Clear discharge from the breast. What does nipple discharge indicate? Bloody discharge from the breast

When fluid is released from the breast, this phenomenon often indicates the development of breast diseases . The exception is the period of bearing a baby, when such discharge from the breast may appear throughout. Therefore, as soon as a non-pregnant woman begins to experience white discharge from the nipples or liquid of any other color over a long period of time, she urgently needs to undergo examination and undergo the treatment prescribed by the doctor as soon as possible.

This symptom should also alert representatives of the stronger sex. After all, it can manifest itself if inflammation of the mammary gland in men or other pathological processes develops. Therefore, fluid from the mammary glands in representatives of both sexes is an alarming sign that should be addressed to a specialist immediately.

Why does breast discharge appear?

There are many factors that provoke such a symptom, and they are varied. The main reasons for this phenomenon are listed below:

  • Imbalance of hormones leading to the development galactorrhea .
  • Ectasia of the milk ducts .
  • Constantly wearing tight, compressive underwear.
  • Inflammation of the mammary gland .
  • Malignant processes in the mammary gland.
  • Application oral contraceptives .
  • Intraductal papilloma .
  • Bearing the fetus.
  • The use of a number of medications - this can be triggered by taking, etc.
  • Chest injury.

The female mammary gland is a paired organ whose task is to provide lactation . Milk is secreted from the mammary gland to feed the offspring. The mammary glands are mainly composed of parenchyma - glandular tissue. Each breast has 15-20 lobes, separated by connective tissue septa. The lobes consist of lobules, and the lobules of alveoli. Milk is secreted through the milk ducts, which extend from each lobe towards the nipple.

During the period when a woman is carrying a baby, a gradual growth of glandular tissue occurs, as the breasts are being prepared for lactation.

Slightly below the middle of the chest is the nipple, which is surrounded by dark skin. In women who have already given birth, the space around the nipple and nipple is dark brown, in young girls it is pink.

The skin of the peripapillary alveoli and nipples is very delicate and vulnerable, so during pregnancy and especially breastfeeding, the risk of cracks and infections increases.

Colostrum release before menstruation

What kind of manifestation is this and whether it is normal when colostrum is released from the breast in the last days before the onset of menstruation is of interest to many women. The answer to the question of whether it can stand out before menstruation is positive. But only if this happens on the eve of menstruation, and 1-2 drops of clear secretion are released from the breast. In this case, there is no need to worry about this.

However, if a woman actively produces colostrum without pregnancy, the reasons for this phenomenon must be determined by a doctor. After all, the appearance of fluid from the nipples before menstruation often indicates a hormonal imbalance and other disorders.

During sexual arousal

A few drops of clear fluid may be released from the nipples if the woman is aroused. This is possible by stimulating the nipples during love games, as well as directly during orgasm, when the milk ducts actively contract.

Already from the first days after conception, changes in the mammary glands begin. The breast enlarges, becomes sensitive, and a venous network often appears on it.

Quite often, expectant mothers experience breast discharge during pregnancy. In most cases, this colostrum is yellow in color. Sometimes nipple discharge during pregnancy has a milky tint. Such signs are harbingers of milk.

Indeed, during the period when a woman is carrying a baby, there is an active increase in the volume of the mammary glands due to the proliferation of glandular tissue. This is exactly how the hormone acts on the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum from the breasts during pregnancy begins to be released on the eve of the birth of the baby. But sometimes discharge from the mammary glands appears earlier during pregnancy - in the second trimester, at about 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Only after the birth of the child, after 2-3 days, colostrum replaces milk. But colostrum is a substance necessary for the baby, since it is very high in calories and contains a large number of, very important for a newborn.

If discharge from the breast appears before the baby is born, it is important to strictly monitor hygiene and monitor the condition of the nipples. The chest should be washed with boiled water in the morning and evening, and then gently wiped dry. It is also recommended to do air baths for the nipples - this procedure prevents the appearance of cracks after.

Those who notice that the discharge stains their underwear should wear special pads. If the price of maternity pads for pregnant women seems high, you can use sterile cotton pads for these purposes, which are sold in pharmacies.

If a woman is concerned about certain features of this symptom, it is better for her to tell her gynecologist about it.

A pregnant woman should also consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • with regular aching chest pain;
  • with uneven enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • if depressions or bumps appear on the chest;
  • if bloody discharge appears from the chest.

It is important to wear comfortable underwear that will not restrict your chest.

Diseases that cause milk to leak from the breast

Below we will discuss the most common reasons for the development of this condition.

Galactorrhea - what is it?

