Treatment of chronic runny nose with folk remedies quickly. Effective methods of treating chronic runny nose in adults. Causes of allergic rhinitis

Treatment of a runny nose folk remedies these days has not lost its relevance, despite the abundance of special medications. This phenomenon is due to the presence of people who do not trust their health to pharmaceutical drugs or, due to some contraindications, cannot take them. Folk recipes in this case can be very useful, since they have a certain effectiveness, a minimum side effects and contraindications, as well as naturalness. Thanks to these properties, they are successfully used to treat pregnant women, the elderly and young children.

Onion-based formulations

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies is often based on a vegetable such as onion. Its unique healing properties due to the antibacterial components included in its composition. There are many different recipes in which it is found, here are the most popular ones:

With the help of onions, you can not only treat a runny nose with folk remedies, but also reliably prevent it. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the vegetable on a regular basis in the diet, mainly fresh.

Natural formulations based on vegetables

What other vegetables can he use? ethnoscience? Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies is possible with the help of beets, carrots, potatoes and a number of other wonderful and very useful root vegetables. You can prepare the following means based on them:

  • Drops. Grate the carrots and beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice from the pulp and mix it with the same amount vegetable oil. To enhance positive effect you can add very little to the composition garlic juice. You can use the mixture for treatment no more than 4 times a day. If necessary, you can dip cotton swabs in it and then place them in the nasal passages, this is also a very effective measure.
  • Drops (second option). Prepare a mixture of potato, carrot, beet and honey juice. The proportions are again equal. 2 drops in each nostril 5 times a day - and very soon you will feel the desired relief.
  • Hot massage. Boil a couple of small potatoes in their jackets. Roll them over your face several times in a certain sequence. So, first it is recommended to move from the forehead to the nose, and then to ears. After the procedure, the vegetable should be cut into two parts and used as a compress. One half is applied to the forehead, the other to the wings of the nose.

Healthy mustard

Treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies involves not only the preparation of drops, solutions for inhalation and decoctions, but also the use large number non-standard solutions. So, using mustard will help you defeat the common cold and its main manifestations, cough and runny nose. Our grandmothers used a similar technique, and it worked well. The following procedure is considered the most pleasant:

  • Pour hot water into the bath.
  • Add a small amount of mustard to the water and stir.
  • Place your feet in the bath and enjoy the warmth. You should steam in this way for no more than 20 minutes; manipulations are allowed no more than once a day.

If water procedures you don't like it, just add a small amount of dry mustard to your socks and go to bed. After several procedures, you will notice that your runny nose begins to subside.

Healing properties of aloe and viburnum

Aloe is a well-known folk remedy for treating a runny nose. Just select several large leaves (preferably located at the base, they are the most juicy), rinse thoroughly boiled water and chop. Squeeze the juice of the plant through sterile gauze and use it in pure form as drops. Treatment based on aloe is carried out for three days, the liquid should be used three times a day.

Viburnum is another popular folk remedy for treating a runny nose. This rare but tasty berry is used to prepare healing infusions, the main task of which is to speed up the discharge of mucus. The recipe for such a drink is simple: squeeze one glass of juice from fresh viburnum and mix it with 200 ml of natural flower honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and drink the liquid three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Additional advantages of the drink include the abundance of vitamins in its composition.

How effective folk recipes? How to quickly cure a runny nose with their help? Try to follow additional rules that are aimed at enhancing the effect of any homemade drops and ointments. So, let's formulate the main postulates. First of all, these include:

As additional measure It is extremely important to note hardening. Regular procedures will help you avoid illness. However, such a procedure is not carried out at the very moment of the disease, but long before it, on a regular basis.

A variety of herbal recipes

It is quite possible to quickly treat a runny nose using folk remedies. Various products are significantly effective healing herbs, they can ensure destruction pathogens, as well as softening of mucous membranes. Let's look at several original recipes that will help you defeat the symptoms of a cold in the shortest possible time.

  • Coltsfoot

Prepare drops based on this humble primrose. Separate the leaves from the flower, scald them with boiling water, mince them, and then squeeze them out. After completing all these manipulations, you will be left with flower juice. It should be mixed with water in equal proportions and instilled into the sinuses about 3-4 times a day.

  • Mint

Based on this refreshing plant, it is easy to prepare a healthy and very tasty decoction, the effect of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of a cold. Grind the mint and take about 20 grams (one tablespoon), place the raw material in a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water into it. The decoction should be infused for at least an hour and then cooled to a comfortable temperature. The drink can be mixed with natural honey and use internally.

  • Burdock

Surprisingly, this weed can be used to make excellent drops to minimize nasal congestion. First, you should make a decoction: add six tablespoons of chopped burdock to one liter of boiling water, boil the plant material for a couple of minutes, and then leave it to steep for another few hours. Before use, the folk remedy should be strained and cooled.

How to overcome persistent rhinitis?

Treatment of a prolonged runny nose with folk remedies is quite acceptable. However, if within a week you do not see an improvement in the situation, it is time to think about how correctly you selected and prepared home remedies. Although they are not addictive, it is possible that they are not suitable for you specifically. Try replacing them with special medications or other folk compositions suggested below.

When fighting persistent rhinitis, you should inhale the vapors of garlic or onions. This treatment is carried out three times a day for 5 minutes. The vegetables are chopped and placed on a plate, and then their aroma is inhaled through the nostrils. The recipe is simple, harmless, but very effective. As complementary therapy drops based on aloe and honey (mixed in equal proportions) are used.

