Why does a tooth with removed nerves hurt? A tooth hurts without a nerve: what to do?

Carious processes negatively affect the enamel and eventually lead to the development of pulpitis. Pathogenic bacteria enter the canals due to tissue destruction, which is accompanied by pain. Sometimes the only possible way to eliminate it and other consequences of caries is to remove the nerve.

Often a dead tooth becomes painful, which seems illogical. Below we will figure out why a tooth hurts after nerve removal.

Pain syndrome is the body's reaction to external stimuli. After a correctly performed procedure, the cured tooth can exist for quite a long time. In order for it not to ache, but to serve as long as possible, a number of conditions must be met during removal, among which great importance is attached to adequate root canal therapy and their sealing using filling materials.

The depulpation procedure begins with the administration of a local anesthetic. After this, the dental canal is cleaned. Upon completion of the therapeutic procedure, the dentist places a filling.

Sometimes, after removing the nerves, the toothache does not go away. Under the influence of the anesthetic, the patient does not feel anything, but when the effect of the drug wears off, the patient may notice discomfort in the gums and jaw.

The nerve endings are intertwined into a common trunk, which is responsible for the sensitivity of the face, so the removal of one of them does not go unnoticed. Inflammation of the nerve contributes to discomfort in the ear, temporal and frontal areas. During the depulpation procedure, the inflamed nerve is torn from the common trunk, which leads to microtrauma of the tissue.

Nerve endings are woven into a common trunk

In such a situation, pain is considered a natural condition that should not alarm the patient; it will go away over time.

When a tooth hurts after nerve removal, other symptoms may occur:

  • excessive tooth sensitivity due to external irritants, such as food, cold air or sugary drinks;
  • discomfort when pressing or biting on a sore tooth;
  • twitching of facial muscles, especially often in the evening or during sleep;
  • a feeling of discomfort when closing the jaw.

Oksana Shiyka


When a nerve has been removed and the tooth hurts, the patient may experience migraine and general weakness at the same time. Within a week, all of the above symptoms should go away. If negative sensations persist for more than seven days, you should see a dentist.

Tooth removal

In the video, a dentist explains how much a tooth can hurt after removing a nerve:

Why does a tooth hurt without a nerve?

Oksana Shiyka


When planning treatment, it is important to choose a good specialist. An unqualified dentist can cause serious harm with his actions, and pain after removing a nerve will signal the development of complications under the filling.

Complications after therapeutic procedures can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Unprofessional cleaning of the root canal, after which microorganisms may remain that develop under the filling and lead to an inflammatory process.
  2. Incomplete removal of nerve tissue.
  3. The formation of voids under the filling, which can lead to an abscess, destruction of the tooth walls and the formation of fistulas.
  4. Filling material extends beyond the top of the tooth roots.
  5. Non-standard structure of the molar, which leads to incomplete tooth cleaning.

Proper cleaning of the canals is the key to pain-free

To avoid long-term treatment, contact trusted specialists.

Sometimes the occurrence of pain after depulpation is influenced by secondary reasons:

  1. Allergic reaction to substances contained in filling material. Along with painful sensations, a person develops rashes and itching. The only possible solution in this situation is to go to the dentist to remove the filling installed in the root canal and replace it with a new, hypoallergenic one.
  2. Damaged gum. If after the procedure the inflammatory process continues to develop, then it is necessary to carefully examine the oral cavity. In order to relieve swelling and inflammation, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antiseptics for rinsing.
  3. Trigeminal neuralgia, the first symptoms of which are excessive pain when touched or bitten, as well as attacks of numbness. With this pathology, the patient's jaw aches so much that sometimes it even causes difficulty in speaking.

Ways to avoid pain

In order not to encounter the problems listed above, the patient must follow several important rules.

To begin with, you should strictly follow all the dentist’s recommendations, including:

  • careful and careful care of the oral cavity after depulpation;
  • Regular rinsing of the mouth.

Oksana Shiyka


The oral cavity after dental treatment should not be subjected to excessive stress. It is for this reason that brushing your teeth should be temporarily replaced by rinsing with the use of antiseptic agents, which will help remove pathogenic bacteria from the mouth and not disturb the diseased tooth.

Antiseptics for rinsing

Traditional methods will also help in the fight against aching pain, among which the most effective are:

  • propolis, which must be applied even before the effect of the anesthetic wears off;
  • sunflower oil for rinsing;
  • ice, which, when used in a targeted manner, will help to somewhat reduce the feeling of discomfort.

Propolis Sunflower oil Ice

All of the listed remedies in the fight against pain in teeth and gums are considered auxiliary. They only alleviate the general condition of a person, but do not treat possible complications. The course of treatment can only be determined by a dentist, who, in case of serious pathology, will prescribe antibiotics to the patient.

In the video, the dentist explains why a “dead” tooth hurts:

Tooth pain after nerve removal is a natural reaction of the body to the surgery. If it is accompanied by other alarming symptoms, you must urgently consult your doctor, who will do everything necessary to preserve the tooth and prevent dangerous pathologies.

Today on the website Shtuchka.ru you will find out why it happens that The nerve was removed, but the tooth hurts. Many people are convinced that if the nerve is removed from a tooth, it will never hurt again. But as soon as your feet get wet or freeze, such a tooth begins to shoot and ache. And the doctor says that it is necessary to undergo root canal treatment. Let's find out why this happens and what to do in this case.

Tooth hurts without a nerve

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common situation. Doctors have two answers for patients: either they undertreated them or they treated them incorrectly. Basically, this is a legacy of the Soviet era, since in those days they had only an academic understanding of the structure of the tooth, but did not have the necessary tools.

