Inner ear inflammation, symptoms, treatment. Causes of inflammation of the inner ear

Inflammation inner ear occurs in all people age groups. Therefore, it is important to know not only the causes and symptoms, but also treatment options. It's also better to stick elementary rules prevention of this pathology.

Inflammation of the inner ear is a rare form of otitis media. The disease depends not only on an infection in the nasopharynx or some mechanical injury. He may be called various ailments associated with inflammation-provoking microorganisms. For example, measles or mumps.

First of all, the causes of the disease should be established. And then determine the treatment and symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear in adults or children.

The inner ear is located quite deep, so inflammatory process most often occurs due to infection.

There are several main reasons that can cause inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis).

Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

The middle ear is separated from the inner ear connective tissues. Therefore, when a membrane consisting of such tissues becomes infected, harmful microorganisms can easily penetrate inside. The pus begins to stagnate, and as a result, pressure on the labyrinth increases.

Infectious diseases

Pathogenic microorganisms capable of penetrating into the inner ear and from the brain region. In this case, the cause of inflammation is various shapes meningitis. In this situation, the infection affects both ears of the patient, which can lead to deafness.


Pathogenic bacteria can enter the labyrinth due to injury. Therefore, you need to protect yourself from negative external influences on the ears.

Viral diseases

This form of the disease can develop as a result of complications suffered during mumps, syphilis, measles, tuberculosis and other viral infections. According to the form of the course, inflammation of the inner ear can be acute and chronic, according to the nature of the inflammatory process - purulent, serous and necrotic. And inflammation can spread both locally and to both organs of hearing.


Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) will be as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • hearing may deteriorate temporarily;
  • loud noises in the head;
  • nausea;
  • problems with orientation in space.

Almost each of these signs is directly related to the impact of the inflammatory process on the vestibular system. In the absence of timely treatment, it is difficult for the patient to even stand on his feet and move independently in space.

If the patient develops this disease, then he may be bothered by discomfort in his head. Main symptom inflammation of the inner ear in children and adults - constant dizziness. The patient will feel that things and objects are spinning in space, and feel dizzy after sneezing or driving in a car.

When this disease occurs, vibrations occur on the front of the eyeball caused by reflexes; they first appear on the side of the healthy ear, then move towards the diseased organ.

A person has difficulty hearing, this can be seen due to tinnitus, also high frequencies the patient does not perceive. Labyrinthitis with untimely treatment may lead to complete deafness in the patient.

This disease manifests itself in damage to the facial nerves; if the disease is not cured in time, this part of the face remains paralyzed.

How to determine?

To determine the disease, you need to know the symptoms. Diagnosis of inflammation of the inner ear will begin with an examination. The doctor should be alert to:

  1. If the patient raises his eyebrows, but there are no folds on the forehead.
  2. There is no symmetry with the tip of the nose.
  3. The corners of the mouth become motionless.
  4. The patient experiences increased salivation.
  5. The eyeball becomes completely dry, and the patient is unable to close his eyes.
  6. The taste of food changes.
  7. The patient hears better various sounds in a noisy room.

In addition to these symptoms, there may be paleness of the face, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, increased sweating, and discomfort in the chest area. In this case, a person can completely lose orientation in space, in severe forms With this disease, the patient can neither stand nor sit.

Otitis externa

The easiest way to determine this disease- this is to press on the ear canal from the outside, the patient will feel pain. Hearing basically remains at the same level as before. Now, if pus appears inside the ear canal, then hearing may deteriorate.

Otitis media

Occurs in a patient in acute or chronic form, there are two types of this disease. In the case of the first, fluid collects inside the ear, in the second case - pus. Spicy, sharp pain in the back of the head, crown and general headaches. You may also feel a sound, as if liquid is splashing in the ear, blocking your ears.

The pain is sharp, hearing deteriorates, heat. If timely treatment is started, the patient’s hearing remains the same and does not deteriorate.

Any of these diseases can be cured; it is only necessary to make a diagnosis in time and begin therapy.


