Fatigue, anxiety, drowsiness, depressed state. Does daytime sleepiness indicate a serious illness? Causes and treatment of daytime sleepiness. Drowsiness due to intoxication

A sleep disorder that is characterized by a desire to fall asleep is considered hypersomnia. Moreover, the desire to sleep most often occurs periodically, but it can also be present constantly. Such a syndrome may, of course, indicate that a person just needs to fully rest. But there are a lot of pathologies that include increased drowsiness in the list of symptoms.

If a person experiences constant or periodic drowsiness, and chronic fatigue syndrome can be excluded, you should immediately consult a doctor - only a complete examination of the body will enable specialists to find out the true cause of the condition in question. Since there are many such causes, it will be necessary to differentiate possible pathological conditions - this will help to carry out effective treatment.

Table of contents:

Most often, the syndrome in question accompanies diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, but it can also be present in narcolepsy, Kleine-Levin syndrome, sleep apnea syndrome - these are neuropsychiatric diseases that are always severe and radically change the patient’s lifestyle.

Increased drowsiness is often noted by those who are forced to take certain medications for a long period - this affects their side effects on the body. As a rule, in such a development of events, the attending physician will either adjust the dosage of the medication taken or completely replace it.

Drowsiness is almost always associated with insufficient daylight. Pay attention to how the psycho-emotional background changes during cloudy weather and prolonged rains. In principle, such a condition cannot be considered a pathology, but it is possible to help the body enter the normal rhythm of life. To increase daylight hours and make up for the lack of sun, fluorescent lamps are installed in the premises - this literally helps to restore the body’s strength in just a couple of days.

And of course, one cannot ignore those in which a person simply “goes” to sleep - in this way he “hides” from problems and troubles. If increased sleepiness arose precisely against the background of such a disorder of the psycho-emotional background and nervous system, then you just need to solve the problem or seek help from a psychologist.

Note:All of the listed conditions that lead to increased drowsiness can, in principle, be overcome independently (with rare exceptions), and drowsiness in the described cases will be considered practically the norm. But there are a number of serious diseases that are accompanied by increased drowsiness - in this case, you simply cannot do without professional medical help.

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Doctors identify a number of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by increased drowsiness:

  1. . With this disease, the level of iron in the body decreases, and if the pathology remains “unattended” and the patient does not undergo treatment, then a lack of hemoglobin can be detected even in blood cells. In addition to increased drowsiness, iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by brittle nail plates and hair, general weakness, changes in taste preferences, and dizziness.

Note:It is impossible to normalize and stabilize the level of iron in the body using folk remedies alone. If you have these symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, who, after examination, will prescribe effective treatment with iron supplements.

There are a number of symptoms that, coupled with increased sleepiness, may be the basis for a preliminary diagnosis. Of course, each doctor will conduct the necessary examinations, but assumptions will already be made.

, drowsiness and weakness – vegetative-vascular dystonia

The mechanism for the development of increased drowsiness in this disease is very simple:

  • the vessels are affected by some factor - for example, stress, smoking;
  • against the background of such exposure, neuroendocrine changes occur - this condition generally underlies vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • In the vessels of the brain, blood flow is impaired (dystonia).

Treatment of increased drowsiness in this pathology consists of combating the factors that actually provoke the general disease. Psychotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture and activities aimed at overall strengthening of the entire body will help the patient.

If the disease is severe, doctors will prescribe specific medications that will relieve the patient from drowsiness.

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, headache and drowsiness - intoxication of the nervous system

In this condition, toxic damage to the cerebral cortex occurs due to exposure to internal or external factors. Exogenous intoxication can occur due to the consumption of large quantities of alcoholic beverages, chemicals, poisons of plant or bacterial origin (food poisoning). Endogenous intoxication can occur against the background of severe pathologies of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) and kidneys.

Intoxication of the nervous system is always accompanied by increased drowsiness, nausea and headache - based on these signs, doctors will be able to make a diagnosis and provide professional assistance in a timely manner.

