How dogs are castrated. Features of dog castration: cost, pros and cons, care. Best time for surgery

First, let's figure out what dog castration is and how it differs from sterilization. Typically, people who have never had a cat or dog believe that castration is a “male” operation, and sterilization is a “female” operation. However, these procedures differ not depending on the sex of the animal, but according to the principle of implementation.

Castration of dogs means:

  • in males - surgical removal testes (testicles),
  • in females – surgical removal of the ovaries, or the ovaries along with the uterus.

Sterilization of dogs involves:

  • in males - ligation of the seminal ducts,
  • in bitches – tubal ligation.

As a result of both castration and sterilization, the dog permanently loses the ability to reproduce. After castration, the dog completely loses interest in opposite sex, bitches go out of heat. And after sterilization, the animal can mate, since the genitals are preserved and continue to produce hormones.

Why neuter your dog?

As we found out, castrating a dog means removing reproductive organs in an animal of any sex. But why is this operation necessary? And why can’t we limit ourselves to sterilization?

  • Cryptochrism is a condition where one or two testicles in a male dog are not descended into the scrotum. Because of congenital anomaly arises high probability egg tumor development, so it is better to take preventive measures.
  • Prostatitis, cysts and other neoplasms in the gonads are direct indications for castration of male dogs.
  • Complications in a bitch during pregnancy or after giving birth can threaten the life and health of the animal. If the dog has reached sexual maturity, there is a risk of uncontrolled conception, which is important to prevent with surgery.
  • The development of oncology is radically prevented reproductive system and pyometra ( purulent endometritis) in bitches.
  • If the dog is used as a sled dog, guard dog, hunting dog or guide dog, castration will improve its performance. After castration, the animal will not run away in search of a partner and will be able to concentrate on the task.
  • The dog's behavior may be inappropriate due to an excess of sex hormones. It is necessary to castrate male dogs with bouts of causeless aggression, spontaneous ejaculation, and frequent random erections. After surgery, your pet's behavior changes better side– dogs stop marking territory, rushing at other dogs, do not try to dominate the owner, and become more manageable and balanced. Changes in character are expressed more clearly in males compared to females. Now they go outside for walks and toilets, not for adventure. However, in this situation it is important to distinguish hormonal imbalance and the usual bad manners of the pet. If the first is corrected by castration, then flaws in training and bad character will not go away.

Thus, castration of dogs solves problems that cannot be solved through sterilization. Experts recommend sterilizing all bitches from whom it is not planned to produce offspring, and if indicated, it is necessary to castrate them. With regard to males, it is worth focusing on the health, behavior and lifestyle of the dogs; castration is carried out selectively.

Pros of castration

The positive aspects of castrating a dog are as follows:

  • animals will not be able to reproduce, which means there will be no need to place puppies or increase the number of stray animals;
  • the pet’s behavior is corrected, it becomes more “homey” and calm;
  • the operation indirectly affects the dog’s life expectancy, as the risk of developing prostate hyperplasia is reduced, diabetes mellitus and oncology.

Disadvantages of castration

Castration of a dog leads to changes hormonal levels and may have side effects:

  • the operation is performed under general anesthesia, which sometimes leads to allergies, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, heart and respiratory system;
  • subsequently there is a possibility of disruption of the functioning of the urinary system. Thus, some bitches develop urinary incontinence;
  • a neutered dog is not immune from sleep disturbances and spatial disorientation;
  • the risk of hypothyroidism, obesity, vascular problems, and bone sarcoma increases.

Optimal age of a dog for castration

It is best to have your dog neutered shortly after puberty. Because of this, the ideal age for neutering varies depending on the breed and health of the individual dog. For miniature pets weighing up to 10 kg, puberty falls on 5-8 months of age, in representatives of middle and large breeds- from 8 months to 1 year, for giants this period reaches 2 years. Your veterinarian will tell you at what age to neuter your dog after examining the animal.

Important: castration of a dog by medical indications carried out regardless of her age.

Choose optimal time For castration it really makes sense if there is such an opportunity. An operation performed very early can lead to abnormalities in the puppy’s development and problems with genitourinary system. If a male or female dog has been neutered in adulthood, there is often no hope for improvement in their behavior, since the habits have long been ingrained. In addition, older dogs tolerate anesthesia more difficultly and take longer to recover than their young relatives. Animals 8 years of age and older are usually neutered only for medical reasons.

