The best drops for runny nose for children 6 years old. Review of drugs for treating a runny nose in a child - drops, sprays, antibiotics. When to see a doctor

Nasal congestion in babies is quite common. It is enough for them to become slightly hypothermic, inhale dust or communicate with a sick person, and a runny nose immediately appears - that is, swelling, inflammation of the nasal mucosa. And such changes in the child’s body must be noticed in a timely manner in order to begin to treat them.

Traditional medicine - effective and safe treatment

A remedy for a runny nose for children can be represented not only by drops or sprays, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy, but also by what is at hand. We are talking about folk methods for treating runny nose in children. After all, according to many parents, they are safe for the baby’s health and are not addictive.

Among all kinds of folk methods, it is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for a runny nose that would suit a child, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with the most common ones and making your choice in favor of one or another:

  • Onions are a universal product for many diseases. You can use it to prepare a remedy for the common cold. To do this, the onion is chopped and sautéed in a frying pan without adding oil. When it turns golden and a little juice appears in the frying pan, transfer the onion to a container and add a small amount of vegetable oil. The mixture is infused in a cold place (at least 20 hours). The infused mixture is placed in the baby's nose, one drop in each nostril twice a day. This product is suitable for children from 1 year.
  • Garlic - will help cope with a runny nose in children over 3 years old. The only drawback of this method is an unpleasant tingling and burning sensation in the nose, but the effect is immediate. In order to prepare such a remedy you will need garlic and olive or sunflower oil. Peeled garlic needs to be chopped, poured with oil and allowed to brew for at least 8 hours. After which the infusion is instilled into the nose, 1 drop into each nostril.
  • Kalanchoe is a plant that can be found in the home of every second family. Our grandmothers used it when colds and runny nose caused discomfort. Even now this plant is used quite often. If a child’s runny nose is just beginning, then Kalanchoe juice should be applied to the nasal mucosa. If the runny nose is severe, then 5 drops of juice dripped into each nostril will help remove mucus, thereby easing the baby’s condition.
  • Soda can be used for inhalation. To carry out this procedure, 3 tablespoons of soda are diluted in water brought to a boil, then the soda mixture is cooled slightly. It is very important to cool it to the required temperature so that the baby does not get burned during inhalation. When the mixture has cooled to the required temperature, it is poured into a bowl over which you need to hold the child, covering his head with a towel. This method is suitable for children over 3 years old.
  • Oil inhalations. Essential oils are very beneficial for the body, and are often used to treat a runny nose. The most popular for this purpose are eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Thanks to their composition, they block bacteria, prevent them from multiplying, and also relieve swelling, allow you to breathe freely, and prevent the appearance of mucus in the nose. Oil inhalations are not much different from soda, with the exception of the medicinal product used. Children from 3 years old can breathe for 5 minutes over hot water, to which 5 drops of the mentioned essential oil have been added.
  • Salt is a component for preparing a solution, which is an excellent remedy for the common cold for children under one year of age and older. Thanks to the solution, it will be possible to relieve inflammation and swelling of the nose. A solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of salt; you can use both sea salt and table salt. Several times a day, a flagellum twisted from cotton wool is moistened in a saline solution, and the nose is treated with it. For each nostril you need to use a new flagellum.
  • Aloe is suitable for frequent nasal drops. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice out of the plant and dilute it with water (1 part aloe juice: 10 parts water). Throughout the day, you need to drip the prepared solution up to 6 times into the baby’s nose (no more than 4 drops in each nostril).
  • Carrots, or rather, juice from them. From this component you can prepare a medicinal solution for the baby’s nose. In the first year of life, it can be carrot juice diluted in equal proportions with water. For children 2–3 years old, a miraculous natural medicine can be prepared from a tablespoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice, the same amount of olive and vegetable oil, boiled in a water bath, and 2 drops of garlic juice.

You need to bury your nose 3 times a day, 2 drops in one and the other nostril. You need to pay attention to the fact that the effectiveness of this remedy for the common cold for children lies in its freshness, so storing it for more than 1 day is undesirable - it loses its beneficial properties.

  • Beets are one of the effective ways to cure a runny nose in a baby of the first year of life. A small cotton swab is soaked in the juice, which must be squeezed out immediately before the procedure, and inserted into the newborn’s nostril. The duration of such a procedure can be no more than 10 minutes, and it is carried out up to 4 times a day.
  • Herbal infusion. A properly prepared infusion can replace nasal drops. It's very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to make a herbal mixture from the following plants: calendula, sage, coltsfoot, plantain. In total, you need 1 tablespoon of this mixture, filled with 250–300 milliliters of water. The mixture must be put on fire and boiled for at least 5 minutes, then left to infuse and cool. The baby needs to bury the nose 3 times a day, using 1-2 drops of the decoction in each nostril.

Important! When choosing beet swabs as a treatment for a runny nose in an infant, it is important to be careful. Their size must be at least 5 centimeters. They should not be inserted deep into the nostril.

The most effective traditional medicine remedy for a runny nose for children may be one of the following. In order not to harm the baby, you should be careful about this type of treatment and observe the reaction of the baby’s body. If his condition worsens or allergies appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In folk medicine, there is another way to treat runny nose in children. This is not putting medicines made from natural products in your nose, but taking them orally. They have an antimicrobial effect and speed up the baby’s recovery. Therefore, if he has a runny nose, the following remedies should be considered:

  • A drink made from honey, Kalanchoe and herbal decoction. For this recipe you need to use fresh liquid honey, as it is both healthier and easier to use. You need to mix it with Kalanchoe juice. The proportions of these components must be equal. The mixture should be mixed well and consumed together with herbal decoction. You can prepare it from St. John's wort or lemon balm.
  • Honey-onion mixture - despite its specific taste, it will quickly cure the baby. To prepare it, onion, crushed into puree, is mixed with honey (1:1). It is recommended to consume the medicinal mixture half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon (no more than 3 teaspoons per day).


