Anti-bleeding drugs. Hemostatic drugs for heavy uterine bleeding

Regular menstruation lasting no more than a week is considered one of the signs of health and normal functioning of the female reproductive system. Unfortunately, today almost half of women have some kind of menstrual irregularity. About 30% of the detected abnormalities are menorrhagia, or heavy periods. Hemostatic agents help relieve a woman’s condition during heavy periods. However, you need to understand that taking them without a doctor’s prescription and finding out the cause of menorrhagia can pose a health hazard.


Possible causes of menorrhagia

Heavy menstruation is defined as menstruation lasting more than 7 days and accompanied by blood loss exceeding 80 ml per day. With them, women often experience severe weakness, intense pain in the lower abdomen and the release of blood clots. The listed symptoms are an indication to contact a gynecologist and find out the cause of such disorders. The hemostatic drugs usually used in this case will only help reduce blood loss and prevent the development of anemia, but have no effect on eliminating the problem.

The reasons for heavy menstruation can be:

  • nervous stress;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • use of an intrauterine device for contraception;
  • taking contraceptives;
  • cancer of the uterus or ovaries;
  • pathological processes in the uterus (polyps, fibroids, fibroids, endometriosis and others);
  • previous abortions, miscarriages or surgical interventions on the uterus or ovaries;
  • blood clotting disorder.

Menorrhagia often occurs in girls aged 13–16 years, who have not yet fully established their menstrual cycle.

Interesting: The cause of heavy periods may be a woman’s dietary habits. Insufficient intake of calcium, iron, vitamins C and K, as well as consumption of large amounts of fermented milk products prevent normal blood clotting after endometrial rejection.

Video: Common causes of menorrhagia in women

Hemostatic agents for heavy menstruation

As first aid, after consultation with a gynecologist, you can use special hemostatic drugs, which are also effective for heavy periods. The doctor will select the most optimal drug, taking into account the patient’s age, individual health conditions and existing contraindications. They will not only help reduce blood loss, but will also allow a woman to improve her overall well-being and quality of life these days, because too frequent changes of pads, tampons and fear of leaks often force her to disrupt her usual active lifestyle and stay at home.


Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of phylloquinone (vitamin K). The active ingredient of the drug is menadione sodium bisulfite, which is involved in the synthesis of the protein prothrombin and blood clotting factors II, VII, IX and X, which help stop bleeding. The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 15 mg and an injection solution with a concentration of 10 mg per 1 ml. For oral use, adults are prescribed 1–2 tablets per day, children aged 10–14 years – 1 tablet. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 days.

Contraindications to the use of Vikasol during heavy periods are:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • blockage of blood vessels by blood clots;
  • liver failure.

Vikasol will be effective only if a violation of the natural process of blood clotting in the body is caused by a deficiency of vitamin K. If there is no reduction in blood loss while taking it, it is necessary to prescribe drugs with a different mechanism of action.

Ethamsylate and dicinone

Etamsylate and its analogue dicinone are available in the form of tablets with a dosage of the active substance of 250 mg and a 12.5% ​​solution for injection. The mechanism of the hemostatic effect of this drug is to inhibit the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides in the vascular walls, which leads to their strengthening and normalization of permeability in pathological processes. By stimulating the synthesis of tissue thromboplastin, the drug increases the rate of formation of the primary thrombus.

Etamsylate is usually prescribed when fibroids and vascular diseases are the cause of menorrhagia. In case of heavy menstruation, these hemostatic drugs should be taken during or after meals, 2 (maximum 3) tablets per day for 5-10 days. Contraindications for them are:

  • bleeding resulting from taking anticoagulants;
  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to any of the substances included in the drug;
  • acute porphyria.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness and headache, heartburn, and flushing of the facial skin.

Preparations based on tranexamic acid

Drugs based on tranexamic acid used for heavy periods include tranexam, troxaminate, cyclocaprone, exacyl, cyclo-F, traxara. They are available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg and a solution for intravenous administration with a concentration of 50 mg per ml.

Tranexamic acid is an inhibitor of fibrinolysis and has a specific antifibrinolytic effect. It inhibits the activation of the proenzyme plasminogen and its further conversion to plasmin, which prevents the dissolution of fibrinogen, fibrin and other proteins involved in the formation of a blood clot.

Tranexamic acid thickens the blood. Tranexam and its analogues, in addition to hemostatic, also have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antitumor effects.

For heavy periods, tranexamic acid is taken 1-2 tablets three times a day for three days.

