If red spots appear on the skin. Spots on the body that look like lichen, but do not itch - what is it and how to treat it? (photo). Scleroderma: small rashes of different colors

Red spots on the skin - specific symptom certain pathological process, which can appear periodically or bother a person constantly. In most cases, the clinical picture is complemented by itching and other unpleasant sensations which can affect a person’s quality of life. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, after full examination and productions accurate diagnosis. With such a symptom, you should first of all contact.


Red spots on the skin of the arms, legs, or locally throughout the body can be a sign of almost any disease, including a psychological one. Children often suffer from this symptom as a result of an allergic reaction. However, an accurate diagnosis is possible only after examination.

It should be noted that most often red spots on the skin are a sign of a dermatological or infectious disease. The nature of the rash and additional signs such as itching or peeling may indicate the clinical picture of a certain disease. But an accurate diagnosis is possible only after clinical analysis. Self-medication is unacceptable, as this can only provoke complications of the pathological process.


Conventionally, such spotty rashes on human skin can be divided into the following types:

  • dry and weeping spots;
  • convex and located at the level of the skin;
  • inflamed and swollen to the touch;
  • having clear edges and a certain geometric shape or vague;
  • covered with scales of dead skin or not separated in structure from the skin.

A certain pathological process or dermatological disease is characterized by a certain type of rash and localization. In any case, if a red spot appears on the skin, you should consult a doctor rather than try to eliminate the symptom yourself.


The appearance of red spots on the skin is not always accompanied by additional signs clinical picture. This may happen when nervous overstrain or an allergic reaction to a certain factor. However, this is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body. In general, the clinical picture can be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • local increase in temperature;
  • dry skin;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of bubbles with liquid at the site of the stains;
  • transformation of rashes into brown spots on the skin;
  • formation of crust spots on the surface.

If the rash is caused by infectious process, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following signs:

  • or ;
  • , sometimes with gagging;
  • chills and fever;
  • general, for no apparent reason;
  • irritability;
  • on the body, which can be provoked not by the disease itself, but by psychosomatics.

Red spots on the scalp may be a sign of or. In this case, the general clinical picture may have such specific additional symptoms:

  • on the affected areas of the skin;
  • education large quantity ;
  • severe itching, which may worsen after washing your hair.

It should be said that red spots on the skin of the face, hands or the whole body can be a sign of any dermatological or infectious disease. In this case, the clinical picture may not be unambiguous. Therefore, the use even local drugs not advisable. This is due to the fact that with such unauthorized medical events the clinical picture becomes blurred, which complicates diagnosis.


If red spots appear on the body that peel or itch, you should contact a dermatologist or. First of all, the doctor will conduct a detailed physical examination to determine the location and nature of the rash. Also, during a conversation with the patient, you should find out the general history.

For precise setting Diagnosis requires laboratory diagnostic examination:

Additional diagnostic methods will depend on the specific clinical presentation and suspected etiology.


Treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis. General therapy, in this case, no. The use of traditional medicine is also ineffective, since it does not guarantee complete elimination of the disease.

If the etiology is a skin allergy and the red spots itch and flake, therapy may include the following:

  • local drugs to relieve the inflammatory effect;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • exclusion of the provoking factor;
  • diet, if the cause was a food product.

If the symptom arose due to an infectious or inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is prescribed and anti-inflammatory drugs are selected.

In any case, whatever the nature of the manifestation of red spots on the skin, treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after establishing an accurate diagnosis.


In this case, there are no targeted prevention methods. In general, you should follow the rules healthy image life, observe the rules of personal hygiene, promptly eliminate all ailments and do not self-medicate.

The presence of red spots on the skin can be a signal of the development of internal pathologies. They often manifest themselves through changes in the epidermis.

Red or pink spots- a sign of many diseases, both quite harmless and quite serious. The main thing is to distinguish one from the other in time.

