Side effects of droperidol. The neuroleptic antipsychotic drug Droperidol is a very strong anesthetic drug. Release form and cost of the medicine

Droperidol is an antipsychotic drug used for premedication.

Release form and composition

Droperidol is produced in the form of a colorless or slightly greenish transparent solution for injection, in glass ampoules of 2 and 5 ml. The composition of 1 ml of solution includes 2.5 mg of droperidol and excipients - methylparaben, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, tartaric acid and water for injection.

Indications for use

Droperidol is prescribed for induction of anesthesia, premedication, and also in cases of:

  • Pulmonary edema;
  • General and regional anesthesia (for their potentiation);
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Neuroleptanalgesia (in combination with fentanyl or other opioids);
  • The appearance of pain and vomiting in the postoperative period;
  • Surgical and diagnostic procedures to exclude nausea and vomiting;
  • The appearance of hallucinations, psychomotor agitation, pain and shock during myocardial infarction, burns, injuries and severe attacks of angina.


The use of Droperidol is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, with hypersensitivity to the components included in the product, as well as in the following cases:

  • Hypokalemia;
  • Long Q-T interval syndrome;
  • Arterial hypotension;
  • Extrapyramidal disorders;
  • Carrying out a caesarean section.

Droperidol should be prescribed with caution to patients suffering from alcoholism, renal or liver failure, depression, epilepsy, pregnancy and decompensated chronic heart failure.

Directions for use and dosage

The solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The dosage of Droperidol is determined individually depending on the type of anesthesia to be performed, the nature of the disease, concomitantly used drugs, as well as the age, general physical condition and body weight of the patient,

Typically, adults are administered intramuscularly with 2.5-5 mg of solution for premedication over 15-45 minutes. before surgery, children - 100 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

To maintain anesthesia in cases of prolonged operations, 2.5-5 mg of Droperidol is administered intravenously.

When injecting adults into anesthesia, 15-20 mg of solution is administered intravenously. For children, the dose is determined based on the calculation - 0.2-0.4 mg of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, or the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose corresponding to 0.3-0.6 mg/kg.

In the postoperative period, adults are administered 2.5-5 mg of Droperidol intramuscularly every 6 hours.

Side effects

The instructions for Droperidol indicate that the drug can cause side effects such as:

  • Tachycardia;
  • Bronchospasm;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Depression;
  • Dysphonia;
  • Dizziness;
  • Laryngospasm;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Tremor;
  • Reduced blood pressure.

In cases of high doses of Droperidol, psychomotor agitation, extrapyramidal disorders, anxiety, anaphylactoid reactions and fear may occur. When used simultaneously with fentanyl, blood pressure may increase.

A symptom of a drug overdose is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In such cases, the prescription of sympathomimetic drugs or analeptics is required.

special instructions

The use of Droperidol is permissible only in a hospital setting.

Patients with pheochromocytoma may experience a sharp increase in blood pressure and tachycardia after administration of the drug. In this regard, during the use of the solution, it is necessary to have medications whose action is aimed at correcting blood pressure.

Patients with cardiac arrhythmias should not be prescribed a dose of Droperidol exceeding 25 mg, as this can lead to sudden death.

If antihypertensive drugs were used to treat the patient, it is necessary to gradually reduce their dose in the preoperative period until complete withdrawal, and then use Droperidol.

In cases of using the drug in surgical practice, it is recommended to monitor the parameters of the physiological state of the body.

When using the drug against the background of spinal or epidural anesthesia, suppression of the sympathetic nervous system and development of blockade of intercostal nerves is possible. This, in turn, helps reduce blood pressure and dilate peripheral blood vessels.

Due to the fact that orthostatic hypotension may develop during the administration of the solution, it is necessary to be careful during transportation and avoid a sudden change in the patient’s body position.

It should be taken into account that Droperidol reduces the pressor effect of epinephrine, enhances the effect of narcotic analgesics, barbiturates, muscle relaxants, benzodiazepines, antihypertensive drugs and hypnotics. The drug may also weaken the effect of dopamine receptor agonists.


There are no synonyms for the drug. Analogs of Droperidol include Medxenon, XeMed, Sodium hydroxybutyrate, Propofol Fresenius, Rekofol, Nitrous oxide, Proviv and Diprivan.

