Oregano has a common benefit. How to brew tea with oregano? Its beneficial properties. Useful properties of oregano for women

What is oregano?

What is oregano beneficial features and contraindications of oregano, as well as whether it has any medicinal properties? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in traditional methods treatment, in particular treatment with medicinal plants. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Oregano is a plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae (or Lamiaceae) family. Folk names she has a lot: dushmyanka, oregano, spirit flower, bee-lover, motherwort, forest mint, flea grass, boron bone-breaking grass, bedbug grass, bedbug grass, incense grass.

Her homeland is the coast Mediterranean Sea And North America. Oregano was grown in Ancient Egypt And Ancient Greece. Now it is cultivated in many countries of Europe, Asia and North America. And in its wild form, oregano can be found throughout Russia, the Caucasus, Western and Central Siberia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan; it is not found only in the Far North and Far East.

Oregano – perennial herbaceous plant up to 90 cm tall, with a branched, creeping rhizome. The stems are straight, branched, pubescent, tetrahedral, purple in color. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, oblong-ovate. The flowers are small, whitish or pale purple. The fruit consists of 4 nuts. It blooms from July to September, the fruits ripen in August – September. Oregano was introduced into culture.

It is propagated by seedlings or seeds. Sowing is carried out in early spring to a depth of 1.0–1.5 cm. The grass is collected in the mass flowering phase (July - the first half of August).

It usually grows in groups of several plants in coniferous and mixed forests, on their edges, clearings and clearings, in dry and floodplain meadows. Blooms in June-August. The fruits ripen in August-September.

How to prepare oregano for the winter and how to store it?

It is collected during the period of mass flowering and full disclosure flower buds (June-August). If collected later, the essential oil content will be less, which means the quality of the herb will be worse.

To take full advantage of the beneficial properties of oregano, medical purposes, the medicinal raw materials of the oregano herb are harvested during its flowering period. Note that for treatment purposes, the herb of oregano (Herba Origani vulgaris), collected at the beginning of the period of mass flowering, is used. Raw materials harvested later have a lower essential oil content and, accordingly, worse quality. The raw materials are the tops of oregano stems, cut about 20-30 centimeters from the surface of the earth. Dry oregano in a well-ventilated area or outside in the shade. Ventilation is necessary because if the air temperature in the room or in the sun rises above +40 °C, then the essential oils will evaporate from the plant and its benefits will become minimal. Drying is considered complete if the stems break when bent. The smell of dry oregano is aromatic, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly astringent, tart.

Store oregano separately from other medicinal plants. When storing whole plants, the shelf life is one year, but if you grind the dried herb and put it in a hermetically sealed container, you can store it for three years. Harvesting oregano in the same places can be carried out no earlier than after 2 years.

Its aerial part contains essential oil (0.01–2.17%), which includes thymol and carvacrol (up to 40%), sabinene, ocimene, linalool, triterpenoids (0.3%), saponins, alkaloids, coumarins (0.7%), tannins(up to 19%), flavonoids (7.5%), steroids (0.03%), carbohydrates, anthocyanins, organic acids; vitamin C (in leaves - up to 665 mg%, in flowers - up to 166 mg%, in stems - up to 58 mg%), vitamins B1, B2, carotene, free alcohols (up to 15%). Seeds contain fatty oil (10,1–29,2 %).

Oregano herb contains macroelements (mg/g): potassium - 19.8, calcium - 12.40, magnesium - 2.10, iron - 0.63; trace elements: manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, aluminum, vanadium, selenium, nickel, strontium, lead; boron – 13.20 µg/g.

The plant concentrates iron, molybdenum, selenium, especially selenium.

In the human body, oregano causes various actions: antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, hemostatic, choleretic, lactogenic (lactogonic), diuretic, restorative, expectorant, diaphoretic, hemostatic, analgesic, wound healing, pronounced sedative (calming), anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, sedative, mild hypnotic .

