Chronic alcoholism: symptoms and treatment of the disease. What is chronic alcoholism: signs, stages, consequences

Alcohol is currently the most sold product. Alcohol of all brands and types is in great demand among most modern residents. Almost everyone drinks alcohol. The only difference is the reason for drinking, the amount of drink consumed and its type. According to statistics, the number of people addicted to alcohol is increasing every year.

Any alcoholic drink includes ethanol in its composition, the strength of the drink depends on it (this parameter is indicated on the product label). Ethyl alcohol is inherently a powerful poison of the neuroparalytic level, which negatively affects the central nervous system and causes irreparable damage to the work of all internal organs. Over time, regular alcohol consumption in a person shows symptoms of chronic alcoholism, a deadly disease.

Chronic alcoholism is a severe mental illness

Alcohol abuse, regardless of the stage of development of addiction and the type of manifestation, refers to a disease that has formed on the basis of immoderate and prolonged consumption of alcohol. Chronic alcoholism is the most dangerous and severe type of pathological process.

Chronic alcoholism (or etilism) is based on the development of the strongest individual dependence which affects all aspects of the human personality (mental, biological and physical).

This pathology passes with the simultaneous addition various diseases, the development of which provoked prolonged use of ethanol. This pathology is most often diagnosed in representatives strong half humanity. But unfortunately, female and even children's alcoholism is far from uncommon at the present time.

The main causes of alcoholism

Signs of chronic alcoholism differ in variety and severity. The brightness of their manifestations increases with the development of the need for drunkenness (addiction). In an attempt to achieve the desired euphoric high, addicts drink without monitoring the amount of alcohol consumed, and imperceptibly come to complete degradation of the personality and irreversible mental disorders.


Based on many years of research, doctors have come to the conclusion that the main cause of a severe form of addiction to alcohol is heredity. "Burdened" genetics is caused by a small amount of production by the liver of a certain enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenesis). This compound works on the breakdown and removal of ethanol metabolites.

Chronic alcoholism code 10 according to the ICD has the following: F 10 4 and refers to mental disorders.

It is also noted that the tendency to form etilism has certain group people with some personality traits. These are the following individuals:

  • weak-willed;
  • easily suggested;
  • unable to cope with life's problems;
  • susceptible jumps mood (cyclothymia).

An important role in the development of chronic alcoholism is played by the cultural traditions and habits of the family, the upbringing received, the existing status and social position occupied. Prolonged exposure to ethyl alcohol forms a toxic and narcotic lesion of the central nervous system with a global disruption of brain structures.

How ethanol affects the body

The result is major changes in the reaction of cellular tissue to ethanol, which provokes the appearance of alcohol addiction. The problem comes against the backdrop of major failures of various chemical reactions and severe destruction of internal organs. The most toxic to the body is acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol produced against the background of its oxidation.

The presence of chronic alcohol dependence during pregnancy is a direct indication for its artificial interruption.

How the disease develops

Explaining what chronic alcoholism is, it is impossible not to touch upon the features of its development. This pathology does not have a rapid and instantaneous occurrence. The chronic type is caused by long-term formation against the background of the systematic influence of alcohol..

On average, in men, etilism develops over 12-15 years, women become addicted much faster, for them this time period fits into 4-5 years. Subject to the existing factors of heredity, the period is reduced to a year.

Directions of pathology

Chronic alcoholism is formed in three different directions. They differ in the observed signs and duration of the course.

  1. Heavy progredient type. Formed by rapid development (up to 2-3 years). Passes on the basis of strong personal degrading changes, there are no periods of remission.
  2. Medium progredient. Not such a rapid form of the disease, the average time for the development of pathology is 7-8 years. It is distinguished by a milder course and long time intervals when the patient does not have a craving for drinking.
  3. Low-progressive. The main difference between this type of pathology is slow development. There are long periods of remission, they can last for several years.

Stages of chronic alcoholism

Forms of the disease differ from each other by signs that tend to gradually increase. Narcologists distinguish three stages of alcohol addiction of a chronic type. They are the following:

  1. I stage. It is characterized by a pronounced painful craving for drinking. A person at this stage feels the need for regular alcohol consumption.
  2. II stage. This form is manifested by the development of withdrawal syndrome - it becomes important sign diseases. Ethylism at this stage is already fully formed and it manifests itself in various problems in the work of internal organs.
  3. III stage. It takes place against the background of a rapid decrease in the body's ability to resist ethanol. Vivid and irreversible processes of degradation are already noted: hard drinking, mental disorders. In the absence of the required dose of alcohol, a person manifests bouts of depression, hysteria, panic.

The last stage of chronic alcoholism turns the patient's life into a painful existence, saturated with long drinking bouts. Short-term respite from alcohol does not allow the body to completely cleanse itself of toxic toxins. In the absence of good alcohol, the patient switches to a surrogate, which is fraught with fatal intoxications.

How alcoholism develops

The last stage of etilism is based on the persistent emergence of biological and psycho-emotional alcohol dependence. Now alcohol becomes the most significant in the life of the addict, occupying the whole meaning of existence. Any attempts to stop drunkenness and protect a person from drinking bouts are stopped by aggression. The patient loses all norms of ethics and morality.

The psychoemotional state of the patient

Continuous negative impact poisonous ethanol on brain cells lead to extensive death nerve cells(necrosis). In 60% of cases, chronic alcoholics have various mental disorders. They show the following symptoms:

  • affects;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • acute hallucinosis;
  • paranoid states;
  • increased level of anxiety.

Psychopathic manifestations are clearly observed during drunken states and short-term phases of sobering up. Ethanol contributes to the destruction of memory, gradually leading the patient to dementia (dementia) and degradation. Now the family, children, moral principles become for the alcoholic some kind of ephemeral and missing concepts.

The first signs of addiction development

By the way, the manifestations of alcoholism depend on the natural warehouse of a person's character. In particular:

  1. In persons who are distinguished by a weakness of character, an inferiority complex, timidity are clearly manifested, insecurity and neurasthenia increase.
  2. People who are predisposed to tantrums are characterized by an increase in the demonstration of bravado, deceit.

Signs of biological addiction

By the time an alcoholic has reached the chronic stage, internal organs have already been heavily damaged. All diseases that have developed in the process of taking alcohol have acquired an advanced stage.

In chronic alcoholics, diseases are characterized by rapid progression, since a person, being constantly in a state of intoxication, does not feel pain. Soreness, which manifests itself in rare moments of sobriety, is immediately drowned out by another portion of ethanol.

Therefore, such consequences of alcoholism as cirrhosis, gastritis, ulcers, heart pathologies, circulatory system, organs of the gastrointestinal tract are already in extremely severe and neglected forms. Biological alcohol addiction becomes extremely stable due to global disturbances in metabolic systems occurring in the body.

Is therapy possible in the chronic stage of alcoholism

It is impossible for a person suffering from etilism to cope with his disease on his own. Too significant role here is played by physical / mental dependence and the degradation that has occurred with the destruction of a person’s personality.

According to narcologists, it is not possible to completely cure the patient of chronic alcoholism. Only under the condition of well-chosen therapy can a long and stable remission be achieved.