To diagnose inflammation of the inner part of the ear, it is necessary to conduct a number of specific studies, which are prescribed by an otolaryngologist.

The first stage of diagnosing the disease consists of a doctor examining such parts of the ear as Auricle, eardrum and area behind outer part ear canal(behind the ear). This study is carried out using a device specially designed for this purpose - an otoscope.

At the first signs of illness, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is important to prevent complications from occurring. Next, laboratory tests are carried out. Do general analysis blood. If from auditory organ fluid is released, it is also examined. Also accurate diagnosis X-rays help determine this. To detect suppuration, carry out computed tomography. Regarding such a procedure as inspection eardrum, then they resort to it if internal otitis arises from inflammation of the middle ear.

In addition, other diagnostic methods are possible using certain tools:

  1. When using a special device - an audiometer - it is determined how acute and sensitive the hearing is. The procedure is called audiometry.
  2. The state of the vestibular apparatus is determined using vestibularometry.
  3. When inflammation of the inner part of the ear occurs, nystagmus appears, it is examined using electronystomography.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis, magnetic resonance and computed tomography scanners and x-rays are also used. The patient also donates blood and discharge from the diseased ear for tests, the delivery of which is necessary in order to determine whether the disease has viral nature or bacterial, because the difference in treatment is significant.


The entire treatment process takes place exclusively in a hospital setting under the constant supervision of doctors. If the cause is a bacterial infection, then antibiotics are required. If the reason is viral pathogen, That antibacterial agents ineffective to use.

Medications for labyrinthitis

When treating inflammation of the inner ear, preference is given to conservative therapy. In order to reduce symptoms, treatment is recommended, including the following medications:

  • Various antiemetic medications. Among the popular ones are “Tserukal” or “Compazin”.
  • To relieve inflammation, steroid medications are recommended. For example, Methylprednisolone is suitable.
  • In some cases, you will need drugs from the group of anticholinergics.
  • Special patches are easy to apply in the ear area, and the results will be felt fairly quickly.
  • To reduce dizziness and nausea you need antihistamines. One of the popular drugs is Suprastin. It is suitable for adults and children. The price is affordable, minimal amount side effects.
  • To decrease anxiety, put the lungs sedatives.
  • Vestibulolytics will be prescribed only if blood circulation in the body is impaired.

Other treatments

Also, for symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear, the following treatment options are used:

  • Diuretics.
  • Diet.
  • Use of glucose and calcium chloride.

Surgical intervention

If the entire surface of the inner ear is affected or there is any suppuration, then surgery is necessary. Sanitated general cavity trepanation helps to remove all pus in the labyrinth. Labyrinthectomy is needed for uncomplicated cases of suppuration. But it is carried out only in exceptional cases. However, most often before any surgical intervention The patient is prescribed treatment for a week using medications.

Folk remedies

  • Take two tablespoons of medicinal burnet roots. Pour two glasses of boiling water. Heat the future broth in a water bath for half an hour. It is enough to take one tablespoon up to three times a day.
  • Tampon soaked in onion juice and vegetable oil, must be kept in the auricle for several hours.
  • It is strictly forbidden to apply a warm heating pad to the area where the inflammatory process is localized. There is a high risk that pus will enter the cranial cavity.

When treating inflammation of the inner ear, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. In most cases, complications can be avoided.

The inflammatory process in the tissues of the inner ear is called labyrinthitis or internal otitis. Typically, the disease develops when various pathogenic bacteria enter the inner ear.

The development of an inflammatory process in the inner ear can be caused by various factors.

The main causes of internal otitis:

  • Average
  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Injury
  • Meningitis
  • Infections such as syphilis, mumps, a virus or tuberculosis can lead to labyrinthitis.

Typically, inflammation of the inner ear occurs against the background of infectious processes occurring in the body.

In most cases, labyrinthitis develops as a complication of otitis media.

With this disease, purulent masses accumulate, due to which the pressure in the tympanic cavity. As a result, the purulent process spreads from the inside.An ear injury can be caused by injury from various sharp objects: knitting needles, hairpins, etc. Damage to the inner ear can be associated with traumatic brain injury.

