What homeopathy to treat inflammation of the tonsils and runny nose. Homeopathic treatment of acute catarrhal tonsillitis. Treatment in adults

Homeopathy is a long-contested but, in some cases, very effective method of treating illness. Of course, the treatment of difficult-to-treat chronic tonsillitis can be productively completed with physiotherapy, but it is also possible to reinforce the effect of the procedures with homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy is a very complex science; it is not always possible to guess right the first time with a drug, the selection of which is strictly individual. Homeopathic medicines are taken in combination or alternating remedies, adhering to the dosage according to the recommended dosage regimen.


The most popular for use in children and adults are complex preparations Tonsilgon and Tonzipret.

Also effective in the fight against tonsillitis:

  1. Akonitum (Aconite)
  2. Barita muriatica
  3. Belladonna
  4. Gepar Sulfur
  5. Lachesis
  6. Mercurius Solubilis
  7. Fitolyakka
  8. Ferum phosphoricum

Aconitum or poisonous fighter

It is used for severe burning and pain in the throat, especially acute when swallowing, redness of the tonsils, their swelling, fever and thirst. It is also famous as a sedative.

Relieves fever and chills, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug must be diluted, but the dosage is strictly individual.

Apis or honey bee

Taken when there is a burning sensation in the throat, cutting pain, with ulcers and wounds, frequent relapses. The remedy with Apis warms the throat and ensures better blood flow to the tonsils.

In fact, this is a drug with bee venom, so children should take it with caution and, in any case, a small dosage is selected for treatment. It is prepared from the bee itself or from candied vials of venom.

Not applicable if there are existing contraindications - allergies to bee products or bee stings.

Barita muriatica

Otherwise called Barium salt, Barium Chloride. The remedy is quite strong and must be used from the very beginning of the development of the disease. Acts as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Approved for use in children.


It is used in the form of a tincture, which is prepared from the dry stems with flowers of this poisonous plant.

Prescribed for respiratory diseases, inflammation of the tonsils in acute and chronic period, accompanied by a dry cough, chills, fever with cold hands and severe headache.

It is one of the main drugs in the treatment of children.

Gepar Sulfur

Otherwise called as Sulfur liver- These are combined sulfur and calcium. It is prescribed to relieve swelling of the tonsils, stop the process of suppuration, and has an antiseptic effect. Used when initial stages development of peritonsillar abscess.


Lachesis, or a drug based on rattlesnake venom, is taken in combination with other drugs for the treatment of purulent varieties of tonsillitis, the onset of paratonsillitis. But it is not used in the treatment of children.

Mercurius Solubilis

Otherwise called mercury, it is effective in exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, and especially in relation to bad smell from mouth.

IN safe dosage approved for use in children.


A preparation based on the plant American Lakonos or Indian ivy.

Appointed in case follicular tonsillitis, other purulent deposits on the tonsils and a feeling of dryness in the mouth and throat.

It copes equally well with severe coughs.

Ferum phosphoricum

A remedy with iron phosphate, which is usually prescribed at the initial stage of the disease. Relieves joint pain, relieves swelling and sore throat.

Allowed for the treatment of children under one year old and pregnant women, but with caution.

  1. Take homeopathy, especially those based on mineral substances or such as mercury, sulfur, only as prescribed by a homeopathic doctor or therapist. The drug, chosen correctly, will not cause complications and will be extremely useful on the path to recovery.
  2. Homeopathic remedies usually do not cause acute adverse reactions However, if a rash, nausea and other characteristic reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. Adhere to your eating schedule and maintain an interval between meals and the use of medicinal granules.
  4. If necessary, follow bed rest, diet and be sure to avoid stress.

It is also worth remembering the incompatibility of homeopathy with the following products and substances:

  • Coffee;
  • Black tea;
  • Chocolate, especially black;
  • Energy drinks, Pepsi and Cola;
  • Mint, reputed as a neutralizer in homeopathy. Moreover, you should avoid using mint not only in pure form, but also in toothpastes, chewing gum and candies.

