Why do you dream about a crumbled tooth? Why do teeth fall out in a dream without blood? Tooth crumbled into small pieces

Why else could someone dream like this?

Since a dream about teeth is often interpreted as a harbinger of future problems with relatives, a dream in which teeth crumble can serve as an omen of difficulties for someone close.

It is worth noting that dream books even allow you to determine the identity of this person, although this is quite difficult to do. First of all, you need to pay attention to the smallest details. For example, pay attention to the presence of animals in your dreams. They can reflect the character traits of a relative or even his zodiac sign.

Also pay attention to the location of crumbling teeth in the oral cavity. The lower jaw symbolizes women, and the upper jaw symbolizes men. The front teeth indicate relatives, and the rest indicate friends and acquaintances. Moreover, the further away the tooth is located, the weaker your connection with the person who is facing problems.

It also happens that you dream that a tooth first fell out, and only then crumbled. This is a bad sign that promises tragic events in life. Most often this is a serious illness that can result in death. If there was also blood in the dream, then the tragedy will affect one of the relatives.

But there is one aspect that must be taken into account when interpreting such dreams. People who have serious dental problems in real life should not attach much importance to such visions, since they only transfer the events of reality to the world of dreams. The only thing that can be advised to such a dreamer is to see a dentist as soon as possible.

From time immemorial, dreams have been of great importance for humans, because it was believed that it was through dreams that the future could be predicted. Therefore, the perspicacious, wise elders of that time wrote down their night visions, connecting them with events occurring in reality.

Dreams about teeth are very common in such gatherings. Let's see why you dream about your teeth crumbling.

A dream in which teeth crumble is a real health problem in real life.

Many dream books associate dreams that mainly involve teeth with health problems. Crumpling teeth in a dream may portend that your health will soon deteriorate, and quite significantly, because at one time you missed the chance to improve its condition.

Some dream books interpret such dreams literally: in their opinion, the body itself, by the hand of providence, points a person to diseases of his oral cavity, so it would not be superfluous to get checked by a dentist. However, as with other doctors at the clinic.

Do your teeth crumble in your sleep? Expect troubles at work or at home

Fortunately, a tooth chipped in a dream is not interpreted in any of the significant number of dream books as an event leading to death. But such a dream can still mean unpleasant events in the near future. This can apply to both family and work matters.

Such a dream is interpreted as an inevitable and final split in your plans, intentions, and projects. If you dream of a chipped tooth, expect things to go south soon, so be very vigilant.

Difficulties with friends or relatives

A chipped tooth you saw in a dream can be interpreted as a kind of split in the well-being of your loved one. This person could be a good friend or relative, who in the near future will have troubles at work, personal life, or may even experience a significant deterioration in their health. That is, something will happen to him that will turn his whole life upside down.

The location of the tooth that was chipped in your dream in your mouth is also important. So, the upper teeth mean the male part of your environment, the lower ones - the female part, the front ones - the closest relatives, all the rest - friends, acquaintances, and the deeper in the mouth this tooth is, the further away the person will be from you.

However, if a tooth fell out in a dream and then immediately crumbled, such a dream carries a much darker meaning, predicting a serious illness, but so fast that doctors simply will not have time to do anything.

A dream in which teeth crumble means financial losses

A dream in which you examine your tooth, which has crumbled, symbolizes the material difficulties that you are destined to experience in the near future. And the more pieces that break off from it, the more difficult your financial situation will be. If you dreamed that one piece of a tooth fell off, then your financial well-being will probably be shaken, but you will not suffer significant losses.

Deterioration of emotional state

According to some dream books, seeing your teeth crumble in a dream means experiencing a strong emotionally traumatic factor, after which you will fall into deep depression.

If in a dream you saw how your teeth slowly became cracked and then crumbled, then expect that an irreversible event will soon occur, so unpleasant that it will not only cause you mental pain, but will also leave a big mark on your life.

Do your teeth crumble in your sleep? They slander and slander you

A dream in which your teeth are crumbling can be interpreted as gossip and rumors going against you. In addition, if a healthy white tooth crumbles in a dream, then rumors about you are being spread by a person from your close circle, a good friend with whom you may even be friends.

If the tooth in the dream was old, blackened and diseased, then this is a stranger slandering and slandering you; he has been doing this for a long time, which has managed to undermine your authority in the eyes of your friends. A dream in which you see multiple pieces chipped from a tooth can be interpreted as the fact that your good name has already been significantly damaged, because rumors about you have been circulating for a long time, having managed to discredit you.

If you dreamed that one piece broke off from a tooth, then some of the dream books talk about a relatively short period of time during which they unfairly slander you.

A chipped tooth in a dream means an unpleasant situation

Some dream books interpret dreams in which your teeth are crumbling as a sign that you will soon find yourself in a situation that will result in your loss of authority and respect in the eyes of your colleagues and friends.

If in a dream you look at a tooth, such a dream promises a quick restoration of your good name, which will largely make you wiser and more efficient than it will bring tangible damage to you. If you spit out a chipped tooth in a dream, this means that the troubles expected on your way cannot be avoided, but with a cool-blooded approach to the current situation, you will be able to resolve your problem soon.

Teeth crumbling in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one

A tooth in a dream in some dream books symbolizes one whole, indivisible, such as a family or a couple of two people who love each other. The breakaway part of this whole means a break with the loved one, his departure, actual, visible, but it is also possible that the emotional, spiritual connection with him is broken, which precedes the final break in the relationship.

Most dream books say that it is a symbol of a person’s vital energy in any interpretation of a dream, the root of life, so a chipped tooth in a dream indicates a leak of your vitality in reality.

Such dreams, in which we see split, crumbling teeth, not only warn us about problems with their health, but also indicate that a difficult time will soon come in our lives. These include problems in the family, at work, in relationships with loved ones.

But, fortunately, the dream in which you see crumbling teeth does not talk about someone’s death, which means you have a chance to correct something and change for the better in your life.

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling - this means quarrels with relatives, illnesses in the family and problems at work. If you see crumbling teeth, it is considered unfavorable.

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling in your sleep (Miller's Dream Book)

Teeth crumbling is a bad sign. The dream speaks of upcoming problems and troubles, bad news from relatives. If your teeth crumble and you see blood, you will receive news of the death of one of your relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling?

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling? Interpretation of a dream. Teeth crumbling in a dream symbolize illness and lonely old age. Blood in which teeth crumble means the death of a relative.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about Teeth crumbling, sleep analysis:

To dream that your teeth are crumbling and falling out means you are afraid to have sexual intercourse with a more experienced person. If your teeth crumble in a dream, you are experiencing complexes regarding your appearance. Most likely, all your complexes are far-fetched and there are actually no problems with your appearance.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling according to the dream book?

Why dream that your teeth are crumbling in a dream - your loved ones urgently need you and your support. To dream that your teeth are crumbling means a quarrel with your relatives. Perhaps in the near future you will quarrel with distant relatives over real estate or inheritance. Teeth crumbling in a dream means a quarrel with your lover, possible separation or a complete break in the relationship.

Teeth are crumbling according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

To dream that your teeth are crumbling is a warning dream. There are people around you who are jealous of your position and want to ruin everything with gossip and intrigue. Be attentive to your loved ones - a dream may foretell a separation from your significant other and a quarrel with friends.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Teeth are crumbling - pay attention to your health. Such dreams usually refer to serious illnesses that occur without symptoms. Contact the hospital to diagnose your health condition so as not to start the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling in a dream?

If your teeth crumble in a dream, it warns you of possible troubles that are caused by communicating with quarrelsome and sick people. If teeth that are crumbling begin to fall out, your worries and fears will become reality. If the dentist is trying to resuscitate your tooth, this is a sign of a protracted, serious illness. If you have a tooth knocked out, then a sudden problem awaits you, either in business or with health. When you see that all the teeth that were crumbling are back in place, it means that the black streak in your life is being replaced by a white streak. The dream in which you analyze your crumbling teeth warns you - you should beware of novelty in the business sphere.

interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling, how to understand the dream:

When you cure your diseased teeth, and also get rid of plaque and tartar, it always means that you will be able to get out of a protracted illness. Things will also improve in the financial sector.

According to statistics, teeth fall out more often during sleep. Teeth symbolize human energy and vitality. Teeth falling out is a bad sign.

From a psychological point of view, the episode seen is interconnected with a person’s behavior, his character and attitude towards himself and people. If we take into account esoteric knowledge, then this is a warning that must be interpreted.

The interpretation of this dream is found in all known dream books.

According to Vanga's dream book

Teeth falling out in a dream without blood, according to Vanga’s symbolism, suggests that misfortunes will soon occur.

It is better to postpone all important financial transactions, otherwise there is a possibility of going bankrupt.

Unpleasant the dream suggests that the loss of a dear and closest person in spirit is inevitable. The death of a relative or a scandal with loved ones is also possible.

If a pregnant woman’s teeth fall out, she will experience confusion and inaction on the way to implementing her plans.

According to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book is very unusual in its interpretation of dreams. By reading any interpretation of a dream, you can find out your secret sexual desires and personal affection.

For example, lost teeth - spiritual unity with loved ones. A person is unable to combine personal life and worry about parents or relatives.

He has a great need to spend more time with his mother or father, and this has a very detrimental effect on personal relationships with the opposite sex. Conclusion: a person is attached to his parents.

Sometimes such a dream also symbolizes a certain weakness for sexual satisfaction. It is difficult for a girl or a man to overcome his carnal passion and therefore he suffers mentally.

Basically, this happens with spiritual individuals who find it difficult to get rid of insatiable sexual desire. Their given dream encourages them to believe that this sin will lead to degradation.

According to Miller's dream book

Difficulties at work, in the family, mental anguish are characteristics of a dream in which teeth fall out. If a person loses one tooth in a dream, he will soon learn the sad news; several teeth fall out - “dark days” will come.

Miller's dream book warns that ill-wishers want to stab you in the back.

When teeth crumble, break, and then fall out, your health will deteriorate or career growth will not be expected. Such dreams do not bring anything good with them, only bitterness and a lot of suffering.

It is also important to pay attention to what day the dream occurred. It will become clear whether it will come true or not.

Muslim dream book

The Muslim dream book writes the following: when teeth fall out in a dream, this means that the individual will be able to live a long time and will die later than his relatives.

This is a fairly simple explanation and, compared to other dream books, a good one.

It is already clear that dreams about teeth are an important sign. It is possible to interpret them correctly when all the moments seen in the dream are not missed.

Even a seemingly insignificant detail can affect the exact answer. That's why First you need to remember all the nuances.

Teeth fall out in a dream without bleeding - why?

Sometimes in a dream you may dream that all your teeth fall out at the same time without bleeding. The meaning of the dream is not so bad - soon there will be some changes, events that will change a person’s whole life.