More information about labyrinthitis can be found in the video.

Labyrinthitis can be caused by meningitis. Infection with meninges enters the inner ear and causes inflammation. Meningogenic labyrinthitis is characterized by bilateral lesions.An infection in the inner ear can spread through the bloodstream, without being accompanied by damage to the meninges. This is observed with syphilis, mumps and other diseases.


Depending on the speed with which the inflammatory process spreads, the severity of symptoms appears.

With inflammation of the middle ear, there may be following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Impaired movement coordination
  • Hearing loss
  • Noise and pain in the ears

With the development of internal otitis, the patient experiences involuntary oscillatory eye movements.

Dizziness occurs due to damage to the semicircular canals.

Such attacks are short-lived and usually do not exceed 5 minutes. In some cases, dizziness may last for several hours.There may also be complaints of sweating and rapid heartbeat.If labyrinthitis has passed into a purulent or necrotic stage, then the patient completely loses hearing on the affected side.


To diagnose inflammation of the inner ear, the otolaryngologist will prescribe a series of tests.The doctor will examine the auricle and the postauricular area of ​​the external auditory canal using a special device - an otoscope.

Other instrumental methods Diagnosis of labyrinthitis:

  • Audiometry. Audiometry can be used to determine hearing sensitivity and hearing acuity. The procedure is performed using an audiometer.
  • Vestibulometry - allows you to identify the condition vestibular apparatus.
  • Electronystagmography. Electronystagmography is used to study nystagmus, which occurs when the inner ear becomes inflamed.

To clarify the diagnosis, use highly informative methods: magnetic resonance and computed tomography, radiography.In addition, the patient must undergo a blood test and ear discharge. This will help determine whether it is viral or bacterial in nature.

Drug treatment

With conservative treatment, if the disease is caused bacterial infection, then appoint .

The treatment regimen for each is selected individually, depending on the cause and clinical manifestations of the disease:

  • From the group of penicillins, Oxacillin, Amoxicillin, Piperacillin are prescribed, and from macrolides, Erythromycin or Clarithromycin is prescribed for the treatment of the disease.
  • To improve blood supply in the inner ear, histamine drugs are prescribed: Alfaserc, Betahistine, etc.
  • To reduce dizziness, nausea and vomiting, Diazolin, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, etc. are prescribed.
  • Drugs that have antipyretic and analgesic effects are also prescribed: Diclofenac, Dicloran, Naklofen, etc.
  • To normalize trophic disorders in the cavity of the inner ear, take vitamins C, P, K, as well as the drugs Cocarboxylase, Preductal.

If treatment is started on time, the prognosis is favorable. Recovery after therapy or surgery vestibular functions and hearing.To avoid re-development diseases, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat diseases, infectious processes in organism. It is also important not to delay visiting a doctor at the first sign.

Traditional treatment

Alternative medicine methods can be used to reduce symptoms.

  • IN sore ear drip a honey-based solution. Dilute honey in equal proportions warm water and instill 2 drops into the ear. Instead of honey, you can use tincture.
  • For labyrinthitis, you can make an ear swab. Take onion, squeeze out the juice and mix with vegetable oil V equal amount. Then soak a tampon with the prepared solution and insert it into the sore ear overnight.
  • Enough effective means is an infusion of burnet rhizome. Pour 2 tablespoons of rhizomes into 400 ml of hot water, put on water bath for half an hour and strain. Take a tablespoon orally 3 times a day.
  • It is useful to rinse the ear with a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, strong tea from rosehip flowers.

Before you use traditional methods treatment, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication is prohibited, as it can worsen the course.

It is forbidden to use a heating pad when treating labyrinthitis - the heat generated by the heating pad can cause the spread of pus to healthy areas.

Traditional methods will help get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but cannot eliminate the true cause of the development of labyrinthitis. If you do not take action and consult a doctor, then the disease is highly likely to develop.

Surgery for labyrinthitis is indicated if the disease has become purulent and occurs against the background of acute otitis media. Surgery carried out only according to indications, in severe cases when there is no effect from drug treatment.