For example, Western dentists receive a separate specialization - endodontist. These are specialists who perform root canal treatment. After all, what is usually called a nerve, in the singular, is actually a special system that spreads its tentacles in different directions of the tooth. And each of them is only the size of a hair, so it is impossible to examine all the “nerve” labyrinths with the eye, or even with an x-ray, since two processes may well merge and hide behind each other.

That is why, it seems, the nerve was removed, but the filled tooth hurts - as soon as even a tiny part of the nervous tissue is missed, it becomes the epicenter of inflammation. Exposure to microbes decomposes the tissue and spreads the infection, and at the same time you feel discomfort - the tooth reacts to hot and cold, aches or just hurts in the weather.

Have you removed a nerve but your tooth hurts? Perhaps not all nerve endings in the tooth are eliminated!

Why does a tooth without a nerve hurt and what to do about it?

So, let's summarize. If you have pain in a filled tooth from which the nerve has been removed , then it is possible:

  • The nerve was not completely removed, and the tooth continues to feel all the influences exerted on it;
  • Were it bad or not completely canals are sealed, and therefore the pain does not go away - then the canal filling work needs to be redone, because the pain will not go away;
  • Source of pain - adjacent tooth, but the close location does not make it possible to localize the pain and it seems that the tooth that was recently treated is bothering;
  • The inflammatory process is concentrated in the gum, and not in the tooth, and it directly hurts.

First of all, if as a result of treatment you have pain in a filled tooth without a nerve, remember that such sensations are, in principle, normal during the first three to five days after completion of tooth treatment. Then the pain should subside and gradually disappear.

Be prepared for the fact that in the first days there may be an unpleasant sensation when pressing on this tooth; touching it with hot or cold food can also provoke painful sensitivity. You should contact your dentist again after this period has expired; doing this earlier is simply pointless.

If an inflamed nerve has been removed and the tooth hurts, a specialist should prescribe an X-ray for you in order to find out what may be bothering you. Also, for the first time after treatment, you will most likely be prescribed an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic or pain reliever, or a specific treatment that helps speed up healing and helps eliminate pain more quickly.

How to properly treat a “dead” tooth

First of all, the site warns, do not make a common mistake - don't self-medicate. Of course, in case of severe pain, you need to take a painkiller, but remember that further treatment is a painstaking and lengthy task that necessarily requires medical intervention. After all, it is important for you not only to remove the residual effects of the inflamed nerve, but also all the infected tissues around.

To avoid a situation where the nerve is removed and the tooth continues to hurt, every dentist should know about the three basic rules of such treatment: expansion, then cleansing and filling. After all, the branches of nerves in the teeth are like the root system of a tree. You can’t guess where and what turn the nerve will make - only a qualified specialist with good skills, accumulated experience and examples can be trusted in such a situation.

The inside of the tooth has a porous structure, and dentin is like a sponge in which bacteria and microbes easily get stuck. Therefore, it is so important to clean each of the canals to the very bottom - three, five, eight - all that are in the tooth. An ordinary instrument and mediocre doctor’s skills can result in you cleaning only up to the middle of the canal, and after a while a granuloma (cyst) may appear. Next, if you notice a dark spot on the picture, in a regular clinic you will be given the following verdict: either resection or immediate tooth extraction.

Be responsible when choosing a specialist if you have a “dead” tooth without a nerve hurts, since its preservation may depend on this.

Thus, you need to trust your dental treatment to experienced, highly qualified specialists. This will significantly save your time and money, and most importantly, save your health. Your task is, first of all, to preserve the tooth, since even the most wonderful prosthetics cannot replace your natural teeth.

Saltykova Anna – especially for the site Shtuchka.ru

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In dental practice, it is often necessary to remove the nerve in a diseased tooth. Many patients believe that after this it becomes “dead” and, accordingly, should not be bothered. But there are still cases when a tooth hurts without a nerve. Unpleasant sensations may occur immediately after filling the canals with paste or after some time. Why is this happening? What to do? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Nerve removal

In order to make a decision to remove the pulp (nerve), the specialist must have reasons. Canal treatment is a necessary measure. In addition, depulpation is a complex process. Patients are accustomed to calling the pulp system a nerve. Its processes are very thin. And the channels that the pulp fills are often tortuous. This makes it difficult for a specialist to access.

In addition, the doctor performs the procedure almost blindly. A specialist is not able to control the process visually. Sometimes even with the help of x-rays it is not possible to examine in detail the entire “labyrinth” of the tooth canals. The image is not able to display the nerve processes hiding behind each other. There are also too narrow channels with atypical entrances. Extracting the pulp with all its branches is not easy. After all, if you leave even one “tail”, problems will begin. The patient will be faced with the fact that his tooth hurts again. Without a nerve and with sealed canals, it would seem that it should not bother. Now we have to figure out why pain occurs.

Why does a filled tooth without a nerve hurt?

We partly answered this question when we considered the depulpation process. Since it is carried out almost blindly, errors in dental practice are very common.

There are several other reasons why a tooth without a nerve hurts:

  • It was not possible to clean the channels to the very end. Repeated treatment of a tooth in which the canals have already been filled with paste sometimes leads to the situation in question.
  • Introduction of material beyond the apex. A complication may occur in the form of inflammation of the jaw nerve.
  • Insufficient rinsing of the canals with an antiseptic. Microorganisms do not have time to die. As a result, an inflammatory process develops.

