What does somatic condition mean? Mental disorders in cancer. Risk factor assessment

IN modern world the development of many diseases occurs, according to psychologists and scientists, due to psychological trauma, experiences, various negative beliefs and thoughts. Quite often there are situations where there are no physiological prerequisites for the onset of the disease, but the disease progresses. In this case, they begin to talk about somatic disorders. So what is it?

Somatic diseases are physical illnesses, as opposed to mental pathologies. This group includes pathologies that are caused by malfunctions internal systems and organs or external influences not related to mental activity person.


Somatic manifestations lead to the appearance of symptoms of many diseases, the nature of which is influenced by the predisposition of the individual.

Common somatic pathologies include the following diseases:

  • Stomach ulcer and duodenum . The main cause of this disease is increased nervousness. Overexertion causes an increase in acidity and, as a result, the appearance of ulcers.
  • Neurodermatitis(skin disease) - appears due to depression, the disease is accompanied by skin imperfections, nervousness, severe itching.
  • Bronchial asthma- can be caused by strong feelings. By affecting the heart, stress causes an attack of suffocation.
  • Ulcerative colitisnervous disorders and stress are common causes of illness.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis– most often appears due to mental disorders, nervous overstrain, resulting in symptoms of joint disease.
  • Essential (chronic) hypertension- appears due to overload of nervous activity.

Less commonly, somatic diseases contribute to the development of:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Ischemic myocardial disease.
  • Somatoform behavior disorders.


The basis of somatic personality disorders is the body’s reaction to stressful situations, which provoke malfunctions internal organs.

The reason for the development of such conditions is emotional stress caused by:

  • conflicts;
  • increased nervousness;
  • anger;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • anxiety;
  • fear.


It is quite difficult to recognize somatization, often when similar condition the patient complains about painful sensations in the body, but as a result of the examination, the reasons for the appearance of symptoms are absent. The most common symptoms of somatic diseases are:

Appetite disturbance

Such disorders may look like complete absence appetite and heightened feeling hunger. They are often caused by depression and stress. Most neuroses are accompanied by loss of appetite. Some diseases manifest themselves in a complex in one person. For example, bulimia and anorexia.

If a patient suffers from anorexia nervosa, then he may refuse food, sometimes feel disgusted with it, while the body’s need for food will remain. Bulimia is characterized by uncontrolled consumption large quantity food and can cause obesity. In some cases, the pathology leads to weight loss. This happens when a person, feeling self-dislike due to neurosis, begins to drink laxatives and induce vomiting.

Sleep disturbance

One of the most common symptoms mental disorders - insomnia. It mainly appears due to inner experiences. In this case, the patient cannot fall asleep while trying to take correct solution and find a way out of a difficult situation. In the morning a person wakes up irritable and tired. Insomnia is often observed with neuroses.

Neurasthenia is characterized by sensitivity to sleep: a person sleeps, but even a small sound awakens him, after which he cannot fall asleep.

Pain syndrome

With somatic disorders, the patient complains of pain in the organ that is the most vulnerable for him.

Depression is often accompanied by unpleasant, stabbing sensations in the heart, which may be accompanied by anxiety and fear.

Headaches of psychogenic origin may occur due to tension in the neck muscles. Hysteria or self-hypnosis also lead to headaches.

Some stressful situations trigger severe pain in the back of the head, the patient feels pain radiating to the shoulders. Such conditions often haunt anxious and suspicious people.

Sexual function disorders

There are several libido disorders. These include: excessively increased or decreased sexual desire, pain during sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm.

Such disorders lead to psychological factors, among them - long-term abstinence, low self-esteem, lack of a permanent partner, fear, unconscious disgust.

Risk factor assessment

Most often, somatic diseases develop in adolescence and rarely in those over 30. In most cases, disorders occur in women, and the risk of their occurrence is higher for those with a family history of a similar pathology, drug use or drug addiction, personality disorders of an antisocial nature.

