Consequences after hormonal medications. Dangers of Hormonal Treatment

When something is missing in the body, the deficiency is compensated from the outside. This is how diabetes, thyroid diseases are treated, and more recently they have begun to eliminate especially female problems.

Many women are afraid hormones like fire and admit that only as a last resort will they agree to treatment with them. But sometimes you really can’t do without these drugs. And until we understand for ourselves what they bring more - benefit or harm, a lot of questions will arise in the future.

We asked Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Isida Clinic, and head of the prenatal diagnostics department, Yana Ruban, to answer some of them.

I was prescribed hormonal treatment, but it does not work. I've been taking the pills for over a month and still feel bad. I read that this could be due to obesity. Is it true?

If you are overweight, we recommend that a woman first go on a rational low-calorie diet and increase physical activity, and only then prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In some cases, we additionally prescribe medications that reduce body weight. This is necessary, since weight normalization is one of the main conditions for a positive result. In general, it takes at least 3 months to evaluate the effectiveness of hormone therapy.

I heard that women who take HRT age later. It's right?

Treatment hormones assigned for different purposes. This is not only a cosmetic effect, which consists in improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails, but also an effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and skeletal systems, memory and performance, the ability and desire to have a regular sex life. With HRT, the necessary amount of estrogens enters the female body, their concentration is constantly maintained at the same level, which not only allows you to feel young longer, but also improves the quality of life during this “autumn” period.

The doctor prescribed me treatment with hormones - for now for six months. How long can this take?

Obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the prenatal diagnostics department at the ISIDA clinic

The main goal of hormonal therapy is to eliminate early and late complications associated with the cessation of normal ovarian function. Therefore, several options are possible.

  • FIRST - short-term treatment aimed at eliminating early symptoms, for example, hot flashes, palpitations, depression, irritability, headaches. Duration of treatment - 3-6 months (repetition of the course is acceptable);
  • SECOND - long-term, aimed at preventing later symptoms (such as itching and burning in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, dry skin, brittle nails), cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, as well as eliminating metabolic disorders.

I'm afraid to take hormonal medications because I heard that they increase weight. What should I do?

Taking combined oral contraceptives (COCs) in some cases is indeed fraught with such an “effect”, but this is not true for all drugs (much depends on the components they contain). The process is usually reversible - the weight is restored after completing the course. When deciding to take COCs, be sure to consult your doctor.

At the same time, if a woman notices that she is beginning to get better in parallel with the appearance of manifestations of menopausal syndrome, then timely and individually selected HRT, on the contrary, will help to reduce and stabilize weight. True, there are mandatory conditions for this age period: increasing physical activity, monitoring diet, quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption.

Three years ago my uterus was removed. The ovaries are working normally, but recently appeared. Can I be treated with HRT?

It is possible and necessary (if prescribed by a doctor), since after such an operation the decline in ovarian function inevitably progresses. But first you should conduct a full examination of the body by visiting a gynecologist, mammologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist and therapist. In the absence of contraindications, not combination drugs are prescribed, but monotherapy with natural estrogens in the form of tablets, patches, skin gels, subcutaneous implants, suppositories. It can be taken either periodically or continuously, depending on the phase of menopause (peri- or postmenopause).

Is it possible to use homeopathic drugs instead of hormonal drugs - Remens? How fully do they perform the functions of hormone therapy?

The listed medications, as well as, belong to the group of homeopathic remedies, the main component of which is the extract of phytoestrogen - cohosh rhizome. The mechanism of its therapeutic action is based on an estrogen-like effect. Thanks to this, the woman’s emotional state is stabilized, hot flashes, sweating, irritability and nervousness are reduced. Moreover, the drugs are safe for health and well tolerated. But they have a selective effect: they do not have any effect on the condition of the endometrium, skeletal system, skin and blood composition. They are indicated for women with mild symptoms of menopause, as well as in the presence of contraindications to HRT and reluctance to take hormonal drugs.

The result of severe stress was my menstrual cycle. After a course of hormones, everything returned to normal. Is it possible to refuse them now?

If you feel well, do not hesitate to stop taking the medicine by taking the last tablet from the pack. The expected menstruation will begin on time. Next, monitor and be sure to mark subsequent periods on the calendar. If you are not planning a pregnancy, be sure to use other methods of contraception.