On a note: veterinary practice in Russia and Europe it is different. In EU countries, puppies under 2 months of age can be castrated. However, domestic veterinarians recommend waiting until at least 6 months of age.

Contraindications for castration

Before surgery, the veterinarian examines the dog to rule out possible contraindications. The main factors influencing the decision to castrate an animal:

  • inappropriate age - up to 5 months or older than 6 years (without urgent medical need);
  • kidney and cardiovascular diseases;
  • passed less than a month after vaccination;
  • loss of appetite, behavior, loss or dull color of the dog’s coat;
  • weakened state after illness.

Preparing for surgery

Please note that self-respecting specialists will not undertake to castrate a dog on the day of treatment. At the clinic, the animal must have its blood and urine taken for analysis and ultrasound diagnostics internal organs, check your heart function. The preparatory period will not require any special procedures, but nevertheless you should take it seriously and follow the recommendations.

1-2 months before castration

When there are several days left before castration, the dog must adhere to proper nutrition. Pets are transferred to light food. Diet dry foods or natural food– lean meat and fish, vegetables, dairy products. Cereals are kept to a minimum, fatty and floury foods are strictly prohibited.

The day before castration

The dog stops feeding 10-12 hours before castration, and water 4-6 hours before castration.

Swipe general cleaning at home - the animal should recover after surgery in cleanliness and comfort. Don't forget to dust and wash the floors with disinfectant.

Pack your bag for the clinic in the evening. Standard list of things: carrier, bedding, paper napkins, antiseptic and a special collar. Ask your veterinarian in advance for the name of a suitable antiseptic, and it is also possible that some of the listed items will be given to you on the spot.

Save positive attitude and be attentive to your pet!

How is castration of a male dog carried out?

Let's start with the males, since males are castrated more often than females. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts no more than 10 minutes. First, the hair on the lower abdomen is shaved and groin area, the surface is treated with an antiseptic. Then 2 small incisions are made on the skin, through which the testes are removed. The wounds are disinfected, sprinkled with tricillin, sutured with absorbable sutures and covered with a bandage. The stitches heal within 3-4 days, recovery period easy. We can talk about complete rehabilitation in 3-4 weeks.

Large dogs are usually neutered in a clinic, while male dogs small size It is allowed to operate at home.

How is castration of a bitch carried out?

Castration of a female dog is more difficult and takes longer. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes 30 minutes. The fur on the dog's belly is shaved, the skin area is treated with an antiseptic, and an incision is made in the lower part to remove the ovaries (sometimes the uterus is also removed). The wound is treated, a double suture is placed on it, which is closed with a bandage.

Castration of a bitch – abdominal surgery, which should only be carried out in a veterinary clinic. Availability qualified specialists and specialized equipment minimizes the likelihood of critical situations.

Chemical castration

An alternative to surgery is so-called chemical castration. This method is reversible and consists of administering a drug (capsule) to the dog that affects reproductive function. The production of sex hormones stops after a month. The effect lasts from 6 months to a year.

After the expiration of the drug, or removal of the capsule, reproductive function is being restored. Chemical castration does not give a guaranteed 100% result and is expensive, therefore it is almost not used in Russia.

Caring for your dog after castration

As soon as the dog recovers from anesthesia, it can be taken home, provided there are no complications. The most important thing a pet needs after castration is care and peace. Stop receiving guests and visiting for a while. crowded places, give your dog maximum attention. If suppuration or suture dehiscence occurs, or any alarming symptoms– Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Take care in advance to organize a warm place for your neutered dog. If the animal lives on the street, it is advisable to temporarily take it into the house. This way, the likelihood of getting an infection will be significantly lower.

The first day after castration

In the first hours after recovering from anesthesia, the dog can be given water. a small amount water. You should not feed the animal because it has difficulty swallowing and may vomit after anesthesia.

If after castration your dog pees, do not scold him under any circumstances - this is normal in the first 12 hours after the operation. When the dog finally wakes up, you can go for a mini-walk so he can relieve himself.

After 4 hours, you can offer the dog some food, but do not be alarmed if the pet refuses to eat. Appetite may be absent for 1-2 days.

In the first days after castration, keep an eye on the suture. If your dog is licking or chewing on a wound, you should place a protective collar around its neck.

Usually, after castration, it is necessary to give the animal antibiotics and treat the suture with an antiseptic. Follow your veterinarian's recommendations.

One week after castration

About a week after the operation, the dog should be brought to a specialist for a follow-up examination.