The otosurgeon performs anthromastoidotomy, labyrinthotomy or abdominal surgery, depending on the indications. The main goal of surgery is to remove the purulent focus from the cavity of the middle and inner ear. A few days before surgery, conservative therapy is prescribed.

Labyrinthotomy is an operation performed when purulent inflammations, to eliminate pus and prevent infection from entering the cranial cavity. After surgery, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and dehydration therapy. In this case, the patient's condition is taken into account.

Antromastoidotomy is performed for complications of purulent internal otitis - mastoiditis.

During the operation, the mastoid process is opened and the pus is removed.Used during surgery local anesthesia. Half an hour before the start of the manipulation, two turundas are moistened in a solution of cocaine or dicaine. Operation under general anesthesia performed in rare cases.The recovery period after surgery can last up to 3 months.

Possible consequences

Against the background of labyrinthitis, they occur when inflammation of the middle ear affects other organs. This develops in advanced cases and untimely treatment.

The purulent form of otitis of the inner ear can lead to meningitis, cerebral thrombosis, brain abscess, and sepsis. Also purulent otitis media can cause the development of mastoiditis, petrositis, and in more cases serious cases may lead to hearing loss.Complications are dangerous in both adults and children.

To avoid an unpleasant outcome, you should contact an otolaryngologist when the first symptoms appear.

With a timely and correct diagnosis, complications can be avoided. Any disease is easier to treat at the initial stage.

is a unique system of channels that is responsible for the balance of our body and the transformation sound waves V nerve impulses, perceived by the brain. Pathologies of the inner ear are not uncommon in medical practice. Hearing loss, loss of balance, dizziness and weakness may indicate damage to the auditory or vestibular system.

Let's take a closer look at what types of diseases of the inner ear there are, their symptoms, causes, and also talk about the prevention of these diseases.

Types of inner ear diseases: symptoms and causes

The most common types of inner ear diseases are:

  • labyrinthitis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;

Reference. In most cases, when timely application By the way, pathologies of the inner ear are amenable to conservative treatment.

However, the need for surgical intervention cannot be ruled out, because sometimes this may be the only chance to restore a person’s hearing. How exactly diseases affect the organ of hearing and how to check the inner ear for pathology, we will try to figure it out further.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the inner ear does not harm the patient and does not require special preparation


Labyrinthitis is inflammatory disease resulting from injury or damage to other parts of the ear. The main cause of labyrinthitis is otitis media..

During inflammation, the density of the membrane wall decreases, and pathogenic microflora begins to penetrate through it. With a long course of the disease, a membrane rupture occurs, followed by purulent damage to the auditory receptors.

It can also provoke the development of inflammation meningitis, syphilis, herpes virus and parotitis . Somewhat less common is traumatic labyrinthitis of the inner ear due to rupture of the eardrum with a sharp object or a traumatic brain injury with a fracture.

Important! Banal hypothermia can provoke an inflammatory disease of the inner ear and the death of nerve endings. For prevention, it is recommended not to be exposed to cold, sharp winds for a long time.

Main symptoms of acute labyrinthitis:

  • nausea and dizziness, worsening during physical activity;
  • impaired balance and coordination of movement;
  • change in complexion (redness or excessive pallor of the skin);
  • increased sweating.
  • hearing loss, tinnitus.

One of distinctive features labyrinthitis is sudden dizziness, occurring several weeks after the infection.

The attack can last quite a long time, up to a month. In addition, the symptom most often persists for several weeks even after treatment.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease, or, as it is also called, hydrocele of the labyrinth of the inner ear, is a non-purulent disease. During its development, the amount of fluid in the labyrinth increases and internal pressure increases.

Reference. Often the disease is unilateral, but in 15% of cases it can affect both auditory organs.

There is no clear answer to the question of what are the causes of the development of Meniere's disease in medical practice. But, presumably, diseases such as violation water-salt balance in the body, allergies, syphilis, viruses, endocrine and vascular pathologies . Deformation of the bone canals can also play an important role in this.

