Acquired forms of curvature. Dangerous form of hernia

A hernia is the process of organs coming out of the position in which they normally exist or from a cavity through a natural or abnormal, pathological opening, provided that the membranes that cover the organs remain intact.

The hernia can be strangulated or non-strangulated. In the first case, reduction is mandatory, even if strangulation is not detected symptomatically. The non-strangulated one is reduced manually without consequences for the patient.

Hernias vary according to where they occur and the organs affected. The most common are abdominal hernias, although there are also cerebral, pulmonary, etc. Of the external ones, inguinal hernias most often appear, for example, oblique inguinal hernia, which is divided according to its stages into initial, canal, inguinal and scrotal. Stages vary in degree of loss small intestine through the inguinal canal.

Femoral hernia

Femoral hernia is one of the most technically difficult repair operations. Because too narrow access to the surgical area and close proximity of vital arteries can be difficult for the surgeon.

Hernias occur when the pressure inside the abdominal cavity differs from the ability of the muscular walls of the abdomen to counteract it. Less trained people, infants and children under 7 years of age are more susceptible to this. And also some predispositions, such as a distorted diet, pregnancy or long-term hard work. Hernias can be acquired or congenital.

Intervertebral hernia

Another of the most common hernias is vertebral, in which a certain amount of the nucleus pulposus comes out into the spinal canal, causing compression spinal cord. Symptomatically, this is determined by back pain and possible return to the limbs. Not every case of spinal hernia requires immediate treatment, since most often the nerve roots are not compressed so much that a doctor’s help is required, and the pain goes away after some time. But you need to be careful, because in some cases, when there is numbness in the limbs, in the perineum, loss of control over urination and defecation, or difficulty walking, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, vertebral hernias occur between the ages of 35 and 45, when depletion and degradation of the intervertebral discs occur. Smoking is also an important factor due to its ability to reduce oxygen levels. Excess weight and height also contribute to the development of the disease.

Esophageal hernia

There is such a not very pleasant disease - esophageal hernia. If there is such a diagnosis, then you need special nutrition and some recommendations.

Esophageal hernia occurs in stages one, two, three and four. In the final stages, people undergo surgery under general anesthesia, but, unfortunately, it does not always help. So if there is a first or second stage, then it is better to immediately adhere to the following recommendations so that it does not develop further.

  1. If you have bad habits, you need to give them up (smoking, alcohol abuse).
  2. Eat little and often so as not to overeat. Overeating leads to the reflux of gastric contents into the body.
  3. You can't go to bed right away horizontal position after a hearty lunch, you need to wait until it is completely digested. It is better to go to rest a few hours before bedtime so that the food has time to digest.
  4. You need to adjust your diet. Avoid tea and coffee. Preference should be given to sweet juices, compotes, jelly, rosehip or chamomile decoction. Can't eat sour foods(juices, fruits), smoked foods, salty foods, fried or fatty foods. It is better to give preference to sweet vegetables and fruits, boiled meat, soufflés, purees, and jelly. Marinated ones are excluded, canned food, it is undesirable to eat mushrooms. Following a diet will reduce increased acidity in the body, irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to severe pain and even more formation of a hernia.
  5. It is forbidden to eat grapes, cabbage, milk, brown bread, peas, as these products cause “fermentation” in the body.
  6. Avoid hard foods that irritate the stomach (raw and coarse vegetables, hard fruits, nuts or hard grains). It is better to eat everything ground and boiled.
  7. It is prohibited to wear tight belts in clothing. You should try to wear looser clothes that do not tighten your stomach.
  8. Will be useful special exercises aimed at improving well-being. They must be performed daily and not missed, then the effect will be noticeable.
  9. You need to sleep only on your right side and not on a pillow that is too flat, so that at night there is no reflux of gastric contents into the peritoneum.
  10. It's better to get rid of overweight, if he is.

The above recommendations should be followed throughout your life, and not from time to time, because... this may trigger a relapse of the disease. Unfortunately, the gastric hernia will not disappear anywhere, but it will not develop further; your health should stabilize and improve significantly.

Good afternoon.
Please consult.
I will describe the details below, but the main question is the following:
In January 2015, a hernia measuring 0.6 mm was discovered, the pain was very mild, and I couldn’t even call it pain, just stiffness. To date, a repeat MRI has shown that the hernia is 1 cm in size.
And I just can’t understand how a hernia can grow so quickly if treated and all the doctors’ recommendations are followed.

1st MRI: Lumbar lordosis is straightened, the height of the L3-L4-L5 discs is reduced, the structure of these discs is changed according to the degenerative type. At the level of L3-L4, L4-L5, circular disc protrusions up to 5 mm in size are detected with possible small disc hernias up to 2 mm in size. At the level L4-L5, a left-sided paramedian disc herniation measuring up to 6 mm is detected with narrowing of the left intervertebral foramen.
The paravertebral ligaments in the lower lumbar spine are thickened and compacted.
The endplates of the lower lumbar vertebrae are compacted, with bone growths.
Signs of spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis.
The structures of the epiconus and cauda equina are not changed.
Soft tissues of the paravertebral region without pathological changes.
Conclusion: Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine. Protrusions, disc herniations, spondyloarthrosis, spondylosis. Static violation.