  • It was not possible to completely fill the tooth canals. The resulting voids almost always harbor pathogenic bacteria. And this doctor’s mistake leads to the fact that a tooth without a nerve hurts when biting.
  • Part of the instrumentation may break off and remain in the canal. Accordingly, a foreign body will not allow for quality treatment.
  • Carelessness of the doctor sometimes leads to perforation of the walls or apex of the root. All this will certainly lead to complications in the form of an inflammatory process.

What do mistakes lead to?

As we have already understood, unprofessional actions of a dentist very often lead to pain in the filled tooth. Without the nerve, or even with the smallest remnant of it, it will greatly disturb the person. If mistakes were made during endodontic treatment, a cyst or granuloma may develop. Often the inflammatory process inside leads to swelling of the gums. After some time, a purulent abscess appears in the area of ​​the diseased tooth, which is called gumboil. In such a situation, a person should immediately seek help from a specialist. The tooth itself begins to ache when pressure is applied to it.

The nature of pain may vary in intensity. A person experiences discomfort during temperature changes (eating hot and cold food) or when the weather changes.

Also, the untreated tooth differs in appearance from the other units. Over time, the enamel darkens. Added to everything else is bad breath.

Statistics show that nerve removal takes place without errors only in half of the cases. That is why almost every patient may be familiar with the situation when a tooth without a nerve hurts.


Let's talk separately about such an unpleasant phenomenon as a cyst. It may take a long time for the tumor to manifest itself through pain. Therefore, a tooth whose canals are not completely filled does not bother the patient at first. And only when the cyst reaches a large size (about 20 mm) does a person feel pain. The moment of its development is asymptomatic. But the reasons for its formation are still an infection that has spread beyond the root of the tooth. Statistics show that in 70% of cases, the formation develops due to the fact that the canals are not completely filled with filling material. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of a cyst:

  • gums swell;
  • pain while chewing food;
  • the size of the submandibular lymph nodes increases;
  • change in enamel color or even mobility of the unit;
  • possible increase in body temperature.

But even in cases where the cyst does not cause discomfort in the patient, it is still dangerous. After all, it is a capsule filled with pus. The infection can spread to healthy tissue, causing complications such as periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis and even sepsis.

When should you not worry?

Can a tooth without a nerve hurt if it is treated correctly? Experts say that in some cases, a reaction after filling is normal. And the situation itself does not require a second visit to the doctor. The pain that occurs after filling the canals is called post-filling pain. The sensations can be constant and quite intense. Sometimes they can only be relieved with the help of painkillers.

But most often the reaction is expressed by aching, mild pain that appears when chewing and hard food gets on the tooth. It should go away in a week. However, the patient may feel discomfort for up to three weeks.

How to distinguish post-filling pain from complications? If the specialist’s work is done efficiently, then the sensations should subside every day. The pain gradually fades away. At the moment of development of the inflammatory process, on the contrary, the sensations will become more and more intense every day. In order to be sure of the origin of pain, it is necessary to take an x-ray.

How to cope with pain?

So, we have looked at the reasons why a tooth without a nerve hurts. What to do? If a mistake was made in canal treatment, you will have to visit a dentist. And the sooner the better. In order to calm down post-filling pain, you can take an “Analgina” or “Baralgina” tablet. Experts recommend taking these medications if you experience mild aching pain. If the sensations differ in intensity, you can take an Ibuprofen or Ketanol tablet.

Alternative ways to relieve toothache

We will bring to your attention several traditional medicine recipes that will help with toothache. After all, you can’t take painkillers for a long time. This can cause disruption in the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some effective tips:

  • rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage, oak bark, and marshmallow root;
  • use a soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water);
  • apply a piece of propolis to the problem area;
  • a paste of onion and garlic (application) will relieve pain.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to brush your teeth thoroughly, use floss and mouthwash. Regular visits to the dentist will help identify caries at an early stage. Then the treatment will consist of simple manipulations. There is no need to remove the nerve. In addition to hygiene procedures, patients are advised to balance their diet. It must contain a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins.

A healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air, and physical exercise will strengthen the entire body. The condition of the oral cavity will also depend on the immune system.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know why a tooth without a nerve under a filling hurts. The reasons may vary. Usually, before root canal treatment, the dentist warns about the possibility of unpleasant sensations. The specialist advises taking painkillers and waiting a while. It remains to add that if the discomfort does not go away a month after filling the canals, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to treat complications. Take care of your health!


Most people are convinced that if you remove the nerve from a tooth, it will never hurt again. Well, really, why bother?! However, as soon as you get your feet wet, get caught in a draft or freeze, the “dead tooth” begins to ache and shoot, tormenting its owner with wild pain. Imagine the bewilderment of the unfortunate person when he is told that he needs to undergo root canal treatment. “They’ve already treated me! And what can hurt there if the nerve is removed?!” “This is the most common question that patients ask us! - speaks Dentist at Personal Dentistry “Aesculapius” Tatyana Segina. – There are two answers: they were undertreated or treated incorrectly. As a rule, this is a legacy of the Soviet era, when, although they had an academic understanding of the structure of the tooth, they did not have the appropriate tools. And to this day, the average dentist still has a fairly ordinary set of machines, drills and filling materials in his arsenal. And root canal treatment is akin to jewelry work done blindly!”

For example, in the West there is generally a separate specialization in dentistry - an endodontist, a specialist who specifically deals with root canal treatment.

this is quite reasonable. What is commonly called a nerve in everyday life actually means a whole system that extends its tentacles in all directions of the tooth. Each one is the size of a hair; it is impossible to discern the entire “nervous” labyrinth with the eye and even with an X-ray: two processes can simply merge, hiding one behind the other. So try to get all its branches and tails! And if you miss even a tiny particle of nerve tissue, it immediately becomes a source of inflammation. Under the influence of microbes, the tissue begins to decompose, spreading the infection and accumulating it in one place, and the person experiences discomfort: the tooth reacts to cold or hot, aches due to the weather and sooner or later is overcome with pain.