If non-self-absorbable threads were used during castration, then on the 10th day you need to come to have the sutures removed.

2 weeks after surgery

So, the most crucial period of time is over. Continue to monitor your pet, provide the dog with a “light mode” - do not overload with training, active games, long runs, swimming.

How much does it cost to neuter a dog?

The cost of castration depends on the weight and gender of the dog, as well as on the city where the operation will be performed, and the “promotion” of the veterinary clinic. Prices vary significantly between public and private institutions. The cost of the operation includes the price of medications, anesthesia and related materials.

There are two main points in pricing:

  • Castration of females costs more than castration of males;
  • how bigger dog, the more expensive the operation.

Babies lighter than 5 kg can be castrated for 3000-4000 rubles, an average dog weighing from 10 to 20 kg - for 6000-7000 rubles, and the operation for a healthy dog ​​heavier than 50 kg - from 9000 rubles. An operation at home will cost more than in a clinic; usually they ask you to pay an additional 1,000 rubles for an out-patient visit. depending on the region.

Despite the simplicity of such an operation as castration of dogs, the age and condition of the pet must be taken into account. In addition, it is important to properly prepare the dog for the procedure and for the introduction to narcotic sleep - this will avoid many complications. Of course the last word contact your veterinarian, and we will only give general recommendations.

Let's start with the question that almost all owners ask themselves: “At what age do dogs undergo castration? least likely undesirable consequences?. Most doctors are inclined to believe that the main thing is the condition of the pet, and not how old it is. It is safer to castrate an elderly person and healthy dog than a young but suffering person, for example.

If we talk about completely healthy dogs, then castration of an adult male – normal phenomenon. Most often, owners delay making a decision, expecting that by the age of three the behavior problems will disappear on their own (they will grow up and go crazy). Sometimes this happens, especially if due attention is paid to the upbringing of the pet.

The most suitable period for castration is considered to be the beginning of puberty. At this age, the pet’s body is already fully formed, but problems associated with libido have not yet begun. Some habits, such as marking corners, may continue after castration, so it is better to prevent them from appearing in the first place. Castration of dogs at what age will be timely depends on many factors. For example, depending on the breed: 7 months in the case of small dogs and a year and a half in the case of giant breeds. However, the age at which puberty begins is individual: in order to “catch the moment”, you need to monitor changes in your pet’s behavior.

Late castration of dogs - ages 7 years and older - is less preferable, because... even if the pet is absolutely healthy, age-related changes have already affected his body: the heart is weaker, the blood vessels are worn out, the suture takes longer to heal, etc. Often the recovery period lasts up to two weeks. However, much depends on the qualifications of the doctor and proper preparation pet, so you shouldn’t refuse castration just because “Oh, we’re already 9 years old...”

Early castration is the riskiest choice. On the one hand, the growing body will quickly recover, the wound will heal in a matter of days, the puppy will be easier to distract - less stress. But for a three-month-old baby it is difficult to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug (sometimes babies simply do not wake up after anesthesia). In addition, castration of a male dog under 5 months of age can cause abnormal development reproductive system is a rare, but not exceptional phenomenon. This is also the period of changing teeth, first vaccinations, changing children's fur to an adult fur coat, etc. - There is no point in taking risks, it is better to wait until puberty begins.

Many owners of our four-legged friends are interested in how a male dog is castrated. In this article we want to talk about this, as well as what kind of anesthesia is used and how to care for a male dog after castration.

Stage 1 – disinfection surgical field

Stage 2 – longitudinal incision of the scrotum no more than the diameter of the testis

Stage 3 – removal of the testis from the scrotum and application of a ligature to the spermatic cord to prevent bleeding

Stage 4 – excision of the testis

Stage 5 – applying skin sutures to the scrotum

There is a possibility to conduct cosmetic procedure– amputation of the scrotum, which looks more aesthetically beautiful. However, the price of castration of a male dog increases.

Postoperative treatment

Postoperative treatment represents deletion blood clots from the incision site and testicular cavity, dusting the surgical wound with antiseptic powder. All this is done once by a veterinarian, so the dog owner does not need to repeat the treatment each time.

In the following days, the seam will need to be processed 1-2 times a day until the seam is removed, that is, 10-12 days. Processing is carried out antiseptics(Chlorhexidine solution, Levomekol ointment).

You can remove sutures yourself at home, as shown in the picture, or call a veterinarian to your home.