Remedy for chronic runny nose

What other methods can eliminate chronic runny nose? Treatment with folk remedies can be based on the use of tincture common calendula(popularly this flower is also called marigold). It is recommended to prepare the composition at home, do not confuse it with a pharmaceutical preparation containing alcohol (such a mistake can result in a burn). So, you will need to mix one teaspoon of dry crushed inflorescences with two glasses of warm salted water. Leave the broth to infuse for a while, and then use it as drops twice a day (best in the morning and evening). If necessary, the same drink can be used instead saline solution for rinsing the nasopharynx.

Treatment of runny nose in children

There is a separate category of patients whose assistance measures must be particularly sensitive. It's about about kids. What to do if you see that your child has a runny nose? Treatment with folk remedies can help children and not harm them. The last point is especially important! Two most simple remedies for the youngest patients are presented below:

  • Soda. Boil a couple of spoons in a liter of water baking soda. Pour the liquid into a convenient container and let the baby breathe in its vapors; cover the baby's head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. This base for inhalation is the safest, as it almost does not cause allergies.
  • Salt. The main property of this substance is to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. To do this, tampons soaked in a saline solution must be inserted into the child's nostrils. Half a teaspoon of the product is diluted in 100 ml of warm water, the resulting composition is used to wet cotton swabs, which are subsequently inserted into the nostrils.

remember, that serious illnesses often disguised as a common cold. Be attentive to the health of your children! If a newborn has a runny nose, be sure to call a pediatrician at home for an examination, diagnosis and prescribing special treatment.

The most effective method

Is it possible to quickly treat a runny nose with folk remedies? Yes, but for this you will need to choose the most effective methods. Among them, of course, is rinsing the nasopharynx. This is done using a saline solution. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of salt in one glass of warm water. The resulting product is sucked in through the nostrils and then thoroughly blown out. To achieve a significant effect, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus to the solution. You should not expect that home remedies will be more effective than special medications, but the former are natural and much safer, which, you see, is also extremely important.

Additional methods for treating chronic rhinitis

How to overcome a chronic runny nose? Treatment with folk remedies can be based on rinsing the nasopharynx with various home remedies. Among them are sea water, beet juice, plant decoctions and much more. An effective and simple recipe can be prepared using water (500 ml) and a teaspoon of calendula. Brew the decoction and let it brew, and then use it for its intended purpose (drops, rinses). Pin positive result You can use celandine juice. To do this, you should bury useful substance 4 drops in each nostril in a couple of doses: the first time two drops, and the second time a few minutes later in the same amount. This sequence will allow you to have a beneficial effect on the inner and outer layers of the mucosa. Treatment purulent runny nose folk remedies are also possible. However, if the disease drags on, stop self-medicating and visit a doctor, he will determine real reasons illness and will help formulate a plan for its treatment.

Fighting allergic rhinitis

Is it possible to overcome allergic rhinitis without special medications? Treatment with folk remedies in this case is acceptable, but not always effective. First of all, you must eliminate the very cause of rhinitis, in otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. First aid measures include:

  • Using laundry soap (use it to thoroughly rinse your sinuses and the skin around them). If necessary, prepare a solution based on it, which should also be used to wash the internal areas of the mucous membrane. Like home product equally good for treatment existing problem, and for its prevention.
  • Lemon juice. In combination with boiled water this healthy drink is an excellent composition for rinsing the nose. If necessary, use it as drops, but no more than 2-3 times in one day.

Contraindications and precautions

In what cases is it unacceptable to treat a runny nose with folk remedies? Simple Methods healing is not suitable for everyone and not always, even despite its naturalness and safety. Failure to comply with the dosage or recipe may result in serious problems with your health, so you should be as careful as possible. In addition, some recipes can be truly dangerous. Thus, inhalations or natural compresses can cause burns of the mucous membranes or skin. Onion-based products have similar side effects. Drops from the juice of this vegetable can cause significant burns and dry out the nasal mucosa. Deciding to give up pharmaceutical drugs in favor of traditional medicine, do not rush to forget the telephone number of your attending physician, in some cases even a common cold you may need special assistance.

Everyone knows the saying - If you don’t treat a runny nose, it will go away in a week, and if you treat it, it will go away in 7 days..
Some folk remedies for treating a runny nose at home will help to quickly cure a runny nose in 1-3 days without side effects, others will alleviate general health, will relieve nasal congestion. It is better to combine several traditional methods for a quick recovery.

Let's consider traditional methods and remedies for treating a runny nose at home, from the simplest and most readily available to the more complex.

Nasal rinsing is a popular method of treating a runny nose.

To treat a runny nose, you need to suck the liquid from the palm of one nostril and pour it out of the other nostril or from the mouth. After the procedure, blow your nose, the nose is cleared instantly, the water washes away the viruses in the nose. This folk remedy helps cure a runny nose in one day, a maximum of 2 days. Need to rinse warm water with added salt, preferably sea food (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water). Increases medicinal properties For such washing, adding tincture of propolis, calendula or eucalyptus to the water (0.5 tsp per glass of water). Rinsing the nose with beetroot decoction also helps. If, as a preventative measure, you rinse your nose with water every day, then the chance of getting a runny nose is reduced to zero.
Chronic persistent runny nose can be cured at home by rinsing the nose with this solution: 1 tsp for 1 glass of water. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda and 5 drops of iodine - these rinses help cure even sinusitis.