Treating pulpitis is a long and painstaking task. “It is important not only to remove the inflamed nerve, but also all the infected tissue around it,” says Dentist of the same Personal Dentistry “Aesculapius” Natalya Shimko, – in this case, three basic rules must be observed: expansion, cleansing and filling. The branches of nerves in a tooth are like the spreading root system of a tree. Only a highly qualified specialist with good manual skills, with well-established examples and experience can guess where the nerve makes which turn, at what height and in which direction it will deviate.” The inside of the tooth has a porous structure. Dentin is like a sponge; microbes, bacteria and other “living creatures” easily get stuck in it and feel at ease.

keeping an infection there is easy. This means that, again and again, with careful movements, you need to release all the rubbish that has accumulated in the tiny channel, which even in its expanded form is no more than a millimeter or two in diameter. Every channel needs to be cleaned down to the very bottom! And so on, all three, four, eight - as many as are in the tooth. An ordinary tool and skills are “enough” to a maximum of the middle of the canal, and over time, a granuloma or, as they say, a cyst forms at the top of the missed canal. Having noticed a dark spot on the image, in a regular clinic the patient is given an immediate verdict: resection or immediate removal of the tooth. The doctors at Aesculapius have a different opinion on this matter. “First we still need to make sure that it is really a cyst. But often a dark spot hides a completely solvable problem,” says Tatyana Segina. The suspicious tooth needs to be opened, all canals must be cleaned again, and reached to their very edge. Remove the source of infection, treat, seal and... leave it alone. Gradually, the body’s immunity itself begins to cope with microbes, and after eliminating the source of inflammation, the tissues restore their original, healthy appearance. Of course, this will take time. It’s different for each person, but the fact remains: the granuloma disappears, resolves without a trace or any reminders of itself. And the tooth lasts for another year, and two, and ten years. There are, of course, completely hopeless cases. They happen, but rarely.
But what if the pulpitis is “fresh”?! A man lived on his own, not even suspecting that a breeding ground of harmful microbes was hidden under the filling. I went to the dentist to treat caries, and the autopsy showed that the matter had gone too far. “When cleaning out layers of destroyed dentin, you can, of course, unwittingly get to the pulp! - says another Dentist "Aesculapius" Tatyana Vydrina. – If I feel that there is one more movement and I’m digging too deep with the bur, then the main thing is to observe the measure and stop in time. From my own experience, I know for sure that the nerve does not want to be removed. Sometimes it even seems as if it is shrinking, hiding, crawling deeper down the canal, away from the source of inflammation. Well, don’t touch him!” In preserving the nerve, and therefore the tooth, the dentist’s main ally is the patient himself. He always has the right to choose. Having cleaned the tooth and treated it with special compounds, the doctor puts a permanent filling, but warns: if it hurts in a day or two, then we will remove the nerve, and if not, then you can continue to live with a “living” tooth and without pain. Over the entire almost ten-year history of Aesculapius, only a few returned, while the rest forgot about their problems once and for all.

Several components help achieve this result. Firstly, you need the doctor’s desire to master tooth-saving technologies, invest money in it, and then apply them in practice. Secondly, the acquired knowledge and skills should be supported by the purchase of appropriate tools and materials. The uniqueness of the work organization at Aesculapius is that all three doctors are owners, not employees. To buy this or that new product, they do not need to convince their boss of the need for such expenses. They choose the best for themselves, so that their work is easy and pleasant, in order to achieve excellent results every day. The instruments that two Tatyanas and one Natalya, the doctors of Aesculapius, pick up seem like toys, they are so small. Nickel - a titanium alloy - allows drills and burs to be strong and flexible at the same time, so that, repeating all the bends of the channel, they reach its very invisible depth. The tooth cavity is treated with special compounds that kill all microbes outright, as well-known advertising promises. To protect the patient’s mouth and throat, a rubber dam is pulled over the teeth - a special rubber coating that plays a dual role: it protects the tooth from external factors (excessive saliva, tongue movements, etc.) and the mouth itself from burns from solutions. German filling material also has a number of advantages. First, it is heated, then dipped in a special liquid and introduced into the canal under pressure. The material is so plastic that it literally spreads, filling all the pores and the most remote corners of the canals. This is not paste, which crumbles and crumbles over time, but hot gutta-percha. On an x-ray, a tooth that has been properly treated for pulpitis has a clear white filling in the middle, which completely repeats all the twists of each removed nerve in the tooth. In addition, it is much stronger than analogs from other well-known brands.

Before deciding who to entrust the treatment of your teeth to, set yourself the task of preserving them first. And if in the course of your life you still haven’t been able to protect yourself from a visit to the dentist, then look for someone who, just like you, cares about “every soldier in the ranks.” Even the most beautiful prosthetics will not replace your natural tooth, remember this and fight for it to the end.


What are the causes of this pain?

  • Firstly, when a tooth without a nerve hurts, this may be due to the fact that bacteria were introduced into the jaw tissue through the root canal due to the development of caries. Under the influence of microorganisms, the jaw bone loses its tone, and decay products contribute to inflammation. The result is pain.
  • Secondly, a “dead” tooth can make itself felt if it was previously treated by an insufficiently qualified doctor. Removing a nerve is a procedure that requires a highly professional dentist, and any mistake or “flaw” here is fraught with further complications. So, if the tooth canal after removal was not filled with filling material along its entire length (or the filling was not made tightly enough), space remains in it and a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms arises. The result is inflammation and pain.
  • Finally, even if the tooth is properly sealed, but the patient has gum pathologies (gingivitis and periodontitis) and basic hygiene rules are not followed, bacteria also receive carte blanche. The periodontal ligament is destroyed, the infection penetrates deep under the gum, and as a result, inflammation and the tooth without a nerve begins to ache.