IV and recovery from anesthesia after castration of a male dog

These are additional services that are provided to owners of neutered male dogs, both in a veterinary clinic and at home. Thanks to the dropper it is eliminated toxic effect anesthesia, the phenomena of hypoxia and impaired perfusion of coronary and cerebral vessels. As a consequence of this, the condition of the animals is restored to as soon as possible, appetite appears on the day of surgery, the dog does not feel discomfort or pain in the area of ​​the surgical wound.

We have completed the description of the article “How castration of a male dog occurs,” but if the dear reader has questions, he can ask them on our forum.

Castration of a male dog at home

Several options for castration of male dogs at home - from a budget option for 2500 rubles to a VIP option for 7800 rubles. Surgeons use European light anesthesia and recovery from anesthesia, which guarantees wellness And fast recovery after operation. The promotion is valid until the end of the month.

2500 RUB

Pet breeders are always concerned about the issue of regulating the animal’s sex life. Dog castration - difficult choice for their owners. When planning this operation, many questions arise, what are the pros and cons of castration, why dogs undergo this operation, and what does it do for their owners. Castration of male dogs can solve frequently occurring problems when keeping them, the most common of which is aggression towards the owner and family members caused by hormonal outbreaks.

Many dog ​​owners are interested in the question of whether it is worth sterilizing a female if they do not plan to use the animal for breeding, and how castration affects the behavior and character of the dog.

Before making the final decision to perform surgery on your pet, it is necessary to analyze at what age it is better to castrate a dog, the pros and cons of this operation, possible consequences castration.

Should a male dog be neutered?

To the most common reasons contacting veterinarians with a request to euthanize animals is aggressive behavior males. Moreover, this is increased aggression towards humans, and not just towards other individuals. IN in this case The cause of this aggression is hormonal imbalances associated with disruption of the reproductive cycle in animals. Often, resorting to castration (sterilization) can suppress this aggression.

At what age are dogs neutered? The operation is usually performed before puberty is completed. When a male dog reaches sexual maturity, it is usually 9–10 months for small breeds, he begins to show signs of sexual hunting. Large breed dogs mature a little later, up to a year. During a walk, the dog can run away, sensing a female dog in heat, while ignoring the owner’s calls. Once lost, a dog may not appear for days or weeks, or may not return home at all. Neutering a dog will reduce the risk of him escaping from his owner.

Of course, the difficulties described above are relevant if the owner of the dog does not plan to use it for breeding purposes, providing it with a good sex life.

There are cases when mating for a dog is not only undesirable, but contraindicated. For example, if an animal has diseases for which it is strictly prohibited breeding, one of these diseases is dysplasia hip joint. 1 more important point— castration of a male cryptorchid. The presence of this pathology (when the testicle has not descended into the scrotum, but remains in the abdominal cavity) requires immediate surgical intervention. It is believed that, theoretically, a male dog can breed bitches with only one testicle, but this disease is genetic, which means it can be passed on to offspring, so using such a male dog for breeding is not advisable.

Another argument in favor of castration of males is the fact that castrated dogs live longer than non-castrated ones. It has been proven that unsatisfied sexual instinct is a strong stress factor that affects the life expectancy of a dog.

When deciding to castrate a male dog, it is necessary to take into account that by nature dogs are pack animals, and in a pack not all animals are producers.

Therefore, psychologically and physiologically, a male dog can live without mating and there is no need for wholesale castration of absolutely all dogs of small and large breeds, unless breeding is planned. In each individual case, it is necessary to evaluate all the pros and cons of castration and determine whether a particular dog needs surgery.

Preparing for surgery

Many owners are interested in the question at what age can a dog be neutered. Most veterinarians consider the pet's health status, not its age, to be the main indicator. If the dog is completely healthy, then castrating an adult male is normal. The most favorable time for castration is considered to be the moment of the onset of puberty, before the animal has established negative habits and behavior patterns, which are then very difficult to get rid of.

Is it possible to castrate older animals, and until how old is the operation performed? Castration of males who have reached the age of 7 years or more is carried out less frequently, since age-related changes occur in the animal’s body, the heart weakens, and it is more difficult for him to tolerate anesthesia.

At the next stage of preparing a male dog for castration, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive assessment his state of health. That means general examination, change necessary tests, consultations veterinarians, if the dog has any chronic diseases.