Some parents are skeptical about traditional methods of treatment and treat, for example, rhinitis, with drops. But before purchasing these drugs, and even more so putting them in the baby’s nose, you should understand what they are for and what their effect is.

Vasoconstrictor drops

Such nasal drops do not cure a runny nose, but only relieve nasal swelling for a short time and allow you to breathe normally. This effect does not last long, but is achieved due to the fact that the active ingredients of the drug affect the vessels located under the nasal mucosa and narrow them. Because of this, the nose begins to breathe, and less mucus appears in it.

You cannot use vasoconstrictor drops for more than a week - this can lead to swelling of the mucous membrane, which means the opposite effect may follow. Before giving this medicine to your baby, you need to know what you might encounter with this. Side effects include high eye and blood pressure. Such drugs can be divided into 3 groups, according to the active substance:

  • Naphazoline - it is part of Naphthyzin and Sanorian. By putting these drops into your baby's nose, you can get rid of stuffiness and runny nose for up to 4 hours. But, after using them, the child may feel some discomfort associated with dry nasal mucosa.
  • Xylomatazoline - found in Evkazolin, Tizin, Nosolin, Rinostop. By dripping these drops into the nose, dryness and discomfort, as a rule, do not occur. They have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, and the moisturizing substances present in their composition do not dry it out. Their effect is longer than that of the previous group and can be about 6 hours.
  • Oxymetazoline - available in Nazol, Noxpreya - for children under one year old, the drugs are available in the form of drops, and for those over 2 years old, a runny nose spray for children is suitable. After instilling these drugs into the baby’s nose for 12 hours, he will be able to breathe freely, mucus will not be produced and accumulate as intensively. These drugs do not dry out the mucous membranes, which is why they are so popular.

Important! Naphazoline-based drops cannot be used to treat a runny nose in children of the first year of life.

Moisturizing drops

Moisturizing drops are nothing more than a saline solution that gently cleanses the mucous membrane of snot and prevents the development of bacteria. These drops are well known to many parents - these are AquaMaris, Salin, Physiomer. They can be used at one or three years old, because they are absolutely harmless to the baby.

But it is difficult to call moisturizing drops an effective remedy that can cure a runny nose. The fact is that they have a systemic effect, and significant relief will not follow after the nose is dripped. But after a few days of systematic use of the drops, improvements will occur if they are used as an auxiliary therapy, and not as the main one.

If possible, moisturizing drops should be added to the first aid kit if a new addition to the family is expected, or if a baby has already arrived. After all, they can be used not only to treat a runny nose, but also to moisturize the baby’s nose before cleaning. In a word, this is a universal remedy.

Antiviral drops

Just by the name alone it is clear that they are antiviral drops aimed at fighting viruses. And this is facilitated by the active substance – interferon. The production of interferon begins in the body when it is attacked by viruses. Therefore, penetrating the body in the form of drops into the nose, it is possible to provide it with the necessary protection.

The only condition for taking this drug is to do it in the first 3 days of illness, otherwise the expected effect will not follow. For this reason, antiviral drops are not prescribed when the disease reaches its peak.

Among the drops belonging to the antiviral group, Nazoferon and Grippferon have good reviews. They are prescribed by doctors not only to older children, but also to those who have not yet turned 1 year old. And this is due to their safety and effectiveness.


You can consider phytodrops using the example of drugs that help alleviate a baby’s condition during a runny nose, such as Pinosol or Glycifrit. They are based on various essential oils, the reaction of which on the body may be unexpected. For example, in some cases allergies may develop. Therefore, it is better to avoid using them when it comes to children under 3 years of age.

Despite the fact that the effect of using phytodrops, although short-lived, is there, and they cope with viruses and infections, neutralizing them, they are not intended for the treatment of a runny nose. Only to relieve symptoms for a while. Therefore, it is not worth considering them as effective means that can cure this disease.

Combined drops

It is the combined drops that can be called one of the most effective means in the fight against the runny nose. And the reason for this is this - combined drops are made based on mixing substances that are necessary to treat the disease. Thanks to this, they can act in several directions, solving not one problem, but several at the same time, which leads to a reduction in the treatment period.

The effectiveness of using drops is also achieved due to the fact that the composition contains an antibiotic - and this is a potent substance. But, despite the effectiveness of such drops, the child’s body may feel the burden caused by antibiotic substances. Among the effective combined drops, Vibrocil and Gikomycin can be noted.

A runny nose is a rather serious problem, which, unfortunately, many parents do not pay due attention to. As a result, the child develops complications, and for a long time he cannot get rid of the mucus in the nose. To prevent this, if the slightest runny nose appears, you need to show your baby to the doctor. After examining the little patient, he will recommend appropriate drops or nasal spray that will alleviate his condition and lead to a speedy recovery.

Due to reduced immunity, young children often suffer from colds, rhinitis, etc. in a small child causes a lot of concern among parents. The child begins to sleep poorly, be capricious, and his appetite decreases.