Vomiting, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness – traumatic brain injury

With such an injury, several factors begin to affect the central nervous system:

  • direct impact – bruise, destruction of brain tissue;
  • violation of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • cerebral edema.

Note:In the first few hours after a traumatic brain injury, the patient may feel great, there are no symptoms. That is why, even with minor blows to the head, a person must undergo examination in a medical institution.

Irritability, loss of energy and drowsiness are endocrine disruptions in women

Very often, drowsiness in women is associated with and. In addition to the syndrome in question, in such cases there will be other pronounced symptoms:

In case of endocrine disruptions, you can cope with increased drowsiness with herbal medicine or reflexology, but in especially severe cases, doctors can prescribe hormonal medications.

Of course, first of all you will need to see a doctor and undergo a preventive examination - you need to make sure that there are no serious pathologies. If increased drowsiness is a symptom of chronic diseases or is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you can try to get rid of the syndrome in question on your own.

Increased sleepiness can be a sign of banal chronic fatigue, but it can also be a symptom of severe pathological conditions. You just need to carefully monitor your health and literally “listen” to how you are feeling – a timely examination in a medical facility will help you effectively cope with the problem.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

Each of us is probably familiar with such seemingly harmless symptoms. For some people, they occur exclusively in the off-season due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients. However, for many, such symptoms do not disappear even with the onset of spring, but on the contrary, they worsen even more, worsening the performance and condition of the body as a whole. In this article we will look at the main reasons that cause fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness.


The signs we are considering quite often indicate diseases associated with depletion of the nervous system. The main symptoms of neurasthenia are lethargy, weakness, fatigue, daytime sleepiness, migraine. Moreover, even after rest, the above symptoms do not disappear. Patients suffering from neurasthenia are very sensitive to bright light, noise, and loud sounds. Quite often they complain of poor memory. A similar disease can occur as a result of fasting, increased physical activity, nervous stress, constant lack of sleep, etc.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

With this disease, the patient’s performance is reduced by almost half. At the same time, any tasks that a person could previously cope with quite easily seem overwhelming to him. Signs of the disease are as follows: causeless exhaustion, joint weakness, forgetfulness, lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness. The causes of the disease are due to the characteristics of modern life. Tense rhythm, psychological stress, constant lack of sleep and overwork, a large amount of information - everything gradually accumulates, causing a constant feeling of fatigue. In addition, prolonged sitting at a computer in the absence of physical activity entails tension in the muscles of the shoulders, back, and lower back. Therefore, most often it is workaholics who suffer from this syndrome.

Endocrine disruptions

Symptoms of “fatigue, drowsiness, apathy” very often occur in women during menopause. At the same time, against the background of the main manifestations, irritability, loss of strength, excessive tearfulness, and a decrease in intellectual and physical abilities often appear. Very often, daytime sleepiness is a consequence of nighttime insomnia. There are cases when severe depression develops against the background of endocrine disruption.

Acute CNS poisoning

Fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness may also indicate intoxication resulting from depression of the central nervous system by poisons of chemical, bacterial or plant origin. Moreover, even some substances that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system (alcohol), at high concentrations, can cause exhaustion, and in more severe cases, coma. The main symptoms may be supplemented by headache, the patient has difficulty swallowing, and has double vision. Often in such cases there is

Hidden depression

Characterized by sleep disturbance. A person may stay awake for a long time in the evening, and find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. In this case, as a rule, fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness are observed in the first half of the day. Depression is often accompanied by somatic disorders, such as rapid heartbeat, constipation, and chest pain.

Probably, everyone at least once in their life has encountered a condition when they are constantly plagued by constant fatigue and drowsiness, performance is reduced, and complete apathy and indifference are added to everything that happens.