Treatment of chronic alcoholism is carried out only if the patient himself has a desire to return to a normal existence. Therapy starts with complete cleansing organism. In the process of detoxification, all alcohol residues are removed from the patient's body. Then doctors add vitamin therapy and a course of necessary medications.

Chronic alcoholic encephalopathy is one of the dangerous consequences of addiction.

What kind of drugs are needed for the treatment of an alcoholic, the attending physician determines. The following drugs are mainly used:

In psychotherapy:

  • sleeping pills;
  • neuroleptics;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • psychotropic drugs.

For vegetative disorders:

  • increased fluid intake;
  • a more high-calorie diet is being developed;
  • insulin doses are administered to increase appetite;
  • nootropic medicines (Binastim, Phenibut, Pantogam or Picamilon).

Measures are also being taken to treat existing pathologies of a chronic nature that are in the acute stage. Modern ways Therapies for etilism are varied. But most of them are acceptable only if the patient is stabilized. Methods are used such as:

  1. Hypnotherapy.
  2. Ozone therapy.
  3. Purification of blood plasma.
  4. Hypnosis according to the Dovzhenko method.
  5. Irradiation of blood with ultraviolet rays.
  6. Coding with Esperal, Disulfiram.
  7. Blockade by electromagnetic impulses and various drugs.

Great importance is given to the entire period of treatment from pathology right attitude to the patient of his relatives and relatives. During this extremely difficult period in the life of an addict, the support of relatives is vital for him, especially in the first weeks of therapy.

Consequences of Ethylism

Most high level mortality of chronic alcoholics is due to the fault of developed cardiovascular pathologies. The lethal effect of ethanol is extremely detrimental to the work of the myocardium (heart muscle), which greatly increases the threshold for mortality.

Several times increases the lethal outcome and chronic alcohol intoxication. Poisoning provokes the development of liver tissue necrosis, followed by the development of pancreatic necrosis. Also, drunken alcoholics have a high tendency to suicidal attempts, various accidents very often occur with them. without adequate and timely treatment chronic alcoholism leads to the death of a person.

Alcoholism itself, in any of its manifestations (alpha, beta or gamma), is a disease that manifests itself as a result of an irresistible dependence on alcohol.

Chronic alcoholism (ethylism) is the most severe and dangerous type of disease, gradually turning into the strongest individual (mental) and biological (physical) dependence. With the presence of somatic diseases and mental nature caused by prolonged exposure to alcohol.

The chronic process develops mainly in the "strong half" of humanity. But female chronic alcoholism is not uncommon today. The symptoms are quite varied.

Their severity increases with the progression of addiction (obsessive need) against the usual background of everyday drinking, increasing over time to critical indicators. In an effort to achieve the coveted euphoric high, drinkers do not pay attention to the amount of alcohol they drink, which imperceptibly leads them to natural changes in the psyche.

Etiological process

According to the theory, repeatedly tested by research, the basis for the development of a chronic form of alcoholism is “burdened” heredity, due to a lack of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase and the presence of cells, damage to which leads to the development of addiction syndrome.

In addition, people with a certain type of personality are prone to illness - easily suggestible and unable to withstand life's difficulties and conflicts, prone to cyclothymia (mood swings). Their initial perception of alcohol is influenced by culture, upbringing, family traditions, status and position in society.

The systematic effect on the body of alcohol leads to poisoning and drug intoxication of the central nervous system, violated structural elements brain tissues responsible for the mechanism of the physiological formation of affects and feelings. Subsequently, this causes alcohol addiction (alcoholomania) and cardinal changes in the response of cells to alcohol.

This is manifested by failures of chemical reactions in the body and damage to internal tissues and organs at the level of proliferation. The most toxic compound that poisons the body is ethanol, produced by the liver as a result of the oxidation of ethanol-containing drinks. Not in vain, chronic alcoholism during pregnancy is an indication for termination.

Forms and stages of development of alcoholism

It cannot be argued that chronic alcoholism has an instant development - today a person drank, and tomorrow he became an alcoholic. The chronic form is characterized by a prolonged, systematic effect of alcohol.

For men, this process can take up to 15 years, for women a little over four years. But genetic predisposition reduces this period to a year, which is explained by an increased titer of susceptibility to ethanol.

Ethylism is formed in three directions with characteristic features and duration.

  1. Ethylism of the heavy-progressive form develops very quickly (up to 3 years). It is characterized by serious personality changes and the absence of periods of remission.
  2. The medium progredient form is less rapid, the duration of the development process is estimated at 8 years. The clinic is characterized by a mild course with prolonged absence alcohol addiction.
  3. Ethylism of a low-progressive form is characterized by the slowest development, the period of remission can last for years.

The stages of chronic alcoholism differ in accordance with gradually increasing characteristic signs.

In the 1st stage disease, the patient has a painful craving for alcohol and the need for systematic use.

At the 2nd stage chronic alcoholism, withdrawal syndrome (hangover) is the main symptom of the disease. It confirms the complete formation of the disease, manifesting itself as functional pathologies of the internal organs.

In the 3rd stage Ethylism is rapidly reducing resistance to alcohol. There are signs of irreversible processes in the body:
drunken states and complete loss of balance of the psyche. Alcohol withdrawal causes acute manifestation withdrawal symptoms: bouts of hysteria, depressive disorders and panic state.

In this last stage, the life of an alcoholic turns into a continuous holiday, with incessant binges. Short-term stops do not allow the body to cleanse itself of toxins. High-quality alcohol is easily replaced by a surrogate, since now this does not play a significant role in achieving euphoria.

It is this period that is characterized by the development of dependence of a psycho-emotional and biological nature. Drinking in a person's life becomes of great importance, any attempts to resist drunkenness stop, moral norms of behavior absolutely disappear.

Psycho-emotional (mental) state

Long-term influence of toxins on the cells of brain structures causes rapid death (necrosis) of nerve cells. Manifesting in a quarter of drunken alcoholics mental disorders in the form of:

  • acute hallucinosis;
  • paranoid states;
  • affect and anxiety;
  • focal seizures (epileptic).

Psychopathic signs appear in the drunken period and periods of sobering up. The destructive influence of alcohol causes partial memory lapses, complete inability to concentrate, leads to dementia and complete degradation. Family and morality become abstract concepts.

In chronic alcoholics, initially with a weak character (asthenics), an inferiority complex develops, heightened feeling insecurity and timidity, neurasthenia. Personalities of a hysterical nature are characterized by a tendency to deceit and bravado. In most patients with chronic disease there are difficulties with sleep, provoking the progression of nervous exhaustion.

Indicators of physical (biological) dependence

By the time the alcoholic reaches the stage of etylism, his organs are already significantly affected, the diseases that have arisen take on a neglected character. Pain symptoms are not perceived in a state of drunken euphoria, since the body lives in a state of extreme, pain makes itself felt only at rare moments of sobering up and, again, is drowned out by alcohol.

