What do circles under a child's eyes mean? How to correctly determine the cause of bruises (dark circles) under the eyes of a child. The main causes of dark circles under the eyes in children of different ages and useful recommendations for parents

A growing body requires special care and protection - this fact has been proven by many years of pediatric practice. There are a number of problems that, on the one hand, may require treatment, and on the other hand, relate to hereditary characteristics. Therefore, it is important to correctly diagnose the causes of bruises under the eyes of a child in order to exclude pathology.

Bruises under the eyes in children, pediatrician, Ph.D. E.O. Komarovsky considers it to be a consequence of a number of complex diseases. It is not recommended to ignore this symptomatic sign. Attentive parents who were able to promptly notice dark circles under their baby’s eyes can prevent serious health problems. Let us note the main causes of bruises under the eyes in children:

1 Genetic component. In some cases, sensitive and thin skin in parents is passed on to their children. Plus, the proximity of blood vessels and the predisposition to bruising will be one hundred percent. There is no health hazard, but regular vitamin therapy is indicated. This factor applies to any age; parents should not worry. It is important that the baby eats well and a proper daily routine is recommended.

2 Increased fatigue. This factor provokes the appearance of bruises in children who attend kindergarten and school. Overwork associated with learning difficulties is increasingly becoming a cause of health problems. Insufficient time spent outdoors and a sedentary lifestyle are directly linked to the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

Don't introduce your child to fast food. In the future, he won’t even want to ask for it.

3 Poor nutrition. Review your diet. Frequent consumption of unhealthy foods, fast food, can cause dark circles under the eyes. Eating problems cause dark circles around the eyes in both infants and older children.

Nutrition should be healthy, rich in vitamins and other nutrients, according to the norms of each age group. Pediatricians advise taking it in the autumn-winter season.

4 Violation of the daily routine. Provokes bruises under the eyes in children 3 years of age and older, with an active and mobile lifestyle, and failure to comply with sleep and rest schedules. A baby who doesn't sleep much and has parents who don't consider naps important during the day will become overtired.

Monitor both the duration of your sleep and its quality. In case, please read the reasons. Recommendations concern regime moments for children of any age categories.

5 Iron-deficiency anemia. Most often it provokes bruises under the eyes in a one-year-old child and younger. Anemia at this age is especially dangerous. It is important to periodically take blood tests to determine hemoglobin levels. Violations of normal indicators require timely and urgent measures.

7 Injuries. Bruises are the result of blows or fractures of the nasal septum at any age. Hemorrhage of subcutaneous areas can occur on one side or on both sides.

A visit to a traumatologist will allow you to find out the degree of danger of the injury and the necessary treatment, if necessary. Pros and health consequences are explored in this publication.

8 Endocrine disorders. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland can begin from the first days of life. To exclude pathology, if bruises under the eyes are detected in infants, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Blueness under the eyes in a child 2 years of age and older may also appear for this reason.

9 Vegetative-vascular pathologies. In accordance with the recommendations of pediatricians, parents need to constantly monitor the behavior of their children, the condition of the skin, heart rate, etc. The slightest violations require medical consultation.

10 Infectious diseases, liver and kidney problems. The formation of cyanosis under the eyes signals deterioration in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Any viral infections that weaken the immune system must be treated within the first days after the first symptoms. Drug treatment and careful diagnosis are indicated for both infants and older children.

Types of bruises under the eyes in children

According to statistics, 30% of children develop bruises in the eye area at one age or another. The prevalence of the pathology is facilitated by a large number of provoking factors. They are not always dangerous to health, but require urgent measures.

For example, red bruises under the eyes of a child occur as a result of allergies. This can also affect the reaction to viral lesions or complex infections.

  • A yellowish tint of cyanosis in the eye area indicates problems with the liver or kidneys.
  • When purple bruises develop, you need to urgently take a blood test to determine your hemoglobin level. It is possible that anemia may develop.
  • Dark, almost black, circles under the eyes develop when overworked. It is necessary to adjust the mode of activity and rest.
  • If a child has suffered an injury to the bridge of the nose, the dark bruises will become lighter as they recover.

Diagnostic methods

Pale and dry skin combined with blueness under the eyes in some cases indicates iron deficiency anemia. The pediatrician is obliged to refer the patient for a general blood test.