Contraindications to treatment with tranexamic acid are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • subarachnoid bleeding;
  • thrombosis of deep veins and cerebral vessels;
  • color vision disorders.

Side effects when taking these hemostatic agents sometimes include loss of appetite, diarrhea, tachycardia, and nausea.

Aminocaproic acid

Aminocaproic acid is a hemostatic and antihemorrhagic agent that has a specific hemostatic effect in bleeding caused by increased fibrinolysis (dissolution of blood clots). It helps reduce capillary permeability and increases the antitoxic abilities of the liver, also exhibits anti-shock and anti-allergic activity, and improves immune defense in acute respiratory viral infections.

The drug is available in the form of a powder for oral administration (1 g sachets) and a solution for intravenous administration.

For heavy periods, 1 g of aminocaproic acid is prescribed three times a day. The drug should be taken by dissolving the contents of the sachet in 30 ml of slightly sweetened boiled water. It is contraindicated in the case of:

  • hypersensitivity to aminocaproic acid;
  • tendency to thrombus formation and thromboembolism;
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • macrohematuria;
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • severe form of coronary heart disease;
  • cerebrovascular accidents.

While taking aminocaproic acid, side effects such as arrhythmia, bradycardia, nausea, convulsions, tinnitus, headache, and allergic reactions are possible.

Advice: To prevent excessive blood loss during menstruation, women may be prescribed the vitamin preparation Ascorutin. It helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and permeability.

Precautionary measures

In order not to cause accidental harm to the body, any medications for heavy periods should be taken only after consulting a doctor. In the absence of serious diseases, it is better to reduce blood loss during menstruation using non-drug methods. To do this during menstruation you need:

  • reduce physical activity as much as possible;
  • prevent the possibility of overheating;
  • do not use vasodilators;
  • increase the content of foods rich in vitamin C, iron and folic acid in your diet.

If there are no contraindications, you can drink during and before menstruation decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs that increase blood clotting and have a vasoconstrictor effect. Such plants include barberry, nettle, cloves, yarrow, shepherd's purse and others.

The human body can sometimes be unpredictable. That is why in this article I would like to talk about what hemostatic tablets and agents exist. After all, this can be useful not only for women during their critical days, but also for other people who have problems with blood clotting. This article will also be of interest to families with children. After all, bleeding wounds and nosebleeds are not such a rarity in children.

What it is?

First of all, you need to understand what hemostatic tablets are? So, they are designed to help stop bleeding in certain situations. However, there are two main types of medicines. First: resorptive action. Thus, medications begin to work only after they enter the human blood. Second: local action, which stops the blood immediately at the moment of contact with the bleeding site (in the case of, for example, a wound). There are also drugs that have an indirect effect on blood clotting, but they are nonspecific.

Resorptive drugs

So, what are the hemostatic tablets in this category? Those that are obtained from the blood (these are pure concentrates that affect clotting). They are intended for people who have congenital problems with blood clotting. Thus, such drugs include prothrombin complex, antihemophilic globulin, and fibrinogen. However, it is worth saying that these drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor; self-medication in this case is unacceptable. There are also hemostatic tablets that are used after operations on certain organs, as well as for certain diseases (cirrhosis, septic condition). In this case, antifibrinolytic drugs, such as Ambien, Contrikal, etc., can be prescribed. Scientists also include in this group those drugs that reduce capillary permeability and also have P-vitamin activity. The active ingredients in them may be hemophobin, quercetin, rutin. It is customary to allocate into a special group drugs that can stimulate the hemostatic functions of platelets - etamsylate. The drug Prednisolone has approximately the same functions.

Local agents

There are also topical hemostatic medications that work directly on the bleeding site. This could be, for example, the drug "Thrombin", as well as other combined drugs that will contain blood clotting enzymes - a hemostatic sponge, an isogenic fibrin film, etc. These are so-called specific local agents.

However, there are also non-specific drugs. These include a collagen hemostatic sponge, which helps stop bleeding by creating certain mechanical matrices that facilitate the formation of blood clots. You can also use astringent drugs - alum, tannin, vasoconstrictors such as adrenaline. Well, such a medicine as hydrogen peroxide perfectly stops blood.


Very often, women during menstruation simply need hemostatic pills. The reason for this may be various hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases, as well as taking certain medications. During menstruation, women can use a medicine such as "Ditsinon" (active ingredient - etamsylate), which has a hemostatic effect and improves microcirculation. A drug such as Ascorutin, which contains vitamins C and P, which perfectly strengthen the walls of blood vessels, will also help in this situation. And, of course, you can also use some traditional medicine, such as, for example, corn silk.