A very interesting fact is that such symptoms can often be observed in wealthy, successful people who have achieved a lot in life. Doctors believe that this happens because they do not have time to pay attention to their health, the body becomes vulnerable to infections and diseases, and this leads to a drop in the level of serotonin, which is known to be the hormone of joy.

Why is this happening?

Serotonin is a regulator of a large number of different processes in the human body. Oddly enough, it is precisely because of its decrease in winter that people gain excess weight, their nails break, their hair falls out, they feel tired, and they want to sleep all the time.

Scientists have found that when serotonin levels drop, a person strives to replenish it with carbohydrates, that is, pastries, sweets, chocolate, cakes, and other “joys of life.” All this leads to only one thing - the person gets better.

There is an opinion that a low amount of this substance leads to fatigue, depression, decreased performance and provokes PMS in women.

If you want to sleep all the time and feel tired, this is a consequence of low levels of serotonin. Women aged 20 to 40 years are very susceptible to this condition. Often after a working day they want only one thing - to quickly get home to lie down and relax.

If a person experiences a constant feeling of fatigue and wants to sleep, then this may be triggered by the environment. The cause of this condition can also be a constant stressful situation, lack of vitamins or chronic lack of sleep. If this is not treated, then health will deteriorate, and the body's protective functions will rapidly decline.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

If fatigue remains after a person has rested for a long period, and the condition continues for more than 6 months, then chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is evident. Its main symptoms: a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness of the whole body.

What previously did not cause difficulties, and was even done with pleasure, now causes irritation and tires. Fatigue appears even from going to the store, not to mention more significant physical activity.

Symptoms of CFS also include:

  • memory problems: it is difficult to learn or remember something, decreased concentration, increased headaches, constant drowsiness;
  • frequent mood swings, uncontrollable aggression;
  • low blood pressure and rapid pulse;
  • weakness, nausea and difficulty breathing.

CFS can be called a complex disease that affects both the brain and body.

Causes of the syndrome and their treatment

The main reasons for this condition are the following factors:

  • lack of vitamin B12. It can be recognized by diarrhea, numbness of the limbs and memory loss. If you suspect a deficiency of this element, you need to take a blood test. If it is confirmed, then all you need to do is change your diet - eat more fish, eggs, milk, meat. This vitamin can be prescribed medicinally only in the most critical cases;
  • lack of vitamin D. Its deficiency can also be detected using a test. And again - inclusion of fish, eggs and liver in the diet. But the main treatment will be sunbathing, walking in the fresh air for 10 minutes every day;
  • use of medications. When taking any medications, side effects may occur in the form of fatigue, weakness and apathy. You need to read the instructions carefully. If it is confirmed that the symptoms are provoked by the pills, then you need to ask the doctor to prescribe you something else;
  • problems with the thyroid gland. They can also manifest as weight problems, dry skin, and cycle disruptions. If you are concerned about any of the symptoms, you need to contact an endocrinologist to prescribe treatment. An advanced disease can lead to consequences such as joint disease, heart disease and even infertility.

These are the main reasons associated with constant drowsiness and fatigue and ways to solve them. In any of these cases, you must consult a doctor. But there is a more radical, and most importantly, effective way, when the previous causes are not related to the syndrome.

How to overcome fatigue

The best solution would be to completely change your life, spend more time outdoors, change jobs, stick to a diet, exercise, and eliminate stressful situations. It would be ideal to go to a body of water - the sea, a waterfall, a lake, a river, or go to the mountains. This method is good because in the mountains or near the sea there are negatively charged ions that have a positive effect on the body, improve well-being, and increase serotonin levels.

Thanks to this, all symptoms will disappear on their own.

Negative ions have the following effects on the body:

  • enhance the blood’s ability to absorb and transport oxygen;
  • give a strong effect, like antioxidants, which acts like vitamins;
  • have serious antiviral and antimicrobial effects;
  • increase mental abilities and improve the body's metabolic processes;
  • have a rejuvenating effect;
  • promote the production of serotonin.