Determining the hemoglobin level will help establish a final diagnosis. If there are no abnormalities in blood and urine tests, a stool test for eggworm and a smear for enterobiasis will help figure out the reason why the child has bruises under the eyes.

Ultrasound of internal organs of a child

In clinical cases, doctors recommend examining internal organs. This is an effective way to find out the possible causes of pathology. In case of a clinical picture of the development of pathologies with the liver or kidneys, in addition to laboratory tests, it is important to conduct an ultrasound of the internal organs.

At a meeting with parents, the attending physician must determine how rationally the daily routine is established. It is also important what kind of diet the family eats. How often does the baby spend time outdoors and what place do TV and computers play in life?

Drug therapy

If a child, regardless of age and other prerequisites, suddenly develops chest pain, turns pale and complains of weakness, or has bruises under his eyes, he should urgently seek medical help.

This symptomatic picture suggests serious problems with the cardiovascular system. Pay attention to the information in the article about.

Medicines to relieve anemia at a young age are prescribed in drops. Drugs such as Hemofer, Maltofer, Aktiferrin are added to tea or juices. The dosage depends on the nature of the disease and the results of blood tests.

In practice, doctors prescribe from 4 to 10 mg of the drug. Medicines are approved for premature babies from the first days of life. Price range from 40 rubles and above.

For the age group of 2 years and older, drugs for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia are available in the form of syrups. Let's highlight domestically produced drugs - Ferronal, Ferrum Lek. The dosage should correspond to the age and weight of the baby. The daily dose should not exceed 10 mg. The drugs have practically no contraindications or side effects, but the recommendation of the attending physician is strictly required.

4 “DON’T” rules during treatment

  1. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.
  2. If the child is pale and there are bruises under the eyes, you should not hesitate to take blood tests and postpone a visit to the pediatrician.
  3. Parents should remember that the selection of medications for small children is within the competence of the doctor. The patient's condition should be strictly monitored during treatment, and if complications occur, immediately stop taking the drug and prescribe another one. You cannot increase the dosage of medications on your own.
  4. You cannot rely only on traditional medicine methods, which are useless for medical pathologies.

Preventive measures

Teach children to eat healthy from a young age, even if they don’t like all foods at first.

To prevent dark circles under the eyes in children, doctors recommend establishing a healthy diet. Especially It is important to take vitamins in the autumn-winter period.

It is not difficult to prevent a situation where a child has bruises under the eyes. You need to carefully monitor your diet and rest schedule.

Timely replenishment of vitamins and minerals is important for a child’s body. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity are the main measures to prevent anemia. How to organize the first walks with a newborn in winter - topic.

Parents often turn to pediatricians asking why dark circles that resemble bruises appear under their child’s eyes. If there was no injury or blow, the child did not hit his head, then impressionable mothers immediately regard the appearance of such bruises as an unambiguous sign of some very serious disease. In fact, bruises under the eyes do not always indicate any pathology. However, they can actually “signal” about violations, says the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky.

About harmless and easily removable reasons

The parents of every second child complain from time to time about the appearance of strange circles under the eyes. Bruise is different from bruise, and it is very important to understand which bruises should cause concern and be the basis for examination, and which are just an individual feature of the baby’s appearance.

“I was born this way”

If a child has deep-set eyes, then circles under the eyes are just a common appearance feature. As a rule, one of the parents has exactly the same ones. Bruises often accompany fair-skinned children, who from birth have very thin skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Their small vessels come so close to the thin translucent skin under the eyes that it really creates the illusion of bruises.

Both of these cases should not cause any concern to parents. Such “cosmetic” bruises may, by the way, disappear altogether over time, since the facial bones of the skull are actively growing and changing facial features.


The most harmless reasons for the appearance of circles under the eyes, according to Komarovsky, are banal overwork and lack of sleep. If parents raise a child without a specific routine, do not insist on mandatory daytime sleep, and also do not regulate the time that the baby spends in front of the TV or computer monitor, then the appearance of dark circles is an understandable consequence of severe fatigue.

Such bruises also do not require examination by doctors. It is enough to establish a daily routine, make sure that the child sleeps at a quiet hour, goes to bed on time in the evening and gets full rest at night. Cartoons and computer games are limited.