Women who are in an interesting position deserve special attention. So, what hemostatic drugs are there during pregnancy? It is worth saying that in principle they will be the same as stated above. However, they can only be taken with the permission of a specialist! After all, self-medication in such a situation can lead to dire consequences not only for the health of the mother, but also for the unborn baby. In addition, bleeding during pregnancy in itself poses a great danger, and you should definitely inform your doctor about it.

Many women of reproductive age often face the problem of uterine bleeding. The normal menstrual cycle lasts for 5-7 days, with the total volume of blood loss being up to 80 ml of blood. When various diseases develop in the organs of the genitourinary system, a woman may begin to bleed. Large blood loss is often observed in both the postpartum and menopausal periods.

Modern medicine is seriously studying this pathology. Experts from around the world conduct research on uterine bleeding. Based on the results obtained, medications are being developed whose pharmacological properties help cope with this problem.

Currently, modern medical institutions successfully combat uterine bleeding. The main condition for successful recovery is hospitalization. During the treatment process, each patient is individually selected a medication that is administered intravenously or orally. In advanced cases, doctors perform surgical stopping of bleeding through diagnostic curettage. If none of these methods help eliminate the existing problem, doctors insist on removing the uterus.

List of hemostatic agents:

Dicinone for uterine bleeding

For uterine bleeding, synthetic drugs are often prescribed that have a beneficial effect on the lining of the uterus. Such a drug is dicinone.

Its pharmacological properties include the following:

    the ability to activate the process of formation of thromboplastin protein;

    normalization of blood clotting

    prevents the formation of blood clots.

Dicynone is available in several forms: tablets, injections. This drug has proven its effectiveness in treating bleeding that is localized in small vessels. After taking dicinone (the dosage should be prescribed only by the attending physician), a woman will be able to feel the effect within a few hours. Repeated testing of this drug has shown that the highest results are achieved when taking tablets rather than intramuscular injections.

To stop uterine bleeding, experts use the following regimen: two ampoules of dicinone are administered intravenously (can be intramuscularly), after which this drug is prescribed in tablet form every six hours. In order to prevent bleeding, the patient should take this drug orally, starting from the 5th day of the menstrual cycle.

Tranexam for uterine bleeding

Tranexam is rightfully considered the first aid for uterine bleeding, since it is very quickly able to cope with this problem. This drug has a direct effect on the blood clotting process and directly affects plasminogen (inactive). Tranexam is now available in pharmacies, both in the form of tablets and in the form of injections (intramuscular).

If moderate blood loss is observed, then tablets will be sufficient. When determining the dosage, the doctor must take into account the patient’s weight and the severity of the disease. Tranexam is often prescribed to prevent uterine bleeding, especially when preparing patients for surgical procedures.

Vikasol is a synthetic medical drug that can replace vitamin K, which is important for women’s health and takes an active part in the production of prothrombin. In the absence or insufficient amount of this vitamin, women develop.

After taking Vikasol, patients experience relief only after 12-18 hours, which is why it is not used in emergency care. Despite this, many doctors often prescribe this drug in the complex treatment of uterine bleeding, as well as for preventive purposes. Vikasol is prescribed to pregnant women after the onset of the first contractions to prevent the development of bleeding, which may develop during the onset of the active phase of labor.

Etamsylate for uterine bleeding

For menstrual bleeding, doctors often prescribe medications that can significantly reduce the volume of menstruation.

A great effect is achieved when taking etamsylate, which has extensive pharmacological properties:

    has the ability to stop bleeding;

    activates the processes responsible for blood clotting and the rate of platelet adhesion;

    increases the elasticity and stability of capillaries, etc.

While taking etamsylate, patients do not experience internal discomfort, since this drug has a smooth effect on the female body. In the process of conducting numerous studies, it was revealed that ethamsylate does not cause sudden blood clotting, which prevents the formation of blood clots. It is prescribed for any type of bleeding, in particular uterine. Very often, etamsylate is included in the treatment program for otolaryngological, dental and ophthalmological diseases.

Oxytocin for uterine bleeding

When uterine bleeding develops, the first action of a specialist is to prescribe a drug to the woman that can quickly provide the necessary assistance. Oxytocin, which has a selective effect on the uterus, can stop blood loss.

After taking oxytocin, the female body experiences increased excitability of muscle fibers, against the background of which strong contractions begin. This drug can be prescribed both in tablet form and as intravenous injections.