Therefore, cirrhosis, ischemia, hypertonic disease, ulcers and gastritis, hemolytic, cardiac and renal pathologies are in running state. The biological dependence on ethanol takes on a stable character due to failures in the chemical processes of metabolism, in particular, the failure of the independent synthesis of a substance alternative to alcohol, which ensures the vital activity of the organism.

The systematic feeding of the body with alcohol stops the cellular synthesis of the necessary enzymes as unnecessary. The abolition of alcohol causes an unbearable need for another dose, since independent synthesis is no longer possible.

Typical symptoms of chronic alcoholism

Signs of chronic alcoholism are easy to notice by the behavior and appearance of a person.

  1. Atilism is manifested by pronounced symptoms on the body and face. The skin is dry and wrinkled, the arms and legs are dotted with swollen veins. The eyes are covered with a network of broken capillaries and surrounded by bruises. Puffiness and yellowness of the skin, trembling in the hands are noted.
  2. Signs of female alcoholism are manifested by a careless appearance, a puffy bluish face, wrinkles and a coarsened voice. The disease in women develops so quickly that the treatment of female alcoholism is very complicated.
  3. Such patients are characterized by isolation and depression in rare cases sobriety. abrupt change mood and improvement of the state are possible only with the next drunkenness.
  4. Binges are constant and the doses of alcohol are constantly increasing, resistance to large doses is characteristic.
  5. When taking food, there are gag reflexes.
  6. Symptoms of withdrawal syndrome are characteristic.

Treatment of chronic alcoholism - is it possible?

It is impossible for a chronic alcoholic to cope with the disease on his own. This is where psychic distortion plays a role. physical addiction person from alcohol.

According to narcologists, such a pathology is not completely cured. But as a result of properly selected therapeutic therapy, a stable long-term remission can be achieved. With the voluntary treatment of the patient and his desire to return to life, you can fight addiction.

Treatment begins with detoxification therapy and infusion drip therapy with Metadoxil. Vitamin therapy is added. In the treatment of chronic alcoholism with drugs, the course of administration and dosage is calculated by the attending physician.

As a psychotherapy, it is mandatory to take antipsychotics, psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants and hypnotics medications. Do not try to pick them up and treat yourself. Such drugs are purchased only with a prescription.

With pronounced paroxysmal vegetative disorders, vegetative stabilizing therapy is prescribed. To put the functions of the vascular system in order, nootropic therapy drugs are used - Phenibut, Picamilon or Pantogam and Binastim. Recommended high-calorie diet, plenty of fluids, insulin doses to increase appetite. IN without fail treatment of exacerbated background pathologies.

Today, methods modern treatment alcoholism are very diverse, but they can offer them only after the stabilization of the patient's condition. It can be:

  • various types of blockades with drugs and electromagnetic impulses;
  • methods of ozone therapy and ultraviolet irradiation blood;
  • blood purification by plasmapheresis;
  • therapy according to the Dovzhenko method;
  • hemming of the drug "Esperali;
  • intravenous administration of "Disulfiram";
  • hypnotherapy or coding.

The most effective treatment is the support of relatives in the first months of the treatment process.

The consequence of the disease

The highest mortality in etilism - cardiovascular pathologies. The action of alcohol has a destructive effect on the heart muscle, increasing the risk of death.

Increases mortality and alcohol intoxication, causing necrosis of the liver tissue and pancreatic necrosis. Such drunken people are more likely to have accidents and suicide. No one can stop them without proper treatment.

Chronic alcoholism develops gradually, imperceptibly to others and the drinker himself, and for a long time is regarded by them only as a bad habit, and not. One of early symptoms chronic alcoholism is the disappearance of vomiting when pronounced intoxication, which allows the use of ever larger quantities. At the same time, the so-called loss of self-control appears - when you first drink a small amount of alcohol (100-200 g), there is an insurmountable desire to drink more and more. With the development of chronic alcoholism ( alcohol disease) drink more often, with random people or alone; the nature of intoxication changes - it becomes less and less good nature, drunken fun and carelessness, more and more captiousness, anger, aggressive attitude towards others and, first of all, towards relatives. In a state of intoxication in chronic alcoholism, the violations of coordination of movements and speech characteristic of ordinary intoxication are reduced, and sometimes completely absent. Often accompanied by intoxication. Increasingly, after drinking, they do not remember well what happened during intoxication, and then do not remember at all (amnesia).

The most important and most constant sign chronic alcoholism is a hangover (withdrawal) syndrome, which is a symptom complex of physical and mental disorders. He appears through various terms after the onset of alcohol abuse (from 2-3 to 10-15 years or more), usually against the background of the disorders listed above. Hangover symptoms occur faster in people who started drinking at a young age, in psychopathic personalities, in patients (see), in people who have had a head injury or severe infections, in cases of generally poor tolerance of intoxications.

Before the appearance of a hangover after significant alcohol abuse, as a rule, there is an aversion to it. The disorders associated with intoxication observed in this case - general weakness, that is, the symptoms of poisoning, cannot be destroyed or at least mitigated by repeated alcohol intake. Moreover, repeated intake of alcoholic beverages usually exacerbates the existing phenomena. From the moment the withdrawal syndrome appears, taking small doses of alcohol the next day after intoxication reduces the existing physical (somatic) and mental disorders. The appearance of those and others is characterized by a certain sequence.

Initially, a hangover syndrome is manifested by vasomotor-vegetative and - headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain. Patients experience bad breath, abdominal pain. Often there are nausea,. Completely absent. There are unpleasant and painful sensations in the region of the heart, sweating, chilliness,. Subsequently, more often 3-6 years after the onset of somatic disorders characteristic of the hangover syndrome, the incessant use of alcohol entails the occurrence of mental disorders in this state.

The first to be observed in a hangover are mood changes: depression, fearfulness, alertness with a tendency to reactions of anxiety, fear and panic. Against their background, suspicion and misinterpretations of the words and actions of others easily arise: the patients attribute everything they see and hear to themselves. Somewhat later, during a hangover, patients develop sleep disorders. The patient has difficulty falling asleep. Sleep superficial and restless, reminiscent of a dream, accompanied by frequent awakenings. Nightmares that have never happened before appear - the patient is attacked by bandits, ragamuffins, he runs, falls somewhere, falls into an abyss, flies, gets into accidents, buildings collapse on him, etc. A characteristic feature of hangover dreams is that and objects visible to the patient and he himself are in rapid motion all the time. Dreams are filled with variety loud noises- shouting, singing, knocking, roaring. Waking up in a cold sweat, the patient experiences a sharp fear and cannot immediately understand where he is and what is happening to him. Finally, animals begin to appear in dreams, and this becomes over time the most important feature hangover dreams.