It is important at this moment to discard all negativity and set yourself up for good changes. It often happens that even a dream cannot influence a person’s fate.

Why do teeth fall out with blood in a dream?

Teeth falling out in a dream with blood - an unpleasant dream that foreshadows various diseases, the death of loved ones(children, parents, friends). By the way, many experts in solving dreams say that this interpretation is true, since for many it came true.

If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out with blood, then this indicates the loss of someone or something better.

Blood is a symbol of close people, relatives, native land, favorite work. Therefore, a dream where teeth fall out with blood is a symbol of loss.

It is important to pay attention to how the person felt: terrible pain - death will come, relief - misfortune will turn into joy.

In a dream, teeth crumble, break and fall out

Ill health and unresolved life problems are the meaning of a dream in which teeth are crumbling.

In reality, great difficulties may arise with work; a person may be tired of a hectic life. The dream warns you - you need to rest and relax.

When teeth crumble, break and fall out in a dream, the individual will face further problems and financial failures. It would be good to face the approaching storm with calm, so that there are no negative consequences later.

A pregnant woman's teeth fall out in a dream

For pregnant women, dreams will help lift the veil that hides their subconscious experiences and predict upcoming problems.

If your teeth fall out in a dream, you don’t need to be too scared and wary. In fact, everything is not so terrible. The main thing is not to convince yourself that there will be global troubles.

In general, teeth falling out without blood or pain is the best outcome. The trouble that is about to happen will pass unnoticed and pass by. If, however, teeth fall out and pain is felt, negative events can occur.

What does it mean if damaged rotten teeth fall out in a dream?

If spoiled, rotten teeth fall out in a dream, then a loss is coming, which will greatly affect your overall well-being. The person will become very worried and depressed, but this will not last long. A loss that occurs will improve your life and give you happiness.

Such an extraordinary dream may also indicate that problems will arise due to one’s own indecision and confusion.

If you pay attention to the fact that the loss of rotten teeth was associated with severe pain, this means that the owner of the dream is destined for a not very pleasant fate - loss of health. For lovers, the dream book predicts the breakup of a long relationship.

What does it mean if healthy teeth fall out in a dream?

Losing healthy teeth in a dream has a number of meanings:

  • quarrel with superiors;
  • unexpected collapse of business;
  • a signal of impending illness;
  • betrayal by a loved one;
  • risky, thoughtless actions.

Also, the loss of a healthy tooth portends that soon someone will cause pain, which will affect the psychological state.

Healthy teeth falling out onto your hands is a good sign. There will be an opportunity to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Dream: the tooth is loose, but does not fall out

If you dream that a tooth is loose but does not fall out, then this foreshadows an imminent illness, deterioration of health, or depression.

Here, the main role is played by the location of the tooth, which determines the person who is sick:

  • front – parents and relatives;
  • deep - just acquaintances;
  • the lower ones are the female part of the relatives;
  • the upper ones are masculine.

What does a dream mean if all your teeth fall out at once in a dream?

If in a dream all the teeth fall out at once, then difficult times await the person. The dream tells you in advance that a person should prepare for them.

A heavy cross is given only to people with strong spirit. You have to go through it and survive everything. There is no need to despair. Only in this way is new understanding possible.

If teeth fall out and new ones grow in a dream, what does this mean?

If teeth fall out and new ones grow in a dream, the future generation in the family will live more prosperously and prosper. Another meaning of this dream: improved health, increased vitality, acquired wisdom.

When a fang grows, this is a mystical sign that symbolizes the acquisition of dangerous knowledge (black magic). It’s bad when they are acquired by a kind and gentle nature.

She can easily become a mentally unbalanced person and may develop a neurological disease.

When teeth fall out in a dream, according to interpretations of dream books, it is recommended to pay increased attention to your own health and the health of your family and friends.

Important! A person should think twice before studying magical rituals. The dream only gives a hint that such an activity will have a detrimental effect on a person’s life.

Dream: a child’s baby teeth fall out

A child’s baby teeth falling out in a dream is a sign of spiritual growth, transition to a more meaningful path of development.

It’s great if, after teeth have fallen out, new ones appear. This further confirms the meaning of the dream, that the child has begun to improve and grow.

Dream about false teeth falling out (artificial)

Artificial teeth seen in a dream foreshadow severe and difficult trials that will unexpectedly befall a person, but he is able to overcome them.

In other words, these are minor troubles that will change the course of events. They are insignificant for a person, but for loved ones they will play an important role.

What does it mean if your front teeth (incisors) fall out in a dream?

According to the general interpretation, If the front teeth (incisors) fall out in a dream, this means a deterioration in the health of the mother or father. Perhaps some of them will develop a serious illness.

What does it mean if molars fall out in a dream?

Molars falling out in a dream are a sign of alarm. Dangerous and terrible events will happen. More than anything, this is a signal that you need to take care of yourself. Personal problems are possible.

For older people, a molar tooth falling out in a dream is a warning sign. Your health may deteriorate greatly. You need to take care of yourself and be less nervous.

Teeth falling out in a dream: meaning by day of the week

Depending on the day of the week, the meaning of sleep can be interpreted differently.

From Sunday to Monday

From Sunday to Monday - dreams tend to come true most of all. This applies to people whose birthday falls on a Monday or who, according to their horoscope, are under the rule of the Moon.

A person who was born under the auspices of the mysterious moon has a vulnerable and warm-hearted nature. He has mystical and mysterious dreams that quickly turn into reality.

Most of all, he needs to pay attention to the details and emotional coloring of the dream. After all, a dream can come true.

Seen at night on Monday, a dream about teeth falling out most often comes true. For vulnerable people, this is a signal that a difficult life will come, in which they will have to fight for their place in the sun.

For stronger and hotter personalities, this is a sign that will give a good lesson on how to behave correctly in a given situation.

From Monday to Tuesday

The rule for a dream on Tuesday is to come true within 10 days. The dream is not of great significance and is quickly forgotten. Although even on this day the dream you saw means something.

The planet that rules Tuesday is Mars. Therefore, dreams on Tuesday are destructive, provocative, and military in nature.

On Tuesday, a person can figure out what negative qualities he has. Everyone knows perfectly well that the subconscious, against the will of a person, stores all the accumulated grievances and stress. It is on this day that a dream about teeth falling out wants to warn that you should not get hung up on bad thoughts.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

Visions that were seen from Tuesday to Wednesday do not fully come true. What does it mean? Sleep on this day before midnight is more important than after midnight. Often, it is such a dream that carries important information and symbolizes something.

The planet that rules this day is Mercury. It is interconnected with trade, mediation, movements, and small trips. If a person works in such a field of activity and was given a sign above through a dream, it is necessary to decipher the interpretation.

When you dream from Tuesday to Wednesday that your teeth are falling out, then a person will experience a decline in the trading sphere of activity.

Great losses are possible, and any short journey will turn into a real hell.

From Wednesday to Thursday

On Thursday dreams come true. They are associated with events patronized by Jupiter. This is the planet of big money, high career growth, successful travels, and professional success.

It is not for nothing that they interpret that Jupiter is under the rule of great and powerful patrons. This help will be felt in the real world.

If from Wednesday to Thursday you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, your career growth would go down the drain. But all this could be for the better.

From Thursday to Friday

All dreams that were seen from Thursday to Friday come true quite quickly. But only if they do not relate to serious and work-related topics, they do not come true.

Dreams with a romantic, erotic and sensual plot turn into reality, because Venus rules the feelings, because of this, dreams of such a day are harbingers of love, passion, emotions.

Teeth falling out in a dream from Thursday to Friday is a tragic sign in your personal life. There is a possibility that the opposite half will fall out of love or lose interest in the current spouse.

It also happens, on the contrary, that a person himself will stop loving his object of adoration. Instead, he will give himself completely to immoral carnal pleasures.

There is another interpretation of such a dream: the individual will receive emotional trauma due to many problems and will become heartless.

From Friday to Saturday

The planet that rules Saturday is Saturn. It is called the “planet of misfortune.” It foreshadows trials and is interconnected with justice and law.

Dreams seen on this day come true, but only those that were dreamed in the morning. However, you should not despair because of an unpleasant dream. This may just be an emotional or subconscious episode that appeared in a dream. If you interpret it correctly, then you can figure out what phobias are.

A dream in which teeth fall out, from Friday to Saturday, suggests that if you do not overcome your complexes in the near future, a lot of trouble will come.

Because of complexes, a person is not able to realize himself and show what he is worth. He is tormented and because of this he is afraid to move forward.

For this reason The following problems may arise:

  • obesity;
  • anorexia;
  • stuttering;
  • frequent headaches.

The dream suggests that it is time to overcome your inhibitions and enjoy life.

From Saturday to Sunday

Sunday is a joyful, solemn day. He is under the protection of the Sun.

Vivid, unusual dreams seen in the morning of this day promise joyful and long-awaited news. New changes, strong and sincere relationships, and meeting future friends are possible.

Bad dreams on Sunday are another hint that you need to reconsider your attitude towards life, people and yourself.

If your teeth fall out in a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you need to start practicing self-improvement so that personal stagnation does not occur.

Such a dream warns that someone close to you will commit an impudent act that will affect the person’s character. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend trusting people with caution. Only a trusted friend is worthy of trust.

A dream in which teeth fall out is an unpleasant dream. The deeper and more accurately a person deciphers it, the faster he will receive an answer to the question that has arisen in life.

Despite most negative interpretations, a dream about teeth falling out can also predict pleasant events, so you should not prepare yourself for the bad in advance.

Why teeth fall out in a dream:

Interpretation of a dream about tooth loss:

Why do you dream about teeth crumbling - this means quarrels with relatives, illnesses in the family and problems at work. A dream in which you see crumbling teeth is considered unfavorable.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about teeth crumbling in a dream:

Teeth crumbling is a bad sign. Such a dream speaks of upcoming problems and troubles, bad news from relatives. If your teeth crumble in a dream and you see blood, you will receive news of the death of one of your relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book What does it mean if you dream about your teeth crumbling?

To see teeth crumbling in a dream is the interpretation of a dream. Teeth crumbling in a dream symbolize illness and lonely old age. Blood in a dream in which teeth crumble means the death of a relative.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream about teeth crumbling?

If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling and falling out, you are afraid to have sexual intercourse with a more experienced person. If your teeth crumble in a dream, you are experiencing complexes regarding your appearance. Most likely, all your complexes are far-fetched and there are actually no problems with your appearance.