Ascorutin for uterine bleeding

Ascorutin, which has been actively used in gynecology for many years, can provide real help to women suffering from heavy periods, which often develop into uterine bleeding.

This medicine contains the following main components: vitamin P (rutin) and ascorbic acid. Its direct effect on the female body is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, preventing fragility and permeability of capillaries.

With long-term use of ascorutin (the duration is determined by the attending physician), tissue regeneration occurs, and the protective functions of the female body are activated, capable of resisting any negative effects.

Vikasol for uterine bleeding

An effective synthetic drug that can replace and saturate the female body with vitamin K is vikasol. This drug activates the process of prothrombin production, which has a direct effect on blood clotting. Despite the fact that Vikasol has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of uterine bleeding, its use should be very careful.

Like any other hemostatic drug, Vicasol has contraindications, which include: thromboembolism and increased blood clotting. That is why self-administration of this drug is prohibited. All prescriptions must be given only by the attending physician.

Etamzilat (injections) for uterine bleeding

Etamsylate is a medical drug with hemostatic properties. While taking this drug, patients experience strengthening of blood vessels, an increase in platelet cells in the bone marrow, etc. After prescribing ethamsylate in women, the fragility of blood vessels is significantly reduced, and the level of ascorbic acid in the blood plasma is stabilized.

When taking this drug, the effect is observed after 10-15 minutes. Having had a beneficial effect on the patient’s body, etamsylate begins to break down very quickly and is excreted during urination.

Aminocaproic acid for uterine bleeding

Aminocaproic acid is a synthetic medicine often used to stop uterine bleeding. Its prescription should only occur in a hospital, where doctors have the opportunity to regularly monitor the quality of patients’ blood through a laboratory test - a coagulogram.

Aminocaproic acid can improve liver functionality and also inhibit the process of antibody formation.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home?

Many women suffering from regular uterine bleeding prefer to deal with this problem at home. For these purposes, you can use various traditional medicine recipes that have a targeted effect. Experienced specialists recommend the use of herbs, herbs, tinctures and other folk remedies in the complex treatment of uterine bleeding, as a supplement or prevention.

What herb stops uterine bleeding?

For various gynecological diseases, in particular with heavy uterine bleeding, the boron uterus can be used. This plant has unique pharmacological properties and is recommended for the treatment of serious gynecological diseases. While taking boron uterus, women's hormonal levels begin to normalize, fertility is restored, and uterine bleeding stops. Before starting to take a tincture or decoction of this medicinal plant on her own, a woman should consult a herbalist or her doctor to determine the duration of treatment and dosage. In the case when a woman is undergoing hormonal therapy, the use of boron uterus is not advisable, since it contains large quantities of estrogen.

The boron uterus is contraindicated for women who have reduced blood clotting, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as during pregnancy and. Experts do not recommend using this medicinal plant in any form when taking oral contraceptives. If the boron uterus is used incorrectly, women may experience various side effects, in particular the development of breakthrough bleeding, against the background of which an inflammatory process usually develops.

Other herbs for uterine bleeding

Other herbs and infusions can be used in the treatment of uterine bleeding:

    Nettle. This medicinal plant is actively used in both traditional and alternative medicine. It contains special components that can stop bleeding. The antihemorrhagic vitamin stimulates the formation of prothrombin, esculen, vitamin C and K. It is indicated for uterine bleeding in the form of a decoction, which should be drunk up to 5 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

    Water pepper. For many centuries, this medicinal plant has been used to stop bleeding. This is due to its unique tanning properties, which significantly accelerate the process of blood clotting. At the same time, it has a bactericidal effect on the female body, reduces capillary fragility and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

    Yarrow. This medicinal plant is often used for uterine bleeding, as it can activate coagulation processes while preventing the formation. It is recommended to take it as a tincture, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently. The duration of taking the tincture from this medicinal plant depends on the intensity of the bleeding.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology received from the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at NIMU named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Sometimes in women period start at the wrong time. The discharge is different from normal. They contain clots. They last much longer (from 7 days), more blood is lost (more than 80 grams), which indicates the occurrence of uterine bleeding. This phenomenon often occurs in young women and those experiencing menopause. In the case of women who have already entered menopause, this is especially dangerous. They urgently need to think not only about stopping the bleeding, but also about finding its causes. Most often, this is a precancerous condition - endometrial hyperplasia or its cancer itself.

But young girls should not endure regular or not very regular heavy menstruation. You need to contact a gynecologist, who will find out the cause of the pathology and select hemostatic drugs for heavy periods or help get rid of this problem altogether. In this case, there will be no complications, and the woman’s body will quickly return to normal.