Laundry soap in the treatment of a runny nose using folk remedies.
Lather your finger generously with soap and lubricate the inside of your nose - do this three times a day.
If you rinse your nose with soap every day for prevention during the flu period while washing your face, then the risk of getting rhinitis will be reduced to zero (HLS 2011, No. 21, p. 33)

Treating a runny nose with mustard at home.
Mustard is widely used in folk methods and recipes for treating a runny nose: apply mustard plasters to the feet and secure with a cloth, or pour dry mustard into socks and walk for 1-2 days. Or foot baths: before going to bed, soak your feet in hot water with the addition of mustard. Cleanses the nose well, improves overall well-being during colds

Runny nose - treatment of rhinitis with massage.
Massage, rub your feet with alcohol, then put on woolen socks, it is advisable to put a heating pad on your feet after that.

Onions and garlic for a runny nose are popular folk remedies.

Treating a runny nose at home with onions.
In wet wipe wrap the grated onion, put it on the wings of the nose, cover it with a dry cloth, lie down with this compress for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. A runny nose can be cured very quickly with onions - in one day. You can insert gauze pads soaked in onion juice into your nose. Or you can dilute onion juice with water in a ratio of 1:3 – 1:6 and put these drops in your nose.

Vapors of onion, garlic or horseradish for a runny nose.
Often recommended next treatment runny nose at home: cut onion, garlic or horseradish into small pieces, put it in a tightly screwed jar and inhale the vapors as often as possible. This remedy for the common cold is widely used in folk medicine. During a flu epidemic, this folk method will help avoid illness.
Here is a more intensive way to treat a runny nose at home with garlic: Take a large clove of garlic and cut 3 slices from it. Apply one strip to the skin under the nose. Then lie on your back, insert a mug of garlic into each nostril, and alternate two breathing options every 10 breaths:
1. Pinch your nose with your fingertips and breathe through your mouth – 10 times
2. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
The total duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. At the beginning there will be a strong sneezing, here you need to take care of the pieces of garlic so that they do not fly away in different directions - take them out of your nose or, on the contrary, hold your nose and sneeze through your mouth.
If you start this treatment at the first signs of influenza or acute respiratory infections, the development of the disease can be avoided (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 19, 2010 p. 10)

Home treatment for runny nose with garlic oil.
Heat half a glass of vegetable oil in a water bath for 30 minutes, adding a head of crushed garlic. Leave for a day. Lubricate your nostrils 2-3 times a day.

Beets are an effective folk remedy for a runny nose at home.

Honey with beet juice is a popular folk method for treating runny nose in children.
Take liquid honey, 1/3 tsp, dissolve in dessert spoon boiled water and mix with 1 tbsp. l. beet juice. Instill 7 drops every 2 hours when heated. A runny nose can be cured in one day. (Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle No. 16, 2000 p. 12)
You can cure a runny nose easier: mix beet juice with boiled water 1:1 and put 4-5 drops into your nose several times a day. (HLS 2010, No. 20, p. 39-40)

Raw beet tampons for a runny nose.
Cleanses the nose very well. Grate fresh beets, put on a piece of bandage and roll into a tube, insert into the nostrils for 1-2 hours, do several times a day. Garlic tampons are also made, but before inserting a garlic tampon, it is advisable to lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vaseline

Inhaling smoke through the nose is a remedy for a runny nose found in all folk remedies.
To cure a runny nose, you need to inhale the smoke from smoldering cotton wool or smoldering crackers. Inhale through one or the other nostril until you cry. The runny nose goes away the same day. (HLS No. 10, 2007).
The man was tormented all year round persistent runny nose. He took a cracker, set it on fire at one end, when it caught fire, he immediately put it out, smoke began to emerge, he inhaled it first through one nostril and then through the other. The runny nose went away after the first session. Now he is 91 years old, after that treatment he has never had nasal congestion. (HLS No. 18, p. 40, 2011).
The woman read about this incident in Healthy Lifestyle. She had mucus coming out of her nose day and night; she blew her nose every five minutes, not into handkerchiefs, but into diapers. And after reading the note, she immediately began treating her runny nose with smoke. I did only one procedure and the mucus stopped coming out. 20 days have passed after treatment - there is no rhinitis, I threw away the diapers, uses handkerchiefs, and only occasionally. (HLS No. 21, p. 7, 2011).

Motherwort tincture:
Rub your nose, lubricate it around the nostrils, it will become easier to breathe.

Treating a runny nose at home with oil.
St. John's wort oil: instill 2-3 drops into each nostril 2-3 times a day or lubricate the inside of the nose every hour. After two days, rhinitis goes away (HLS No. 4, 2007).
You can also use camphor oil for home treatment (HLS No. 2, p. 41, 2012). It is especially advisable to use camphor oil for treatment if a runny nose is accompanied by a headache - lubricate the nose and temples at least 2 times a day (HLS No. 3, p. 30, 2007).
Helps in treatment and menthol oil.

Folk treatment for a runny nose: Kalanchoe.
Aloe and Kalanchoe are wonderful folk remedies for treating a runny nose. You need to instill Kalanchoe pinnate or aloe juice into your nose 3-4 times a day, 3-5 drops into each half of the nose. Instilling Kalanchoe juice sometimes causes severe sneezing, but rhinitis can be cured with this remedy in one day.
You can also effectively cure a runny nose using golden mustache juice - in just one day. Instill golden mustache juice 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

Viburnum juice with honey is a folk home remedy for a runny nose.
The recipe is as follows: mix 1 glass of viburnum juice and 1 glass of honey, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Store in the refrigerator and drink warm. On the 3rd day, all the mucus comes out (HLS No. 23, 2000, p. 19).