Family dream book If you dream about teeth crumbling according to the dream book:

Why dream that your teeth are crumbling in a dream - your loved ones urgently need you and your support. If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling, this means a quarrel with your relatives. Perhaps in the near future you will quarrel with distant relatives over real estate or inheritance. Teeth crumbling in a dream means a quarrel with your lover, possible separation or a complete break in the relationship.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Teeth crumbling, what does it mean

If you dreamed that your teeth were crumbling, this is a warning dream. There are people around you who are jealous of your position and want to ruin everything with gossip and intrigue. Be attentive to your loved ones - such a dream may foretell a separation from your significant other and a quarrel with friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Teeth crumble in a dream

Teeth are crumbling - pay attention to your health. Such dreams usually refer to serious illnesses that occur without symptoms. Contact the hospital to diagnose your health condition so as not to start the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

If you dream that your teeth are crumbling, the dream may mean that you are going through a difficult period in your life and you are overburdened with work and other responsibilities. Analyze what you might not be doing or seek help. Otherwise you won't be able to cope.

In addition, a dream in which you see crumbling teeth may portend a deterioration in your health - most often sudden. Dream books interpret such a dream as a kind of warning: seeing teeth crumbling in a dream means the need to devote more time to your own health.

If you dreamed that a tooth was slowly crumbling, but did not completely fall out, then the dream can be considered a prediction of a long-term illness of one of your close relatives. Moreover, its symptoms will not be obvious; a latent (hidden) course is more likely, so contacting a doctor may be untimely.

A dream in which a tooth falls out completely and immediately crumbles is considered very bad. It means that the disease will be very strong and rapid, so much so that it is unlikely that it will be possible to help the patient, even if you turn to a very good specialist. This value is especially important if the crumbled tooth is black and rotten.

Why do you dream about teeth falling out without blood or with it?

Everyone sees dreams... The most common of them are those in which we look at our own or someone else's teeth. What does it mean? In this article we will find out why teeth fall out in dreams.

Without blood and without pain... Miller's Dream Book

In general, seeing them in a dream, according to Miller, means illness or unpleasant encounters with those people who once caused you a lot of inconvenience.

  1. If in a dream you lost them without bloodshed, then unpleasant events will happen in reality.
  2. Did you have your teeth knocked out in your sleep? You are leading the wrong lifestyle! Urgently reconsider your views on the surrounding reality.
  3. If they begin to crumble and collapse, you have a huge burden of responsibility.

Let's find out another interpretation of dreams.

Dream interpretation: teeth fell out. What will he tell us Pelagia?

Vanga's dream book. Why do you dream of lost teeth?

  1. Without blood - to failure.
  2. With blood - to the death of a close relative.
  3. Teeth that fall out in a dream without pain or blood mean the death of a distant relative.

Family dream book

  1. Did you dream that a tooth fell out? Lose a loved one or relative. A break in the relationship is possible.
  2. If in your dream you lost absolutely all your teeth, parting with this or that person will be painful.
  3. A tooth that hurt and fell out is a dream of getting rid of worries and problems.

Lost teeth. Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream book of Nostradamus. Why do you dream of lost teeth?

  1. Without blood, they fall out when hard times come.
  2. If you dream about teeth being knocked out, look around. Your ill-wishers are not asleep, preparing to strike you. Don't let this happen!
  3. If they are destroyed in a dream, your career in reality also collapses.
  4. See how some man just spits out his own teeth? Warn him in reality to live more carefully - he will soon be in trouble.
  5. Did one tooth fall out? Expect sad news. Did they both fall out? The so-called “black streak” in life is coming.
  6. If you have a bloody tooth pulled out and you look at it and the resulting cavity in your mouth, expect to meet someone you don’t really want to see.
  7. In general, such dreams personify the dreamer's absent-mindedness. Finally get your act together!

Teeth crumble in your sleep

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Teeth are crumbling. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of teeth crumbling mean, or what it means to see teeth crumbling in a dream.

Teeth in a dream

I dream that my teeth are either crumbling or I’m just breaking them myself, like in childhood, I feel that they are swinging very strongly and I pull them out without pain! I’ll say right away that the teeth are not sick, but healthy!

And dreams are so real that only when I wake up I understand that it was a dream! When you dream that your jaws are stuck together like toffee! Trying to open my mouth and my teeth just break!

My teeth were loose and I pulled one tooth out with my hand and then it fell out in my sleep.

I dreamed that my teeth began to loosen, especially on the lower jaw, and I began to touch them with my hand and took one tooth out of my mouth - on the left side, the first or second tooth on the lower jaw, I don’t remember exactly. At the same time, I did not feel any pain or blood. My teeth were very loose and I looked at my jaw, and all my teeth were terribly crooked, although they had braces on them (in reality, I wear braces on my teeth and in life my teeth are straight), I got scared and started looking for an orthodontist to help me. I found her and she said that I needed to remove everything from my teeth so that they would become stronger and stop wobbling. When I pulled out the arch from the lower jaw, three more teeth fell out, also without pain or blood. Then I looked at my teeth and worried how, after losing so many teeth, I would be able to reconcile them with my upper jaw. The teeth did not fall out from the upper jaw.

Plastic teeth in a dream

I dream that I have a certain structure in my mouth that is put on the upper jaw - something like a hoop and on it there are 3 plastic teeth that cover the places where there are no teeth. “It’s strange,” I think, “before all the teeth were in place. And now these plastic ones begin to break. I take off this hoop and begin to study my mouth. It turns out that 2 teeth are in place, and the third one is growing, it has come out halfway. Again I'm surprised that teeth can grow at this age...

Teeth in a dream

I'm walking through a beautiful garden. Warm, clear and very pleasant! :)

And suddenly I notice with the tip of my tongue that one tooth (fang) is loose. And I touched it with my fingers, and it fell out.

Then they started falling out one after another and eventually all my teeth were in my palm. No pain, no fear. Just watched my teeth fall out. At first I couldn’t understand (in my sleep) why?

I felt very tired for several weeks. I couldn't muster up the energy. I even went to Kaliningrad for a walk by the sea.

So, when teeth fall out, it means that you need to take care of your health before you get seriously ill!

Be healthy!:)

Teeth in a dream

I dreamed that my upper teeth on the right side (starting from the front incisor to the end of the row) were loose, and I could take them off without feeling pain, and then put them back on. Moreover, they seem to be fixed to each other, and by pulling one tooth, I can remove a whole row. On the outside they are white and look healthy, but inside (on the side where they are attached to the gums) the surface is uneven, there are holes in some teeth, and inside the holes there is something black (similar to caries). At first, when I remove my teeth, I get scared, but when I discover that they can be reattached, I calm down, although I understand that I have caries and need to go to the dentist. I think that under no circumstances should you show this to your mother because she will be upset, but she still notices it.

Tooth in a dream

I dreamed that I was in the hospital. And so we (the patients) go together for the procedures. It’s scary for some reason, I sit down on a chair and here the nurse pulls out my tooth and it looks like it’s bleeding, but at the next procedure they clean the canals of the same teeth (it turns out that there is one), bleeding starts, but they stop it. And it seems that when they pulled out my tooth, I didn’t even really understand what happened and there was no pain, but the tooth was molar and seemed to be healthy.

Teeth in a dream

Today I dreamed that I pulled out my own tooth.... It was loose and causing inconvenience... I didn’t want to pull it out.. Because I was afraid that the empty space would be visible when I smile... But in the end I pulled it out.. I twisted and twisted and pulled it out... It didn’t hurt... There was no blood either... The tooth was big... But I worried in vain... The empty space turned out to be deep inside... And it’s not visible even when I smile.... And I forgot about him very quickly.... Then I dreamed that I was examining my teeth... A thought in my head.... For some reason, before I could not examine my teeth from such an angle ... Everything was visible... Every hole, every speck... I decided that it was because of the tooth that I had pulled out... It probably prevented me from seeing it all...

Tooth in a dream

Today I dreamed that I kept scratching and scratching where the lower teeth are and pulled out a piece of the tooth.

I looked into my mouth, and there this tooth was all good, but without a piece. Which I pulled out.

I took it and put it in place. Think. Maybe it will take root.

I didn’t pick any lizhby.

And he was there and nothing was even noticeable

Tooth with blood in a dream

I dreamed that it was as if my tooth was shaking and I pulled it out myself, and there was quite a lot of blood.

Why do you dream of a Tooth with blood in a dream?

Teeth in a dream

In the dream it was scary and disgusting. It was as if I was left without my front teeth, and in their place there was a bloody mess, like rot hanging. There was a moment when I stood in front of the mirror and saw my front teeth being broken by an invisible force. We must take into account that I am dissatisfied with my teeth, I want to fix everything, but there is no time.

Teeth in a dream

I dreamed that I was manually stitching my own teeth with a needle, and the teeth were good, white, even - I just pierced the tooth with a needle, pulled out the thread, and so on through all the teeth - no pain, no blood. And I know that the thread is a white surgical suture material.

Teeth in a dream

I had a dream that the four upper molars on the left side fell out, without pain or blood, and in their place new teeth were already visible (just like in children with milk teeth). In the dream, I was at my age (25 years old). I would like to know in more detail what all this is about?

Teeth falling out with blood in a dream

Hello, today I had a very unpleasant dream. Tell me what it means.

I dreamed of a feast, like a birthday celebration or something like that, a large table, many guests, but these are not my relatives, these are people unfamiliar to me in my life, but in the dream I know them, they are my friends. And I'm not the hero of the occasion. And then I go to the mirror and feel that my front tooth is falling out. I turn it over in my hands and see that it is whole, but just empty from the inside. I immediately pack up and go home. I come home and see my sister there, who in real life is really my sister. And I tell her this, and she tells me: “Yes, okay, nonsense, no big deal.” I go to the mirror again and feel and see how all the front teeth on the right side are falling out, and they are whole and white, they just fall out and blood comes from the gums, a lot of blood. I get scared and start crying. But my sister is calm anyway. Then I woke up. I had a dream in the afternoon from 15 to 17 hours. I read dream books, in some places it is written that teeth with blood signifies the death of a relative. Please tell me more precisely what it means.

Teeth in a dream

The lower front ones are very small, their number is larger than usual, like in a dog up to the fangs. And they all crumble. The tops are broken. One left lower fang is artificial and from time to time I take it out and put it back in. There is no blood. It's on the screw. And a couple of teeth are loose. I don't remember which ones. I ask the dentist to fix all my teeth. They calculated that all this would cost 120 thousand rubles. I refuse, it’s too expensive for me and I’m going to another dentist. Then I wake up.