Immediately before the operation, the dog should be kept on a starvation diet for approximately 12 hours, and drinking should be limited 6 hours before the procedure.

Some veterinarians prescribe antibiotics a couple of days before surgery to be on the safe side.

When going for the operation, you need to make sure that you take everything you need: disposable diapers, napkins, a blanket to wrap the animal and a carrier in which it can be carried to the apartment.

How is dog castration done? This is a simple operation for male dogs; under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision and removes the testicles. Then stitches are placed on this wound.

Caring for your dog after castration

As a rule, after the operation, by the evening next day the dog behaves as usual: his appetite returns, he actively moves and reacts adequately to his environment. But despite the simplicity of the operation, in order to avoid postoperative complications, caring for a male dog after castration should be carried out according to the recommendations of a veterinarian.

When picking up an animal from a veterinary clinic, you need to ask the doctor in detail about all postoperative aspects, exciting the owner. What and when can the pet be fed, how to care for the suture, when can it be given water, whether the sutures need to be removed, etc. The veterinarian should tell you what symptoms should alert the owner during the recovery period, and in which cases a repeat visit to the doctor is necessary.

The first hours after the operation, when the dog begins to recover from anesthesia, it must be covered with a blanket, since at this time, under the influence of drugs, animals often experience chills. At home, the dog should be placed on a flat surface, away from pieces of furniture that could injure him. You need to make sure that this place is not near a window or radiator, and that the dog does not lie in a draft.

While the animal is sleeping, caring for the dog after castration is as follows: it is necessary to monitor its pulse and breathing, check what color the mucous membranes are: they should be of a normal color - not very pale or blue. Once every half hour, the animal needs to be turned over to the other side. Wet diapers must be changed quickly, otherwise the dog will freeze. If the eyes are open, then you need to moisturize the mucous membrane with artificial tears to prevent drying out, but if the dog’s eyes are closed, then nothing needs to be done.

You can feed and give water to the animal only when it has completely recovered from the effects of anesthesia, since under the influence of these drugs it is difficult for it to swallow, and if food or liquid gets into the lungs, this can lead to the development of pneumonia.

Immediate consultation with a doctor is required following symptoms castrated male: weakening pulse, temperature below 38° or above 39°, convulsions, wheezing in the chest, difficulty breathing, prolonged vomiting after anesthesia.

In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the dog does not chew or lick the seam area, so that inflammation or separation of the seams does not occur.

To do this, you can put a special collar on it.

Consequences of castration of dogs

Having analyzed all the pros and cons of castration, we can conclude that today castration of dogs is a simple operation that almost everyone does veterinary clinics. But, like any other operation, there may be problems Negative consequences. What are the disadvantages of castrating dogs?

Firstly, complications may arise during the operation, for example, heavy bleeding, allergic reaction for anesthesia, heart or lung dysfunction. Secondly, it is possible postoperative complications, such as surgical infections, hernias, inflammation and suppuration of sutures.

If you castrate a puppy before the onset of puberty, then due to underdevelopment of the genitourinary system there is a risk of getting sick urolithiasis increases for him.

According to some studies, dogs that have undergone castration have an increased risk of developing the following diseases:

  • osteosarcoma;
  • obesity;
  • prostate cancer;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Dog sterilization

For owners of female animals, sterilization is a reliable way to solve the problem with possible offspring. If you do not plan to use the bitch as a breeder of puppies, then its owner should think about the operation, since in the future he will be tormented by the question of where to place the offspring.

Sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, the operation lasts approximately 1.5 hours.

For females, everything is much more difficult than for males. This is an abdominal operation with access to abdominal cavity. As a rule, either the ovaries or the ovaries and uterus are removed from dogs.

At what age can a dog be spayed? It is advisable to sterilize the female before her first heat, approximately 4–5 months. The later the operation is performed, the greater the risk of tumors.

Pros of a sterilized dog:

  • the animal will become more obedient and calm;
  • the dog's life expectancy will increase by a couple of years;
  • the dog will mark its territory less;
  • the likelihood of infection is significantly reduced infectious diseases genitourinary system;
  • disappear hormonal problems leading to cancer.

But besides positive points, sterilization, like any other operation, can have negative consequences for the dog.

These include inflammation or rupture of sutures, bleeding, hernias, infections, various consequences anesthesia

Castration is an operation to remove the genital organs of male dogs. Castration, just like sterilization, does not pose any danger to the health and life of the pet. On the contrary, it prevents not only unwanted procreation, but also many diseases, such as cancer in dogs.