Poor nutrition

With an unbalanced diet, irregular meals, and also if the child’s diet contains products of low and questionable quality, the body reacts to this gastronomic chaos with general systemic metabolic disorders. At the same time, circles under the eyes also appear. They may be evidence of a lack of certain vitamins, most often the group, vitamin, and, as well as calcium. Blood tests and consultation with a pediatrician will help identify these disorders.

Weakened immunity

If a child has recently suffered from an illness, especially a viral one, the appearance of circles under the eyes should not surprise parents at all, says Komarovsky. Children's imperfect immunity is “tired”, hemoglobin has decreased. It is enough to give the child a rest after illness, not to take him to kindergarten or school right away, to walk in the fresh air more often and eat more fruits and vegetables so that such circles under the eyes disappear within a maximum of one week.

This is where the relatively “easy” reasons end. More serious things are starting to happen.

About “painful” reasons

Sometimes circles under the eyes indicate pathological processes associated with poor circulation and disruptions in the lymphatic system. The first thing Komarovsky advises to examine is the kidneys. Usually, an ultrasound of the kidneys is quite enough to, together with blood and urine tests, show the true state of the excretory system. Typically, in children with kidney diseases, circles under the eyes are combined with the formation of bags and general swelling of the face (especially in the morning, after a night's sleep)

Deep blue bruises may indicate heart problems. Their appearance is associated with oxygen starvation of the entire body, which develops against the background of cardiovascular diseases.

Red bruises and circles of a reddish hue can be external manifestations of an allergy. An inadequate reaction can be caused by absolutely any type of allergy - food, seasonal, drug, allergy to animal hair, house dust.

Dark circles under the eyes often accompany inflammation and proliferation of the palatine tonsil in children, which is popularly called simply “adenoids.” In this case, nasal breathing is impaired, sometimes it is completely absent. If a child has been in this state for quite a long time, not only dark circles under the eyes appear on his face, but also special facial changes, which in medicine are called “adenoid mask” (mouth half open, chin down).

Brown circles - bruises can be a sign of hepatitis, liver disease, and thyroid disease. Saturated yellows are sometimes a sign of problems with hematopoietic processes.

And very rarely (but this also happens) circles under the eyes appear due to diseases in the oral cavity - for example, with caries. In this case, you need to trust the pediatric dentist. After successful treatment, the circles will disappear the next day.

Circles in infants

In the first year of life, in toddlers, dark circles under the eyes may appear due to fatigue, disruption of sleep and wakefulness, as well as due to a deficiency of iron and essential vitamins (if for some reason there are not enough of them in breast milk). Children under 12 months with this problem should definitely be shown to a pediatrician to get comprehensive answers to all questions.

About “emergency” conditions

“Ambulance” for dark circles under the eyes should be called without unnecessary hesitation in two cases: if the child’s facial features sharply sharpen (sunken eyes) and pronounced bruises appear, at the same time breathing problems and severe weakness arise. This may indicate acute heart problems that require prompt hospitalization and qualified medical care.

The second case is the appearance of deep bruises under the eyes due to vomiting or prolonged diarrhea. In this case, the circles indicate the onset of acute dehydration. Dehydration is deadly for children, especially young ones.

How to treat?

Evgeny Komarovsky advises not to panic. If a child’s bruises are not a feature of their appearance, then you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe laboratory tests of blood, urine, and feces. If necessary, an ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract will be performed. If the cause is in the kidneys, the child will be treated by a nephrologist and urologist.

If your kidneys are normal, your pediatrician will refer you to a cardiologist to check your heart function. The doctor will find out if the child has vegetative-vascular dystonia, measure blood pressure, and, if necessary, do an electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.

If the reason remains a secret, then the pediatrician is obliged to send the child to an allergist, who will conduct allergy tests and find out if the child is allergic to something. Treatment can be prescribed in a variety of ways (depending on the true cause). If there are worms, then antihelminthics and vitamins; if there are allergies, then antihistamines; if there is kidney damage, then diuretics and antibiotics. Since circles themselves are not a disease, there is no need to treat them directly. The pathology that caused such a “cosmetic effect” should be treated.

Usually there are no problems with diagnosing the causes, says Evgeny Komarovsky. In 70% of cases (and even more), parents' worries turn out to be false - no pathologies are detected. If for their own peace of mind the mother and grandmother urgently need to take the child to specialists’ offices and undergo a bunch of tests, then let them do it. According to Evgeniy Komarovsky, unnecessary examinations have made no one feel worse.

