Treatment for skin ulcers in dogs. What skin diseases lie in wait for a four-legged pet?

The pet's health status is determined by appearance skin. All dog ailments can affect its coat and skin. In this article we will look at some skin diseases our pets, so that owners can navigate in general, but only the exact picture of the disease can be seen experienced doctor, additionally making necessary tests and then prescribe treatment.

A dog's skin is very important body body, she carries a large functional load and serves to protect the animal from the penetration of anything foreign into the body, participates in thermoregulation, has high sensitivity and, together with the lungs, participates in the breathing process.

Internal factors

  1. Poor nutrition. Often we like to treat our four-legged friends from our table. These can be sweets, smoked meats, baked goods. From all this, with regular use, the dog may develop gastrointestinal disorders. Then skin problems appear. To avoid this situation, feed your pet with specialized food.
  2. Avitaminosis. It occurs when the pet eats a monotonous diet. Feed should always be balanced and of high quality. When feeding natural food, you should take care of the presence of vitamins and minerals in it.
  3. . Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not uncommon, and you can help the animal by changing its diet to hypoallergenic food. Only this is done after consultation with a veterinarian, since only he can determine the symptoms of the body in the form of allergic reactions.

Types of skin diseases, their symptoms and treatment

Now let's look at the types in more detail skin diseases, and as in each specific case, we will be able to help our four-legged friend.

Fungal diseases in dogs

In everyday life they are simply called lichens, but in veterinary medicine they are usually called dermatophytoses. In most cases, young dogs are affected, or those that are malnourished or live in poor conditions.

The main symptoms are sudden baldness of the skin area. May not be visible visually associated lesions, itching is rare. Sometimes an animal's claws are affected by fungus (onychomycosis). It happens to a dog special shapenodular lesion skin (kerion). It is characterized by rapid development. Breeds at risk include boxers and retrievers.

For the purpose of treatment, the affected animal is treated with affected areas and bathed with antifungal agents. They also treat deprivation with systemic drugs, which kill dermatophytosis. These medications are: Terbinafine, Ketoconazole or Itraconazole. At the same time, the area where the sick animal lives is cleaned and disinfected to destroy fungal spores.

Symptoms that appear:

  1. Sarcoptic mange is severe itching on the head, neck, and paws. Because of this, the animal, when scratching its skin, has wounds and inflamed skin. When scratched, it tears out its own hair, resulting in self-induced baldness.
  2. Demodectic mange - itching occurs first, the pet itches continuously for several hours. Next, redness at the base of the fur becomes noticeable. After a couple of days, swelling appears with clay-colored liquid. Then comes a period of hair loss, and the swellings burst. An unpleasant-smelling liquid leaks out.
  3. Otodectosis - there is also itching on the ears, then in large quantities filled with sulfur. Shaking the head leads to the occurrence of hematomas of the ears.


This disease is not easy to diagnose. To do this, you first need to isolate a specific allergen.

Allergic reactions in dogs are divided into:

  • food;
  • household.

Its symptoms are redness of the skin, because before this they are tormented severe itching, and they scratch the skin until it bleeds. Then ulcers appear, infected wounds, rashes. As a result, bald patches form.

During treatment, a sick animal is kept on a specific hypoallergenic diet. But, as practice shows, dogs more often have household allergies. If known irritating factors your pet, they should be removed. In fact, this is often impossible to do.

Skin cancer is not common in pets. Tumors consist of epithelial cells. These skin lesions, often settle both on the head and on the fingers of dogs. For pets, this is painful. For diagnosis, a fingerprint is taken.

This disease leaves no chance for other treatment methods other than surgery. First they do surgical intervention, then chemotherapy or radiation.

In custody

Need to know that correct diagnosis it is very difficult to carry out, relying only on external signs. Laboratory tests should always be performed.

None of the owners are insured that skin diseases in dogs will bypass their pets, however, timely and adequate treatment gives satisfactory results.