Over time, both physical and mental symptoms hangovers become longer and longer, lasting a number of days and sometimes weeks. Their intensity also increases. If in the first years many patients to reduce their manifestations get drunk irregularly, often in the afternoon, then over time they do it the next day after each drink already in the morning. Hangover symptoms are always more pronounced with a sudden cessation of alcohol consumption and milder with a gradual one. With the appearance of a distinct hangover (withdrawal) syndrome, the rhythm of drunkenness very often changes. If before that the patient drank quite often, for example, several times a week, sometimes daily, now he begins to drink heavily lasting from 2-3 to 7-10 days and even more, separated by periods of fairly complete abstinence. This is the so-called pseudo-dipsomanic type of drunkenness, which differs from true dipsomania in that it develops against the background of the constant use of alcoholic beverages, which is not the case with true dipsomania (see Alcoholic psychoses). The occasions for starting a binge are usually random and most often associated with the days of receiving wages. Since the appearance of pseudo-dipsomanic drunkenness, the dose of alcohol necessary for intoxication, which had previously been relatively constant for a number of years, begins to gradually decrease. Intolerance - the rapid appearance of intoxication when drinking small doses of alcohol - a symptom of advanced chronic alcoholism.

Persistent organic lesions stomach - acute and often enterocolitis (see). The constant use of alcohol exacerbates and complicates the course of chronic catarrhs ​​of the stomach of a different origin and.

Often in chronic alcoholism is damaged with the development of such serious complications like cirrhosis (see).

It has an effect on the vitamin balance, primarily on the balance of vitamins of group B. With a deficiency of vitamins of group B, dystrophic processes in the liver are aggravated, develop

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There is probably no need to say that alcohol in large doses is a deadly poison. This poison extends its tentacles even to unborn generations, and is the cause of many national disasters.

It is known that daily use a glass of good dry wine can be a prevention of coronary heart disease and sudden coronary death. It's right. But there are other facts:

  • more than 70% of murders, robberies, robberies and rapes are committed while drunk, and more than 50% of thefts.

It is not difficult to see that people drugged with alcohol are more attracted to violence - after all, theft must be coolly considered.

  • According to 2016 data, in our country, the annual consumption of ethanol was 18 liters per capita, including the elderly and infants.

Naturally, there are regions in Russia where there is almost no alcohol consumption, for example, in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia. And, on the contrary, in Chukotka, Kamchatka, and the Far East, chronic alcoholism has long assumed the character of a national disaster.

This is a colossal figure: two boxes of vodka a year for everyone. As a result, a third of the population of Russia (more precisely, 30%) are everyday drunkards, and every 10th inhabitant suffers from chronic alcoholism. And two boxes are enough for him not for a year, but for a month. What is this disease? And is alcoholism just promiscuity?

Chronic alcoholism - what is it?

With its usual pedantry, WHO (World Health Organization) defines chronic alcoholism as a complex lesion, which has the following main features:

  • Forced consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Mental and physical dependence on ethanol;
  • Increased alcohol tolerance and its utilization;
  • The onset of discomfort and physical disorders with a sudden interruption in the flow of ethanol (hangover).

Let's try to understand these provisions: after all, riddles begin from the very beginning: everyone knows that no one forces an alcoholic to drink. He does not experience terrible pain, which is removed only by alcohol. So the coercion is internal? What contributes to the development of chronic alcoholism and strengthens the "friendship" with the bottle?

Factors contributing to the development of chronic alcoholism

It is known that almost no drinking people much less than those who allow themselves to drink on holidays. But not everyone becomes an alcoholic. Those who "fall" into this hole may have the following preconditions:

  • physiological

For example, in people who drink, the utilization of ethanol improves depending on the length of time they have been consumed. And those people whose body comfortably removes alcohol can allow them to “relax” longer and more often, and without any special consequences;

  • heredity

Everyone knows that "children of drunkards" are at risk, but in this case, the chance that a child of chronic alcoholics will follow in "their footsteps" is 25%. This is a lot, but you don’t need to write everything off for this;

  • psychological reasons

Recent studies have confirmed that 35% of alcoholics have various disorders of personality, character, accentuation, and even are mentally ill. However, there are no such symptoms that would indicate the existence of a special, "alcoholic type" of personality. It can happen to anyone.

What stages does a person go through on the way of acquaintance with ethanol? How is addiction formed, and is it possible to somehow distinguish between certain stages? Yes, you can.

Signs and stages of chronic alcoholism

Almost all psychiatrists and narcologists distinguish three stages of chronic alcoholism according to characteristic features. At first, a person must simply get used to alcohol, then he falls into alcohol slavery, and then the disintegration of the personality begins.

Let us briefly consider the periods of this “glorious path”.

Habituation and change in reactivity

Solid joy and relief from fleeting encounters with alcohol. He becomes universal remedy, which solves problems, the dose gradually increases. Alcohol tolerance improves, the liver "deploys reserves". At this stage, occasional use becomes regular.

For now, you can simply convince a person not to drink, for example, by isolating him from “friends” and provoking drinking. Virtually no health problems yet. But a person is already starting to think about alcohol, which becomes both a “reward” and a “rest”.

On holidays, he drinks for the future, sometimes getting drunk to unconsciousness. Vigilant wives keep an eye on such husbands at parties and holidays, therefore main goal and the meaning is to find an excuse to "go away for 5 minutes." The ultimate dream is to drink 0.5 vodka somewhere in the toilet during these 5 minutes, gratefully thinking about a friend who called his wife and “dismissed” the company.

  • Since alcohol tolerance is 4-5 times higher than the norm, he returns to the table more or less normal, imperceptibly getting drunk by the end of the party, prudently eating tightly.

At this stage, the feeling of guilt still persists and the person tries in every possible way to hide his condition and avoid any talk about the problem. But already at this stage at home it is impossible to store cognacs and good alcohol because it will be drunk in a few days.

A sober state becomes a source of dissatisfaction, you want to “emerge” from it, there are too many problems in it. An increase in mood is noted when there is a close reason to drink.

There is no physical dependence yet. disappears vomiting reflex, a slight hangover syndrome can be tolerated without a hangover, with signs of asthenovegetative symptoms.

Formed addiction

At this stage, the person can also stop and reverse their behavior completely. He has not yet lost his family or his job. But his behavior is typical:

  • The ability to tolerate more alcohol than others;
  • Begins to get drunk in the morning;
  • Fails memory, there are minor failures;
  • A person begins to drink secretly, to hide alcohol at work and at home;
  • Gradually loses the notion that he drinks, and believes that he is "like everyone else";
  • Diligently looking for a reason to "roll". In the first stage, the occasion is welcomed but not invented;
  • There are short (2-3 days) binges, which end with a frequent hangover at work on Monday morning, for this a small flask of cognac is usually bought.

In parallel with this, family and financial problems arise, anxiety and insomnia increase. A person feels comfortable only with drinking friends who are always “very sincere” and can get drunk in the morning. There is also a reverent attitude towards "feeling bad" friends in the morning. Their drunkenness causes almost physical pleasure within oneself, and then attachment.

Vodka and cognac should be drunk to the bottom. To stop drinking with friends and go home without finishing your vodka seems stupid. When drinking alone, in the same way - it is impossible to go to bed while there is vodka left. It is better to pour it out, obeying the second of enlightenment, so as not to tempt yourself.

Progression leads to the fact that a person is “waving their hand”. It becomes optional, unpunctual, sloppy. There are drunken brawls at work, absenteeism and loss of work. A person's psyche changes: flat "alcoholic" humor appears. An unbearable torment is delivered by the contemplation of a drinking company when it is impossible to join. All interest is concentrated around alcohol. Hobbies are forgotten, only those that can be combined with drinking (sports matches) remain.

