Garlic tincture dosage regimen. Treatment with garlic infusion, tincture, juice. Video: a doctor’s opinion on garlic tincture for the treatment of blood vessels


Garlic is an integral component of many Russian dishes. And with the help of garlic tincture with vodka, you can heal the body, cleanse blood vessels and cure some infectious diseases.

What are the benefits of garlic

Today it is difficult to find a gardener who does not grow garlic on his plot. And this is not surprising, because oh useful properties Oh, plants were known back in ancient times. So, in China it was used during epidemics of plague and cholera, in the treatment of pathologies gastrointestinal tract and organs of the respiratory system.

In Rus', the sharp cloves of the plant were eaten at any time of the year, especially in winter, when the lack of vitamins was especially noticeable. It was believed that using garlic could neutralize the effect of poison from snake bites. It was the Russian people who learned to do universal medicine with excellent properties.

It is still widely used today. Garlic tincture with alcohol is considered one of the effective means traditional medicine used to cure urolithiasis, rheumatism and gout. Also this remedy recommended for use when pulmonary diseases, as an anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory medicine.

Researchers who studied the properties of garlic found that the use of tincture is very effective for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis: cholesterol is removed from the blood, cholesterol plaques, are normalized metabolic processes body. Very good result is achieved when the drug is used by people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. With proper and regular use treatment with tincture has the following effects:

  • expansion of coronary and peripheral vessels occurs;
  • heart rate slows down;
  • the amplitude of the heart muscle increases.

Considering this effect, medicine recommended for use by people suffering from cardiac neuroses, angina pectoris, migraines, sleep disorders, and dizziness. As a result of normalizing metabolism in the body, alcohol tincture of garlic improves vision and memory, which makes it an ideal remedy for use by the elderly.

But the medicine can also be used in for preventive purposes. Thus, garlic causes appetite in people who have had serious illnesses, and suppresses the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestines. They are good for strengthening the immune system and preventing the development of allergic reactions. In addition, the plant is an excellent diuretic, which can be used to eliminate swelling.

What explains the beneficial properties of garlic?

The amazing healing properties of garlic are explained by the presence in its composition of many useful substances. One of them is natural antibiotic allicin. Allicin is responsible for the plant’s ability to fight common viruses and harmful bacteria.

Of great importance is the presence of valuable phytoncides in garlic - sativine and defenzoate. Like allicin, these substances inhibit the growth of bacteria and completely eliminate the possibility of their development.

The plant is also rich in B vitamins. It is this fact that allows garlic tincture to cure neuroses and other nervous disorders. Garlic also contains a large number of proteins, selenium and ascorbic acid. Sugar content and useful minerals(phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium) is slightly less, which does not prevent the plant from being used to strengthen the immune system.

The most popular recipes for making medicine

There are several ways to make garlic infusion with vodka or alcohol.

It is necessary to consider the simplest of them:

  1. Tincture with 100 ml of vodka. 40 g of fresh plant cloves crushed in a garlic press are placed in glass bottle and pour in 100 ml of vodka. The container is well sealed and infused in a dark place for 10 days. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 10 drops before meals, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Recipe for tincture with 0.5 liters of vodka. To make the medicine you will need a dark glass bottle. It must be washed, sterilized and slightly heated. Then you need to take such a number of cloves that, when cut, they completely cover the bottom of the bottle. It is desirable that the cloves are fresh, large and juicy. Garlic placed in a bottle is poured with 500 ml of vodka. After this, the container is sealed and kept from the new moon to the full moon phase.

The contents of the bottle must be shaken daily. When the medicine is ready, it is filtered and consumed in the mornings and evenings, 10-12 drops.

Rules for preparing and using Tibetan tincture

IN Lately Tibetan medicine recipes are popular. This garlic tincture can cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques and bad cholesterol. It has been proven that the method, found by researchers in one of the ancient treatises, can reduce the likelihood of varicose veins and improve hearing.

Before preparing the tincture, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and recommendations that will help you carry out the course of treatment as effectively as possible.

For people suffering from kidney disease and epilepsy, use Tibetan medicine is a contraindication. Also, you should not use the tincture during pregnancy.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take 350 g of peeled teeth and grind them into a paste. Then the garlic is transferred to a jar, sealed and placed in a place inaccessible to sun rays. After some time, juice will appear at the bottom of the jar. You need to separate about 200 g of juice and pulp and transfer it to a 500 ml jar.