Why does a dog need castration?

Every dog ​​owner faces the issue of castration in one way or another. As soon as the pet reaches puberty, and this happens at 8-12 months of its life, it is time to think about castration. But here the question arises: why is it needed and is it needed at all?

So, castration is needed if:

Castration is not needed if:

  1. You live in a private house, and your pet has the opportunity to walk freely, as well as establish “relationships” with dogs.
  2. You have an ordinary, not purebred dog.
  3. You want your dog to be fruitful and multiply.

In any case, whatever your opinion about castration, you should remember that this is a simple operation that is not dangerous to your pet’s health. In addition, according to medical statistics, castration helps to avoid many diseases associated with the genitourinary system, and even oncological diseases in dogs.

Are sterilization and castration the same thing?

Sterilization and castration are not the same thing, they are fundamentally different things. Sterilization is an operation to remove the genital organs - the ovaries and uterus, and castration is a dressing spermatic cords. Mostly females are sterilized, and males are castrated, and the latter retain their sexual desires. They can start again sexual hunting, but they just won’t be able to continue their family line.

Where is the best place to spay a dog?

The operation to remove the gonads can be performed both in the clinic and at home. It is calmer and more convenient - for the pet itself and for its owner as well - to carry out castration at home. You won't have to sit in line for a long time and wait to be accepted. In addition, the pet itself will not be nervous - there is nothing to be afraid of within the walls of its own home.

However, before castration, it is advisable to ask what kind of doctor will come to you. Castration should be carried out by a doctor, and not by any other worker. Do not trust your pet to people who have caused you doubts. If you are calling a veterinarian for the first time, then find out information about this doctor, his qualifications and experience.

When should you neuter your dog?

It is usually recommended to castrate a dog as soon as it reaches puberty. This age varies for each pet: from 8 to 12 months. To clarify this question - is your dog ripe or not ripe for castration - contact a veterinarian or call him at home if you do not have the time and opportunity to go to a veterinary clinic. It is best to castrate the dog after a year of life.

In any case, whatever your opinion about castration, you should remember that this is a simple operation that is not dangerous to your pet’s health. In addition, according to medical statistics, castration helps to avoid many diseases associated with the genitourinary system, and even cancer in dogs.

If your dog has long been ripe for castration, then you can call a specialist to your home for this procedure right now. But first, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a veterinarian: what if your pet has some contraindications to surgery.

It is usually recommended to castrate a dog as soon as it reaches puberty. This age varies for each pet: from 8 to 12 months. To clarify this question - is your cat ripe or not ripe for castration - contact a veterinarian or call him at home if you do not have the time and opportunity to go to the veterinary clinic. It is best to castrate the dog after a year of life.

How is castration done in a dog?

The castration procedure for a dog begins with the administration of a certain dose of anesthesia. Castration is carried out under general anesthesia and lasts about half an hour, not counting the time until the animal recovers from anesthesia.

After castration, the animal wakes up and begins to recover from anesthesia. As a rule, it should return to normal within two to three hours, but if any abnormalities are observed, call a veterinarian immediately.

Caring for your dog after castration

As such, rehabilitation after castration is not necessary: ​​the operation has no effect on harmful influence on the condition and health of the pet, with the exception of very rare cases when the animal did not survive anesthesia well or an error was made during castration. However, the creation special conditions, care and attention from loving owner After castration, the dog will need it more than ever.

The first thing you need to do after castration is to set up a specially designated place for your pet: lay a clean bedding or sheet on a soft surface where your dog will rest. It is even better to use an absorbent diaper, since the pet may begin to urinate uncontrollably.

As such, rehabilitation after castration is not necessary: ​​the operation does not have a detrimental effect on the condition and health of the pet, with the exception of very rare cases when the animal did not survive anesthesia well or a mistake was made during castration. However, the creation of special conditions, care and attention from a loving owner after castration will be needed more than ever before.

It is worth remembering that after the operation the pet’s coordination of movements will be temporarily impaired, so to avoid injury it is not recommended to leave it unattended.

Particular attention should be paid to food. You can feed your pet only the next day after castration. You should also not feed your dog 12 hours before surgery. You need to give a little food, in small portions, but more often. Try not to overfeed the dog. In general, you should take care that the dog does not overeat, since neutered pets are prone to obesity. There is even one for them special feed, which will help avoid the appearance of extra pounds on your pet.