Perforation of a dog's eardrum. Internal otitis is a severe pathology of the ears in dogs. Nerves of the middle ear

Otitis in dogs is a fairly common diagnosis, due to the peculiar structure of the auricle. Dog owners often face this problem. Ear inflammation brings to the animal discomfort: itching, pain. In some cases, the animal’s temperature rises, the dog becomes lethargic and refuses to eat.

Otitis media should not be ignored; you must immediately contact a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor will reduce the risk of the disease becoming chronic, and also prevent the formation of complications.

The most common reasons include:

  • ear mite;
  • tumor;
  • overgrowth of the ear canal;
  • allergic otitis;
  • foreign body.

As a rule, the mite affects both ears. The dog begins to scratch its ears intensely. Brown, dry, granular discharge appears. In advanced cases, pus may be observed.

Tumor can form on the auricle or in the ear canal itself. The resulting tumor can cause otitis media if it blocks the ear canal, thereby preventing the ear from “ventilating.” In some cases, the tumors themselves begin to bleed and become inflamed. IN in this case necessary surgical intervention followed by conservative treatment.

Overgrowth of the ear canal in most cases it is noticed in dogs with an excessive number of folds - bulldog, chow-chow, etc. The ear canal, as in the previous case, closes completely, which interferes with ear ventilation. As a result, inflammation occurs. treatment is impossible without surgical intervention - excision of the ear folds.

Allergic otitis media often occurs in case of allergies, hormonal imbalance. This may occur in case of heavy discharge earwax, intensive reproduction of microflora and fungi. The dog begins to intensively scratch the ear, it turns red. Sores may appear from scratching. Brownish, pasty discharge mixed with pus appears.

Foreign body is also one of the most common causes of otitis media. In most cases, insects, blades of grass, plant seeds, etc. get into the animal's ear. An ingested foreign body causes inflammation of the ear. As a rule, a foreign body causes unilateral otitis media. In this case, the dog does not allow you to touch his ear, clean it, and tilts his head to one side. Discharge may occur transparent color mixed with pus or blood. The foreign body must be removed.


Recognizing inflammation is not such a difficult task. You can select following symptoms otitis in dogs:

  • the dog scratches its ear much more often than usual;
  • shakes his head frequently;
  • purulent discharge from the ear with an unpleasant odor;
  • the dog does not allow you to touch his ear;
  • the dog looks tired and loses its appetite;
  • tilts his head to the side.

Upon direct examination, you can detect redness of the outer ear canal. In the event that inflammation is in advanced stage, the animal has an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms in your pet, immediately contact a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. The health of your pet depends entirely on your responsibility.


Dog owners should make it a rule that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences. Entrust your dog's health to professionals.

First of all, the veterinarian will take a sample to study the microflora. Then, using a special funnel, determine the amount of ear secretion and what type it is. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is established, which is classified into:

  1. primary - in the absence of any diseases;
  2. secondary - inflammation is one of the parts of the underlying skin disease;
  3. idiopathic.

Regardless of the classification of the disease, the ear canal is washed. If there are any crusts in the ear cavity, they are carefully removed using a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol. Then the ear is washed with a syringe. If there are foreign bodies, they are removed with special forceps. Generally speaking, the doctor uses all means to ensure visibility of the ear canal cavity.

Having found out what caused the inflammation, it is prescribed specific treatment otitis in dogs.

  • Allergic otitis, as a rule, develops against the background of an allergy to different kinds products, plants, etc. The animal develops skin itching and bacterial growth. Purulent discharge also appears. One of the important elements of treatment in this case is hypoallergenic diet which must be followed for 3 months. To relieve inflammation and eliminate skin itching local medications are prescribed.
  • Purulent otitis in a dog is manifested by an oily, unpleasant-smelling secretion discharged from the ear. If you start the treatment process purulent otitis in a dog, ulcerative processes may begin, and subsequently perforation eardrum. During the treatment, solutions of hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are used. Antibiotics are also prescribed for otitis media in dogs. Drugs of the type Otosporin are prescribed.
  • The fungal form of otitis is more common than the others. Oddly enough, fungi are constantly present in the animal’s body, but under certain circumstances they can cause inflammation. In this case, the ear canal is treated with ethers phosphoric acid. At the initial stage of the disease, treatment with Gaselan 2% is prescribed.
  • How to treat otitis in a dog if the inflammation is caused by seasonality? During certain periods, there is a sharp increase in the production of earwax in the ear, which leads to the formation of crusts and plugs. Against this background, it may develop bacterial infection. in this case, anti-otitis drops for dogs with antibiotics are prescribed local action, as well as drugs like Otifree.

