How to fall asleep at night if you do not want to sleep. Overview of fast sleep techniques. I can't sleep what to do

In the era of modernization and a large flow of information, such a question is increasingly confronting our contemporaries. Sleep is one of the benefits of a person, helping to restore the strength of the body and the energy of nerve cells.

But what if you have difficulty falling asleep every day? Do you toss and turn in bed for a long time, remembering the past day, making plans for the future, tormented by anxious thoughts and dreaming about how to fall asleep quickly?

Possible reasons why you can't sleep

Insomnia as a pathological condition is quite rare. Most often this is the result of a disease of the nervous system. What is considered to be insomnia is nothing more than sleep disturbance. A person may have a prolonged period of falling asleep, early awakening, or light sleep. The reasons for this condition may be:

  • prolonged stress;
  • depression;
  • alcoholism;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • increased anxiety;
  • somatic diseases.

Sleeping pills: what is the danger?

When you want to sleep, and it doesn’t work out, many people take medications. Sleeping pills and tranquilizers can lead to weakness, lethargy, and high fatigue. Such a painful condition may occur when the lines between wakefulness and sleep are blurred. A person is not able to concentrate, becomes distracted, there is no concentration of attention, bouts of excessive irritability occur. Over time, this can lead to hysteria.

How to deal with sleep disturbance?

Try to relax before going to bed, distract from the problems and plans that bother you. Imagine that your thoughts exist separately from you, somewhere far away, as if floating by. Autogenic training, relaxing music or meditation helps many people. If you feel sleepy, lie down in bed and take a few deep breaths. Calm down, remember a pleasant picture from your life. Imagine that the arms and legs become heavy, warmth spreads through the body.

Sleep scientists know how to fall asleep quickly. They advise to normalize sleep and wakefulness. Even if you tossed and turned for a long time in the evening and could not fall asleep, get up at the same time in the morning. The regime should not be violated even on weekends. It happens that a person who is tired during the week tries to sleep off on Saturday and Sunday. As a result, circadian rhythms are disrupted, and after a day off, it’s hard for you to get into a rut and it’s hard to fall asleep.

If you have difficulty falling asleep 4 or more times a week, reduce your sleep duration by one hour for a while.

When do you need specialist help?

People with increased anxiety or suspiciousness have a fear of possible insomnia. Such patients are afraid to go to bed, wake up from nightmares. Sometimes the plot of dreams repeats itself all the time. This condition requires treatment by a specialist - a psychologist or psychiatrist, but, fortunately, this does not threaten most people.

Let's look at some simple ways to fall asleep quickly.

Ways and methods for insomnia

Method 1: Arrange your bed

Find a comfortable position in bed. Each person determines for himself the position in which he is comfortable to rest. Sleep is considered the most physiological, lying on the right side with slightly bent legs. In this position, all the muscles relax, the work of the heart is not difficult and it is easier to fall asleep.

The bed should not be too soft or too hard. Get rid of bed linen in aggressive colors. Sheets and duvet covers in white, blue or pink color help you fall asleep quickly. It is better to choose clothes that are loose and comfortable, without tightening elastic bands and coarse seams, preferably made of cotton.

Method 2: Ventilate the bedroom

It has been proven that a person falls asleep faster when the temperature in the room is 4-5 degrees lower than in other rooms. Open the windows before going to bed for half an hour or an hour: if the bedroom has fresh air, it will help you fall asleep easily, and your sleep will be more complete.

Method 3: Take a walk

While the room is ventilated, you can walk for a quarter of an hour in the park or in the yard, but not along the highway. Walking is a great way to fall asleep quickly.

Method 4: Don't Eat Too Much at Night

If you had a roast leg of lamb or a large chop with chips for dinner, bloating will definitely prevent you from falling asleep as quickly as you want. However, you should not starve either: if your stomach is empty, you will be more worried about checking the contents of the refrigerator.