Then the garlic is poured with 200 ml of alcohol with a strength of at least 96%. Vodka or 70% alcohol cannot be used. The jar must be closed and placed in a cool place (not in the refrigerator). In order for the jar to be in the dark, it must be completely covered with the container. bigger size and leave for 10 days. After the time has passed, the resulting infusion must be squeezed out through a clean linen cloth, poured back into the jar and kept under the hood for another 3 days.

The finished medicine needs to be taken 25 drops 3 times a day until the tincture runs out. The course can be repeated only after 3 years. The reception scheme is shown in Fig. 1.

The tincture should be taken in this way: 25 drops of the medicine are poured into 50 ml of boiled cool milk and drunk 0.5 hours before meals. The tincture is washed down with water, the volume of which should be 150 ml.

Since the tincture begins to effectively cleanse the body, the liver may be under quite a serious load. Experts recommend making its work easier with daily use large quantity water (from 2 to 2.5 l). It is not advisable to use it during treatment spicy seasonings and spices, drink strong tea and coffee. The main contraindications include drinking alcohol even in small quantities. Neglecting this rule can lead to serious complications.

Despite some contraindications, garlic is unique universal remedy treatment given by nature to man. If you follow all the recommendations correctly and do not abuse the amount of tincture used, the body will be cleansed of toxins and harmful substances will become younger and healthier.

Garlic infusion has many beneficial properties, so it is an indispensable tool to strengthen the body and improve well-being. Despite the simplicity of preparing the tincture, its health value is enormous, so it can be taken for both medicinal and preventive purposes. In order for the benefits of garlic in alcohol to be greater, it is important to properly prepare, infuse, store and take the tincture, observing the dosage, since it is potent drug.

Composition of the tincture

The effect of garlic tincture on alcohol is due to its rich composition. Basics active substance means - allicin. According to its properties, allicin is a natural antibiotic that increases protective functions immunity and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Garlic is also rich in phytoncides and antioxidants, which alcohol extracts from the vegetable. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which is especially valued in garlic. Cutting garlic smell, which repels many, is due to high content essential oils. By infusing garlic cloves with alcohol, they lose their smell, while the benefits of essential oils are retained in the tincture. Garlic tincture is also rich in:

About the health benefits of lemon

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, M;
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • mineral salts.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic in alcohol are due to the fact that it retains all the beneficial substances of garlic, but it also contains alcohol, which dilates blood vessels and accelerates the absorption of all useful substances. The use of tincture is useful for both internal and external use, so garlic in alcohol is a universal remedy for treatment at home.

Useful properties of tincture

Separately, garlic and vodka are used in medicinal purposes for a long time. Garlic is antiviral and antibacterial agent, which protects against respiratory diseases and strengthens the immune system. In small doses, the use of vodka is useful for controlling blood pressure, since alcohol dilates blood vessels and thins the composition of the blood. Therefore, a remedy made from garlic in vodka is unique remedy, which has many useful properties, including:

  • cleanses brain vessels;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • normalizes arterial pressure;
  • prevention of heart disease vascular system;
  • washes salts from vessels;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • promotes liver tissue regeneration;
  • cleanses the kidneys, lungs, lymph;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.

Garlic tincture normalizes digestion

The use of the tincture helps to increase vitality, accelerating metabolic processes and improving appearance.

Garlic tincture from Tibet

Tibetan garlic tincture is healing elixir, which has been used by monks for centuries to treat various diseases. To prepare Tibetan tincture, you need to take 250 grams of fresh garlic. It needs to be pounded in a wooden mortar until it becomes porridge. The crushed mass should be placed in a porcelain or ceramic bowl and pour 300 ml. alcohol Cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for 1-2 weeks.

About the dangers of salt for the body

After the product has infused, it must be squeezed out, strained and poured into a container with a lid. To make the medicine more effective, it is important to take it correctly. It is recommended to drink 5-10 drops of the product, swirling it with milk. Milk neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa. You should take the elixir no more than 2-3 times a day, and it is not recommended to increase the dosage. The course of taking the drug is 10 days. After completing the course, treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after a month.