Oregano improves gastric digestion, stimulates gastric secretion, increases appetite, enhances intestinal motility, eliminates spasms of the stomach and intestines, relieves nausea, heartburn and vomiting.

Oregano, or rather medications based on Oregano vulgaris, have a calming effect, relieve excitement of the nervous system, stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands and bronchial glands, improve peristalsis of the intestinal tract, have a stimulating effect on it, tone the smooth muscles of the uterine walls, improve lactation in nursing, useful in the absence of appetite.

Main active ingredients given medicinal plant are, firstly, an essential oil, and secondly, its main component - thymol, which has a local anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effect.

Oregano has beneficial properties due to which it is included in sedative fees medicinal plants used for neuroses. In folk medicine, oregano in the form of an infusion is used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, for stroke, to relieve seizures, for asthenia, for the treatment of female diseases, against digestive disorders.

Baths with oregano were used to treat skin rashes and scrofula. As a lotion, oregano is used for furunculosis. In the form of a decoction, oregano is used to remove headache and stimulate hair growth. In Armenia during the Middle Ages, oregano was used to treat hypertension, epileptic seizures, radiculitis, and was used as a remedy for ear pain. Residents of Siberia used oregano for epigastric pain.

Harm of oregano:

Firstly, it is strictly contraindicated internal use oregano preparations for pregnant women. This plant causes contractions of the uterus, which can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Since oregano is traditionally considered more of a “female herb,” preparations based on it are undesirable for long-term use by men. They say that a man who drinks a decoction of oregano for a long time runs the risk of sexual impotence.

If you have high acidity gastric juice, decoctions and infusions of oregano are contraindicated for you. The same applies to people suffering from stomach and intestinal ulcers. This may cause deterioration. Oregano should also not be used as a seasoning for food. In all these cases, oregano can only be used as an external remedy.

People suffering from renal, intestinal or hepatic colic should use oregano-based preparations very carefully. Especially if we're talking about about their internal use.

For people suffering from severe hypertension or frequent increases in blood pressure, oregano is contraindicated even in the form of essential oil for aroma lamps.

And finally, before using a decoction or infusion of oregano for treatment, you should consult with your doctor.

Medicinal properties of oregano:

In folk medicine, oregano has been used since ancient times and is used for treatment various ailments. Infusions and decoctions, tinctures, powders, oils are prepared from dry medicinal raw materials. fresh leaves squeeze out the juice. Dry herb is used for insomnia - fill a canvas bag and place it next to the pillow, oregano soothes nervous system, promotes falling asleep quickly and improves sleep.

Oregano, used to relieve expectoration in respiratory diseases; as a means of stimulating appetite and normalizing digestive processes(for hypo- and anacid gastritis), for liver diseases, for pulmonary form tuberculosis, hypertension, as an anticonvulsant, for epileptic seizures, for neuroses, excessive sexual activity and menstrual pain.

An infusion of the herb is taken for gastric atony, accompanied by constipation, aerophagia, lack of appetite, spasms of the stomach and intestines, hiccups, constipation, epigastric pain, hemorrhoids, enterocolitis, accompanied by constipation and flatulence, dyspepsia, chronic hypo- and anacid gastritis, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence.

The choleretic effect of oregano is most pronounced during the first two hours after their intragastric administration. Along with an increase in the volume of secreted bile under the influence of oregano, there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the bile, and the excretory function of the liver improves. Oregano is a hepatoprotector for poisoning and viral infections(hepatitis), preserves the detoxification function of the liver. An infusion of oregano herb is useful for cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholecystitis(inflammation of the gallbladder), cholangitis (inflammation bile ducts), biliary dyskinesia.

An infusion of oregano herb is also taken for rheumatism, joint stiffness, arthritis, kidney and urolithiasis, hypertension, stroke, pain in the heart area, amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, painful menstruation, to regulate menstruation when it is delayed, when premenstrual syndrome, general weakness, after fainting, with edema, dropsy, cystitis, as a hemostatic, especially after childbirth.