Anginitis-GF is a homeopathic remedy intended for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. As is known, this pathology is not uncommon. In structure general morbidity this disease takes far from last place. Since many people do not want to “poison” their body with industrially produced chemicals over the years, they prefer more acceptable modern drugs. That is why today we will talk about the drug Anginit-GF, which can be used to treat chronic tonsillitis with “homeopathy”. And so that you know more about this medicine, we will tell you about the instructions for use of Anginit-GF.

Composition and release form

The active components of the drug are represented by the following compounds: Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni C6, Atropa bella-donna C3, Apis mellifica D3. Excipients: powdered sugar and nonpareil.

Anginit-GF is produced in the form of small white granules with a grayish tint, without any inclusions or impurities. Sales are carried out in pharmacies. A doctor's prescription is not required to purchase.

pharmachologic effect

How exactly a particular homeopathic medicine acts on the human body can only be understood by studying the mechanism of action of each of its components. As always, this area of ​​medicine is based on the following postulate: like is treated with like.

Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni

This substance is sometimes called nothing more than soluble mercury Hahnemann. Chemistry experts know that this mixture contains the following components: mercury itself, a little ammonia and nitric acid.

When used therapeutically significant quantities This substance in the human body develops mercury poisoning, characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms: abdominal pain, sometimes quite severe, inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa, as well as the presence of intestinal damage.

With a further increase in the amount of the drug, cerebral manifestations will appear, in the form of clouding of consciousness, coma, paralysis, paresis, sensory disturbances, and the like.

Of course, Anginit-GF contains a negligible amount of this substance, which is unable to cause the development of a specific mercury poisoning, but has certain effects on the mucous membrane upper sections digestive tract.

Atropa bella-donna

This substance is an extract from the leaves and roots of a famous plant called belladonna. Its main component has a pronounced m-anticholinergic effect. Its introduction into the human body has an inhibitory effect on the secretory activity of the mucous membranes. First of all, this concerns the salivary, sweat and some other glands.

In addition, this substance suppresses the peristaltic movements of the intestinal muscles, which can result in disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. In small concentrations there is a stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the upper digestive tract, which can activate regenerative processes in the tonsils.

Apis mellifica

This substance is nothing more than a powder made from dead bees, or, more simply put, these are ground corpses honey bees. I believe it is no secret to anyone that beekeeping products have long and firmly occupied their niche not only among folk and homeopathic remedies, but also among traditional medicine preparations.

Any bee products are excellent stimulants immune system. In the case of chronic tonsillitis, this is one of the first remedies, since in the pathogenesis of the disease, this circumstance plays one of the leading roles.

Only against the backdrop of reduced protective forces This disease may become chronic. Therefore, “stimulating” the immune system is exactly what is needed in this situation.

Indications for use

There is only one indication for the use of Anginit-GF - the presence of chronic tonsillitis.

It is extremely important to focus on one circumstance. You should never get hung up on homeopathic or traditional methods alone. In most cases, as monotherapy they will not bring a significant effect.

Treatment of diseases, including chronic tonsillitis, must be carried out by adhering to an integrated approach, including not only the methods listed above, but also medications.

Contraindications for use

Below I will give a list of conditions for which the use of such drugs, as well as the vast majority of other homeopathic remedies, is strictly prohibited.

Lactation period.

Despite the fact that Anginit-GF is sold without a doctor’s prescription, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist. You may have to go through some laboratory research, based on the results of which the doctor will prescribe a more adequate technique.

Application and dosage

Anginit-GF is used according to the following scheme. The first few days you need to take 5 granules every 30 minutes. The maximum is 16 capsules per day. After relief of symptoms, the dose is reduced to 5 pieces 3 or 4 times a day.