Galactorrhea is a condition in which milk or colostrum leaks spontaneously from non-pregnant women. This condition is also determined when, after stopping breastfeeding, milk or colostrum flows five or more months later.

The causes of galactorrhea are associated with excess prolactin , under the influence of which milk is formed. In men, galactorrhea also develops, since prolactin is also produced in the body of the stronger sex.

Idiopathic galactorrhea - a condition when it is impossible to determine the cause of spontaneous flow of milk. According to medical statistics, in approximately half of cases it is not possible to identify why this happens.

The main symptom of this condition is a white discharge, like milk, from the mammary glands. Also in women suffering galactorrhea , develop (excessive hair growth), irregular menstruation, decreased libido, acne.

To cure this condition, you need to treat the underlying disease. If we are talking about idiopathic galactorrhea, the patient or patient is prescribed the use of bromocriptine , reducing prolactin production.

Ectasia of the milk ducts

If a woman is diagnosed with ectasia, the doctor will tell you what it is and how to overcome this condition.

Ectasia or duectasia - a condition caused by progressive dilation of the milk ducts. Gradually, an inflammatory process occurs and ectasia of the milk ducts develops. This condition is characterized by the appearance of sticky, thick discharge, which is usually brown in color.

This disease most often occurs in premenopausal women.

Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (for example,) and warm compresses on the chest. Sometimes the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

In particularly difficult cases, surgical removal of the milk duct may be necessary.


is an acute infectious disease that mainly develops when a young mother is breastfeeding her baby. This disease is characterized by an acute course. The chest becomes very painful, swells, and the temperature rises greatly. The mammary gland hurts very much when pressed. In addition, with mastitis, not only does the mammary gland hurt when pressure is applied, but the pain is disturbing if the breast is not touched. The skin of the mammary glands is hyperemic. Green discharge appears from the mammary glands, as it contains impurities of pus.

As a rule, mastitis develops due to improper breast expression, cracked nipples, development lactostasis . Mastitis may be due to the fact that a woman has poor hygiene practices.

If mastitis progresses, it becomes abscess form . In this state, the woman feels very bad.

Therapy for this disease involves avoiding breastfeeding from breasts affected by mastitis. Detoxification treatment is also carried out, and the woman is prescribed antibiotics.

If an abscess develops, the abscess in the mammary gland is opened surgically.

Consequences of chest injury

If a woman has suffered a serious injury to her breasts, bloody discharge from the mammary glands may appear when pressure is applied or spontaneously. As the injury heals, a brown or yellow discharge from the breast appears when pressed.

Fibrocystic mastopathy

At fibrocystic mastopathy the woman is worried about pain that grows in the chest in the second phase of the monthly cycle. In addition, in the second phase, fluid is sometimes released from the mammary glands when pressed. The yellowish discharge disappears when menstruation begins.

Transparent discharge from the mammary glands when pressed is an optional, although characteristic symptom of mastopathy. The severity of such discharge can also vary. Sometimes they appear when pressed. Sometimes - independently, as evidenced by marks on the linen. If the transparent color is replaced by greenish sections, this means that a secondary infection has occurred. Bloody or dark discharge is an unfavorable sign in terms of prognosis, because such manifestations may be evidence of malignant tumors.

Therefore, if the causes of discharge from the mammary glands when pressed are associated with mastopathy, the woman must undergo regular medical examinations and studies.

Malignant formation in the mammary gland

If it develops, a number of characteristic symptoms are present. The skin of the chest begins to peel off, the skin turns red and looks like lemon peel. Your breasts may feel hot to the touch. Axillary lymph nodes enlarged, a dense formation with uneven boundaries is determined in the mammary gland. The nipple retracts and dark discharge appears from it. You should know that chest pain due to malignant neoplasms occurs later, when other signs of cancer are present.

Discharge from breast cancer most often appears bloody and viscous. Most often they come from one breast. Therefore, if a woman experiences bleeding from one breast, this should alert you and be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, surgical treatment is practiced.

Paget's disease

This condition is diagnosed in both sexes. This is one of the types of breast cancer, in which bloody discharge appears from the nipple. It turns red, a crust appears, as a result of which the person is bothered by itching, burning and pain. To establish a diagnosis, a histological examination is also carried out to identify Paget cells .

The affected part of the mammary gland is removed surgically.


Thus, every woman should understand that breast discharge normally appears in the following cases:

  • A few days before the start of your period.
  • With strong sexual arousal, nipple stimulation and orgasm.
  • During pregnancy.