Teeth Requires a more detailed explanation in the dream

I had a dream within a dream in which I saw one of my teeth fall out. And he was intact. Next, I began to feel with my tongue the place where it fell out. And when I started running my tongue over my teeth, they began to fall out like sand. I didn’t understand what was happening and went to the mirror (where did it come from?), I was in some kind of stadium and was in the room in front of the entrance to the stadium. And when I looked in the mirror, instead of the upper teeth, I had remnants of teeth and some roots, and the lower teeth were very damaged. Immediately after this, I woke up in the main dream and thought: “I’ll dream!” and at the same time I found myself in the same place where I looked at the damaged teeth, I decided to take another look, the teeth were very well-groomed. I was also surprised because I don’t take special care of my teeth. Then I woke up from all my dreams. Help me languish...

Teeth crumble without blood

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Seeing your current one foreshadows headache, migraine and consumption.

Seeing another's blood flow means little gain for him.

Seeing a lot of pure blood means wealth and benefit.

Bleeding oneself in a dream means loss and weakness.

Spitting blood is a sign of illness or shame.

Wearing a blood-stained dress portends a date with relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Bed, bedding

Sometimes seeing yourself in bed is the result of a LUCID dream. You become aware that you are dreaming, and your consciousness accepts the limitations of the dream state. However, the bed is often associated with laziness, illness, death or sexual experience. If for you the bed embodies one of the above symbols, then the dream itself most likely reflects your perception of yourself.

Freud interpreted the bed as a symbol of the mother's womb. In fact, if you hide under the blanket on a cool autumn morning, the bed will become a utopian personification of paradise, which will reliably protect you from the adversity of the world around you.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Teeth - Stand out on the face, straight - for small acquisitions. Curves mean unsuccessful purchases. Separately - for trade workers - to losses, shortfalls; for the rest - your household chores may be spoiled (mold, bugs). They fall out without pain - insignificant connections will disappear imperceptibly. Fall out with blood - a painful separation. They pull it out - the same thing, but on your initiative. Clean - some acquaintances, obviously unnecessary, take up your time and energy. Holes in teeth, rotten ones - among your friends there are “informers” and informers.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

A brother-in-law will come, you will meet relatives, a son will be born // it’s not good with relatives, death; from the head - home; from the nose - ridicule, loss of money; let yourself in - loss, weakness; to see it on yourself - it’s good // shame, you’ll get hurt; on others - profit for that person // bad; animals - a happy ending to the matter; bright red blood - loss of loved ones; blood diluted with saliva - death of cousins; cold - fading love; drink blood - strongly slandered someone; spitting blood is a disease, a shame.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

Seeing blood spilled all over the room, a bed covered in blood, walls - all this means the birth in your family or in the family of close relatives of an unusual person who will glorify your entire family. By the way, one of the relatives of A.S. Pushkin writes in her memoirs that in the year of Alexander Sergeevich’s birth, she saw the same dream over and over again: her whole house was flooded with blood. Her dream was explained as follows: a genius or a great person would be born into the family.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Indicator of health, vitality; aggression; situations. White and clean good health; luck. Bad, reeling failure; disease; losses. The loss of a loved one, relative, or a breakup or alienation from them occurs. It was all a quiet period of life, the end of worries. Pulling a tooth is a painful breakup in a relationship. Sick teeth fell out, relief from worries or worries. Fangs grow and acquire secret black magic knowledge. Artificial falsehood in relationships. Insert profit. Toothache reconciliation and agreement in relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Blood

This is money earned through unjust and illegal means. If someone sees blood on his shirt and does not know where it comes from, then he will be slandered from where he does not know and does not expect. Staining your clothes with blood in a dream means receiving “dirty” money. Seeing yourself bleeding in a dream and at the same time believing that this is for your benefit means that in reality you will receive some benefit or benefit from those in power. But if you believe that this is harmful, it means that at first you will receive some benefit from the ruler, but then it can turn into harm. If the clothes are not stained with blood, then he will be kicked out from the place where he has strengthened and settled. Some dream interpreters believe that seeing blood in a dream means being an accomplice in some dubious and sinful deed.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

According to D. Loff: “The bed is often associated with laziness, illness, death or sexual experience.

If for you the bed embodies one of the above symbols, then the dream itself most likely reflects your perception of yourself.

Z. Freud interpreted the bed as a symbol of the mother's womb. In fact, if on a cool autumn morning you hide your head under the blanket, the bed will become a utopian personification of paradise, which will reliably protect you from the adversity of the world around you.”

Dream Interpretation - Bed

The bed has two symbolic meanings.

The first is the bed, as an indication of sexual relations.

The bed hints at the sexuality of the relationship even if it is only indicated in the room.

At the same time, the actions of dreamers may be far from erotic.

This may just be a harmless conversation with someone, but with a bed in the background.

The second possible aspect of the appearance of a bed is a premonition of illness or one’s extreme helplessness.

Such dreams contain instructions for the dreamer to consult a doctor or seek friendly support from loved ones.

Furniture, first of all, indicates to what period of time the actions and events reflected in the dream belong.

Drawers, cabinets, chests of drawers, chests - refer to past experience.

Beds, tables, chairs appear as signs of a present or future situation.

The appearance of a bed hints at sexual relations or reflects illness and fatigue.

A crib or cradle with a baby represents hopes for the future, an empty cradle represents unjustified hopes.

Lying on a bed or seeing sick people is a harbinger of illness, financial or domestic problems.

Seeing a large, beautifully decorated bed means marriage, love relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

If you see a person with false teeth, it means that someone is insincere with you.

Check your business contacts carefully.

If you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth, this means that you are not entirely truthful in your words.

I pulled out my own tooth without bleeding

Dream Interpretation I pulled out my own tooth without bleeding I dreamed why I dreamed about pulling out a tooth on my own without bleeding? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream You pulled out your own tooth without blood by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

An ordinary dream in which you see teeth foreshadows an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people who disturb you.

If you dream that you have lost your teeth. Misfortune awaits you.

If in a dream the doctor pulled out your tooth. A terrible, protracted illness awaits you.

If in a dream you see the number of teeth a person should have in your mouth, it means that after numerous trials, lost jewelry will return to you.

If in a dream you brush or rinse your teeth, this means that a huge struggle will be required from you in order to preserve your happiness.

If you dream that you have artificial teeth in your mouth, it means. You should expect severe trials that will befall you, and you will have to overcome them.

If you lose your teeth in a dream, a heavy burden awaits you, which will crush your pride and ruin your work.

If you dream that your teeth were knocked out, it means that you should pay attention to your affairs, since your enemies do not sleep.

If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, it means. Your work or health will suffer from overexertion.

If you dream that you are spitting out your teeth, it means that a disease threatens you or your family.

Irregular teeth with some kind of flaws are the worst dream. He threatens many misfortunes to those who see him. This includes poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, and nervous exhaustion even in hitherto healthy people.

If one tooth falls out in your dream, this means sad news; if two, then a streak of bad luck into which the dreamer will be plunged due to his own negligence. If three teeth fall out, very serious disasters will follow.

If you see that all your teeth have fallen out, this means that misfortunes are coming.

If you dream that your teeth have deteriorated and you have pulled them out, it means that hunger and death await you.

If you dream that plaque is falling off your teeth, which is why they become healthy and white, it means. Your discomfort is temporary; when it passes. You will come to your senses, and the realization of your duty fulfilled will make you happy.

If in a dream you admire the whiteness and perfection of your teeth. Friends dear to your heart and all the fullness of happiness that the fulfillment of desires can give you await you.

If in a dream you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, not finding it, and you leave this riddle unsolved, then this means that you are expecting a meeting with some person who you are not at all you don’t want and which you want to ignore. And yet this meeting will take place. And in the future you will continue to see this person and, despite the sidelong glances of your friends, receive exciting pleasure from these meetings.

If you dream that your dentist cleaned your teeth perfectly, and the next morning you discover that they have turned yellow again, this means that you will entrust the protection of your interests to certain people, but will soon find out that they will not resist the flattering promises of some a clever deceiver.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Teeth in a dream mean relatives and friends, as well as what is connected with them.

The front teeth mean close relatives, the lower ones are female, the upper ones are male. The upper eye tooth signifies the father and the lower one signifies the mother. Brushing your teeth in a dream means that you will help your family or friends with money. Seeing or using a toothpick means frustration. Seeing uneven teeth in a dream means discord and family squabbles. A dream in which you saw that your teeth have become larger or are bothering you means that you will face discord with your relatives. Sometimes because of inheritance. Seeing straight and smooth teeth in a dream means well-being in the family and success in business. In addition, such a dream predicts a peaceful and calm family life. Admiring your teeth in a dream is a sign of a long, happy and rich life. Such a dream also predicts the fulfillment of a cherished desire and excellent health. Having new teeth in a dream means changes in life. Look at the condition they are in. If it is better than before, then the changes will be for the better. If it’s worse than before, then expect losses and grief. Sometimes a dream about new teeth predicts that something will become clearer. Dark, with holes, dirty, with a bad smell, teeth falling out without blood in a dream mean sorrows, bitter experiences, illnesses and other misfortunes. Such a dream also predicts that you will face failures in business, humiliation, poverty, collapse of plans, or news of the death of a person who was not particularly dear to you. A dream about a tooth falling out (without blood) can mean the death of old people in the family. Pulling out and putting a tooth back in place without experiencing pain is a sign that your relationship with your loved ones cannot be called smooth: sometimes you fight, sometimes you make up. Such a dream sometimes suggests that you are needlessly worrying about little things. A dream in which you saw that not one tooth, but several, had fallen out, foreshadows a period of disasters and adversity for you. To be left without teeth is a sign of great misfortune, loss of fortune. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may suffer from thieves or scammers. Be especially careful with your valuables. Brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth in a dream is a sign that no one will help you cope with grief and troubles. Therefore, in difficult times you can only rely on yourself. If in a dream they turn black again before your eyes, then beware of false friends and do not trust strangers. A dream in which you saw that your tooth is loose means: beware of illness or an accident. If you dream that your teeth were knocked out in a dream, then you should be wary of the insidious plans of your enemies. Pulling out your own teeth in a dream is a sign of imminent death for the one who saw this dream. However, death may not be physical. This may be a plight (humiliation, hunger, deprivation), which is literally like death. If you dream that in a dream your tooth fell out with blood, then you will suffer a heavy loss and will be saddened by it for a long time. Such a dream also means the loss of a loved one or relative and great experiences. The same thing means a dream in which you lose a healthy tooth. A dream in which you saw that a doctor pulled out your tooth means that many disasters and illness await you, which will unexpectedly befall you. Doubting in a dream that all your teeth are there and counting them is a sign of anxiety due to some kind of loss or because of a loved one. If during the recount all the teeth are in place, then the loss will be found. If you dream that something is stuck in your teeth, then expect a stop in business and other obstacles. Try to remove this object from the tooth in a dream - and your affairs in real life will improve. Gold teeth in a dream foretell great losses, damage, loss of property or illness. Glass teeth in a dream are a sign that you are in mortal danger. Sometimes they say that those who have such a dream will face a violent death. Wax teeth in a dream predict death. To have or see tin or lead teeth in a dream is a sign of humiliation and shame. Seeing iron teeth is a sign of danger. Silver teeth in a dream predict large expenses for entertainment. Such a dream only foreshadows easy enrichment for people with a well-spoken tongue. To have or see artificial teeth in a dream is a sign of danger from deceitful friends. A dream in which you saw yourself pushing teeth out of your mouth with your tongue means: you will skillfully repel the attacks of enemies and slanderers. Treating teeth in a dream is a sign of order in affairs. If they put fillings in, then your affairs will improve. Seeing dental crowns, putting them on or taking them off in a dream is a sign of intrigue, deception, family discord. Grinding your teeth in a dream is a harbinger of disappointment in loved ones and great worries because of this. Crunch crowbar

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Seeing your own teeth that you brush in a dream is a sign that in reality you will be bothered by annoying petitioners who are not all right in their heads. Seeing artificial teeth in your mouth portends deceptive feelings and insincere love. Teeth falling out or loose in the gums foreshadow an imminent death in the family.