A light dinner is not forbidden one and a half to two hours before bedtime. It can be a glass of kefir and warm milk with a spoonful of honey and cinnamon. However, alcohol, tobacco and coffee should be excluded, they may help you fall asleep, but you should not go from one extreme to another.

Method 5: Drink herbal tea

Plants such as hops, valerian, mint, lemon balm, motherwort have a hypnotic effect. Decoctions of medicinal plants can be taken not only at night, but also in the afternoon. They help relieve emotional stress before bed.

Method 6: Place a healing pillow at the head

It is made from loose cotton fabric and stuffed with hop inflorescences. Volatile vapors of substances calm the nervous system.

Method 7: Method of special services

Lie on your back, close your eyes and try to relax. Place your arms along your body with your palms up. With your eyelids closed, roll your eyes up. Consider this position of the eyes natural during sleep.

Method 8: Water procedures

Warm baths before going to bed help one, only the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Coniferous extract, string or lime blossom can be added to the water. Take baths 3 times a week for 10 minutes. For some, 3-5 such procedures are enough to normalize sleep.

Many people prefer to take foot baths; decoctions of the same medicinal plants can be added to the water.

Method 9: Read a book

Pick a book with small print that doesn't interest you too much. It can be a school textbook, an encyclopedia or a reference book. Just don't read thrilling novels or detective stories.

Method 10: Meditate

Light a candle in the bedroom and look at its flame for a long time. After some time, you will feel detached, and all thoughts will gradually disappear. Fall asleep quickly.

Method 11: Move your eyes quickly

Open your eyes and quickly look from one object to another, from another to a third, and so on. After a couple of minutes, the eyelids become heavy and you will want to sleep.

Here are some very simple methods to fall asleep quickly. Perhaps one of them will suit you.

Who among us has not counted sheep or elephants in a vain attempt to fall asleep. Elephants go and go, sheep nibble grass, we think, but there was no sleep, and no. Recently, I learned one breathing exercise that will help you quickly and easily fall asleep if you don’t want to, or simply can’t sleep, in just 1 minute. The problem of insomnia excites many, isn't it? Everyone has encountered it at least once.

When I wrote in my article, read by clicking on the link and learn a lot of useful tips about the proper organization of sleep) about the reasons for falling asleep for a long time, I said: one of the main ones is stress and severe fatigue. Sometimes a completely, at first glance, an insignificant event can unsettle and completely disrupt sleep. What if something important happens?

Count the sheep I mentioned at the beginning of the article? Take a pill (but there are no pills in the home medicine cabinet, for sure, troubles do not happen daily). In pharmacies and traditional medicine there are a lot of medicinal fees, but there is a moment of addiction, although herbal healers are very effective and help well.

Or maybe look for something more effective? The 4-7-8 technique will help you.

They say that the exercise is not new at all, it has been known to Indian yogis for several centuries. During meditation, fans of Eastern practice used it to achieve complete relaxation. I trust yogis and believe that this technique is absolutely safe.

How to fall asleep quickly if you don't want to sleep

At first glance, the exercise does not inspire confidence, it is too simple and does not make sense. But it works - it calms down pretty quickly and slows down the heart rate. So let's get started:

Inhale through your nose slowly and calmly for 4 seconds.

Hold your breath for exactly 7 seconds.

Slowly, slowly, exhale through your mouth. Full exhalation should occur within 8 seconds.

4 seconds - inhale, 7 - hold your breath, 8 - exhale. Hence the name of the exercise, friends.
Simple, but very effective. The method of falling asleep quickly and easily according to this method was studied by Dr. Andrew Weil from the Center for Medical Sciences at Harvard. And found out the following:

When you are under stress, you have anxious thoughts. The amount of adrenaline in the blood increases significantly. Breathing, in turn, becomes shallow and fast. This practice, acting as a sedative, soothing drug, will help you fall asleep faster and easier, in just a minute.