Sometimes, after taking hormonal contraceptives, menstrual irregularities are observed in the form of oligo- (rare menstruation) or amenorrhea (their complete absence). In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

I have mastopathy. I recently started menopause and the doctor suggested me hormonal therapy. But I read that it is dangerous for breast diseases.

If breast cancer is suspected, hormones are not prescribed. While taking medications, during the first 3 months you may experience swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, which goes away over time. In this case, the principle of individual selection of the drug is always observed. In addition, you should definitely have a mammogram once a year.

? Is it possible to use hormonal contraceptives for medicinal purposes?

Indeed, they are used not only for the purpose of preventing pregnancy, but also to achieve a therapeutic effect.

International WHO studies have shown that the use of COCs significantly reduces the risk of ovarian cancer (by 50%) and endometrial cancer (by 60%). COCs create functional rest for the ovaries, therefore they are used for the treatment and prevention of menstrual irregularities (), premenstrual syndrome. They are also used in complex therapy of benign breast diseases, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. They are effective in treating both polycystic syndrome and certain types of infertility. Oral contraceptives are also effective in eliminating cosmetic skin defects, such as increased hair loss. The main thing is to choose the drug correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. In this case, the benefit/risk ratio must be assessed to minimize side effects.

How can I determine if hormone therapy is right for me, and are there any contraindications?

Like any medicines, hormonal drugs for replacement therapy also have certain limitations. They are not prescribed to women who have been diagnosed and treated with breast or endometrial cancer, acute hepatitis and thromboembolic complications, liver dysfunction, untreated tumors of the genital organs and mammary glands, as well as allergies to the components of the drug.

There are diseases for which hormonal drugs can be used if the benefit from them is greater than the predicted risk of side effects. This applies to uterine fibroids, endometriosis, migraines, previous venous thrombosis and embolism, cholelithiasis, epilepsy, and ovarian cancer. If there are relative contraindications, only a doctor can decide whether to prescribe hormonal drugs and which ones.

Thank you

general information

Hormones are active substances that are involved in all physiological processes. They are produced by the endocrine glands and coordinate various processes: growth, reproduction, metabolism, and so on.

Hormone therapy in children

This type of treatment requires special qualifications from doctors, since the use of even the “lightest” hormonal agent necessarily reduces the activity of the gland that secretes it. It should be understood that the endocrine glands finally develop only at the age of twenty-five. Therefore, inept use of hormones can disrupt the natural process of formation of the endocrine system.

Children are prescribed hormonal drugs only in special cases and those that are quickly destroyed in the body ( prednisolone, hydrocortisone). It is better to give medicine containing hormones to your baby during ( or before) breakfast.
Children are very carefully prescribed insulin medications. The presence of glucose in the urine does not necessarily indicate diabetes. There are many diseases that are similar in their manifestations to diabetes, but not all of them are associated with a lack of insulin. Usually, when treating such diseases, hospitals do not use hormonal drugs.

After infectious diseases and in case of disruption of the endocrine glands, in some cases, children are prescribed anabolic steroids, but they should absolutely not be used for illnesses of an infectious-allergic nature ( for example, collagenosis, glomerulonephritis).
Any hormonal drugs can be given to babies only after consulting an endocrinologist and in strict accordance with the prescribed dosage.
During the course of treatment, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s condition, his body weight, and the functioning of the digestive system.
If prednisolone is prescribed, you need to periodically check the amount of calcium and sugar in the blood, make sure that the child does not have increased body hair, does not have high blood pressure, or signs of decreased adrenal function.

Replacement therapy for menopause

During menopause, a woman’s body produces not only less of the female sex hormone - estrogen, but also its weaker form - estrone. Thanks to the introduction of replacement therapy, the level of female sex hormone in the body is normalized, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body.