A dream in which you lose your teeth means future misfortunes. Seeing yourself in a dream as a toothless, muttering hag means that you have neither the ability nor the opportunity to arrange your career the way you yourself would like.

Seeing other people toothless in a dream suggests that your spiteful critics are powerless in their attempts to discredit you.

Pulling teeth from a dentist in a dream foreshadows a break in relations with an annoying person.

Filling your teeth is a sign that in reality you will put your affairs in complete order. Inserting new teeth means that a dubious matter will be clarified and you will no longer have to rack your brains about it. Gold teeth in a dream portend wealth and independence. Seeing your teeth healthy, beautiful and white - you will have healthy offspring.

To see someone brushing their teeth means you will have to work not for yourself, but for others, earning pennies.

If in a dream you have a severe toothache, it means that after numerous ordeals you will achieve the fulfillment of your request. Rinse your teeth with a medicinal solution - in reality you will have to make a lot of effort so as not to miss out on your happiness.

Biting inedible objects with your teeth means that you will face severe trials that will befall you unexpectedly. If your teeth crumble at the same time, you will have to sacrifice your own pride for the good of your family. Breaking a tooth in a dream means that your work or health will suffer from excessive stress. Spitting out a tooth means that someone in the family or relatives is unwell.

A dream in which someone knocks out your teeth means that you are not taking your responsibilities seriously enough, both at home and at work. If at the same time you part with your teeth without any pain, in reality this promises well-being.

Seeing someone's teeth with an incorrect bite is a bad sign, foreshadowing the collapse of many plans and hopes, mental illness and serious illness. Teeth with chips or blackened foretell success in business. Teeth bleeding from scurvy, that is, vitamin deficiency, predict the death of acquaintances.

If in a dream your child lost one baby tooth, then in reality you will face the bad consequences of your own stupidity. Two lost teeth - the cause of misfortune will be negligence and imprudence, and three generally portend who knows what misfortunes. Losing every single tooth in a dream means you simply don’t have enough money to treat all the ailments that will fall on you and your entire family, and at the same time.

Pulling teeth yourself - such a dream suggests that you are able to force yourself to do the almost impossible if it is necessary for the happiness of a loved one. Yellow smoked teeth in a dream foreshadow the betrayal of one of the spouses in the family. Teeth with food stuck in them indicate that wealth and prosperity will come to your home. Picking your teeth with a toothpick in a dream means you will become sated in life with literally everything.

If someone in a dream boasts of his snow-white, perfectly straight and impeccably correct teeth, he will face meetings that will not bring joy, and good luck that will turn into disappointment. Seeing beautiful teeth in yourself means an upcoming conversation with a person whom you do not want to host in your home, but the future will show your short-sightedness when this person becomes widely known.

Seeing fangs that have grown like a vampire in a dream is a sign that deep down you do not trust your friends and are ready to grab the throat of anyone who encroaches on your vital interests. Teeth sitting in excessively swollen and reddened gums mean the possibility of colds with high fever and long bed rest.

Dental disease, which has led to a huge gumboil and swollen cheek, portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation. White metal fixations on teeth indicate upcoming difficulties in business and entrepreneurship.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

An ordinary dream in which you see teeth foreshadows an unpleasant encounter with illness and restless people.

If you dream that you have lost your teeth, misfortune awaits you.

If in a dream a doctor pulled out your tooth, you may get sick.

If you dreamed that you were brushing or rinsing your teeth, it would take a lot of effort from you to preserve family happiness.

If you dreamed that you had artificial teeth in your mouth, expect severe trials.

If your teeth were knocked out in a dream, be careful about your affairs, since you have enemies who are just waiting for a chance to harm you.

If in a dream your teeth are destroyed or broken, then you have taken on too much of a burden.

If you dreamed that one tooth fell out, expect sad news. If two teeth fall out, a streak of bad luck will begin; three teeth means serious troubles lie ahead.

If you spit out your teeth in a dream, a disease threatens you or your family.

A dream in which you saw crooked teeth with some flaws is the most terrible. It is fraught with misfortunes - poverty, the collapse of personal plans and hopes, illness, nervous exhaustion.

If you dreamed that your teeth had deteriorated and you had them removed, then trouble awaits you. If you dreamed that plaque flies off your teeth and they become healthy and white, your discomfort is temporary.

If in a dream you admired the whiteness and perfection of your teeth, then in real life dear friends, great happiness and fulfillment of desires await you.

A dream in which you, having pulled out one of your teeth, lose it, and then look for a cavity in your mouth with your tongue, but do not find it, predicts an unwanted meeting with some person. In the future, you will continue to see him and enjoy these meetings.

If you dreamed that the dentist cleaned your teeth, and then they turned yellow again, then in reality you will entrust the protection of your interests to unreliable people.

Nostradamus considered teeth a symbol of the loss of vital energy and experiences.

He interpreted dreams about teeth as follows.

If you saw in a dream how your teeth are pulled out, then in reality you are afraid of losing someone close to you.

If your teeth fall out in a dream, then know that your inaction is preventing you from achieving your goal.

If you saw rotten and decaying teeth in a dream, health problems lie ahead.

A dream in which you saw an empty space in your mouth instead of a tooth warns of loss of vital energy and premature aging.

A bad tooth means that you will have to deal with personal problems.

And here is what D. Loff said about such dreams: “Dreams about teeth and tooth loss are widespread. Often such a dream is disturbing, although it does not carry the same fear or anxiety as a nightmare. In a dream, teeth often concern only the dreamer.

Other characters in the dream either do not notice the loss of teeth or do not attach any importance to it. Dreams about losing teeth are often dreams about embarrassment or potentially awkward situations. A similar experience in real life can be summed up in the expression “losing face” in public.

Another possible reason for dreams of losing teeth could be physical sensations such as teeth grinding or tooth sensitivity.”

Dream Interpretation - Pull out a tooth

Or if it falls out on its own, it will lead to the death of a relative.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Teeth - tooth - loss. Teeth - conversations, chatter, gossip. Teeth pain is weakness. Teeth have fallen out and there is bleeding - the death of a loved one. A tooth falls out - a dead man in the family. If all the teeth fall out into the palm of your hand and turn black, then the one who dreams about it will die. And if you dream of one tooth, then someone you know will die. Wax teeth - die. If you dream that a corner tooth is pulled out, then there will be a big dead person, and if you dream that a front tooth is pulled out, then there will be a small dead person. It’s like dreaming that your teeth hurt, but dreaming in the morning that someone is going to kill you, there will be a guest. Like when you dream that your teeth hurt, and when you dream in the evening, it means that someone else is going to die. If a hollow tooth falls out, the old man will die. The tooth will fall out without pain, without blood - someone not very dear will die. A tooth breaks - you lose a faithful friend; a new one grows - you clear up misunderstandings. Loss of one side of teeth - before death. White teeth mean health.

Dream Interpretation - Tooth

Teeth typically symbolize health and vitality. In the east, a person’s age was determined by the condition of their teeth. In ancient tribes, a person could not go to the valley of death as long as he had strong and healthy teeth.

This symbol has several meanings and is interpreted depending on its appearance in dreams.

Sometimes teeth are perceived as a symbol of cruelty and pain. People say about such a person: “Don’t fall for his hungry tooth.”

People say about an annoying guest: “He’s already forced himself on me.”

So, if you saw or felt in a dream that someone was biting you painfully, this means that someone will cause you severe mental pain.

Seeing your tooth growing in a dream is a sign of your wisdom, which will allow you to cope with many of life’s difficulties.

A dream in which you saw rotten teeth means illness.

If a tooth falls out in a dream, this is a sign of unfulfilled hopes and promises.

Seeing artificial teeth in a dream means that in reality you too often rely on the opinions of others. This may cause the collapse of your personal plans.

If you saw in a dream how your aching tooth is being removed, it means that in reality you will finally make a difficult, but very important choice for you.

A dream in which you are trying to dodge someone's sharp teeth means that the person you consider your friend is preparing a trap for you. People say: “They drowned a pike, but the teeth remained.”

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

“tired like a toothache” intolerance towards a person. “Punch in the teeth”, “show teeth” or “grasp and gnaw at anyone’s throat” is an aggressive attack, hostility. “Sticking it in your teeth” gets boring. “By no means” - complete unpreparedness, ignorance. "Keep your mouth shut" hide, remain silent. To “belittle one’s teeth” to slander, to deceive. “Putting your teeth on the shelf” is a disaster, a ruin.

“white, clean teeth” is a sign of health.

“to give a tooth” (oath). “Having a grudge against someone” is a feeling of revenge. "Grind your teeth" envy, hatred. "Grit your teeth" patience, suffering. “Toothy” is a tenacious, tenacious, corrosive, evil, strong-willed person who will not let go of his own. “Pulling out, pulling out a bad tooth” is a relief.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Clean, white, beautiful teeth are dreamed of as a symbol of health and good luck.

Sick, defective teeth - to all sorts of misfortunes.

Pulling out a tooth means getting rid of an annoying acquaintance.

Brushing your teeth or buying toothpaste means long-awaited guests will appear.

If a tooth or teeth fall out, it means the death of a friend or relative.

Knocked out teeth mean bad luck.

Insert - to profit.

Spitting out teeth means a threat of illness.

Seeing artificial teeth in the mouth is a sign of falsehood in a love relationship.

If an enemy removes your tooth, this is a dream of a serious illness.

Pushing teeth out of your mouth with your tongue means self-justification and happy deliverance from slander.

Gold teeth in the mouth are a good dream for those people who earn their living by oratory.

Dream Interpretation - Teeth

Teeth symbolize two directions of events: health, your own or family, and changes, transitional stages in life.