Tea with oregano, constantly consumed by a nursing mother, increases lactation.

Oregano perfectly calms the nervous system.

An infusion of oregano herb is useful for various mental ailments, anorexia, asthenia, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, coronary arteries, for seizures, paralysis, epilepsy, convulsions, insomnia, depressive and stressful conditions, nervous tension, bad mood, grief, melancholy, increased nervous excitability, hysteria, panic, increased sexual excitability in both women and men, with erotomania, nymphomania, migraine, headache, chronic alcoholism, smoking.

An infusion of oregano herb is taken and used in the form of inhalation for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: for acute and chronic tracheitis, acute rhinitis, acute and chronic laryngitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis with sputum production, bronchopneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, whooping cough, convulsive, spasmodic cough, shortness of breath.

Strong tea made from oregano herb causes profuse sweating.

An infusion of oregano herb is useful in complex treatment malignant neoplasms various localizations, to remove radionuclides from the body.

Externally, an infusion or decoction of oregano herb is used in the form of compresses, lotions, washes, baths for rheumatism, arthritis, joint stiffness, neuralgia, itchy eczema, hemorrhoids, pustular diseases skin, diathesis, erysipelas, scrofulosis, lichen, boils, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, various gynecological diseases, for rickets and scrofula in children, paralysis, bruises, to accelerate wound healing.

For those who suffer from headaches and hair loss, it is useful to wash your hair with a warm decoction of oregano herb. After washing, it is recommended to tie a warm scarf around your head.

An infusion or decoction of oregano herb is used as a rinse for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane. oral cavity, pharynx, pharynx, for sore throats, stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush, gum infections, toothache, bleeding from the gums, chronic tonsillitis.

Inhalations with infusion and decoction of oregano herb are used for acute and chronic rhinitis, at chronic sinusitis, acute and chronic pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic laryngitis, tracheobronchitis.

How to prepare an infusion of oregano?

Prepare an infusion of oregano herb as follows:

10 g (2 tablespoons) of medicinal raw materials are poured into an enamel container with 200 ml of hot boiled water, then heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, strained, and the remaining medicinal raw materials are squeezed out. Add boiled water to the resulting infusion (up to a volume of 200 ml). You should drink the infusion half a glass 2 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

Oregano infusion has a strong diuretic effect, especially in combinations with black elderberry, white acacia, heather, St. John's wort, meadowsweet, birch leaves, dandelion, and cherry stalks.

Oregano and others herbal diuretics not only do they not remove potassium from the body, do not cause its deficiency, but, unlike synthetic diuretics, they supply it to the body a large number of potassium

Oregano juice is obtained by squeezing the herb flowering plant. You need to take 1 tablespoon of juice with honey (in a ratio of 1:3) three times during the day, 15 minutes before meals.

Dried leaves and inflorescences of oregano, crushed into powder, are sniffed for headaches and nasal congestion.


Infusion recipe for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia:

Pour two teaspoons of fresh chopped herbs into one glass of cold boiled water, leave for two hours, then heat to a boil, strain and drink as tea. To improve the effect, add honey and lemon.

Infusion for neurodermatitis and skin problems:

Brew 50 grams of oregano with two liters of boiling water, leave to cool, strain and use as baths and lotions. The course of treatment is 10 days - daily or every other day.

Decoction for the treatment of diathesis and allergic rash:

Pour 2 teaspoons of the herb into a glass of boiling water, boil for three minutes, strain and apply lotions to the affected areas.

Sweatshop tea:

Take 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 2 parts dried berries raspberries, 2 parts coltsfoot leaves, 1 part oregano herb, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter and drink hot 3 times a day, ½ cup.

Carminative collection:

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of a mixture of 1 part chamomile flowers and 1 part oregano herb, pour 1 glass of boiling water, place in a water bath and boil for 5-7 minutes, cool, filter and take 1 glass in the morning and evening.