And there seems to be nothing to hurt, but it still hurts

If we think logically, it seems that a dead tooth cannot hurt. Actually this is not true.

The tooth itself cannot hurt without a nerve, since it lacks nerve endings. Pain occurs at the base of the organ, that is, where the gum begins. This syndrome can easily be confused with the pain of a healthy tooth that is nearby.

Pain often occurs when eating food (especially hot food), during contact with something, sometimes a tooth without a nerve hurts when pressing on it or biting.

Such processes may be accompanied by an inflammatory reaction, prolonged discomfort and discomfort.

About the reasons seriously

The main cause of pain in a nerveless tooth is caries. During the course of this disease, the tubules of the organ are filled with harmful microorganisms. They appear due to pieces of rotting food, which are discreetly located in fissures - depressions on the teeth.

The tooth itself does not hurt, but microorganisms harm its base, which is sensitive to this process. Due to this, unpleasant pain begins to occur in the area of ​​the dead organ. It is strange that such a process can take not a day or two days, but even many years.

Another reason is poor quality filling. Very often, specialists are negligent in treating the patient. The entire space inside the tooth must be filled, but so tightly that there is no passage for bacteria in the tubules.

Thanks to microbes inside the tooth, the ligaments on which the organ is attached are destroyed. This causes the teeth to wobble when touched. This problem very often interferes with chewing food, causing a person to experience very unpleasant sensations.

Why does a tooth hurt without a nerve? - video on the topic:

A filled tooth hurts - an unpleasant problem

It often happens that treatment has already been carried out, but after some time the dead tooth begins to hurt under the filling. As a rule, this is a consequence of poor quality filling.

This usually happens to those who had their teeth treated back in the days of the Soviet Union. At that time, doctors, although they had extensive knowledge about treatment, did not have the necessary set of tools.

Now many doctors also do not have enough equipment to perform many operations. It will be quite difficult to treat the tooth again, but there is no other way out.

Reaction to hot food - is it possible?

A tooth cannot be called dead if it reacts to any temperature changes. As already mentioned, such side effects can result from inaccurate treatment.

It often happens that one of the nerve endings in an organ was not removed, since human inattention is limitless. However, sometimes it’s not the doctors’ accuracy that matters.

There may be a hidden canal in the tooth that cannot be detected the first time even by a professional doctor.

Another situation is when the problem is not a dead organ at all. A neighboring tooth that has been affected, for example, by caries, may hurt. In such cases, you need to pay more attention to oral hygiene, choose your diet and consult a doctor.

They put pressure on him, but he hurts...

The tooth itself, without nerves, as already mentioned, cannot hurt. However, his surroundings can hurt.

The most common situation is pain that is caused by damage to the adjacent dead tooth. The solution is simple - you need to see a doctor.

No less often, pain in dead teeth occurs due to doctors’ mistakes. A specialist who makes a mistake, does not have the necessary set of tools, or does not have some knowledge, may incorrectly seal the tubules in the organ.

Because of such an oversight, many types of pathogenic bacteria can find refuge in the tooth. Bacteria destroy the connection between the organ and the gum, which is why the first begins to become loose and hurt. As a rule, the base of the tooth suffers.

Very often it is not the tooth that hurts, but the gum itself. This happens when it is affected by microorganisms that are no less dangerous for the oral cavity.

It is considered normal that after a high-quality filling, the area around the dead tooth may hurt slightly. This condition goes away after a few days. If the pain reappears, the best solution is to consult a doctor. It is advisable to undergo treatment from the same specialist who did the filling.

Sometimes it happens that the treatment was carried out correctly, but discomfort is still present. Taking painkillers may be a temporary solution. Otherwise, you need to see your doctor again.

What do we have to do?

First, we must talk about sufficient prevention. It is necessary to keep your mouth clean, even if there are many teeth with removed nerves.

It is best not to put any stress on a diseased tooth, since the tissues in it have weakened and it can break into pieces at any time. It is advisable to regularly visit a specialist who can warn you about the necessary treatment if he notices a danger.

It is worth remembering not only about the disturbing tooth, but also about the remaining living ones. In severe cases, some infection may enter the oral cavity, which will then affect healthy teeth.

Fissure sealing is an equally useful procedure for those who don’t mind spending a little money on healthy teeth. She allows exclude potholes on these organs from the habitats of microorganisms.

In symbiosis with this procedure, you can use professional oral hygiene, which costs a little more. If the shape of other teeth allows, then it is necessary to install veneers. This is a very expensive procedure that is not available to everyone.

If we talk about treatment, then everything is much more complicated. It is much easier to maintain oral hygiene than to suffer from various types of pain, constantly run to the dentist and spend a huge amount of time and money on medical procedures.

As a conclusion

Pain in a dead tooth is a rare, but very unpleasant situation for any person. The pain appears, it seems, out of nowhere, because all the nerves have been removed, which means there is nothing to hurt.

However, there are many reasons for discomfort. There are also many culprits for this. It is bacteria, and doctors, and even the sick person himself who is largely to blame for this.

If you don’t want to spend a huge amount of time going to dentists, and burn a lot of nerves and energy feeling constant pain, then the best solution would be not treatment, but preliminary prevention. It helps a huge number of people stay with their healthy teeth into old age.