In addition, suspicious people and those who are busy are susceptible to somatic diseases. mental labor or is constantly under stress.

How to treat

Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting. Stay in inpatient conditions shown at stage acute manifestation psychomatosis, after which a period of recovery begins. Important is assigned to work with the patient, which will alleviate the psychoneurological factors in the development of the disease.

From medicines preference is given to those needed to treat the emerging disease. In parallel with taking medications, psychotherapeutic therapy is carried out in order to influence the mechanism of development of the disease and the factors that provoke it. Antidepressants or tranquilizers are prescribed to calm you down.

Usage folk remedies is considered as an adjunct to basic treatment methods. Most often, the doctor will prescribe plant extracts and herbs that will help treat a specific illness that has arisen (for example, cabbage juice for stomach ulcers, calendula decoction for hypertension).

In children

The most common condition is a physical disorder that can create difficulties emotionally, mentally and physical development child is neuropathy. This serious violation congenital etiology, that is, appearing during intrauterine development or during childbirth.

The causes of neuropathy can be:

  • Long-term toxicosis in the mother.
  • Pathological development of pregnancy, which leads to the threat of miscarriage.
  • Stress expectant mother while expecting a child.

Signs of childhood neuropathy include:

  • Emotional instability- tendency to worry emotional disorders, irritable weakness, rapid onset of affects.
  • Sleep disturbance in the form of night terrors, difficulty falling asleep, refusal to sleep during the day.
  • Autonomic dystonia(disorder nervous system, which regulates the functioning of internal organs). Expressed in various disorders in the functioning of internal organs: dizziness, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, etc. In school and preschool age in children when difficulties arise in adapting to children's institution Somatic reactions are often observed in the form of pressure fluctuations, headaches, vomiting, etc.
  • Metabolic disorders, tendency to allergic reactions With various manifestations, increased sensitivity to infections. Scientists suggest that allergies in boys and decreased appetite are associated with internal tension and emotional dissatisfaction of the mother family life during the period of bearing a child.
  • Minimal brain weakness. Manifests in hypersensitivity child to external influences: bright light, noise, stuffiness, travel by transport, weather changes.
  • General somatic disorder, decreased immune forces of the body. The child often suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases respiratory system etc. In this case, the disease can begin with a strong emotional experience associated, for example, with separation from loved ones, difficulties in adapting to preschool institution. In the development of such a state significant role plays general state mothers during pregnancy, especially poor emotional well-being, sleep disturbances, severe fatigue.
  • Psychomotor disorders(stuttering, tics, involuntary urination during the night and nap). Such disorders most often disappear with age and have only a seasonal dependence, worsening in autumn and spring.

The first signs of neuropathy are diagnosed already in the first year of a child’s life; they appear:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • restless sleep;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • rolling up when crying.

Neuropathy is only a basic pathogenic factor, against the background of which a decrease in the child’s overall activity, including mental activity, may occur. As a result, psychophysical maturation slows down, which negatively affects mental development, adaptation to social realities, personality changes (a child may become completely dependent on others, lose interest in life, and so on).

With the timely organization of health-improving, general strengthening measures, including a favorable psychological atmosphere, over time the signs of neuropathy decrease and disappear. In case of unfavorable circumstances, pathology becomes the basis for the development of chronic somatic diseases and psychoorganic syndrome.

Many experts believe that diseases often arise as a result of psychological stress, stressful situations, negative thinking and anxiety. There are cases when pathologies of internal organs develop without obvious physiological reasons. It is then that doctors talk about such a phenomenon as somatic diseases. About him we'll talk in the sections of the article.


So, what are somatic diseases? These are pathologies that arise due to negative influence on the body external factors and the mental state of a person.

Today in medicine there is a widespread belief that diseases appear due to nervous overstrain.