2nd MRI: Physiological lumbar lordosis is smoothed.
Marginal bone growths along the anterior, posterior and lateral surfaces of the vertebral bodies. The sizes of the vertebral bodies are normal, signs of dystrophic changes in the vertebral bodies.
Signals from the intervertebral discs L3-L5 along T2 are reduced, the height and signals from the remaining discs of the studied area are preserved.
Vertebral joints congruent, the articular surfaces have clear, even contours.
Dorsal disc herniations (extrusions):
Dorsal medial disc herniation L3/L4, up to 0.6 cm in size, spreading along a wide radius arc into the intervertebral foramina on both sides, compressing the anterior parts of the dural sac. Clearance spinal canal at this level 1.4cm.
Dorsal left-sided medial-paramedian disc herniation L4/L5, up to 1.0 cm in size, spreading into the left intervertebral foramen, compressing the adjacent parts of the dural sac. The lumen of the spinal canal at this level is 1.2 cm.
The spinal cord can be traced to the level of the middle of the L1 vertebral body and has a normal configuration, width and uniform structure.
Nerve roots exit through the intervertebral foramina, unchanged.
Pre- and paravertebral soft fabrics not changed.
Compared to the MR study dated January 12, 2015, an increase in degenerative changes at the L4/L5 level is determined.
Conclusion: MRI picture of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine (osteochondrosis), disc herniation L3/L4, L4/L5. Spondylosis.

Treatment (from January)
1. Arthra
2. Paravertebral blockades Actovegin 10ml + Aflutop 2ml
3. SMT phoresis with diclac
4. Course of classical corporal acupuncture
5. A course of manual therapy.
6. Course shock wave therapy on the PKOP and the region of the left lower limb.
7. Massage course for the lumbosacral region

I changed my regime, began to sit less, exercise was minimal, lost 6 kg (weight now 96 with height 173). Before the discovery of the hernia and to this day I swim on weekdays, after the discovery of the hernia I additionally do a set of exercises (according to Dikul)

The above treatment was carried out from January to June, because despite the temporary reduction in pain after the sessions, it appeared the next day/every other day. Today it hurts top part left buttock (I feel it, I don’t know exactly what the muscle is called), along the back of the left leg into the calf and foot. Numbness of the left leg and right big toe.
I went to another clinic (a second MRI was initiated), before the second MRI I had a consultation with a chiropractor, and based on the first MRI, he said that manual therapy procedures were contraindicated for me.

That is, the “progress” of a hernia can be caused by treatment? Or is this an error in MRI machines (I did it on different ones), or is it the individual characteristics of my body and some of my wrong actions? (for example, the exercise therapy doctor said that crawl swimming is not allowed, only breaststroke, and some of the exercises from Dikul are also not allowed, which are for twisting).

Intervertebral hernia is damage to the intervertebral disc due to an inflammatory process. The development of the disease is accompanied by a change in the shape and position of the discs, as well as rupture of the fibrous ring.

In most cases, the disease affects the lumbar region and much less frequently the cervical and thoracic regions. There are two treatment methods: therapy and surgery. Doctors very rarely resort to surgical treatment. But this depends solely on the cause of the disease and its stage.


Intervertebral hernia can develop in four stages.

  1. Protrusion.
  2. Partial prolapse.
  3. Complete prolapse.
  4. Sequestration.

The development of each form can occur in any of the three departments that the disease affects.


The very first stage of pathology is called protrusion. Most often it occurs due to progressive osteochondrosis. Protrusion has a certain clinical picture. The contents of the disc, in the first stage, protrude outward. The protrusion can extend beyond the lumbar vertebrae by 5 mm. And the protrusion of the cervical spine can extend out of the disc by 2 mm. The thoracic protrusion extends to 3 mm - 4 mm.

Protrusion is characterized by maintaining the integrity of the fibrous ring. Protrusion is a hernia of the intervertebral sections, and its dimensions are much smaller than those that the pathology reaches during the development of subsequent stages.


After the patient has developed protrusion, the second and third stages begin. With partial prolapse, the symptoms of the disease intensify. Pathology can be up to 10 mm in size. When the protrusion has already begun to increase in size, the third stage begins complete prolapse. In this case, the core emerges from the disk. The hernia can reach 13 mm or even 15 mm.


The most recent phase of disease progression. With it, the nucleus completely falls out of the disc and parts of the vertebra are displaced. The pain syndrome becomes very severe and if medical assistance is not provided, the patient becomes disabled and there is a high risk of paralysis.


There are several factors under the influence of which an intervertebral disc herniation develops. The causes of the disease are impaired metabolism and due to injuries. Scientists have also proven that the causes of spinal hernia are heredity and infection.

Before a doctor begins to treat a patient, he must identify the causes of the pathology and, first of all, begin to eliminate them. Once the causes are eliminated, it can begin conservative treatment.


Intervertebral hernia has international classification diseases code ICD 10. This indicates that the pathology is very dangerous and ranks 10th among the most serious diseases.

ICD - 10 is an indicator that when the first signs of disorders are detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor. ICD - 10 suggests an increase in symptoms as the stages of the disease progress.

It is not difficult to detect a disease that has an ICD code of 10; it is indicated by such signs as pain, muscle numbness or stiffness of movement.

However, the symptoms vary greatly depending on whether it is in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region the pathology progresses.

Features of symptoms

Pain naturally accompanies all forms of impairment. But if the cervical spine is damaged, the patient experiences severe discomfort and increased pain when moving the neck and arms. Migraines and blood pressure surges may also appear. If a herniated disc L5-S1 appears at the first stage, then diagnosing the pathology will not be difficult.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region, unlike the cervical one, has more obvious signs. A person who has this disease looks like a hunchback. His spine doesn't look the same as his healthy person. Very often the deformation is noticeable even to the naked eye. This happens due to damage to the L4-L5 vertebrae. Symptoms subside when the hernia reaches 10 mm. The patient begins to suffer from cramps and numbness of the lower extremities.

Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region is most often marked by symptoms of inflammation of the cervical region. Symptoms appear already at the second stage, when in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and shoulder joints strong ones emerge painful sensations. And all movements cause severe pain. The patient is unable to make movements with a large amplitude.

Dangerous form of hernia

The development of a hernia in the L4-L5 segments can progress to unique sizes (up to 18 mm). Damage to these vertebrae has a name - circular form.

A circular hernia occurs in the cervical (L5-S1) or lumbar (L4-L5) region. With this form, the vertebral core falls out completely. Circular pathology is very dangerous, especially if it concerns the L4-L5 segments. As a result of its development, all vertebrae are gradually damaged.

It has been noted that a circular hernia even of 5 mm can cause serious deviations. Delaying treatment is dangerous, since the result may be complete paralysis of the patient’s body.


A diagnosis of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine (L4-L5), as well as cervical and thoracic, is established through diagnosis. The most commonly used methods are:

  • radiography;
  • myelography;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Cervical hernia is diagnosed much less frequently than circular pathology of the L4-L5 segments. It is L4-L5 that suffers most from stress on the spine, and this is the reason for the frequency of the disease.


The intervertebral hernia requires complex treatment. It begins with eliminating the causes of the disease. Then the doctor works to block the symptoms. And only after this the methods by which the patient will be treated are determined.

The main treatments for the disease include:

  • medicinal;
  • therapy;
  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • operation.

For each stage of the disease, there is a specific treatment method. It also plays a role whether the injury occurred in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic region.


This method of treatment consists of taking the patient a number of drugs that affect the inflammatory areas and eliminate the causes of the disease. Very often, patients are prescribed topical ointments. They not only reduce inflammation, but also eliminate symptoms. The specifics of their use depend on the state of the body, the stage of the pathology and the presence of contraindications.


Treated with therapeutic methods quite possible. The patient may be recommended manual or laser therapy.

But there is more effective method- treatment with electrophoresis with Karipazim. This drug has been used for more than ten years. Karipazim is modern means with enzymes created on the basis of special bioadditives.

You can also use Karipazim at home. However, this process should only occur under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, electrophoresis with Karipazim is also carried out in medical institutions. Thus, hernia of the cervical and lumbar regions is treated.


If you have a herniated vertebrae, you can also perform massage at home. Massage is used to restore the position of the vertebrae. Massage can be used to stretch muscles at the level of the cervical and lumbar segments.

Massage can reduce pain, relieve nervous excitability and prevent muscle atrophy. But only a doctor can prescribe a massage. Despite the fact that massage seems to be an absolutely harmless procedure, it may have certain contraindications. The effect of massage depends on the stage of the disease. In the initial stages, massage can have an effect. But in the third stage, massage very rarely helps.

Procedures such as massage should only be carried out by an experienced specialist. Contacting a chiropractor or performing the procedure yourself at home is extremely dangerous. There is a risk of harm to the body and worsening the patient's condition.


In case of exacerbation of hernia spinal column, gymnastics or any physical exercise contraindicated. However, in for preventive purposes or during the rehabilitation period, many patients are recommended to perform the exercises that the Bubnovsky Center developed.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is a way to influence certain areas of the spine that are susceptible to inflammatory processes. Such exercises are very often used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Bubnovsky Center a long period studied the characteristics of herniated intervertebral discs. Based on the results of their work, it was created physiotherapy. The exercises that the Bubnovsky Center offers can be performed for hernia of any part of the spinal column.

Gymnastics is especially necessary for those patients whose lumbar regions are affected. At correct execution, exercises restore lymph flow and impaired blood flow. Gymnastics activates biochemical processes that play a leading role in the normal functioning of the body.
Spine These exercises are most effective for deformation of the vertebrae of the L4-L5 segment.

Upon consultation good specialist, you can do the exercises at home. However, gymnastics should not be performed without a doctor's recommendation. If the exercises are performed during a dangerous period for the patient, then the result of self-medication may be muscle atrophy or paralysis.

Bubnovsky developed exercises with the goal that gymnastics would increase the flexibility of the vertebrae, restore all necessary processes, and also reduce the development inflammatory processes. Exercises must be performed daily and following all recommendations.


Another way to eliminate a herniated disc is surgery. Surgery is needed only in the last stage of the disease, or if complications occur. Surgery can be performed using several methods.

  1. Microdiscectomy.
  2. Laser technique.

These methods of operation are the most common. But, despite the fact that modern medicine has broad knowledge, surgical intervention in the area of ​​the spinal column poses a great risk.

The peculiarity of this method, such as microdiscectomy, is the use of microscopic instruments during the operation. Microdiscectomy allows surgeons to perform the operation with maximum precision, thereby reducing risk.

Endoscopic microdiscectomy differs from the previous method by using an endoscope. In this case, local anesthesia is used. Risks for the patient in this case minimal.

Surgical intervention is also carried out using laser techniques. Depending on the method used by the laser, the hernia may be vaporized or burned away. Restoration of vertebrae using laser techniques occurs very quickly.


Realize healing procedures using folk remedies at home is very risky. It is advisable to follow the recommendations given by your attending physician. However, many patients combine medical methods with folk remedies.

Before using folk remedies, it is worth checking with a specialist whether their use is acceptable for this form of hernia.

Effective methods

People who performed medical procedures at home and used folk remedies consider the following methods to be the most effective:

  • honey massages;
  • drinking tincture of comfrey oil and roots;
  • compresses of lilac and vodka.

Eliminating a hernia with folk remedies cannot lead to complete healing. However, folk remedies can reduce pain and reduce inflammation.