Bleeding, otherwise known as menorrhagia, is provoked by a systemic disease or pathology of the pelvic organs. These include:

  • leimioma (uterine fibroids);
  • endometrial cancer and polyp;
  • adenomyosis;
  • metritis;
  • inflammatory process provoked by the IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device) and so on.

Less commonly, systemic diseases become the cause of bleeding. First of all, exclude the presence of such diseases:

  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • chronic liver and heart failure;
  • blood diseases (von Willebrand disease occurs in 1/5 of patients with menorrhagia).

To diagnose a gynecological disease or exclude it as the culprit of bleeding, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs on days 5-7 of the cycle.

There are a number of drugs whose action is aimed at stopping bleeding.

Tranexam (tranexamic acid)

Exactly Tranexam, and not Trinixan, the drug is correctly called. The product does not have serious side effects that will adversely affect the patient's health. The drug dissolves blood clots, preventing heavy and recurring bleeding. Tranexam is a powerful remedy, the effect of which lasts for a long time. The drug must be taken in certain doses, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this.

Tranexam is high on the list for the treatment of gynecological or obstetric hemorrhage. It is prescribed for bleeding due to uterine fibroids. In case of menstrual cycle disorder, taking Tranexam begins from the first days to the last at a dosage of 3-4 g per day (1 g 3-4 times). This reduces blood loss and improves quality of life. The volume of blood loss is reduced by half.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

The amount of blood lost in a patient with menorrhagia is reduced if nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and monophasic combined oral contraceptives are used.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include mefenamic acid, diclofenac, nemesulide, indomethacin, ibuprofen and others. Taking them reduces blood loss by a quarter.

During periods of menstrual disorder ibuprofen take 400 mg every 4 hours, while the amount of the drug per day should not exceed 3200 mg.

Mefenamic acid taken up to 4 times a day, 250 mg. The initial dosage is 500 mg.

Nimesulide Take 50 mg three times a day. An increased dosage may cause an increase in serum lithium levels.

If there is a consistently large loss of blood during menstruation, you should start taking medications from the first day of the cycle. Or even a few hours before menstruation, when there are already signs of its imminent onset.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

Since the end of the last century, combined oral contraceptives - hormonal contraceptive pills - have been used to eliminate bleeding.

Tinyl estradiol, which is part of them, has a hemostatic effect, and progestogen stabilizes the stroma and the first layer of the uterine mucosa - the endometrium. To stop bleeding, it is necessary to use low-dose monophasic drugs - that is, tablets with the same composition.

If you take the drug on a regular basis, the thickness of the uterine mucosa (endometrium) decreases, and menstruation becomes normal or even scanty over time.

A highly effective drug for emergency stopping of pathological menstruation turned out to be Regulon, which should be taken 1 tablet every 6 hours until the bleeding stops. Afterwards, intake is limited to 1 tablet daily for 3 weeks. Further, the drug is discontinued if there is no need for contraception or the medicine is poorly tolerated.

If hormonal drugs do not stop the bleeding, the uterine cavity is examined using special optical equipment. This is called hysteroscopy. Allows you to clarify the condition of the internal mucous membrane of the uterine body, whether there is a polyp due to which symptoms may persist. To make a diagnosis and urgently stop bleeding, it is usually performed simultaneously.

To regulate the menstrual cycle and as a preventive measure, combined contraceptive pills are taken according to the standard regimen: 21 days on and 7 days off for 3 months or more.

Mirena - hormonal contraceptive device

In the absence of polyps and other pathologies of the uterine cavity, Mirena is used. It is guaranteed to reduce menstrual blood loss and reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy. It is one of the treatments for adenomyosis (internal endometriosis).

The IUD does not affect the ability to produce healthy offspring. After its removal, reproductive capacity is restored. Does not have a systemic effect on the body. The level of bad cholesterol in the blood does not increase.

What drugs are used to stop uterine bleeding in the hospital?

To choose a treatment method, it is worth considering factors such as:

  • features of physical and sexual development;
  • coagulological state of blood;
  • intensity of bleeding;
  • level of anemia;
  • the cause of menorrhagia;
  • hormonal changes.

First you need to stop the bleeding. Only after this should treatment procedures be carried out that will restore the menstrual cycle and reduce the risk of relapse. In the hospital, a complex of drugs is used, including a drug that contracts the uterus. Patients are given 0.001 g of ergotal, 20 drops water pepper extract and 0.02 g of pregnanthol orally three times a day, as well as 0.5 ml of oxytocin per day are given intramuscularly.