  • The work of the brain is activated,
  • Sleep is normalized
  • Blood pressure normalizes,
  • Heart rate normalizes
  • Collagen fibers are strengthened in blood vessels, cartilage, skin,
  • Atherosclerosis is prevented ( increases the amount of high-density lipoproteins - good cholesterol),
  • The likelihood of a heart attack and heart attacks is reduced, the likelihood of death from coronary diseases is reduced by half,
  • Reduces the risk of stroke by 50%,
  • The likelihood of fractures due to osteoporosis is reduced by 50%,
  • Symptoms of menopause such as vaginal dryness, vulvar itching, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, difficulty urinating,
  • Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • Body weight does not increase under the influence of testosterones.
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus,
  • Liver dysfunction,
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding.
A large selection of drugs for replacement therapy, as well as modern diagnostic methods, make it possible to select an individual course of treatment for each representative of the fair sex. These drugs contain very few hormones, which reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Before prescribing medications, the doctor will order an examination to identify common diseases, the course of which may be aggravated by taking hormones. You will need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, take an oncocytology test, examine the condition of your breasts, check your blood pressure, body weight, donate blood for cholesterol and a general analysis, for sugar, as well as a urine test.
During the course of replacement therapy, you need to undergo annual examinations with a doctor and ultrasound monitoring.

Replacement therapy in gynecology

  • Menopause,
  • Previous ovarian failure
  • Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea,
  • Gonadal dysgenesis,
  • Normalization of the endometrium after operations or in chronic forms of endometritis,
  • Medical menopause.
When treating women with infertility, hormone therapy is prescribed during stimulation of ovulation, during in vitro fertilization, and when using donor oocytes.

Steroid hormones are used in treatment because they affect many internal organs. Their lack negatively affects the condition of fatty tissue, liver, dermis, bones, digestive system, reproductive organs, blood vessels, and brain.

Hormonal drugs of the latest generations, almost one to one, imitate natural ones, their concentration in the blood. The treatment uses small dosages of sex hormones that do not disrupt ovulation and do not have a contraceptive effect.
The use of hormones in the treatment of infertility comes down to the fact that when there is a natural lack of hormones in the patient’s body, with the help of their artificial analogues, conditions are created that are as close to normal as possible. Thanks to this, fertilization and gestation of the fetus takes place. When prescribing drug dosages, one of the most important indicators is the condition of the endometrium.

For amenorrhea and early menopause, hormonal medications are taken in cycles. Treatment continues until the age of normal menopause. If a woman wants children, hormone intake is not interrupted, as it helps normalize the condition of the endometrium.

Tumors are divided into three groups:

  • Hormone active,
  • Hormone-dependent
  • Hormone dependent.
Hormone-dependent are called neoplasms that appear as a result of disruption of the endocrine system. One such tumor is breast cancer, which develops when the function of the ovaries or thyroid gland is impaired.
The appearance of such a tumor does not in all cases indicate the advisability of hormonal treatment.

Hormone active - These are tumors that secrete hormones. Such neoplasms have a double destructive effect on the body. These include cancer of the adrenal gland or pituitary gland, pancreas, and thyroid gland. They can also appear on other organs that, in a healthy state, do not produce hormones ( for example, intestines or lungs).

Hormone dependent – these are neoplasms, the existence of which is impossible without the presence of certain hormones. A change in the hormonal background of the body, stopping the production of a hormone necessary for a tumor, leads to inhibition of tumor development. This category includes some tumors of the breast, testicles, ovaries, prostate, kidneys, thyroid gland, and uterus. Hormone therapy is needed to treat such tumors.

Hormone therapy is usually used for metastasis ( occurrence of secondary tumors). The effect depends on how sensitive the tumor is to hormones. Sometimes this method is prescribed in the early stages in combination with other methods.
The most significant results have been achieved in the treatment of breast and prostate cancer with hormones.

Therapy for breast cancer

The female sex hormone estrogen in many cases activates the appearance of malignant breast tumors. Estrogens interact with proteins in the upper layers of the tumor and accelerate the division of malignant cells.

The use of hormones for breast cancer leads to:

  • Reducing the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries,
  • Inhibition of the activity of mammary gland receptors for progesterone and estrogen,
  • Reducing the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands,
  • Inhibiting the activity of the hormone itself by increasing the level of male sex hormones.
Hormonal treatment is often combined with chemotherapy. It is easier to tolerate and has less impact on the functioning of the body as a whole.
If the tumor is sensitive to this type of therapy, it can completely eliminate itself along with the metastases. Often, thanks to this type of treatment, patients live several decades longer.