Warming up porridge with a persistent runny nose in a child.
If a child has a prolonged runny nose, sew a small bag of linen fabric, fill it with warm, boiled millet porridge and place the bag on maxillary sinuses. Keep until cool.

Warming the nose is the most common folk remedy for treating a runny nose. To warm the nose at home, use two boiled chicken eggs, wrapped in cloth, a bag of hot sand or salt.

Treatment of a persistent runny nose with drops of propolis and oils.
It happens that a runny nose does not go away for several months. Then use the following recipe for treatment: you need to take 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil, sunflower oil– 1 tsp of all ingredients, pour into a dark bottle, shake. Place 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week. Then a break of 3 days. Then drip again for a week. The runny nose goes away. Before dropping, the mixture must be shaken (HLS No. 10, 2007).

Chronic runny nose - rinsing the nose with salt water.
The man had chronic rhinitis, he constantly put various drops into his nose, but they did not help for long; his nose was constantly blocked, especially at night. I began to rinse my nose with salt water using a pear (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water). At first I did this procedure several times a day, then less often. Chronic rhinitis was completely cured. (HLS No. 13, 2010, pp. 28-29).

Chronic rhinitis - healing drops.
The woman had a constant runny nose for a long time. No remedies helped. A friend recommended a simple recipe: take 1 tsp. 10% propolis tincture, camphor oil. unrefined sunflower oil, pour everything into a dark glass bottle and shake. Instill 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for a week, then break for 3 days. After the second week's course, the woman's runny nose went away completely. (HLS No. 9, 2007, p. 30).

Traditional treatment of chronic runny nose with herbs.
Healer E. F. Zaitseva gives a recipe for a collection that cleanses the lungs and nasopharynx of mucus.
You need to take coltsfoot grass, wild rosemary, thyme, plantain, linden and black elderberry flowers, marshmallow root and licorice in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. collection of these eight components, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals, half a glass. The course of treatment for chronic rhinitis is 1.5 months. (HLS No. 8, 2006, p. 24).

Treatment of chronic runny nose with water.
The woman caught a cold and developed a runny nose that did not go away for a long time. And, in the end, it became chronic. A neighbor suggested an unusual folk method for treating a runny nose: you need to pour it on thumb then the left, then the right leg cold water. I decided to try it. I poured cold water on each finger every day for 3 minutes. The effect is amazing! For 2 years now he has not remembered a runny nose or other colds (HLS No. 23, 2012, p. 32).

Treatment of persistent runny nose with dew.
The man was tormented severe runny nose both in winter and summer. Drops from the pharmacy and folk remedies did not help. Then he decided to walk barefoot in the morning dew. I went for a whole month. And the chronic runny nose was cured. (HLS No. 8, p. 38, 2013).

Chronic runny nose is an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity that is permanent. The disease can last for years and bring significant discomfort into the patient’s life.

In order to pick up effective treatment chronic runny nose in adults, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, as well as study its characteristic signs.

Symptoms of chronic runny nose, causes of its occurrence

Symptoms of chronic runny nose:

  • copious nasal discharge;
  • headache;
  • unpleasant sensations in the nose: dryness, burning, itching;
  • snoring during sleep;
  • loss of sensitivity to smells;
  • frequent bouts of sneezing;
  • formation of crusts in the nasal cavity;
  • periodic nosebleeds;
  • labored breathing;
  • congestion in the throat and ears.
Treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be comprehensive and high-quality

Causes of the disease:

  • untreated runny nose;
  • allergy;
  • impact environment: dry or hot air, dust, exhaust gases;
  • nasal injuries and septal deformation;
  • dilatation of nasal vessels;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • frequent colds and viral diseases;
  • bad habits: alcoholism, smoking;
  • disorders in the nervous, endocrine, digestive system and other diseases that impair blood circulation in the nasal mucosa.

Hypothermia is one of the causes of rhinitis

Treatment of chronic runny nose in adults is selected individually for each patient, depending on the form and cause of the disease. Can be used: pharmaceuticals, traditional methods, rinsing, massage, inhalation physiotherapy.

Treatment with pharmaceutical medications

Pharmacy medicines are represented by antiviral, antibacterial and herbal preparations.

Antiviral drugs are used when chronic runny nose in adults occurs due to colds and viral diseases. Treatment with them is advisable at the onset of the disease. These medications prevent the effects of viruses on the body and activate immune system.

The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Arbidol. Available in capsules, tablets and suspensions. The composition includes the active substance umifenovir. During the acute phase of the disease, Arbidol is taken 4 times a day for 5 days. The cost of the drug is from 248 rubles.

A drug for the treatment of persistent runny nose in tablets
  • Rinza. Available in tablet form. Contains: paracetamol, caffeine, phenylephrine hydrochloride, chlorpheniramine maleate. You need to take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day for 5 days. Price from 186 rubles.
  • Interferon - nasal drops. Actively included active substance interferon alpha. 3-4 drops are instilled into each nostril 4-5 times a day for 5 days. The cost of the drug is from 131 rubles.
  • Oxolinic ointment. It is used as a treatment for viral rhinitis and for prevention during a surge in colds.

Composed as active substance Oxolin is used, mineral oil and white soft paraffin are used as auxiliaries. The ointment must be applied to the nasal mucosa 2 times every 3-4 days. Price from 11 rubles.

