"Motherwort P" is a natural sedative without a hypnotic effect for increased nervous excitement and cardiovascular disorders

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions


Motherwort herb, vitamin C.

Auxiliary components: lactose, methylcellulose, Tween 80, calcium stearate, talc, titanium dioxide, food colors: Green apple, indigo carmine

Indications for use

As a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamin C, containing flavonoids and iridoids.

Release form

tablets 0.205 g; jar (jar) 100;

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to product components.

Directions for use and doses

Adults: 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals. Duration of treatment is 2 weeks.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Storage conditions

In a dry place, at room temperature.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

The description of vitamin Motherwort P is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Motherwort preparations are used as a sedative for increased nervous excitability, cardiovascular neuroses, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, thyrotoxicosis, insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia and psychasthenia, and neuroses. Positive results are obtained from the use of motherwort in patients in the premenopausal and menopausal periods with functional disorders of the central nervous system!!!


Motherwort (common) - Leonurus cardiaca L. Motherwort five-lobed - Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib. Sem. Lamiaceae - Lamiaceae.

Other names: hairy motherwort, hairy motherwort, dog nettle, heart grass, heart grass, dead nettle.

Spreading. The middle and southern zones of the European part of the country. To the north it is found only near populated areas in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. Motherwort five-lobed is more widespread. In Belarus, motherwort predominates.

Habitat. In vacant lots (hence the name of the plant), in ravines, along roads, in courtyards. Sometimes it forms thickets on the site of former buildings. It is cultivated on many state farms for medicinal plants. Possible cultivation on personal plots. Motherwort is an unpretentious plant, cultivated in row lands for up to four years in one place.

External signs. According to SP XI, leafy flowering stems are up to 40 cm long and up to 5 mm thick. The presence of stems thicker than 5 mm is not allowed. The stems are straight, hollow inside, heavily pubescent; in motherwort they are glabrous (diagnostic sign), with small apical leaves. There are individual ovoid leaves, three- and five-lobed; the apical leaves are located oppositely on the stem, lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, entire. The leaves are dark green above, light green below, densely covered with hairs. The smell is faint herbal. The taste is bitter.

Chemical composition. Flavonol glycosides, mainly rutin, essential oil (traces), saponins, alkaloid stachydrine, tannins, carotene. The alkaloid leonurine was found in Siberian motherwort, collected during flowering. The raw material contains iridoids (the leading group of BAS), among which harpagide, acetylharpagide, ayugol, ajugoside, galiridoside predominate, causing the sedative effect and bitter properties of the drugs. The second group is flavonoids, among which the most characteristic derivatives are quercetin (rutin, isoquerticin, quercitrin, hyperoside) and apigenin (cosmosiin, quinqueloside - a compound of apigenin with glucose and n-coumaric acid, as well as 5,41-dihydroxyn-7-methoxyflavone. K associated substances include caffeic acid and its 4-O-rutinoside, tannins (about 4-5%), nitrogen-containing compounds (stahydrin, choline), vitamin C, traces of essential oil (about 0.03-0.25%). terpenoids are represented by saponins (ursolic acid) and diterpenoids (fetol, leocardine).

Pharmacological properties. Motherwort preparations have sedative properties, lower blood pressure, slow the heart rate, and have anticonvulsant activity in experiments. They have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism, reduce the level of glucose, lactic and pyruvic acids, cholesterol, total lipids in the blood, and normalize protein metabolism.

Application. An old folk remedy. Motherwort was studied at the Tomsk Medical Institute by prof. N.V. Vershinin. The nature of the action of the drugs is close to that of valerian officinalis.

Motherwort preparations are used as a sedative for increased nervous excitability, cardiovascular neuroses, hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, thyrotoxicosis, insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia and psychasthenia, and neuroses. Positive results are obtained from the use of motherwort in patients in the premenopausal and menopausal periods with functional disorders of the central nervous system. It is also prescribed for neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, and spastic pain.

Motherwort P guarding.

  • to achieve a long-term calming effect in case of nervous excitement, insomnia, asthma, palpitations, neuroses;
  • to lower blood pressure;
  • to slow down the heart rate;
  • to relieve convulsive activity;
  • to have a beneficial effect on hydrocarbon and fat metabolism;
  • to reduce the level of glucose, lactic and pyruvic acids, cholesterol, total lipids in the blood;
  • to normalize protein metabolism.