The only problem that accompanies this method is the lack of funds and opportunities.

But, since you still need to cope with the problem, you need to look for other ways to solve the problem.

Normally, physical or mental fatigue leads to drowsiness. This body signal indicates to a person the need to take a break from the flow of information or actions. It is expressed in the form of decreased visual acuity, yawning, decreased sensitivity to other external stimuli, slowed pulse, dry mucous membranes and decreased activity of endocrine organs. Such drowsiness is physiological and does not pose a threat to health.

However, there are a number of factors in which this body signal becomes a sign of disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. In this article, we will introduce you to 8 reasons that are a sign of pathological sleepiness and the causes of physiological conditions that cause lack of sleep.

Causes of physiological drowsiness

If a person does not sleep for a long time, then his body signals him about the need for sleep. Throughout the day, he may repeatedly fall into a state of physiological drowsiness. This condition can be caused by:

  • overstrain of pain or tactile receptors;
  • functioning of the digestive organs after eating;
  • auditory stimuli;
  • overload of the visual system.

Lack of sleep

Normally, a person should sleep about 7-8 hours a day. With age, these indicators may change. And with forced sleep deprivation, a person will experience periods of drowsiness.


Drowsiness during pregnancy is a normal state of the female body.

The period of bearing a child requires significant restructuring from the woman’s body, starting from the first months of pregnancy. In its first trimester, inhibition of the cerebral cortex by hormones leads to daytime drowsiness, and this is a variant of the norm.

Drowsiness after eating

Normally, for proper digestion of food, the body must remain at rest for some time, during which blood must flow to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, after eating, the cerebral cortex experiences a lack of oxygen and switches to an economy mode, accompanied by physiological drowsiness.


Any stressful situation causes the release of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood. These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands, and constant nervous overstrain causes their exhaustion. Because of this, the level of hormones decreases, and the person experiences a loss of energy and drowsiness.

Causes of pathological drowsiness

Pathological drowsiness (or pathological hypersomnia) is expressed in feelings of lack of sleep and fatigue during the day. The appearance of such symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Reason No. 1 – severe chronic or infectious diseases

After suffering from infectious diseases, the body needs to rest and recuperate.

After suffering from infectious and long-term chronic diseases, the body’s strength is depleted, and the person begins to feel the need for rest. Because of this, he has to experience sleepiness during the day.

According to some scientists, the appearance of this symptom causes a malfunction of the immune system, and during sleep, processes associated with the restoration of T-lymphocytes occur in the body. According to another theory, during sleep the body tests the performance of internal organs after an illness and restores it.

Reason #2 – anemia

Reason #4 – narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is accompanied by attacks of irresistible drowsiness and attacks of sudden onset of sleep during the day, loss of muscle tone in consciousness, disturbances in night sleep and hallucinations. In some cases, this disease is accompanied by a sudden loss of consciousness immediately after waking up. So far, the causes of narcolepsy have not yet been sufficiently studied.

Reason #5 – idiopathic hypersomnia

With idiopathic hypersomnia, which is more often observed in young people, there is a tendency to daytime sleepiness. As you fall asleep, moments of relaxed wakefulness occur, and your nighttime sleep becomes shorter. Waking up becomes more difficult and the person may become aggressive. Patients with this disease experience loss of family and social ties, loss of ability to work and professional skills.

Reason No. 6 – intoxication

Acute and chronic poisoning always affect the subcortex and cerebral cortex. As a result of stimulation of the reticular formation, a person experiences severe drowsiness, and not only at night, but also during the day. Such processes can be caused by smoking, psychotropic substances, alcohol and drugs.