At this stage, drunkenness causes injuries, or crimes. Relations in the family are completely broken down, money is lost. A person loses control after the first sip of vodka.

An open, conflicting justification is sought for drunkenness: the wife is a fool, colleagues are idiots. There is a reassessment of one's role, alcoholic pomposity and arrogance appear. At this phase, random drinking companions appear, drinking in the yard on a bench, falling asleep at bus stops. The entire entrance knows that on Monday morning the "local hero" will walk the floors to borrow money.

  • This stage of daily drinking can last 15-20 years. If earlier alcohol caused a sedative, and often a calming effect, now it only activates and provokes aggression.

Outwardly, an alcoholic can do everything right, but after sobering up, he completely forgets the end of the binge, memory lapses turn into complete amnesia. If you abruptly interrupt the binge, then there is an abstinence syndrome, which will be discussed below.

On the part of the individual there is a loss creativity, psychopathization occurs, intellect is weakened. There are elements of delirium, for example, jealousy. At first, delirium occurs in a state of intoxication, but then it can become permanent, which is extremely dangerous not only for relatives of an alcoholic, but also for himself.

Tolerance declining stage

After many years (or even decades), which proceed as described above, the drunkard "works out" all the reserve capacity of ADH, or alcohol dehydrogenase. As a result, the nature of intoxication and dose changes.

  • "Inserts" from minor doses, and sometimes from "pivas". At first, a person is surprised and rejoices, because earlier “a bubble was needed before the arrival”, and now everything is much cheaper;
  • There are signs of chronic alcoholic hepatitis, progressive cirrhosis and chronic liver failure;
  • Against this background, personality degradation occurs, and the desire for alcohol forces one to take any measures (drinking things, stealing from neighbors);
  • Violated social adaptation. A person is kicked out after a week or two of unskilled work, since everything happens “before the first advance payment”;
  • There are alcoholic psychoses, delirium appears, delirium tremens "squirrel", about which there will be a separate article.

Man has already, both externally and internally, completely degraded. There is a passion to drink any liquid: polish, cologne, technical alcohol.

Criticism is reduced or absent. Constant stories about their importance begin, with a special emphasis on the myriad of women conquered in a short time.

Binges that last many days end in complete exhaustion, with small but regular doses that are taken for many days with an almost mathematically precise regularity leading to a deep degree of intoxication. At the same time, alcohol can no longer activate the drunkard, he falls asleep after a glass.

In continuation of the binge on the third degree of alcoholism, the drunkard's place of life becomes a dirty bed, in which he fits, "slamming" vodka.

It is the decrease in tolerance, lack of control and uncontrollable craving for any alcohol-containing liquids that leads to fatal overdose alcohol, even if you drink not a surrogate, but a quality product (which is excluded at this stage, since all the swill is bought by knocking on the window of “Baba Masha” at night).

The human psyche, emotions and communication are burnt out, flat, devastated. Primitive reactions devoid of intellectual coloring prevail: anger, hatred, fear. Sometimes they are replaced by tearful complacency. Progressive alcoholic dementia. At this stage of alcoholism, drunkards become patients of psychiatrists: delusions, hallucinations, paraphrenia.

  • The third stage of chronic alcoholism, on average, lasts 5-10 years. Some people think that delirium tremens is the maximum and the final.

In fact, there are more severe complications, such as Wernicke's alcoholic encephalopathy, in which medulla, in which the vital centers of blood circulation and respiration are laid, simply dies. Mortality in this complication, despite all resuscitation measures, is very high and amounts to 25% even in our time.

In principle, the signs and symptoms of chronic alcoholism are inseparable from the formation of dependence, psychological condition and what is connected with it, we have described above. At first, a pathological attraction to alcohol arises, control decreases, tolerance grows, then its decrease and the “collapse” of the body occur.

With regard to the physical condition, then certain regular symptoms of chronic alcoholism can be noticed, starting from the second and third stages (the first may be vegetative non-permanent crises).

In "terry" alcoholics are often observed:

  • ataxia, gait disturbance (when sober);
  • nystagmus;
  • constant hand tremor;
  • in arms and legs burning pains, decreased sensitivity);
  • toxic myocardial dystrophy;
  • chronic alcoholic hepatitis, jaundice;
  • signs of cirrhosis and chronic liver failure.

The symptoms of chronic alcoholism are most clearly manifested in the withdrawal syndrome, which is indisputable evidence of the presence of physical dependence.

Clinic of abstinence syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome is called the consequences of a sharp break in hard drinking. As a result, there is a pronounced activation of the sympathetic part of the autonomic system. Appear:

  • mydriasis (dilated pupils);
  • sweating, with large drops of sweat;
  • tremor throughout the body, including the tongue and eyelids;
  • dry mouth;
  • redness of the upper body, face;
  • diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • puffiness of the face and sclera;
  • tachycardia,;
  • lability of arterial pressure;
  • urinary retention is possible;
  • there is anxiety, headaches, cardialgia;
  • muscle tone decreases.

Withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism can be the cause of acute alcoholic psychosis. Many people think that delirium tremens occurs in a drunk. No, it occurs 2-3 days after sobering up, when the person no longer smells.

The duration of the withdrawal syndrome does not exceed a day. In the second stage, patients can "be patient" because of work, and get drunk at lunch or in the evening. At the third stage, they get drunk in the morning, and nothing can prevent this. Things are sold, pensions are stolen from grandmothers, murders are committed.

In the third stage, unlike the previous ones, abstinence proceeds not only with physical, but also mental disorders. Anxious or delusional paranoid develops, and the syndrome may last for 3-4 days. It is at this time that the patient is dangerous to himself and others.

A little about drinking

It is hard drinking that is the personification and apotheosis of drunkenness. Binge is the desire to constantly consume alcohol. The purpose of the binge is a new intoxication when utilized by the body previous dose. Crucially, the purpose of drinking is radically different from getting drunk.

If they get drunk so that it is not bad, then a binge is needed to make it good. It is binge drinking that is characteristic of most alcoholics in the 2nd stage of chronic alcoholism.

The main goal of drunkenness is to prevent the withdrawal syndrome from unfolding, brief bouts of sobriety are possible, and then only in order to find alcohol. Initially, binges are 2-3 days, and are timed to the weekend.

Then each use of alcohol turns into a binge, and binge increases, up to 1-3 weeks. Practically stops "one-day" drunkenness.When drinking heavily, they switch to vodka, drink at night, up to 2-3 liters of vodka are drunk per day. At the end of the binge, insomnia and a severe hangover may occur, and when it is overcome, delirium may develop.

Female chronic alcoholism, features

Women's chronic alcoholism is a special condition that is more dangerous than men's - women drink five times faster than men. An average, gray little man becomes an alcoholic in 5-10 years, and a woman will reach the same “condition” by the age of 3, if not worse. Does not play a role in women's alcoholism and the strength of alcohol.