Therapy after spay removal

After removal of the ovaries, young patients begin to experience sensations that are observed in menopausal women. Already after 15–20 days, symptoms of malaise appear, which begin to seriously annoy 8–12 weeks after surgery. This is due to the fact that the remaining estrogen is gradually removed from the body and early menopause develops.
A woman begins to experience fever, increased activity of the sweat glands, tachycardia, her blood pressure and mood are unstable, she often has a headache, poor sleep and has no interest in the opposite sex.
After some time, these unpleasant signs will disappear, but other, more dangerous ones will take their place: dysfunction of blood vessels, urinary organs, and external genitalia.

Some hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. However, their work is not enough. Therefore, women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy. You can take hormonal medications for the rest of your life, which will prevent the development of early menopause and allow a woman for a long time feel good.
If the ovaries were removed for a malignant tumor, hormonal treatment is usually prohibited. Then homeopathic remedies are prescribed instead.

For psoriatic arthritis

In severe cases of joint damage by psoriasis, the following drugs containing glucocorticoids are prescribed:
  • Kenalog ,
  • Flosteron ,
  • Diprospan ,
  • Hydrocortisone ,
  • Metipred .
Positive effect of treatment:
The patient's condition improves quite quickly: pain in the affected joints is relieved, their mobility increases, fever and lethargy disappear.

Negative effect of treatment:

  • The immune system is suppressed, which provokes ulcers on the body,
  • The drugs are addictive
  • Side effects: hypertension, obesity, diabetes, edema,
  • The drugs must not be used continuously and for a long time,
  • May contribute to the development of stomach ulcers,
  • The drug should not be discontinued immediately, as the patient’s condition will sharply worsen.

Anti acne

Hormonal treatment can sometimes help those who suffer from acne on the face and body. The use of hormonal drugs reduces the production of sebum by the skin glands, so the skin actually clears up.
But many people notice that after stopping taking the drug, acne appears again. In order for the effect to last, hormones should be combined with skin treatment with special antibacterial agents. Products should be selected based on natural ingredients and do not contain antibiotics or chemicals.

Side effects observed when taking hormonal drugs to clear the skin of acne:

  • Headache,
  • Increase in body weight,
  • Depressed mood
  • Edema,
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
You should not experiment with medications on your own. It is better to get advice from doctors: a dermatologist and an endocrinologist.

Transsexuals and hormone therapy

Estrogen preparations are used to suppress the production of testosterone and give the body female characteristics. In addition, progestogens are used, under the influence of which the mammary glands enlarge.
Antiandrogens suppress the production of male sex hormones. The use of these hormones makes it possible to reduce the dosage of estrogen drugs and reduce the sensitivity of internal organs to the action of testosterone.
Testosterone medications are taken to suppress the production of estrogen.

Hormonal therapy for gender reassignment is divided into two phases:
1. The first months of treatment ( six months) hormonal drugs are taken in large dosages, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a shorter time. Once the desired result is obtained or if the maximum dosage of hormonal drugs is taken, the doses should be slowly reduced. 20–30 days before surgery, hormonal medications should be completely discontinued to reduce the likelihood of developing blood clots. This phase of treatment suppresses the functioning of the sex glands and helps the appearance of signs of the desired gender. Also, treatment helps prevent a serious complication of the operation - post-castration syndrome, characterized by lethargy, weakness and a craving for sleep.

2. The second phase begins after surgery. After removal of the testes, antiandrogens are stopped. After removal of the uterus and ovaries, the dosage of drugs to suppress the production of female sex hormones is reduced. However, in order for the hormonal background to correspond to the chosen gender, therapy is carried out throughout life.

Taking hormonal therapy allows you to change the appearance of a transsexual to the desired gender type.
Most often, hormones are taken orally in tablet form. But there are drugs in the form of patches, gels, and liquid injections.
Since the use of hormonal therapy increases the thickness of the blood, thrombosis, stroke, and heart attack may develop as a side effect. The likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases, breast cancer, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease increases.
To minimize the likelihood of developing side effects, you need to give up nicotine, balance your menu, lead a healthy lifestyle and carry out general diagnostics from time to time. Under no circumstances should you discontinue or prescribe hormonal medications on your own.

It should be understood that the effect of taking hormonal drugs occurs gradually and quite slowly. Only 24 months after the start of treatment can the maximum result be achieved.
The effect of drugs may be stronger or less depending on age and genetic characteristics. The strongest effect is observed in individuals aged 18 to 21 years. But if the patient is over 30 years old, the magic will not happen.