And this point of view can be considered completely justified. After all, emotional overload negative thoughts, depression and anxiety negatively affect a person’s physical condition. Answering the question about what somatic diseases are, doctors talk about this phenomenon as the opposite of mental disorders. However, it should be remembered that everything in the body is interconnected. Unfavorable factors, such as fears, stressful situations, anxiety, disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and disable internal organs. The result is illness. It manifests itself as a deterioration in physical well-being.

Examples of somatic diseases

Such pathologies are usually not associated with a person having a mental disorder.

Many somatic diseases are characterized by pronounced physical manifestations. These are inflammatory, bacterial and viral pathologies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, mechanical damage. Chronic somatic diseases usually have subtle symptoms. But sometimes there are periods of exacerbation. As frequently occurring somatic diseases can be called those to which people with a certain type of personality and way of thinking are prone. Here sample list such pathologies:

  1. Ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Appears in nervous, anxious individuals. Due to strong experiences, a lot of acid is formed in the digestive organs. As a result, ulcers occur.
  2. Skin diseases. Appear in the background depressive states. At the same time, the skin constantly itches and flakes.
  3. Asthma. Appears against a background of fears and stressful situations that negatively affect the activity of the heart.
  4. Arthritis. They arise due to mental overload.
  5. Chronic hypertension.
  6. Diabetes.

Factors that impair the functioning of internal organs

Speaking about what somatic diseases are, experts emphasize that such pathologies are often provoked by fear, anxiety, and depression. Deterioration in the functioning of internal organs can be caused by reasons such as quarrels, aggression, increased responsibility, reaction to stressful situations, lack of satisfaction with oneself, one’s life and one’s environment.

Somatic disorders that arise as a result of such factors are difficult to diagnose and treat, as they can manifest various symptoms and have an unclear clinical picture.


Continuing to talk about what somatic diseases are and how they manifest themselves, it is necessary to add that similar pathologies There is characteristic symptoms. These include the following:

  1. Appetite disturbances (lack of desire to eat or increased hunger). May be caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, infections, as well as other diseases (anorexia nervosa, bulimia). Sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Aversion to food and refusal of it are just as dangerous to health as systematic overeating.
  2. Sleep disorders (drowsiness, insomnia). May be a symptom hormonal problems, heart and vascular diseases.
  3. Sexual function disorders (pain during sex, erectile dysfunction, lack of orgasm, decreased desire).
  4. Emotional disorders (feeling depressed, overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability, depression).
  5. Pain syndrome ( discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, head, stomach, muscles).

It must be remembered that the above signs can be manifestations of many pathologies. Only a specialist is able to conduct a thorough diagnosis and establish what kind of disease the patient is suffering from. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw conclusions about your condition and take medications on your own.

Somatic diseases in childhood

Such pathologies occur not only in adult patients. The development of somatic diseases is also possible in childhood. What factors can cause them? As possible reasons development of somatic pathologies in childhood, doctors usually highlight pronounced manifestations of toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, stressful situations during pregnancy, and disturbances in fetal formation.

It can be argued that the prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases in children lie in the prenatal period. As a rule, a child who early age suffers somatic pathology, disturbances in physical, emotional and intellectual development occur.

Mental disorders in somatic diseases

Doctors have long established the fact that physical state a person has a direct impact on his emotional condition. For example, if serious pathologies occur that require immediate treatment in the hospital, people have strong feelings. Some heart diseases are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, anxiety, deterioration of memory and attention, and aggression. At cancerous tumors patients get tired quickly and have a depressed mood. Kidney pathologies are accompanied muscle pain, slowness of movements and reactions. Fever at severe infections may provoke delusional states, visual and auditory hallucinations.

For a specialist, careful monitoring of patients with severe somatic diseases is extremely important. After all, deterioration in well-being can often lead to emotional disorders.