The duration of the course depends on the body's reaction to the medicine. In most cases it should not exceed two weeks. Attention, if the symptoms of the disease become aggravated while taking the drug, you should stop treatment and consult a specialist.

Side effects

At the moment, no side effects When using Anginit-GF, no signs were observed.


There are no analogues of Anginit-GF. Homeopathic remedies for tonsillitis have not yet been invented. Contact your doctor for selection similar drug, providing a similar list of indications.


Treatment of diseases, especially chronic ones, should be carried out in the context of complex therapy. Only with this approach can we hope for a complete recovery.


Sore throat represents acute inflammation palatine tonsils or other lymphatic formations of the nasopharynx, which is much less common. The disease is infectious in nature and has an airborne transmission mechanism. Infection is also possible through nutritional means - through dishes used by a sick person. Most often, children and adults under 30 years of age suffer from this pathology, but cases of sore throat are also recorded among the older population (about 25%). The danger of the disease is due to serious complications that develop due to improper treatment of the patient, self-medication, or, even lack of necessary treatment.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The main causative agents of sore throat are: streptococci (β-hemolytic group A), staphylococci, pneumococci and other bacteria. Inflammation of the tonsils can also be caused by viruses (for example, Coxsackie enterovirus) and some types of fungi. It should be noted that approximately 80% of sore throats have streptococcal etiology.

Lymphoid formations of the nasopharynx are the first link in the protective chain lymphatic system. With a decrease in immunity, they cannot resist infectious agents that begin to actively multiply on their surface, causing tissue inflammation. If this happens, a sore throat develops. Hyperthermia, as well as other general symptoms of the disease, are a consequence of endo and exotoxins from bacteria entering the blood. In case of streptococcal inflammation pathological effect enzymes of microorganism aggression such as streptokinase, streptolysins, etc.

Some internal as well external factors surrounding a person can lead to a decrease in local immunity upper respiratory tract and, therefore, increasing the risk of developing sore throat. These include: hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, dental caries, chronic pathology nasopharynx, as well as constant exposure to dust, cigarette smoke and excessive dryness of indoor air.

Clinical manifestations

Inflammation of the tonsils begins acutely and lasts about a week. Depending on the characteristics of local manifestations and their severity, angina is divided into several types: catarrhal, follicular, lacunar and necrotic. Common to all these forms are symptoms such as fever, chills, and signs of intoxication. There is almost always a feeling of pain in the throat, it intensifies when swallowing and radiates to the ear. On examination, there is an increase in regional lymph nodes in the area lower jaw and neck.


Inflammation of the palatine tonsils occurs when various diseases, therefore it is necessary to exclude diphtheria, Infectious mononucleosis, as well as ARVI and other infections in a patient with symptoms of tonsillitis. The main diagnostic method is taking biomaterial for inoculation on a nutrient medium and subsequent isolation of the pathogen, as well as determining its sensitivity to antibiotics. In addition, they carry out serological studies, which show an increase in the level of streptococcal antibodies in the patient’s blood. This is a diagnostic standard, but culture and isolation of the pathogen takes from 3 to 7 days, identification of the pathogen takes several more days, in the end, the results usually come when the patient is already taking medication, or has even completely recovered.


In general, in conventional, mass medicine, the treatment of acute inflammation of the tonsils, as well as the treatment of any inflammation, comes down to two principles, symptomatic and antibiotic therapy. No one understands the causes of the disease, no one digs deep, there is simply no time for this. Since it is not possible to isolate the pathogen before starting therapy, drugs with a broad spectrum of action and sufficient activity against streptococci are chosen for antibiotic therapy. When selecting medications, the patient's intake is also important. antibacterial agents in the anamnesis. This must be clarified in order to avoid the persistence of microorganisms in the case of prescribing weaker drugs than those with which the patient was treated in previous infectious diseases. In general, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics has led to a situation in which most of the first generations of antibiotics have become ineffective; bacteria have already developed persistent resistance to them. WHO is seriously sounding the alarm, drawing the attention of the Ministry of Health to the fact that these drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The Guardian magazine published an interesting article with the telling title “Are you ready for a world without antibiotics?” those who know English can read the original.