  • A feature of female alcoholism is also the frequent use of alcohol alone: ​​a woman is less likely to need company than a man.

Alcoholics are much more likely to be patients in neuropsychiatric departments and psychiatric hospitals, and their personality breaks down faster. Treatment of female alcoholism is a more complex and delicate task, and is better handled by female doctors.

In somatic terms, both cirrhosis, and alcoholic polyneuritis, and heart damage in women develop faster and are more severe than in men.

The sources of a woman's alcoholism are more psychological. Standard situation: both over forty. Marital ardor has cooled, the husband finds a young mistress, the children grow up and the woman is left alone, no one needs. Longing pushes to the first glass, often alone. This causes a sharp rise in mood, even stronger than that of a man. After that, you want to repeat the experience.

This is how the wives of very rich husbands who are constantly busy with business get drunk. In the beginning, elite cognacs are often used, or even drugs are used. But that is another story. Sometimes exes get drunk successful business– ladies who cannot recover from the collapse and loss of business.

It seems completely redundant to say that chronic alcoholism and pregnancy are incompatible things. Much can be said about fetal alcohol syndrome, congenital mental retardation and other problems.

  • Stop drinking alcohol completely no later than 2 months before conception;
  • If you want to return to its use, this can be done no earlier than after the complete cessation of breastfeeding.

Treatment of chronic alcoholism in men and women

Modern treatment of alcoholism can satisfy the most demanding taste. It has everything from stopping drinking at home to joining AA, or Alcoholics Anonymous, to inpatient addiction treatment. We will not dwell on each of the methods: this should be discussed with a psychiatrist or narcologist. Let's just list these ways.

  • Coding with all its varieties. This is simply an external suggestion, which is confirmed in a number of cases by the manifestation of a vegetative reaction. The patient is instilled with a "program" that his life will end when he takes alcohol.
  • Preparations for the treatment of chronic alcoholism: Torpedo, Esperal. They are prohibitive: you want to, but you can’t. In addition, the risk of death is high, and when taking alcohol, there is no intoxication, but there is a very unpleasant symptoms. The policy of "burned bridges".
  • Hypnosis and conditioned reflexes.
  • Group therapy and psychotherapy.

Regardless of the method chosen by the doctor and the patient, the treatment of chronic alcoholism should be continuous and long-term, focused only on complete failure from alcohol. Nevertheless, “saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves”, and if a person has no motivation to treat and change his life, then no one and nothing can help him.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to stop drinking on your own, without external help, and even in the second stage of alcoholism, close to the third. Only in the case when criticism of one's condition is reduced or absent, one should be treated forcibly.

Consequences of chronic alcoholism

In conclusion, you need to talk about what scares you at the very beginning. We have already spoken enough about the unenviable fate of the alcoholic. It must be remembered that for a drunkard, the source of calories and energy is not full-fledged food, but alcohol, especially during periods of hard drinking, when there is no appetite and the alcoholic is starving.

Alcohol is rich in energy, but it is "empty" and does not serve the needs of the body. He remains without nutrition and vitamins. Starvation causes disease of the stomach and intestines, and the constant presence of alcohol in it leads to peptic ulcer And atrophic gastritis. In the liver, dystrophy phenomena occur, fat accumulates (), hepatocyte necrosis occurs, cirrhosis develops.

There are signs of polyneuropathy, impaired coordination of movements, gait, tremor appears. Appear psychical deviations, hallucinations.

You can talk about the harmful effects of drunkenness for a long time and with arguments. If every successful person who raises a glass of champagne could see himself in his "inner vision" in twenty years - perhaps watery and toothless, sitting in pajamas on a bed in the department for the feeble-minded, then perhaps the number of drinkers in our country would decrease. .

Alcoholism - dangerous disease, which develops as a result of alcohol abuse and has a progressive character. People who suffer from it change a lot. Because of drinking, they begin to lead an antisocial lifestyle, lose their jobs, often quarrel with relatives and have many health problems. It is noteworthy that alcoholism is one of the most common causes of death. WHO staff found that more often than from alcohol abuse, people die only from diseases of the cardiovascular system and cancer.

Why is alcoholism dangerous?

To begin with, the inability to control cravings for alcohol often causes a severe form of intoxication. The body is subjected to severe intoxication, which can lead to death.

Alcohol significantly impairs the functioning of the heart, for example, leads to the development atrial fibrillation. As a result, alcoholics often die of heart attacks.

You should also be aware that people who abuse alcohol are more likely than others to various types injury. This is dangerous not only for them, but also for those who are close to them. For example, a drunk driver can get into an accident in which not only he, but also other road users will suffer.

Addiction to alcohol changes people's thinking, their attitude to life. Many drunks commit suicide while drunk. In addition, as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages, aggression increases. This is dangerous, because any verbal skirmish between alcoholics can end in a bloody fight or even murder.

It should not be forgotten that alcoholism literally undermines general state health. People who are addicted to alcohol suffer from peptic ulcer disease, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, polyneuritis, cirrhosis of the liver. Any of these ailments can lead to death. According to statistics, 60-70% of men with chronic alcoholism do not live to be 50 years old.

Reasons for the development of alcohol dependence

People start drinking alcohol different reasons. Some drink to cheer up, others consider alcohol a great way to relieve accumulated stress, and others like alcohol for its sedative (calming) effect. Conventionally, all alcoholics can be divided into several categories. The first of them includes persons who are pathological in nature, the second - neurotics, the third - people experiencing problems with social adaptation, the last - men and women subject to increased emotional and physical stress.

The rate of development of alcoholism directly depends on the following factors:

  • social environment;
  • Relationships with friends and family;
  • heredity;
  • Education;
  • The level of stress resistance.

The risk group includes those who have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. In most cases, it is heredity that becomes main reason development of the described disease.

Degrees of alcohol intoxication

There are 3 degrees of intoxication: light, medium, heavy. What it will be depends on the volume of the drink, the body's sensitivity to ethyl alcohol and health status of the alcoholic.

Anyone who has ever drunk alcohol is familiar with a mild degree of intoxication. Having drunk quite a bit, a person becomes more cheerful, sociable and self-confident. He easily makes new acquaintances and has an incredible desire to talk. A mild degree of intoxication is accompanied by muscle relaxation, so a slightly tipsy person physically feels great, but despite this, it is more difficult for him to move and control facial expressions.

The transition to an average degree of intoxication is hard not to notice. If earlier the alcoholic was cheerful and complacent, now he is angry and irritable, easily offended and can behave aggressively. Any criticism is perceived by them with hostility. The gait becomes uneven, movements are fuzzy, speech is barely legible. A person experiencing an average degree of intoxication is prone to committing impulsive acts. This is not surprising, since his sensitivity to pain decreases. As for sobering up, it is accompanied by general weakness, severe migraine, thirst, moral discomfort, expressed in the form of apathy. Memory problems are rare. As a rule, a person experiencing a hangover clearly remembers how he behaved yesterday.

Severe intoxication is the most dangerous. It can lead to a change in consciousness, to whom, an epileptic seizure. People who have clearly overdone with alcohol behave inappropriately, for example, defecate for themselves. True, the next morning they do not remember anything.