Treatment procedures with folk remedies are preferably carried out before bedtime. If performed together with folk remedies light massage, the procedure has a warming effect, which helps to relax the muscles.

Do not forget that treatment with folk remedies for a hernia that progresses between the vertebrae is possible only in the first stage of the disease. In addition, it is impossible to fight the disease only with folk remedies. The patient must go to a medical facility.

Herniated intervertebral discs are a very serious disease that can lead to Negative consequences. It is better to seek medical help after the first signs of a health problem have been discovered. Self-medication is prohibited, since the spine is one of the main human organs.

If there is no effect on the pathology, it will grow and damage the entire spinal column, which can lead to paralysis, partial atrophy muscles and, as a result, the patient becomes disabled.


How to get rid of a hump on your back: effective methods

The human spine has physiological curves that ensure its flexibility and mobility under any load. Two forward bends (concavities) are called cervical and lumbar lordosis, two backward bends (convexities) are called thoracic and sacral kyphosis.

Due to some diseases, injuries or postural disorders, pathological kyphosis can form with a spinal curvature angle of more than 30 degrees.

Visually, it looks like a hump on the back, noticeable when turning in profile; its localization, shape and severity depend on the characteristics of the pathological process that caused the deformity.

There are different humps - fatty and very dangerous

The hump can mean both pathological kyphosis and fat accumulation in the upper back, more typical for women over 45 years of age and called the withers or widow's hump.

The widow's withers are formed as a result hormonal changes in a woman’s body during menopause, but may appear in more at a young age due to osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, chronic hormonal disorders, improper metabolism in the body.

This is not a pathology of the spine, but just a layer of fat, a defect that is largely cosmetic. Although such a hump can block blood vessels, disrupting the blood supply to the brain, causing migraines, dizziness, increased blood pressure, and numbness in the hands.

The defect can be easily corrected using proper organization sleeping and working places, special gymnastics and massage.

The situation is much more serious with the most common cause of the appearance of a hump on the back - kyphosis, the name of which is translated from Greek as “humpbackedness”, “bentness”.

If normally this is a physiological bend that performs a shock-absorbing function, then in pathology it is a serious defect in the shape of the spine, a symptom of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It manifests itself as an arched bulge back or a hump on the back, in a pronounced form it is most often combined with a hollow chest and shortening of the torso.

Forms of kyphosis curvature

Pathological kyphosis can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

By severity:

  • mild (1st degree) – the angle of curvature of the spine does not exceed 40 degrees;
  • moderate (2nd degree) – curvature angle 40-60 degrees;
  • severe (3rd, 4th degree) – curvature angle over 60-71 degrees.

According to the degree of resistance to deformation:

  • fixed, not amenable to correction;
  • mobile, corrected in the supine position, corrected with the help of conservative or surgical treatment.

With the flow:

  • progressive, depending on the change in the angle of convexity over the year, progression can be slow or rapidly developing;
  • not progressive.

By form:

  • angular in the form of a hump with an apex of 1-2 spinous vertebrae;
  • arched in the shape of an elongated short arc.

Congenital deformity

Congenital kyphotic deformities are caused by developmental anomalies of the anterior parts of the spine - wedge-shaped or half-vertebrae in the thoracic region, fusion (concrescence) of the vertebral bodies due to intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus.

Genotypic kyphosis is hereditary and is transmitted from generation to generation according to a dominant trait.

Acquired forms of curvature

Acquired deformities are caused by poor posture, injuries, and diseases. musculoskeletal system, bone tissue.

The following types of acquired kyphosis are distinguished:

The hump does not “grow” right away

The hump on the back appears gradually and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Light degree – moderate impairment posture, stooping with a slight angle of inclination, fast fatiguability back muscles, slight back pain, aggravated by physical activity.
  2. Medium degree - pronounced bending, hunchback of the back, sunken chest, protruding stomach, retracted shoulders, separated shoulder blades. After sitting for a long time, the back takes on a C-shape and remains convex when lying on the stomach. The chin moves forward greatly due to the shift in the position of the neck.
  3. Severe – the back takes on an S-shape as compensatory strengthening develops lumbar lordosis, growth decreases due to deformation of the torso, muscle tone in the arms and legs decreases, and intolerance to prolonged physical activity appears. Not only external changes occur, but also pronounced dysfunction of internal organs due to a decrease in the volume of the chest and lowering of the diaphragm. Children with severe pathological kyphosis lag behind their peers in physical development.

The form and severity of the disorder is confirmed using radiography, MRI, and computed tomography.

What can be done?

Doctors from the following specialties will help you get rid of the hump: orthopedists, vertebrologists, chiropractors, neurologists, traumatologists, rheumatologists. The choice of treatment methods depends on the cause, form and severity of the pathology.

For kyphosis associated with degenerative changes or systemic diseases, therapy should be aimed at treating the underlying pathology.

Conservative treatment

Conservative methods of therapy are effective for mobile kyphosis and should be used in combination:

How to remove the withers-hump on your back in a few minutes a day:

Surgery as a last resort

If conservative treatment for severe kyphosis with dysfunction of internal organs and compression of the roots does not produce results, surgical intervention may be required.

Surgeries can correct the angle of curvature of the spine, stop the progression of the deformity, remove the hump, eliminate compression nerve trunks and protect them from future damage.

The spine is fixed with structures made of inert metals. After the operation, bed rest followed by wearing a corset is indicated.

Prevention of humps and deformities

To prevent the development of pathological kyphosis and hump formation in adults and children, the following recommendations must be followed:

What is the danger!?