Often, adults notice dark circles under the eyes of children. The fact is that the skin in this area of ​​the face instantly reacts to any pathological changes in the body. Having noticed bruises under a child’s eyes, parents independently try to figure out what exactly is the reason for such changes.

What does the color of the circles under the eyes tell you?

The skin under the eyes of children can acquire different shades. Moreover, each type of circle color indicates the occurrence of certain health problems:

  • blue – the blood vessels are too close to the skin, which is also very thin;
  • blue - a consequence of physical and mental fatigue;
  • dark purple – the body is experiencing iron deficiency and is dehydrated;
  • red – development of allergic reactions;
  • brown – liver dysfunction;
  • gray-yellow - indicate an increased level of bilirubin in the blood.

You should know that these are only possible reasons for the skin under the eyes to turn a certain color. Only a specialist can determine exactly what causes such changes in appearance.

Factors that cause dark circles under the eyes

There are many reasons why a child has dark circles under his eyes. The most harmless of them are lack of sleep, overwork, poor-quality nutrition, which causes a deficiency of certain nutrients, and nervous feelings. However, there are other, more serious reasons for the appearance of blue around the eyes in babies.

Bruises under the eyes in children mainly appear with the development of such pathological processes in the baby’s body, such as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • diseases caused by infections;
  • poisoning;
  • helminthiasis;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • endocrine disorders.

The genetic factor also plays a significant role in the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child. If dark circles in this area of ​​the face are associated with a hereditary factor, they do not indicate pathological processes occurring in the baby’s body. In this case, they are a feature of the appearance that the baby inherited from his parents. Blueness under the eyes in the absence of diseases is due to the close proximity of blood vessels, the thinness of the skin and its pallor.

If circles under the eyes have formed simultaneously with a sharp increase in body weight, consultation with an endocrinologist is required. Endocrine disorders entail serious consequences - delayed growth and sexual development.

Dehydration disrupts normal hematopoiesis and metabolism. With a lack of fluid in the body, changes in the structure of blood vessels and skin are observed, and adipose tissue is destroyed. Due to dehydration, the formation of dark circles under the eyes with a blue tint is inevitable.

Infectious diseases - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, can also cause such changes in the appearance of the child.

Overwork, lack of sleep and stress

While studying at school, schoolchildren experience severe stress, as a result of which they are exposed to overwork, stress and lack of sleep. The need to complete homework often does not allow the child to spend time outside and relax with friends. Parents may notice not only the formation of dark circles, but also paleness of the facial skin.

Poor sleep is perhaps the most common cause of the formation of dark marks under the eyes of a child in the absence of pathological changes in the body.

Pediatricians name the following reasons for poor sleep in babies:

Adequate sleep, adherence to diet and proper daily routine are important points in the development of a young child. For the health of children at any age, it is important that they fall asleep at the same time every day - preferably no later than 21:00, eat quality foods and spend more time outside.

Anemia and discoloration of the skin under the eyes

When the level of hemoglobin in the blood serum decreases, dark circles under the eyes may appear. The skin is the first to react to a lack of hemoglobin - pale skin is noted, and even peeling becomes possible.

Considering this feature of the skin to react to a lack of hemoglobin, when visiting a pediatrician with complaints of bruises under the eyes, he gives a referral for a blood test for hemoglobin.

Renal dysfunction

With the development of kidney disease in children, fluid is retained in the body. The occurrence of such pathological processes is accompanied by the appearance of puffiness under the eyes and dark circles. In addition to these signs, kidney disease is characterized by frequent urination, the color of urine also changes, it becomes cloudy, and body temperature rises.

Vegetovascular dystonia

The cause of the development of this disease is a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In addition to blueness under the eyes, signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia include:

  • regular headaches;
  • high fatigue;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • general weakness;
  • pale skin.

This pathological process begins to manifest itself especially intensively during heavy stress - both mental and physical. More often, the disease develops in adolescence, when a teenager experiences a change in hormonal levels.

Dark circles under the eyes as a result of allergic reactions

If a child has dark circles in the eye area, allergic reactions of the child’s body should not be ruled out. As a rule, as a result of the presence of a certain allergen in the body, red marks form under the eyes.