If separations appear under other circumstances, the woman should consult a doctor. To determine the causes of this phenomenon, the following activities are carried out:

  • examination of the breast and its palpation;
  • palpation of lymph nodes;
  • ultrasonography;

Nipple discharge is normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In a healthy woman, they sometimes appear if pressure is applied to the chest, when the mammary glands are damaged by an incorrectly chosen bra, or after intense physical exercise.

In other cases, nipple discharge is not normal, especially if it looks unusual, for example, has a strange color or contains blood. How dangerous is this symptom, can it indicate cancer, and is it urgent to see a doctor? Let's figure it out.

What types of nipple discharge are there?

Discharge may occur from one or both breasts. They can be clear, white, yellowish, green, brown, bloody, watery or thick. The liquid is released spontaneously or when pressed. Discharge may increase on certain days of the monthly cycle.

It is important to pay attention to all the nuances and tell your doctor about them.

In what diseases does this symptom occur?

The causes of nipple discharge vary:

  • Fibrocystic mastopathy is a condition in which the structure of the breast tissue is disrupted, connective tissue and/or cysts grow in it. In this case, there is a tightness in the chest, pain and burning, transparent, white, yellowish or greenish discharge. Symptoms intensify in the second half of the menstrual cycle, especially before menstruation.
  • Galactorrhea is the spontaneous leakage of milk from the female mammary glands. It can be caused by hypothyroidism (decreased production of thyroid hormones), pituitary tumors (prolactinomas), taking certain medications (hormones, contraceptives, psychotropic drugs) and herbal remedies (fennel, anise).
  • Mastitis is an inflammatory process in which pus accumulates in the mammary gland. In this case, the discharge also contains impurities of pus. Most often, mastitis develops in nursing mothers against the background of lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the breast. Symptoms of inflammation are usually pronounced: the breasts become swollen, red, and severe pain.
  • Ductectasia is a pathological expansion (ectasia) of the mammary gland ducts. Most often, this condition develops shortly before menopause. Inflammation occurs in the ducts that are located next to the nipple, and their patency is impaired. If an infection occurs, green discharge appears from the nipples.
  • Intraductal papilloma is a benign neoplasm that is a growth inside the mammary duct. Sometimes papillomas become inflamed, and this leads to the appearance of thick, viscous discharge mixed with blood.

Isn't this cancer?

Most often, nipple discharge is a manifestation of a benign disease. But sometimes this symptom indicates a malignant tumor. Without an examination, it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Bloody discharge from the nipples is just one of the possible symptoms of cancer. There are other manifestations: an area of ​​retraction and hardening of the skin, swelling, redness, erosion, deformation and asymmetry of the mammary glands, “lemon peel” skin changes, compactions, dilated veins, changes in appearance, nipple retraction. And even a combination of several of these signs is not always cancer.

When it comes to types of breast cancer, nipple discharge is most common with ductal carcinoma, a malignant tumor that develops from the epithelial cells lining the ducts of the breast. Less common, usually in women over 50 years of age, Paget's disease - cancer of the nipple of the breast. It is often combined with other malignant tumors.

What to do?

First of all, you need to know what you definitely shouldn’t do:

  • Don’t panic prematurely and don’t rush to diagnose yourself with a terrible disease. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after examination.
  • You shouldn’t ignore the symptoms and delay a visit to the clinic either. Yes, nipple discharge rarely indicates cancer. But they may be a manifestation of another, not so terrible, but still in need of treatment pathology.

If you are of reproductive age and you experience nipple discharge that does not disappear with the start of your next menstrual cycle, you need to visit a doctor. If you are in menopause and you have discharge, this is definitely not normal, you need to urgently contact a mammologist.

In order to notice pathological changes in the breasts in time, you need to regularly conduct self-examination of the mammary glands. Don't forget to inspect your bra cups - there may be traces of discharge on them.

What diagnostic methods can a doctor prescribe?

Usually, the doctor first prescribes it as the simplest, fastest, non-invasive and at the same time quite informative diagnostic method. If an ultrasound reveals a pathological formation that may be a malignant tumor, a biopsy is performed. Using a needle, a fragment of suspicious tissue is obtained and sent to the laboratory for histological and cytological examination. You can also analyze the discharge to check for the presence of cancer cells.

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The nipples have a hole through which breast milk comes out during lactation, intended for feeding the newborn. Discharges of a different nature indicate problems in the body. There are physiological and pathological reasons for this deviation. By the nature of the secreted liquid, the nature of their occurrence can be determined.

Physiology of secretions

Each breast contains 15-20 lobes, which are separated by connective tissue septa. They consist of lobules, including many alveoli. Breast milk passes through the milk ducts, which flows from the lobes to the nipple.