In severe progressive forms of kyphosis with the formation of a hump, multiple complications arise:

Symptomatic remedies such as Menovazine are ideal for treating moderate joint pain. They don't lead to complete cure from the disease, but allow the patient to forget about unpleasant symptoms for a while. Many anti-inflammatory drugs have many contraindications that limit their use in elderly patients.

Therefore, such patients need to be prescribed both safe and effective medicine, which will relieve them of the symptoms of diseases of the spine and joints.

In almost any pharmacy you can buy Menovazin, which has a local anesthetic effect, without a prescription.

The medicine is available in the form of a solution or ointment, which is applied directly to the skin above the source of pain impulses.

But, despite the relative safety of the drug, you should still carefully study its instructions for use. This measure is necessary to determine the indications, since not for every pathology of the musculoskeletal system the remedy will show its effectiveness. Knowing all the information about the drug, as well as the instructions for its use, the patient will use it as correctly as possible.


Unlike other painkillers local funds, Menovazin is characterized by a clear direction of action. Its components practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream, reaching the source of damage through tissue fluid. Therapeutic effect from application is due to the mutual action of two elements:

  • Main active ingredients are local anesthetic solutions - procaine and benzocaine. Their molecules bind to pain nerve endings, stopping the formation of an excitation impulse on them. Solutions when used independently are characterized by low efficiency, which is associated with poor skin permeability.
  • To increase it, the drug has been supplemented with irritant– menthol. It provides dilation of skin blood vessels in the area of ​​application, which allows the anesthetic components to penetrate deeper. Menthol also affects nerve endings, causing a cooling sensation when they are irritated. It creates a distracting effect - nervous system partially switches from pain impulses.

Menovazin solution appeared much earlier than the ointment, which is due to the properties of the main components. They dissolve well in water, so it was possible to create liquid version medicines - rubbing. The ointment was developed much later, when modern polymeric substances that were not of fatty origin were introduced. They made it possible to avoid the formation of a film on the skin that forms from Vaseline-based creams.


This form of the drug is the very first, since initially Menovazin was produced only in solution. Now bottles with it have become rare, due to difficulties in storage and transportation. The composition and effect of the solution was slightly different from modern analogues:

  • Since this form is different short term suitability, then content active ingredients it is much higher. Therefore, the procedures required much less solution, which was dosed using special measuring containers.
  • It could be used for physiotherapy - electrophoresis or diadynamic therapy. Using electrodes and magnetic field the product penetrated to a greater depth compared to conventional application.
  • The solution did not need to be rubbed in - it was enough to spread it with a light movement on the surface of the skin. The excess was absorbed on its own within a few minutes.
  • The solution also contained additional ethyl alcohol, which ensured rapid evaporation of its liquid part. He created auxiliary irritant effect, which, together with menthol, provided a strong dilation of skin blood vessels.
  • But the product was not equipped with clear instructions; if used incorrectly, side effects were often observed. They were associated with a violation of the application technique, which led to the development of allergic reactions - rash, itching, swelling of the skin.

Therefore, over time, the widespread use of the solution had to be abandoned - it was replaced by modern drugs, making treatment with Menovazine safer.


With the advent of modern polymer bases for creams, it was possible to create a long-storable form of Menovazin - an ointment for water based. It made it possible to eliminate all the negative qualities of the solution, preserving and increasing its positive effects:

  • The ointment is in a sealed tube, which prevents contact of the active elements with air and sunlight. This prevents their oxidation and destruction, which allows the medicine to be stored for a long time.
  • The drug is manufactured in a factory, which ensures a stable dosage in each tube active substances. Thanks to this precision, it is possible to avoid side effects associated with drug overdose.
  • The polymer base has a “smart” effect, as it allows only a certain amount of painkillers to be absorbed through the skin.
  • The ointment remains on the skin for a long time, ensuring a continuous supply of active components through it. Therefore, the number of procedures for applying it can be reduced to 1 or 2 during the day.
  • There is also no need for dosing the drug - if the patient applies an excess of the drug, it will not have time to be quickly absorbed.

Compared to the solution, the ointment turned out to be much more convenient - no special conditions or devices are required for its application.


  • Symptoms of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia are usually manifested by the development of pain in various parts of the back. They have a reflex (reflected) nature, so they are easily eliminated with the help of local irritants.
  • Any neuralgia - intercostal, lumbar, sciatic - is eliminated with the help of Menovazin ointment.
  • The remedy has proven its effectiveness only in the early stages of deforming arthrosis; if the disease lasts for a long time, it will not be possible to eliminate the symptoms.
  • Any minor soft tissue injuries - bruises, sprains, the manifestations of which can be reduced using ointment.
  • During the recovery period after a fracture or dislocation, to eliminate stiffness of movement and pain during exercise.
  • For pain in muscles or ligaments after previous physical activity, to speed up their healing.
  • For application to the area of ​​scars after burns - this helps reduce the itching that develops when they are stretched.

The only condition is that the pain must be mild, otherwise the effect of the medicine will be insignificant.

The regularity of the procedure plays an important role, since the pain after use is eliminated for a short time.


The instructions for use should always be studied in detail by the patient - they contain all recommendations for the use of the drug. Menovazin has only one contraindication - the presence of an open wound in the area of ​​application. If you perform the procedure contrary to this rule, severe irritation of the edges of the wound will occur. Therefore, instead of an analgesic effect, the patient will receive the opposite effect - pain and swelling around the skin defect.

According to the instructions, the solution and ointment have only one side effect– allergic reactions.