The causes of a runny nose in a child can be very different. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause. It is not recommended to treat a child without consulting a doctor, since medications and folk remedies may have their own contraindications and age restrictions.

Often mothers attribute the occurrence to an infection, which is indeed quite often the cause, but physiological reasons, etc., can also cause a runny nose in a small child. Consultation with a doctor before starting treatment is required.

It is difficult to determine the best remedy for a runny nose for children, since depending on the causes, age and physiological characteristics of the body, the child reacts to one or another remedy differently.

As a rule, the treatment is complex and has its own differences in dosages and types of drugs depending on the cause of the runny nose:

  • Infection. The most common, but far from the only reason in a child. Viruses, bacteria and, less commonly, fungi can cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With bacterial rhinitis, pus may be released, while viral rhinitis is accompanied by the release of clear mucus. The infection is rarely accompanied only by a runny nose; usually there is also redness of the throat and general malaise.
  • Allergy. The allergy causes a chronic and severe runny nose, which is also accompanied by severe swelling. A runny nose like this can occur at any time. Seasonal allergies last up to 2 months during the flowering period of certain plants. In the cold season, a child may develop symptoms due to dust, feather pillows, or pet hair.
  • Drug-induced rhinitis. Sometimes a runny nose can be a side effect of the medication you are taking. You must carefully study the instructions before you start giving the drug to your child.
  • Foreign body in the nose. Young children often put small objects up their noses. Outwardly, this may not be noticeable if the object has gone quite deep, but the child will noticeably sniffle and mucus will begin to come out of his nose. If you suspect a foreign object in the nose, you should immediately call a doctor or go to the emergency room.
  • Dry air. In small children, especially infants, dry air causes irritation of the mucous membranes, crusts in the nose and copious secretion of mucus. This type of runny nose does not require treatment; air humidification is sufficient.

Signs of a runny nose and possible complications

It is quite easy to recognize, but it is more difficult to determine its cause. It is not always possible to immediately understand that a newborn has developed sniffles, since he constantly lies down and can swallow mucus while it is not released much.

Signs of a runny nose:

  • Mucus secretion. can be discharged from the nose very profusely, causing beauty and irritation of the skin around the nose. With viral rhinitis, they are quite clear and watery, but thicken over time. With bacterial rhinitis, the snot is thicker and yellow-green, and with an allergic rhinitis, it is clear and runny.
  • Swelling and breathing problems. When children have a runny nose, it becomes difficult to breathe, which may be due to swelling, accumulation of mucus, or crusts in the nose. The child sleeps poorly, sniffles, refuses to eat, and breathes through his nose.
  • Sneezing. Frequent sneezing, accompanied by increased swelling, most often occurs with allergic rhinitis. A child may also sneeze due to dryness in the nose from droplets and the formation of crusts.
  • Itching. When you have a runny nose, the skin around your nose becomes irritated and may itch. Also, children quite often rub their eyes during the procedure, as they also become slightly inflamed and itch, turn red, and watery eyes appear.
  • General malaise. When the child becomes lethargic, gets tired quickly, loses interest in any toys, loses appetite, and sleep patterns are disrupted.

The most common complication of rhinitis in a child is. Inflammation from the nasal mucosa spreads to the middle ear, causing pain. In this case, you cannot do without, which relieve swelling and improve the outflow of fluid from the middle ear.

It can be a complication of a prolonged runny nose only in children over 2 years of age. Until 2 years of age, they are not yet sufficiently developed, so they do not become inflamed.

In a child, sinusitis occurs in the same way as in an adult: swelling, headaches that get worse when bending over, possible discharge of pus, fever.

Prolonged rhinitis in a child can also cause. Mucus from the nose enters the throat, which can cause coughing and inflammation. For this reason, you need to regularly remove mucus from the nose and place your child on a high pillow at night.

Drug treatment - drugs: types and uses

In treatment, various drops and sprays occupy a leading place. In some cases, the doctor prescribes (bacterial rhinitis,) or antiviral drugs.

The dosage should be determined by a doctor. For young children, among antibiotics, Ecomed and Sumamed are more often prescribed due to the lack of serious ones, and among antiviral drugs - Ergoferon, Anaferon, Viferon suppositories.

Nasal drops and sprays have different ingredients and differ in action.

When purchasing a drug, be sure to look at the permitted age and side effects.

Common remedies:

  • based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline. Such drugs include, for children (from one year and from 6 years), Tizin Xylo for children,. These drops and sprays last from 6 to 12 hours. They quickly relieve swelling, reduce mucus production and allow the child to breathe normally. However, the effects of these drugs are limited and they can also be addictive. They are not recommended to be used for longer than 4-5 days and more than 2-3 times a day.
  • Sprays and drops to rinse and facilitate the removal of thick mucus from the nose. This may include,. Small children have difficulty blowing out thick mucus; in infancy they do not know how to blow their nose at all, so mucus from the nose is removed with an aspirator or a bulb. To facilitate this process, as well as to relieve inflammation and remove dry crusts, pharmacies sell rinsing solutions based on sea water.
  • Combined drugs. Such drugs include Vibrocil and Cromohexal drops. Vibrocil drops help well with both infectious and allergic rhinitis. They contain phenylephrine, which has a vasoconstrictor effect, but less pronounced and lasting than other drops. Vibrocil relieves inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane, softens it.
  • Antiviral drops. Local antiviral drugs such as Grippferon and Interferon are very effective in the initial stages. They stop viruses from multiplying and prevent the spread of infection.