To everything written above, one should add information about the existence atypical forms intoxication. For example, people with hypersensitivity to alcohol, being at an easy stage, they behave as if they are experiencing an average stage: they become embittered, easily irritated, prone to aggression. IN individual cases drinking alcohol can lead to an increase in physical activity and foolish behavior. As a rule, this happens with psychopaths, oligophrenics and persons who have previously received TBI.

The simplest way to determine the stage of alcohol intoxication is diagnostics. During the procedure, clinical data are studied, as well as urine and blood samples are taken. Narcologists take into account the general condition of a drunk person: his behavior, speech, breath. Blood and urine tests measure the level of alcohol in the body. In addition, express methods for determining the degree of intoxication are known. One of them requires the use of a Mokhov-Shinkarenko indicator tube. With its help, alcohol vapors can be detected in the air that is exhaled by the person undergoing the test.

Treatment for drunkenness

The most common treatment for moderate intoxication is gastric lavage. The patient must drink 1.5-2 liters of potassium permanganate solution, which subsequently provokes an attack of vomiting.

Drink a solution of potassium permanganate, worrying severe degree drunkenness is not worth it. This is dangerous, because vomit can enter the respiratory tract and lungs. It is better to contact the drug treatment center for qualified medical help.

What is pathological intoxication and how to treat it?

Pathological intoxication is an acute mental disorder caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It develops in people with CNS diseases, such as epileptics and psychopaths. In addition, the described form of intoxication is sometimes experienced by persons who previously tolerated alcohol normally. This happens for a number of reasons, among which it is necessary to single out insomnia, accumulated stress, and malnutrition.

To cause pathological intoxication, you do not need to drink a lot. 100 grams of vodka will be enough for serious changes to occur in the mind. The person who is in similar situation, as if transported to another reality and begin to rave. He may be prone to sudden attacks of fear or rage. Being excited, the alcoholic will try to do everything possible to protect himself from a non-existent threat. For example, he may start a fight, try to run away or commit suicide.

The duration of pathological intoxication is different. Sometimes it is only a couple of minutes, and sometimes it stretches for several hours. When this time ends, the person experiences physical weakness and is prone to drowsiness. After sleep, memories of everything that happened are erased.

Pathological intoxication is one of the forms of psychosis. If, being exposed to it, a citizen commits an offense, then a forensic psychiatric examination is mandatory. According to its results, the perpetrator can be declared insane.

How does chronic alcoholism develop?

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages contributes to the development of alcoholism. This disease characterized by both mental and somatic manifestations.

A person who is in the first stage of the development of alcoholism experiences uncontrolled cravings to alcohol. Starting to drink, he loses his sense of proportion. At the same time, many processes take place in the body of a drunkard, some of which make it more tolerant to ethyl alcohol. As a result, in order to get drunk, an alcoholic has to drink more and more often. Simply put, drinking becomes systematic. This has a negative effect on the memory of the alcoholic, who is often unable to remember where, when and with whom he drank.

The main distinguishing feature of the second stage of alcoholism is the achievement by the body of the maximum tolerance of alcohol, which can be equal to 2 liters of vodka daily. By this point, the drunkard is already getting used to living with a permanent withdrawal syndrome. To relieve the hangover, he again and again applies to the bottle, hoping that he will drink a little and feel better. If an absolutely healthy person drank a liter of vodka, then the next day he would suffer from severe intoxication and would feel a slight feeling of nausea at the mere thought of alcohol.

In people experiencing a hangover, there is flushing of the face, changes heartbeat, rises arterial pressure, there are pains in the heart, limbs tremble, sweating becomes stronger. In addition, the withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea.

Some alcoholics, due to circumstances, postpone the hangover until later. They believe that it is better to drink in the afternoon or evening rather than in the morning. The waiting time is painful for them, because all their thoughts revolve exclusively around alcohol. This leads to the development of mental manifestations of a hangover. People suffering from it are in a bad mood, feel anxious and are prone to internal fears. Some are aware of their own worthlessness, consider themselves weak and weak-willed. It would seem that sleep will help improve the condition, but this is not so. You will not be able to sleep normally, because nightmares will cause frequent awakenings.

If mental manifestations hangovers are more pronounced in comparison with somatic ones, this indicates that the alcoholic is predisposed to the development of psychosis. Some conclusions in this regard can be made only on the third day of refusing to drink alcohol. If the patient is in the second stage of the development of alcoholism, then it is very difficult to achieve the goal, because such drunkards are applied to the bottle every day. They are willing to go to any lengths to get drunk. Abstinence from alcohol in such cases is forced, for example, a person may not have money for a drink.

The transition to the third stage of alcoholism is accompanied by a decrease in the body's tolerance to alcohol. Now, in order to get drunk, you need to drink not so much. Drunkards know this, so in order to save money they switch from vodka to cheap wines. The quality of alcohol ceases to play an important role for them. At the same time, alcoholics lose situational control. They are ready to do everything possible to get a drink, the generally accepted norms of behavior in society no longer bother them.

Among the symptoms of the third stage of alcoholism, it is necessary to single out systematic binges. As a rule, during the first two days a person gets drunk to unconsciousness. Later due to violation metabolic processes in the body, he begins to drink less, but this is enough for intoxication. Not a single binge is complete without a deterioration in physical and mental state alcoholic. The drunkard loses weight, loses his appetite, suffers from shortness of breath, undergoes frequent convulsions and cannot even speak normally. Sometimes the reason for the end of the binge is the inability to continue it because of poor health. alcoholics who have serious problems with health, drink for 2-3 days, and after some time refrain from drinking alcohol.

Chronic alcoholism causes personality changes. Its signs can be seen already in the second stage of the development of the disease. Chief among them is the acquisition of an alcoholic character. The person becomes more emotional. He easily expresses his joy, admires certain things, empathizes with other people. The only problem is that this behavior is a consequence hyperexcitability. It is necessary for the patient to drink at least a little, as he immediately becomes weak-hearted and sentimental. As you can see emotional background drunkards unstable.

Alcoholism entails the development of selfishness and indifference to others. A person becomes irresponsible, does not appreciate what was previously dear to him. The meaning of his life is alcohol, so every drunkard thinks only about how to get it. The patient closes his eyes to his problems. He does not consider alcoholism a disease. For him, drinking is a way to feel better. When an alcoholic is asked a question about him bad habit, he just brushes it off and says that all people drink.

At first, a person who does not control cravings for alcohol behaves more or less delicately with loved ones. He tries to justify his own behavior. Over time, the problem with alcohol becomes apparent. For example, a drunkard stops paying attention to his appearance and can go to meet friends in home clothes. At the same time, financial difficulties begin. Lack of money to buy alcohol becomes the cause of theft and begging. If there is not enough money to buy wine or vodka, then the drunkard will be happy with any alcohol-containing liquid: cologne, denatured alcohol, medicinal tincture. In communication, an alcoholic becomes unpleasant. He jokes primitively, can behave aggressively, is prone to cynicism. Personality degradation leads to frequent family scandals and fights. People over the age of 40 who have been drinking for at least 20 years are subject to similar personality changes.