Be careful and very responsible in treating your pet.

Read in this article

Reasons for the development of otitis media

Every day faced with inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal veterinarians allocate following reasons development of otitis in dogs:

Mites violate the integrity skin, damage blood vessels and release toxic waste products into surrounding tissues. This leads to itching and the development of otitis in the animal. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with otodectosis.

  • Allergic reactions. When allergies develop, the body produces chemicals that cause blood vessels to become brittle and irritate. nerve endings. Scratching an itchy area with your paws leads to the proliferation of opportunistic microflora and the development of an inflammatory reaction. Often it is the animal’s ears, well equipped blood vessels, suffer from a reaction to any allergen.
  • Keeping an animal in unfavorable conditions. Cold, damp, drafty room, in bad weather, strong wind, rainy weather are common causes of the disease in dogs.
  • Violation of hygiene and pet care rules. Irregular cleaning ears from sulfur, water ingress during water procedurescommon reasons development of otitis in dogs. Foreign objects. Seeds and thorns from plants, insects, and small objects that fall during a walk lead to disruption of the ventilation of the auricle, increased production protective sulfur.
  • Neoplasms, papillomas, polyps. Skin formations have a similar mechanism to foreign objects. By closing the ear canal, polyps or tumors prevent normal air circulation and can also spontaneously become inflamed and bleed, which leads to the development of inflammation in the ear canal. Neoplasms can be primary, or form as a consequence of otitis media and in this case be secondary in nature.

Neoplasm in the auricle of a dog
  • Hormonal abnormalities. Organ diseases endocrine system– adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland, often accompanied by hormonal imbalance. Failure leads to dry skin, itching, flaking, which provokes an inflammatory reaction.
  • The cause of otitis may be autoimmune diseases when the body begins to attack its own cells.
  • Injuries. Damage to the auricle is typical during fights between relatives. Mechanical damage(wounds, cracks, abrasions) lead to the introduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation.
  • The presence of sugar in the dog's diet. Many years of research indicate that feeding your pet sugary foods causes overeducation earwax, which is favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Factors contributing to the development of otitis in dogs, veterinarians include:

  • Thick fur in the ear. Excess hair reduces the natural ventilation of the ear canal, increases humidity, and intensively produces earwax. These factors lead to the activity of opportunistic microflora and provoke otitis media. The risk group includes dog breeds characterized by increased thickness of hair in the ear area: lapdogs, giant schnauzers, setters.
  • Peculiarities anatomical structure. Erect, lop-eared, ears with big amount folds cause a lot of health problems for their four-legged owner. The peculiar structure of the auricle - hanging ears, many skin folds in the area of ​​the outer ear are an ideal environment for the development of inflammation. With this structure, there is poor ventilation and self-cleaning mechanisms.

The risk group includes breeds such as sharpeis, basset hounds, spaniels, and poodles. Owners of large erect ears - german shepherds, suffer from otitis media due to the free entry of dirt and germs due to large sizes ears.

The breed's predisposition to the disease is determined by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the ears, the degree of their openness, the presence of many folds, and thick hair. According to veterinary statistics, spaniels, sharpeis, German shepherds, poodles, bulldogs, as well as many hunting breeds most often suffer from otitis media.

For information on the anatomy of a dog's ear and the causes of otitis externa, watch this video:

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

The following clinical manifestations indicate an inflammatory process in the auricle of a tailed pet:

  • The dog often shakes its head, tilts it towards the sore ear, and constantly scratches its head in the ear area with its paws due to itching.
  • The purulent form of otitis is often accompanied by gurgling sounds when moving the head due to the accumulation of exudate.
  • When touched, the animal becomes anxious, whines and squeals.
  • At the entrance to the ear canal, the presence of crusts, scabs, and lost hair is noted.
  • By turning away the outer ear, you can observe redness and swelling of the tissues. The amount of sulfur produced exceeds it normal content. Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is often detected. Blood may be present in the exudate. The fur in the ear is matted.
  • The area at the base of the ear is hot to the touch.
  • With a low level of immunity, the dog may experience general hyperthermia.
  • The animal loses its appetite. The thirst persists.
  • The state becomes apathetic, lethargic.
  • With strong pain syndrome the dog becomes aggressive and restless.