Today on the website Shtuchka.ru you will find out why it happens that The nerve was removed, but the tooth hurts. Many people are convinced that if the nerve is removed from a tooth, it will never hurt again. But as soon as your feet get wet or freeze, such a tooth begins to shoot and ache. And the doctor says that it is necessary to undergo root canal treatment. Let's find out why this happens and what to do in this case.

Tooth hurts without a nerve

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common situation. Doctors have two answers for patients: either they undertreated them or they treated them incorrectly. Basically, this is a legacy of the Soviet era, since in those days they had only an academic understanding of the structure of the tooth, but did not have the necessary tools.

For example, Western dentists receive a separate specialization - endodontist. These are specialists who perform root canal treatment. After all, what is usually called a nerve, in the singular, is actually a special system that spreads its tentacles in different directions of the tooth. And each of them is only the size of a hair, so it is impossible to examine all the “nerve” labyrinths with the eye, or even with an x-ray, since two processes may well merge and hide behind each other.

That is why, it seems, the nerve was removed, but the filled tooth hurts - as soon as even a tiny part of the nervous tissue is missed, it becomes the epicenter of inflammation. Exposure to microbes decomposes the tissue and spreads the infection, and at the same time you feel discomfort - the tooth reacts to hot and cold, aches or just hurts in the weather.

Why does a tooth without a nerve hurt and what to do about it?

So, let's summarize. If you have pain in a filled tooth from which the nerve has been removed , then it is possible:

  • The nerve was not completely removed, and the tooth continues to feel all the influences exerted on it;
  • Were it bad or not completely canals are sealed, and therefore the pain does not go away - then the canal filling work needs to be redone, because the pain will not go away;
  • Source of pain - adjacent tooth, but the close location does not make it possible to localize the pain and it seems that the tooth that was recently treated is bothering;
  • The inflammatory process is concentrated in the gum, and not in the tooth, and it directly hurts.

First of all, if as a result of treatment you have pain in a filled tooth without a nerve, remember that such sensations are, in principle, normal during the first three to five days after completion of tooth treatment. Then the pain should subside and gradually disappear.

Be prepared for the fact that in the first days there may be an unpleasant sensation when pressing on this tooth; touching it with hot or cold food can also provoke painful sensitivity. You should contact your dentist again after this period has expired; doing this earlier is simply pointless.

If an inflamed nerve has been removed and the tooth hurts, a specialist should prescribe an X-ray for you in order to find out what may be bothering you. Also, for the first time after treatment, you will most likely be prescribed an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic or pain reliever, or a specific treatment that helps speed up healing and helps eliminate pain more quickly.

How to properly treat a “dead” tooth

First of all, warns 6tu4ka.ru, do not make a common mistake - don't self-medicate. Of course, in case of severe pain, you need to take a painkiller, but remember that further treatment is a painstaking and lengthy task that necessarily requires medical intervention. After all, it is important for you not only to remove the residual effects of the inflamed nerve, but also all the infected tissues around.

To avoid a situation where the nerve is removed and the tooth continues to hurt, every dentist should know about the three basic rules of such treatment: expansion, then cleansing and filling. After all, the branches of nerves in the teeth are like the root system of a tree. You can’t guess where and what turn the nerve will make - only a qualified specialist with good skills, accumulated experience and examples can be trusted in such a situation.

The inside of the tooth has a porous structure, and dentin is like a sponge in which bacteria and microbes easily get stuck. Therefore, it is so important to clean each of the canals to the very bottom - three, five, eight - all that are in the tooth. An ordinary instrument and mediocre doctor’s skills can result in you cleaning only up to the middle of the canal, and after a while a granuloma (cyst) may appear. Next, if you notice a dark spot on the picture, in a regular clinic you will be given the following verdict: either resection or immediate tooth extraction.

Be responsible when choosing a specialist if you have a “dead” tooth without a nerve hurts, since its preservation may depend on this.

Thus, you need to trust your dental treatment to experienced, highly qualified specialists. This will significantly save your time and money, and most importantly, save your health. Your task is, first of all, to preserve the tooth, since even the most wonderful prosthetics cannot replace your natural teeth.

Granuloma under the crown Inflammation of the tooth root treatment at home

Each of us has been taking care of our teeth since childhood, brushing them daily with the best toothpastes. However, this does not save you from going to the dentist. Quite often you can hear that the doctor is going to remove the nerve from the tooth. Such an operation is not always performed, but only in certain cases when it is impossible to leave the nerve of the tooth untouched at all.

How is a nerve removed?

What is the nerve removal procedure? First you need to understand the structure of the tooth. Any bone formation in our oral cavity largely consists of hard tissue, on the visible surface of which caries occurs. Due to the long process of its formation, as well as the lack of proper treatment, caries eventually affects the inner area of ​​the tooth - the soft tissue (pulp), where the nerves are located. By removing the nerve of a tooth, the dentist does not get rid of the fibrous formation, but of the pulp. The first symptom of pulpitis is severe pain, which occurs due to swelling of the soft tissues and compression of the nerves. In cases where treatment of the pulp is not possible, the doctor proceeds directly to the depulpation procedure.

As a result of the fact that dentistry began to actively improve only in recent years, previously the process of treating dental tissue was very painful for patients. In addition, removal of the nerve required more than one visit to the clinic, which also caused certain inconvenience for the patient. Before the nerve was removed, it was exposed and treated with arsenic, which was supposed to kill the nerve. To ensure the effectiveness of this procedure, a temporary filling helped to ensure the effectiveness of which, which was not allowed to be applied to the tooth for more than a couple of days (otherwise it threatened the occurrence of periodontitis). After the allotted time, the doctor got rid of the filling, removed the dead nerve, treated the tooth with a special antiseptic and closed the cavity with a permanent filling.