During pregnancy, glandular tissue grows, which prepares the breast for lactation. Milk is released spontaneously or when pressing on the breast. Lactogenesis is divided into several main stages:

  1. First. It begins 12 weeks before the baby is born. At this time, colostrum begins to be produced due to the hormone prolactin.
  2. Second. Doctors attribute the beginning of this stage to the baby’s first attachment to the breast.
  3. Third. Colostrum turns into full-fledged breast milk. The process takes 3-7 days.

The reasons for the appearance of such a symptom when pressing on the nipples are varied. They are divided into two groups: physiological and pathological. The first type is considered normal, since the discharge is associated with special conditions of the female body. Pathological causes of this symptom are considered more dangerous.

Physiological reasons for the release of exudate

The cause of exudate from the nipples when pressed may be tight underwear, which irritates the mammary glands. The same thing happens during physical activity that causes chest tension. Other reasons for the appearance of discharge when pressing on the mammary glands:

  • Pregnancy. Colostrum can be released even in early pregnancy. This is how the glands train how to produce and remove milk. Liquid is released throughout the entire period of breastfeeding and for some time after it ends - about 2-3 years.
  • Abortion, miscarriage. Discharge from the mammary glands in this case is associated with a natural hormonal imbalance that was associated with pregnancy.
  • The time before menstruation. The clear-colored exudate from the nipples occurs due to hormonal changes.
  • Taking contraceptives. After discontinuation of the medications, exudate from the nipples when pressed on them is no longer released.
  • Taking antidepressants, hormonal drugs. They change the ratio of hormones, which can cause the appearance of exudate, released from the nipples when pressed.


A clear exudate is considered normal. White or milky color is allowed.

In healthy women, the exudate released from the nipples is odorless.

If coloring, blood, or pus appear, you should consult a doctor. An unpleasant odor also indicates health problems.

White color of discharge

The main reason why white discharge appears from the mammary glands is milk produced during lactation. Among the pathological factors of this symptom are:

  • galactorrhea;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • long-term use of contraceptives.


The yellow (cream) color of the exudate is sometimes considered normal. It appears during pregnancy or in the first days after childbirth. There are also pathological reasons that cause yellow discharge from the mammary glands when pressed:

  • mastopathy (if discharge appears a few days before menstruation and causes pain);
  • bruise or injury to the mammary glands (the appearance of fluid when pressed indicates the healing process).


The appearance of transparent exudate discharged from the nipples is often physiological in nature. This happens before menstruation, after experiencing stress, or during mechanical stimulation of the breast during intimacy. Transparent discharge may also appear after sexual intercourse.

Any gland is an organ that produces and then secretes specific substances. The same functions are performed by the mammary glands. Their main purpose is to produce milk, but even during normal periods they contain a certain amount of secretion that comes out. It is usually a colorless, odorless liquid.

What nipple discharge is considered normal?

The secretion can be released from only one breast or from both at the same time. It can come out on its own or with pressure. Normally, this should happen rarely and in small quantities. A cause for concern should be an increase in the amount of discharge from the nipples, a change in color or consistency, especially if this is accompanied by fever, chest pain and headache.

Sometimes an increase in the volume of secretions or clear discharge from the nipples is considered normal. This can be caused by:

  • hormone therapy;
  • performing mammography;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • mechanical impact on the chest;
  • decrease in pressure.

What can the color of the discharge indicate?

Often the discharge from the nipples of the breast differs in color. Their shade may indicate the presence of pathological processes.

White discharge

If white discharge from the nipples is not associated with pregnancy, breastfeeding, or continues for more than five months after the end of breastfeeding, this may indicate the presence of galactorrhea. The disease occurs when the body produces excessively the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. White, less often brownish or yellow discharge from the breast, in addition to galactorrhea, can cause malfunction of some organs, kidneys or liver, diseases of the ovaries and thyroid gland, hypothyroidism and pituitary tumors.

Black, dark brown or green nipple discharge

Such discharge from the mammary glands is observed in women after 40 years of age. They are caused by ectasia. The condition occurs due to inflammation of the milk ducts, resulting in the formation of a thick substance that is brown or even black or dark green in color.

Fluid from the mammary glands is released not only during pregnancy or lactation, but also in a non-pregnant woman. The discharge that appears when pressure is applied can be of different colors, smells, consistency, and may contain an admixture of blood clots. Usually these are signs of a serious illness, and only a mammologist after an examination is able to diagnose the cause of a specific pathology, taking into account the nature of these discharges.