Meniere's disease is characterized by paroxysmal course. During periods of remission, the patient may experience improvements, both in terms of hearing and general condition health. As for exacerbations, they correspond to very clear symptoms, which the patient should be aware of.

Hydrocele of the labyrinth of the inner ear has the following symptoms:

  • gradual deterioration of hearing with sudden temporary improvements;
  • attacks of dizziness;
  • constant ringing in the ears;
  • disorientation in space, loss of balance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pale face;
  • sweating;
  • decrease in temperature.

Attention! At risk are mainly people aged 30 to 50 years.

Sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is usually called hearing loss due to damage to the sensitive nerve endings of the inner ear and directly auditory nerve. Factors that can trigger the development of the disease include: viral infections such as influenza and ARVI, vascular pathologies (hypertension, atherosclerosis) and even stress.

Medicines (salicylates, diuretics, aminoglycoside class antibiotics) and chemical substances industrial production can also become a provoking factor. In addition, trauma can also cause sensorineural hearing loss. various types: mechanical damage, acoustic, .

Vestibular dysfunction in sensorineural hearing loss is not uncommon. Therefore, the following symptoms are added to hearing loss:

  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • vomit.

Reference. With properly selected treatment for sensorineural hearing loss, the prognosis for the patient is quite favorable.

A cochlear implant is a medical device, a prosthesis, that allows one to compensate for hearing loss in some patients with severe or severe sensorineural hearing loss.


- This pathological condition, characterized by growth bone tissue and changes in its composition in the hearing system, in particular in the inner ear. Not installed to date real reasons development of this disease.

But anyway experts are inclined to believe that this congenital anomaly auditory organ. At the same time, one should not discount the hereditary factor.

Inner ear diseases and dizziness always go hand in hand. And otosclerosis is no exception. Especially strong this symptom worries when turning the head, bending. However, the main sign of the development of the disease is tinnitus, the intensity of which increases with its course.

At the third stage of otosclerosis, complaints of tinnitus are complemented by severe headaches, sleep disturbances, memory impairment, and decreased concentration.

Prevention of inner ear diseases

The ability to hear is a most valuable gift that must be protected. IN modern medicine Methods for prosthetic hearing organs have been developed, but such methods cannot become a full replacement for the lost sense. So the prevention of pathologies hearing aid should become an integral part of every person's lifestyle.

Do not listen to music too loudly through headphones, as this may cause hearing loss

The following recommendations will help prevent diseases of the inner and middle ear:

  1. Cover your head during the cold season. No matter how ridiculous you look with a hat or hood pulled almost over your eyes, it is the least you can do to maintain your health.
  2. Right. Do not use improvised means to remove wax from the ear canal. sharp objects. Caution must also be exercised when using conventional cotton swabs, with which you can accidentally tighten the plug by pushing it towards the eardrum.
  3. Use soundproofing accessories with constant exposure to loud sounds on the hearing organs.
  4. Buy, if you are a swimmer or just like to visit the pool periodically. Infection entering the ear through contaminated water is quite common.
  5. Don't neglect qualified help in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nasopharynx. Even a common runny nose can cause otitis media.

And remember, the importance of healthy ears and good hearing cannot be underestimated!

Inner ear diseases are considered one of the most dangerous pathologies in the field of otolaryngology. The symptoms of all ailments in this group are similar, but the reasons for their appearance and the characteristics of their course may differ. It is important to pay enough attention to preventive measures. In the case of congenital ear pathologies, it is impossible to talk about prevention, but many forms of the disease are treatable.

Let's look at the most common diseases of the inner ear.


It is an inflammatory process and is also called internal otitis. Diffuse and limited labyrinthitis is distinguished. In the latter case it happens partial defeat ear and the disease does not spread further.

Diffuse labyrinthitis affects the entire ear cavity and can cause deafness, including the bilateral variant. In addition, inflammation of the purulent and serous type is distinguished, which is characterized by the accumulation of fluid and does not carry with it negative consequences.