Traditional methods of treatment

Any remedy for a runny nose for a child should be used very carefully and only on the recommendation of a doctor. Young children are prone to allergies, especially children under one year old who have a limited diet. You can put juices and herbs into your nose only on the advice of a doctor and you should start with a small dosage. If an allergic reaction occurs, you must stop treatment and contact your pediatrician.

All juices and decoctions are instilled into the nose only in diluted form. Concentrated juice can cause burns to the mucous membrane. Fixed assets:

  • Carrot and beet juice. Freshly squeezed juices can be instilled into children up to one year old, when the use of drops is limited. But they must be diluted with water in equal proportions and no more than 1-2 drops placed in the nose.
  • Garlic. Older children are advised to squeeze the garlic and mix the juice with olive oil. After this remedy, the child begins to actively sneeze. If such a recipe causes discomfort or a burning sensation in the child’s nose, it is better to refuse it.
  • Juice . The cut aloe leaf should be left in the refrigerator for a day, and then squeeze out a little juice, mix with water or honey and drop 1-2 drops into the nose. This remedy also causes active sneezing, but helps relieve swelling and inflammation. An allergic reaction is possible.
  • Warming up. Warming the bridge of the nose with a bag of salt can be very effective. However, it is worth remembering that you should not warm your nose during the separation of pus and with sinusitis.
  • Hot foot baths. These baths are suitable for older children. Hot water is poured into the basin, but not boiling water, to which mustard is added. You need to immerse your feet in the water for 5-10 minutes, then wipe them dry and put on warm socks. It is better to carry out this procedure not overnight. You should not hover your feet when

Self-medication of a runny nose in infants is fraught with the development of complications, so a course of therapy should be prescribed by a doctor after a visual examination of the child. The main cause of the unpleasant symptom is ARVI. In rare cases, a runny nose in children from 1 month to a year provokes an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses and enlarged adenoids. It is not recommended to use nasal drops for newborns without first consulting a doctor, since the etiology of a runny nose varies.

It is necessary to drip and rinse the child’s nose only after a diagnosis has been made and therapy has been prescribed by a pediatrician.

Basic techniques for helping with nasal congestion

In the absence of fever, nasal congestion occurs due to swelling of the mucous membrane caused by an allergic reaction. At an earlier age, various pathologies of the nasopharynx and nasal passages can be suspected. If the baby is 8 months old and plays independently, it makes sense to examine the nose for the presence of a foreign body.

With difficulty breathing, the child’s mood deteriorates, he refuses food, upsets his parents with his whims, and may lose weight.

A runny nose is especially dangerous for newborns, since nasal congestion leads to oxygen deficiency, which is fraught with neurological ailments. The sooner treatment is started, the faster the possible risk to the health of a month-old baby will decrease.

First steps

Before using drops for a runny nose, it is necessary to clean and moisturize the nasal passages. The procedure is carried out daily to prevent nasal congestion, because normal breathing can be interfered with by dried crusts and viscous mucus. There are many products on sale that make it easier for parents:

  1. Saline solutions. The drugs Aqualor, Aqua Maris and Salin have proven themselves well (we recommend reading:). Salty liquid encourages the baby to sneeze, which is useful if you do not have the skill of blowing your nose. The remaining solution will remove mucus when sneezing, and moisturizing will soften hardened crusts. It is useful to purchase the Otrivin Baby kit with disposable bottles. The miniature droppers contain saline solution, which is good for 12 hours after opening.
  2. A mucus suction aid. The advice of the older generation that you can suck the snot out of a newborn’s nose yourself is a thing of the past. Comfortable aspirators with an ergonomic shape and a variety of attachments have come to the aid of modern mothers. The Otrivin Baby aspirator received the maximum number of positive reviews. Before use, it is recommended to moisten the nasal passages to improve the passage of mucus.

A special aspirator will help completely remove mucus from the nose

Do not use a pipette, syringe or syringe to remove snot. The miniature size of a baby’s nose does not allow one to correctly calculate the depth of injection, so any of the listed devices can cause nosebleeds.

The syringe often sticks to the mucous membrane, causing damage to the smallest vessels. If you accidentally blow mucus inside, a runny nose will turn into otitis media.

An excellent prevention of nasal congestion is cool and moist air. If it’s hot in the children’s room, and the baby is wearing several layers of clothing, you shouldn’t be surprised at the constant appearance of dried crusts on his nose. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends once setting a comfortable temperature and air humidity so as not to resort to the help of aspirators and saline solutions.

Treatment of a runny nose

It is a completely different matter when a newborn requires a course of therapy to ease breathing. The medicine should not be used for adults, even if it is in your home medicine cabinet. There are safe nasal drops for infants, designed for ages from 0 to one year.


  • Antiseptic drops.“Protargol” is especially popular (we recommend reading:), due to its budget price. Do not forget that the main component of the product is silver, which is dangerous for newborns. The toxic substance can accumulate in the subcutaneous layer, remaining for many years. The medicine has an individual dosage, so it should be taken after consultation with a specialist. There is a 2% solution on sale, which must be diluted to 1% if the child is less than 12 months old. Many mothers are concerned about the information that the available “Protargol” is prohibited for use by children due to toxicity, but the competition of pharmaceutical companies for a place in the sun should not be ruled out. It has been proven that colloidal silver is less dangerous and can replace conventional drops.
  • Antiseptic solutions. To moisturize and disinfect, on the recommendation of a doctor, they are instilled into each nasal passage. For children from 1 to 12 months, Miramistin solution is usually prescribed.