Why the exercise works

Our body is so arranged that holding the breath slows down the heart rate - this happens without fail.
The delay also calms the mind. You count and are completely focused on your breathing, bad and disturbing thoughts go away. You do not realize this fact, but the nervous system will relax, anxiety will go away. Any neurologist will confirm the relationship of actions.

As a result, the body will completely relax, and you will easily and quickly fall asleep, without wanting to. Waking up in the morning, you will realize that you fell asleep in 1 minute, without counting a few seconds on the exhale. Try it out and see for yourself.

The technique does not work the same for everyone, someone will need to perform the exercise several times. But in any case, it contributes to faster falling asleep.

By the way, this exercise will effectively help in any stressful situation when you are nervous and need to quickly calm down. If you don't believe me, check it out. It helps especially well in conflicts, when you need to quickly calm down.

Let the sheep with elephants go to rest and go about their business - quickly and easily we will fall asleep in 1 minute completely calmly, using a simple technique.

I have a request: you know an interesting and effective way to deal with insomnia, you know a way to quickly fall asleep at night, even with complete reluctance, share it with other readers. And we will sleep peacefully! I picked up a video for you, maybe it will be useful for you.

Isolda Mayorova

Sleep is a natural process that is very significant for the normal functioning of the human body, and therefore the question: how can you quickly and easily fall asleep if you do not want to sleep, and sleep soundly at night, is relevant for many people who have sleep problems.

The Importance of Sleep

What is the importance of sleep?

In a dream a man is for real relaxes, disconnects from all problems, which is a kind of psychological relaxation that has a beneficial effect on the body.
During human sleep the body recuperates squandered while awake.
In a dream the body synthesizes about a hundred hormones required for normal human life. During sleep, the body produces important hormones like melatonin and endorphin, one of which is called the hormone of youth and beauty, and the other - the hormone of happiness, joy and pleasure.

These are good reasons to find out how you can fall asleep quickly and soundly at night if you don’t feel like sleeping.

Many modern people have trouble falling asleep.

How fast should a healthy person fall asleep?

Do you think about how many minutes it takes a normal person to fall asleep? 1, 2, 5 minutes? Or 10 seconds? It is unlikely that after a hard day you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, well, or within a few minutes after that. You, most likely, do not even suspect that not all people manage to fall asleep quickly - for some, the process of “falling asleep” takes hours, and someone does not manage to indulge in sleep at all. That is why we will discuss the question of how to fall asleep quickly in 5 minutes, if you can’t sleep.

An obstacle to sound sleep is overwork, stress.

Why can't you fall asleep quickly?

Sleep problems affect approximately 20 percent of the inhabitants of our planet, the more important it is to know how to learn how to sleep soundly and not wake up at night. Sleep problems can be due to many reasons.:

mental and physical strain;
change of time zones;
work at night, in such a situation it is important to know what to do in order to quickly and soundly fall asleep during the day - after all, a person should at least sleep once;
the “Edison effect” associated with a large amount of lighting in modern homes, which prevents the formation of melatonin in the human body, a hormone “responsible” for regulating rest and sleep cycles;
violation of daily cycles;
taking “heavy” food and tonic drinks before going to bed;
nicotine and alcohol;
lack of regular physical activity;
spending a lot of time in front of the computer - that's why it's impossible for those who like to sit for hours at the "computer" to fall asleep, of which there are many in our time;
the presence of problems that need to be solved, which “keep” the human brain in tension, do not allow to completely relax;
the presence of somatic or mental illness;
hormonal changes that may be associated with pregnancy, the period after childbirth, the onset of menopause, etc .;
age-related changes in the body, etc.

Some people feel sleepy but cannot sleep

How long should a person sleep daily?

Experts claim that the optimal time for a good rest is 8 hours. This is an average figure that varies depending on individual characteristics. Some get enough sleep in 5 hours, while others need 9 hours or more. Set yourself the amount of time you need to sleep soundly and get enough sleep.