Today, the procedure for removing the nerve, as well as filling the canal, is carried out using local anesthesia, and the entire procedure takes several minutes, without causing the patient even the slightest painful sensation.

If acute pain occurs, of course, it is better to seek help from a professional dentist, who will perform depulpation as quickly and accurately as possible.

What to do if a tooth hurts after nerve removal?

The process of pulp removal always begins with anesthesia, opening the soft tissues of the tooth, removing the nerve and filling the canals. The treatment is considered completely completed when a permanent filling is applied to the entire bone formation. In such cases, it would seem that there should be no more unpleasant sensations. However, it often happens that a tooth hurts after removal of the nerve. In this case, you do not need to blame the material for the filling or the medical experience of the dentist. The appearance of uncomfortable symptoms is quite simple to explain - a stranger interfered with the integrity of the tooth, which led to disturbance in the patient’s body. Sometimes the painful sensations are also accompanied by swelling and migraines, which can still be overcome by following some of the specialist’s recommendations.

1. The most effective method that will make you forget that a tooth hurts after nerve removal is the use of painkillers, which do not always have an overall positive effect on the body. It is recommended to use them immediately after depulpation or within 24 hours after it.

2. Mouth rinse solution also helps to reduce discomfort. It is easy to prepare at home. It consists of a glass of warm, boiled water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of iodine.

3. Sometimes you can wait until the anesthesia wears off and cover the entire sore spot with propolis, which also, depending on the specific organism, entails a quick positive result.

4. In the case when a tooth hurts after nerve removal for more than 2-3 days, this may be the result of the characteristics of the human body or the result of an unskilled nerve removal procedure.

5. If the correct stages of pulp removal are not followed, very rarely an inflammatory process may occur under the filling. You can get rid of it only by removing the filling, re-treating the canals and renewing the filling.

Thus, you should not be afraid that after visiting the dental clinic your tooth hurts after nerve removal. The main thing here is to observe how many days the unpleasant sensations will continue and whether they will change their character. In the worst case, you must immediately contact the doctor again, who will save the tooth and prevent future surgery to remove it.

Sometimes, after completing the nerve removal procedure, the filling is not placed immediately, but after several days, during which unpleasant sensations may appear as a result of tapping on the tooth or while chewing.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Another reason why a tooth hurts after nerve removal may be inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. It occurs due to damage to the alveolar nerve and is accompanied by numbness, pain and neurological attacks. A similar phenomenon in medicine is called the odontogenic form of the disease.

The highest degree of trigeminal neuralgia occurs in two variants: either it soon passes into the stage of typical paroxysms, or gradually, accompanied by constant pain, it turns into neurological problems. This disease often has severe exacerbations, during which the entire jaw hurts, and it is incredibly painful for the patient to utter even a few words. Attacks of pain sometimes pass quickly, and sometimes last for weeks. In order to somehow reduce pain, patients strongly squeeze their jaw or rub it incredibly.

Needless to say, in this case it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

Moderately severe pain that bothers the patient immediately after depulpation and tooth filling should be considered as normal. Most often, a tooth hurts after nerve removal due to slight damage to healthy tissue in preparation for filling. Such pain, which is commonly called post-filling pain, disappears after five to seven days. To reduce discomfort, the dentist will prescribe effective painkillers.

Intense acute pain is no longer a normal option. It occurs under mechanical influence on the treated tooth (biting, pressing), under the influence of thermal irritants (cold, hot drinks), at night without any provoking factors. The cause of such pain is often errors made during endodontic treatment. The main errors are discussed in this article.

1. Exit of filling paste beyond the root apex

One of the most common mistakes is the penetration of the filling paste beyond the root, that is, into the jawbone tissue. Since the paste is a foreign body for the body, inflammation develops around the treated tooth, which causes discomfort.

To avoid such a mistake, the dentist must carefully prepare for the procedure and then take an x-ray to control the quality of the manipulations performed. Preparation consists of measuring the length of the canals using special tools. So-called K-files are introduced into the canal and connected to the apex locator. On the latter’s screen, the doctor will see when the instrument reaches the apex of the root and will be able to accurately determine its length.

When depulping multi-rooted teeth, it is necessary to measure the length of each canal. Upon completion of the measurements, K-files are introduced simultaneously into all canals for their entire length, after which a control x-ray is taken to confirm the accuracy of the measurements. Careful preparation for obturation is the first condition for high-quality manipulation, but not the only one.

The second condition is to control the filling of the channels using x-rays. The picture is taken after their obturation, but before the restoration of the coronal part with a light-curing polymer. It will show that the cavities are sealed to their entire length. If some of the paste has gone beyond the top, it will not go unnoticed. The dentist is obliged to unfill the canal and carry out the procedure again.

Diagnostics. To diagnose this complication of endodontic treatment, it is necessary to take an x-ray of the treated tooth or computed tomography. The photo will show that some of the paste has penetrated into the jawbone.

How to treat. The correct strategy is revision dental treatment. It is necessary to remove the filling (if the clinic is well equipped, this is quite easy to do) and re-obturate the cavities. As an additional method, you can use physiotherapy to help relieve pain; Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, UHF and laser physiotherapy are effective.

2. Incomplete closure of canals

The second cause of post-filling pain is a mirror image of the previous one. The canal may not be completely sealed. An infection develops in the voids left behind, which is why the tooth hurts after the nerve is removed. A dentist's mistake can be caused by an incorrect assessment of the length of the canal, a lack of quality control of treatment, or ignoring the unsatisfactory results of this control, which indicate the need for a repeat procedure.