Terms and conditions of storage

In accordance with the instructions, Droperidol should be stored in a place protected from light, dry and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ºС.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies according to a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of the solution, subject to the manufacturer's recommendations, is five years.

The neuroleptic Droperidol is used in the treatment of shock conditions, and also as an antipsychotic drug. Today we will talk about the pharmacological group, features and indications for the use of Droperidol, find out whether it is available without a prescription, and also consider other important nuances associated with the drug.

Features of the drug

Areas of use of Droperidol are anesthesiology and psychotherapy. It is used in the treatment of shock conditions and as an antipsychotic drug.

The neuroleptic is a powder of light pastel colored crystals that changes color to yellow in the presence of light and contact with open air.

Water is not a solvent for this powder, nor is alcohol, the degree of dissolution in which is very low.


The main active component of Droperidol is a crystalline powder of the same name with a drug, the degree of dissociation of which in water is 0%. The powder is not an ether derivative, so it has no odor.

The substance under the medical name Droperidol is a chemical derivative of a number of butyrophenones with the substitution of four hydroxo groups and fluorine in the molecule with benzimidazolinone.

Dosage forms

Release form: Droperidol in the form of an injection solution is available in 10 ml ampoules. 50 ampoules are packed in a cardboard box. The content of pure substance in a 25% solution of the drug is 25 mg.

pharmachologic effect

In addition to its effect on the nervous system, Droperidol prevents vomiting and has a sedative effect on the regulation of somatic and autonomic functions. The medicinal effect of Droperidol is associated with inhibition of dopamine receptors localized in various structures of the brain: reticular pharmacy, medulla oblongata and diencephalon, neuroendocrine cells of the hypothalamus. Hence the variety of effects on the vegetative and somatic functions of the body.

Let's also look at the mechanism of action of Droperidol.


Droperidol does not inhibit the functioning of receptors sensitive to the mediator acetylcholine. The use of the drug helps reduce pulmonary pressure due to a wave reduction in the pressor effect in the pulmonary artery. When it occurs with an epinephrine etiology, the use of Droperidol has the opposite effect, normalizing the heart rhythm. Pathology with a different etiology is not eliminated by Droperidol.

The inhibitory activity of the drug on individual receptors is detected within 4 hours, and the effects of the drug on the nervous system are observed 12 hours after administration of the drug.

Droperidol, when administered intravenously or intramuscularly, begins to have a therapeutic effect after 3 minutes. The maximum concentration of Droperidol in histological analysis of nervous tissue is observed half an hour after administration of the drug.


The blood plasma is maximally saturated with the drug 15 minutes after its administration. Transport of Droperidol into the tissues of the central nervous system occurs by binding to blood proteins. The half-life of the substance is approximately 2.5 hours.

Intermediate and final metabolic products are formed in the epithelial tissue of the liver. The substance is excreted primarily through urine (3/4 of the volume). Almost 25% of Droperidol is excreted through the digestive tract. Less than 1% of the substance remains in the blood plasma for a long time.


Droperidol has found application in surgical and therapeutic practice. In surgery the drug is used:

  • in the initial stage of anesthesia;
  • as a medication in preparing a patient for surgery;
  • as an antipsychotic agent under local anesthesia;
  • during surgical and diagnostic procedures as a sedative;
  • to reduce muscle tone and put the patient to sleep to achieve neuroleptanalgesia.

In therapy, Droperidol is used in the following cases:

  • acute crises during ;
  • prevention of anaphylactic shock in case of injury;
  • acute crisis period;
  • pulmonary failure due to edema;

The drug is used in psychiatric practice in cases of hyperexcitability of receptor activity and the occurrence of hallucinations.

Instructions for using Droperidol in ampoules will be discussed below.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the administered drug is calculated based on the weight, age and general condition of the patient. The calculation also includes individual tolerance to the drug, the nature of the disease, other anesthetics administered and the type of anesthesia.

  • Approximately half an hour before surgery, the patient receives up to 5 mg of the drug intramuscularly; for children, Droperidol is calculated per 1 kg - 100 mcg of injection solution.
  • When using Droperidol as anesthesia, intravenous administration of 15 mg of the drug is practiced; children are given 0.3 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

According to the instructions for use, the dosage of Droperidol is reduced or the drug is limited for use in cases of liver and kidney failure, prolonged depressive states, and severe epilepsy.