Anti-inflammatory collection:

For external use (for rinsing the mouth and throat). Take 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of 6 parts of common oak bark, 4 parts of oregano herb, 1 part of marshmallow root, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, filter, cool and, when warm, use to rinse the mouth and throat several times a day after meals.

Infusion recipe for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and severe cough:

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials into two glasses of boiling water, leave, strain, take 30 minutes before meals, drink the infusion in three doses.

Oregano for women:

Oregano improves the menstrual cycle and makes it easier premenstrual condition, increases the production of female sex hormones, helps with gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding, during menopause to reduce hot flashes and alleviate the condition.

Regular consumption of oregano regulates the functioning of the female reproductive system and has a beneficial effect on women's health.

Without exaggeration, oregano can be called a beauty herb. To achieve skin rejuvenation, you should wash your face with oregano infusion twice a day. You can freeze this infusion and wipe your face with pieces of ice. In order not to spend money on expensive foams and salts for smooth skin, you can safely add a liter of oregano decoction to the bath. The result will be similar, but the costs will be significantly less. Rinsing your hair with this decoction will help fight dandruff. Your hair will become thick, smooth and silky, just like after using a branded balm.

An interesting video about oregano with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy!”:

Oregano in weight loss diets:

Acquiring slender forms with the help of oregano does not require much effort: it does not have to be brewed according to any special recipes– it’s enough to simply use it as a seasoning for a variety of dishes on the table. The constant presence of this herb in food in itself benefits the body and prevents extra pounds from appearing.

Very often, oregano is used in such popular weight loss teas. In this form, it is especially effective, since many correctly selected herbs significantly enhance each other’s effects, and their complex application allows you to quickly achieve the desired result.

Another easy way for weight loss - taking baths with the addition of oregano. You just need to add a herbal decoction to a bath of water every day for two weeks and the hated kilograms will begin to disappear.

Oregano has a huge amount beneficial properties and a pleasant soothing aroma, so its use in food does not bring the slightest harm and allows you not only to make your figure more attractive, but also to significantly improve your body’s health.

Oregano is a perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It grows everywhere in the Russian Federation. Also widespread in the USA, Mediterranean, Europe. The grass has a tetrahedral stem about 60 cm high, oblong, entire leaves and small flowers, collected in inflorescences. It is actively used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. Oregano, the medicinal properties and contraindications for use of which are discussed in the article, is one of the most popular medicinal plants today.

Oregano: medicinal properties for women

Oregano is considered a feminine herb, since the substances it contains can influence the work in a certain way. genitourinary system female representatives.

The pharmacological effects that allow the use of oregano preparations in the treatment of gynecological diseases include:

  • the ability of the herb to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • increased contractility of the smooth uterine muscles;
  • calming effect of plant decoctions;
  • antiseptic effect of oregano;
  • lactogenic effect.

In addition to the above, the components of the plant in question can improve intestinal function, normalize the process of digestion and excretion of waste products. This also indirectly affects the functioning of the female genitourinary structures.

What diseases does it help with?

The main indication for the use of the plant in gynecology is oligodysmenorrhea - a pathological and regular delay in the onset of menstruation. Oregano herb has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which enhances its contraction and accelerates the onset of necessary physiological processes.

The second mechanism that helps normalize the cycle is the hormone-like effect of oregano preparations. The herb contains components such as: chemical structure reminiscent of female sex hormones, which compensates for the lack of these substances and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

Oregano is capable of stopping and neurotic conditions, often occurring in women during premenstrual cyclic syndrome. Decoctions based on it have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and the severity of vegetative-vascular manifestations of PMS.

Indications for the use of oregano by women include not only menstrual irregularities, but also inflammatory diseases external genitalia. Decoctions and infusions of the plant are used in the form of douches to combat infectious processes, prevention postoperative complications, relieving inflammation and swelling.

She gave people medicinal plants. Great benefit and a whole set of unique substances is distinguished by aromatic oregano, the benefits and harms of which are widely known to our ancestors. Scientists find mention of it in the writings of Hippocrates.