Reason No. 7 – endocrine pathologies

Hormones produced by endocrine glands such as and adrenal glands affect many body functions. A change in their concentration in the blood leads to the development of such diseases that provoke drowsiness:

  • hypocortisolism - a decrease in the level of adrenal hormones, which is accompanied by a decrease in body weight, loss of appetite, increased fatigue, hypotension;
  • – a violation of insulin production, which is accompanied by an increase in blood sugar levels, leading to the appearance of ketoacidotic, hyper- and hypoglycemic states, which negatively affect the state of the cerebral cortex and cause drowsiness during the day.

Reason #8 – brain injury

Any brain injury accompanied by bruises or hemorrhages in the tissue of this important organ can lead to drowsiness and signs of impaired consciousness (stupor or coma). Their development is explained by impaired functioning of brain cells or deterioration of blood circulation and developing hypoxia.

Every person is familiar with the concept of weakness. We are talking about physical fatigue, sometimes caused by nothing and appearing out of nowhere. That is, a person can be well-rested, well-fed and not sick in any way, but everywhere he is accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, and sometimes even nausea.


If a person is tired and feels exhausted after a hard day at work, this is normal. The weakness may not go away overnight and persist the next day, but that's what days off are for. If lethargy and fatigue constantly accompanies you, regardless of whether it is a working day or a weekend, then you need to look for a problem elsewhere.

Lack of vitamins

If a person is lethargic and constantly exhausted, his body is missing something. In particular, vitamins B12 and D. They are found in meat, fish, milk, liver and eggs. These vitamins help red blood cells function in the body and perform their main function: delivering oxygen to vital organs and tissues, without which energy will not be produced.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be determined by the following symptoms: memory problems, excessive sweating, nausea and diarrhea. Vitamin D deficiency results in high blood pressure and various types of neuralgia. If a person eats well, but the listed symptoms are present, it may be necessary to replenish additional vitamin reserves (you can take vitamin complexes).

Taking certain medications

All pills have side effects, and many of them cause dizziness, nausea, lethargy and apathy. Moreover, this is not always described in the instructions. Therefore, you must take antihistamines and antidepressants with caution and strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

If it turns out that weakness in the body is really caused by taking pills, then you need to inform your doctor about this. Perhaps he will suggest alternative drugs.

Hormonal disorders

One of the most common causes of lethargy and apathy in women. Just remember pregnant women - they often have mood swings in a bad direction. The cause of hormonal imbalances is problems with the thyroid gland, namely a decrease in its activity. For men, such problems are rare.

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are dry skin, shuddering during sleep, cycle disruption in women, sweating, as well as constant fatigue and fatigue. This can be dealt with only after finding out the exact cause, that is, after the test results.

Depressive state

Any depression begins with melancholy, the symptoms of which are nausea, poor appetite, obsessive thoughts and apathy. When
this develops into a more severe depressive state, and weakness begins to be felt physically. The person mostly lies down, eats little due to nausea, loses ability to work, and only wants to sleep. In America, depression is an excuse not to go to work. Why? Because otherwise it can develop into a serious mental illness.

Experts and those who have managed to overcome depression recommend finding happiness in the little things and doing what you love: being in nature, watching your favorite movies, pampering yourself with goodies, etc.

Intestinal problems

Celiac disease is a fairly rare disease that involves the inability to digest gluten (this substance is found in cereals). People suffering from this disease are plagued by constant weakness and nausea, because the body lacks the nutrients contained in bread, flour and cereals. If you have celiac disease, you should undergo regular hospital treatment and follow a certain diet.

Heart problems

We are talking about serious heart diseases, the constant symptom of which is shortness of breath. A person does not have enough oxygen to perform basic physical actions, so he quickly gets tired. This fatigue is especially pronounced in people who have had a heart attack. They often experience lethargy and chest pain similar to that which preceded the heart attack. Often this is a far-fetched condition, and a person plays it safe, preferring, in principle, to move less.

First of all, you should contact a cardiologist who will accurately diagnose and recommend a lifestyle. It will definitely include physical activity: it will help strengthen the heart, relieve pain and make a person more resilient.