It is preferable to use alcohol to prepare the product, but you can also use vodka. For the tincture, you need to take 300 grams of garlic cloves and chop them finely. Place the chopped garlic in a liter jar and pour in 500 ml. vodka. Cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Every day the jar should be shaken well, but not opened. When the product is ready, remove the garlic and pour the liquid into a bottle with a dispenser. You need to take the product 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks. To make taking the product more pleasant, you can snack on it with lemon or orange. Then the medication should be stopped and repeated as necessary after 3-4 weeks.

Vodka tincture with garlic is taken 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks

Wine tincture with garlic

To prepare the tincture you need to take 500 ml. wine and heat it until hot, but do not let it boil. While the wine is heating, you need to chop 250 grams of garlic and pour it into a deep container, preferably a jar. Pour hot wine over the chopped garlic and cover with a lid. Leave for a week, then strain the infusion and take 20-30 ml. 1-2 times a day during the day and before bed.

It should be remembered that garlic tincture is infused with alcohol, so you should not abuse it, especially before getting behind the wheel or in combination with taking medicines, because the medicine may also cause harm.

Tibetan garlic tincture - this remedy has become known to the whole world since 1971, when a UNESCO expedition visited a Tibetan monastery and translated the recipe tablets into European languages.

Properties of garlic tincture

A product developed Tibetan monks, was studied by scientists under the leadership of the UN, and as a result it was concluded that it has excellent healing properties.

The specialists who conducted the study found that the alcohol tincture cleanses blood vessels of lime deposits, normalizes metabolic processes, and increases the tone and vitality of the body.

After a course of treatment with tincture, the vessels become elastic, blood moves through them faster, which contributes to the rejuvenation and healing of a person. Improves the activity of the brain, heart, and all internal organs who try to work in the same rhythm with the central nervous system. For this reason, the alcohol tincture, first prepared by Tibetan monks, began to be called the elixir of youth and health.

Tibetan tincture recipe

Alcohol tincture has another remarkable quality - it is easy to prepare yourself, although certain conditions must be observed. The alcohol must be high-quality, medicinal, with a strength of 70%. Vodka, and especially moonshine, are not appropriate here. It is better to take fresh garlic before all the beneficial substances are lost.

You need to chop the garlic with a wooden masher or a wooden chop mallet, in a ceramic or wooden mortar. You can use dark glass dishes or ceramics; metal containers and knives are not used here.

So: take 350 grams of peeled and washed garlic and 200 ml of alcohol. Chop the garlic and place the mixture in a prepared container, add alcohol, and mix the ingredients. Close the container tightly and put it in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain the tincture, squeeze out and remove the garlic, pour into a clean container and leave for another 4 days, after this period the alcohol tincture is ready for use.

When making tinctures with alcohol, healers advise taking into account the phases of the Moon - you need to start preparation on the waxing Moon, and finish it on the full or waning Moon.

You need to drink the tincture with milk so as not to damage the gastric mucosa. For one dose, 50 ml of milk is enough - the tincture is diluted in it. The alcohol tincture is drunk 20 minutes before meals or during meals. At least 3-4 hours should pass between doses of the tincture, and during this period you should not eat food.

The Tibetan monastery developed not only a recipe for preparing the tincture, but also a special regimen for its administration. It looks like this:

1st day of use – breakfast – 1 drop, lunch – 2 drops, dinner – 3 drops.

Day 2 of use – breakfast – 4 drops, lunch – 5 drops, dinner 6 drops.

Day 3 of use – breakfast – 7 drops, lunch – 8 drops, dinner – 9 drops.

Day 4 of use – breakfast – 10 drops, lunch – 11 drops, dinner – 12 drops.

Day 5 of use – breakfast – 13 drops, lunch – 14 drops, dinner – 15 drops.

Day 6 of use – breakfast – 15 drops, lunch – 14 drops, dinner – 13 drops.

Day 7 of use – breakfast – 12 drops, lunch – 11 drops, dinner – 10 drops.

Day 8 of administration – breakfast – 9, lunch – 8 drops, dinner – 7 drops.

Day 9 of use – breakfast – 6 drops, lunch – 5 drops, dinner – 4 drops.

Day 10 of use – breakfast 3 drops, lunch – 2 drops, dinner – 1 drop.

Starting from the 11th day alcohol tincture you need to drink 25 drops in the morning, lunch and evening until completely used.

One course of rejuvenation and healing is enough for 4-5 years; this is exactly the break that is taken between courses of taking the medicine.


