What is the importance of ears in the life of a hare. Why does a hare have long ears? Do Sphynx cats sweat?

Ears make it possible to hear, but that is not the only thing ears are designed for. Many animals, having only small ears, can compete in hearing with many “eared” animals, so we cannot stop there. Let's look at what ears are for, whatever they are.


First, it's for hearing. The larger the ears, the better the animal hears. This can be proven by conducting a simple experiment: while listening to music, place your palms on your ears, curling them into a kind of horn. The music will become louder. From this example it is clear that the larger the ears, the sharper the hearing. Which is understandable with a hare, which is a herbivore, and therefore must hear a predator at a distance in order to have time to escape.

Additionally, the long ears can be easily wrapped around and placed perpendicular to each other or parallel. Thanks to this, you can hear sounds literally around you, which also increases the survival rate of many animals.

But what about other animals, for example, a donkey, which cannot run fast, which means it doesn’t really need hearing? Let's go further.

Ears are like radiators and streamlining of the ears

It turns out that large ears serve as radiators to remove heat from the body, and the head especially needs this when it overheats. Proof of this is that animals that live in deserts or rather warm regions have large ears. But those who live in cold places have very small ears, for example, polar bears.

Indeed, everyone who inhabits hot places has large ears. Even hares that live in deserts are proud of their truly long ears.

Now about the ordinary gray hare. Although he does not live in warm regions, he has long ears. Here, too, the reason is not only the need for excellent hearing. When running away from a predator, the hare, of course, gets very hot, so while running it also needs to remove heat from the body, which is what its ears do. But while running, the ears of all animals are pressed to the body. The reason is clear: to give a streamlined shape.

This allows heat to be dissipated no worse than usual, but at the same time we answer the question of why the ears are long and not large and wide. If they are narrow and long, they are much more comfortable to hold close to you, and they do not interfere with running very quickly.

Another reason for long ears is that, lying in the grass during the day, desert residents can raise their ears above it, turning them in the direction opposite to the sun and also transfer heat from the upper body. To cool the lower layer, the ground on which the animal lies is used. At the same time, ears raised high above the grass will hear the slightest crunch under the paws of an approaching predator.

A person does not need long ears, so he has small ones, although this does not prevent him from hearing wonderfully. But, if we consider people who live in warm and cold regions, in the mountains and lowlands, we can notice some differences. Some have a wide nose in order to inhale more air (this is in the mountains, where it is difficult to breathe due to lack of oxygen), others have a small one, and so do the ears: in some they are a little larger, in others they are smaller.

Nature will adapt its child to itself everywhere.

Why do hare and rabbit have long ears, why do rabbit and hare need such long ears. This article describes in detail why and why rabbits and hares have long ears.

It is clear that, first of all, ears are needed to hear. The outer part of the ear acts as a speaker, not only capturing, but also amplifying external sounds. And the larger the auricle, the sharper the hearing of its owner. It’s not for nothing that, trying to better hear a quiet voice, we put our palm to our ear, thus increasing the surface area of ​​the auricle. To continue the experiment, you can lightly “crumple” your ear with your fingers and make sure that your hearing is clearly deteriorating.

For a hare, quick recognition of danger and escape are one of the main methods of survival. That's why his ears are so big. The record holder for the length of ears is the American hare or “leather rabbit” - the ears of an adult animal are larger than itself.

In addition to simply capturing sound waves, the outer ear is also responsible for cutting out unnecessary noise that interferes with recognizing vital information. Working as a resonator, the ear amplifies only those sounds whose frequencies coincide with its own.

The presence of two ears located on both sides of the head provides the so-called binary effect - the ability to determine the direction of the sound source. The mobility of the ears helps to determine the location of an object even more precisely: turning towards the front of the sound wave, the ear seems to indicate the direction from which danger may come.

The main way to avoid this danger is to escape. And here, in addition to fast legs and special techniques that confuse the pursuer, the hare’s ears help. It is the long (not round!) ears that are pressed tightly against the body, providing better aerodynamics.

But even this is not the end of the function of long ears: large ears save a running hare from overheating, actively radiating heat without losing valuable moisture. This quality gives the hare a significant advantage over predators: it is because of overheating that they quickly get tired and stop chasing.