We are all used to calling it simply oregano. People call it materka or ladanka and use it in cooking as a spicy seasoning. It has a spicy aroma and bitter taste. It is impossible to imagine Mediterranean and Mexican dishes without oregano. There are about fifty plant species in the world.

This is enough tall plant, reaching a meter. Externally, the mother plant resembles a small bush with bright shiny purple flowers that emit a tart smell. Flowering can be observed from mid-July to the end of August. By the way, this is also an excellent honey plant, loved by bees.

It should be noted that the plant is long-lived and reproduces in two ways: by dividing the bush and by seeds. It lends itself well to cultivation, so you can find it in many parts of the world. But Asia and North America are considered the birthplace of oregano. Today, many types of bush are found in Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine (except for the northern zones).

Fragrant oregano, a photo of which is presented in the material, abounds medicinal substances. Even modern pharmaceuticals have officially recognized the high usefulness of the plant. From dried raw materials (leaves, flowers) alcoholic drinks are made and aromatic ones are brewed.

Scientists have discovered a large dose of vitamin K in the composition. Its role in the body is invaluable: it participates in metabolism, is responsible for building bone tissue, for blood clotting, functional functioning of the liver and kidneys. The motherboard has bactericidal and antioxidant properties.

The composition contains rosmarinic acid, which, according to scientists, fights malignant tumors. Like many medicinal plants, oregano is abundant useful minerals. A rich set of iron, fiber and manganese has been recorded.

In the process of repeated clinical and laboratory research, experts have found that oregano essential oil and the substance carvacrol exhibit antibacterial properties. They are capable of destroying pathogenic microorganisms, which are highly resistant to some antibiotics.

The gift of nature is a cure for ailments

Oregano, the benefits and harms of which are determined by chemical elements, is considered an excellent source of ascorbic acid. There is a lot of vitamin C in fresh leaves. Alternative medicine I have long appreciated the high therapeutic effect of this plant on the body.

In Rus' they cooked from it healing potions and was used for rheumatic pain, cramps, indigestion, influenza and gynecological diseases. Practitioners recommend using herbal infusions and infusions as a sedative. helps eliminate nervous tension, whet your appetite.

Preparations from the motherboard have a mild analgesic and carminative effect. They are used for pathologies of the liver, biliary tract and any stage of bronchitis. They gargle proudly with decoctions inflammatory processes. Internal administration is indicated for persons with high blood pressure.

Compresses and baths improve the condition skin, relieve rashes, accelerate tissue regeneration and destroy bacteria. In combination with other herbs, oregano helps normalize sleep. Fees are prescribed for flatulence, cholecystitis, chronic constipation, enterocolitis and cough.

Precautions and contraindications

The benefits of the plant are colossal, we are convinced of this. But it is also worth understanding that each one has certain restrictions on its use. The exception is not aromatic oregano. Benefit and harm are two rather subtle concepts. It is prohibited to use any preparations (decoctions, infusions, dishes and drinks containing this seasoning) based on motherwort during pregnancy.

According to doctors, oregano can or uterine bleeding. Even in the initial stages of gestation, it is worth abandoning it. In addition to pregnancy, contraindications to its use are hypertension, ulcerative pathologies Gastrointestinal tract, heart and vascular diseases.

(photo in article) in therapy: folk recipes

  1. In the absence of a menstrual cycle (not related to pregnancy), you can prepare the following infusion: brew a spoonful of dry raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Drink 50 g. - three times a day in a strained state.
  2. The following infusion will help prevent epilepsy: take two tablespoons of herb for 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infuse, filter and consume throughout the day. Duration - 36 months. The product can be used for increased nervous excitability.
  3. In case of disturbances in the activity of the stomach and peristalsis of the intestinal tract: per liter of boiling water, 30 g. raw materials. Drink fluids all day.

For insomnia

Pour boiling water (200 ml) 30 g. herbs and leave for half an hour. Strain through cheesecloth and drink the resulting decoction of oregano before getting ready for bed.