Their development is usually associated with the action of local anesthetics, which still enter the bloodstream. Therefore, patients allergic to novocaine should also refrain from treatment with Menovazine. And in order to create a final impression of the drug, you need to consider individual options for its use.

Back pain

If unpleasant symptoms accompanying spinal osteochondrosis develop, Menovazin allows you to get rid of them within several procedures. The soft tissues of the back are sufficiently thick, which makes it difficult for the medicine to quickly penetrate to the source of pain:

  • It is very difficult to carry out the procedure yourself, so you should involve relatives or friends to perform it. Some parts of the back are very difficult to reach with your palm, which will not allow the product to be well distributed over the skin.
  • When applying the product, you need to cover not only the painful area, but also the entire surrounding area of ​​the back. Thanks to this technique, the medicine will penetrate into the soft tissue over a large area, which will accelerate its delivery to the lesion.
  • The procedure should only be performed while lying on your stomach to ensure complete relaxation muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine.
  • After all the manipulations, you should cover your back with a clean towel or sheet to create a slight warming effect. You also need to lie down for a while - during this time the medicine will have time to distribute well.

It is better to carry out procedures using the solution in the form of electrophoresis - this way the product will be delivered to the source of pain faster and safer.

Joint diseases

Lesions of the joints of the extremities make the procedure easier - regardless of the location of the injury or pathology, the patient can carry out the procedure independently. But for this you need to follow some small recommendations:

  • When applied, the medicine should be distributed not only to the area of ​​pain, but to the entire surface of the skin surrounding the joint.
  • It is not recommended to carry out more than three procedures during the day - the body loses sensitivity to painkillers.
  • The application of the ointment should be combined with small movements in the joint - warm-up. It will improve blood circulation, which will speed up the onset of pain relief.
  • After each application, cover the joint area with a soft bandage or elastic bandage to create a warming effect.

According to the instructions, there is a limitation on the duration of use of the product - it is not recommended to use it for more than 3 weeks. During this period, a specific reaction to the components of the drug is formed in the body, leading to the development adverse reactions. Also during this time there is a decrease in sensitivity nerve endings to novocaine.

Our spine is subject to significant stress throughout its life. If you conduct an experiment to measure all the static and dynamic loads that befall it, you will probably learn thousands of kilotons. Even just keeping your back vertically level requires effort - what can we say about those numerous turns, flexions and extensions when changing the positions of the torso, head and neck that our spine is forced to endure! What if this also happens with physical activity? Nature has provided it with good protection: between the vertebrae there are wonderful shock absorber plates made of cartilage tissue. They are called intervertebral discs, their purpose is to soften the load as much as possible and prevent dangerous convergence of the vertebrae. For the time being, the disks successfully cope with their task. But everything comes to an end, and over time, irreversible internal and external changes begin to occur in them, leading to such dangerous disease — .

To understand how an intervertebral hernia develops, Let's turn once again to anatomy. A healthy disc represents a certain fibrous tissue with an internal nucleus pulposus, surrounded by a hard ring whose structure resembles a tendon. Inside the disc there is a necessary water and nutritional balance, carried out not by blood circulation, like all other internal organs, but by the cells of the spine, which in turn are fed by cerebrospinal fluid ( cerebrospinal fluid). If this cellular exchange is disrupted, then the spinal disc begins to undergo the first degenerative changes:

  1. It begins to thin and dry out due to insufficient fluid intake
  2. Then, under the influence of even small loads, the disc deforms and the core inside it shifts
  3. Next they connect external factors: for example, the presence of additional diseases of the spine, lifting excessive weight, thoughtlessly sudden movement, hypothermia, etc. All this leads to the formation of the first signs of such a serious pathology as a herniated disc

Thus, we can draw the first conclusion:

Spinal hernia is caused by internal problems of the body: its cause is metabolic, nutritional and water balance. Other spinal diseases and external factors only provoke further development pathology

Stages of development of intervertebral hernia

In its development, a herniated disc goes through the following stages:

  1. Initial degeneration- these are the first minor changes: the disc is shifted slightly - only 2-3 mm, there are no structural deformations yet, as well as external symptoms
  2. Prolapse- significant displacement (4-10 mm), while the nucleus is still preserved inside the fibrous ring, but the convex deformed parts of the disc are already touching the nerve roots and causing symptoms of radicular pain
  3. Extrusion- exit of the nucleus beyond the disk, most often in the lateral or posterolateral direction - to the side spinal canal. In this case, severe pain occurs and possible numbness in certain areas of the body with muscle atrophy. Actually, extrusion is the resulting hernia
  4. Sequestration- the nucleus has actually already leaked like a drop outside the fibrous ring and is held only by surface tension, after which the capsule inevitably ruptures and the contents of the nucleus leak out

The newly formed intervertebral hernia, in turn, triggers the development mechanism of a formidable ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), which gradually but inevitably, like Moloch, grinds everything one after another along the axis of the spine cartilaginous joints. There is a visual “sagging” of the spine: patients noticeably decrease in height, their movements become constrained, and they suffer from pain throughout the spine.

One of the main provoking factors for the development of hernia is vertebral osteochondrosis. This is far from accidental and understandable if you look at osteochondrosis through the prism of the structural changes that accompany it:

  • dystrophic changes in intervertebral discs, especially cartilage tissue
  • stenosis of the spinal canal, due to which there is not only an increase in the risk of nerve pinching, but also a deterioration in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the spinal cord and brain

A truly vicious circle arises, osteochondrosis hits the spine from both sides:

By itself - through the destruction of the disc structure, and by provoking a disease such as intervertebral hernia - through internal metabolic processes.

Every change that occurs due to osteochondrosis today promises even more catastrophic destruction tomorrow, quietly preparing the ground for this.