The conclusion is simple: long ears for a hare are a vital necessity, a real gift of evolution.

work. Let's remember physics: A =F s Or else: work = force x re placement Job is a process accompanied by the transfer of mechanical energy (both the energy of the body itself and the energy of external bodies) into thermal energy or vice versa, thermal energy into mechanical energy.

And then the elephant has to work for the benefit of man: dragging logs, carrying people and other loads. And it won’t take long to overheat in the heat! Let's remember biology and geography, and also the fact that elephants are found in Africa, and even in southeast Asia. At body temperatures above 42 0 C, the protein in the cells folds and the living organism dies. So nature came up with a way to save elephants! She rewarded them with huge ears and a trunk.

The ears of an elephant (and not only those of a hare and many other animals) have a large number of blood vessels that are covered only by skin. The blood carries the heat generated during work and the breakdown of food, and the ears (as a kind of "radiators" ) contribute to its cooling. And what does the trunk have to do with it?

When an elephant is especially hot, it douses itself with water or, in its absence, smears saliva over its body with its trunk. The liquid begins to evaporate, which leads to a decrease in body temperature, and the elephant feels cool.

Let's remember physics. Evaporation of liquid is accompanied by a decrease in temperature: the fastest molecules, with greater kinetic energy, are the first to escape from the liquid. Well, what remains are the slowest ones. And the internal energy, and the temperature associated with it, depend on the kinetic energy of the movement of molecules.

So the hare needs big ears not only to hear better. Although we know that because of the dangers, the hare always needs to keep his eyes open! Both the fox and the wolf are always nearby. And they are not averse to eating hare meat.

The little bunny is hiding under a bush, unable to catch his breath. Come on, try jumping rope for half an hour! Hot? That's it! The hare sits and “sweats his ears.” And the sweat is also heated by the heat from the blood. And the more it is heated, the faster it evaporates. And the faster the sweat evaporates, the cooler the hare is!

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To hear better, you will answer, and you will be right. Of the sense organs, the hare has the most developed hearing, the sense of smell operates at a short distance, and the hare's vision is average, adapted as for twilight.

The hare is very careful, skillfully hides in its den, when moving it confuses its tracks, moving against the wind, and until the last moment it does not reveal its presence by movement. He just lies with his big ears pressed to his body.

There were cases when hunters came close to a hare and, mistaking it for a dead or wounded animal, checked with the barrel of a gun, like a stick, whether it was alive or not. And only after that, making a dizzying somersault in the air, the hare pressing his big ears back, he fled for his life.

If the hare has to flee, he is saved not only by his fast legs, but also by his large ears: heat is transferred through them during fast running.

Naturally to protect yourself from predators! It often happens that a hare dives from above. Then he turns over on his back and, like a real boxer, fights off her with all four paws, and with such force that he can rip open his opponent with his claws.

By the way, all hunters know this and yet constantly suffer from the sharp claws of the wounded hare.

Is it true that hares play leapfrog?

Hares playing leapfrog - photo

It's not surprising, but it's true. The very name and rules of the game of “leapfrog” were learned by our ancestors from the hare, although at first it was just dizzying somersaults of hares fleeing from hunters, and only then, biologists studying the habits of the hare in the wild, confirmed that in mating games these jumps over each other my friend, it's an ordinary thing.

Bunny - why do you need big ears and sharp claws to defend yourself and stay alive?

Svetlana Zhuk
Ecological project “Why does the hare have long ears”

T ip: short-term, research, thematic.

Pedagogical goals:

to bring parents closer to the problems of upbringing and development of children, to improve the pedagogical culture of parents; development of the intellectual and moral spheres in children, create conditions for familiarization with the life of hares, the purpose of ears, form an active life position in children, and involve them in environmental activities.


1. Develop basic ideas about hares and rabbits.

2. Contribute to clarifying and enriching children’s ideas about hares (bunny - bunny - bunny);

3. Encourage and support independent observations of animals;

4. Cultivate an interest in the life of animals, a caring attitude;

5. Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue;

6. Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;

7. Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;

8. Develop children’s productive activities, improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities;

9. Form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Research hypotheses:

1. Suppose that a hare needs ears to protect itself from enemies.

2. What if a hare needs ears for beauty.

The following methods were used to confirm or refute the hypotheses:

1. Think for yourself.

2. Ask adults.

3. Call your grandmother in the village

4. Look at books.

5. Go to your computer

6. Observe

In the course of studying the collected information, we were able to find out the following.