Classification of red spots

Red or pink spots that may appear on skin, are grouped this way:

  • Vascular. They arise due to negative transformations occurring in the blood vessels.
  • Pigmented. Their presence is associated with increased pigmentation or a lack of melanin in the body.
  • Caused by specific skin diseases.
  • Caused by trauma or burns.

Causes of red spots

Often, red spots appear as a reaction to an irritant, virus or infection. Possible reasons are:

1. Allergy. Its appearance is provoked by:

  • chemicals. Contact with them causes an allergic reaction, which manifests itself quite quickly in the form of red spots. An irritant can be any substance that is in constant use: from decorative cosmetics to household detergents and cleaners.

    Red spots also occur under the influence physical factors, such as sunlight, wind or cold;

  • food or medicine. Their irritant effect leads to the appearance hives– a disease in which pale pink blisters appear on the skin. Most typical allergens are exotic (and not only) fruits and berries, chocolate, eggs. The list of medications that can lead to the manifestation of urticaria includes antibiotics, gamma globulins, and serums. The disease may be a manifestation of some other disease, and not just an independent allergic reaction.

2. Infectious diseases- another cause of red spots. For such diseases skin rashes accompanied by an increase in temperature, intoxication syndrome, catarrhal manifestations. Red spots are multiple and have a characteristic location. The most common diseases in which the skin becomes covered with them are:
viral diseases: measles and chickenpox, scarlet fever and meningitis; occasionally the presence of red spots is the first sign of typhoid fever;

  • pyoderma. The disease develops through the introduction of pyogenic cocci into the epidermis. Occurs on healthy skin or acts as a complication of other diseases. The development of pyoderma can be provoked by minor injuries (cuts, scratches, bites), skin contamination, hypothermia or overheating. Impaired functioning predisposes to the disease nervous system, metabolic failures, pathologies of internal organs.

    The disease manifests itself with many symptoms, including red spots. They may peel, but not itch. The spots are painful to the touch;

  • ringworm- an infectious disease of a fungal nature. Its manifestations are pronounced: the skin is covered with large red round spots. Each of them is surrounded by small bubbles. In the center of the spots, the skin is more intensely colored;
  • pityriasis rosea(Giber's disease) is an infectious-allergic disease.

    In spring or autumn, pink spots of significant size - 4-5 cm - may appear on the body. Their contours are clearly defined and may rise slightly. The spots flake, but do not itch. The person feels slightly unwell, muscle pain and lethargy. Reason for appearance pityriasis rosea- herpes types 6 and 7, although this has not been established exactly.

There are other fungal diseases, causing the appearance of red and pink spots.

3. Dermatological diseasescommon reason their occurrence. The most common ones are:

  • psoriasis- non-infectious disease. Takes place in chronic form. Red and excessively dry spots called papules form on the skin. They rise slightly above the surface and merge with each other. The spots become covered with a flaky crust and cause discomfort. It has been established that the immune system plays a decisive role in the development of the disease;
  • eczema- a non-communicable disease. It is an inflammatory disease of the skin, occurring in acute and chronic forms. The body is covered with a variety of rashes in the form of red spots. They are flaky and itchy. Eczema appears under the influence of external factors (thermal, mechanical, chemical) and internal (pathologies of the kidneys and liver, diseases of the nervous and endocrine system). There are several types of disease, differing in etiology, nature skin manifestations and localization;
  • rosacea, or rosaceachronic illness facial skin. It is characterized by redness and expansion of the superficial small vessels. Stars and red spots appear on the cheeks, nose and forehead. As a rule, the disease is hereditary. For the first time it declares itself in adolescence. But you can get rosacea even in adulthood if you indulge in strong drinks, consume a lot of spices and visit the sauna, bathhouse or solarium too often.

There are other dermatological diseases that are distinguished by the appearance of pink and red spots on the skin. Only a doctor can carry out a correct and complete diagnosis of ailments.