The sight of white, clean teeth is always good luck.

Black, rotten - harbingers of quarrels and illnesses.

Painless loss of all teeth means loss of strength, energy, and health.

A tooth pulled out with pain and blood means the loss of a relative.

Examining a lost tooth means preparing for a change, graduation, marriage, divorce, etc.

No other symbol has as many conflicting interpretations as this little bone.

Traditionally, the fact of tooth loss in a dream is associated with possible illness and even death of relatives.

However, if you were attentive enough to your dreams, you might notice that teeth fall out in your dreams much more often than people die around you.

And yet, tooth loss in a dream is a really unfavorable sign for the dreamer.

Even if you don't lose any relatives, you may lose your vitality, your luck, your attractiveness.

The association with losses arose among people in connection with the actual loss of baby teeth.

This process coincides with the passing of the best period of our childhood, His symbolic death.

Most often, tooth loss in your dream is a symbolic end of some period of life that is important to you.

Functionally, teeth are also associated with defense or aggression.

Therefore, it is good to see clean, healthy teeth - a sign of your security and balance.

But disproportionately large fangs protruding from your mouth indicate that you have relationship problems and are ready to “bite someone down the throat.”

Seeing a monster with fangs also portends quarrels and fighting.



I want to immediately tell you that before this dream I was at the dentist several times and had my teeth treated! I cured 2, there was one more left, but for now I put off going to the dentist because my back hurt a lot! And so is my dream! In my sleep, my upper tooth begins to loosen (this tooth is located next to the one I treated). At first I think that it was my imagination, but then I realize that it was not. I touch it and it remains in my hands, a good tooth with three roots, not rotten and not a snow-white ordinary tooth with my enamel! For me, the dream is so real that I’m starting to get angry at my dentist: how could she miss this tooth, how could she not notice his problem?! Then I started spitting out the teeth that I treated with blood and then all the other teeth on the left side started to appear, there wasn’t a lot of blood but I spat it out along with the teeth and where the teeth should have been I have smooth gums as if everything was already overgrown or they were there was no point at all, I started to panic about how I would eat without teeth and I couldn’t understand the reason why they were falling out, but then I began to reassure myself that it was just a “DREAM”! It turns out that while in a dream, spitting out my own teeth with little but blood, with strong emotions and experiences, I begin to realize that this is a dream and I hope for it with all my might, that this is just a dream! I remember that I saw something similar a few years earlier, not the same dream, but it was similar, only there was no blood at all, not a drop! And now, sitting, spitting out the last tooth, I look at my open palm on which my teeth lie, some with blood, some with pieces of gum, but for some reason I look at and betray only the chewing back teeth and feel such emptiness and hopelessness and only one hope for the fact that I will wake up and everything will be fine and mentally telling myself that I woke up! (I note that I spat out all my teeth without pain, except for the very first one, which was loose, I didn’t feel much pain, but the pain was there and I felt the root bursting my gums) tell me what this could mean, I’ll also note about my poor condition and severe back pain!! Thank you very much in advance! I really hope for your answer!!! Best regards Valeria!


I dreamed that all my teeth were simply falling out. I spat them out into my palm. Then I sat at the dentist, he tried to cure them, but to no avail, they still fell out.


I remember only one moment, something was bothering me in my mouth, I started spitting it out, and it turned out to be bloody pieces of a tooth, after which I still looked at them in the palm of my hand


All my life I have had this dream in different versions: I spit out all or several teeth into my hand, with or without blood, 1-2 teeth crumble, etc. Today my daughter had such a dream


She pulled out one bad tooth from herself, but without blood. Then she began to take more and more teeth out of her mouth, all of them were bad and there were a lot of them. I felt that there were still teeth left in my mouth, but I was afraid that not only the bad ones, but also the good ones would fall out. I was glad that I will put new good teeth in place of bad teeth


I felt as if something in my mouth was inflamed and it was painful, I went to the doctor and he pierced something in my mouth, pus began to flow from there, and I began to spit it out along with particles of teeth, quite large, and then spat it out another whole tooth, and another, and then I told the doctor that I urgently needed to insert new teeth and he gave me 3 white teeth in order to insert them and said that for this I needed money, I took out the money and began to count bills, he said that was enough and sat me on a chair to insert them, I don’t remember anything else


I'm a 23 year old guy. In a dream I put on false teeth. I took it off and put it on several times. Every third time, this false jaw seemed to loosen. A couple of her teeth fell off and I spat them out. Then he took off the jaw and put it on again. Then several more teeth fell off. And I felt a wire from the jaw, apparently holding the teeth together. I spat out about five more from my jaw. Then I took it off and realized that I had also spat out my teeth. He quickly tried to put it back on. But after that, a mess of these teeth formed in my mouth. I stopped understanding where mine are and where the dentures are. He began to spit everything out into his palm. A full handful formed. Then I felt that half of my teeth were missing. And the wire from the false jaw got stuck in the gum. I pulled it out with difficulty, and with it some black object. Similar to a foreign body. I threw it out and woke up.


I spit out teeth, it seems like milk teeth with blood, but in a dream I’m not a child, at first I hid the fact that I was left without teeth and a second later I realized that new ones had appeared and I’m happy


I dreamed that suddenly my teeth began to fall out without blood and I began to spit them out into my palm; they were not particularly rotten, moreover, it felt like they had fallen out only on one side, but not completely, and even the tips remained


Hello Tatyana, the whole dream is very voluminous,
I am in some kind of building, I consider it my refuge in a dream, first one of the three heating radiators, for some reason in the form of a shoe, deteriorated and stopped working, I began to repair it, then I felt teeth falling out in my mouth, a lot of them, I began to spit them out, the appearance was very bad, crumbled and with black inclusions, there was no pain, there was no blood either.


The dream was not very pleasant, I rarely dream, but the theme is the same. Since November 2013, I haven’t seen dreams. First I looked in the mirror, the front tooth on the lower jaw fell out. I touched it with my fingers, felt the root, started pulling it out... everything bled, and then began to spit it out in large chunks. I'm already tired of this dream.


I’m sitting at work (at school) and I feel like my tooth has fallen out. I got up to rinse my mouth and my teeth started falling out one by one...


I fight with a girl. I remain the winner. I see her blood. Then I go up to the mirror and see that my face was not very damaged. I go out into the street and meet my brother. And I start spitting out teeth on my palm. 5 or 6 immediately turned black and 2 or 3 remained white .

Maxim 12.9 years old:

I’m going (to my house) to the cherry tree. (It was summer or spring, I don’t remember) and then I feel like my teeth are starting to become very loose. Then they fell out (I spat them out) and that’s it


Hello! The main passage of the dream that I remember is the following: my now deceased mother did something to one of my teeth (near the left canine), pulled something and pulled out some 2 bases in the form of ribbed strips corresponding to the size of the teeth. And I began to spit out all my teeth into my hand (most likely into my left, but this is not certain). At first I began to worry that how could it be that I had no teeth, because I always had a good smile, but then I thought: “What kind of money did I get now!!!…..although all the bourgeois are the ones who have the famous “perfect white-toothed smile” - they all have (mostly) false teeth. This is such a dream, dearest Tatyana, thank you for spending your time with me. Sincerely, Igor.


I dreamed that my sister and I were freaking out and my teeth suddenly crumbled and fell out, and I collected them in my hands and for some reason one fang remained in my hand, but I spat them out with blood into the sink and then collected them and put them on the table...


Hello, I kind of dreamed about my apartment, as if it was being renovated and it was all in water, even water was flowing from the ceiling, but it was very clean. Then my ex-husband’s sister suddenly appeared, I haven’t seen them for 4 years and I can’t say that we were friends. At first my eyes started to hurt and I went to the mirror and saw that one of my eyes was swollen so that I couldn’t even see the slit, and then, out of the blue, I started spitting out a large amount of teeth into my palm, but there was no blood. the teeth were all white, only a few of them were rotten. And after I spat everything out, and I felt that it was the entire upper jaw, I began to spit out blood clots, but not in large quantities. And then I suddenly woke up. Please help me figure it out, thank you.


I met old friends somewhere, I sat with them for part of the dream, I don’t remember I remember that I was spitting out my teeth and they were spitting out in front, I held them and the halves remained


A car hits me in reverse, after which the upper jaw breaks and is completely removed as a bridge. After that, I see my former colleagues in a color dream and my current ones in black and white. Then in a colored dream I blow out all the teeth that crumbled, and a former colleague helps to collect them and I collect both fragments and whole but not teeth but pasta


Good afternoon.
I can have this dream every night, or maybe at intervals of several days. Usually in my dreams I see myself chewing, gnawing on my own teeth, and then spitting them out, sometimes with blood, sometimes without. In my sleep it hurts so much that when I wake up, I start feeling my teeth with my tongue, because it seems that I actually chewed them off. Previously, I had this dream very rarely, but a year ago it became part of the system - to have this dream almost every night. I can't figure out what's wrong.
Thank you for your attention.


I spat out almost all my teeth without blood from my mouth....then I examined them...I hid them....I tried them on back...in the end I seemed to attach them somehow...I had a dream for the second time in a week


I’m talking to a friend and I feel that at first one tooth, the lower incisor, is loose, I spit it out, then it’s as if I’m spitting out several teeth, but there’s no blood, I run my tongue in my mouth and can’t figure out which teeth have fallen out


I was walking in the park, I have known the park since childhood, I was walking through the park, the sun was shining warmly, suddenly I see my teeth as if there was an invisible mirror in front of me, the teeth began to peel off like the hooves of an animal, then they began to fall off, the bumps, under the bumps were rotten black teeth as if they were coals, I walked on and then I began to spit them out, a little at first, and then my mouth was filled with dust and I was already spitting out a lot of them, and I woke up from fear!


In a dream, I accidentally bumped into the elbow of my classmate and it so happened that my teeth were damaged and feeling that almost all the teeth of the lower jaw on the left side were out of place, I pulled out one of them, but later because of the pain I spat out all the loose teeth with blood.


I was sitting in the office watching TV and chewing gum, suddenly I felt pain, the taste of blood and 3 or 4 fragments of teeth, I ran my tongue along my gums and realized that 3 or 4 teeth, the upper and lower back teeth, were broken, I spat them out into my palm and at that moment I woke up


Hello. such a dream. My gums began to swell, severely, there was pain, fear, my face began to swell, I ran to the dentist, sat down in a chair, he took some kind of syringe, I started spitting out my teeth, spat out two teeth with blood, then he removed my tooth, then gave me an injection , the lump began to subside, I saw my face in the mirror, the swelling began to subside, I began to breathe easier, I laughed with joy that it became easier.