Skin diseases are quite common in dogs. They may be caused by poor nutrition, heart disease, vitamin deficiencies, hormonal problems and a number of other health problems. Let's look at the main skin ailments dogs.

Fungal skin diseases

Microsporia occurs mainly in dogs. It is not difficult to detect some pathogens of the disease; to do this, you need to expose your pet to ultraviolet rays, and then the fungal microorganisms will glow green. In some cases it is necessary to carry out laboratory research For precise setting diagnosis. It should be remembered that the fungus is also dangerous for humans. It is treated with medications, combined with baths and skin treatments. Dogs with long hair cut before processing. To avoid secondary infection, all rooms and places where the dog was are disinfected, and old toys and bedding are thrown away.

Bacterial skin diseases

It is not easy to completely cure pyoderma, even if you turn to professionals. Apply antiseptics, bathing with medications and antibiotics. Disease in neglected form may cause the development of anemia in your pet.

Allergic skin diseases in dogs

An allergy is an antibody response to allergens. The causes of the disease may be different. Let's list the most popular among them.

To eliminate allergies in dogs, you first need to eliminate contact with the allergen. Also appointed antihistamines to suppress the reaction, carried out external therapy using ointments and lotions, vaccines are used.

Hormonal skin diseases in dogs

Animals are often allergic to the presence of one or another hormone. It will be indicated by such signs as the appearance of dark age spots on the pet's skin, symmetrical hair loss, bad smell from a sick dog and oily skin. If the problem is associated with excess estrogen, then the pet may develop tumors on the testes. Finally, with excess adrenaline, the dog develops diseases, which result in hair loss and spots on the body.

Some of the most common skin diseases in dogs

This group of diseases includes seborrhea. Signs of the disease are oily skin with an unpleasant odor, the appearance of scales and itching. To treat seborrhea, vitamins, corticosteroids, amino acid agents and estrogens are prescribed. You can also restore the skin by using special soap.

Separately, it should be noted wet eczema, which spreads very quickly. Usually a bacterial infection is added to it. An animal suffering from wet eczema actively chews and tears the skin. Also among the symptoms of the disease heat, vomiting and inflammation of the lymph nodes. Wet, yellow bald spots appear on the skin. Wet eczema should be treated as soon as possible with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lick granuloma– This is one of the most complex skin diseases in dogs. It's nothing more than chronic dermatitis, spreading mainly to the paws and back area of ​​the animal. Treat this disease not easy, corticosteroids and radiation are used as therapy, and last method more effective.

Granulomas occur due to objects getting under the animal’s skin. They get rid of them through surgery, and after it antibiotics are used to prevent the development of bacterial diseases.

Skin diseases in dogs are a collective category that unites diseases different types. Both stray dogs deprived of proper care and pets under the care of the owner are not insured against them. The symptoms and causes of each type of disease differ, as do the treatment methods.

The main factors that provoke skin pathologies include:

  • Poor quality food. The diet must be complete; a deficiency of certain substances in the body must not be allowed;
  • Conditions of detention. Walking a pet in a contaminated area and systematic failure to comply with sanitary standards;
  • Heredity. There are a number of breeds that differ in the delicacy of their skin, this should be taken into account when getting a dog.

As a result, skin diseases appear in dogs: the animal suffers from itching and baldness is observed.

Veterinary medicine knows many skin diseases that can affect a pet, regardless of breed or age. This is almost always accompanied by hair loss. There are several types of diseases depending on what caused the deterioration in health. A correct diagnosis will affect the effectiveness of treatment and speed up recovery.

Groups of skin diseases in dogs

There are the following groups of diseases:

At the first signs of inflammatory processes on the skin, a conscientious owner is obliged to contact veterinary clinic. It may seem that the characteristics are obvious and it is not difficult to cure the animal with your own efforts, but this is often wrong. Even an experienced dog breeder does not have the competence required for accurate diagnosis and treatment. As soon as they were discovered alarming symptoms, you should adhere to certain settings:

  • Avoid tactile contact;
  • Keep your home clean and follow hygiene procedures;
  • Do not allow your pet to remain on the bed;
  • Children should not touch the animal.