An excellent remedy for the prevention of viral diseases

Antibacterial drugs are used for more than severe course diseases when the cause of the disease is bacteria. Antibiotics are used wide range actions or topical medications.

  1. Isofra. The medicine is available in the form of drops and spray. The active ingredient is Framycetin sulfate. The drug is used 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days. Price from 358 rubles.
  2. Erythromycin is an antibiotic for oral administration in tablet form. Contains erythromycin. The medicine is taken 2-4 times a day, an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. The cost of the drug is from 95 rubles.
  3. Mupirocin – antibacterial ointment, which is applied to the nasal mucosa 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. Price from 300 rub.

Antibacterial drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects

Only a specialist can prescribe such remedies!

Herbal preparations are the most safe means from pharmaceutical medicines for the treatment of chronic runny nose, both in adults and children. They contain essential oils and natural ingredients that relieve swelling in the nasal cavity and expand the passages.

The most famous pharmaceutical products plant origin:

  • Pinosol - drops of plant origin, which include: pine oil, mint oil, eucalyptus oil. The drug is used 3-6 times a day. Price from 184 rubles.

Herbal nasal drops
  • Sinupret. The composition is a water-alcohol solution with the following herbal ingredients: gentian root, primrose flowers, sorrel herb, elderberry flowers, verbena herbs.

If chronic rhinitis is caused by allergies, you must take antihistamines. When a runny nose is a consequence of disorders in the body, the underlying disease must also be treated.

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional methods of treatment can only be used with sufficient mild flow diseases. This is the most cheap way getting rid of chronic runny nose in adults and children.

Funds for this type of treatment are always easy to find at hand:

  • Garlic. Grind a small amount and pour boiling water. Let it brew and drop it into your nose several times a day.
  • Mustard powder - pour into socks at night or add to a foot bath.
  • Kalanchoe juice - place a few drops in each nostril.
  • You can use tar laundry soap. It is necessary to thoroughly soap your finger and rub it on each half of the nose from the inside.
  • Celandine juice – instill 2 drops 3 times a day.
  • Calendula or eucalyptus leaves. It is necessary to prepare an infusion and sniff it through your nose 2 times a day.

  • Boric acid, glycerin and alcohol. Take 1 teaspoon of each component, mix and also inhale through your nose.
  • Onion. It needs to be cut, add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, pour warm water over the whole mixture. Place 3-5 drops into each nostril 3 times a day.
  • Camphor oil – instill 3 drops 3 times a day.

You can also instill peach, fir, olive and vaseline oil into your nose.

Nasal rinses: pros and cons, cautions

Nasal lavage is actively used to treat rhinitis. This procedure helps clear the nose of secretions, relieve swelling and make breathing easier.

The rinsing solution can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Pharmacy products consist of sea ​​water and sodium chloride. At home, salt is most often used to rinse the nose. You can also use herbal solutions, beet juice and furatsilin.

For the procedure of infusing liquid into the nose, special devices are used, a teapot, a syringe and a syringe. You need to rinse each nostril in turn, so that the liquid comes out through the second nostril. The solution must be introduced gradually. After completing the procedure, you must blow your nose thoroughly.

The rinsing solution should be warm and at a comfortable temperature

The advantage of this method of treating chronic runny nose is that it is safe.. It can be used by adults, pregnant women and children. However, this method also has a disadvantage - when advanced stage illness, it can only be an addition to treatment.

There are also limitations to this procedure. It cannot be performed with a completely stuffy nose, since it can spread the infection to ear canal. Washing is also contraindicated if there are tumors in the nose and a tendency to bleeding. For people with a deviated septum, this procedure may not be helpful.


Another auxiliary method for treating chronic runny nose is inhalation. They moisturize the nasal mucosa and soften secretions. Pharmacies offer a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer, which consists of a face mask and a container into which the solution is poured. You can also do inhalations at home without this device.

The oldest way home inhalation - breathe steam over potatoes. You can also use herbal infusions and essential oils. Inhalations should not be done when body temperature rises.


Massaging the nose with a runny nose will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The principle of its action is to influence certain points that are responsible for blood circulation.

At high temperature massage is contraindicated

The massage is performed with clean and warm hands. You need to make light rotational movements clockwise. The massage begins from the wings of the nose, then moves to the area between upper lip and nose, ends with massaging the tip of the nose.


Physiotherapy includes a number of thermal procedures, due to which blood circulation in the nasal cavity increases, blood vessels dilate, swelling decreases and swelling occurs. fast recovery mucous membrane.

Physiotherapy method - laser treatment

The following procedures are used:

  • phototherapy;
  • quartz:
  • electrophoresis;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • laser therapy.

Any treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor!

Lifestyle change

When long-term treatment Chronic rhinitis does not produce tangible results and the disease returns, you should think about changing your lifestyle. It is necessary to reconsider the diet: include a lot of vegetables and fruits, refuse junk food and fast food.

Vitamins are necessary at any time of the year

It is also necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system. In the treatment of chronic runny nose, hardening and cold and hot shower. Should be abandoned bad habits.

Bath against runny nose

Bath – nice way treatment of chronic runny nose, which is in great demand among adults. The healing effect is achieved by thermal effects and warming up. It will be useful to pour herbal infusions onto the stones and inhale them. The bathhouse provides positive action throughout the body, strengthens the immune system. During the acute phase of the disease, you cannot visit the bathhouse.

Possible consequences of chronic rhinitis

An incompletely cured runny nose, improper treatment or lack thereof, can lead to complications.