Patient's response to illness

The behavior of a person suffering from somatic pathology is largely determined by his personal characteristics. on his mental condition The following conditions also have an impact:

  1. Type of disease, severity of symptoms, features of the pathology.
  2. The patient's awareness of his diagnosis.
  3. Features of therapy, attitudes of doctors.
  4. Family climate.
  5. Reactions of relatives, colleagues, friends to the patient’s condition.

Somatic diseases in humans are common reasons emotional disturbances. Moreover, some patients become anxious, irritable, depressed, overly suspicious, and conflict with doctors who, in their opinion, do not pay proper attention to them. Other patients underestimate their illness and neglect examination and therapy. Often, relatives of people with somatic pathologies convince them to give up traditional medicine and turn to healers for help, traditional healers. This is extremely dangerous, since such people are not specialists. They often make incorrect diagnoses and prescribe medications to patients that worsen their condition.


So, in order to cope with somatic pathology, you need to contact a competent specialist. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures, and after the examination it will be possible to decide on therapy. During the consultation, doctors talk with the patient, ask him about his symptoms, and examine him. Then research is carried out.

These include lab tests blood, urine, ultrasound diagnostics, CT scan, x-ray and so on.

Therapy and prevention of pathologies

Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out after determining accurate diagnosis. It includes drugs that relieve symptoms of pathology and eliminate the cause of malfunctions in organs and systems. Doctors often prescribe dietary supplements to patients, vitamin complexes. Of no small importance is physical therapy, physiotherapy, proper nutrition. At serious pathologies the patient is observed in the hospital. There are held necessary research, intensive treatment methods are used.

In some cases (especially in situations where the disease is accompanied by emotional disturbances) patients require the help of a psychotherapist. Individual or group classes, sedatives help stabilize a person’s mental state.

In the modern world, there are many prerequisites for the development of various diseases. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is important to healthy image life.

Proper nutrition, exercise, no overload and positive thinking are effective methods prevention.

General condition: satisfactory, body temperature: 36.5 C., pulse: 74 beats/min

Frequency breathing movements: 22 per minute, Body type: normosthenic.

Skin and visible mucous membranes: the skin is pale pink, there are no rashes, skin moisture is moderate, elasticity is preserved. Visible mucous membranes are pink, shiny, clean, moist.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue: moderately developed, evenly distributed.

Lymphatic system: lymph nodes are not enlarged.

Muscular system: muscle strength is sufficient, tone is normal. Tissue turgor is preserved. There is a mild tremor of the upper extremities of moderate amplitude.

Bones and joints: pathological changes upon examination in the bones of the skull, spine, chest, pelvis, long tubular bones not detected.

Thyroid gland: not palpable.

Respiratory organs: according to examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation of the respiratory system, no pathology was found.

Cardiovascular system: the limits of relative dullness of the heart correspond to the norm. On auscultation, a weak systolic murmur is heard at the apex. The pulse is weakly filled and has satisfactory tension. The elasticity of the vessel wall is preserved. Blood pressure -160/85 mm Hg

Digestive organs: mouth: mucous membrane is pink, moist, tongue: there is a white coating on the root of the tongue, tonsils: do not extend beyond the edges palatine arches, belly: regular shape, in horizontal position does not protrude beyond the edges of the costal arches. Superficial palpation of the intestine is painless. It is painless on deep palpation. The liver does not extend beyond the edges of the right costal arch, palpation is painless, the edge is smooth and elastic. The pancreas and spleen are not palpable.

Genitourinary system: without features.

Neurological condition:

The reaction of the pupils to light is lively, the same on both sides, there is no anisocoria. No nystagmus was detected, convergence was preserved. Range of motion eyeballs full. The corners of the mouth are symmetrical, the nasolabial folds are expressed equally on both sides. Facial expressions are preserved. Volume of active and passive movements in all joints it is full, in the joints of the same name the range of motion is the same. Muscle tone is normal.

No disturbances in tactile, pain or temperature sensitivity were detected. Tendon and periosteal reflexes are preserved and equally pronounced on both sides. No pathological reflexes or meningeal signs were detected. The patient is stable in the Romberg position. Performs coordination tests (finger and heel-knee tests) freely.