To prevent the situation from getting worse, you need to make sure that the dog does not scratch the sore spot. For her own good, she should scold at such moments and make it clear that this is prohibited. Under no circumstances should you attempt to treat your dog yourself; it is risky and can lead to serious consequences. fatal. Even a primitive application of green paint, which is universal for humans, will complicate the examination procedure by a veterinarian. To isolate the source of inflammation, it is permissible to trim the fur around the wounds and soak them with salicylic alcohol.

Types of skin diseases in dogs

Sarcoptic mange. The carriers of this infection, ticks, and their offspring, feed on the epidermis and move under the skin through a kind of “undermining”. They are not easy to spot, and each individual lives for approximately twenty-one days. Sarcoptic mange mites, finding themselves in an unnatural environment for them, die within one to two days.

They get rid of sarcoptic mange by bathing the animal in special decoctions, using injections and oral administration medicines. Infection of the owners is possible, which can manifest itself in itching of parts of the body that come into contact with the sick pet.

Demodicosis. It is also called red scabies. This form is much easier to detect, but it is also more painful to tolerate. Alarm signal small inclusions with a rough surface, dispersed over the head, paws and body, will serve. If you don't monitor your dog's behavior, he may scratch the skin off the itchy spots.

It is not difficult to find a clinic that is ready to help in the fight against this difficult problem. But the difficulty is that red scabies can spread to internal organs. The result is also difficult to achieve if the mite has settled in the root system of the coat.

To get rid of ticks, the animal is shaved - this allows the drugs to penetrate the inner layers of the skin. If provided in a timely manner medical care and following treatment procedures, recovery will occur within a couple of weeks.

Harmful fungal diseases

Microscopy among our little brothers is the most common misfortune. Microsporia is popularly known as “ringworm”. Its causative agent is fungi, known to science like trichophyton and microsporum.

Microsporum is more common, and the vast majority of visitors to animal clinics complain about it. When viewed with ultraviolet rays, Microsporum can be found by the specific green radiation emitted by the fungus.

Other famous fungal infections skins, although more rare, are no less dangerous, including for the owner. Those infected are prescribed medications combined with medicinal baths and local application of ointments. Long-haired dogs are cut immediately.

It should be noted that fungal spores exist quietly in neutral environment and can fill the house in which the dog lives. To avoid relapse, cleaning and disinfection of the living space is mandatory.

Bacterial infection

Pyoderma is bacterial inflammation skin, which is more common than others. Microorganisms penetrate into the inner layers of the skin. The main causative agent is considered to be the bacterium Staphylococcus intermedius. IN moderate amount it is present on the skin everywhere, but when the animal gets into unfavorable conditions, staphylococcus progresses and causes inflammation. In this case, symptoms are noticeable on the thighs or around the anus.

When bacteria multiply, their foci are on the head and muzzle, near the mouth and even in oral cavity. Puppies are also susceptible to skin diseases of this type: in this case, small dark spots. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection deepens, including the hair follicles.

The skin is treated with antiseptics, baths and antibiotics are prescribed. Ignoring the disease is fraught with the occurrence of abscesses that negatively affect the condition of the blood and hemoglobin levels.

Modern medicine is testing antibiotics in an attempt to improve the results of treatment of pyoderma. Reduce painful sensations possible, preventing it from injuring irritated skin.

Allergic diseases of dogs, skin allergies

An allergic reaction is the dog’s body’s resistance to the influence of allergens on it. Accompanied by the activation of histamine particles, the interaction of which with the blood provokes inflammatory process. Reasons may include:

Allergies are quite unpredictable. Its appearance can be expected either immediately or within a couple of days after interaction with the irritant.