In severe cases, a sick dog may experience deafness (stops responding to sound stimuli) and strabismus due to deep development inflammatory process, involving adjacent organs.

Types and their features

Veterinarians distinguish between primary and secondary types of disease. The independent form of otitis is primary. The most common is secondary otitis media, which develops as a result of a pet becoming infected with mites, allergies, or disorders hormonal balance etc.

Outer, middle, inner

According to the anatomical distribution of the inflammatory process, diseases of the external, middle and inner ear. Outer form does not affect the eardrum, inflammation is localized outside. Pathology in the middle part of the ear canal can lead to hearing loss for your pet.

  • Otoscopy. Examination of the ear canal instrumental method allows you to identify the nature and localization of the inflammatory process, assess the condition of the eardrum. The method allows you to detect a foreign body, neoplasms, polyps, etc.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. Blood test, microscopic and cytological examination skin scrapings allow us to identify the pathogen: determine the type of mite, bacteria, identify pathogenic fungus, as well as determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. The method allows you to identify neoplasms and polyps.
  • Magnetic resonance and . Modern methods studies are indispensable when assessing damage due to the inflammatory process internal structures ear and membranes of the brain.

In some studies, the animal is sedated or lightly anesthetized. The diagnosis is made based on comprehensive examination with identifying the cause of the disease.

Pet treatment

Considering the variety of forms and types of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate for ear problems in your four-legged friends. A sick pet should only be treated qualified specialist based on laboratory tests.

Therapy for otitis in dogs is complex and has a local and general focus. Antibacterial drops and ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used locally. The drugs relieve swelling and reduce itching. In veterinary practice, for inflammation of the ear canal, it is prescribed next drops: Otipax, Sofradex, Ciprovet, Aurizon, Otoferonol, Otinum and others. Remedies are selected based on the root cause of the disease.

Drops should only be prescribed by a veterinarian, since some products contain antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect and are contraindicated if the eardrum is damaged.

The general effect on the body during otitis is the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections. Antimicrobial agents are used according to a sensitivity test. Drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone (injections with lidocaine), Baytril and others are effective for otitis media.

In order to increase immunity, a sick pet is given a course of immunomodulators. Drugs such as Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit are prescribed. The use of Cycloferon and Immunofan gives good results.

If the cause of otitis is neoplasms, growths, or polyps, they are removed surgically.

Getting rid of inflammation at home

Therapeutic measures can be carried out by the owner at home, subject to strict adherence to the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. The success of treatment largely depends on proper preparation inflamed area to the use of drugs.

Before administering prescribed medications to your pet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and passage of dirt, purulent masses, and accumulation of earwax. For this purpose they use antiseptics: chlorhexidine, miramistin, boric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is used only to cleanse the outer ear.

Special wipes are suitable for the cleaning procedure. Ear sticks are not used in animal hygiene.


Based on many years medical practice veterinarians have developed a complex preventive measures, allowing owners to avoid ear problems in their four-legged pets:

  • regularly, pollution;
  • trim the thick fur in the ear;
  • prevent your pet from getting hypothermic;
  • during hygiene procedures protect your ears from water;
  • use only high quality feed;
  • exclude sweet foods from the dog’s diet;
  • Have your ears professionally examined at a veterinary clinic twice a year.

Otitis in dogs is a polyetiological disease. The illness causes the pet painful sensations. In advanced cases, there is a high risk of developing brain inflammation and sepsis. Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to clarify the root cause that caused the inflammation. Treatment of the disease should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

Useful video

To learn how to properly clean a dog's ears, watch this video:

Four-legged pets are just as susceptible to ear infections as humans, and in some cases even more so. Like other infections, otitis in dogs can quickly become potentially dangerous form, if you do not treat it. Therefore, it is important to know how to diagnose the disease in time and treat it correctly.