Mental condition:

Consciousness is clear, oriented in place and space. Indicates the date and date correctly. Switching off and clouding of consciousness are not observed.

The patient has a normosthenic build, is neat, and takes care of himself. Facial expressions are active and monotonous. The posture is open for communication, slouching. The patient is available for speech contact. Voice contact is available. Formal in his answers. During a conversation, he constantly changes his position, is fussy, and restless. Low speech culture, slurred pronunciation of words, low vocabulary. The patient realizes that he is sick, wants to be cured, but at the moment considers himself healthy.

The events of the past are not accurately reproduced. Remembers his date of birth, mother, father, sister. New information is fully perceived, but the ability to retain and reproduce it is reduced.

The 10-word test showed that the patient immediately repeated 7 words, and after 10 minutes he remembered 5 words.

He doesn’t remember the name of his attending physician, but he writes down all new names in his notebook. From all of the above, we can conclude that the patient has impaired immediate memory and a decrease in long-term memory. The symptoms of “already seen”, “never seen” are negative.

Perception disturbances are revealed in pseudohallucinations, the patient hears a voice inside himself, in the singular, male, who often gives advice to the patient, the voice is calm, the patient does not have great worries because of the voice.

The patient's attention is unstable, easily distracted, the patient is often distracted, quickly exhausted, the scope of attention is sharply narrowed, there is a violation of the direction of attention.

Thinking is unproductive, amorphous, with elements of fragmentation. The patient also has delusional ideas aimed at constantly moving objects around him and changing the situation.

Indecisive, lacks self-confidence, compliant, easily suggestible.

Low level of intelligence, which corresponds to the education received. The attitude towards the doctor is friendly and interested. There is no criticism of my condition. In the emotional-volitional sphere, the patient has plans for the future, namely, he believes in the possibility of a cure, makes plans for later life Once he is cured, he wants to start his own family and children. He is taking the medicine.

corporeal, pertaining to the body, as opposed to mental, pertaining to the human psyche.

In his work “The Interpretation of Dreams” (1990), S. Freud used the concept of “somatic” when considering various sources dreams. He drew attention to the fact that researchers, as a rule, identified three somatic sources: objective sensory stimuli received from the outside, subjective internal stimulation of the sense organs, and physical stimuli received from within. Despite the popularity at that time of the theory of somatic stimuli as a source of dreams, the founder of psychoanalysis noted it weak sides. In particular, he showed that external stimuli do not necessarily cause dreams, although they appear in their content: pathology indicates numerous examples that various stimuli during sleep may have no effect.

Discussing various concepts, the authors of which focused on the somatic sources of the formation of dreams, S. Freud came to the conclusion that any theory that considers a dream to be a purposeless and mysterious mental reaction to somatic irritations has no basis. In his opinion, somatic sources are involved in the formation of dreams only if they are capable of connecting with the content of the ideas of the psychic source. This is reminiscent of the case when a patron brings an artist a rare stone and orders it to be made into a work of art. “The size of the stone, its color and the purity of the water determine the very character of the work, while with an abundant material, such as marble, the leading role is played not by the stone itself, but by the artist’s idea.”

In his “Lectures on Introduction to Psychoanalysis” (1916/17), S. Freud emphasized that the psychoanalytic understanding of dreams is based on the assumption that “the dream is not somatic, but psychic phenomenon" In his research and therapeutic activities, a psychoanalyst is interested in dreams only to the extent that they are considered not a somatic, but a mental phenomenon. The attitude of the psychoanalyst to mental illness, the origins of which are correlated with mental rather than somatic causes. However, this does not mean that the psychoanalyst ignores the somatic manifestation neurotic symptoms. As S. Freud noted, sexual function does not seem to be purely mental or purely somatic. It influences both the mental and bodily life. “If in the symptoms of psychoneuroses we saw manifestations of disturbances in its effects on the psyche, then we would not be surprised if in actual neuroses we find direct somatic consequences of sexual disorders.”