Summer dermatitis in dogs

Eczema or summer dermatitis, as the name implies, mainly makes itself felt at certain times of the year. But once a dog encounters this scourge, its return next spring cannot be avoided, and the animal will suffer from dermatitis until the onset of autumn. When the disease progresses to chronic form pauses during the cold season cease.

This disease occurs spontaneously, affecting the body in 2-3 days. The dog's back and tail are the first to suffer: inflammation forms aching wounds. The dog itches and bites its teeth into the damaged areas, increasing the degree of threat to health, because when they are injured, there is a risk of bacteria getting inside, leading to secondary skin diseases in dogs.

Veterinarians do not advise treating a dog on their own, since the owner cannot know for certain what exactly caused the dermatitis, and therefore what treatment method is rational to use.

Weeping eczema

The disease spreads over minimum time. The disease is often accompanied by bacterial infection. A dog with eczema tends to aggressively bite and tear the skin in affected areas. Symptoms include: elevated temperature, enlarged lymph nodes, vomiting. A wet, red bald spot becomes noticeable on your pet's body. Any touch to it causes unbearable pain to the animal.

Treatment should not be delayed under any circumstances, as this disease is painful for the dog. The cause of the disease is eliminated, a course of antibiotics, painkillers and a special diet are prescribed.

Acrodermatitis (“licked granuloma”)

A licking dog experiences a rush of endorphins. And if a dog lacks this hormone, it may systematically lick the same place on the body, which leads to thickening of the skin. When the dog continues to constantly lick the skin in this area, it turns red, abscesses appear, and tumors appear. These side effects accompanied by itching, which again provokes licking. Also, as in the case of eczema, when a granuloma is licked, a bacterial infection may develop.

To achieve results in treatment, you should find out what caused the pet’s unusual behavior. Often the problem is psychological trauma, such as loneliness or resentment towards the owner.


A common pathology is seborrhea. This is a disease expressed in failure of keratinization of the skin. It is clearly visible on the dog’s face, ears, neck and tail. Under the influence of the disease, too many scales form, the body begins to itch, emit an unpleasant odor, and the regulation of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.

You can get rid of seborrhea by using a complex of vitamins, corticosteroid drugs and amino acids, steroid hormones. A special soap will help cope with the smell and reduce flaking.

To relieve pain and relieve your pet from unbearable itching and burning, aloe juice is applied to the inflamed areas. You can prepare it yourself or purchase it at a pharmacy. It works on a similar principle medicinal chamomile. Baths with chamomile decoction will have a beneficial effect on the condition of a sick animal and relieve inflammation. Calendula and echinacea are also suitable.

If a once cheerful and active pet has become lethargic and sick, refuses its favorite food and games, constantly itches and licks itself, it should be seen by a doctor immediately. It’s better to do everything possible to prevent treatment: proper care, love and care will ensure the dog a long life.

Erosion is called shallow damage to the skin, affecting only its upper layers. This can be quite painful, but correct definition reasons and adequate treatment erosion goes away quite quickly. When there are ulcers on the body, the damage affects the deeper layers of the skin. Areas of the skin affected by ulcers require careful care to avoid infection. In some cases, the healing process takes a very long time. Erosive and ulcerative dermatoses are various skin diseases characterized by the presence of erosions and ulcers on the skin.

The conditions described in this article occur in both dogs and cats. We will dwell in more detail on dermatoses in dogs.


Symptoms depend on the cause of the disease. However, as a rule, erosive and ulcerative dermatoses are characterized by the following symptoms:

    erosions and ulcers (on any part of the body);

    hair loss (alopecia);

    the presence of one or more areas of inflamed skin on the body;

    lesions on pain points(where the skin is closest to the bone);

    areas of very dry skin, possibly with scabs;

    weeping wounds;

    loss of skin and hair pigmentation (depigmentation).