Don't let your nose get worse until complications arise.

New diseases may arise:

  • Sinusitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia.

To avoid these consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time and not self-medicate.

Will prevention help?

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. It is very important to take preventive measures for the occurrence of chronic runny nose. To do this, you need to treat rhinitis well, strengthen the immune system, especially in the cold season, healthy image life, watch your diet and give up bad habits.

Fresh air is the best cure for colds

It is also important to complete everything on time necessary examinations, do not ignore the symptoms of an upcoming illness. As a preventative measure, it is good to use folk remedies.

By taking preventive measures, you can avoid long and grueling treatment.

Rhinitis - causes, symptoms and treatment. Find out from this useful video:

How to treat a persistent runny nose? Watch a video consultation with a specialist:

How to treat a runny nose. Simple, but 100% home treatment methods. Watch an interesting video:

Chronic runny nose is an advanced form or a consequence of poor-quality treatment of acute rhinitis, which is characterized by a prolonged inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa and is accompanied by difficulty breathing and mucus secretion from the nasal turbinates.

Every person, be it a child or an adult, is familiar with this problem firsthand. However, not everyone treats it with full responsibility.

Chronic runny nose, due to its duration, causes severe discomfort in the patient. Chronic runny nose can exist as independent disease, and develop against the background of a number of infections that penetrate the body (influenza, diphtheria, measles, HIV infection, gonorrhea, etc.).

Causes of chronic runny nose

The causes of chronic runny nose include a number of factors. The dominant place among them is occupied by frequently recurring acute rhinitis, as well as allergic reactions on various microparticles surrounding a person (poplar fluff, pollen, house dust, fur, etc.).

Among the causes of chronic runny nose, there are also some disorders in anatomical structure nasal cavity. These include a curvature of the nasal septum, as a result of which unilateral hypertrophy of the nasal concha may develop, as well as congenital defects and acquired defects of the nasal cavity.

The cause of a chronic runny nose may be prolonged exposure to certain irritating factors on the nasal mucosa. Metal and mineral dust can injure the nasal mucosa, and other types of dust (chalk, flour, etc.) have a detrimental effect on the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which the outflow of secretions from the mucous glands and goblet cells is disrupted.

It is also worth noting that the accumulation of dust in the nasal passages can lead to the formation of nasal stones (rhinoliths), as a result of dust cementation. TO irritating factors, which can cause chronic inflammation nasal mucosa, include vapors and gases.

One of probable causes the appearance of a chronic runny nose are local pathological processes in the pharynx and paranasal sinuses. These include: narrowing of the lumen of the posterior nasal passages by adenoids, purulent discharge that irritates the nasal mucosa in diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis), sluggish infectious process against the background of chronic tonsillitis.

The cause of chronic runny nose is also considered Negative influence environment. This may be simple hypothermia, which leads to a reflex change in vascular tone, or hot, dry air, which dries out the nasal mucosa and thereby inhibits the function of the ciliated epithelium.

Taking certain medications can also cause chronic runny nose. These include vasodilators which are used in the treatment of hypertension. Instillation of drops of a vasoconstrictor spectrum of action into the nose over a long period of time leads, as a rule, to irritation of the nasal mucosa and can provoke the development of vasomotor rhinitis.

The causes of chronic runny nose also include poor circulation in the nasal mucosa due to some systemic diseases(alcoholism, kidney disease, hypertension, systematic constipation, dysmenorrhea, endocrine and nervous system). This list can be supplemented by household and surgical injuries in the nasal cavity, as well as the presence of a foreign body in it.

Classification of chronic rhinitis

Based on the causes of chronic runny nose, there are several types of this disease.

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis– characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing, which is usually manifested by congestion of one half of the nose. In this case, nasal discharge is mucous and moderate, but with exacerbation of the disease it can become purulent and profuse. In some cases, due to an increase in the amount of mucus secreted, there is a disturbance in the sense of smell.

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis– characterized by proliferation and thickening of the nasal mucosa (hyperplasia) against the background of chronic inflammatory process. In this case, nasal breathing is very difficult or becomes completely impossible due to the blocking of the nasal passages by the overgrown mucous membrane (the patient is forced to constantly breathe through the mouth).

Nasal discharge is profuse and, as a rule, mucopurulent. The patient's voice becomes nasal, taste and olfactory functions are impaired, and a painful headache appears.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis– characterized by thinning of the nasal mucosa (the nasal passages expand) and is accompanied by the discharge of viscous mucus from the nose, which, when dried, forms crusts, as well as itching and a feeling of dryness in the nose and throat. Education large quantity crusts lead to difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell.

A special form of chronic atrophic rhinitis – ozena, which is a fetid runny nose, accompanied by the formation of dirty gray crusts in the nasal cavity with a sharp unpleasant smell(most often nauseating, sweetish).

The cause of ozena is infection of wounds in the nasal mucosa by the microorganism Klebsiella pneumoniae ozaenae.

Chronic vasomotor rhinitis– characterized by difficulty breathing through the nose, copious mucous and watery discharge from the nose, and paroxysmal sneezing. These manifestations are a consequence of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and occur with an increase in blood pressure, with a sharp change temperature regime, after waking up, against a background of stress or overwork.

Concomitant symptoms of this type of disease may be sleep disturbance and deterioration of general condition.

Chronic allergic rhinitis – characterized by the occurrence of itching and a burning sensation in the nose, which cause bouts of uncontrollable sneezing. The nasal discharge is watery. Depending on the type of allergens, vasomotor rhinitis can be year-round or seasonal (hay fever).