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Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE
* Dietary supplements are not medicines and can only be used to prevent certain types of diseases and maintain the functional activity of organs, as well as as an adjuvant in the complex therapy of a number of diseases.

Latin name: Leonuri R
ATX code: N05CM
Active substance: Motherwort extract
Manufacturer: Parapharm, Russia
Dispensing from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: t up to 25 C
Best before date: 3 years.

Motherwort P is a drug of plant origin that helps reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Indications for use

Prescribed for use as a sedative for:

  • Excessive nervous excitability, certain diseases of the nervous system
  • Development of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular neuroses, signs of labial arterial hypertension, VSD).

Herbal medicine is also prescribed for use for neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract.

Composition and release forms

The composition of the dragee includes motherwort herb powder, the mass fraction of the phytocomponent in 1 dragee is 33.6 mg, Vit. C is also present in an amount of 6 mg and milk sugar.

Motherwort P is produced in the form of a greenish-colored dragee, sold in a bottle containing 100 dr.

Medicinal properties

The drug exhibits a pronounced sedative, diuretic, anticonvulsant, and cardiotonic effect.

Thanks to regular intake of the herbal remedy, it is possible to normalize the activity of the nervous system, significantly reduce nervous excitability, while a hypnotic effect is observed, and antagonism appears, caused by the convulsive influence of analeptic drugs.

The therapeutic effect is observed during treatment in the case of psychoasthenia, neurasthenia, various types of neuroses, in which sleep disturbances, high reactivity, and a feeling of tension are recorded. Correction of functional disorders during the premenopausal and postmenopausal periods was recorded. With VSD, regulation of heart rate was noted, and a pronounced chronotropic effect was manifested. The drug has cardiotonic properties and promotes a gradual decrease in blood pressure. In the treatment of various cardiovascular pathologies (cardiosclerosis, rapid heartbeat, myocardia, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, weakness of cardiac activity), visible positive dynamics are observed.

Price: from 32 to 44 rubles.

The herbal remedy is characterized by a diuretic, restorative, antispastic effect, and helps eliminate the inflammatory process. Positive effects are recorded for pneumonia, dyspeptic disorders, cough syndrome, epileptic seizures, shortness of breath, neuralgia, paralysis, uterine bleeding, pain during menstruation.

Instructions for use of Motherwort P

Oral administration of the pill is provided. The herbal medicine is prescribed for use according to the standard regimen - 2 dr. three times a day (preferably during meals).

Contraindications and precautions

  • Excessive sensitivity to components
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Acute course of the erosive form of gastritis.

The drug is usually not prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The danger of using drugs during pregnancy is due to the stimulating effect on the uterus, which can subsequently lead to premature birth and death of the child.

The medicine should not be used during heavy menstrual flow. The herbal medicine is not prescribed for use by children under 14 years of age.

It is worth considering that the sedative effect usually appears after 3 weeks. taking pills regularly.

Cross-drug interactions

Although the drug is characterized by good compatibility with other sedatives and cardiac drugs, when treating with motherwort, one should not exclude an increase in the therapeutic effect of painkillers and hypnotics.

Side effects

While taking the herbal remedy, the following negative symptoms may develop:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Development of depression
  • Constipation
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure
  • Severe headaches
  • Severe skin hyperemia
  • Dizziness
  • Signs of dyspepsia
  • Allergy.


At the moment, no cases of overdose have been recorded.


Moscow pharmaceutical factory, Russia

Price from 8 to 56 rub.

The drug has a calming effect on the nervous system and is characterized by hypotensive and cardiotonic properties. Used in the case of VSD, regulates heart rhythm, prevents the development of cardiovascular pathologies. Available in the form of a solution for oral use.


  • Availability
  • Prescribed in case of tachycardia due to hyperthyroidism
  • Quickly relieves emotional stress.


  • Contraindicated for use in alcoholism
  • May provoke allergic reactions
  • Slow development of sedative effect (after 3 weeks).

In the aboveground part motherwort discovered bitter glycosides (iridoids) , providing its sedative (calming) and tranquilizing (dulling the feeling of fear, anxiety, tension) properties, normalizing heart rate and work of the heart muscle.