Possible reasons

Erosion or ulcers on the skin can be caused by the most various reasons. The most common of these are burns, injuries and skin infections, as well as more complex reasons, such as the body's reaction to various medications, some types of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Without special tests, it can be difficult to distinguish between dermatosis caused by a virus and skin damage due to allergic reaction. Therefore, the veterinarian may prescribe various tests, including a blood test, a test to determine different types infections and even a skin biopsy (examination of a sample of skin tissue). All this may be needed in order to establish the cause of dermatosis.

In some cases, despite the tests performed, the veterinarian cannot determine the cause of the disease. In this case, the diagnosis is made of an idiopathic disorder (that is, a disease for which the exact cause is not clear).

Here is an incomplete list of disorders that can cause erosions and ulcers on the skin:

Immune system diseases

    Inflammation blood vessels(vasculitis).

    Swelling of the head, neck, eyes, muzzle and ears, usually found in young dogs. Due to the swelling, the skin cracks, the wounds ooze and scabs remain.

    Toxic epidermal necrolysis (tissue death, usually due to an allergic reaction to drugs).

    So-called jams in the corners of the lips, which are allergic in nature and heal slowly.

    Pemphigus (an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the skin).

Infectious diseases

    A skin infection caused by staphylococcus is characterized by the presence of pus (pyoderma).

    Superficial fungal infections, such as Malassezia dermatitis and dermatophytosis.

    Actinomycete bacteria, such as nocardia, streptomycetes and others.

    Actinomycetes bacterial infections proceed similarly to fungal infections.


    Cellular tumors.

    Skin lymphomas (mycoses).

Eating disorders

    Lack of zinc.


The veterinarian will need to conduct a complete medical checkup animal. This is especially important due to the fact that the causes of dermatosis can be very diverse. Various options diseases can be difficult to distinguish from each other. Because of huge amount possible reasons, as well as similarities skin manifestations, it can be quite difficult to distinguish one type of dermatosis from another and make a final diagnosis.

To find out the reason, you will need to tell the entire medical history of your pet, its habits, and everything that could help the veterinarian. Tell the doctor exactly when the dog began to be bothered by itching, whether there was a risk of contracting any infection, whether you took Lately your pet on a trip (this may be necessary in searching for some fungal diseases that can be brought from places with certain climatic conditions). The doctor will definitely take everything into account eating habits dogs, as well as all the signs associated with skin problems.

A more in-depth analysis may require a tissue biopsy from areas of affected skin, blisters, or sores. As a result of such a study, mycobacteria and fungal infections will be identified, and the composition of the fluid from wounds and blisters will be analyzed. Examining such fluid under a microscope also helps determine the presence of bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic (that is, bacteria that can live only in the presence of oxygen or only without it, respectively).


In most cases, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but the method and means depend on the diagnosis and the cause of the disease. Your veterinarian will select a personalized treatment system specifically for your pet that is best suited for each specific case. The key to successful treatment is doing it right established cause diseases.

One of possible methods treatment - hydrotherapy, carried out either using a jacuzzi or by nebulization cool water under pressure on the affected areas of the skin. Make sure your veterinarian has sufficient experience using this method to treat dermatoses. Never give in to the temptation to prescribe to your pet yourself. local remedies, such as ointments or creams, to treat erosions and ulcers. Some of them, for example those containing neomycin, can worsen the condition of the animal's skin if used incorrectly. Some medications contain alcohol or other ingredients that may cause pain when applied to wounds.

Be sure to keep the areas of skin affected by erosion and ulcers clean. For this it is best to use special detergents designed for very sensitive skin. Proper care extremely important for get well soon your pet.

As mentioned above, methods and means of treating erosive and ulcerative dermatoses are very dependent on the underlying cause of the disease. Therefore, carefully follow all recommendations of your veterinarian. Discuss with him the possible side effects of the prescribed medications.

Take your dog to the veterinarian at least once every two weeks so that he can make sure that the wounds are healing and treatment is prescribed correctly.