Patients whose general condition is noted to be weak or who have significant problems with body weight should receive a lower dose of Droperidol. As it develops, the body experiences an increase in heart rate and a condition.

Droperidol also has some contraindications, and we’ll talk about them.


  • It is not recommended to use the drug in gynecological practice during cesarean section operations, since inhibition of the work of the medulla oblongata centers in the fetus may occur, one of which may be respiratory depression.
  • Extrapyramidal disorders (impaired muscle tone activity) are also an obstacle to drug administration.
  • Long-term use of an antihypertensive drug and Droperidol is not recommended for the risk of a severe decrease in systolic pressure.
  • The drug is contraindicated in patients with long-term depression aggravated by phobias.

Side effects from Droperidol

In small cases of using Droperidol in clinical practice, side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions in the form of spasms of the respiratory tract;
  • after operations, patients complain of drowsiness, and with an overdose of Droperidol, on the contrary, of excessive anxiety and, sometimes, a depressive state;
  • Nausea, icteric symptoms, loss of appetite are often observed;
  • natural decrease in systolic pressure.

special instructions

The injection drug Droperidol is approved when prescribed only in a clinical setting. The inhibitory effect on some brain structures allows us to conclude that it is undesirable to go to work within 24 hours after using the drug, especially for those types of work that require concentration and mobility of nervous processes.

Exceeding the dose (25 mg or higher) can cause death of the patient. It is also undesirable to move the patient after using the drug or change his position. The extinction of inhibition occurs at a much slower rate than when it is excited, so the administration of the drug requires regular monitoring of the parameters of the state of the physiological systems of the body.

Let's find out what reviews there are about taking Droperidol.

Gross formula

C 22 H 22 FN 3 O 2

Pharmacological group of the substance Droperidol

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS Code


Characteristics of the substance Droperidol

Neuroleptic, butyrophenone derivative.

Crystalline powder, white or light yellowish-brown, odorless. Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol. When stored in air or light it turns yellow. Molecular weight 379.43.


pharmachologic effect- antipsychotic, antishock, antiemetic, sedative.

Blocks dopamine receptors (mainly D2) in the subcortical areas of the brain (substantia nigra, striatum, tubercular, interlimbic and mesocortical areas), inhibits central alpha-adrenergic structures, disrupts reverse neuronal uptake and deposition of norepinephrine. Dilates peripheral vessels, reduces peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure. Reduces pressure in the pulmonary artery (especially if it is significantly increased). Reduces the pressor and arrhythmogenic effects of epinephrine (does not prevent cardiac arrhythmias of other etiologies). Has strong cataleptogenic activity.

With intravenous and intramuscular administration, Cmax in plasma is achieved within 15 minutes. 85-90% binds to plasma proteins. T 1/2 averages 134 minutes. Metabolized in the liver. It is excreted in the form of metabolites (75%) and unchanged (1%) by the kidneys and through the intestines (11%).

After parenteral administration, the effect occurs within 3-10 minutes, the maximum effect is achieved within 30 minutes. The duration of neuroleptic and sedative effects is usually 2-4 hours (possibly up to 12 hours). Combined use with fentanyl (neuroleptanalgesia) causes a rapid neuroleptic and analgesic effect, muscle relaxation, and prevents shock.

Carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, effect on fertility

No studies have been conducted to evaluate the potential carcinogenicity of droperidol.

No mutagenicity of droperidol was detected in the micronucleus test in female rats at single oral doses above 160 mg/kg.

There was no effect of droperidol on fertility in either male or female rats at oral doses of 0.63; 2.5 and 10 mg/kg (approximately 2, 9 and 36 times the MRDC IM or IV).

The effectiveness of the use of droperidol has been shown to reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting during diagnostic and surgical procedures, for the treatment of hiccups, as well as nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy, for the relief of hypertensive crises, in psychiatric practice for psychomotor agitation, hallucinations.

Use of the substance Droperidol

Neuroleptanalgesia (usually in combination with fentanyl or other opioids), premedication, to prepare for instrumental studies, incl. endoscopic and surgical interventions; induction of anesthesia, potentiation of general anesthesia, psychomotor agitation in the postoperative period, pain shock (including myocardial infarction, burns), poisoning (as part of complex therapy); in narcology - alcoholic delirium.