Hemostatic agents are epsilon-amino-caproic acid, a solution of which is given intravenously by drip of 100 ml, calcium gluconate three times a day, 0.5 g, Vicasol - 1 ml intramuscularly or orally three times a day, 0.15 g.

Vikasol is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K

Used in gynecology with an integrated approach to the treatment of menorrhagia in case of irregularities in the menstrual cycle and menopause as an emergency measure. The medicine is taken orally at 15-30 mg per day, or intramuscularly at 10-15 mg per day. Vikasol injections are very painful. Usually, oxytocin is injected in parallel with it to actively contract the uterus and quickly stop uterine bleeding.

Dicynone (etamsylate)

The drug is prescribed for metrorrhagia, initial metrorrhagia and for metrorrhagia in patients with an IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device - spiral). The dosage of Dicinone is calculated at 10-20 mg per kg of body weight and is divided into 4 doses. It turns out 250-500 mg per day.

Taking Etamsylate may cause side effects, which include tachycardia, heartburn, headache, allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and facial flushing. When these signs appear, the drug must be stopped.

Folk remedies - hemostatic herbs

If it is not possible to visit a doctor, but there is no particular reason to call an ambulance, you can try using herbs for treatment. This will slightly reduce blood loss. But at the first opportunity you still need to consult a gynecologist, since regular large blood losses threaten iron deficiency anemia.

Stinging nettle

During bleeding, it is recommended to use a water infusion of nettle. Pour a small amount of dry leaves of the plant into a glass of hot boiled water and drink throughout the day. This hemostatic agent of plant origin is quite effective and is perfect for carrying out preventive measures without prior consultation with a gynecologist.

Another way: boil nettle leaves for ten minutes, then cool and strain. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

A pharmaceutical preparation in the form of an alcoholic tincture of nettle is drunk 30 or 40 drops half an hour before meals, dissolving it in ¼ glass of water.

Infusion of shepherd's purse and horsetail

To prepare a hemostatic mixture, you will need 2 tablespoons of shepherd's purse and the same amount of horsetail. The herbs are poured with 500-600 grams of boiling water and left until the drink reaches room temperature. Take 100 grams in the morning, afternoon and evening.

How to Measure the Volume of Blood Lost During Menstruation

How do you know if this volume is excessive? You need to purchase regular electronic scales to weigh products. They show gram-accurate results. Weigh the pad before use and remember its weight. Weigh yourself after use and subtract the original weight from the resulting figure. If possible, weigh each gasket used and add up their weight. If it exceeds 80-100 grams during one menstruation, you have a risk of iron deficiency anemia. It is necessary to take measures to reduce blood loss.

Uterine bleeding is a fairly common case in gynecology. To provide emergency care to patients, doctors prescribe hemostatic drugs. There is still no exact classification of uterine bleeding, and their causes are so different that women have to undergo a full examination to determine the triggering factors. This requires a lot of time, and ambulance needs to be provided in the next few minutes. What means will help to do this as quickly as possible?

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    Classification of uterine bleeding

    There is still no exact classification of uterine bleeding. In gynecology, there are several versions proposed by individual scientists, but all of them do not fully reflect the essence of the matter. The classification, which most clearly reflects the etiology and characteristics of the course of anomalies, divides bleeding into several groups (according to A.E. Mandelstam):

    • based on diseases of the uterus;
    • due to ovarian diseases;
    • as a result of damage to the heart and blood vessels;
    • discharge from the urethra and vagina due to ulcers and injuries.

    The causes of heavy bleeding are explained by another classification proposed by A.S. Gologorsky. The scientist divides all cases into situations caused by anatomical changes in the genital organs and functional ones. The second group is divided into several subgroups:

    1. 1. Cyclic. Occurs with uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, inflammation of the appendages, hypoplasia, pathological menopause, nervous and mental shocks, acute and chronic infectious diseases.
    2. 2. Acyclic. Observed for mucous polyps of the uterus, internal adenomyosis, cancer of the uterus and its cervix, tumors in the vagina or urethra, vaginal erosion, infectious and endocrine diseases, disturbed or pathological pregnancy.
    3. 3. Transitional. The underlying pathologies are the same as with acyclic bleeding.

    All of the above reasons can cause bleeding both during menopause and during the reproductive period.

