

Classification and compatibility

Aquarium fish are grouped into separate groups based on certain parameters. By size they are divided into small and large. If we take into account the size of the fish, then the golden rule applies here: large individuals are placed with large ones, and small ones with small ones. A large fish, even a very peaceful one, can eat its fellow fish if it fits in its mouth. Beginning aquarists should not immediately get cichlids, stingrays or Moorish idols - these are aquarium fish, the maintenance of which is quite difficult.

In addition, fish can be viviparous and spawning. The latter require special conditions during spawning.

Few beginning aquarists know how important the compatibility of aquarium fish is. They can be compatible, relatively compatible and categorically incompatible with each other. For example, angelfish, bettas and neons should not be kept together. But, on the other hand, barbs, gouramis, cockerels and angelfish will get along well in an aquarium. Fish can be categorically incompatible based on the following criteria: size, family and living conditions.

Fish are carnivorous and herbivorous. But the latter will not refuse bloodworms. However, such food will cause problems with their liver and digestion. But it is better not to place predators, for example, astronotus, prirania or payara, in the same aquarium with peaceful and small fish.

Life in captivity

If you know how to care for an aquarium with fish, you can avoid many problems. This way you will create a corner of the seabed at home. With proper care, your fish will live longer and will not get sick.

The lifespan of aquarium fish largely depends on their species.

Thus, large individuals live longer than small ones; fish that lay eggs often live longer in captivity than viviparous fish. The key to the longevity of your fish is proper nutrition and quality care for them.

This is how long the inhabitants of the aquarium live under proper conditions:

  • Arowana - 20 years old.
  • Goldfish - 30 years old.
  • Guppies - up to 5 years old.
  • Neon - 4 years.
  • Piranha - 10 years.
  • Scalaria - 10 years.
  • Gourami - 5 years.
  • Botsia - 15 years old.

Let's look at what you need for a home aquarium. For beginners, guppies, swordtails and platies are best. They are very easy to breed and take root better than others, and are more resistant to disease. First of all, you need to select the soil. For swordtails, a smaller one is suitable.

Its layer should be 3–4 cm.

For catfish, there must be driftwood in the aquarium. They play an important role - they clean the walls of the aquarium. It is necessary to check the aquarium for harmful substances.

Plants can be artificial or real. The latter must be in the aquarium, they support the bioflora. The water for the aquarium settles for 3 to 7 days, then drugs are added to it to prepare it. You will also need a light, a water warmer, and a filter.

They need to be quarantined in a separate container.

Then lower the bag with the fish into the aquarium, this is necessary to equalize the temperature. Then add a small amount of aquarium water to the bag and observe their behavior. After this, you can safely release your fish to their relatives.

How to care for an aquarium? To do this, you will need a siphon, a bucket, a sponge, and a glass scraper (preferably with plastic blades). Clean the sight glass from algae and deposits. Also, a mandatory water change must be performed every week. Plants in the aquarium require care: removing curled leaves, pruning and feeding.

Caring for aquarium fish for beginner aquarists:

  1. Choose an aquarium that is as large in size as possible (based on your circumstances and capabilities). In a large tank it is easier to create comfortable living conditions.
  2. To begin with, select fish that are less whimsical: guppies, barbs, gourami. A goldfish would be an excellent option; it does not need aeration or a water warmer, but you will still have to change the water and wash the glass once a week.
  3. Keeping the aquarium clean and tidy is the basis of fish care.
  4. Inspect your fish carefully. Here are some signs that they are sick: change or loss of color, inappropriate behavior, refusal to feed, fins sticking together or drooping, the fish becomes “sad.”

How to care for fish in an aquarium every day? Living conditions must be stable. Check the water temperature, the condition of the filter and the serviceability of the compressor.

To find out how much food your fish need, add only as much food as they can eat in 10 minutes.