Red spots do not itch or flake: reasons

The appearance of similar red and pink spots is possible with the development of:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Typical manifestation This autoimmune disease is a red rash on the cheeks and bridge of the nose, shaped like a butterfly (and a wolf's whiskers).
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). This disease weakens the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the smooth functioning of internal organs and blood vessels. During times of emotional overload and severe stress, the skin on the arms, chest and face becomes covered with red or bright pink spots. This occurs due to local expansion of the smallest capillaries due to impaired tone of the nervous system. The spots gradually disappear when the person calms down.

Red spots on the skin occur due to deficiency or excess in the body certain type vitamins, unbalanced nutrition, pathologies of internal organs.

What to do?

If you find red spots on your body, you don’t need to look for iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide to cover them up. This is unlikely to help. You should make an appointment with a doctor, even if the spots do not itch or flake.

It is possible that the problem is minor. The doctor quickly diagnoses the disease and prescribes treatment.

When the cause of the symptoms that appear needs to be looked for, it is prescribed comprehensive examination, including:

  • blood test (general and detailed);
  • scraping to examine pieces of skin under a microscope to rule out fungal infection;
  • test for total IgE (determination of allergens);
  • coprogram - stool analysis.

After comparing the results, the correct therapy is prescribed.

Methods for eliminating red spots

Red spots often appear due to allergies. In this case, it is necessary to identify the irritant and eliminate its impact. Antihistamines will help eliminate the influence of allergens.

In the presence of serious dermatological and autoimmune problems, drug treatment, special ointments with cortisone and physical therapy are prescribed.

If the cause of the spots is infection, you cannot do without using antiviral drugs or antibiotics.

To reduce spots that appear due to psoriasis, a grease-based ointment is used. Treatment uses drugs containing zinc and vitamins D. If the spots have spread to scalp scalp, you need to use shampoo with tar. It is possible that you will have to resort to the help of hormonal drugs.

To eliminate spots that appear against the background of VSD, prescribe sedatives(valerian, motherwort) and vitamin complexes. It would not hurt to use methods that help normalize vascular tone: walking, moderate exercise stress, cold and hot shower, good rest and dream.

If you notice symptoms of pityriasis rosea, there is no need to worry. Most often, the disease does not require drug treatment. It usually goes away on its own and leaves no marks on the skin.

If the spots are not a symptom of a complex dermatological disease, you can resort to folk remedies. A decoction should be prepared from oak bark or from birch leaves. It is added to water when taking baths.

To make the treatment as effective as possible, it doesn’t hurt to:

  • wash all home areas using in work weak solutions detergents with chlorine. Cleaning concerns not only the floors, but also all work surfaces in the kitchen and furniture;
  • wash bed linen and underwear and iron them on all sides;
  • monitor your diet. It needs to be balanced as much as possible and avoid fatty, high-calorie foods;
  • forget about the existence of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

These simple measures can be a good help in treating red spots.

When red or pink rashes appear on the skin, you should consult a doctor. Often, a spot that appears harmless at first glance can signal the development of a serious illness. Self-medication in many cases only worsens the situation and leads to the spread of the process.

Red spots on the body indicate pathological processes. Some of them appear and disappear. In parallel, itching, peeling and other unpleasant symptoms may be present. To find out why red spots appeared on the body, you need to go to a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

In the article we will look at why red spots appear on the body, their photos and descriptions of concomitant diseases.


Red spots on the skin can be different, everything will depend on the cause of the appearance. If their formation is observed, it is necessary to consult a doctor to select a treatment regimen and exclude the presence of a severe disease.

It is customary to highlight:

  • roseola - are small red dots on the skin, less than 5 mm;
  • erythema - large red spots on the body;
  • petechiae, purpura, echimosis - red spots form on the body as a result of subcutaneous and intradermal hemorrhages.

Red spots on the body can be:

  • dry;
  • weeping;
  • convex;
  • with symptoms of inflammation;
  • with clear edges;
  • vague;
  • dense;
  • with symptoms of peeling.