But there are indicators that even hormones cannot influence.

  • Facial hair growth. The hair will not be as coarse, but it will not disappear completely,
  • The breasts may increase quite a bit,
  • Shoulder width, height and size of legs and arms will not change,
  • The voice will not change either.

Consequences of therapy in men

Hormone therapy with female sex hormones causes:
  • Reduced attraction to the opposite sex,
  • Flushing in the cheeks and upper body,
  • Osteoporosis and bone fractures,
  • Enlargement and tension of the mammary glands,
  • Decrease in the level of red blood cells in the blood,
  • Decreased memory function
  • Decreased muscle mass, increased body weight due to fat,
  • Lethargy and fatigue
  • An increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood,
  • Depressed mood.
In men taking such treatment, the risk of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease increases.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Hormonal drugs are a variety of medications in different forms (most often found in the form of tablets). Numerous prejudices and fears are associated with them. Indeed, drugs made from artificial hormones have their side effects, just like any other drugs. And yet, the nature of hormonal drugs involuntarily forces them to be avoided.

Operating principle

Hormones in the human body in different parts trigger a certain mechanism. So, for example, the birth of an egg begins in the genitals. Artificial analogues, entering the blood, seem to convey the necessary information to the body. As a result, some therapeutic response (stimulation, mobilization) is expected.

How is the relative harmlessness of drugs assessed?

Before going on sale, any drug is tested through a long-term study. However, the work has been carried out for no more than 10 years. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty what harm certain medications have caused to the body and whether it will cause

“sideways” taking them after a long period of time. When artificial analogues enter the body, it stops producing its own hormones. This cannot but change the natural course of all processes. Doctors reassure: all functions are gradually restored without harm. And the instructions say that the side effects of hormonal drugs appear, as a rule, only at the initial stage of their use. And although no one has conducted additional studies, the scientific community, over more than 45 years of practice, would have noticed regular connections between the deterioration of the health of patients decades later and their use of hormonal drugs in the past.

When hormones are irreplaceable

Since doctors began using hormonal drugs for treatment, incredible results have been achieved in the fight against serious diseases such as asthma, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes, and lupus erythematosus. In such situations, when there is a real threat to the patient’s life (attacks of suffocation due to severe asthma, collapse due to adrenal insufficiency), steroids save. And the action of insulin is used as a powerful means to lower blood sugar levels; failure to use it in a difficult situation can lead to a hypoglycemic coma. There are no other similar (equally effective) medicines. Thus, in some cases, hormonal drugs have become truly irreplaceable. In addition, modern developments have helped achieve good results in contraception using sex hormones. The latest advances in pharmacology have made it possible to reduce side effects to a minimum. However, it should be remembered that you cannot take pills (oral contraceptives) for more than 5 years, since later the result will be irreversible (possibly infertility).

To accept or not

Roughly interfering with the functioning of an established system, hormone analogues change metabolism and can lead to its disruption. They can hide the pronounced symptoms of the disease without treating its cause. Indeed, using these drugs without the vigilant supervision of the attending physician is dangerous, like any other modern medicines: painkillers, antibiotics (the name itself should be scary: bios - “life”, anti - “against”) and others. Due to the free access (some drugs, for example hormonal contraceptive pills, are sold without a prescription) to medications, we have to talk about their harm in large quantities, in case of overdose, or if used incorrectly.

Choosing "yes"

If the attending physician believes that there is a need for hormonal drugs, you should not refuse them; you should carefully read the instructions for use. Finally, ask what signs led him to this conclusion (test results, seriousness of the situation). There is no need to give in to fears if artificial hormones can prolong your life, protect you from dangerous abortion, and alleviate suffering.

Choosing "no"

You should not use hormonal drugs for other purposes, for example, steroids for building muscle mass or hormonal pills that are not suitable for a woman’s phenotype (increased content of estrogen in the body - Regivedron is suitable, progesterone - Anteovin). This rash decision can lead to serious irreversible consequences: in the first case, up to the death of brain cells, in the second - to infertility. The choice can only be made by a doctor and only after a thorough examination.

Facilities, affecting tissue metabolic processes. Adverse reactions and complications caused by drugs in this group, among all drug side effects, are recorded with a frequency of 18-39%. The largest number of complications develop from hormonal drugs, the proportion of which in the total number of drug reactions is 5%.