In addition to increasing resistance, taking antibiotics has its own negative consequences - intestinal dysbiosis and various allergic manifestations.

Symptomatic therapy includes antiseptics for local application, to reduce sore throat. These can be aerosols, lozenges, tablets, lozenges. Many of them also contain local anesthetics. It is important to consider that these drugs are only auxiliary, and not the basis of therapy.

One more component local treatment sore throats are rinses antiseptic solutions, decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile). In addition, the patient is prescribed antihistamines, which help reduce swelling of the pharyngeal tissues. To lower body temperature and eliminate pain Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and Paracetamol are also used.

For tonsillitis of fungal origin, oral antimycotic drugs are prescribed. There is no specific treatment for herpetic (viral) sore throat, so in such cases the patient can only be prescribed symptomatic therapy.

Homeopathic remedies can cure almost every acute inflammation of the tonsils, regardless of etiology, as well as most recurrent inflammatory processes and abscesses. At one time, G. Köhler, together with doctors from the ENT clinic of Freiburg, is working on the joint treatment of 50 patients with tonsillitis. The results showed that homeopathic therapy successfully competes with antibiotic therapy and tonsillectomy. A prerequisite for success is an individualized approach to each case of tonsillitis, which helps avoid relapses. It should also be remembered that chronic or recurrent tonsillitis is not a local disease, but a private manifestation of constitutional weakness. In some cases, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided.

When choosing medications, first of all, pay attention to how the throat looks.

In the first phase, redness of the tonsils is visible, sometimes their swelling or swelling. In the suppuration phase, purulent follicles or purulent plaque are formed up to abscess formation with the threat of spreading infection if the body’s resistance is insufficient. For each phase, homeopathic doctors select a medicine whose pathogenesis corresponds to the observed picture of the disease.

Acute inflammation

In the initial phase of inflammation, the tonsils appear red and swollen. The remedy suitable for these symptoms is Belladonna.

Belladonna. The skin is red, hot, sweaty. The face is very red and shiny; wide pupils, conjunctival hyperemia. The tonsils are bright red and swollen. Feeling of dryness in the throat, tongue dry, shiny, red (crimson tongue). Pain when swallowing and a feeling of swelling; the patient can hardly swallow or speak. Paradoxical symptom: asks for cold drinks and drinks in small sips, although cold liquid increases the pain. The pain intensifies from cold drinks, a cold compress on the neck, when swallowing, or talking. General state worse at night, due to cold. Despite sweating, the patient does not open up.

Phytolacca. The throat and tonsils are dark red in color, stabbing pain, shooting in the ears, general weakness. Belladonna is characterized by its bright red color. Phytolacca is characterized by a dark red hue. Later, purulent follicles appear on the tonsils, which can merge, forming plaque. During this phase, there is bad breath. The right side is more affected. The pain is stabbing, less often burning and radiates to the ears. The pain intensifies under the influence of hot drinks. The tongue is red only at the tip and along the edges. The root of the tongue is covered with a dirty coating, often causing dry mouth.

Apis. The mucous membrane is reddened, but paler than Belladonna; pronounced edema, especially the uvula (may look like a bag of water), palatine arches, and the back of the pharynx. The pain is stabbing, burning, aggravated by heat and warm drink, a warm compress or wrapping a shawl, but the patient refuses a cold compress due to increased sensitivity of the neck and unpleasant perception of everything that is constricting. Alternating fever and chills; Thirst can only occur with chills. Urine scanty, with dark sediment. Maximum body temperature is between 16-18 hours. Angina, for which Apis is suitable, requires more attention than Belladonna-angina, it is necessary to monitor the kidneys, daily urine monitoring.