The miraculous Tibetan tincture also has its contraindications. Its use is prohibited for patients with epilepsy, pregnant and lactating women, and children under 12 years of age.

Tibetan garlic tincture is contraindicated for exacerbations of ulcers, acute diseases kidneys, intestines, prostate, liver.

Will not help Tibetan tincture in treatment oncological diseases, with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, with individual intolerance to garlic and alcohol.

Garlic Since ancient times, garlic has been a remedy for all diseases. With the help of such a universal product you can treat both common cold, and remove dandruff or remove toothache. Also, garlic tincture is an excellent remedy for cleaning the walls of blood vessels. The tincture recipe has been tested by several generations of Tibetan residents.

The effect of garlic tincture is amazing!

Garlic tincture has positive action to all human organs.

First of all, garlic tincture cleanses the blood of plaques and renews it as a whole.
Also cleans quite effectively bone structures, as a result, the bones stop creaking.
In addition, the blood vessels of the brain are cleansed, as a result, headaches disappear and blood pressure normalizes.
Garlic tincture cleanses the intestines of internal deposits.
The tincture increases internal and muscle tone, and of course strengthens the immune system and rejuvenates the skin.
Garlic tincture helps cure tumors different types, as well as gastritis.
After completing the course of treatment, vision improves, swelling disappears, and sexual functions are restored.
Garlic is an excellent preventive measure to avoid kidney stones and an excellent remedy against worms.
Garlic juice has wonderful property– cleanse the body in a short period of time. Garlic contains many cleansing elements, such as mustard oil.

How to prepare garlic tincture

During cooking, you need to remember that under no circumstances should you use metal objects. Do not cut garlic with a knife or place it in a metal container. Garlic must be peeled exclusively by hand; the dishes must be ceramic or glass, otherwise oxidation may occur and the tincture will lose its properties.

Garlic medicine for cleansing blood vessels and blood in general

Recipe No. 1 is classic. For cooking you will need 350 grams of peeled, selected garlic. It must be carefully ground in a mortar, being careful not to get your hands into the mixture.
After this, using a wooden spoon, you need to transfer the resulting mixture into a glass bowl. Then cover tightly with a lid and wrap with a cloth. Then leave the mixture for several hours to let it brew.

After a few hours, you need to transfer the most liquid mass, weighing 200 g, into a half-liter glass jar and pour 200 g medical alcohol(70 degrees).

After 10 days, remove the garlic mass and strain through linen. The resulting liquid must be placed again in a dark, cool place for another 2 days. After a couple of days, the tincture is ready for use.

Recipe No. 2 with vodka. You can also use the recipe for hairstyles, preparing vodka not with alcohol, but with vodka.
To do this you will need 200 grams of garlic and 300 grams of vodka (45%). Fill a third of the bottle with garlic and fill it up to the neck with vodka. You need to leave it for two weeks, shaking it every day.

Recipe No. 3 on apple cider vinegar. Another recipe is a garlic tincture with apple cider vinegar (Warning: Not for oral use).
You need to make a paste from 10 cloves of garlic and add a bottle of vinegar (0.5 liters). Add 100 grams of vodka. Then leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place, shake occasionally. With the help of tincture, various skin diseases, as well as muscle or ligament sprains.

The most best time for preparing and using tinctures

Very important point is the time when you need to prepare the tincture. Following Tibetan recipe, the tincture should be prepared when the garlic has maximum strong properties, that is, in autumn time. You need to stop using the tincture at the end of January. This course of treatment can be repeated no more than once every 3 years.
Garlic tincture is a very strong remedy. The dosage should be increased gradually every day. There is a specific dosage regimen magic tincture, which clearly describes how to increase the dose every day.
The medicine must be dissolved in small quantity milk so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the mouth. After a month of treatment, the walls of the blood vessels will be cleared.

How to take garlic tincture

Recipe for taking garlic tincture

But like any medicine, garlic tincture has its own side effects. During cleansing of blood vessels with garlic tincture, insomnia, heartburn or tachycardia may occur. A person who drinks garlic juice has an increased appetite and increased excretion. gastric juice and increased urination.
But no need to be scared! All these phenomena are temporary. After completion of treatment everything similar problems will disappear. To improve the condition of the body, you need to drink tea with mint or motherwort infusion. Also, during the day you need to drink at least a liter of water to reduce the load on the kidneys. After completing the course of treatment, you must take vitamins that contain fish oil.
It is worth noting that garlic tincture is contraindicated for people with kidney disease or epilepsy, and the tincture is also harmful for pregnant women.