Hypersensitivity, extrapyramidal disorders, appointment of cesarean section during surgery, hypokalemia, arterial hypotension, long QT interval syndrome, early childhood (up to 2 years).

Restrictions on use

Liver and/or renal failure, alcoholism, decompensated chronic heart failure, epilepsy, depression.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When administered intravenously to rats, droperidol caused a slight increase in the number of deaths of newborn rat pups at doses exceeding the MRDC by 4.4 times. Droperidol did not have a teratogenic effect in animals.

During pregnancy, it is used in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Contraindicated in late pregnancy (for example, during cesarean section).

Should not be used during breastfeeding (it is unknown whether droperidol is excreted in breast milk).

Side effects of the substance Droperidol

From the cardiovascular system and blood (hematopoiesis, hemostasis): decreased blood pressure, tachycardia.

From the nervous system and sensory organs: dysphoria, drowsiness in the postoperative period; when used in high doses - anxiety, fear, increased excitability, extrapyramidal disorders; There are reports of postoperative hallucinations (sometimes associated with transient periods of depression).

Rarely - dizziness, chills and/or trembling, laryngospasm, bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions. With the combined administration of droperidol with fentanyl or other parenteral analgesics, an increase in blood pressure is possible (regardless of the presence/absence of previous arterial hypertension).


Enhances the effect of benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opioid analgesics, hypnotics and narcotics, muscle relaxants and antihypertensive drugs. Weakens the effect of dopamine receptor agonists (bromocriptine). Reduces the pressor effect of epinephrine.


Symptoms: a sharp decrease in blood pressure, increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy, if extrapyramidal disorders occur, anticholinergic drugs are used, the decrease in blood pressure is treated with analeptics and sympathomimetic drugs, and in case of hypovolemia, replacement of blood volume is indicated.


Composition and release form of the drug

5 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard boxes.
5 ml - ampoules (5) - contour plastic packaging (2) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic), butyrophenone derivative. It has antipsychotic, cataleptogenic, sedative, antishock, and also effects.

The mechanism of antipsychotic action is associated with blockade of dopamine D 2 receptors of the mesolimbic and mesocortical systems. The sedative effect is due to the blockade of adrenergic receptors in the reticular formation of the brain stem, the antiemetic effect is due to the blockade of dopamine D 2 receptors in the trigger zone of the vomiting center, the hypothermic effect is due to the blockade of dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus.

A decrease in blood pressure is possible due to dilation of peripheral vessels and a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance; reduces pulmonary artery pressure (especially if it is significantly elevated) and reduces the pressor effect of epinephrine. Droperidol reduces the incidence of arrhythmias caused by epinephrine, but does not prevent arrhythmias of other etiologies.

Does not have anticholinergic activity.

With intravenous or intramuscular administration, the effect of droperidol develops after 3-10 minutes, the maximum effect is observed after 30 minutes. The sedative effect lasts 2-4 hours, the total duration of action on the central nervous system can reach 12 hours.



The dose is determined individually, taking into account age, body weight, general physical condition, the nature of the disease, drugs used simultaneously, and the type of anesthesia to be performed.

For premedication, adults are administered 2.5-5 mg intramuscularly 15-45 minutes before surgery; children - 100 mcg/kg.

For induction of anesthesia - IV: adults - 15-20 mg, children - 200-400 mcg/kg (or 300-600 mcg/kg IM).

For long-term operations, repeated intravenous administration is carried out to maintain anesthesia at a dose of 2.5-5 mg.

In the postoperative period, adults are prescribed 2.5-5 mg intramuscularly every 6 hours.

Side effects

From the side of the central nervous system: dysphoria, drowsiness in the postoperative period and, on the contrary, when used in high doses - anxiety, motor excitability, fear; rarely - extrapyramidal symptoms; in isolated cases, hallucinations and depression are observed in the postoperative period.

From the cardiovascular system: moderate arterial hypotension and tachycardia, which, as a rule, do not require special therapy. In very rare cases, arterial hypertension is observed (most likely with the combined use of droperidol with fentanyl or other drugs administered parenterally).

From the digestive system: nausea, loss of appetite, dyspeptic symptoms; rarely - jaundice, transient liver dysfunction.