Follicular suppuration. In the second phase of inflammation with follicular or lacunar suppuration, the homeopath most often chooses Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius biiodatus or Hepar sulfuris.

Mercurius solubilis. Mercury poisoning manifests itself as acute purulent sore throat with plaque and a tendency to form ulcers. The tonsils are dark or bluish-red, swollen, with suppurated follicles or ulceration and plaque. The tongue is covered with a dirty coating, swollen, with teeth marks along the edge. Unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth; drooling with copious, viscous saliva and thirst, although the mouth is moist. Heat, pain, anxiety worse at night. Severe sweating, sometimes with yellowish traces of sweat, which does not bring relief. General and local thermal procedures (compresses and drinking) increase pain. Regional lymph nodes are hard and painful.

Mercurius biiodatus. The pathogenesis of the drug is similar to Mercurius solubilis, but the picture is not as dramatic. Mercurius biiodatus is milder but less reliable than Mercurius solubiiis. Especially indicated for left-sided sore throat.

Hepar sulfuris. Prevents the formation of abscess in lacunar tonsillitis. A proven remedy for purulent inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes. The medicine is indicated when the sore throat spreads in breadth and depth - a threatening abscess. Such development of the process is possible only when the body’s resistance is reduced due to constitutional weakness.

Abscess formation. In case of an abscess, depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s experience, the question of surgical or conservative treatment. Spontaneous opening of the abscess can be accelerated by Myristica sebifera, Hepar sulfuris and Silicea.

Myristica sebifera. Helps open a mature abscess. The drug is called a “homeopathic knife”. With a mature abscess, Myristica can help the abscess to open more quickly, the maturation of which was facilitated by the drug Hepar sulfuris.

Silicea. With a slow, torpid formation of an abscess, Silicea can be used to accelerate the process of maturation of the abscess and its demarcation, which allows one to hope for spontaneous opening. In case of premature dissection of the tonsil or formation of a fistula, Silicea helps to heal the suppuration. Silicea is a deep-acting constitutional remedy. Persons with reduced body resistance cannot cope with infection in the tonsils, so an abscess forms.

Severe forms of the disease

In emergency situations and severe course diseases in capable hands, such remedies as Ailanthus, Lachesis, Arsenicum album, Pyrogenium. Doctors of the past in the pre-antibiotic era successfully treated sore throats with them. Nowadays, their use is advisable in case of severe allergies to antibiotics or viral diseases.

General and local signs and symptoms in critical situation have a lot in common. In this case, you should pay attention to the following manifestations: anxiety and excitement are replaced by severe weakness, stupor, and sometimes delirium: the face is pale bluish, cold, swollen or pointed; breathing is frequent and shallow; the pulse is frequent and small, but even worse if it is small and slow; the temperature suddenly drops and rises again with chills; discrepancy between body temperature and pulse rate; the mucous membrane, especially around the tonsils, is dirty, bluish-red; tendency to ulceration; the tongue is brown, dry or bright red, like varnished. If these symptoms occur, emergency treatment should be considered.

Constitutional follow-up therapy

Homeopathic medicines are medicines that are made according to the methods of the German physician Hahnemann, who lived more than 100 years ago. The method is based on the principle of similarity. In fact, this means that during an illness, in order to heal, you need to take such medicinal substances that during healthy condition cause similar symptoms. To minimize side effects from medicinal substances, it is necessary to carry out a potentiation procedure. Potentization is the dissolution of a drug in water, sugar, alcohol, and so on. Let's take a simple example - it has long been known that mercury ingestion causes the same symptoms as a common kidney disorder.

According to the logic of homeopaths, in case of kidney disorder it is necessary to take mercury in extremely small doses in order to cure the person. You need to understand that homeopathy has undergone a slight evolution during its existence.

Therefore, today in the manufacture of modern homeopathic medicines they are very rarely used. heavy metals and their salts, acids are used quite rarely, preference is given to safe chemical compounds, as well as various extracts from medicinal plants (this technique even has a special name - phyto-homeopathy).