This can be done at home by doing an experiment. Pick a moment when you don't have to wake up every morning with an alarm. Record the time you go to bed and when you get up. Add up the hours and divide by the number of days. You will get an average value for a good rest. By sticking to it, you will always get enough sleep. Moreover, you do not have to think about what to watch in order to fall asleep faster at home?

If you cannot fall asleep quickly for 2-3 days, you should take emergency measures.

How to fall asleep quickly?

What should I do to instantly make myself fall asleep in 1-2 minutes? Falling asleep so quickly is difficult if it doesn't happen naturally. True, you can drink insomnia pills before bed to fall asleep instantly in 10 seconds and sleep soundly at night. However, this option of dealing with insomnia can be considered only as a one-time one, since the medications taken in such cases are not harmless, and a person gets used to them quickly enough, and therefore they largely lose their effectiveness.

Accept hot bath with aromatic salt or essential oil. The duration of the bath should be at least half an hour.
What do you need to drink to instantly fall asleep at night? Cup of milk with honey. Milk can be replaced with kefir or yogurt. The intake of the amino acid tryptophan together with dairy products contributes to the production of the hormone serotonin, which has a relaxing effect.
What should you do to make yourself fall asleep? Don't eat before bed- the last meal should take place no later than an hour before bedtime, while giving preference to protein and carbohydrate products, which, like dairy products, contribute to the production of the hormone serotonin.
You can read at night to make it easier to fall asleep. However, it doesn't have to be a gripping thriller or detective story - give preference to some boring book. A suitable option for reading before bedtime is a Russian-English textbook. The perception of new information loads the brain, causing it to get tired faster and sleep soundly.
Before going to bed, make sure that nothing annoys you after turning off the light. Eliminate noise effects, create complete darkness. Light has an exciting effect on the brain, making it work.
If you are wondering what to do, so that the children fall asleep quickly, then our answer will be: read to them at night Russian folk tales and sing lullabies.

Counting imaginary sheep helps some people fall asleep faster

Chinese method for healthy sleep

Ancient Chinese writings have brought to our days techniques, thanks to which you can learn ways to fall asleep with the help of points on the body if you do not want to sleep. We are talking about the so-called biologically active points on the human body, by acting on which you will achieve a long-term positive effect, which means that you will no longer have a reason to be puzzled by the question: how to fall asleep easier?

Some points responsible for sound sleep are located on the auricles. Place warm palms on your ears and massage in a clockwise direction. The duration of the procedure is up to 0.5 minutes.
The second group of points is located in the temporal region. It acts on the zones with massaging movements for 0.5 minutes.
The third point is located between the superciliary arches. Work on it also for about 0.5 minutes.
Find the fourth point on the inside of the wrist under the protruding bone. Knead the zones on two hands for 5 minutes before bedtime.

How can you sleep better during the day in five minutes if you can't? Additionally perform relaxation exercises:

lie on your back;
close your eyes and relax your muscles;
inhale deeply and feel all parts of the body;
Follow your own feelings for 5 minutes every day.

Put a handkerchief with a drop of essential oil of chamomile, sage under the pillow

Fall asleep quickly according to the method of special services

Do you want to know how to instantly fall asleep using the special services method? You need to lie on your back and put your hands along the body with palms up. Now close your eyes and relax all your muscles as much as possible. Imagine that you are in a quiet, peaceful place, for example, in a flowering garden.

Think about how good it is here. After that, under closed eyelids, roll your eyes up. It is believed that this is their natural position during sleep. Try it. Scout Viktor Suvorov, who described this method of falling asleep in one of the books, he helped. The main secret of the success of this technique is that roll your eyes without effort- then everything will certainly work out.

Traditional medicine against insomnia

A very urgent problem is to force yourself to fall asleep and get enough sleep if you can’t sleep at night. However, the normalization of night sleep seems to us a more important problem, and therefore we decided to bring to your attention several recipes of traditional medicine that will definitely help to cope with insomnia.