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    Discharge from the mammary gland

    A specific secretion may be released from the nipple of a woman's breast when pressed. The following discharges are considered normal:

    • before menstruation;
    • during pregnancy;
    • during lactation;
    • some time after feeding the baby;
    • when taking antidepressants;
    • during puberty;
    • strong hormonal medications;

    Discharge of any consistency from the mammary gland canals is considered normal if the liquid is white or transparent and has a small volume.

    Types of discharge

    Based on the color of the discharge, the doctor can easily determine the disease that is causing the disease:

    • White. Appear after taking contraceptives and with a pituitary tumor.
    • Green. The dark green color is given by the pus that is released during mastitis.
    • Brown. Occurs when a cyst or tumor forms in the mammary gland. A dark-colored liquid is released when it enters the milk ducts when the capillaries are damaged.
    • Transparent. If they appear before menstruation, this is normal.
    • Yellow. Yellow discharge with a creamy tint (colostrum) is released after childbirth in the first days. If a yellowish tint appears before menstruation and is accompanied by pain, then mastopathy can be assumed.
    • Purulent. They appear when an abscess develops inside the ducts, and are observed with mastitis. Bloody discharge is dangerous. They often indicate a malignant neoplasm.
    • Bloody. This is a sign of the development of a malignant neoplasm or damage to blood vessels.
    • Black. Observed during the disintegration of a malignant neoplasm.

    The amount of fluid released may be small or quite large when it is necessary to use breast pads.

    You should not squeeze liquid out of your nipples. This will only increase the discharge.


    The appearance of discharge not related to feeding is always dangerous and a reason to visit a gynecologist or mammologist. After visual examination and palpation, additional diagnostics will be prescribed to determine the exact diagnosis:

    • mammography;
    • cytological laboratory research;
    • biochemical and general blood test;
    • ductography (x-ray with contrast agent).

    Examination of the mammary glands using a mammograph

    The following symptoms indicate pathology:

    • glands increase unevenly in volume;
    • the substrate is produced in only one gland;
    • breast skin is very pale or slightly red;
    • heterogeneity (lumpy) of the glands;
    • general malaise, elevated body temperature.


    The causes of discharge from the mammary glands are often associated with many diseases, but the following are considered predominant:

    • hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen);
    • chest injury;
    • purulent inflammation (abscess);
    • galactorrhea;
    • ectasia;
    • the appearance of a cyst in the mammary gland;
    • Paget's disease;
    • intraductal papilloma;
    • fibrocystic mastopathy;
    • mastitis.

    In some women, discharge from the milk ducts is detected during menstruation or 2-3 days before menstruation. This does not apply to deviations. The release of milk in late pregnancy is a sign that the woman’s body is preparing to feed the unborn child. The glands, enlarging and swelling, begin to secrete a transparent white liquid (colostrum).

    After the end of lactation and the restoration of the menstrual cycle, fluid is released for several weeks, but this phenomenon is most often normal.

    Discharge during sexual arousal and nipple stimulation is acceptable because the milk ducts contract. They are transparent, odorless and no more than 2-3 drops in volume.

    Treatment of pathology

    Discharge is not a disease, but only a symptom of it. It is necessary to find out the cause that caused the symptoms of a particular disease in order to select a therapeutic treatment regimen. It can be conservative, but surgical opening of purulent cavities is not excluded:

    • Lacteal duct ectasia is treated with compresses, and if it becomes infected, antibiotics are prescribed. In special cases, surgical treatment is indicated.
    • Mastitis and abscess can be cured with antibiotics or opening the purulent cavities.
    • Intraductal papilloma (benign formation) develops in the milk duct near the nipple. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the affected area.
    • Treatment of galactorrhea involves eliminating the underlying cause of the disease.
    • Therapy for breast discharge with mastopathy is conservative and symptomatic.
    • In Paget's disease, the affected mammary gland is removed followed by a course of chemotherapy.
    • Hormonal imbalance has serious consequences for a woman’s body. A blood test is required to test sex hormones. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for treatment.
    • In case of breast injury, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed after a mammological examination.

    Until the discharge from the chest completely stops, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene.


    To prevent breast diseases it is necessary:

    • regularly independently palpate the glands;
    • be examined by a mammologist every two years, and after 45 years – annually;
    • Oral contraceptives should only be selected by a specialist;
    • get rid of bad habits;
    • reduce excess weight;
    • avoid mental trauma and stress.

    You should not resort to traditional methods, such as warming your chest with heat compresses. This will only aggravate the development of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the glands. When self-medicating, you can waste time and cause the disease. Therapy should be prescribed and monitored by a physician.