Reasons for formation

The results of many years of research and observation indicate that red spots on the body may be a manifestation of some disease, allergy or disorder of psychological origin. To be delivered correct diagnosis, you need to undergo a series of examinations. In general, we can say that red spots all over the body can appear due to:

Important! Most often, red spots appear on the body due to dermatological diseases. The rash may also appear after a massage, skin scrubbing or after a mask. Compared to rashes caused by diseases, they do not pose a threat and do not require emergency treatment. therapeutic measures.

Emotional overload

It is no secret that stress has a negative impact on the human body and its health. It leads to the appearance of spots, their favorite localization is the chest and face. You don’t need to take any measures to make them disappear; they go away on their own.


This is a fungal disease, it is contagious and affects not only the skin, but also the hair. Diagnosed mainly in childhood. Red spots on the body are flaky and have clear edges, their sizes reach 3 cm. You can become infected by using the patient’s belongings or by contact with stray animals. Therefore, it is recommended to be as attentive as possible to your surroundings and avoid contact with animals that live on the street. Children need to be monitored especially carefully.

Trichophytosis is of fungal origin and is contagious; it can affect the skin, scalp and even nail plates. Red spots irregular shape and do not have clear edges, their surface is covered with white scales, they can form crusts.

The favorite parts of the body where the rash appears are:

  • forearms;
  • buttocks;
  • hips.

Infection occurs as a result of close contact with a sick person.

Atopic dermatitis

It is diagnosed mainly in children under seven years of age. The appearance of spots is accompanied by unbearable itching. They can be localized to a specific part of the body or spread over its entire surface. At the same time, the skin looks swollen, and the formation of small cracks and scales is observed.

At severe course illnesses, lymph nodes may enlarge, body temperature may rise, and a feeling may appear. general weakness. Atopic dermatitis It is difficult to treat; it has a long-lasting course with exacerbations in spring and autumn.

Allergic dermatitis

Many people have a question: small red spots on the body, what are they? So this symptom may indicate an allergic reaction.

Allergies in the form of red spots can develop in response to irritating effects:

  • cosmetics;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications.

Red spots may appear all over the body, both in adults and children.

lupus erythematosus

The provoking factor may be prolonged exposure to high or low temperatures, injuries. This is indicated by raised red spots on the body, which tend to rapidly increase in size. A special feature is that scales and spines are localized on their surface. The rash is localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, on the neck, chest and ears.

Athlete's inguinal

A fungal disease that affects the inguinal-femoral folds and genitals. Scaly red spots on the body in the area of ​​the inner surface of the lower extremities are diagnosed.


The disease is accompanied by red spots of different sizes and locations. A red, rough spot on the skin covered with whitish scales.

As for the reason for the formation pathological condition, then it is still unknown, but they are inclined to think that before its appearance it leads genetic predisposition and stressful situations.


The disease is characterized by red itchy spots on the body, which first appear on the face and gradually move down the surface of the entire body. Because they become the reason severe itching, to weaken it, use a bath with soda solution. In parallel with this, it is recommended to take antiallergic and antipyretic drugs.


First, red spots with blisters are observed on the skin; their sizes reach 5 mm in diameter. It is recommended to treat the rash elements with a solution of brilliant green.

Herpes zoster (shingles)

Most often affects people who have been ill chicken pox in childhood. Appears elevated temperature body and a burning sensation in areas where elements of the rash should form, usually the armpits and the projection of the intercostal nerves. However, in more severe cases Red spots appear on the butt in adults, in the groin area and on the genitals. This type diseases are more difficult to treat. Use antibacterial drugs and ointments for topical use.


The causative agent of the disease is streptococcus, after its penetration into the skin, the formation of bright erythema and increased temperature indicators to high numbers.

To eliminate the symptoms of erysipelas, you need to undergo a serious and long course of antibiotic treatment. Reds large spots treated on the body antiseptic solutions, such as hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine.


An allergic reaction that can develop in response to foods, medications, bites of poisonous animals, or insolation. There is formation of a large number small spots over the surface of the entire body, which lead to unbearable itching.