I bent over and hit my right cheekbone on the white shell, but I didn’t feel any pain. Afterwards there was a feeling that there was something extra in my mouth, it turned out that it was a tooth, I spat it out, then there were more and more broken teeth and they were not whole, I spat them out. I looked in the mirror and didn’t see much difference and calmed down, thinking that I should try to eat on the left side.


I dreamed that I was spitting out white teeth into my palm, and in their place new white teeth were growing in my mouth...


Hello Tatiana! I'm sleeping and I feel something in my mouth. Having concentrated, I understand that this is a tooth. Then the feeling comes that he is not alone - there are many of them. I spit them out, I don’t remember where, I feel the mouth with my tongue. But all the teeth are there.


I had a dream in which, due to some actions, my front tooth began to loosen and with a slight movement of my fingers I was able to, say, “tear it off,” followed by three more teeth I spat out. With all that was happening, I managed to take the teeth in my palm and examine them. they looked kind of strange, there was a new molar in the old baby tooth.


in a dream I felt the taste of blood, got up and ran to the bathroom, spat - blood, spat again - lighter blood, opened my mouth to look, saw teeth with dark blood, touched them and they were in my hands, there was almost no blood, no pain either It happened, I washed my teeth with water, they became white, I called my husband, they wanted to wash the wound, but everything was closed there, such a dream. What threatens me?


in a dream I felt the taste of blood, got up, went to the bathroom, spat out blood, spat out again - the blood was lighter than the first time, then I opened my mouth to look, I saw teeth covered in dark blood or something, I touched the teeth, they became loose and I pulled out 3 teeth without pain and with a little dark blood, I washed them under water, they turned white, I called my husband, they wanted to treat the wound, but it healed, as usually happens after a tooth is removed by a doctor, such a dream. Please interpret it, what should I expect? Thank you


I feel like I have fragments in my mouth... I feel with my tongue and spit out three half-fused teeth... and the base of the teeth of the halves remain in my mouth...


I went to the girl to get my thing, but she didn’t return it, she said that I had lost it, I beat it, I was going home, but in the end for some reason I started spitting out a rotten, crumbled tooth


I dreamed that I was starting to get nervous and my jaw hurt because I clenched my teeth tightly and couldn’t let go. After each time, the teeth began to fall out easily and I took them out...then I got nervous again and clenched my jaw again - the tooth fell out again...I I just threw it away, but I picked up the last one, showed everyone that it was big, but a little bloody, and after that I felt like I had a mouth full of blood, but I couldn’t see anything... it was just bad and hard to talk!


I dreamed that I was spitting out blood on a white handkerchief, but I said that my teeth were falling out. But I didn’t see the teeth themselves, only the blood. And yesterday I dreamed that I was shaking a tooth (like a fang) and it was held on literally by a thread, but did not fall out.


Hello. I dreamed that I spat out several of my teeth on the street (part of the tooth, the stumps remained). I was with two girls I knew whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. I felt no pain, there was no blood. Please explain.


Hello. I had a dream that all my lower jaw teeth fell out without pain or blood. they were gray. I started showing them to my mom. then I dreamed that I was in my grandmother’s house...who had been gone for a long time and I saw my paternal aunt there. I came to them and saw the ground... my aunt was planting something. I started planting some kind of flower.... sorting through this earth and stones


All the teeth crumbled and fell out, I collected them in my palms, then I saw my gums without teeth in the mirror, ate a radish and chewed on its gums, communicated and was embarrassed to open my mouth at the same time.


I spat out my teeth and looked at them, then I looked at my mouth without teeth, I collected them in a handful and I don’t remember then, I woke up


It's like a dream within a dream. I’m sitting with someone talking and I feel discomfort in my mouth, I spit into my hand, and there are teeth, I rinse them, I look in the mirror, some of the teeth are missing. But I understand that this is a dream. Previously I dreamed of porridge in my mouth from my teeth.


I dreamed that I was pulling a lot of teeth out of my mouth, as if they were falling out endlessly; there were so many of them, just a mouth full of them, climbing and climbing and never ending


I had a dream in which my teeth were falling out, the dream was negative, I spat them out with some frequency, there was no blood, there was a terrible panic because of this, so there was a loss of half of my teeth, also in a dream I She showed her open mouth and saw for herself that the teeth were different, there were many empty holes (after lost teeth), some teeth were white, some had caries.


in a dream there was the father of my child, but we no longer communicate for 3 years, I washed the dishes and spat out my teeth and he communicated with the child


Hello! Today, December 8, I went to bed at lunchtime and somewhere closer to 17.09 I dreamed that I couldn’t open my mouth - my teeth were clenched tightly, but when I finally opened it, I spat out a lot of small things into my palm, something like teeth with blood
(I understood that these were teeth, but they were somehow small, but white), I began to cry, but not from pain, but from the fact that I needed to go to the dentist, and this again required a lot of money - front teeth then I have plug-in ones. and I woke up.....


I dreamed that when I was chewing a cookie, I felt pieces of a tooth in my mouth, I spat it all out and then began to look for a hole in my mouth with my tongue, the teeth were all white and strong, and round in two places, I think I need to go to the dentist, and after I see that the teeth are all intact, very strong and white


u menya vo sne kroshilis i vipadali zubi,ya ih viplevivala.potom posmotrela v zerkalo i uvidela,chto net 2 verhnih zubov i asked svoego dantista- kogda vi mne sdelaete zubi krasivie? on otvetil ,to 21 January. Oshusheniya ot togo, what viplevivala zubi, bili horoshie. what nakonec ya budu s krasivimi novimi zubami…


I had a dream that I had a toothache, I went to the doctor, he gave me a painkiller, then he began to move the tooth that hurt and broke it, then I began to spit out each tooth with blood and I thought in the dream that it was because they gave me anesthesia that my gums and teeth became very numb because of this they fall out then I took out one tooth from the side with my hands, a large one, looked at it and put it back, then the anesthesia would wear off and it would grow back and it grew back and I woke up


I dreamed that I spat out a tooth with blood, then I went to the mirror, my gums were swollen and painful, and a new tooth was growing in this place


I was sitting in the classroom with my classmates, although I graduated from school 4 years ago. I felt bad, I ran out into the corridor, I looked at my palm and there was blood with teeth on it, then I went into the class and bent over and there was blood and teeth on my palm again, only more


Yesterday I dreamed that my lower front tooth was loose, and then everything just fell out of my mouth like stones.


My teeth fall out, no matter how they don’t hold on, I just spit them out. it turns out when I look in the mirror that all my lower teeth have fallen out

Alyoshechkina N.V.:

I was talking with a work colleague, but at home in the kitchen. as it turned out later, she seemed to be talking to her daughter and eating fruit from the compote. When she was about to spit out the bone, she spat out her teeth too. awoke. We talked with our daughter about our grandson’s illness. All.



At first I met a girl after which I hugged her, after that I walked away from her and began to spit out a lot of broken ripples


First, I met a girl, then I hugged her, after which I walked away from her and began to spit out a lot of broken


I dreamed that I was spitting out two chipped teeth into a glass and I was stealing water when I spat out the water and pulled out a tooth fragment from my gum with my tongue


I dreamed that my teeth (they were dentures) began to fall out one by one, and I even choked on one of them, I felt my burnt gums


Hello, I dreamed that I somehow bit food incorrectly with my teeth (on the right side) and the upper and lower teeth began to loosen and fall out, and these teeth seemed to fall out (no blood, healthy teeth), I started looking for the place where they fell out (t because there were a lot of them and I began to worry that I would remain toothless), but my teeth were in place..

[email protected]:

I spat out a molar tooth, saw it lying on the asphalt, without blood, but the root of the tooth was in my mouth, it didn’t hurt. And in the same dream was my ex-dead husband.


Hello! Today I dreamed that I was spitting out my own teeth into my palm! Several teeth fell out! I spat out several teeth several times! And then she caught something (possibly with a fingernail, I don’t remember exactly) on the front upper first tooth and it began to wobble, but did not fall out, but only stood crooked and uncomfortable! All teeth fell out without blood or pain. Please tell me why you dreamed about this?


I dreamed that I spat out my teeth without blood. They began to crumble because she squeezed them with great force.


At first I spat out some small teeth, some not very healthy, about 10 pieces, and then I felt like they were all falling out and a mouth full of blood, but I only felt the blood and didn’t see it. woke up in horror, after falling asleep I had a dream that I was swimming for a long time in clear water and stubbornly walking uphill


First, he crushed the molar tooth with his tongue and spat it into the sink. I looked at my teeth in the mirror, they were fine. Then he spat out a whole handful of teeth into the same sink. There seemed to be no blood. But the feeling of the tongue was that the teeth were in place. What does this mean?

4olga77@ mail.ru:

The teeth were crumbling and I spat them out. The teeth were not brightly white, and I also dreamed about my own child. He was scared, naked, and fell in the street.


At first I dreamed that my father was very drunk and rowdy, although he doesn’t drink at all. He was very angry and practically beat me. Then I think he fell asleep. It seemed like my new man was fighting us (I really like him, but I don’t really trust him.) Then the dream is interrupted and I realize that I have a mouth full of fallen teeth, they bother me and I spit them out. It’s difficult to answer whether they are healthy. There are not many teeth left to grow. I wake up and after a couple of minutes I again dream that I am spitting out teeth.


Hello, I dreamed that I was running away from a man in the snow, fell and with my tongue pushed a tooth (in parts) into the snow (there was no blood)


I spit out large fragments of my teeth into my palm, there are a lot of them, as if my jaw was breaking, it hurt very much, without blood, twice


I dreamed that my teeth were falling out and I was spitting them out by the handful. I myself simply remove teeth from the gums, but all this without pain and without blood. Thank you!


Good afternoon I dreamed that I was spitting out my own teeth into my open palms. There are a lot of them, much more than one person has in his mouth. They are without blood and not rotten or broken. But I try my tongue in my mouth, and I feel that all my teeth are in place, but I continue to spit out... It was very unpleasant... What could this mean? I have a very unpleasant feeling after this dream.
Thank you)


I remember all my teeth just fell out and I was moving them in my mouth with my tongue, trying to insert them. It was as if I was spitting out the meat of my gums; there was a lot of it and it never ended. It was disgusting but not scary because I understood that it was a dream.


In the dream, it was as if I was coming to a cemetery, but it seemed to be in a building, and I looked at my grave (or rather, at a stone with an inscription), there was no date, only a name. Then after a while I come and there is no grave, I ask where, and they tell me that here in general - look for your name. I don’t like that I’m in a common grave and I ask you to return me to my place. They find the coffin and open it, but they hold the lid so that I can’t see myself. They ask for some signs, I'm talking about a metal crown on a tooth. Then I see my yard (an apartment building) and near one of the entrances they are stacking coffins on top of each other, I see a guard of honor - these are soldiers from the collapsed barracks. then two coffins on the balcony of the next entrance, open and there are soldiers there and one of them is smoking. then they are taken away, and I am back at the cemetery. I ask about my grave - has it been returned to its place, and at this time one tooth falls out (without blood), I look at it and try to put it in place (I just cured them), I run my finger over the teeth to find I can't find the hole. the second tooth falls out (also without blood) I spit them out, I don’t understand anything - I go to the mirror to see where they fell out and see that all the teeth have shifted, become clumsy, I howled and woke up.
Sheer nonsense, I was probably overtired yesterday.