Miramistin is perfect for disinfecting the nasal cavity of newborns


Vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis and adenoids to relieve nasal congestion. Such diseases do not occur in children of the first year of life, but this does not mean that you can forget about the remedy. Vasoconstrictor drops will not help with a viral runny nose, but will remove swelling in allergic rhinitis (more details in the article:). The medicine is also indispensable for otitis media, as it relieves acute ear pain. Pediatricians recommend using “Vibrocil” and “Otrivin”, which have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane and do not dry it out.

If the remedies do not help within 5 days, you should consult a doctor. He will assess the child’s physical condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Specialized means

There are a number of medications that are used for a runny nose caused by a specific cause:

  • Immunomodulators. Effective for viral rhinitis. They not only get rid of mucus, but also strengthen the body's defenses. The sooner you start giving your baby this medicine, the easier the cold will go. For infants, Derinat drops are prescribed in diluted form (we recommend reading:). You should not expect immediate improvement, since the effect is noticeable after 4 days of treatment. Opinions about the use of the product are very controversial, and some pediatricians consider the drops to be a psychological placebo for caring mothers.
  • Antiviral. If the infection has affected the baby for a long time, and the runny nose does not go away, antiviral drops with interferon are used. They are a good prevention of complications and block virus attacks.
  • Antibacterial. In medical practice, antibiotic drops are actively used, but only for certain indications. If a child develops purulent mucus and the snot becomes thick, green or yellow, a bacterial infection can be suspected (we recommend reading:). Bacterial culture can confirm or refute the diagnosis. Isofra drops are prescribed, which are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  • Homeopathic. Similar nasal drops for children under one year of age relieve both allergic swelling and viral inflammation. The medicine is indispensable for the prevention of colds and acute acute respiratory viral infections. For infants, it is better to purchase Euphorbium Compositum.
  • Symptomatic. For allergic rhinitis, drops alone cannot be used, since drug treatment is usually powerless. Only the symptoms are relieved, and the cause of the disease should be looked for more carefully. You may need to reconsider your diet, change hygiene products, or give up washing powder.

It is irresponsible to use antibiotics to make the disease go away faster, or to use eye medications to treat a runny nose. Injectable medications that “fortunately” happened to be at hand are also not suitable for this purpose. Medicines based on streptomycin are strictly prohibited.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can treat a runny nose in children from the first month of life using the centuries-old knowledge of their ancestors. Folk remedies are easy to prepare and accessible, but do not forget that any of them can harm the baby. Young mothers often hear advice from grandmothers that rhinitis can be successfully treated with breast milk and that they cannot think of better drops for a 3-month-old baby than their natural food. Modern pediatricians consider such recommendations to be a relic of the past and prohibit such dangerous experiments on children.

There are situations when nasal congestion in a baby does not require intervention at all, since it is due to physiological characteristics. If the baby is bothered by a runny nose, folk recipes will come in handy:

  1. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of sea salt in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Moisten the nasal passages with the resulting solution, instilling 3-4 drops every 4 hours.
  2. Squeeze juice from onion or garlic. Dilute it with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1:25.
  3. The best natural drops for runny nose for children over one year old are. A plant over 3 years old is suitable for treatment. Before use, it is advisable not to water the flower for a week.
  4. A decoction of oak bark is known to have vasoconstrictor properties, which should be used in tandem with a decoction of chamomile. First, the nose is instilled with a chamomile solution, and then an oak decoction is used.

You should not get carried away with self-medication so as not to harm the baby’s health. Folk wisdom has long been replaced by modern antiviral drugs (more details in the article:). Pediatricians do not approve of treatment with beetroot or carrot juice, and also do not recommend using aloe juice, Kalanchoe or propolis. Internet resources are full of this kind of information, but folk recipes often end in serious allergies.

The use of Kalanchoe against a runny nose is justified for an adult, but a child may develop a serious allergy

It’s easier for adults to decide which drops are right for them. Children's medications differ for a number of reasons:

  • narrow nasal passages in infants;
  • The auditory tube is short and wide, so infection easily affects the ears;
  • the mucous membrane has increased sensitivity and a tendency to bleed.

There is a list of precautions to avoid harming the baby:

  1. Children in the first month of life are prohibited from rinsing their nose. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops of the solution into each nasal passage, causing the child to sneeze. The mucus will come out naturally. There is a high risk that when inhaling, the baby will swallow a large volume of liquid, causing laryngospasm.
  2. You only need to use a saline solution, not water (we recommend reading:). It is up to the parents to decide whether to buy it or make it at home. When preparing it yourself, the following proportion is observed: for 1 liter of boiled water, take 1 teaspoon of sea salt. A concentrated solution will cause a burn to the mucous membrane.
  3. Do not use a nasal spray, since the liquid under pressure will easily enter the middle ear. Such a “travel” is fraught with laryngospasm or otitis media, so sprays are approved for children over 3 years old.
  4. Oil-based drops will glue the cilia on the epithelium, disrupting the cleansing functions. The inflammatory process will only worsen, moving to the lower respiratory tract.
  5. The desire to clean a baby’s nose with a regular ear stick should be driven as far as possible. Safer would be cotton pads, which are very easy to twist.
  6. In pursuit of recovery, you should not increase the dosage. How many drops the doctor prescribed is how many you need to measure. An overdose threatens with side effects, addiction and drying out the mucous membrane.
  7. Vasoconstrictor drops should be used carefully to avoid allergies.
  8. Antibacterial drops are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Unfortunately, in children this area is very sensitive to external irritants due to fragile immunity.