Scarlet fever

The infectious disease is accompanied by small red spots that tend to merge. Their appearance is preceded by a rise in temperature indicators, painful sensations in the throat and symptoms of intoxication of the body. The rash is localized on armpits, groin area and lower abdomen. The peculiarity is that the red spot on the skin does not itch or flake off.

To alleviate the condition you need to take antibacterial agents and baths prepared based on decoctions of medicinal herbs.


The provoking factor in the development of the disease is bites ixodid ticks. There is a spot on the skin with red rounded edges, itching and signs of intoxication. Over time, the spots increase even 10 times and begin to resemble a target.

Antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and desensitizing agents are used for treatment.

Pityriasis rosea

The maternal appears first bright red spot on the skin, and over time it is joined by other smaller ones. The disease develops as a result of a decrease in the body's resistance and activation of the herpes virus.


The provoking factor is the impact ultraviolet radiation During a long time. It is characterized by hyperemia of the skin, small red spots appear on the body, they can merge with each other and cause a burning sensation.

Eczema causes the skin to itch and red spots appear.

Change hormonal balance can also cause spots on the body. In other words, the rash is called acne. Characteristic feature The elements of a rash are that they periodically appear and disappear.

Another reason for the formation of spots can be diaper rash. In the vast majority of cases, they are diagnosed in those who do not take care of themselves or have a weakened supporting ability of the body.

Activities are aimed at diagnosing the pathological condition

If red, rough spots appear on the body of an adult or child, and they are not accompanied by a feeling of itching and pain, then you can observe them for one to two days, because this may indicate an allergy. It is necessary to avoid contact with any allergens and take antiallergic medications. If after this listed symptoms will disappear, no need to worry.

If relief is not observed and symptoms such as burning, peeling and pain are added, it is recommended not to waste time and contact qualified specialist to find out what kind of red spots appeared on the body. He in turn:

  • perform a physical examination;
  • collect medical history reports.
  • UAC and ZAS;
  • allergy skin tests;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • tests to determine the type of allergen;
  • scraping from the affected area;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • tests for STDs.

Other diagnostic methods may be prescribed depending on the case and clinical manifestations illness, as well as consultations with other specialists.

Therapeutic measures

Very often we hear that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. But what to do if you still couldn’t avoid the problem. So, first of all, you need to understand that the treatment regimen will be different for each specific case: it is carried out in several stages. You should not resort to therapeutic therapy means from folk sources, because they differ low level effectiveness and do not allow one to get rid of the disease.

If a red spot appears on the skin, and it itches and peels off, the following should be prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use;
  • antihistamines in tablet form or by injection (Fenkarol, Suprastin);
  • dietary food.

You should try to avoid exposure to provoking factors, and also take enterosorbents - Enterosgel, Lactrofiltrum, black and white coal. This will remove toxic substances that have accumulated from the body.

You can make lotions prepared from cucumber juice, herbal infusion, chamomile, oak bark decoction, or take baths with herbal decoctions.

If the cause of the spots is an infectious process, then treatment should include taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To do this, brew 200 g of herbs with 5 liters of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. After this, the broth is left for about 40 minutes.

It will be effective to use such products for application to the surface of the skin as:

  • Fenistil;
  • Bepanten;
  • Hydrocortisone.

If the cause of stain formation is severe stress, then in this case it is recommended to take medications with sedative effect, For example:

  • Persen;
  • valerian;
  • Novo-passit.

It must be remembered that the appearance of stains requires treatment medical care. After all, there are many cases where people lost precious time when they were engaged in treatment on their own. In addition to all this, the condition did not improve, but only worsened. All this made further treatment difficult.

For psoriasis, you must adhere to dietary nutrition and use specially designed drugs, such as:

  • Iricar;
  • Psoriatic.

They are manufactured at plant based and very effective.

That's all the information about what causes red spots on the body and how they can be eliminated. Be as attentive as possible to your body, pay attention to all the changes that occur, and do not avoid contacting the doctor. Thus, the body is trying to signal you about problems and disorders that require correction. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, because health is the most priceless gift, which is given to man by nature.