    Profuse and breakthrough bleeding are also distinguished. Profuse bleeding from the uterus is painless and occurs both against the background of various diseases and due to ectopic pregnancy, hormonal imbalance and other factors. Breakthrough bleeding can occur as a result of taking contraceptives, while the occurrence of bleeding is unpredictable, and the causes are still unknown to medicine. Juvenile bleeding occurs in young girls during puberty due to improper functioning of the ovaries and hormonal imbalance.

    These classifications systematize and explain the causes of bleeding that occurs after menstruation. Otherwise they are called anovulatory. However, it also happens that monthly bleeding is heavy, with clots, this also indicates the presence of pathologies in the body. Such pathological bleeding during menstruation is referred to in medicine as ovulatory bleeding. It is not always necessary to take hemostatic drugs, since the monthly discharge ends in due time. However, the nature of monthly bleeding should alert a woman.

    Heavy discharge during menstruation occurs against the background of diseases of the uterus, ovaries, hormonal imbalance, and stress. With endometriosis, menstrual bleeding can last up to 10 days. If the discharge continues for 2 weeks or more, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Signs of anomaly

    Symptoms of uterine bleeding cannot go unnoticed. These include the following situations:

    • the volume of blood flowing during menstruation significantly exceeds the average volume of 40-80 ml;
    • the duration of menstruation exceeds a week;
    • discharge becomes irregular;
    • blood flows out after sexual intercourse or in the middle of the cycle, when menstruation has already ended;
    • Menstrual bleeding occurs more often than once every 20 days.

    Due to significant blood loss, various diseases and conditions arise:

    • anemia;
    • dyspnea;
    • pallor;
    • dizziness.

    Signs of uterine bleeding should prompt a woman to take serious action. To avoid significant blood loss, you need to urgently call an ambulance or consult a gynecologist, who will help determine the causes of this condition and prescribe medications to stop the bleeding.

    Stopping methods

    At the first suspicion of uterine bleeding, a woman should consult a doctor. Self-treatment at home can only cause harm. If the discharge is profuse and the patient’s condition quickly deteriorates, it is recommended to call an ambulance and hospitalize the woman. Treatment takes place in a hospital, where the following procedures are provided:

    • intravenous administration of medications in the form of a dropper;
    • blood transfusion to restore blood loss;
    • surgery to remove the inflamed area of ​​the mucosa;
    • in rare cases, removal of the uterus if other methods do not eliminate spotting.

    If the patient’s condition is relatively stable and treatment at home is possible, the following groups of drugs are used to stop bleeding:

    • hemostatic;
    • medicines that contract the uterus;
    • aminocaproic acid;
    • medications with calcium;
    • Vikasol (vitamin K substitute);
    • hormonal contraceptives.

    For emergency care, hemostatic and hormonal medications are most often used.

    Hemostatic medications

    This group includes the 2 most common drugs - Dicynon and Tranexam. They are available both in the form of tablets and as a solution for intravenous administration.

    Dicynone (another name is etamsylate) affects blood clotting and affects the permeability of vascular walls, but does not provoke the formation of blood clots. The drug is available in 2 forms: tablets of 0.25 g and a solution in ampoules of 2 ml. When taking tablets, the maximum concentration of the drug in the body is detected after 3 hours. Dicinon injections are more effective because the medicine begins to show its effect within 20 minutes.

    For uterine bleeding, pills alone will not help. As a rule, doctors combine 3 forms of administration: oral, intravenous and intramuscular. First, injections are given intravenously and intramuscularly, then you need to take Dicinone tablets. If the bleeding has stopped, the patient is prescribed Dicinon for prophylaxis. The tablets are taken regardless of meals, washed down with clean water.

    The course of treatment with Dicinon should not exceed 10 days. For bleeding during pregnancy, only the tablet form of the drug is prescribed.

    Dicinone has contraindications:

    • glucose-lactose deficiency;
    • oncological diseases of the blood;
    • bleeding caused by an overdose of anticoagulants;
    • high blood clotting;
    • kidney and liver diseases.

    Side effects that may occur as a result of treatment with this drug include:

    • nausea;
    • heartburn;;
    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • hypotension;
    • itching, skin rashes;
    • allergic reactions.

    Another drug with a similar effect is Tranexam. It has not only hemostatic, but also anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 days. The solution is administered intravenously every 8 hours.

    The following are indicated as contraindications to Tranexam:

    • individual sensitivity to components;
    • thrombosis with a threat to the cardiovascular system;
    • color vision impairment;
    • kidney diseases.

    Side effects may develop as a result of using Tranexam:

    • vomiting, nausea;
    • weakness, drowsiness;
    • tachycardia, pain in the chest;
    • allergy.