Diagnostics. For diagnosis, a CT scan of the tooth or an x-ray is used. Orthopantomography is not always informative enough.

How to treat. To correct the error, you need to remove the old filling and re-obturate the entire length of the canal. If your dentist says the pain will go away on its own, go to another clinic. To quickly reduce pain, you can use physiotherapeutic procedures and analgesics with an anti-inflammatory effect.

3. Poor quality filling

Why does a tooth hurt after removing the nerve and filling the canals, if the x-ray shows that the canals are completely closed and the paste does not go into the jaw bone? Pain can be caused by voids in any part of the root that remain after poor-quality obturation.

The filling material must fill the root completely, not only from the mouth to the apex, but throughout its entire diameter. Modern materials make it possible to successfully solve this problem, but if the procedure is performed by an unqualified specialist, or in violation of technology, voids may form in the root after the paste hardens.

If the technology is followed, depulpation is carried out on the first visit to the dentist. After depulpation, turunda with a powerful antiseptic is introduced into the canal, and a temporary filling is placed on the coronal part. On the second visit, the dentist removes the turunda, once again treats the cavities with an antiseptic, and only after that introduces gutta-percha or a special paste. Then, X-ray quality control of the manipulations is mandatory.

A permanent filling on the crown (direct restoration) is placed already on the third visit, after the material has completely hardened. Forcing events can disrupt the hardening process of the paste and worsen the quality of treatment.

Diagnostics and assistance. For diagnosis, an X-ray examination or CT scan of the tooth is used. The problem is solved by repeated dental treatment.

4. Poor isolation of the tooth from saliva during filling

Before filling the canals, the dentist must reliably isolate the tooth from saliva. This is done using special plates called rubber dams. If the isolation is insufficient, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the cavity along with saliva. The infection will spread to the remaining healthy tissue and cause pain.

5. Incomplete removal of carious tissues

If a patient with pulpitis or caries has a toothache after removing a nerve, a possible cause may be incomplete removal of carious tissue. Carious tissues are a source of bacterial microflora that is extremely resistant to antibiotics. Successful treatment of caries is possible only with complete drilling of the affected tissues at the depulpation stage. Some healthy tissue is removed, and an anesthetic is injected into the canals and pulp chamber to ensure that the affected tooth is sanitized.

Incomplete removal of carious tissue is one of the typical causes of post-filling pain. Pathogenic microflora remains in the tooth, infection and inflammation develop, and the pathological process spreads to healthy tissue.

If there is poor isolation from saliva before filling or if the canals are treated poorly, pain may occur after several weeks or even months. Regardless of their intensity, you need to seek help from a dentist, since folk remedies will not be able to cope with the infection. In 99% of cases, bacteria are resistant even to the action of strong antibiotics, so there is no need to talk about the effectiveness of rinsing or lotions.

How to treat. The only effective method is to remove the filling, revise the canals using antiseptics and refill them.

6. Non-standard structure of the root system

The root system has a complex and not always predictable structure. In some cases, dentists find four canals in three roots. Another option for a non-standard structure is the branching of channels.

An integral condition for successful dental treatment is complete obturation of all canals and their branches. Unfortunately, in some cases the branches are not visible even on an x-ray. This is exactly the case when even an experienced specialist is not immune from mistakes.

In unattended branches, an infection develops, and events develop according to the same scenario that was described in the previous sections. During treatment, a similar strategy is used - opening and revision of the tooth, antiseptic treatment, and re-filling.

7. A fragment of an endodontic instrument in a tooth

Very thin endodontic instruments are used to drill the canals and determine their exact length. In rare cases, the tip of the instrument breaks off, remains in the cavity and causes post-filling pain.

Diagnostics. This dental error is diagnosed using an x-ray examination. To correct the error, you need to unfill the tooth, remove the foreign body, carry out revision treatment and re-filling.

8. Root perforation

As mentioned earlier, drilling out carious and part of healthy tissue is an essential condition for the successful treatment of pulpitis. In rare cases, when processing the root, its wall is damaged and a hole is formed connecting the canal to the jaw bone.

Root perforation is manifested by intense pain, which occurs immediately after dental treatment and is difficult to relieve even with strong analgesics. If an alarming symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor without waiting for your next scheduled appointment.

Diagnosis and treatment. An x-ray or CT scan is used for diagnosis. Therapy consists of closing the perforation with calcium-containing drugs. Only after obturation of the hole can further treatment begin.

9. Trigeminal neuralgia

Dental manipulations can provoke paroxysm of trigeminal neuritis, especially if the patient has previously encountered similar problems. There is no mistake by the dentist in this situation; the cause of post-filling pain is an acute reaction of the body.

Diagnostics. Instrumental diagnostics do not reveal objective causes of pain. There is no perforation, the cavities are completely filled, the filling material does not extend beyond the top. For differential diagnosis, accompanying symptoms are used, in particular, numbness of the facial skin, paresthesia, unilateral but diffuse pain spreading to the temporal and parietal zones. These signs indicate trigeminal neuralgia.

Treatment complex trigeminal neuralgia. It includes drug therapy with drugs with anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects, as well as physical therapy.

10. Individual reaction to filling material

After successful and high-quality dental treatment, pain can be caused by an individual reaction to the filling material. Its development is indicated by swelling of the gums. The basis of treatment is antihistamines. To reduce pain, you can take analgesics with anti-inflammatory effects.

If your tooth hurts after dental treatment, do not try to solve the problem yourself. Contact a specialist. He will conduct a diagnosis and draw up an effective treatment plan aimed at eliminating the cause of the pain, and not at relieving the symptom.