Homeopathic medicines are quite effective remedies for mild to moderate illnesses. They also alleviate the symptoms of serious diseases.

Benefits of Homeopathic Medicines

Manufacturing technology homeopathic medicines It is quite different from the manufacturing technology of other drugs. For this reason homeopathic medicines have some benefits that may seem atypical for conventional drugs:

  • Medicinal substances do not accumulate in the body, since they are present in very large dilutions in a homeopathic preparation.
  • Extremely low allergenicity.
  • Safety and almost complete absence of side effects. Because of this, homeopathic treatment is suitable for children, the elderly, and also pregnant women.
  • Good efficiency.
  • Good compatibility with conventional medications.
  • Great diversity, since homeopathy is already more than 100 years old, and during this time it has been created a large number of effective medicines for all major diseases.
  • Low price (although there are also expensive homeopathic medicines).
  • Treatment with such drugs is characterized by the absence of addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

Effective remedies for tonsillitis

Taking homeopathic medicines is effective means to combat acute and chronic tonsillitis. Doctors readily prescribe such medications to children because taking them can prevent sore throat. The homeopathic method is a complex treatment.

  • Baryta carbonica ( barium carbonate). This medicine is the most effective against mild tonsillitis. Numerous studies show that this drug not only effectively eliminates the symptoms of acute tonsillitis, but also improves immunity. The medicine is also effective against chronic tonsillitis, when bacteria settle in bags on the tonsils. This medicine is absolutely safe, so doctors can prescribe it to children and pregnant women. Another additional plus of the medicine is high efficiency against tonsillitis complicated by scrofula.
  • Guaiacum (guaiac tree resin). Another highly effective remedy against tonsillitis. Studies show that the drug is effective even at the first symptoms of tonsillitis. The drug also effectively fights symptoms such as sore throat, headache, fatigue, and pain in the limbs.
  • Calcarea phosphorica (calcium phosphate). The drug is usually prescribed when the tonsils are flaccid and pale, and hearing is impaired. This medicine is also good for treating lymphoid hypertrophy.
  • Calcarea iodata (calcium iodide). This medicine treats enlarged tonsils well, and also heals the body as a whole. This drug is used for chronic tonsillitis because it can relieve symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling and cough.
  • Bromine (bromine). Another effective medicine against chronic tonsillitis. This drug is prescribed when the tonsils are swollen and covered with a network. blood capillaries, which indicates the active reproduction of bacteria and viruses in the tonsils. Effectively fights the disease and also reduces the likelihood of getting sick again in the future.
  • Lycopodium (moss moss spores). The medicine is a potentized extract from moss spores. It is prescribed when the tonsils are enlarged and covered with small ulcers.

This medicine is usually prescribed for acute tonsillitis, as it combats symptoms such as weakness, malaise, high fever and chills.

What to remember when choosing a homeopathic medicine

Choosing a homeopathic medicine yourself can be quite difficult.

When choosing a medicine, remember the following:

  • Homeopathic medicines are quite poor at treating serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, and so on. If you have a very serious illness, it makes sense to combine traditional medicine with homeopathic medicines.
  • Give preference to homeopathic medicines based on non-poisonous plants and mushrooms. Treatment with such drugs is absolutely safe.
  • There is no point in buying expensive homeopathic tablets, since they always have a cheaper analogue.

If you cannot choose a homeopathic remedy yourself, you can consult a homeopathic doctor. When choosing a doctor, remember the following:

  • To be a good homeopathic doctor, you must have a very great experience. If a doctor does not have his own office, has few patients and is not up to date with current trends, there is something wrong.
  • A good homeopath will not advise you to give up if a serious illness is detected. classical medicine. Rather, he will advise you to take homeopathic medicines in parallel with your main treatment to relieve symptoms and reduce the side effects of conventional medications.