Among hormonal drugs Steroid hormones (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.) are widely used. Despite significant therapeutic effect, obtained by prescribing glucocorticosteroids, adverse reactions develop in 20-100% of patients, and in a quarter of them the complications are severe.

Up to 94% of adverse reactions caused by glucocorticosteroid drugs, falls to the share of prednisolone, because it is most often used in practice. Most often (up to 30% of all side effects) Cushing's syndrome develops, which is characterized by a moon-shaped face of a purplish-red color, fat deposition in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck and shoulder girdle with simultaneous atrophy of the muscles of the limbs, increased blood pressure, etc.

To the frequent complications of hormone therapy include diabetes, the frequency of which, according to various authors, is 0.2-80%.

Steroid hormones can disrupt fat metabolism(23% of patients), the function of the gastrointestinal tract (25%), and also influence the functional state of the adrenal cortex. When using drugs internally, gastric ulcers may form (3-7%).

The following case history may serve as an illustration.

Often during treatment with corticosteroid drugs develops skin and muscle damage. Skin reactions are characterized by acne-like rashes, skin atrophy, rupture of subcutaneous fatty tissue, development of scleral-like changes and skin scars, dermatitis. The leg muscles are often affected: the patient is concerned about weakness, fatigue, wasting or atrophy of the leg muscles. These complications are difficult to treat.

In a third of children, glucocorticosteroids cause delayed bone growth as a result of a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone and increased excretion of calcium ions from the body. Violations intensify with increasing dose. Installation of gas pipelines, gasification of dachas, excellent company. hormone and duration of use.

Under the influence of glucocorticosteroids as a result of increased permeability of the lens membrane cataracts develop, intraocular pressure increases, which can cause atrophy of the optic nerves and lead to complete or partial blindness. Changes in the lens are usually irreversible, intraocular pressure and optic nerves are restored after discontinuation of glucocorticoids.

Although glucocorticosteroid hormones have a good effect in the treatment of various allergic diseases, they themselves sometimes cause allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock, which we observed with the administration of hydrocortisone.

Although the question about teratogenic effect(congenital malformations) of steroid hormones has not been completely resolved, however, sufficient data have been accumulated on the development of anomalies in the fetus and newborns when pregnant women use glucocorticosteroid hormones. In this case, most often in newborns, an enlarged tongue and a cleft of the hard palate, softening of the bones of the cranial vault, narrowing of the aorta, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and adrenal insufficiency are observed.

Thus, steroid hormones are capable of causing a wide variety of complications and adverse reactions. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly weigh all the indications and contraindications for their use. Only in a hospital can it be possible to promptly identify the beginning complications of hormonal therapy and discontinue the drugs before the pathological process as a result of hormonal therapy becomes irreversible.

Particular care should be taken when treating with hormones. prescribing them to children. The famous pediatrician Professor A.L. Libov spoke very expressively about hormonal therapy in children, somewhat paraphrasing W. Shakespeare: “Once you have received hormones, the future is full of doubts.” Hormonal drugs should be prescribed, but only when for health reasons it is impossible to do without them. At the same time, prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment is often present in our home medicine cabinets; for mild rhinitis, a hydrocortisone suspension is instilled into the nose; to speed up the healing of herpetic lesions of the lip or other rashes, the affected area is lubricated with fluorocortene, locacorten, sinalar and similar ointments containing steroid hormones. What enormous, for the time being invisible, harm is caused to health with little benefit in the coming days of treatment!

Synthetic nonsteroidal estrogens, in particular diethylstilbestrol, according to foreign authors, have the ability to cause cancer in girls if their mothers took these drugs during pregnancy. Wherein tumors of the vagina and cervix do not develop immediately, but many years after birth, most often during puberty. Benign vaginal tumors are registered in 30-40% of girls whose mothers were treated with non-steroidal estrogen hormones during pregnancy. Sex hormones, when administered to pregnant women, cause a masculin-like effect (i.e., they contribute to the appearance of any male characteristics) in a female fetus.

Pronounced carcinogenic effect have oral contraceptives (birth control). Under the influence of these drugs, uterine cancer, a benign tumor of the mammary glands can develop, and the growth of tumor cells present in the body can increase. According to the Swedish Adverse Drug Reactions Committee, over five years oral contraceptives were the cause of such complications in a quarter of the women who took them.