In the treatment of chronic runny nose there is no single universal remedy, which can eliminate this problem once and for all. What may help in one particular case brings only short-term improvement in another.

Treatment methods for chronic runny nose depend on the form of the disease and individual characteristics body.

Catarrhal rhinitis

Treatment of chronic runny nose catarrhal type involves, first of all, eliminating the cause that caused the occurrence of this form of the disease. Only after this can the effectiveness of therapeutic measures be increased.

Treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis medications consists of using vasoconstrictor drugs, the effect of which is aimed at improving nasal breathing and reducing swelling.

These drugs are available in the form of drops or sprays (Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Nazol, Otrivin, Nazivin, etc.). However, the use of drugs in this group can also lead to the opposite effect, since they cause addiction to the body, which negates all therapeutic efforts.

The patient is prescribed antihistamines (Acrivastin, Loratodine), anticongestants (Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline), glucocorticoids (Mometasone, Nasonex), and, if necessary, antibacterial agents.

In the treatment of chronic catarrhal rhinitis Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used (laser therapy and ultraviolet radiation). Surgical treatment is used only if anatomical changes are detected in the nasal cavity.

Hypertrophic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is based in most cases on the same drug therapy, as with catarrhal rhinitis. However, the features of the course of this form of the disease indicate that most patients need surgery, which involves surgical, mechanical or thermal effects on those areas of the turbinates that are subject to hypertrophic changes.

Treatment of chronic rhinitis of the hypertrophic form can also be carried out by freezing (cryosurgery) or cauterizing (galvanocaustics) tissues with a metal tip or chemicals (trichloroacetic acid, silver nitrate, etc.).

Atrophic rhinitis

Treatment of chronic runny nose atrophic form carried out using general and local species impact. Surgical treatment is prescribed in extremely rare cases.

General treatment of chronic atrophic rhinitis involves the use of stimulating drugs (Rutin, Calcium Gluconate, Aloe Extract, Phytin), as well as vitamin therapy and UHF. In order to improve blood microcirculation and restore the nasal mucosa, xanthinol nicotinate, Pentoxifylline, and Agapurine are used.

To activate metabolic processes in the nasal mucosa and epithelial regeneration, local treatment of chronic atrophic rhinitis is prescribed, which includes the use of nutritional ointments containing glucose.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Treatment of chronic runny nose of this form is carried out using both medicinal and surgical methods.

Drug treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis involves taking steroid drugs, as well as the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and antiallergic nasal drops. Saline solutions are used to rinse the nasal passages.

Complex medical procedures should include electrophoresis and acupuncture.
To reduce the inferior turbinates of the nose, resulting in improved nasal breathing, surgery is prescribed.

Allergic rhinitis

The main goal of treating chronic allergic rhinitis is to reduce or completely eliminate the dominant symptoms of this type of disease: itching in the nose and eyes, nasal discharge, sneezing and lacrimation. For this purpose, three generations of H1-histamine blockers are used:

  • Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine;
  • Claritin, Simprex, Kestin, Zyrtec;
  • Telfast, Xizal, Erius.

The likelihood of side effects decreases with generation height.

An important role in the treatment of chronic runny nose of the allergic form has ultraviolet irradiation nasal mucosa, dynamic currents, magnetic therapy.

Treatment with traditional methods

The first step in the fight against chronic runny nose is to rinse the nasal passages. This procedure carried out with solutions based on sea salt, table salt with the addition of eucalyptus or propolis tincture, baking soda, iodine, potassium permanganate, beet juice, lemon juice. Nasal rinsing is carried out using a small syringe or syringe.

Ointments, drops and inhalations will help free up nasal breathing and get rid of mucus secreted from the nose. To combat this, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of recipes:

  • lubricating the internal passages of the nose with laundry soap;
  • hot mustard baths for legs;
  • compresses from onion pulp maxillary sinuses and wings of the nose;
  • inhalation of onion, garlic or horseradish vapors;
  • beetroot tampons in each nostril alternately;
  • nasal drops prepared from a mixture of vegetable and camphor oils and propolis tincture;
  • inhalation of smoke from garlic stalks smoldering on the stove, cotton swabs, bread croutons, etc.;
  • warming the nose with hard-boiled eggs, hot sand or salt, hot millet porridge.

Healthy lifestyle and strong immunity will help overcome chronic runny nose without resorting to medical procedures.

The chronic form of the runny nose is characterized by the presence of symptoms of the disease over a long period of time. This happens due to several reasons: neglect of treatment acute form rhinitis, ongoing influence of a provoking factor or severe immunodeficiency. Before you begin treating rhinitis, you should consult a doctor, since it is quite difficult to cure a chronic runny nose.

Pledge successful treatment- Right established cause diseases and professionally selected drug therapy. Note that folk remedies are used only as an auxiliary method of therapy. Honey, aloe and herbs cannot relieve a person from chronic course diseases.

First you need to understand the cause of the chronicity of the inflammatory process in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It could be:

  1. infectious runny nose (bacterial form). It develops as a result of improper treatment of the disease when primary lesion mucous pathogenic microbes. As a result, the pathogens are in the nasopharynx in a “semi-active” state. As soon as a person becomes hypothermic or weakens immune defense, there is an exacerbation of rhinitis with the appearance of severe symptoms;
  2. Allergic rhinitis is caused by constant human contact with an allergen. For example, during the flowering period, plants may be bothered by seasonal rhinitis. If the role of a provoking factor is animal hair or products household chemicals, symptoms allergic rhinitis can be celebrated all year round;
  3. vasomotor rhinitis in adults can be caused by poor environmental conditions, diseases of the nervous system or occupational hazards;
  4. rhinitis, as a result of long-term use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. As a result of using such nasal drops over several years, addiction develops. To achieve the effect of restoring nasal breathing, more frequent instillation of a large volume of a vasoconstrictor drug into the nose is required.