What is otitis media

A healthy canine ear is made up of three main sections. The outer ear consists of the pinna, a shield that directs sound into a narrow, L-shaped ear canal that runs deep into the ear. An L-shaped channel is often referred to as having a vertical section and a horizontal section.

Important! Otitis is an inflammatory process that develops in one of the above sections.

The middle ear consists of sound-conducting and sound-producing sections. This structure ensures the animal’s acute hearing. They contain the tympanic cavity, membrane, auditory tube and bones - the hammer, the incus and the stirrup. The middle ear cavity is lined with ciliated columnar epithelial cells mixed with mucous-producing goblet cells.

She has a normal bacterial flora. The middle ear connects to back throats through auditory canal, which allows for equalization of air pressure in the tympanic cavity. The inner ear connects to the brain and contains nerves, presented in the form of a membranous bony labyrinth.

How dangerous is the disease?

Otitis is the most common disease with which patients are admitted four-legged pets to the clinics. Such a seemingly simple illness can seriously undermine the health of a pet who feels constant discomfort and pain. And a disease left to its own devices can even lead to the death of the animal.

Causes of otitis media

In dogs, otitis media is usually a consequence of the development of mixed bacterial or fungal infections in the ear cavity, spreading from the external auditory canal. Also the reason is more in rare cases may become a hematogenous bacterial infection or severe head injury with complications in the form of a secondary inflammatory reaction. Otitis media can also occur due to neoplasia (for example, follicular cyst, cholesteatoma or adenocarcinoma).

Or be hereditary in nature in the form of a predisposition of certain breeds. This happens to animals who, in mind breed characteristics, thickened soft sky and the nasopharyngeal opening is reduced eustachian tube. Mucopolysaccharidosis may also be the culprit for otitis media. Most common factor The development of otitis media in dogs is a particular aspect of care. Both insufficient cleansing of the ear canals and excessive cleansing can harm the animal. Due to insufficient - they gather there pathogenic bacteria, and due to excessive use it is washed off protective layer discharge.

Types of otitis

Otitis, just like the structure of a dog’s ear, can be external, middle and internal. It all depends on which department is affected. Otitis in the outer ear is considered the most mild form diseases. This is because in this case the disease does not directly affect hearing aid. If delivered on time correct diagnosis and understand its cause, subject to all necessary treatment rules - otitis externa is easily treatable.

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease. Dogs with otitis media are the most common. Since important auditory elements are located in this section, serious damage to the disease can lead to hearing impairment. The infection reaches this area through the bloodstream, or enters from external cavities such as the nasopharynx. For example, if an animal has teeth in poor condition or there is frequent exposure to viruses and rhinitis - there is a risk of otitis media.

This is interesting! In case of otitis media, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since prolonged otitis media can go into internal, which will have much worst consequences and severity of treatment. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, following your intuition or the advice of incompetent people.

Internal otitis– the rarest type of disease and, at the same time, the most complex. The causative agent of the disease is located in the inner part of the ear, which is closest to the brain. Slowness in this case can play a deplorable role. A pet suffering from this type of disease may become completely deaf or even die due to the development of meningitis if the inflammatory processes spread to the membranes of the brain.

Also, canine otitis media can be classified depending on the causative agent of the disease - be exudative, purulent or catarrhal. The disease occurs in acute or chronic form.

Symptoms of otitis in a dog

Symptoms of an ear infection can range from mild to severe. Symptoms are especially pronounced in case of disease progression.

Otitis media causes discomfort to the animal. You can notice it in frequent scratching behind the ears and shaking of the head. Often there is a tilt of the head in a certain direction, especially if inflammation develops in the middle ear cavity.

This is interesting! Internal otitis has special symptoms, since it is located in the inner part of the ear vestibular apparatus. Differences include dizziness, vomiting, loss of orientation in space (incomprehensible movements of the paws and head are observed), and increased salivation.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs include pain and itching. Upon external examination, you can see redness, foci of inflammation, crusts, hair loss, black or yellow color, feel bad smell. A sick animal behaves restlessly. Wanting to get rid of discomfort, he may regularly shake his head, rub his ears against furniture and walls. As the condition worsens, the dog loses its balance, may walk in a circle, and begins to hear worse, and, consequently, to respond to commands.