Thus, hormones, having a pronounced therapeutic effect, are drugs with high percentage of side effects, especially in children.

Often during treatment with corticosteroid drugs skin and muscle damage develops. Skin reactions are characterized by acne-like rashes, skin atrophy, rupture of subcutaneous fatty tissue, development of scleral-like changes and skin scars, dermatitis. Leg muscles are often affected: the patient is concerned about weakness, fatigue, wasting or atrophy of the leg muscles. These complications are difficult to treat.

In a third of children glucocorticosteroids cause bone growth retardation as a result of a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone and increased excretion of calcium ions from the body. The disturbances intensify with increasing doses of the hormone and duration of administration.

Complications from the visual organs from the action of steroid hormones develop in both adults and children, and in children they are registered in 28-44% of cases.

Under the influence of glucocorticosteroids as a result increased permeability of the lens shell Cataracts develop, intraocular pressure increases, which can cause atrophy of the optic nerves and lead to complete or partial blindness. Changes in the lens are usually irreversible, intraocular pressure and optic nerves are restored after discontinuation of glucocorticoids.

Despite the fact that glucocorticosteroid hormones have a good effect in the treatment of various allergic diseases, they themselves sometimes cause allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock, which we observed with the administration of hydrocortisone.

Although the question about teratogenic effect(congenital deformities) steroid hormones has not been completely resolved, but sufficient data have been accumulated on the development of anomalies in the fetus and newborns when pregnant women use glucocorticosteroid hormones. In this case, most often in newborns, an enlarged tongue and a cleft of the hard palate, softening of the bones of the cranial vault, narrowing of the aorta, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and adrenal insufficiency are observed.

People who have never taken hormonal drugs have little idea of ​​what they are needed for. Most people think that hormonal drugs are created specifically for women, as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy. But that's not true. So, why can’t you take hormonal pills?

Hormonal medications are medications that help the body produce certain hormones that it cannot produce on its own. Hormones are necessary for the proper functioning of many organs. Hormonal pills are different, depending on which organ needs help.

Also, female hormonal products do not always have a contraceptive effect. On the contrary, there are hormones that help pregnancy occur. If sperm motility is weak in men, hormonal drugs are also prescribed.

There are a number of diseases for which hormones are prescribed:

  • Female infertility;
  • Decreased ejaculate quality;
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction;
  • Depression, etc.

Each drug has contraindications. With the help of medications, a person treats one disease, but may develop a new problem. Hormonal pills are no exception.

First, let's look at the positive aspects of taking hormones:

  • Taking hormones is the most effective method of contraception;
  • Reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • Regular menstrual cycle;
  • Protects against anemia;
  • Prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • Rejuvenate the skin;
  • Reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Despite the large number of advantages, many people are scared when they are prescribed hormonal drugs. There is an opinion that if you value your health, You can’t take hormonal pills. And this opinion is not unfounded.

So why can’t you take hormones?!

With constant use of hormonal medications, many side effects occur. And hormones are usually prescribed for long term.

Side effects:

  • When taking hormones, exacerbation of previously untroubled diseases may occur;
  • Bloody discharge, nausea, headache;
  • Weakness, apathy;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Sudden weight gain that is difficult to stop;
  • After long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time.

Hormones inhibit the processes of the egg cell and this cannot pass without leaving a trace.

  • Many people experience excess hair growth all over their body;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands;
  • Decreased sexual desire;
  • If the dosage regimen is not followed, complications arise;

As you can see, the list of side effects is quite long. At the same time, for some diseases it is impossible to do without hormonal pills.

If you decide to take hormones, remember some rules:

  • Hormonal medications should only be prescribed by a doctor. Even if these are hormonal contraceptives, the dosage is determined by a specialist for each patient individually;
  • Before starting treatment, it is recommended to take a general blood test and undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • Nursing mothers should stop taking hormones;
  • If you smoke, you are prohibited from taking hormonal drugs;
  • Hormones are not prescribed to cancer patients;
  • In most cases, you can find an alternative to hormonal pills.

Your health is in your hands. No doctor will care about you more than you do. Therefore, before deciding whether you need hormones or not, think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons. It would be a good idea to undergo a full examination of the body and get advice from specialists.