Types of intervertebral hernia

The above stages of development of a spinal hernia are conditional. Due to the narrowness of the spinal canal in cervical spine, even minor disc displacements of 2 mm can cause radicular symptoms.

When making a diagnosis, the basis is:

  • External examination of the patient and his complaints
  • Definition of main symptoms
  • CG and MRI (computer and magnetic resonance imaging)

Treatment of a herniated disc usually begins with taking medications to eliminate external pain, and then the direct treatment of the disease begins:
Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and manual therapy.

(lat. hernia) - protrusion of organs from the cavity, through a pathologically formed or naturally existing hole. At the same time, the shells retain their integrity. The formation may extend into the intermuscular space, under the skin, or in internal cavities and pockets. Eventration (prolapse of internal organs through a defect in its wall) and prolapse (exit of an organ through a natural opening during prolapse) are not hernias.

Types/classification of the disease

Highlight uncomplicated And complicated(inflammation, rupture and phlegmon of the hernial sac, strangulation) of the hernia.

The disease happens along the way:

recurrent(re-formation of a hernia in the same place);

By origin of hernia can be acquired, developing as a result of illness or injury or congenital(for example, central Schmorl's hernia), which are developmental defects and have their own characteristics.

According to reducibility they are distinguished:

Reducible- a protruding hernial sac is reduced independently or can be easily reduced through the hernial orifice;
Irreversible– usually due to the formation of adhesions, strangulation or adhesions, a hernia that was previously reduced cannot be returned to its place.

Anatomically, hernias can be external(internal organs fall out under the skin, and the hernia looks like an oval or rounded protrusion), they make up 75%, these are the femoral, epigastric, inguinal, umbilical, sciatic, white line of the abdomen, xiphoid process.

Internal a hernia occurs in 25% of all such pathologies, has no clear external symptoms, organs protrude into crevices, pockets or anatomical cavities or defects. They are divided into intra-abdominal and diaphragmatic.

Symptoms and signs

A protrusion is observed at the site of the hernia formation; when palpated, a hernial orifice is felt. Saccular swelling can vary in size.

Intervertebral hernia

Dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine most often appear in adults aged 20 to 50 years. Pathology often becomes the basis for temporary loss of ability to work and even disability. Osteochondrosis in almost all cases provokes the development of a back hernia. In this case, a pain syndrome appears, which can be accompanied by sensory disturbances, paralysis and paresis of the leg muscles, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. 18% of patients with intervertebral hernias require surgical intervention.

The pathology develops as a result of a disc rupture, the hernia goes back, puts pressure on the nerve root, causing swelling and inflammation. The clinical picture begins to appear one day after the onset of the disease. In almost all patients, the main complaint is pain. Most often it appears in adolescence after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, physical activity or in bed. The disease develops when turning to the side occurs in parallel with bending, sometimes the person also lifts weights.

Lumbar and sacral hernia(sequestrated) begins with a dystrophic process, then changes occur in the spinal motion segments, the strength of the fibrous ring decreases, the microcirculation of this area is disrupted, and adhesive process, swelling of local tissues. The symptoms are caused by myofixation as a result of tension in the back muscles, which provokes compensatory curvature of other parts of the spinal column. The long course of the disease leads to dysfunction of the joint-ligamentous apparatus, accompanied by severe pain.

If the intervertebral disc falls into the lumen of the spinal canal, it develops dorsal hernia, which, like other types of pathologies of the lumbosacral region, can manifest itself as autonomic disorders, such as redness, dryness and swelling of the skin, and impaired sweating.

Often sick people take forced situation, with its help, the pressure on the root is reduced, that is, scoliosis is smoothed out, flexion and extension of the body is facilitated, tension is eliminated long muscles backs. Occasionally, patients cannot straighten their leg due to pain. Due to atrophy, the muscles “deflate”. Movement disorders(paresis, paralysis) occur only in severe cases.

When coughing and moving, the pain intensifies and often becomes very severe; the patient needs bed rest.

Cervical and thoracic hernia are very rare and have similar symptoms:

acute pain radiating to the arms, shoulder blades, shoulders;
unsteadiness of gait;
numbness of fingers;
restriction of movement;
hypertension or hypotension;
weakness in the limbs, decreased reflexes;
sleep disturbance;
chronic fatigue;
memory impairment.

Inguinal hernia- protrusion of the peritoneum into the cavity of the inguinal canal. It is 10 times more likely to occur in men than in women. The main signs of the disorder are a feeling of discomfort and pain in groin area, aggravated while walking, dysfunction of urination and digestion. A lump forms in the groin and grows when coughing and straining. In men with inguinal hernias of significant size, the affected side of the scrotum enlarges, because of this the penis moves to the opposite side, and with large volumes of formation, the penis can be completely hidden under the skin.

Brief interesting data
- It was Claudius Galen (born around 130 AD) who first introduced the term “hernia.”
- There is a term “giant hernia”, it is used to refer to hernias larger than 40 cm.
- Most often, namely in 80-90%, inguinal hernias occur.
- Statistics indicate that multiple hernias are much more common than single ones.

The linea alba is formed by tendon fibers. When a hernia forms, the patient experiences pain, as with a stomach ulcer and other gastrointestinal ailments. On the line itself there is a protrusion, which occurs mainly when straining in the epigastric region. The pain intensifies after eating, with physical activity and sudden movements. Often noted dyspeptic disorders: belching, nausea, constipation and heartburn.

Strangulated hernia of the white line does not adjust and appears unbearable pain, blood in the stool, nausea and vomiting, retention of gases and bowel movements.