Allergic reactions: rarely - anaphylactic reactions, dizziness, trembling, laryngospasm, bronchospasm.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system (benzodiazepine derivatives, anesthetics, opioid analgesics, hypnotics), droperidol enhances the depressant effect on the central nervous system.

With simultaneous use, droperidol exhibits antagonism towards epinephrine and other adrenergic and sympathomimetic drugs.

With simultaneous use, droperidol potentiates the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

Because droperidol blocks dopamine receptors; when used simultaneously, it can inhibit the action of agonists, incl. bromocriptine, lisuride and levodopa.

special instructions

Droperidol is used only in hospital settings.

Use with caution in cases of liver and kidney dysfunction, epilepsy and conditions preceding an epileptic seizure, and depression.

In patients with pheochromocytoma, severe arterial hypertension and tachycardia may occur after administration of droperidol.

When using droperidol, the possibility of developing severe arterial hypotension should be anticipated and the availability of means for its timely correction should be provided. Droperidol may cause a decrease in pulmonary artery pressure, which should be kept in mind during surgical and diagnostic procedures. Patients receiving droperidol require close medical supervision.

In elderly patients, physically weakened and depleted patients, as well as at high risk, the initial dose of droperidol should be reduced. When increasing the dose, you must be guided by the effect already obtained.

Against the background of the action of drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, droperidol should be prescribed in a lower dose, and, accordingly, after using droperidol, such drugs should be administered in lower doses.

It should be borne in mind that the use of droperidol in an increased dose (up to 25 mg or more) can cause sudden death in patients with cardiac arrhythmias due to hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance or alcohol withdrawal.

When using droperidol in surgical practice, parameters of the physiological state of the body should be carefully monitored. It must be emphasized that EEG changes disappear slowly after surgery. The use of droperidol during spinal or epidural anesthesia can cause blockade of the intercostal nerves and the sympathetic nervous system, which, in turn, complicates breathing, contributes to the dilation of peripheral vessels and the development of arterial hypotension.

To avoid orthostatic hypotension, care should be taken when transporting the patient and avoid sudden changes in body position.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Against the background of the action of droperidol and for 24 hours after its use, potentially hazardous activities that require a high concentration of attention and rapid psychomotor reactions should be avoided.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Adequate and well-controlled studies of the safety of droperidol during lactation have not been conducted. Butyrophenones are excreted in milk and are not recommended for use during lactation. If it is necessary to use droperidol in the mother, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Dosage form:  injection Compound:

1 ml of solution contains:

active substance: droperidol 2.5 mg;

Excipients: tartaric acid to pH 3.3 (about 1.5 mg), water for injection to 1 ml. Description: Transparent, colorless or slightly colored liquid. Pharmacotherapeutic group:antipsychotic (neuroleptic) ATX:  

N.05.A.D.08 Droperidol


DROPERIDOL is a neuroleptic drug, a butyrophenone derivative. It has high neuroleptic activity and also has a pronounced tranquilizing, sedative, antishock, hypothermic, antiarrhythmic and antiemetic effect. Causes extrapyramidal disorders and has pronounced cataleptogenic activity. Does not have anticholinergic activity.

The main effects are due to the influence of the drug on dopaminergic structures of the brain, mainly on dopamine D 2 receptors of the mesolimbic and mesocortical system.

The sedative effect is due to the blockade of adrenergic receptors in the reticular formation of the brain stem.

Droperidol increases the duration and intensity of the action of sleeping pills, narcotics, analgesics, local anesthetics, anticonvulsants and alcohol.

The antiemetic effect is due to the blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the trigger zone of the vomiting center.

The hypothermic effect is due to the blockade of dopamine receptors in the hypothalamus.

The effect on peripheral alpha-adrenergic receptors is associated with the dilation of blood vessels caused by the drug and a decrease in total peripheral resistance, as well as a decrease in pressure in the pulmonary artery (especially if it is high) and a decrease in the pressor effect of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

DROPERIDOL attenuates arrhythmias caused by adrenaline, but does not prevent cardiac arrhythmias of other etiologies.


When administered intravenously or intramuscularly, the effect of the drug occurs within 5-15 minutes, the maximum effect is achieved after 30 minutes. Plasma protein binding is 85-90%, half-life is 120-130 minutes. The neuroleptic, tranquilizing and sedative effects of the drug last 2-4 hours, but to varying degrees, the pronounced general inhibitory effect on the central nervous system can last up to 12 hours.

Excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites (75%), 1% unchanged; 11% is excreted through the intestines.


Premedication before anesthesia, induction of anesthesia, potentiation of the effect of drugs during general and regional anesthesia.

Neuroleptanalgesia (in combination with opioid analgesics, often with fentanyl).

Providing a sedative effect, preventing nausea and vomiting during diagnostic and surgical procedures.

Pain and vomiting in the postoperative period, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations.

Pain and shock (in case of injuries, myocardial infarction, severe attacks of angina, burns).

Pulmonary edema.

To relieve hypertensive crises.


Increased individual sensitivity to the drug;

Extrapyramidal disorders;



Arterial hypotension;

Long QT syndrome;

Children's age (up to 3 years).


Liver and/or renal failure, alcoholism, decompensated chronic heart failure, epilepsy, depression, pregnancy.

Pregnancy and lactation:

During pregnancy, it is used in cases of extreme necessity, when the therapeutic effect justifies the possible risk of use.

When using droperidol during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Directions for use and dosage:

The administered dose of droperidol should be determined individually, taking into account the patient's age, body weight, general physical condition, the nature of the disease, the medications he is using, and the type of anesthesia to be performed.

Droperidol is used subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously.

When administering the drug, vital physiological functions of the body should be monitored.

Premedication . administered intramuscularly 30-60 minutes before surgery at a dose of 2.5 -10 mg (1-4 ml). The dose is determined individually.

General anesthesia . For induction of anesthesia, use intravenously at a dose of 2.5 mg (1 ml) per 10 kg of body weight in combination with analgesics and/or general anesthesia. In some cases, smaller doses may be used. The total dose of droperidol is determined individually.

During surgery, the maintenance dose of droperidol is 1.25-2.5 mg (0.5-1.0 ml) intravenously.

Use of droperidol in diagnostic procedures without general anesthesia . administered intramuscularly in a dose of 2.5-10 mg (1-4 ml) 30-60 minutes before the procedure. Additionally, it can be administered intravenously at a dose of 1.25-2.5 mg (0.5-1 ml). (Some procedures, like bronchoscopy, require local anesthesia.)

Local anesthesia . To provide additional sedation, administer intramuscularly or intravenously slowly at a dose of 2.5-5 mg (1-2 ml).

To relieve hypertensive crises . administered in a dose of 2.5-5 mg (1-2 ml) intravenously or intramuscularly, if necessary, simultaneously with other drugs. Injections can be repeated after 45-90 minutes.

Use of droperidol in pediatric practice . Children aged 3 to 12 years are used in reduced dosages - 1-1.5 mg (0.4-0.6 ml) per 10 kg of body weight for the purpose of premedication or to provide induction anesthesia.

The safety of droperidol in children under 3 years of age has not been confirmed!

Before use, visual inspection of the droperidol injection solution should be carried out. Do not use a solution that has lost its transparency, acquired a colored color, or a solution from a depressurized package.

Side effects:

Moderate arterial hypotension and tachycardia, which can be stopped without special therapy.

Dysphoria, drowsiness are possible in the postoperative period and, on the contrary, when using higher doses - anxiety, motor excitability, fear. Sometimes extrapyramidal symptoms are observed, which should be relieved with anticholinergic drugs.

Anaphylaxis, dizziness, tremor, laryngospasm, and bronchospasm are less common.

In very rare cases, arterial hypertension and tachycardia are observed with the combined use of droperidol with fentanyl or other analgesics administered parenterally.

In some cases, hallucinations and depression are possible in the postoperative period.

Possible nausea, loss of appetite, dyspeptic symptoms; rarely - jaundice, transient liver dysfunction, allergic reactions.


Overdose symptoms are due to the pharmacological action of the drug.

Symptoms: a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Treatment: the decrease in blood pressure is eliminated by analeptics and sympathomimetic agents. To eliminate extrapyramidal symptoms, it is necessary to use antiparkinsonian drugs.

In case of respiratory failure, artificial ventilation should be used and provided. Careful monitoring of the body's condition is necessary for 24 hours. The patient should be warmed and warm solutions should be introduced into the body.

If severe or prolonged hypotension develops, fluid therapy should be used to avoid hypovolemia.