In modern psychoanalytic literature, considerable attention is paid to psychosomatic conditions and disorders. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that psychoanalysis is characterized, in the words of S. Freud, “not by the material with which it deals, but by the technique with which it works.”

Violations and their causes in alphabetical order:

somatic disorder -

Somatic disorder(from the Greek “soma” - body) - a bodily disease, the opposite of a mental disorder.

Somatic disorders, consisting of damage to internal organs (including endocrine) or entire systems, often cause various mental disorders, most often called “somatically caused psychoses”, as well as “somatogenic psychoses”.

K. Schneider proposed to consider the presence of the following signs as conditions for the appearance of somatically caused psychoses:
1) the presence of a pronounced clinical symptom of a somatic disorder;
2) the presence of a noticeable connection over time between somatic and mental disorders;
3) a certain parallelism in the course of mental and somatic disorders;
4) possible, but not obligatory, appearance of organic symptoms.
There is no single view on the reliability of this classification.

Symptoms of somatic disorder depend on the nature of the underlying disease, the degree of its severity, the stage of its course, the level of effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, as well as on such individual properties of the patient as heredity, constitution, premorbid personality, age, sometimes gender, reactivity of the body, the presence of previous harmful effects (the possibility of a reaction “ changed soil" - S. G. Zhislin).

What diseases cause somatic disorders:

K. Jaspers writes that the connection between body and soul is not at all direct and unambiguous, because certain mental events cannot be spoken of as something that is directly interconnected with such certain events that belong to the somatic sphere. The scientist believes that during the study somatic changes it is absolutely necessary to keep in mind the possible mental reasons, and vice versa.

The cause of a somatic disorder can be such qualities of mental properties as incompleteness, openness, freedom and an endless variety of possibilities, including temperament and character. Man is not finished form, it forms itself, adapting to conditions external environment, while developing at the same time. We can understand and accordingly study the human as a mental phenomenon only from the standpoint of perceiving the concept of an object.

It is difficult to study mental processes, but they can be studied from the point of view somatic manifestations, diseases, behavior, actions, motives, intentions, etc. These perceptible phenomena are the results of the functioning of the mental substance. To explain mental life, we must work with mechanisms external to consciousness - with events occurring in the sphere of the unconscious, which, of course, themselves cannot be translated into a form accessible to direct perception, but can only be thought of in the form of mental or physical symbols or analogies. The study of somatic diseases poses a number of tasks for the researcher - how to save life, prolong life, preserve the ability to reproduce, physical capacity, strength, minimize fatigue and pain, make sure that own body- apart from the pleasant sensations caused by the awareness of one’s physical existence in the world, one could pay as little attention as possible.

F. Dunbar (1948), A. Mirsky, B. D. Karvasarsky (1982) and other researchers point to psychological factors in the occurrence of somatic disorders. So, for example, G. Selye (1992) writes that the mental and somatic in a person act in the unity of external and internal influences on the body. According to V.A. Romenets (2003), G. Selye, in his works on the general adaptation syndrome and the theory of stress, gives us not only the rationale for modern psychosomatic medicine, but also leads us to the need to study the mechanisms involved in the formation of human psychosomatic adaptation.

Thus, at the modern scientific stage of development modern science it is necessary to understand and take into account the fact that the human body is a single whole (integral), and the functioning of its parts can only be understood from the point of view of the functioning of this entire system.

Which doctors should I contact if a somatic disorder occurs:

Have you noticed a somatic disorder? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor– clinic Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors they will examine you and study you external signs and will help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide necessary help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on it.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Is your physical condition impaired? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent terrible disease, but also support healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on medical portal Eurolab to stay up to date latest news and information updates on the website, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of disorders, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us, we will definitely try to help you.