A child may develop a runny nose for different reasons , starting with banal dust and ending with a viral infection.

Parents choose different ways to combat runny nose in children , and we will look at the most effective of them today.

Treatment of runny nose for children with the best folk remedies

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reason why a runny nose appears. This is swelling of the nasal mucosa, resulting in more abundant mucus secretion.

Most pharmaceutical drugs do not cure a runny nose, but only help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. Many of them are addictive, and therefore you can use them no more than 5-6 times. And if the dose is exceeded, there is a great danger of poisoning. Realizing this, many parents choose traditional methods .

Let's try to describe some of them.

Folk remedies for runny nose for children

Review of the best medications for the common cold for children

If traditional methods are not suitable for one reason or another, and you still have to resort to medication methods, then the issue of selecting drops for treating a baby should be approached with great responsibility . Not all of them are the same, and not all of them can help. It all depends on the nature of the runny nose.

Pharmacy remedies for runny nose for children

The modern pharmaceutical industry distinguishes between the main five types of nasal drops . Let's try to figure them out.

Vasoconstrictor drops

  • The principle of action of such drugs is based on the narrowing of blood vessels under the nasal mucosa, which, in turn, leads to to relieve swelling and reduce mucus secretion.
  • Such drugs do not cure, but only have a temporary effect. It lasts no more than 40 minutes, maximum – an hour .
  • When using such drops, it is worth remembering a rather impressive list of side effects, such as increased blood or eye pressure or even hypertension.
  • Also, they should not be used for more than seven days, as they cause the opposite effect. With prolonged and frequent use, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs.

The main active ingredients of vasoconstrictor nasal drops are oxymetazoline, xylometazoline and naphazoline.

Moisturizing drops

  • The principle of operation of moisturizing drops is based on rinsing the nasal mucosa , cleaning it from mucus and bacteria with a mild saline solution.
  • But the effect of using such drops can only be seen in a few days , since the drug has a non-systemic effect.
  • They include either purified sea water, or classic saline solution .
  • For complex diseases, moisturizing drops are not used as the main drug. They always have to go in complex with other medications.
  • But an absolute advantage can be considered no contraindications or side effects all moisturizing drops.

The most commonly used drops can be called “Salin”, “AquaMaris”, “Aqualor”, “Physiomer”.

It is worth noting that for children of any age moisturizing drops are absolutely harmless, since sea water is healthy, and everyone knows this.

Antiviral drops

  • The principle of action of antiviral drops is aimed at virus suppression , which develop in the nasal cavity and on the mucous membrane.
  • They always include interferon . This substance is produced by the human body during viral attacks - as a defense against them. Thanks to this, antiviral drops can relieve you of a runny nose in just a couple of days.
  • But there is also a small detail. All of them effective in the early stages of the disease . When the runny nose is already in full force, their healing effect will no longer be enough to alleviate the suffering of the patient.
  • Their advantage can be considered complete safety . They can even treat infants.

Pharmacies will offer you the following medications: "Grippferon" or "Nazoferon".


  • The operating principle of phytodrops is based on neutralization of viruses and infections in the nasal cavity and on the mucous membrane with the help of essential oils obtained from a variety of plants.
  • They do not relieve a runny nose, not recommended for children under three years of age.
  • It is also worth remembering that such drops are based on essential oils, which means Allergy possible.

In pharmacies you can buy the most famous of them called “ Pinosol", "Glycirfit" and "Valogen".

Combined drops

  • Combined drops are good because, thanks to a properly selected and mixed set of substances, they fight a runny nose more effective than everyone else. Because they influence in several directions at once.
  • Often contain antibiotics .

One of the most popular drugs is considered "Vibrocil." The pharmacy may also offer “ Polydex", "Gikomycin".

But, in any case, it is worth using such a powerful weapon against the runny nose only if the disease has become serious.

Before using pharmaceutical drops, especially for young children, it is better to consult a doctor!

The sinuses are most often exposed to various viruses, infections and bacteria. As a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs. In autumn, winter and spring, almost every child develops a runny nose. Because of it, he begins to feel unwell, his temperature rises and mucus is actively produced. Every caring mother will definitely think about which nasal drops are best for children? There are several optimal options.

Why are vasoconstrictor drops needed?

In the early stages of the disease, pediatricians prescribe vasoconstrictors to their patients. They are effective in the following cases:

  • If there is characteristic swelling in the nasal cavity.
  • The baby complains of sinus congestion.
  • The early stage of the disease is observed, when mucus has not yet formed.

In addition, a similar drug is prescribed for certain diseases, for example, sinusitis, allergic reactions and rhinitis.

Possible drugs

In total, there are five most effective vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children:

  • “Nazivin” - every parent had to deal with these drops. After all, doctors prescribe them for almost any disease. The drug has the ability to eliminate viral exacerbation in the early stages of its development. It is recommended to instill two drops into each nasal passage at a time in order to ease the baby's breathing. The drug can be used starting from three months of life.
  • "Xylometazoline" effectively fights such an unpleasant disease as rhinitis. You will need to do four irrigations of each sinus per day, then a positive result will not be long in coming. There are some age restrictions - drops cannot be used by children under six years of age.
  • "Galazolin" will allow you to relieve swelling in a matter of time. They must be used every 8 hours. The entire course of treatment should not exceed two weeks; if necessary, you can take a short break and then continue it again.