I dreamed that I was spitting out my false teeth, or that they just fell out without blood, just chick and no, I dream about it once a month.


I spat out my teeth and a lot, a full handful, but when I checked with my tongue, the teeth were in place and I still had a handful in my hands


stood near the post office_ one crumbled, the other was torn out and spat out about 7 pieces_ they were brown like rotten


I stood in the corridor with my friend, then I push him away, put my hands to my mouth and start spitting out teeth, first one, then two, etc. And at the same time I spit out both teeth and blood along with them. My friend says, look, you spat out 12 teeth. I’m already standing in the bathroom, opening my mouth and seeing that half of my teeth are missing, and then I wake up.


Hello, in a dream I first felt a mouthful of fallen teeth, then spat them out into my hand several times. She cried and sobbed at the sight of them in her hand. I looked in the mirror and saw new ones in place of the ones that had fallen out, i.e. I didn’t see any bare gums, there were new teeth there, small ones.


During an examination of the cervical arteries at a doctor’s appointment (and problems with arteries occur in real life), I felt a mouth full of crumbled teeth—just large and small crumbs. I spit them out, and my mouth filled up again, and so on several times. While this continued, I felt emptiness in my mouth, and when it stopped, I ran my tongue and, to my surprise, found that all my teeth were in place, which I was very happy about. There was no blood. When my mouth was filled with these crumbs, I was very scared and spat them out very diligently, just like frenzied.


Hello. I dreamed that I was eating porridge and caught a tooth. I spat it out. What is this for? The tooth supposedly came from my grandmother's.
Until this time, I dreamed about teeth twice and not close ones, well, relatives died (((


They gave me an injection in the tooth. They wanted to remove it, then I just started spitting it out. The teeth were large from the lower jaw without blood or pain


bloodied mouth teeth broken one of the teeth begins to fall out causing horror and panic teeth are ugly


I have a mouth full of teeth, I spit them out and spit them out... I see like 2 fragments... I open my mouth and see that I have all my teeth but 2 are half chipped... like the lower eye ones... I close my mouth, but something is wrong and it’s like teeth became uneven and flat... an incomprehensible flat smile and the lips do not cover themselves (I see only the mouth in the mirror)


Good afternoon, my dream was that I was walking and my teeth just started falling out one by one, painlessly. It didn’t last long, and then I saw a jaw in my hand. There was no blood in the teeth.


I dream that I spit out my teeth, first with small brushes, then my mouth remains empty and at the same time I spit out blood


This is not the first time I have had a dream. Without the pain of blood. I spit out almost all my teeth into my palm...or collect them in some kind of container. The teeth are intact and in fragments, but it’s strange that the front ones remain. In the dream, there is anxiety, that I am afraid that I have some kind of disease, but I don’t know what it is. I'm afraid to remain completely toothless :) This is not the first time I have had this dream)


I was at an audition with a child, and felt that something was in the way on the left side - there was a handful of teeth... Having spat them out without blood, it turned out that the roots remained in place... an unpleasant feeling...


I dreamed that I had fallen teeth in my mouth, and I spat them out, but there was no blood


Hello! I had a dream that I was standing with friends and suddenly started spitting out all my teeth [email protected]


I dreamed that I started spitting out teeth, good ones at that, into the washbasin. When one of the teeth fell out of the gums, black liquid began to flow, when it flowed out, I felt better. I looked in the mirror and saw that there were white teeth in my mouth, but not all of them and it was not a deformity.


She spat out about five or six teeth from her mouth. they were terrible, rotten, black, worms were crawling out of several of them. disgusting


Hello! I dreamed that tooth after tooth just began to loosen and fall out, with pain, for some reason I was at my grandmother’s house and ran to her, she said that it was rotting, I ran to the bathroom and there, one by one, I spat out teeth with blood, this it was very scary.


I dreamed that all my baby teeth had fallen out, my mouth was full of small teeth like a puppy’s, white, without blood. I spit them out and realized that permanent teeth were growing in their place.


Suddenly I feel in a dream that my front, absolutely healthy tooth is loosening and is falling out with blood. There is no pain. Following this, I feel that many of my front teeth are loose, and as soon as I want to tell someone about this and open my mouth, they fall out, also with blood. Only the distant ones remain, and a few front ones. And in a panic, I look for a dentist, but either I don’t find him, or he can’t give me any clear answer or help me in any way.


I dreamed that I was standing in the toilet, my mouth was full of something small, I started spitting, there were teeth in small pieces and blood. True, when I woke up, my entire jaw felt numb, as if it was lying uncomfortably.


I see a tooth in my mouth, it’s loose. With blood. She spat it into the glass. No blood. I heard a knock as it fell into a glass. Smooth, whole, white tooth.


I decided to take a nap for a couple of hours and almost immediately woke up from an extremely unpleasant dream, in which, giving in, I spit out my molars, crushed into small pieces, on the right side of my jaw. For some reason they began to break with a creak, but the roots themselves remained in place, only the upper part was spat out. Teeth the same color as in childhood from caries

Anufriev Alexander Vladimirovich:

I dreamed that I felt like I was going to spit out my teeth, and I spit them out onto my palm with my eyes closed so as not to notice it, then I spit it out and I saw that they were stones, and then I spit them out again and I saw that they were teeth, there wasn’t a lot of blood on them, there was no pain, and then with my tongue I feel that somewhere there are teeth and somewhere not, and the front teeth fell out and seemed to be larger than the upper ones.


I stand in front of the mirror, look at myself and see half of my front tooth is missing, then I felt it in my mouth, began to spit it out and realized that there was another back tooth that was also breaking and I began to spit out fragments of teeth. what is this for?


I was swimming in a river or a pool (I don’t remember), my tooth fell off (which I had filled on Monday), and I spat it out….


The teeth fell out in parts with blood, I also cleaned them on the sink with water to remove the blood and put them aside. what does this mean?


I dreamed that I was spitting out clean, blood-free, crumbled teeth. I even held a plastic crown in my hands and was upset that I was holding almost all my teeth in my hands. Why is this dream?


my teeth were crumbling and I spat them out in pieces and there were few teeth left in my mouth


I vaguely remember the dream, but I remember that first I was at the dentist, then I was talking with my parents and I began to feel teeth in my mouth, and the fact that they were torn off, I began to spit them out, looking at myself in the mirror I saw that only a very small number of teeth, to which my parents replied, they will give you new ones, don’t worry. but it was a terrible, disgusting feeling.


I dreamed of spitting out false teeth and pushing them out of my mouth with my tongue


Hello. I dreamed that my teeth were breaking and I was spitting them out. What does it have to do with all your teeth? They were intact and with caries.


I dreamed that in a dream I was spitting out crumbled teeth, and then spitting out blood. I worry


teeth fell out, held them in my mouth for a long time, spat them out in my hand, covered them with my pants, looked for somewhere to throw them away


I dreamed that I sneezed and the upper tooth on the side flew out with blood, while the adjacent tooth and the front one began to barely hold on and I tore them off


my white clean teeth were crumbling in my mouth, I spat them out and I felt better and in a dream I thought that I would restore them


my father was present in the dream, I started laughing, then it was as if facial paralysis had set in and I couldn’t close my mouth and I felt severe dizziness, after which my father said call an ambulance, he had a stroke and laid me on the floor, the dizziness went away, I sat down, but my mouth also wouldn’t close and I began spit out handfuls of molars without blood, after which little by little my jaw moved away and I was able to close my mouth


kagbutto my teeth are crumbling and I spit them out on my hand and show them to my wife


I dreamed that my teeth began to fall out, but in the dream it was completely painless! I started spitting them out along with the blood, I remember a tooth with a hole fell out and in reality I suffered with this tooth! Mostly my teeth were falling out! After some time, in a dream, I go to my mother and show her a completely black tooth that has fallen out!!!


My boss, for my benefit, carefully knocks out one of my teeth, because of this I spit out a bunch of teeth without pain or blood, and even pull out what they were holding on to. And then I see new ones growing there. Some are already big and beautiful, some are just growing. And then my friends and I are walking along a languid street and I see a black car, from which people with guns are hunting for us. We are running from them, I found myself in a hopeless situation and then I woke up. I very rarely dreamed. And in this dream I really thought it was a dream. I'm very worried about my teeth.


Good afternoon Yesterday I saw in a dream how my tooth was crumbling into several pieces, without blood and could not spit it out. thanks in advance


Hello! It was like she was in the forest and suddenly spat out first one tooth, then another, and so one by one she spat out the entire upper jaw, then she woke up from shock, there was a palm full of teeth


I dreamed that I was spitting out teeth, some white, some slightly rotten, sometimes with a knock. When I woke up, I had an unpleasant feeling that everything was happening in reality.


I dreamed about my work colleagues, there was discord between us, dissatisfaction, and then I dreamed that I was rinsing my mouth and two teeth fell out, even and clean.


I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. In the dream I spat out my teeth. There was no pain - they just loosened easily. In the dream I was worried about how I would now live without them. But at the same time, my mouth remained with teeth.


I have been having dreams for 3 days in a row, the 1st time I dreamed that my brother made someone a twin and he called the intercom and when I got up there and my brother really called, he came from the dacha the next dream was as if I gave it to my long friend but this I had a dream once before and it was a continuation, so I gave it to him, it was an album with photographs, then he took me on his shoulder and started giving me a ride, after that he gave me an invitation to a party in honor of his birthday, then he gave me a ride. - to a very tall girl, I sat on her shoulder and rolled around, after I hit myself 3 times, then 3 of my teeth started to loosen, I went and told my mother, she didn’t answer anything, after that, more teeth than mine fell out of my mouth, but they were without blood and pure white, then it stopped and I woke up 3rd dream about my parents, how my dad, a little drunk, comes to our house, they then quarreled again, as always, then mom got dressed and dad asks: Where are you going? and mom says: Look for a man for yourself I’ll go. Meanwhile, my mother still had a boyfriend, Ramil, they agreed that day to go to a large Planet store. Well, dad said: I’ll also go and find a normal one for myself, after that I was left alone at home, then my mother woke me up, she was lying next to me, but what Tomorrow there will be a meeting, I don’t know yet or it won’t happen. I really want to find out what they mean or not or if it’s just my imagination.