Hernia hiatus aperture usually has no external manifestations. With this pathology, the stomach contents backflow into the esophagus, which causes hiccups, indigestion, heartburn, belching and chest pain.

Umbilical hernia- The abdominal organs extend into the navel area. Most often found in infants. This is due to the fact that the abdominal wall has a defect in which umbilical ring, which usually closes before birth, remains open. Pathology sometimes appears in children even after they begin to walk early. A hernia of less than a centimeter in a child may disappear on its own by the age of two. If a hernia was diagnosed in a newborn in time, then it can be cured simply with the help of gymnastics, massage and proper placement on the tummy. If necessary, surgery is performed no earlier than 5 years of age.

The acquired form of the disease proceeds a little more favorably. The child most often does not have any symptoms, the pathology manifests itself cosmetic defect. The dimensions of the bulge, as a rule, do not exceed 5 cm in diameter. Very rarely, adults experience aching or nagging pain, especially during physical activity and constipation.

Not only in children, but also in dogs, namely puppies, an umbilical hernia often forms. The animal may refuse food and be depressed.


Intervertebral hernias cause some discomfort, but when complications arise, they develop quite unpleasant symptoms: acute pain, migraine, numbness of the limbs, even paralysis. In case of violations in spinal region develop: lumbodynia, lumbago, lumboischialgia or cauda equina syndrome. If affected cervical vertebrae, cervicalgia and cervicobrachialgia may appear, and in the chest - thoracalgia, intercostal neuralgia.

Abdominal hernias are often complicated by strangulation; this is an acute condition that requires urgent help. This disrupts blood circulation, the functioning of the pinched organ, and even tissue necrosis is possible. Developing strong pain, when the intestinal loops are compressed, digestion is disrupted, up to intestinal obstruction. Internal organs and the hernial sac can become inflamed, which leads to the formation of an abscess, phlegmon, and peritonitis.

Causes of the disease

Abdominal hernias develop as a result of defects in muscle and tendon fibers. An elastic human corset helps maintain the desired position of organs in various body positions and counteract intra-abdominal pressure.

Causes of hernia formation:

A loss muscle tissue elasticity due to depletion or aging;
increased intra-abdominal pressure in combination with other negative factors;
congenital hole in the abdominal wall;
degenerative disorders at the site of injury or wound;
congenital anomalies development of connective tissues;
various suppurations affecting the anterior abdominal wall.

Predisposing factors include: family history, individual differences in body structure, heavy physical labor, malnutrition, pregnancy, sharp fluctuations intra-abdominal pressure (ascites, constant screaming, crying, difficulty urinating, cough, prostate adenoma and constipation), intestinal dyskinesia.

A spinal hernia is usually the consequence of carrying heavy objects, sedentary work, prolonged vibration or incorrect posture. It develops as a result of pinched nerve trunks and narrowing of the spinal canal.


First of all, the doctor will conduct an examination, since many hernias are visible to the naked eye. To confirm the diagnosis and early prediction of complications, instrumental diagnostics. For different localizations, the information content of the examination differs. Often, during the study of a disease, such as osteochondrosis, a herniated disc is accidentally discovered.

Diagnostic methods that are most often used:

Ultrasound ( ultrasonography);
X-ray examination sometimes used for insertion contrast agent;
CT (computed tomography).

Differential diagnosis carried out with:

Hematoma, endometriosis, cyst;
dysplasia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
varicocele, hydrocele, lymphadenitis;
general diseases organs and systems (pancreatitis, gastric ulcer);
neurofibroma and lipoma.


The main treatment for hernias and their complications is surgery. During surgery, a special mesh is applied to prevent the hernia from coming out, or the damaged area is sutured. Operations are currently being carried out endoscopic method or using autoplasty (recovery is done using your own tissues). For the patient to return to usual life, necessary recovery period and intensive rehabilitation.

Removal of a spinal hernia is performed in as a last resort If there are no complications, traction is recommended. After graduation acute period or during the recovery period, it is advised to carry out massage, perform physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, diadynamic currents, hirudotherapy, acupuncture), exercises to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous frame of the back, and therapeutic exercises also contribute to this. At pain syndrome NSAIDs (Voltaren, Ketorol, Diclofenac), glucocorticoid ointments (Lorinden, Deperzolon) are prescribed. For almost all types of hernias, to prevent complications, it is recommended to wear an orthopedic bandage.

Treatment of a hernia can be carried out in a sanatorium, where specialists will help carry out a set of measures for treatment and rehabilitation after surgery.


To prevent this disease it is recommended:

Do not sleep on soft mattresses;
do not overeat and control weight;
stop smoking and take care of your liver;
avoid excessive loads and sudden movements;
keep your back and head straight when walking;
increase immunity and eliminate stress;
move more, play sports (swimming, yoga);
treat constipation in a timely manner, urological diseases, cough.

Traditional methods of treatment

Any home remedy can only be used with the permission of a doctor. If you are scheduled for surgery, then traditional treatment is unlikely to be effective.

Therapy umbilical hernia carried out using a cake made of red clay, which is placed on top of the bandage for 24 hours. You can secure it using dressing material and cling film. The cake must be changed every day for 14 days. You can replace it copper coin, which must be applied for 3 days. Fix with a sticky bandage and repeat several times. You can also put cut garlic cloves on the hernia for up to 12 hours, but this procedure may cause burns.

For vertebral hernia, red clay is also used or horse fat is used in the form of a compress of horse fat, which is applied to polyethylene in a thick layer for a day. It is good if the lower back is constantly wrapped in a belt made of dog hair.