Drink tea brewed with 1 teaspoon of mint. For sweetness, add honey to taste.
Drink a boiled solution brewed with 1 tablespoon of dill (1 tbsp / 1 tbsp.). Insist should be at least 2 hours. It is necessary to drink dill water just before going to bed.
Grind 2 tablespoons of wormwood roots and pour 400 milliliters of water. The medicine is infused up to 2 hours. Drink before bed.

In 30 days you can develop the habit of falling asleep in 5-10 minutes

Get ready for a sound sleep

The bedroom, the bed must correspond to its purpose. You can not watch movies in the bedroom, work. This room should be associated only with night rest. Ventilate the room in advance so that fresh air enters it.

Start preparing for it 60 minutes before bed. To fall asleep in 5 minutes, you should relax in advance. Physical activity, prolonged laughter overexcite the nervous system, activating the body. To calm down and sleep soundly, read a poem from memory, read classical literature. Place a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and place it next to your bed.

As soon as your head touches the pillow, leave work, family problems aside. Relax every cell in your body. Remember the pleasant moments when you swam in the sea, the river, sunbathed on the beach or rested in the country. Feel the smells again, reproduce the sounds.

Make a sleep schedule and stick to it. Teach your body to go to bed at the same time. After about 30 days, your feet will carry you to the bedroom. Do not rush to take sleeping pills. If you can't sleep on your own, see a therapist. He will prescribe a medicine or refer you for a consultation with a specialist.

March 15, 2014, 10:38

When a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, he involuntarily begins to experience difficulty sleeping. The same problem occurs for those who have a good rest during the day, as a result of which the biological clock has gone astray. But what if an important meeting, a tough exam, or a long drive is at stake? That's right, you need to turn to effective ways that will help you fall asleep quickly and without much thought.

Method number 1. Adjust the mode of work and rest

  1. It is strongly not recommended to sleep during the daytime, namely after 16.30. Rest between 12.00-16.00 for a maximum of 1 hour. The same goes for weekends, try to wake up at your usual time, don't lie around until noon so as not to disturb the biorhythm. Otherwise, you run the risk of starting the work week with a depressed state due to the fact that once again you could not fall asleep.
  2. Get in the habit of going to bed at the same time every day, create a strict schedule for yourself, and stick to the plan. If you are a night owl, there is no need to try to lie down at 9 pm and wonder why sleep does not come. In cases where, due to the nature of the service, it is necessary to reorganize in a different way, act gradually. First wake up an hour earlier than usual, then 2.3 and so on. In the first week, fatigue will accumulate, starting from the 8th day, you will be able to fall asleep much earlier.
  3. Do not exercise 1 hour before bedtime. Of course, there are daily loads, otherwise the lack of activity will negatively affect the rest. In the evening, the body is tuned to home relaxation, and sport only awakens it. There are many myths about this: some claim that running before bed helps with insomnia, others categorically do not recommend doing this. Start from your own state.

Method number 2. Follow your daily diet

  1. Avoid foods that provoke the nervous system. Avoid salty, fried, spicy and fatty foods 4 hours before bedtime. Limit the consumption of sauces, canned food, sweets. A bad option would be raw vegetables eaten later than 2 hours before bedtime. Always dress salads with natural oil, lemon juice, or vinegar to make them easier to digest.
  2. Not everyone knows, but legumes excite the body, as a result of which they are not recommended for dinner. In addition, food based on such products is digested for a long time. You lie down to rest with a heaviness in your stomach, you start tossing and turning and you won’t be able to fall asleep for a long time.
  3. The above recommendations do not mean that you need to go to bed hungry. You need to know the measure in everything and observe basic food hygiene. Before going to bed, drink a glass of sweet natural yogurt, eat an apple (not on an empty stomach), nuts (in particular, walnuts and almonds). Green tea with honey and cinnamon perfectly copes with insomnia. If desired, the drink can be replaced with warm full-fat milk with a spoonful of honey.
  4. Due to the high content of protein and phosphorus in marine products, a drowsy feeling appears. Make your daily menu so that you eat fish, octopus, squid and other similar delicacies for dinner. Season food with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, eat in combination with vegetables (without starch). Bake food in the oven so that it is not too greasy.