Purulent labyrinthitis leads to the active proliferation of bacteria in the ear cavity, the destruction of receptors and suppuration of the curls of the cochlea begins. Often leads to deafness.

Underdevelopment of the internal structure of the ear and neoplasms

This congenital pathology accompanied by a violation auditory perception. Sometimes it is possible through surgery. However, if the ear is missing the cochlea or the organ of Corti, the problem is this moment not solvable.

Tumors, cysts, growths of epithelial tissue and malignant neoplasms can be localized in one of the areas of the inner ear.

Cochlear type neuritis

This variety hearing loss occurs as a complication after suffering primary disease inner ear. Important receptors of the hearing organs are affected, including nerve endings. As a result, there is functional impairment in the conductive analyzer, when sound signals cease to be processed and transformed into a nerve impulse transmitted to the brain.

Otosclerotic changes

IN in this case we're talking about about the growth of bone tissue in the cavity of the labyrinth, which causes blockage of the ear and its functioning, and subsequently becomes the cause of deafness. What other diseases of the middle and inner ear are there?

Pathological processes in the vestibular apparatus

When infectious pathogens penetrate the vestibular apparatus, coordination problems occur. In addition, pathologies accompanied by positional vertigo are observed. This is due to dysfunction of the semicircular canals and their injury. Meniere's disease is one of the most common diseases in this group. This syndrome due to increased content endolymph in the inner ear.

The most serious consequence of the listed diseases of the inner ear is hearing impairment at the level neural connections. The hair receptors of the ear are destroyed and do not have the ability to recover. When an inflammatory process of the serous type occurs, the receptor islands can be preserved and even provide the patient with hearing.

Diseases of the inner ear of a purulent nature are the most dangerous, since they cause tissue necrosis and decomposition. The cochlea and organ of Corti are affected. Sensory hairs die and irreversible deafness occurs.

Causes and symptoms

Against the background of the inflammatory process, the patient experiences the following symptoms of inner ear disease:

  • Pain directly in the ear and temporal bone, radiating to the back of the head or the entire half of the head.
  • Weakness and general malaise.
  • Loss of coordination and dizziness. For diseases of the inner ear this is quite common symptom.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Decreased auditory perception.

Against the background of damage to the inner ear, a pronounced pain syndrome, hearing deteriorates significantly, and disorientation and intoxication of the body also occurs.

Disturbances in the functioning of the inner ear can occur due to various reasons, including:

  1. Congenital developmental anomalies. Bad habits of the mother, underdevelopment of the fetus, genetic factor, exposure to toxins and infectious agents can lead to disruption intrauterine development.
  2. Trauma during delivery resulting from the use of forceps, obstructed delivery, and deformation of the skull during passage through birth canal mother.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries. This could be a blow or a fall from a height, a skull fracture, getting gunshot wound etc.
  4. from the inside. This can happen as a result of getting foreign objects into the ear cavity during surgery or barotrauma.
  5. Inflammatory process of infectious or viral nature, including mastoiditis, otitis media, meningitis, tuberculosis, typhus, etc.
  6. Impact of the acoustic plan. Under prolonged influence of noise and sharp sounds gradual wear of the receptors occurs.
  7. Intoxication. Under the influence of alcohol bacterial pathogens, drugs, various medications and other toxins poison the body. The environmental situation also plays an important role in this process.

In addition, an important place is occupied by various systemic lesions of the body, for example, stress, osteochondrosis cervical region, neurological and vascular pathologies.


There are several main ways that the inner ear can become infected, including:

  • Otogenic, occurring through the middle ear.
  • Meningogenic, resulting from damage to the brain and intracranial space.
  • Hematogenous, occurring through the bloodstream.

Localization of pathology, as well as the stage of development and the cause of its occurrence is carried out through special diagnostic methods. The process of identifying a disease involves the following activities:

  • Otoscopy.
  • Blood and urine examination.
  • Audiometry.
  • Samples with tuning forks.
  • CT and MRI.
  • X-ray examination.