  • When it comes to good nasal drops for children, one cannot ignore a drug such as Naphthyzin. Its peculiarity is that it has no addictive effect. That is, even after prolonged use it will provide benefits to the body.
  • “Xymelin” contains effective chemicals that will allow you to get rid of congestion within 10 minutes after the procedure.

When using these medications, it is important to follow the directions on the package. Don't use them too often. Otherwise, a side effect will appear - dryness in the nasal cavity, which will cause itching, irritation and mild malaise.

Any drops in the nose of a child with a runny nose that have a vasoconstrictor effect cannot be used for more than seven days. If congestion and swelling have not yet passed, it is recommended to change the drug. To enhance the result, you can pre-clean each sinus with a saline solution, which is sold in almost all pharmacies. A few minutes after this, the main medicine can be applied. Many drugs of this type cause an allergic reaction; if redness, itching, rash and other unpleasant symptoms appear, then another method of treatment should be chosen.

Why are antibacterial drops needed?

Young mothers whose children have just started attending kindergarten are not recommended to rush to work. This is due to the fact that the child’s body is not yet strong and when in contact with other children they will often begin to get sick. However, the risk of developing colds can be significantly reduced by purchasing nasal drops with an antibacterial effect. For a child (2 years old), they are recommended to be used immediately after contact with an infectious person. They will become an obstacle to the growth of bacteria.

The most popular among drops with an antibacterial effect are those medicines that contain the active substance framycetin. This is exactly what Isofra is. This medication is intended for the youngest kindergarten visitors over one year of age. Used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. You should irrigate your sinuses after each contact with a sick person; drops can eliminate a huge range of different bacteria. They are also intended to treat runny nose, some chronic diseases and nasal congestion. To do this, you need to repeat the procedure up to 6 times a day for one week with an interval of three hours.

Another good nasal drop for a child (2 years old) is “Polydex”. The drug contains effective chemical additives that can quickly eliminate the source of a viral exacerbation and prevent the onset of a serious disease. This drug has many side effects, contraindications and various nuances, so they can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

If a child has a runny nose or nasal congestion, then such products can be used strictly after cleansing each sinus with a product such as Aqualor or Aqua Maris.

Several nasal moisturizers and what they are for

When the question arises about which nasal drops are best for children, special preparations designed to moisturize the nose cannot be ignored. What are they needed for? There are several indications for their use:

  • They help relieve nasal congestion. Young children have an acute problem of blowing their nose. The active substances promote the independent removal of mucus from the sinuses, which undoubtedly makes breathing easier.
  • Moisturizers are used for preventive purposes after visiting kindergarten to eliminate the infection that is on the surface of the sinus.
  • They are used as an additional remedy before using good nasal drops for children; this combination, according to medical experts, will enhance the effect of treatment.

Each sinus moisturizer is formulated with trace elements found in seawater. They are natural supplements, so this drug is suitable for children of absolutely any age. In pharmacies, such medicines for irrigating the nose and throat can be found under the names “Aqua Maris”, “Salin” or “Aqualor”.

"Interferon": instructions for use

The leader among antiviral drugs is Interferon nasal drops for children. They are mainly used to treat viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract. Children who are often sick are prescribed this medicine as a preventive measure. Active substances enter the body and prevent infection.

This medicine is very effective, so it is often prescribed for the treatment of more serious diseases: hepatitis, malignant tumors, eye damage, leukemia, pancreatitis and much more. This is a fairly strong drug, so it is not recommended to use it for children under three years of age, but even if this age limit is reached, it is first recommended to consult with an experienced specialist.

Nasal drops have a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use them in patients who have problems with the functioning of the digestive tract, suffer from depression or a disorder of the nervous system. After using the product, nausea, chills and irritation may occur, in which case you should immediately stop using it.

"Vibrocil": features, indications, side effects

"Vibrocil" is practically the only drops for nasal congestion for children under one year old. It is mainly prescribed by specialized specialists (ENT); in rare cases, such treatment can be obtained from a pediatrician. The first effect of the drops is to produce a vasoconstrictor effect, which leads to a decrease in the amount of mucus, elimination of viruses and congestion. The second purpose of taking the medicine is the antiallergic effect.

For small children under 12 months of age, it is recommended to use the product with extreme caution, one drop in each nasal sinus three times a day. If the child is 3 years old, nasal drops can be used up to 4 times a day. For older children, you can increase the dosage to 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

The most common side effect is dry nose. This is due to the fact that the product was used incorrectly; it is necessary to take a more responsible approach to the correct dosage. Bleeding may occur. There are ailments associated with individual intolerance to the component: burning, redness or itching.

"Derinat": instructions for use

"Derinat" - nasal drops for children that have an immunomodulatory effect. When you go to the pharmacy, you will see that this product is sold in several forms. Which one should you buy? The answer to this question directly depends on the purpose of using the drug. If a child has a cold or viral disease, then drops should be preferred.

The permissible dosage for adults is three drops in each nasal nostril with an interval of four hours. The course of treatment for a runny nose should not exceed 7 days, otherwise an undesirable addictive effect may occur. For children, the use of nasal drops should be limited to two drops per day. Patients under two years of age should reduce the dosage to 1 drop in each sinus.