Diagnosis and treatment

In many cases, the presence of an ear infection in a dog can be determined visually. External signs that a dog is suffering from otitis media may include ipsilateral head tilt, ear pain varying degrees from mild to intolerable. Horner's syndrome may also occur. It is especially important to pay attention to general state dogs.

Some diseases can result from complications of otitis media. For example, dry keratoconjunctivitis or retrobulbar abscess. In the rarest cases, animals experience seizures when the infection has reached the cerebral cortex, leading to the development of meningitis. In order to make a correct diagnosis, you will have to take your pet to the veterinarian for a more detailed examination.

Myself diagnostic process usually consists of the following steps:

  • reviewing and discussing symptoms noticed by the dog owner;
  • complete physical examination;
  • collecting a sample of ear discharge for laboratory analysis.

Examination of the ear often reveals a bulging eardrum due to effusive fluid accumulation. WITH chronic course, hyperplastic changes may be observed in the epithelial lining. Such changes require much more time for complete recovery.

Once the veterinarian confirms that the dog has ear infection, you can draw up a treatment plan. The scheme depends on the source of infection. The doctor will first try to find out whether the presence of foreign body in the animal's ear cavity or injury to the eardrum. If your doctor finds foreign substance, tick, accumulations inside ear canal, he will likely euthanize the dog to remove the object or substance and thoroughly clean the ear cavity. With this outcome, the medications will be completely different. An otoscope is used for examination. If the disease is causing your pet excessive pain that causes him to become overly restless or even aggressive, your veterinarian will suggest the use of sedatives or anesthesia.

The next step in the examination is a cytology test, in which a tiny sample is removed from the ear canal and examined under a microscope. Thus, it will be possible to determine the type of organism that causes infections and prescribe the most effective treatment for pet. If more than one organism is involved, it will take more drugs different spectrum of action. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for bacterial infections.

If the infection is in the middle ear area, treatment may be more difficult. The examination in this case may include x-rays, lab tests, and even, in in some cases, surgical intervention. Treatment may take up to six weeks. During this period, it is important to limit the animal’s activity.

It is important to note that than longer infection develops without competent intervention, the more difficult it will be to cure. Therefore, it is necessary to take your pet to the doctor at the first sign of a problem. If the infection is not too advanced, the damage it has caused can be eliminated by surgical procedure. It is very important to take all of the above instructions seriously and begin treatment as early as possible to avoid possible complications.

This is interesting! As a rule, after cleansing the ear canals from the source of inflammation, it is prescribed local therapy. Depending on the source of the disease, the veterinarian will prescribe antiseptic drops, anti-yeast, corticosteroid and antibacterial drugs.

Ear bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics. This is the most common and most effective method fight against otitis media. Drugs in this group eliminate harmful bacteria, thereby ultimately eliminating the source of the disease and the disease itself. It is important to strictly adhere to the established instructions for taking medications prescribed by your doctor, as they are used powerful drugs, which may have side effects or be ineffective if not used properly. If the treatment process does not bring results, it is necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian again for further study of the disease.

The pathology seriously affects the pet’s quality of life, causing discomfort and physical suffering. If the animal regularly shakes its head, after cleaning the ears are again filled with wax and the dog constantly scratches them, an unpleasant odor has appeared, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Most likely, the dog is sick with otitis media, and it’s time to take urgent measures.

Classification of otitis

The localization of the inflammatory process can be one of three:

  1. Otitis externa – develops in the outer part of the ear canal (between the entrance to the auricle and the eardrum).
  2. Otitis media– the infection affects the space behind the eardrum, and in case of complications or neglect of the disease, inflammation affects the middle and outer ear and is accompanied by suppuration. For this reason the form received the name purulent otitis media.
  3. Internal otitis- the most serious form of pathology that affects inner ear and often provokes complications of varying degrees.

Classification by type depends on the causes of the disease:

  • Primary– the disease is independent, not burdened by concomitant pathologies.
  • Secondary– otitis media developed against the background of dermatological, autoimmune, and endocrine ailments.