Those hares that live in nature are seriously different from the rabbits that we keep as pets. They are larger, not as beautiful and have much longer ears. Why?

The first thing that comes to mind is to hear better. Indeed, the larger the outer part of the ear, the better it is to capture sound vibrations, including even rustling sounds. You can check this yourself by placing your palm to your ear - thanks to the increased surface of the auricle, your hearing will sharpen.

Since the hare cannot do anything to oppose its enemies, the only thing available to it is to flee. His long ears help him in this, as they are able to snatch even the quietest sounds from the silence, allowing the scythe to escape from a predator or hunter.

Why are the ears elongated and not round? When running, the hare presses them as close to the body as possible, reducing air resistance, thereby allowing itself to increase its running speed. However, there is another feature associated with the ears of a hare. The human body or any other living creature releases a certain amount of heat, which is accompanied by the removal of moisture from the body. Accordingly, the animal gets tired faster. The hare's ears have a lot of capillaries in which blood circulates. Due to the large area of ​​the ears, the oblique does not overheat his body, which helps him when he is hiding from his pursuers. In cold weather, on the contrary, he presses his ears to his body, saving heat loss.

The conclusion is simple: long ears for a hare are a vital necessity, a real gift from nature.

Implementation of thematic planning during

weeks: in forms of organization and types of activities sti

Examination of a rabbit, hare (possibly alive) -

“A bunny came to visit us.”

Examination of illustrations on the topic “Hare and Little Hares.”

Conversation on the topic “Why does a hare have long ears?”

Research activity “What does a rabbit like to eat.”

Reading the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.”

Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Bunny”.

Acquaintance with the poem by V. Volina “The gray bunny washes itself...”.

Guessing riddles.

Drawing "Treat for the Bunny."

Modeling "Carrot for a rabbit."

Construction of "Zayushkin's Hut".

Application "Zayushka".

Outdoor games: “The little gray bunny is sitting...”, “Sunny bunnies”, “The little little bunny, come out”, “The gray little bunny is washing his face...”.

The game is a dramatization of the Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.”

Description of the features of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment

Watching a documentary about the hare

Selection of visual material (pictures, book and magazine illustrations)

Raising problematic issues.

Using didactic games on the topic.

Didactic game “Guess the animal from the description.”

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Organize children's activities aimed at clarifying, expanding and systematizing children's ideas about the home of different animals, identifying the relationship between the appearance, lifestyle of the animal and the features of its “house”.

Didactic game "Find Mom."

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to group animals according to the criterion of “one family of animals.”

Didactic game

“Feed the animal.”

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to find characteristic food for each animal.

Didactic game

“Where is whose tail?”

Organize children's activities aimed at developing children's ability to compare parts and wholes.

Involving parents in the educational process

Parent meeting on the topic “Formation of design and research activities.”

Consultation for parents “What is the project method?”

Involve parents in organizing an acquaintance with a live rabbit or hare.

Selection of information on the question “Why does a hare have long ears?”

Visit to the Zoo.

Reading fiction on the topic.

Assistance in organizing an exhibition on the topic.

The final stage is the presentation of the project.

Presentation of the family newspaper “Why does a hare have long ears?”

Final event “Let’s treat the bunny with a carrot.”

Publications on the topic:

Children's research project "Why don't ships sink?" Children's research project "Why don't ships sink?" Goal: find out why ships float on water. Tasks: collect and analyze.

Children's project "Why do trees have holes in the spring?" (6 - 7 years old) Hello! Introducing: Doronina Tanya Voloshchenko Artyom “Development Center.

Photo report of children's artistic creativity. Modeling Topic: “Snail long horns” Elena Vladimirova. Goal: Expanding and clarifying children’s knowledge.

Objectives: - learn to sculpt an object in parts, convey the shape of the parts (oval body and head, characteristic features - long ears, divide.