To make sure that the bruises are due to an allergic reaction, you should contact an allergist and undergo a medical examination. The specialist prescribes a general blood test to determine the level of eosinophils in the serum - substances produced in the body during allergic reactions. If their level is high, an analysis may be prescribed to determine the allergen.


In addition to blue under the eyes, the following signs indicate the development of helminthiasis:

  • pain in the navel area;
  • grinding teeth while sleeping;
  • weight loss

A child with helminthic infestations can be very capricious, irritable, whiny, and lethargic.

Injuries to the head and face

When a child is injured during a fall, parents do not always immediately recognize the problems, especially if there is no blood loss or head wounds. If your child has bruises under the eyes, marks from a bruise, or swelling on the face, it is necessary to visit a specialist’s office to rule out nasal fractures and concussions.

Experts also name other pathological processes that are characterized by blue discoloration under the eyes. These changes in appearance can occur with cholecystitis, colitis, bronchitis, hepatitis, and thyroid diseases.

Chronic tonsillitis, dental diseases, formation and proliferation of adenoids are possible causes of blue under the eyes in children.

Methods to eliminate dark circles

In order to eliminate these unpleasant changes in the child’s appearance, which are not indicators of excellent health, experts can give the following recommendations:

During the period of active growth and development, the child's body needs large amounts of iron. With its deficiency, anemia inevitably develops. To replenish the body with iron reserves, dried apricots, black currants, leafy greens, rosehip decoction, buckwheat, rye bread, egg yolks, and liver should be included in the children's diet.

Knowing why bruises under the eyes can appear in children, parents can promptly detect the development of disorders and seek help from specialists.


One of the problems that young parents often face is bruises under the child’s eyes in the form of dark circles. They can occur at any age: in infancy, at 2 years, at 5 years, in schoolchildren. Regardless of this, it is necessary to find out as quickly as possible what is the reason for this phenomenon. After all, often the whole issue turns out not to be insomnia or extreme stress at all: this is how some hidden internal illness can make itself felt. Therefore, first of all, in such a situation, it is advisable to find out what factors provoked the appearance of dark circles under children's eyes.

Sometimes parents identify the causes of bruises under the eyes in children on their own, without the help of a doctor. Who, if not them, should know the daily routine of their own child, what he eats and how he sleeps. Indeed, insomnia, stress, and a poor diet are often the factors that lead to this phenomenon, but most often this happens to schoolchildren. While bruises under the eyes can also appear in infants.

Based on this list, it will be very difficult for parents to find out on their own why bruises under the eyes occur in an infant, as opposed to older children. The best option is to show the baby to a doctor and conduct all the necessary examinations to identify internal diseases. Having discovered the cause, doctors will prescribe appropriate treatment and tell you how to care for a sick child and how to disguise this cosmetic problem at home.


Dark blue, almost black, purple, pink, red bruises under a child’s eyes - they can be different depending on the individual characteristics of his body and the organ that failed. However, no matter how different they are, they have one thing in common: these dark circles spoil the appearance of the baby at any age. It is not surprising that parents want to somehow disguise them until the underlying disease is cured. There are certain rules of care, following which, you can ensure that the bruises under the eyes of the baby are not so catchy and bright.

  1. Consult your doctor about this phenomenon.
  2. Make a lotion a couple of times a day from chamomile decoction (if the baby is not allergic to it) or from tea bags: they are safe, but at the same time very effective against bruises under the eyes.
  3. Normalize your baby's nutrition: his diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, juices, meat, fish, and hot soups. Give him foods rich in iron every day: liver, yolk, meat, mushrooms, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, peas, black currants, dried apricots, rye and wheat bread, raisins, walnuts, apples. Protect him at least temporarily from carbonated drinks, fast foods, crackers and chips.
  4. A student must sleep at least 8 hours a day. Smaller children also need 2-3 hours of sleep during the day, otherwise bruises under the eyes cannot be avoided.
  5. A child of any age needs to spend 2–3 hours in the fresh air every day.
  6. Monitor your child's drinking regime. He should drink about 2 liters of liquid in the first half of the day (before 5 p.m.). But before going to bed, you are not allowed to drink more than 1 glass of milk or kefir.
  7. If a child not only wakes up in the morning with bruises under his eyes, but also complains of fatigue and is lethargic and drowsy throughout the day, think about the stress he may experience in kindergarten or school. Perhaps he needs a good rest. If all this is not noticed in time and the necessary measures are not taken, you can bring your own child to a nervous breakdown or physical exhaustion, and bruises under the eyes are their first symptom.