To summarize, we can say that a plant like garlic is a universal remedy for many diseases. Garlic has healing properties, regulates blood circulation and metabolism.

Is the presence of allicin in it. This substance is a natural antibiotic that helps the body cope with inflammatory processes. Allicin effectively fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses, strengthens the immune system, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

In addition to allicin, the vegetable contains valuable substances phytoncides - sativine, defenzoate. It's biological active substances, which inhibit the growth and development of bacteria. That's why regular use Just one clove a day helps to improve the health of the large intestine, and in addition, reduces high blood pressure.

Medicines based on it have therapeutic effect for many ailments. Decoctions are prepared from it, medicinal oil, infusions. Today we will talk to you about how to prepare a tincture of garlic in vodka and the use of this medicine. We will also discuss. But first, let's find out what healing properties this aromatic vegetable has:

Healing properties garlic

It contains a lot of selenium and protein. It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid. In addition, it is rich in sugars and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium.

Fresh garlic added to heavy meats, fish dishes, eliminates putrefactive, fermentative processes, flatulence in the large intestine. If, after eating, you take a mixture of garlic pulp with milk, the risk of developing allergies is significantly reduced (1 clove per 2 tablespoons of fresh milk). ethnoscience recommends using it when complex treatment prostate adenoma, precancerous and cancerous diseases.

Preparations based on it contribute to better digestion. They help the body absorb food and stimulate appetite. Garlic has an antihelminthic effect. In this case, a course of treatment is carried out using enemas with garlic infusion.

The pharmacy sells the drug "Allohol", which contains dry garlic extract. This drug used as cholagogue for liver diseases, and also as a laxative.

Garlic tincture is used to treat kidney disease (urolithiasis). The drugs increase the amplitude of contractions of the heart muscle, promote expansion coronary vessels, reduce cholinesterase activity.

Medicinal properties of garlic tincture

Garlic tincture is known means Tibetan medicine. With its help you can get rid of many diseases, including diseases of the veins and blood vessels. The fact is that this tool improves performance immune system, effectively cleanses the blood of fatty lime deposits. As a result of this effect on the body, blood vessels are cleaned, their walls become more elastic.

In addition, the tincture destroys blood clots, thereby preventing the development of myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis. In addition, it is used to treat hypertension, chronic runny nose, tonsillitis, chronic diseases lungs.

The tincture is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, noise, ringing in the ears, and headaches. Used to improve vision, restore sexual activity, and reduce swelling.

Preparing the tincture

To get quality effective drug, you need to prepare a tincture from high-quality raw materials:

Take garlic that is large, juicy, without mold or damage. The teeth should be smooth, white, and large. Do not buy garlic for tincture in the store. If you do not grow vegetables yourself, purchase them from summer residents. What you need is a home one, healthy vegetable, which was not processed chemicals in the process of maturation.

Buy high-quality vodka for tincture that does not contain foreign impurities. In general, if possible, use medical alcohol to prepare the tincture, which you dilute clean water to the desired condition. Prepare the tincture in a clean, dark glass bottle. The cork must be tight, dry and clean. And also, before preparing this medicine, warm the bottle in hot water.

So, let's start cooking.

Wash the dark half-liter bottle thoroughly and dry. Peel, cut into cubes the cloves of a large head of garlic, and pour into a bottle. Pour 400 ml of clean, high-quality vodka or diluted medical alcohol.

Seal tightly with a cork and put it somewhere in the kitchen cabinet for 2 weeks. Be sure to shake the bottle every day. When the tincture is ready, strain it through double-folded gauze and store in the refrigerator.


Take 0.5 tsp. tinctures for 1 tbsp. l. clean water twice a day - after breakfast and before bed.

Need to know that medicinal properties Garlic tinctures are significantly enhanced by a more mature product, that is, the longer the garlic is infused, the more tincture is more effective. For example, healing effect 2-3 year olds garlic tinctures much higher. During long exposure, a large number of enzymes are formed in it, which have an antitumor effect, and in addition are capable of thinning the blood, just like aspirin. Be healthy!