Droperidol enhances the effect of other drugs that depress the central nervous system (eg, barbiturates, tranquilizers, opioids, general anesthesia). This should be taken into account when choosing drug doses: the dose of droperidol should be reduced if other central nervous system depressants have been used and, conversely, the doses of other drugs that depress the central nervous system should be reduced after using droperidol.

Droperidol exhibits antagonism towards epinephrine and other sympathomimetic agents.

Droperidol potentiates the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

Because it blocks dopamine receptors, it can inhibit the action of dopamine agonists.

When used concomitantly with droperidol, anticonvulsants may require an increase in the dose of the latter.

Special instructions:

Droperidol is used only in hospital settings.

When using droperidol, the possibility of developing arterial hypotension should be anticipated and means should be available for its timely correction.

Patients receiving it should be under close medical supervision.

Initial doses of droperidol should be reduced in elderly, physically frail patients and others at high risk. When increasing the dose of the drug, it is necessary to be guided by the effect already obtained.

It should be borne in mind that the doses of opioids used in conjunction with droperidol should be reduced.

Droperidol rarely causes neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

In the preoperative period, diagnosing neuroleptic hyperthermia is difficult. Appropriate therapy should be started immediately if fever, increased heart rate and hypercapnia occur.

It must be taken into account that high doses of droperidol (25 mg or more) in patients at risk of cardiac arrhythmia due to hypoxia, electrolyte imbalance or alcohol withdrawal can cause sudden death.

With some types of conduction anesthesia (eg, spinal, epidural), blockade of intercostal nerves and sympathetic innervation may develop, which, in turn, complicates breathing, contributes to the dilation of peripheral vessels and the development of hypotension. , in turn, also affects blood circulation. Therefore, in cases where these types of anesthesia are used in addition to these types of anesthesia, the anesthesiologist should anticipate possible changes and carefully monitor the vital functions of the body.

Hypotension may be accompanied by hypovolemia, so fluid therapy is necessary to prevent it. The patient should be positioned to improve venous flow to the heart. During spinal or epidural anesthesia, it is necessary to ensure that the patient’s head does not hang down - this position enhances the effect of anesthesia and impairs venous circulation.

To avoid orthostatic hypotension, care should be taken when transporting the patient; do not quickly change the position of his body. However, if this complication cannot be prevented by parenteral administration of fluids, it is necessary to administer pressor agents, with the exception of epinephrine, which after the use of droperidol can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Droperidol may reduce pulmonary artery pressure. This should be kept in mind during surgical and diagnostic procedures to determine further treatment for the patient.

The parameters of the physiological state of the body should be carefully monitored. It must be emphasized that EEG changes disappear slowly after surgery.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with impaired liver and kidney function.

Patients with pheochromocytoma may experience severe hypertension and tachycardia after administration of droperidol.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles. Wed and fur.:

After using droperidol, patients are not recommended to perform work that requires rapid reaction and is associated with risk, for example, driving vehicles, for 24 hours.

Release form/dosage:

Solution for injection, 2.5 mg/ml.


2 ml or 5 ml in ampoules of neutral glass brand NS-1 or NS-3 or imported from glass of the first hydrolytic class.

5 ampoules per blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed aluminum foil, varnished or flexible packaging based on aluminum foil.

1 or 2 blister packs with instructions for use of the drug, a knife or an ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.

20, 50 or 100 blister packs with 20, 50 or 100 instructions for use of the drug, respectively, with knives or ampoule scarifiers in cardboard boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes.

When packaging ampoules with notches, rings or break points, do not insert knives or ampoule scarifiers.

5 ml in bottles from a glass tube of the NS-3 brand or imported from glass of the first hydrolytic class.

5 bottles each in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil or flexible packaging based on aluminum foil.

1 blister pack with instructions for use of the drug in a cardboard pack.

30 or 50 blister packs with 30 or 50 instructions for use of the drug, respectively, in cardboard boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes.

Storage conditions:

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Best before date: Do not use after expiration date, indicated on the packaging. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: For hospitals Registration number: P N000369/01 Registration date: 17.04.2007 / 23.10.2013 Owner of the Registration Certificate:MOSCOW ENDOCRINE PLANT, FSUE Russia Manufacturer:   Representative office:  MOSCOW ENDOCRINE PLANT FSUE Russia Information update date:   20.01.2016 Illustrated instructions