Most often, the described disease develops in children. adolescence brought up in families with weak parental control and families of alcoholics. To buy alcohol, teenagers need finances, so those of them who consistently receive pocket money or earn extra money fall into the risk zone. The age of young alcoholics is 13-15 years.

Teenagers prefer to drink alcohol in the company of peers, for example, schoolmates. They rarely drink with adults. Adolescents, even knowing about the dangers of alcohol, still try to drink as much as possible. They don't control themselves. This is dangerous, because entails the rapid development of the body's tolerance to ethyl alcohol.

A hangover in teenagers is so severe that it can cause mental problems. As a rule, young alcoholics become either excitable and too aggressive, or emotionally retarded and lethargic.

Teenage alcoholism is more dangerous than it seems. Children lack life experience, they are interested in everything, so they easily go to desperate experiments. It is not uncommon for teenagers to mix alcohol with various medications. In addition, drinking alcohol can lead to the use of drugs.

Female alcoholism

Women suffer from alcoholism less frequently (compared to men). Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who have an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, until the last try to hide this problem. They drink alone or with close friends.

The age of most alcoholics is 35-50 years. Ladies prefer to drink alcohol either episodically, depending on the circumstances, or cyclically, i.e. considering vodka, wine or cognac as a means that can solve a certain problem: cheer up, calm down, reduce internal anxiety relieve insomnia. Over time, alcohol becomes an integral part of a woman's life, and its intake becomes systematic. Some representatives of the weaker half of humanity fall into many-day binges. They lose control over themselves and their actions. Often alcoholics go to work drunk, and those who are unemployed do not hesitate to beg under the shops.

Chronic alcoholism leads to complete degradation of the individual. A deeply drinking female creature is sometimes even difficult to call a woman. This is a morally degraded person who has a genuine interest exclusively in alcohol. There can be no talk of any love for children, a strong family and marital fidelity in this case. In addition, we should not forget that the habit of drinking significantly worsens health. Many alcoholics suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.

General information about the treatment of alcoholism

The described disease can be cured, but this is possible only when the patient himself wants it. Since the vast majority of drunkards are convinced that they have no problems with alcohol, before contacting a drug treatment center, one cannot do without an explanatory conversation. If one of your loved ones drinks, talk heart to heart with him and convince him of the need to undergo treatment. If your attempts are unsuccessful, then go to a psychotherapist with an alcoholic.

Treatment alcohol addiction performed on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Its course is determined by the doctor, who primarily takes into account the general health of the patient. If the patient is experiencing severe hangover, has pronounced mental and somatic disorders, then he is prescribed treatment in a hospital.

All about the treatment of chronic alcoholism

The first stage of treatment includes detoxification therapy. Within its framework, the patient gets rid of the withdrawal syndrome or is urgently removed from the binge. Hangover is removed by intravenous or intramuscular administration of vitamin complexes and medicines: unithiol, piracetam, magnesium sulfate, nootropil, pyroxane. If an alcoholic is prone to mental disorders, then he is prescribed tranquilizers, for example, phenazepam or seduxen. Taking radedorm helps to normalize sleep, and the use of barbiturates, for example, luminal, barbamil, allows you to overcome insomnia and internal fears.

The patient should drink more water and juices to improve kidney function. If somatic disorders are severe, then you can not do without additional treatment prescribed by the therapist. The nutrition of the patient also plays an important role, which should be high-calorie and rich in vitamins. If an alcoholic has no appetite, then insulin injections can be performed to increase it.

When the general condition of the patient improves, he will undergo anti-alcohol treatment. When choosing his course, the doctor offers various methods. As a rule, the treatment of alcohol dependence is rarely complete without psychotherapy. Her sessions help convince the patient of the need to undergo a treatment course and radically change their lifestyle. An important role is played by the relationship between the doctor and the patient, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on them.

A well-known method of dealing with alcoholism is conditioned reflex therapy. Its essence is that already a former alcoholic, smelling alcohol, begins to experience a sharp attack of nausea. To achieve this effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment, consisting of 20-25 sessions, and take emetics in combination with a small amount alcohol. The presented procedure allows you to overcome the first stage of the disease, as well as female alcoholism. The best results are achieved by those patients who do not tolerate vomiting.

You can get rid of alcohol addiction by undergoing sensitizing therapy. This method treatment is based on the fact that the patient is transferred to conditions that kill cravings for alcohol. As a rule, the patient is in the walls medical institution and takes medication. Narcologists often prescribe an antabuse. This drug By itself, it cannot harm health, but if you mix it with alcohol, your well-being will deteriorate sharply. Also, as part of sensitizing therapy, subcutaneous or intramuscular implantation of esperal can be performed. The latter is a vial of pills that begin to act only if the patient drinks alcohol. If the patient breaks loose and goes into a binge, then he risks dying. It is for this reason that before the implantation of esperal, the patient signs documents justifying the actions of doctors.

All types of treatment for alcoholism include psychotherapy sessions. Visiting them, the alcoholic begins to realize that he is really sick and needs medical help. In addition, it is psychotherapy that is the key to understanding that maintaining a sober lifestyle is the only way feel like a normal person again.

Explanatory psychotherapy has shown high efficiency in the treatment of alcohol dependence, but, despite this, narcologists resort to other methods. One of them is hypnotherapy. Its essence is that the patient is immersed in hypnosis and convinced of the need to stop drinking.

One of the most famous ways to deal with alcoholism is coding. This term refers to many methods. Some of them are copyright, so they are used only by their creators.

Among the ways to get rid of alcohol addiction, group rational psychotherapy should be singled out. This method of treatment has its own specifics. In particular, groups of patients are formed, which include alcoholics who have the same psychological and social problems. Becoming one team, they feel a common interest, so they support each other. This leads to the fact that in the process of treatment, patients adequately assess their state of affairs and acquire psychological attitudes that will help them return to a sober lifestyle in the future.

What you need to know about periods of remission and relapses?

When the course of treatment in a hospital comes to an end, the former alcoholic is expected to be discharged and subsequently adapted to society. A person must get used to the fact that alcohol in his life no longer has a place. Relationships with family and friends play an important role. It is highly desirable to avoid meetings with former drinking buddies, as well as receive moral support from relatives. If family members convince a person who has undergone treatment for alcohol dependence that he is doing everything right, then this guarantees him a long and high-quality remission.

Overcoming alcohol cravings is not easy. It persists for a long time. Conscious abstinence from drinking alcohol causes the appearance of hangover symptoms. A person experiencing a pseudo-withdrawal syndrome becomes very nervous, can easily “break loose” and start a scandal. The main thing in such a situation is to find the strength not to drink. You can contact a narcologist for the appointment of a preventive course of treatment. In addition, there are other ways to solve the problem. Firstly, eating helps to overcome pseudo-withdrawal syndrome. It is desirable that the food be tasty and satisfying. Secondly, you can drink 1-2 tablets of sonapax, seduxen, phenazepam or other sedative. Just remember that all these drugs are psychotropic. They must be prescribed by a doctor.