Heart rate is also regulated alkaloids(stahydrine, leonurine, leopuridine), slowing them down. In addition, these substances accelerate the recovery of reflexes of the central nervous system after a stroke, reduce the area of ​​infarction, increase the activity of antioxidants, protect cells from the damaging effects of various agents, normalize blood circulation and blood viscosity, and have cardioprotective effect.

Flavonoidsmotherwort herb(rutin, quercetin, quinqueloside and others) strengthen blood vessels, lower blood pressure, prevent the development of heart diseases, have a choleretic and weak antispasmodic effect.

Tanning compounds And phytoncides Help the body fight germs and bacteria, relieve inflammation.

Developers " Motherwort P» additionally enriched the dietary supplement vitamin C– a powerful tool for combating free radicals that destroy the body and cause aging. Ascorbic acid in the drug has an immunomodulatory, immunostimulating effect, strengthens the nervous system and the walls of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, and helps eliminate bad cholesterol.

Dietary supplement « Motherwort P“has a regulatory effect on the central nervous system, inhibiting excitation processes and activating inhibition processes. At the same time, it does not have a hypnotic effect, which makes it possible to use the drug during the daytime. This is especially important for people leading an active lifestyle.

The pharmacological properties of motherwort successfully complement each other and expand the possibilities of using the plant in the complex therapy of various diseases.

« Motherwort P" at disorders of the nervous system

« Motherwort P» - an effective remedy for disorders of the nervous system. U calming properties motherwort Herbalists and healers used it back in the 15th century. Scientists became interested in the medicinal capabilities of the plant only in the first half of the 20th century.

Group of specialists Tomsk Medical Institute named after V. M. Molotov, under the leadership of N. N. Yablokova, studied 50 people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia (N. N. Yablokova “Clinical observations on the effect of motherwort in diseases of the nervous system”, 1941). Patients complained of irritability, increased emotional excitability, tearfulness, increased sweating, discomfort in the limbs, pain in the heart, headaches, and insomnia. Treatment with motherwort preparations was carried out, after which 43 subjects (86%) showed significant improvements in their condition. The above symptoms either completely disappeared or weakened. Most patients with high blood pressure experienced a moderate decrease in blood pressure.

The same scientists studied the possibilities of using motherwort in the treatment of diseases of the peripheral nervous system (polyneuritis, neuritis and neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, radiculitis, trigeminal neuralgia). 20 people with the above diagnoses were examined. After motherwort therapy, almost all patients (except those suffering from radiculitis) experienced a decrease in pain.

The effect of motherwort in various forms of epilepsy was also studied. In 5 out of 8 cases, a positive therapeutic effect was observed, which consisted of increasing the time interval between seizures. The best results were observed in cases where seizures were caused by mental fatigue, anxiety and other similar influences. However, this effect ceased when treatment was discontinued.

« Motherwort P"containing motherwort herb, has a wide spectrum of effects on the central nervous system. The drug reduces nervous excitability, has antispasmodic, anticonvulsant effects, promotes the regeneration of nerve cells, and normalizes their usual functions. Its sedative effect also extends to the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of internal organs and blood vessels.

It has been proven (V.V. Zverev, NIHFI, M.V. Vershinin, D.D. Yablokov, Department of Pharmacology of Tomsk Medical Institute, A.Ya. Gubergrits, N.I. Solomchenko, N.V. Kozlovskaya) that the calming effect motherwort herb is 2-3 times higher than that of valerian. In a number of countries around the world, for example, in the USA and Canada, manufacturers of herbal pharmaceuticals have almost completely abandoned the use of valerian in favor of motherwort. The latter, by the way, is much easier to grow.

« Motherwort P" Not has a hypnotic effect, however, it facilitates the onset of sleep and promotes a calm and deep flow of the natural physiological process. Natural dietary supplement enhances the effect of sleeping pills, sedatives, anticonvulsants and painkillers.