Based on the causative agent, otitis media is divided into several types:

  • Chronic. The infection is caused by pathogenic bacilli - pseudomonas, intestinal, staphylococcal, streptococcal.
  • Bacterial. Pathogenic microorganisms enter and multiply in the organ of hearing, often affecting both ears.
  • Fungal (otomycosis). Fungal bacteria actively multiply in the sulfur mass and cause inflammatory damage.
  • Allergic. A consequence of allergic reactions or hormonal disorders.

Ear infections are caused, among other things, by breed predisposition. In fact, the structure of a dog's ears plays a big role. Fold-eared and large-eared breeds automatically fall into the risk group, since air access to their hearing organs is difficult, and this is ideal conditions for “bad” microflora. Spaniels and poodles are No. 1 on the list of contenders.

But breeds with too open ear canals are also absolutely unprotected from the entry of bacteria and pathogens and the development of infection. For example, East European Shepherds.

Reasons for the development of ear pathology

The infectious nature of the disease is caused by the proliferation of bacteria, the most famous of which are staphylococci and streptococci. Normally, they are present in the body of any animal, but they pose a danger only to weakened pets.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

The external ear glands constantly secrete a secretion; normally, its amount should be such as to protect the ear canals from the accumulation of dust, foreign substances or water. But, if the discharge is abundant, and later pus, blood impurities and an unpleasant odor join it, this is a clear sign of otitis media.

Other components of the clinical picture:

  • Pet anxiety, lethargy, loss of appetite.
  • The dog constantly shakes his head.
  • The opening of the ear canal is red, inflamed, swollen.
  • The lymph nodes are enlarged (on the side of the diseased ear).
  • The ear is hot to the touch.

In severe cases, the animal may suffer from the following complications:

  • Purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Significant reduction or total loss hearing
  • Development of strabismus.
  • Problems with eating due to severe pain, incl. while chewing.

Diagnostics in a medical facility

To make a diagnosis, a whole range of measures is carried out:

  • Visual inspection using an otoscope to examine the outer ear canal and middle ear.
  • Collection of biomaterial for laboratory study (blood for general analysis, secretory fluid, purulent discharge, particles of epidermis).
  • X-ray. To complete the picture, a picture is taken to identify/exclude polyps and tumor-like formations.
  • CT and MRI. In especially severe cases, in addition to the sore ear, it is also prescribed for examination. neighboring organs and the degree of their damage.

A correct and timely diagnosis is already half the key to a successful recovery. And here, neither independent determination of the causes of the disease, nor, especially, self-medication is acceptable.

Drug treatment

Due to the variety of types, types and forms of pathology, we are not talking about one treatment regimen for all otitis media. Complex therapeutic measures for each type of disease there is one.

Purulent form:

  • Antibiotics (Otibiovin).
  • Treatment with chlorhexidine.
  • Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Chronic form:

  • Antibiotics (Otoferanol).
  • Compresses with dexamethasone.
  • Antifungal drops (Candibiotic).

Fungal form:

  • 2% Gazelan solution.
  • Treatment with phosphoric acid.
  • Candibiotic drops.

Bacterial form:

  • Antifungal.
  • Antibiotics (Normax).
  • Complex products (for example, Surolan).

Allergic form:

  • Antipruritic.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Diet.

Otipax and Framycetan are used to relieve pain and inflammation. For treating ear surfaces - camphor oil, averxetin ointment, Dekta, from ear mite– Amit (ointment, gel). Must be maintained and strengthened immune system pet - Ascorutin, Gamavit, Vitam, etc.

Prevention of otitis in dogs

  • Do not overcool your pet.
  • Absorb cotton swab water from the ears after swimming.
  • Regularly clean and inspect the ears and passages (1-2 times a week).
  • Provide good nutrition and vitamins.
  • Limit your dog's contact with untested animals.
  • Do not create traumatic or stressful situations.
  • If you suspect a disease, do not hesitate to visit a veterinarian.

It should be remembered that otitis media can cause deafness and other serious complications. Attention, care and constant control a loving owner will ensure a happy and full life four-legged friend.

Otitis is an inflammation of the dog's outer, middle and inner ears. In practice, inflammation of the middle and external ear is most common, a little less inflammation inner ear. Otitis media affects both ears of a pet at once, and the causes of the disease are very different.