Now you know what to do if a child of 6 months, 2 or 5 years old has bruises under the eyes. The most important thing is to understand the root cause and eliminate it, while at the same time providing the sick (or simply tired) baby with complete and competent care. If the matter is a serious internal disease, you will need to undergo a course of treatment.

Treatment methods

As a rule, bruises under the eyes in a child under one year old are a sure sign of some internal pathology, so most often it is small children who have to undergo treatment. The same symptom at an older age (in schoolchildren) is nothing more than a manifestation of fatigue and excessive stress - both emotional and physical. The course of therapy is reduced to treating the underlying disease, which was the root cause of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. After recovery, the bruises also disappear. As a rule, they prescribe:

  • therapeutic facial massage;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • immunostimulants;
  • Iron-containing children's preparations in the form of syrups help well against bruises under the eyes in children: maltofer, pediashur, ferrum lek;
  • anthelmintics: Decaris, Vermox, Albendazole, Helmintox, Piperazine, Pirantel;
  • antibiotics are undesirable, but in some cases (for example, with an infection of the genitourinary system, they cannot be avoided).

As soon as you notice that your child has bruises or circles of unknown origin under his eyes, you don’t have to wait for them to go away on their own. Try to understand the reasons why they formed. Analyze your baby's daily routine, sleep and nutrition. If no deviations from the norm are found, the baby must be shown to doctors in the very near future.

One of the most common symptoms that worries parents is the appearance of dark circles under the child’s eyes, or, as doctors call them, periorbital shadows.

“Letidor” turned to Svetlana Kornyushko, a pediatrician at the “Be Healthy” clinic network, to find out why such bruises could form and whether the child needed the help of a doctor.

Dark blue, purple, pink, almost black - they can be different depending on individual characteristics, but whatever they are, the appearance of such shadows is a reason to consult a doctor.

Let's look at the most common causes of dark circles under the eyes.


In this case, we are talking about the individual characteristics of the subcutaneous tissue and blood vessels, which may be located too close to the skin. If mom or dad has such a feature, then it is quite possible that the child has inherited this trait.

Therefore, the blueness in this case is due to the peculiarities of the location of the blood vessels in this part of the face, as well as the thickness of the skin.

Overwork, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the child’s daily routine, his diet and check whether he spends enough time in the fresh air.

In this case, bruises may signal accumulated fatigue.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This disease in children is nonspecific and can occur with a predominance of epithelial syndrome. This condition is accompanied by changes such as pallor of the skin, dryness, dark circles under the eyes, the appearance of cracks in the oral mucosa, fragility and striations (longitudinal or transverse grooves) of the nails.

Here it is necessary to note chronic tonsillitis. This disease is quite serious, and improper treatment can lead to complications from the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system.

This may also be due to the proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx area. At the same time, nasal breathing becomes difficult, and the child’s body experiences oxygen starvation.

Recent acute infection

If the child suffered from acute respiratory viral infection the day before, the cause of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes may be asthenic syndrome (general weakness), which is more pronounced in severe cases of infection.

To fully restore the body after an illness, it takes an average of 10-14 days.

If a child has kidney disease, then dark circles under the eyes may be the first symptom. This is also indicated by swelling of the eyelids and soft tissues under the eyes after sleep. In this case, you must immediately contact your pediatrician for examination.

Remember that accompanying symptoms of kidney disease are weakness, fever, pain in the abdomen or lower back, and possibly painful urination.


From early childhood, it is necessary to teach a child to wash his hands before eating and after using the toilet in order to try to avoid infection with helminths.

Dark circles under the eyes (periorbital shadows) can be a symptom of many other diseases, including viral hepatitis, bronchial asthma, frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus), sinusitis, hay fever, atopic dermatitis and even caries.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes in children, so it is right to show the child to the pediatrician so that the doctor can conduct the necessary examinations, detect the cause and prescribe treatment. In some cases, you may need to consult a cardiologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist or dentist.