For constipation, bronchitis and cough

Stir approximately 50 g in sunflower oil (500 ml). motherboards. Cover the container with a lid and leave in the room for eight hours. Take five drops (using a dropper) at night.

For allergies

Place the crushed raw materials (20 grams) in a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. Take 120 ml before meals. Be sure to strain the liquid.

Cold drink

IN winter period should be strengthened immune system and tea with oregano will help with this. Many doctors recommend the drink even during illness. You need to brew the herb like regular tea - for a few minutes. You can put an onion in the kettle; it has antimicrobial properties. To improve the taste, add honey.

Oregano: consumer reviews

With the help of the plant, many have managed to normalize their health. According to people who took herbal infusions motherboards can quickly relieve stress and calm down, especially after have a hard day. A tea drink made from oregano perfectly quenches thirst, relaxes and gives energy. The plant has proven itself as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The use of compresses has a beneficial effect on the skin. And with the help of mouth rinse you can quickly eliminate stomatitis and toothache. A lot of positive feedback oregano has earned it, the benefits and harms from the plant will now not come as a surprise to anyone. Before starting treatment, we recommend that you consult with your local physician.

Traditional medicine is not in vain medicinal plant calls oregano mother. Many folk recipes for the treatment of so-called “female diseases” contain. However, its medicinal properties are used not only in folk recipes. Official medicine studied the beneficial substances of oregano, their properties and effects. Now oregano herb can be found in many preparations for the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, cough, insomnia and, of course, as sedatives, for example, “Fitosedan”.

Oregano herb for women: face and hair care

The mother plant itself is quite common and accessible. You can collect it yourself, dry it and use oregano for various purposes, even in cooking. Maximum benefit the plant acquires during the flowering period, when it contains greatest number essential oils. That's when it is collected.

As for the one that can be bought at the pharmacy, there are many benefits from it. Let's start from the outside: oregano infusion is beneficial for the skin due to the content of beneficial substances, including:

  • vitamin K (strengthens capillaries and improves blood circulation, helps restore damaged skin);
  • thymol and carvacrol (have an antibacterial and soothing effect);
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (affect cell renewal);
  • beta-carotene (fights acne, relieves irritation and redness, has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates cell regeneration).

So, oregano for the face is used in the following cases:

  • at acne, skin infections as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent;
  • for skin rejuvenation, elasticity and firmness;
  • to improve complexion;
  • to narrow enlarged pores.

Oregano infusion is also used to rinse hair. The high content of essential oils not only has a calming effect, but also gives the hair an unobtrusive, enchanting aroma. Also among the beneficial properties of oregano for hair:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • restoration of structure;
  • normalization of sebum secretion;
  • dandruff treatment;
  • deodorizing effect.

Oregano for women – magic remedy to maintain feminine charm and beauty.

Oregano for men. Can women's herb benefit men?

If a man is overcome by spasms due to gastritis, pain in the intestines, gallbladder, then the properties of oregano herb will come to the rescue in this case. Oregano has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect, soothes and promotes rapid sleep.

With long-term use, oregano has a slight effect on male potency. The fact is that the plant contains phytohormones - plant analogues of estrogen. This affects the decrease in testosterone in male body. Therefore, oregano herb for men in large quantities or for long-term use Not recommended.

Oregano herb in gynecology

The most common female ailment is pain during menstruation, heavy bleeding and menstrual irregularities. A decoction of oregano herb has the ability to relieve menstrual pain, eliminate spasms of the pelvic organs and reduce bleeding. Thanks to these properties, oregano herb justifies its folk purpose as a women's herb. Also important feature oregano herb is its ability to act as a sedative and tonic. During critical days women often experience increased irritability and insomnia. Oregano decoction or simply tea with oregano helps eliminate irritability, calmness, quickly fall asleep and deep sleep. Truly, oregano - female herb: treats everything that causes discomfort to a woman.