If fluid begins to leak from the ear, samples are taken for testing. laboratory research for the presence of pathogenic bacteria that provoke inflammation. This test allows you to determine the sensitivity of harmful microflora to certain medications and prescribe appropriate treatment.

We examined in detail the symptoms and causes of inner ear diseases. Prevention and treatment are described below.


Not all pathological processes occurring in the inner ear are treatable. If the receptors die or scarring of the organ of Corti occurs, it is almost impossible to restore hearing qualities. IN certain cases Cochlear hearing aids help.

In other cases, therapy for pathologies of the inner ear provides the following treatment options:

  1. Taking medications. To stop the inflammatory process, as well as eliminate signs of intoxication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) are prescribed. In addition, medications are used to stimulate vascular system(“Asparkam”, “Ascorutin”, “Cardiohealth”) and neurological processes. Sometimes the patient may be prescribed diuretics. The latter are especially relevant when inflammation is associated with fluid accumulation in the ear.
  2. Surgery. Sometimes purulent contents can only be removed by opening the labyrinth and cleansing it. In some cases, implantation and reconstructive procedures are performed.
  3. Physiotherapeutic methods. Some procedures promote tissue restoration and stimulate the functioning of the auditory organs.

If speak about medications, then “Diakarb” occupies a special place among them. In case of inner ear disease it is effective drug synthetic origin, which is able to remove excess fluid from the body, that is, it has the properties of diuretics. Purpose similar drugs in the treatment of otitis media is not obvious and in some cases causes bewilderment, however, it is not worth neglecting “Diacarb” for diseases of the inner ear, according to reviews, since in combination with other medicines it allows you to speed up the healing process.


As for prevention, you should devote a lot of time healthy image life, as well as balanced diet, avoid stress and strengthen the immune system with vitamin complexes. Experts recommend using special hearing aids to restore hearing. breathing practices and therapeutic exercises.

Besides, important point prevention - maintaining ear hygiene. Avoid harsh sounds and prolonged exposure to noise, as well as ear injuries. You also need to promptly consult a doctor if you have otitis, since an untreated disease can affect your hearing and lead to relapses in a more severe form.

The article discusses the symptoms and causes of inner ear diseases.

Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory process localized in the inner ear, in which damage occurs nerve receptors, perceiving sounds and regulating balance. Accordingly, the main symptoms of labyrinthitis are hearing loss and dizziness (cochleovestibular disorders).

A little anatomy

The ear is not only the auricle that we see and can touch. The ear is a most complex apparatus, an organ of hearing and balance, the function of which is to perceive sounds and signals of the body’s position in space, conduct them, convert them into nerve impulses, which subsequently pass to the brain. The ear is divided into 3 parts:

  • Outer ear(auricle and external auditory canal).
  • Middle ear(the tympanic cavity, which contains the 3 smallest bones of our body that conduct sound vibrations).
  • Inner ear.

The inner ear is located deep in the temporal bone. This is a system of intraosseous spaces communicating with each other. The following sections of the inner ear are distinguished: cochlea, vestibule and 3 semicircular canaliculi. Because of its intricate shape, this system is called the bony labyrinth. The lumen diameter of each tubule is up to 0.5 mm. Inside the bony labyrinth there is a membranous labyrinth. This is where the receptors are located. sensory cells, receiving signals from external environment. Sound receptors are located in the cochlea, and structures of the vestibular apparatus, that is, the organ of balance, are located in the vestibule and tubules.

Causes of labyrinthitis

The main cause of labyrinthitis is infection. Infection penetrates into the inner ear in different ways. Accordingly, labyrinthitis is distinguished according to its distribution paths:

According to the course, labyrinthitis can be acute and chronic, according to the prevalence of inflammation - limited and diffuse, according to the nature of the inflammatory exudate - serous, purulent or necrotic.

Serous tympanogenic labyrinthitis is the most common. When purulent, the membrane separating the middle ear from the inner ear becomes permeable to inflammatory exudate - serous inflammation in the inner ear. Sometimes, due to the accumulation of exudate, the pressure increases very strongly, which leads to rupture of the membrane, breakthrough of pus, and then purulent labyrinthitis develops.