Nowadays, most people have experienced red spots on the skin. The origin of this pigmentation change is often unclear and does not have a precise explanation. This phenomenon attracts special attention, as it causes not only aesthetic inconvenience, but also physical discomfort (itching, burning, pain).

Reasons for the formation of red spots on the surface of the skin

In most cases, identify causes of red spots on different parts of the body is very difficult. This is explained by this phenomenon can be a clear symptom of more than ten diseases and a number of serious changes in organism. The following phenomena can cause such a reaction in the body:

- vitamin deficiency;

Allergic reaction;

Dermatological diseases;

Decreased immunity;

Infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.

The human body is designed in such a way that most internal organs are directly or indirectly connected to the skin. It primarily reacts to sudden and negative changes in body functions. Thus, the skin is a clear indicator of a person’s health status. For example, if there is red spot on the skin of the neck and face against the background of emotional experiences and stress, then there is a very high probability that a person has a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, when a person comes to emotional balance and his heartbeat becomes normal, then his skin also takes its normal condition and pigmentation.

Red dry patches on the skin may also be symptoms of diseases such as:

- chickenpox;

Scarlet fever.

These diseases most often occur in children and begin with the appearance of a scattering of small red spots on the body. The area where the spots are located on the body depends on the acquired disease. Very often, parents mistake the redness of the child’s skin as a threat to his health or a symptom of some disease, especially if this area itches. Red spot on the skin may be a simple allergic reaction that occurs under the influence of the following factors:

- food products containing allergen;



Other external stimuli.

IN in this case There is no need to worry too much, it is enough to protect the child from exposure to one or another irritant and the red spots will disappear quite quickly. In such cases, our clinic’s specialists strongly recommend undergoing a detailed examination of the skin’s reaction to certain common irritants. Pass the this procedure and you can get detailed advice after receiving the examination results in our clinic.

Red spots are a reason to see a doctor

Unfortunately, not always to the appearance of red spots on the skin you can take it easy. It happens that they signal the presence of very serious and dangerous diseases. Special attention necessary in cases where red spot on the skin peels off and has correct form, pink color and a clear boundary. These symptoms may indicate the appearance of ringworm or tropical lichen. This disease is caused by a fungus and is difficult to treat. And the greatest danger of lichen is its exceptional contagiousness, which requires a certain isolation of the infected person until he is completely recovered.

It happens that red spots on the skin appear due to HIV infection. In this situation, other accompanying symptoms appear:

- increase in body temperature;

Sore throat;

Enlarged lymph nodes.

It is worth noting that these symptoms also appear when other, less serious diseases appear.

Most often people associate various kinds redness of the skin with dermatitis, the origin of which may be associated with chemical, biological and physical injuries. However, dermatitis is most often accompanied by other symptoms:

- swelling;


Burning skin;


These symptoms bring significant discomfort and inconvenience to the patient. The doctors at our clinic have significant experience in diagnosing such diseases and do not allow misdiagnosis.

Another disease with clear symptoms is red systemic lupus. Characteristic manifestations of this disease are:

- redness of the skin on the face (butterfly-shaped);

Redness of the skin on the neck;

Damage to lips and mouth;

Redness of the skin on the hands.

Having such clear symptoms, this disease is quite easy to diagnose.

What to do if red spots appear on the skin?

Causes of red spots there are a great variety on the skin. And most importantly, be able to clearly distinguish the symptoms possible diseases. But, as you know, self-diagnosis is not always effective and correct. If you have concerns about changes in the pigmentation of certain areas of the skin, you should not wait for a possible worsening of your condition. Contact the professionals. In our clinic you can go through a series of diagnostic procedures, get advice and, if necessary, treatment. If you have a problem, we will help you solve it.

Skin is one of the main reflections of the health of internal organs and systems. If malfunctions occur in the body, it reacts first: rashes, inflammation, itching or red spots. It’s not easy to figure out what exactly triggered them. It is necessary to take into account, firstly, the accompanying symptoms - whether there is scabies, whether the relief is changed, whether the skin in the affected area is dry or moist. Secondly, it is important to analyze the events and actions of the past days.