« Motherwort P» in a comprehensive treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system is often symptomatic. Blood pressure has increased - antihypertensive drugs are prescribed. Increased heart rate - beta blockers. Tormented by shortness of breath - glucocorticoids. These remedies allow you to quickly get rid of symptoms, but, as a rule, do not eliminate the main cause of the disease and have a lot of serious side effects. " Motherwort P"acts on the blood vessels and heart in several directions at once, gently correcting the functioning of vital organs and without having a destructive effect on the body:

  • relieves spasms (narrowing) of the blood vessels of the heart and brain by influencing the autonomic nervous system, dilates the coronary vessels of the heart, thereby improving the blood supply to these organs and providing them with oxygen, and relieves acute headaches;
  • reduces shortness of breath - a feeling of lack of air that occurs in response to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood;
  • prevents excessive blood clotting, prevents thrombosis (ZouO. Z. et al. “Effects of mothewort on blood hyperviscosity”, American Journal of Clinical Medicine, 1989);
  • reduces blood pressure, which often becomes a consequence of malnutrition of the brain, as well as increased blood viscosity (A. D. Turova, “Medicinal plants of the USSR and their use,” 1974);
  • inhibits the excitation of the central nervous system, reduces the brain’s reaction to any stimuli, relieves worries, worries, fear, stress;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • has an antioxidant effect, increases the resistance of cell membranes to the effects of toxic substances, maintains the balance of the internal environment of the body (SunJ. et al. “Anti-oxidative stress of Herba Leonuri on ischemic hearts”, 2005);
  • slows down the heart rate (V. G. Nikolaeva), the increase of which (tachycardia) is often the result of nervous excitement;
  • increases the force of heart contractions (cardiotonic effect) - this function is closely interconnected with the previous one; at rest, the heart rate and their strength compensate each other: when the heart rate increases, the force of heart contractions decreases and vice versa (G. A. Vakslager, V. P. Sysoeva ). " Motherwort P"- has a similar effect to cardiac glycosides.

Studies of the therapeutic effectiveness of motherwort preparations in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, conducted by specialists from the Tomsk Medical Institute, have made it possible to establish significant improvements in clinical indicators in patients diagnosed with cardiosclerosis, cardioneurosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, myocarditis, and cerebral vascular sclerosis.

Proven effectiveness motherwort in the treatment of functional arrhythmia (Weiss, 1995)

Application of Motherwort P» for other diseases

Application of Motherwort P» is not limited to diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Let's consider the effect of the main component of the drug - motherwort to other organs and systems of the body.

  1. Reproductive system. In gynecology motherwort herb used to normalize ovarian function, stimulate menstrual bleeding and labor (intrauterine pressure when taking motherwort increases by 41.3%), relieve pain during menstruation, correct the functioning of the endocrine system, eliminate toxicosis and postpartum depression, with fibroids, restore the emotional background in premenopausal and menopausal women periods, relief from hot flashes and rapid heartbeat during menopause. (Chan W. C. et al. “Clinical observation on the uterotonic effect of I-mu Ts´ao (Leonurus Artemisia)”, American Journal of Clinical Medicine, 1983)

For men "Motherwort P" will help normalize spermatogenesis, eliminate sexual disorders caused by psycho-emotional disorder.

  1. Gastrointestinal tract.Motherwort herb has a stimulating effect on secretory function of the stomach, an analgesic effect for intestinal colic, can normalize the process of gas formation, the level of acidity of gastric juice, relieve discomfort in the stomach and the feeling of a lump in the throat caused by nervous overstrain.

Dietary supplement « Motherwort P"can be used in complex treatment of diseases of stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the colon and pancreas.

  1. Urinary system.Motherwort cordial– an excellent diuretic. The plant contains " Motherwort P“stimulates the functioning of the kidneys, promotes the removal of stones from them, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. A study conducted in China (Bensky and Gamble, 1993) showed the high effectiveness of the use of motherwort herb in complex therapy for the treatment of glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney glomeruli).
  1. Thyroid. Excessive production of hormones by this endocrine gland (hyperthyroidism) in almost 10% of patients is complicated by cardiac arrhythmia, since it entails an increase in the need of the heart muscle for oxygen. Application " Motherwort P"in the complex therapy of this disease will allow you to control the heartbeat, without directly affecting the production of hormones by the thyroid gland. Most plants of the Lamiaceae family, unlike motherwort, contain thyroid-suppressive compounds that suppress the function of the thyroid gland.

There are studies that prove anticancer activitymotherwort(Kuo-Hsiung L. et al., 1988, Nagasawa H. et al., 1990, Chinwala M. G., 2003). Some plant compounds (for example, the triterpenoid ursolic acid) can inhibit the formation of cancer cells and even cause their death (lymphocytic leukemia, lung carcinoma, breast and colon tumors). However, if the tumor is caused by pregnancy, the use of motherwort can stimulate its development.