Given the variety of causes, treatment of chronic runny nose in adults should be individualized. If the cause of chronic disease is a deformed nasal septum, no medications can completely eliminate the symptoms. The only way out- surgical intervention.

Also antibacterial drugs at allergic origin rhinitis will be completely ineffective. In addition, long-term use of nasal spray with antimicrobial effect is fraught with disruption of microflora and activation of fungal infection.

Visit to the doctor

Only an otolaryngologist knows how to treat a chronic runny nose. A visit to the doctor is required if you want to get rid of snot for a long time. At the appointment, the ENT doctor asks about the symptoms of the disease, the features of their appearance and progression. To establish the cause of the disease, the life history is analyzed. For further examination, the following may be prescribed:

  1. blood test (to detect infectious agents), including the study of immunological status;
  2. analysis of a smear from the nasopharynx (microscopic examination, inoculation of material on nutrient media). Having determined the type pathogenic microorganisms, their resistance to antibacterial agents is established;
  3. X-ray of the skull - to detect inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, abnormalities in the structure of the nose or a deviated septum;
  4. rhinoscopy;
  5. allergy tests;
  6. analysis of working conditions.

In some cases, treatment of chronic rhinitis may require consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist, or maxillofacial surgeon(if the cause of the disease is injury).

Nasal rinsing

Effect medicines will be more powerful if used after cleansing the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The procedure for washing the nasopharynx is carried out for any form of the disease. This allows:

  • prevent damage to the mucous membrane due to irritating factors;
  • clean the surface of dust and mucus, in which microbial toxins can accumulate;
  • normalize the functioning of epithelial cilia, which makes it possible to promptly cleanse the mucous membrane of various contaminants;
  • improve the outflow of mucus from the paranasal sinuses in chronic sinusitis.

Washing can be carried out using special devices or handy means (syringes). The following solutions are used for washing:

  1. Aqua Maris, Humer, Dolphin;
  2. saline;
  3. still alkaline water;
  4. saline solution To prepare the solution, use food or sea ​​salt. In warm water with a volume of 240 ml you need to dissolve 5 g of salt. According to indications, you can add a drop of iodine;
  5. herbal decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, eucalyptus or sage. Just pour boiling water (220 ml) into 15 g of herb, wait 20 minutes and start rinsing. You can also add aloe juice (30 ml);
  6. 5 garlic cloves need to be peeled, chopped, pour boiling water (800 ml) and left for half an hour under a closed lid. Before use, you need to add aloe 1:2 and rinse the nasopharynx twice a day;
  7. 20 ml of freshly squeezed beet juice should be diluted in 240 ml of water and add 2 g of salt.

What will help with chronic runny nose?

Chronic rhinitis in pregnant women is worth considering separately. The appearance of nasal congestion and rhinorrhea is caused by hormonal fluctuations in a woman’s body. A runny nose often appears in the second trimester and can persist until childbirth and in the first months. postpartum period. Special attention is given to the treatment of this type of rhinitis, because many medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy.

Treatment uses nasal rinses saline solutions. Of the nasal forms of drugs, Pinosol or Delufen are allowed for pregnant women. The duration of the course should not exceed 5 days. Hormonal medications are not assigned.

Homeopathic remedies

How to cure chronic rhinitis with homeopathic medicines? The use of drugs in this group is safer than other groups of medications. Unlike vasoconstrictors and hormonal drugs homeopathy does not cause side effects and can be prescribed over a long therapeutic course.

One of the representatives of the homeopathic group of drugs is Delufen. It is widely used in ENT practice, comes in the form of a spray, and is colorless and odorless.

The medicine has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effects, protects the mucous membrane from irritation and accelerates regenerative processes. Delufen is prescribed for infectious, allergic or vasomotor rhinitis:

  • For allergic rhinitis, the drug eliminates itching, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. Acts on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, reducing its sensitivity to irritants and allergens;
  • the anti-inflammatory effect allows you to reduce the severity of inflammation, swelling, mucus production and restore nasal breathing;
  • old atrophic rhinitis is treated thanks to Delufen’s ability to normalize the nutrition and functioning of the cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Dryness is reduced, regeneration is activated, as a result of which dry crusts do not form and difficulty breathing is not observed;
  • The immunomodulatory effect makes it possible to normalize the flora of the nasopharynx and strengthen local immune defense.

It is undesirable to use Delufen in case of severe thyroid dysfunction and individual intolerance to the components. Chronic runny nose in an adult is treated for 2-4 weeks, but the duration of the therapeutic course can last up to two months.

To eliminate chronic runny nose, treatment should include immunotherapy. It will be quite difficult to cope with the disease if a person has a weakened immune system. To strengthen it it is necessary healthy food, taking vitamins and adequate drinking regime. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid. This will reduce the viscosity of mucus, facilitate its removal, reduce intoxication and strengthen the immune system. Recommended cranberry juice, tea with lemon, raspberry or herbal infusions. Only A complex approach and medical supervision will completely cure chronic rhinitis.