This is one of the most gentle drugs; the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

"Protargol": features of the drug

Medical workers treat silver-based preparations with special “love”. They are the most effective, but at the same time completely safe for the child’s body. This is exactly what “Protargol” nasal drops for children are. First of all, they are used to treat viral diseases, runny nose, chronic sinusitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

This remedy can be used by patients of absolutely any age category, including newborns. You must first rinse your nose with saline solution. The ideal option for this purpose is Aqua Maris. Next, you need to thoroughly shake the Protargol bottle and carefully squeeze one drop into each baby’s nostril. The general course of treatment should not exceed five days.

This remedy is well tolerated by children. In an isolated case, a side effect may occur in the form of a mild allergic reaction, represented by short-term sneezing. The only drawback is the minimum shelf life, which is only one month from the date of their manufacture.

"Sialor": features, indications, side effects

In rare cases, a runny nose can cause fear in a person. For many mothers, this symptom becomes a real problem. A child may constantly sniffle and no remedy can help eliminate this ailment. If the disease has become chronic, it is recommended to use Sialor nasal drops for children for treatment. The instructions for use indicate that they are suitable for patients of category “0+”.

The main indication for use is the treatment of a runny nose, difficulty breathing and restoration of the sense of smell. It is also used to eliminate such chronic diseases as adenoids. During the cold season, it is used as a prophylactic to prevent the spread of infection on the mucous membrane. Depending on the age category, you can apply from 1 to 4 drops in each nasal sinus three times a day. The effect will not take long to appear; a feeling of relief will appear within a few minutes after use.

The drug is suitable for almost all patients. It is recommended to adhere to the dosage. Otherwise, an addiction effect will occur, which will negatively affect the result of treatment.

Every young mother looks into the pharmacy several times a year. Young children have weakened immune systems, so they are more susceptible to various viral diseases. When parents go to a medical shopping center, they are faced with a huge selection of medications. Which nasal drops are best for children? Experts recommend making your choice taking into account the following features:

  1. The most important factor is the type of disease. You should observe the characteristic features of a runny nose during the day. Based on this, you can pay attention to the main substance contained in the drug. For example, the component naphazoline significantly makes breathing easier. Those products in which it is the basis can be used for nasal congestion.
  2. It is necessary to determine which nasal drops can be given to a child of a certain age. To do this, just look at the instructions for use of the medicine.
  3. Another important point is the duration of action of a particular drug. Drops based on oxymetazoline can maintain the effect for up to ten hours.
  4. Before purchasing a medication, you should carefully study its composition. If it contains eucalyptus, it means it has an antimicrobial effect. Such drops can be used as prophylactic purposes to prevent the spread of infection in the child’s body.
  5. Experts do not recommend using oil preparations for patients under three years of age, as they can cause inflammation of the middle ear.

Depending on the type of disease, you should choose the right form of medication. Many mothers are interested in the question of which drops are best for children with nasal congestion? In this case, it is recommended to give preference to sprays with a dispenser; they will instantly make breathing easier. If mucus is actively secreted from the nasal sinuses, then you need to turn your attention to liquid drops. The cost of the product must also be taken into account; it is unlikely that you can buy an effective medicine at a low price.

Plant drops

If the child is over three years old, then herbal drops would be an ideal option for him. They are a combined remedy that can simultaneously relieve swelling, reduce congestion and reduce the amount of mucus produced.

The most common herbal medicine is Pinosol. If you pay attention to its composition, you will notice that the main components are essential oil and plant extracts. It is recommended to irrigate each nostril with 1-2 drops of this product. This procedure should be repeated up to three times a day.

It is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage of the medication. The total course of treatment should not exceed seven days. Otherwise, unpleasant side effects may occur: bleeding, pain in the temples and ear congestion. If this happens, then you urgently need to stop using the drops. Symptoms should subside within three days; if there is no positive effect, you should consult a doctor.

Positive feedback from patients

Before purchasing a medicinal product, you should pay attention to many components, including reviews of nasal drops for children left by patients. As for the advantages, patients mainly highlight the following:

  • "Nazivin" and "Naftizin" are the leaders among sales. They are recommended for use by children of absolutely any age. In a matter of days, these universal drops can eliminate a runny nose and significantly make your baby’s life easier. We should also talk about the amazing price-quality ratio. The product can be purchased at a fairly low price - about 100 rubles.
  • "Vibrocil" is a universal assistant for the treatment of chronic diseases. Many mothers claim that this particular remedy was prescribed to them for the treatment of adenoids. The effect was not long in coming; after three weeks of regular use, the connective tissues noticeably decreased in size.
  • “Pinosol” is also popular. Mostly users praise the natural composition of this product. Thanks to such additives, there is virtually no addictive effect, side effects or allergic reactions.

We can talk endlessly about the advantages of all nasal drops. Each of them has some positive feature of its own. In most cases, they praise the affordable price, effectiveness, ease of use, less often they pay attention to the smell, color of the bottle and other minor components.

Negative reviews from patients

Any drug may not be suitable for all patients to the same extent. Accordingly, there are negative reviews about many drops. They are mainly associated with individual intolerance to any components.


Unfortunately, even a symptom such as a runny nose can become a real problem if left untreated for a long time. Fortunately, there are effective medications that can quickly eliminate it. Which nasal drops are best for children? It is problematic to give an exact answer to this question. Each organism, during a period of a certain exacerbation, reacts differently to the components included in a particular drug. They may help some, not others, and some may even have an allergic reaction. In order not to harm the baby, you should not self-medicate. It is recommended to contact an experienced specialist. He will assess the health of the little patient and prescribe appropriate treatment.