Why do red spots appear on the body of an adult?

The appearance of local redness directly on the body, and not on the face, is one of the most common options skin reaction for some internal problems. It can accompany situational failures and be a messenger serious pathologies that require immediate medical intervention. For this reason, doctors advise first to figure out what caused the red spots to appear, and only then try to normalize the condition of the skin, since without finding out the reasons, there is a risk of eliminating the symptom and not noticing the main danger.

Factors that are not associated with serious illness include:

  • Disruption of the digestive process due to frequent “mistakes” in nutrition: with too obvious cravings for simple carbohydrates And fried food a person puts a high load on the liver and pancreas, and creates a “warehouse” in the intestines harmful substances remaining after processing such food. As soon as digestive system ceases to cope with the dirt that is thrown into it, the skin gives a signal in the form of a large number of small red spots - a rash. Often no itching or other unpleasant symptoms she does not have.
  • Allergic reaction to food, air, medications and even the material from which the clothes are made. They often appear almost immediately after contact with the allergen, with red spots on the body itching if you touch them, but painful sensations No. In some cases, if the body's response to the allergen is too strong, swelling may appear, but not always in the same place where the spots formed. Treatment, accordingly, is a technique antihistamines, use of silver-based medications.
  • Allergic diseases - identified in separate group, since they can develop slowly and also do not pass as quickly as situational reactions. Even after contact with the allergen has been interrupted, full treatment is required to get rid of the symptoms and internal malfunction. Most frequent allergic diseases skin - dermatitis and eczema, in which red spots are accompanied by itching, causing constant desire comb them. A separate category is photodermatosis or allergic reaction to the sun's rays.

Infectious diseases

A separate group of reasons that can trigger the appearance of red spots on the body are infections - both skin and general. They are mainly observed in young children, whose immunity has not yet been formed, but they can also affect adults, especially those suffering from diabetes, who are subject to frequent psychological exhaustion.

Doctors advise paying special attention to:

  • Erysipelas (erysipelas) – the causative agent of the disease is streptococcus, and the onset of the disease cannot be missed: there will be severe intoxication of the body, after which large red spots will form, accompanied by a burning sensation.
  • Ringworm - characterized by the appearance of red rough spots on the body, whose size can reach 5 cm in diameter, while their color is uneven. Some types of lichen are characterized by an additional pink border around the spot, the appearance of bubbles, and gradual darkening of the formation.
  • Measles and rubella - the latter is often called a mild version of measles, so they are combined into one group. The transmission of the virus is airborne, and in addition to the skin reaction, the patient experiences a change in the size of the lymph nodes. The spots are not so much red as pink, small, and usually begin to spread from the face to the body.
  • Chickenpox, a disease that mainly affects children, is even more severe in adulthood. The spots are small, similar to bite marks, gradually forming in small pimples. A person experiences constant itching, and as the disease progresses, the number of spots increases.

Regarding the treatment of red spots caused by infectious diseases, therapy should primarily be aimed at eliminating a specific infection. If it affects the entire body, then it is taking antiviral drugs, taking vitamins (for example, A and C are required for measles). For skin infections, antiviral external agents are used: the most commonly used is Acyclovir.

Autoimmune diseases

People encounter this problem less often than those listed above, since most autoimmune diseases is hereditary in nature and in such a situation the question “why the red spots appeared” does not arise. A person often knows about everything that has been passed on to him genetically. Number of diseases that may be associated with pathologies immune system, small:

  • Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, otherwise known as Werlhof's disease, is associated with a lack of platelets. The red spots accompanying it are complicated by hemorrhages different sizes that happen at night.
  • Psioriasis - its causes are still being investigated; it manifests itself mainly as spots on the skin of the body, but as it develops it can affect the head and nails.
  • Lupus erythematosus is a disease associated with disorders connective tissue, which is characterized big amount red spots on the body and face, combined into groups. Gradually they dry out and begin to peel off.