This disease involves two conditions in which a person may experience lethargy. First: when glucose levels are elevated. In this case, not only fatigue is observed, but also nausea caused by a large amount of sugar in the body. Second: if the glucose level is significantly below normal. This is a more severe condition that can quickly develop into a coma. At the same time, the person has severe sweating, difficulty breathing, is accompanied by a headache and very strong weakness, bordering on absolute powerlessness (sometimes there is not even the strength to raise an arm or turn the head).

You can fight it by tracking your sugar levels. If the glycemic level is low (you can check it with a glucometer), you should give the patient sweet tea, a bun, a chocolate bar, or administer intravenous glucose. If your blood sugar level is high, you need to lower it using traditional methods, for example, eating boiled onions.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

This is the name of a serious illness characterized by a long period of overwork. It affects both men and women.


Fatigue and lethargy can be associated with various factors:

  • Taking a number of medications (sleeping pills, contraceptives, antiallergic drugs, etc.)
  • Diseases associated with breathing complications, chest pain (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema)
  • Different types of heart failure, when the heart does not perform its main function: supplying blood and oxygen to all organs, incl. lungs
  • Problems with sleep (when a person constantly wants to sleep or suffers from insomnia)
  • Headaches or migraines that appear suddenly and deprive a person of a quiet life.


CFS, in addition to drowsiness and fatigue, includes the following symptoms:

  1. Problems with memory and concentration
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits
  3. Body weakness, muscle pain and headaches
  4. Irritability, changeable mood
  5. Extreme exhaustion, often without any justification.

Diagnosing CFS is difficult because the symptoms are similar to many diseases of the nervous system. The doctor usually makes the diagnosis by exclusion.

One of the main factors by which a doctor can determine exactly CFS, and not depression or a neuropsychiatric disorder, is constant fatigue that continues for a long time (from 4 months in a row).


How to get rid of CFS? First, follow your doctor's orders. And secondly, change your lifestyle.

  1. Learn to organize time correctly so as not to rush
  2. Increase physical activity. If you don’t have time for fitness, you should at least walk more quickly, do exercises, and give up the elevator
  3. Sleep as much as your body requires. In other words, when you want to sleep in the evening, you don’t need to sit out this time, but you should go to bed. The same thing in the morning: as soon as you wake up (it doesn’t matter at 7 am or 4 am), you need to get up. If you feel sluggish during the day due to lack of sleep, you can compensate for it with a nap.
  4. Quit alcohol, smoking and caffeine.


It’s one thing when a person experiences increased fatigue and malaise. And it’s much worse when the desire to sleep is added to this. Fatigue and the accompanying drowsiness further ruin a person’s life, because he not only cannot concentrate on work or other matters, but also constantly yawns, nods, or even dozes.


The causes of exhaustion caused by drowsiness include the same factors: depression, vitamin deficiency, certain diseases, etc. But here you can also add some atypical moments that make you want to sleep. For example, when the fatigue mode is turned on forcibly. This is what students face during a session, long-distance drivers, and people working on urgent projects. They sacrifice sleep to achieve their goals, so the body at some point begins to slow down. This is where the desire to sleep comes from.

How to get rid of this kind of fatigue? Alternate periods of wakefulness and sleep. After all, it will be difficult to do urgent work if you simultaneously struggle with drowsiness. It’s better to set aside a couple of hours to sleep, and then continue the task with renewed vigor.

After meal

Fatigue and drowsiness after a heavy lunch are common. When the stomach is full, digestion begins to work many times more actively, and a large amount of energy is spent on this. Accordingly, the blood delivers less oxygen to the brain, so the person feels weak and wants to sleep.

In pregnant women and children

Pregnant women sleep a lot due to hormonal changes: dizziness and nausea due to toxicosis, pain in the legs, etc. And their constant exhaustion is caused by daily weight gain (fetal development, increased amount of amniotic fluid). Young children also need a lot of time to get adequate sleep. Why? Because their nervous system is not fully formed.