Can provide invaluable assistance " Motherwort P» for colds, being a source of natural antibiotics - phytoncides and ascorbic acid. The dietary supplement has an expectorant, diaphoretic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect, helps strengthen the body's defenses, eliminate toxins, and restore strength after illness.

How to use Motherwort P"

Mode of application « Motherwort P", the dosage of the drug is prescribed by a specialist taking into account the patient’s age, the nature of the disease, its severity, the degree of neglect, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Adults are usually recommended to take 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals for 20 days, then a break of 15 days is necessary in order to assess the effectiveness of treatment and avoid the toxic effects of the drug on the body (if the selected dosage is high for the patient).

Contraindications for use drug "Moonwort" P"

With optimally selected dosages drug "Moonwort" P" is well tolerated, has no toxic effect on the human body, does not cause side effects, physical or psychological dependence. The World Health Organization reports that there are no documented studies on the toxicity of its main component - motherwort. Only cytotoxicity (the ability to damage cells) is known. ursolic acid contained in the plant. However, this applies to cancer stem cells.

Therapeutic effect " Motherwort P", like many other herbal-based drugs, does not appear immediately. Biologically active substances from plants act on the human body more subtly than synthetic drugs, and this takes longer. However, this is the advantage of natural drugs: their mild effect does not have a destructive effect on the body and does not disrupt the functioning of its organs and systems. Some patients, wanting to enhance the effect of taking a dietary supplement or speed up its manifestation, independently increase the dosage selected by the doctor, and this causes a deterioration in their well-being. Thirst, vomiting, and blood in the stool may occur.

Let's name groups of patients who should be careful when taking dietary supplements " Motherwort P»:

  • pregnant women: taking large doses of the drug can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage;
  • lactating women: in case of overdose " Motherwort P» possible decrease in milk production (due to the diuretic effect of the plant);
  • persons suffering from low blood pressure: the dietary supplement has a hypotensive effect;
  • persons diagnosed with bradycardia (slow heart rate): “ Motherwort P» has an antiarrhythmic effect;
  • persons prone to bleeding, as well as women during menstruation, after an abortion or curettage: taking a drug based on motherwort may cause bleeding;
  • for those whose work involves increased attention and physical activity: “ Motherwort P» may reduce reaction, alertness, and physical power for a short time;
  • people with serious diseases of the central nervous system: a dietary supplement can have an excessive inhibitory effect on the activity of nerve centers. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily stop taking the drug or significantly reduce the dosage.

Advantages drug "Moonwort" P"

Herbal medicines, which have a sedative effect, are easy to find on pharmacy shelves. A lot of pharmaceutical companies are involved in their production. How to navigate this diversity and make the best choice? Let's talk about the benefits drug "Moonwort" P".

One of them - refusal of extraction in the manufacture of dietary supplements. In pharmacology, it is customary to conditionally divide mineral substances and organic compounds of plants into active (having medicinal properties), accompanying (having a beneficial or undesirable effect on the human body - vitamins, minerals, sugars, anthranol derivatives and others) and ballast (not exhibiting active properties). Most manufacturers prefer to isolate (extract) their active substances from medicinal plants, cutting off all others, and include them in their preparations. This greatly simplifies the process of making tablets and allows them to extend their shelf life. However, today there is no exact data on which plant substances should be considered active. In addition, ballast and related substances are also necessary for the body. They promote better absorption of active substances and ensure the removal of their breakdown products. The company "Parapharm" is the manufacturer of " Motherwort P» uses entire plants with a full range of their substances in its preparations - just as our distant ancestors did, treating with herbs.

An important aspect in the production of plant-based preparations is the method of preserving the beneficial substances of the raw materials. It is known that any change in the conditions of a plant’s usual environment (for example, a significant increase in temperature during heat treatment) affects the bonds of atoms in the molecules of its substances and leads to the destruction of molecular structures. Thus, a protein molecule can unwind into a chain of amino acids. Along with this, there is a loss of biological activity of substances. How to avoid this? The answer is simple: get as close as possible to the natural conditions for the plant. The Parapharm company succeeded. It exposes plant raw materials not to heat treatment, but to cold. In nature, plants are perennials, which include motherwort, also survive winter frosts every year and do not lose their beneficial properties. Cryotreatment allows you to preserve the valuable properties of plants as much as possible, get rid of bacteria, and ensure better absorption of active substances.

« Motherwort P"is the healing power of the plant, preserved for a long time in a form convenient for administration.