    Reviews about these 2 drugs are mixed. They help with minor bleeding and heavy periods. With heavy discharge, elevated temperature, and rapidly deteriorating condition, radical measures are required, and Dicinon and Tranexam, although they have a hemostatic effect, are clearly not enough.

    Products with a reducing effect

    Medicines with the effect of contracting the uterus also give a positive result for bleeding. This group includes:

    • Oxytocin;
    • Pituitrin;
    • Hyfotocin.

    Oxytocin stimulates the muscles of the uterus and increases its tone. In this regard, Oxytocin is often used for bleeding caused by decreased muscle tone. An intramuscular injection with a solution is most effective. If this measure does not help, resort to intravenous injections. Tablets can be taken for prevention.

    As a rule, Oxytocin is more often prescribed to stimulate labor in women, so all contraindications are related to this process. There are no other contraindications. Side effects may occur as a result of taking:

    • allergy;
    • hypotension;
    • tachycardia;
    • nausea;
    • vomit.

    Pituitrin contains 2 active ingredients: oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin causes uterine contractions, and vasopressin increases blood pressure. The medication can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly.

    Among the contraindications to the use of the medicine, the instructions name:

    • inflammatory processes in the heart muscle;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • kidney diseases.

    After administration, undesirable reactions may occur:

    • hypotension;
    • spasms of cerebral vessels;
    • circulatory disorders.

    Hyfotocin contains the active substance of the same name and is used for atonic bleeding. The medicine is available in the form of an injection solution. The dosage of the drug depends on the degree of bleeding. Of the side effects, the instructions indicate only allergic reactions. Contraindications for use are situations that threaten normal labor (if the drug is used to stimulate labor).

    Hormonal drugs

    Hormonal first aid for bleeding most often includes combined contraceptive drugs (COCs). Doctors have proven that in high concentrations they can influence the amount of bleeding. These drugs are divided into 3 groups:

    • monophasic, containing estrogen and gestagen (Logest, Silet, Janine, Regulon and others);
    • biphasic, divided into 2 groups, tablets of the same color contain a specific hormone (used very rarely);
    • triphasic, containing 3 groups of hormones (Tri-mercy, Tri-regol, Triziston).

    In case of functional bleeding, these medications normalize hormonal levels, so that the discharge stops. The choice of drug and its dosage is determined solely by the doctor, since an analysis of the patient’s hormonal background is necessary.

    Other means

    Among the drugs that cannot be classified into any group are:

    • aminocaproic acid;
    • preparations with calcium;
    • Vikasol;
    • Kontrikal and its analogue Tugin.

    Aminocaproic acid is available in 2 forms: powder and solution for intravenous administration. The drug affects the process of fibrinolysis. Aminocaproic acid should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, this remedy is prescribed after the patient is hospitalized. The drug has a positive effect on the condition of the liver and reduces the level of antibodies. The powder is pre-dissolved in sweetened water. A volume of the solution is injected into a vein.

    Calcium supplements increase blood clotting and make blood vessels denser. Calcium chloride or calcium gluconate can be used to stop bleeding. Calcium preparations come in 2 forms: tablets and 10% injection solution. The tablets can be taken before meals.

    Calcium chloride can only be administered intravenously, since tissue necrosis may develop with intramuscular use. Calcium gluconate can also be used as an injection into the muscle. Both drugs are contraindicated if the patient suffers from a tendency to form blood clots or blood cancer.

    Vikasol is often used to prevent bleeding. This is a drug that replaces vitamin K. Its effect requires long-term administration, and the maximum concentration in the body is achieved only after 12 hours. Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting and works well in complex therapy. There are 2 forms of release of the drug: tablets of 0.015 mg and ampoules with a solution of 1 ml. The only contraindication and at the same time a side effect is the tendency to form blood clots.

    Contrical has a wide range of indications. It is usually prescribed for labor hemorrhages, but it can also be used for functional ones. Contrical is available in ampoules of 10,000 units. Side effects may include heart rhythm disturbances and allergies. The medicine is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity and in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. An analogue of Kontrikal is Tugin. It is prescribed in the same cases, but is also available in tablet form.

    Thus, among hemostatic drugs suitable for home use, the most convenient for use are drugs in the form of tablets, for example Dicinon, Tugin, Oxytocin, calcium preparations and hormonal contraceptives. However, they are not always able to provide quick and effective assistance for women’s diseases. If the bleeding does not stop, it is recommended to call an ambulance and undergo treatment in a hospital.