In chronic otitis media, the pathological process affects the bone labyrinth, with the formation of a fistula (fistula) in the semicircular canal, infection with bone wall goes to internal structures labyrinth

Symptoms of labyrinthitis

According to the physiology of the inner ear, symptoms of its damage appear. This is hearing loss and dizziness. The severity and rate of increase in symptoms depend on the severity of the process and the nature of the inflammation.

At acute course a so-called labyrinth attack occurs: hearing suddenly decreases or disappears, severe dizziness, balance is disturbed. The slightest movement of the head worsens the condition, the patient is forced to lie motionless on his side on the side of the healthy ear.

Labyrinthine vertigo is defined by the patient as an illusion of rotation of surrounding objects or rotation of the person himself. There may be nausea and vomiting. This kind of dizziness is called systemic. There is also non-systemic dizziness with damage to the cortical (brain) parts vestibular analyzer. It manifests itself as a feeling of instability, sinking when walking.

The duration of a labyrinth attack ranges from several minutes to several hours, sometimes days. During the purulent process, the stage of suppression of the affected labyrinth then begins, and signs of asymmetry of the labyrinths appear, which are revealed during a routine neurological examination.

Acute labyrinthitis may manifest as a single labyrinthine attack. At chronic course diseases, attacks of dizziness recur periodically.

Other less specific symptoms of inner ear inflammation: , headache, sweating, palpitations. A possible complication is neuritis of the facial nerve, the trunk of which passes between the vestibule and the cochlea of ​​the inner ear. Also, when the infection spreads to the mastoid process of the skull, mastoiditis can develop. And the most dangerous complication of purulent labyrinthitis is meningitis, encephalitis or brain abscess.

Diagnosis of labyrinthitis

If there are typical complaints of paroxysmal systemic dizziness, hearing loss and an indication of 1-2 weeks before the disease, it is not difficult to suspect a diagnosis of labyrinthitis. With a limited process and chronic course clinical manifestations may be erased. Vestibular tests and detection of hidden nystagmus help in making a diagnosis.

Nystagmus is an involuntary oscillatory movement eyeballs . This is the main objective syndrome when the labyrinth is affected (although there are many other causes of nystagmus). It is detected during a routine examination or during a fistula test.

They also help in diagnosing labyrinthitis:

  • Otoscopy (examination of the external auditory canal and eardrum).
  • Audiometry.
  • Electronystagmography.
  • X-ray of the temporal bone.
  • CT scan of the temporal bone.

Treatment of labyrinthitis

In cases of acutely developed labyrinthitis, urgent hospitalization is indicated. Such a patient must be provided bed rest and complete peace.

Basic principles conservative treatment inflammation of the inner ear:

If labyrinthitis occurs as a complication of purulent otitis media and there is no improvement from conservative treatment within 4-5 days, it is indicated surgical treatment. The purpose of the operation is the sanitation of a purulent focus in the tympanic cavity, revision of its medial wall, which borders the inner ear. If there is a fistula of the semicircular canal, plastic surgery is performed using a portion of the periosteum. The operation is performed using a special operating microscope.

Emergency surgery is indicated in the presence of intracranial complications. And a very rarely performed operation these days is labyrinthectomy. It is performed for purulent or necrotic labyrinthitis.

Outcomes of labyrinthitis

In general, the outcome of labyrinthitis is favorable. All symptoms (hearing loss, attacks of dizziness) are reversible and stop fairly quickly with timely treatment.

Only when purulent forms(which, fortunately, are extremely rare), partial or complete irreversible hearing loss is possible, which subsequently requires hearing aids or cochlear implantation. The function of maintaining balance, even if the labyrinth is completely destroyed, is restored over time.


The main prevention of labyrinthitis is timely treatment otitis media Any pain in the ear is a reason to immediately contact an ENT doctor. In turn, the infection enters the middle ear through the auditory tube from the nasopharynx. Therefore, it is necessary to take the treatment of any runny nose more seriously.

Video: labyrinthitis in the program “Live Healthy”