How to use oregano herb

1. Infusion of oregano herb. Take 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain.

  • For internal use drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.
  • To wipe your face, use a cotton swab soaked in infusion. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
  • To rinse your hair, the infusion should be diluted in a sufficient amount of water, rinse your hair after washing and do not rinse.

2. Oregano herb decoction. Take 2 teaspoons of crushed oregano herb, pour 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain, cool. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

3. Tea with oregano herb. Place 1 teaspoon of dried and crushed oregano herb or prepared oregano herb from a pharmacy in a teapot and pour boiling water over it.

4. Soothing tea with oregano herb. Can be bought at a pharmacy medicinal collection"Phytosedan" in filter bags. It contains oregano herb in sufficient quantities and is convenient to drink as tea.

Oregano is a plant with small pink-lilac flowers that is widespread in our forests. The science of pharmacognosy suggests that it is actively used as a cure for many diseases. Moreover, most often in Europe it is used as a seasoning under the beautiful name “oregano”, and Italians cannot imagine their favorite pizza without it. But our compatriots prefer to use medicinal herb oregano in folk medicine. described in another article on our website.

Beneficial properties of Oregano herb

The healing properties of oregano are worthy special attention, since the range of problems that it can help overcome is incredibly broad.

Experts highlight:

  • its high antibacterial activity, in particular for colds;
  • beneficial, calming effect on the nervous system;
  • normalization of gastrointestinal tract functions, including constipation;
  • anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • helps with bronchitis and pneumonia, thanks to its expectorant effect;
  • medications based on it are indicated for the treatment of neuroses, insomnia and even epilepsy;
  • will help with liver and gall bladder diseases (pancreatitis), reduce stomach cramps;
  • eliminate inflammation of the gums, relieve toothache;
  • indicated in the treatment of fungal infections;
  • in case of unpleasant skin ailments such as eczema and furunculosis;
  • will help restore the structure of subcutaneous fat (in the treatment of cellulite in women and for weight loss);
  • can remove menstrual pain and reduce hot flashes during menopause;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • will lead high blood pressure in order (for hypertension).

Oregano contraindications for women and men

Like any substance, it has side effects, so it should still be taken with caution and after consulting a doctor.

  1. Possible by-effect- it's an allergy. People with increased acidity stomach and peptic ulcer.
  2. It is better for a man not to get carried away with this herb, as it negatively affects potency. With gastritis, pain in the intestines, oregano herb will certainly help a man, but it long-term use highly not recommended. The fact is that the plant contains special hormones (of plant origin), such as estrogens. They are the ones that reduce testosterone levels in men. An overdose of this drink can lead to impotence within a couple of months.
  3. During pregnancy and early stages, and on later- only after consulting a doctor.

However, oregano is used in gynecology if the specialist allows you to take drugs based on it.

Is it possible to take oregano during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

For pregnant and nursing mothers, indications for the use of this medicinal plant are discussed only with a doctor, since each woman has her own history of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reckless use of this plant while expecting a baby can lead to disastrous consequences, because it causes an increase in the tone of the uterus (accordingly, the risk of miscarriage), or will contribute to the development serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system child. But after childbirth, this property will come in handy - uterine contractions will occur more intensely.

During lactation, with the correct use of this herb, an influx of milk can be observed. You cannot drink tea with such a herbal medicine all the time - as soon as lactation improves, you should stop. The drink itself will be very appetizing, with pleasant taste and aroma, and you will feel the result on the same day. The tea must be warm (neither hot nor cold!), otherwise it’s all in vain. Pediatricians advise drinking Herb tea with GW no more than 1 time per week. If desired, you can add rose hips, blackcurrant leaves and berries, but absolutely no mint.

Oregano in gynecology: what helps

Despite a number of contraindications, it is still a female herb. For scanty or painful periods, cycle disorders (amenorrhea, delayed periods), as well as for hormonal imbalance at proper treatment can be expected positive result.