Causes of otitis media in dogs

In dogs, otitis media occurs as a result of damage to the outer ear. As a result of a tick bite, after the formation sulfur plugs and even with allergic reactions to medications, shampoo, food. Otitis media is most common in dogs long ears.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

If your dog reacts painfully to the touch of hands in the head and ears, and also constantly shakes its head, these may be the first signs of otitis media. For a better understanding of the disease, let’s look at the symptoms of otitis media in dogs in more detail.

Symptoms of otitis media:

  • purulent and bloody issues from the ears;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • redness of the skin in the inner part of the ear;
  • in severe cases inflammation submandibular lymph nodes;
  • pain when yawning widely;
  • periodic deafness;
  • heaviness when eating solid foods;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • in case of complications, meningitis and inflammation of the vestibular apparatus are observed.

If you notice symptoms of otitis in your dog, immediately contact your veterinarian to begin treatment. Depending on the infection, otitis media occurs different types.

  • Purulent otitis in a dog. A purulent, unpleasant-smelling liquid is flowing from the dog's ear. In the advanced phase of purulent otitis, the dog may develop ulcerative processes and perforation of the eardrum. During the treatment, antibiotics, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are used.
  • Chronic otitis media are caused by bacteria staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and coli. Chronic otitis media needs serious treatment under the guidance of a veterinarian. To treat chronic otitis, veterinarians prescribe compresses with dexamethasone and antibiotics, as well as Candibiotic drops.
  • Otitis externa in dogs- a disease of the outer ear, which manifests itself as inflammation hair follicle, or bacterial and fungal infection of the ear canal, accompanied by eczema, itching, and swelling. To treat and prevent the disease, use Wetzim drops.
  • Fungal otitis media in dogs also called otomycosis, it can be either independent or secondary disease. Inflamed skin loses its protective properties, and the fungus provokes additional infection, as a result, otitis media occurs. It all starts with severe itching, after which a large amount of sulfur appears, which mixes with fungal bacteria. The dog's ear turns red and becomes inflamed; swelling, purulent discharge, and a sour, unpleasant odor are also possible. This form of otitis is treated by treating the ear with a solution of phosphoric acid, as well as with the drug Gaselan 2%.
  • Bacterial otitis in dogs- a fairly common disease of the auricle, which is accompanied by itching. Otitis media can affect one or both ears at once; ear inflammation causes purulent discharge, redness and an unpleasant odor in the ears. In the case of fungal or bacterial otitis, Surolan spray drops are used for treatment.
  • Allergic otitis media in dogs- often results from allergic reaction, or hormonal imbalance. Accompanied copious discharge earwax and intensive reproduction of fungi in the microflora. The dog develops itching, which it tries to stop by scratching its ears, resulting in irritation and ulcers, as well as discharge Brown and purulent consistency.

How to properly clean a dog's ears (part of the prevention of otitis media):

Please note if you long time If you carry out treatment to no avail, then most likely the selected medications are not accepted by your dog’s body and the treatment is not effective. Cure for otitis media can be found in every veterinary pharmacy. But it is worth remembering that even with the best selection of drugs, this is difficult and time-consuming. healing process.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home

Treatment of otitis requires attention, caution and should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the identified signs of otitis in dogs. If it is not possible to visit a veterinarian, you should try to help your pet in this way:

  • We treat the dog’s ear with a saline solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. Apply the solution to a gauze swab a small amount.
  • gently presses the ear to distribute the healing fluid evenly. We remove wax from the ear using an exudate solution, which is sold in pet stores.
  • moisten a clean tampon boiled water and remove discharge and crusts. A clogged ear canal can be cleaned using saline using the douching method.
  • After cleaning, you need to drop the following into your ear: ear drops for dogs from otitis to choose from: Anandin plus, Otinum, Sofradex, Otipax. For small breed dogs, 2 drops in each ear, and for large breed 5 drops each.
  • Afterwards, gently massage your ear. The procedure must be repeated twice a day, no more than two weeks; if there are no changes, use other drops.

Depending on the appearance For ear skin prevention, you can treat part of the ears with a moisturizing or drying ointment once a day. remember, that chronic otitis media requires enough long-term treatment, so try to avoid complications.