Method number 3. Create conditions for sleep

  1. Scientists have repeatedly proved the fact that while watching TV, listening to an MP3 player and other noises, the brain continues to be actively awake. For these reasons, experts do not recommend falling asleep under working appliances in order to be able to completely relax.
  2. It is not uncommon for a person to be distracted by the sound of a working refrigerator, the hum of cars outside the window, and other “life” sounds. There is only one way out of this situation - earplugs. They are sold in a pharmacy and cost a penny, consider this option.
  3. Equip a sleeping place: hang dark curtains or blinds, install a night light to make the room cozy. Wash and starch bedding regularly, crisp sheets help you sleep soundly. During washing, add fabric softener with a slightly pungent odor.
  4. Before going to bed, air out the room. Fresh air relaxes the body, as a result of which sleep will come faster. If it is winter outside, take pillows out onto the balcony, knock them out and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Maintain the ideal temperature in your bedroom. Use air conditioning in the summer, make sure that the radiators do not heat up too much in the winter. Go for a 10-minute evening walk every day.
  6. If you can't sleep due to stress, visit your doctor to prescribe antidepressants. You can also take advantage of topical preparations that are available without a prescription.
  7. Particular attention should be paid to pillows for sleeping. They should not be too soft or, conversely, hard. The best option is considered to be densely stuffed feather products that reach a height of no more than 10 cm in the initial state.
  8. When intrusive thoughts about work or other pressing issues keep you awake, write them down in a notebook. Keep a diary on the bedside table, act according to the following scheme: fix it, calm down, postpone all ideas for the morning.

Method number 4. Use the breathing technique

When a person cannot sleep, he starts thinking about it. Thoughts about the coming hard day appear, breathing subconsciously quickens, panic comes. The heart begins to beat faster, pumping blood, the pressure rises. All this leads to insomnia.

Researchers studying sleep problems call the breathing technique a kind of tranquilizer. The body is filled with oxygen, forcing the brain to focus on breathing. It, in turn, slows down, the body relaxes. Feelings of anxiety and stress recede into the background.

  1. Lie down on a hard sofa or bed. The diaphragm should be free, and movements should not be constrained.
  2. Open your mouth, touch your tongue to the upper palate, fix it near the front teeth, close your mouth. The tongue should be in this position throughout the procedure.
  3. Take a deep breath, then inhale through your nose and hold your breath. Lie in this position for 5-6 seconds, count slowly.
  4. Exhale through your mouth, repeat the previous steps again, now do not breathe for 8 seconds.
  5. Exhale through the nose, then inhale to raise the diaphragm, stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the whole technology in a circle 3-5 times.

When you do breathing relaxation for the first time, you may experience dizziness. Do not be afraid, it will pass after 2-3 procedures. Subsequently, this will become the norm for you, reassurance. The procedure can be performed not only at bedtime, but also during stressful situations.

Method number 5. Resort to folk recipes

Geranium ether is rightfully considered a miraculous sleeping pill, it calms the nervous system, promotes drowsiness. Purchase from a beauty store or pharmacy, apply 1 drop on your finger and rub the area between your upper lip and nose. In cases where this fragrance does not suit you for certain reasons, consider essential oils of rosewood, bergamot, lavender, sandalwood, marjoram. The principle of operation is identical, but the geranium will “knock out” you faster

Aromatherapy with ethers should not be used too often. Otherwise, later you will not be able to do without oils, which characterizes a partial addiction. Even folk remedies need to be used wisely.