What else is oregano good for women's health? Increased irritability, nervousness, sleep disorders - also frequent companion critical days for most representatives of the fair sex. A decoction or just tea with its addition will have a calming and restorative effect on the human body, and especially on women. You will certainly feel calm, you will be able to fall asleep easily, and your sleep will be sound and deep.

Let's talk separately about oregano for thrush, because the oil of this particular herb effectively fights a common female problem. This medicinal herb includes the strongest antimicrobial and antifungal substance - carvacrol, and in candida, even with long-term treatment stability will not develop. Timol is another one useful component This plant also successfully fights both yeast and bacteria.

You can use oregano oil purchased at a pharmacy in several ways:

  • the first method is externally: you will need to mix it with olive oil in a ratio of 3 drops to three tablespoons and treat the external genitalia overnight.
  • the second option is intervaginal: for two weeks, every night you need to prepare a hygienic tampon soaked in 50 ml olive oil with two drops of oregano oil, and inject it as deeply as possible;
  • third option - internal: three drops of oil per glass drinking water, drink twice a day with meals.

If you have ovarian dysfunction (often detected when planning pregnancy), uterine fibroids, your gynecologist can also advise you to pay attention to medications and herbal teas containing oregano. In case of infertility, this is also true. female plant.

Can children have oregano?

Here are the opinions of experts and the opinions of adherents traditional medicine, according to tradition, vary. We can definitely say the following: for a long time Children should not take it under any circumstances: boys risk being delayed in sexual development, and girls, on the contrary, will develop prematurely.

At what age can a child take this herbal medicine orally - only a doctor will tell you, based on the characteristics of your baby’s health. But inhalations, rinsing, fumigation - most likely, the doctor can allow children under one or 2 years of age (but again after a thorough examination of the child’s body). Baths with oregano can also be prescribed to children with rickets and scrofula.

Recipe for oregano decoction with cough milk

We bring to your attention the most popular recipe preparing a drink that will help with a strong (usually dry) cough.

Infuse dry oregano in boiled milk for 15 minutes. (in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per glass). The result is a pleasant drink with an original smell, which should be drunk three times a day, 0.5 glasses, half an hour before meals. Sweeten the milk with honey and drink in small sips. The plant will retain its beneficial properties, and warm milk will calm down sore throat and will soften the cough.

What else does oregano treat?

The use of this plant makes sense when the following diseases:

  • for rheumatism, paralysis;
  • after fainting;
  • with increased sexual excitability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • to raise the overall tone of the body;
  • diseases from the field of oncology (for example, leukemia);
  • with menopause and hot flashes;
  • for sore throat chronic bronchitis, asthma, sharp cough (whooping cough);
  • improves the condition of hair and skin (treats dandruff and normalizes sebum secretion, fights acne);
  • at high temperature will help reduce it;
  • for headaches;
  • if you're worried thyroid;
  • for thrombocytopenia (improves blood composition);
  • for mastopathy.

Answers to popular questions

Does oregano lower or increase blood pressure?

It can increase blood pressure only if you use it for inhalation: it is the process of inhaling essential oils that sometimes gives the effect of increasing or jumping blood pressure. Therefore any inhalation agents based on it are strictly contraindicated for heart disease and hypertension, and oregano should be used with caution in aromatherapy. But if you brew it in the form of tea or infusion, then this herb will help lower blood pressure to normal due to its moderate diuretic effect.

Is oregano a diuretic or not?

This herbal medicine is certainly a diuretic; it stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract well, so its use is also justified for cholecystitis.

It is important to note that, according to latest research, oregano (along with rosemary) are leaders in lowering blood sugar, so their use is indicated for diabetes and its prevention.

Will eating oregano make your breasts bigger?

It would seem that the question is from the classic glossy magazine, but it is quite reasonable. If you have no contraindications, then, in principle, regular use some tea with this healing plant you can count on positive effect. It’s all about the same estrogen hormones, the production of which through oregano we discussed above.