No less effective way to combat insomnia are fragrant baths. You can use those herbs that you like to smell and are in the public domain. The most effective sedatives are considered to be thyme, geranium, eucalyptus, chamomile, rose, ginseng. To properly prepare the solution, brew 300 gr. plants (plants) in 5 liters of water, boil, let it brew for half an hour. Strain, pour into a pre-filled bath, carry out the procedure for at least 30-40 minutes.

Prepare a cozy sleeping place: fluff up the pillows, ventilate the room (turn on the air conditioner), starch the sheets. Watch for food hygiene, do not eat heavy food, beans, raw vegetables (not dressed with anything) before bedtime. Resort to relaxation with medicinal herbs or oil esters.

Video: how to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep

In order to feel good throughout the day, you must devote enough time to sleep. Numerous studies show that insufficient sleep can lead to dangerous diseases. But what if you don't feel like sleeping and you can't close your eyes for an hour now, lying in bed?

How to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep: effective ways

Scientists have determined that a person should sleep at least 8 hours a day. 6-7 hours of sleep is too little for your body, because it does not have time to recover. Many people, even at a young age, suffer from the fact that they cannot fall asleep for a long time. You understand that you need to sleep, but you can't bring yourself to do it. As a result, you sit up at a computer or phone, and in the morning you get up again with a bad mood and red eyes. In order to correct the situation, you will have to change your habits and routine.

How to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep? By following the tips below, you will be able to see for yourself that they really work:

Hot bath with sea salt and essential oils . Aromas soothe the nervous system, while warm water relaxes the muscles. Dilute the right amount of sea salt in water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Enjoy the procedure 20-30 minutes an hour before bedtime.

We are doing sports. One of the most common causes of insomnia in modern people is lack of physical activity. You do not get tired during the day, as you work at the computer all day. To sleep soundly, be sure to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. Helpful advice: train no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, in this case, the sport will only prevent you from falling asleep.

Take a walk. Take a walk for at least 20-30 minutes an hour or two before bedtime. And don't let the cold weather stop you. Oxygen accelerates the processes of blood circulation and eliminates the effects of stress, relieves tension.

Stop using the computer, TV and phone 1-2 hours before going to bed. They excite the nervous system, as a result, you will not be able to fall asleep for a long time.

Take your mind off the bad thoughts. When you go to bed, you again begin to remember all the problems and troubles that have happened recently. It is absolutely impossible to do this! Your brain needs to rest, think about something pleasant - for example, about the upcoming vacation or other joyful events.

Chamomile tea . Brew 1 sachet of chamomile with a glass of boiling water, after 15 minutes you can drink the drink. If desired, add a spoonful of honey to it.

Quality mattress and pillow . Often people complain about sleep problems due to the fact that they do not want to spend money on buying a mattress and pillows. Choose the options that suit you, while taking into account the presence of chronic diseases.

We buy earplugs. If you can’t fall asleep because of extraneous sounds, buy earplugs at the pharmacy, they will protect you from noise and allow you to sleep soundly.

No need to eat before bed . Heavy meals slow down digestion, and as a result, you may have trouble sleeping. Eat something light if necessary.

Forget Caffeinated Drinks . These include not only coffee and energy drinks, but also green, black tea. Opt for herbal teas or white teas.

Sleeping pills on a plant basis. Such drugs are not addictive and they are safe to use. Of course, you should not expect the same effect from them as from synthetic sleeping pills, because they only soothe and promote sleep.

Don't forget to ventilate the room for a sound sleep!

How to sleep if you don't want to sleep? Be sure to ventilate the bedroom, because if the room is stuffy, you are unlikely to be able to sleep soundly. If possible, we also recommend installing a humidifier.

A boring book will help you fall asleep

Take the book whose plot is not interesting to you. Start reading it. We are sure that after 5 minutes your eyes will begin to close.

How to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep? There are many ways to speed up the process of falling asleep and get a good night's sleep, we have presented them above. What way do you like?