Medicine for kidney pain. What to drink when your kidneys hurt. Herbal diuretics and uroseptics

Pain in the kidneys is a manifestation inflammatory process, localized in this organ.

Kidney pain, which appears due to the movement of stones and the pathology of decreasing urine, is serious pathological change requiring medical treatment.

How does pain in the kidneys manifest?

The kidneys are present in the spine area, some people regard discomfort in the spine and above the pelvis as kidney pain. And the pain is felt a little wider - closer to the ribs, since the kidneys are located in the upper middle of the lumbar region.

Renal colic can be chronic or periodic, aching, along with fever, weakness and other inflammations.

Renal colic is pronounced sudden pain, nausea.

Taking painkillers without a doctor's prescription can change the condition of the body and complicate the diagnosis of the disease.

Before taking medications, it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish an accurate diagnosis.So that it does not turn out that taking painkillers only temporarily stops pain, but is not a means to treat the disease.

What causes acute pain in the kidneys

Acute colic in the kidneys is caused by stones that have migrated or lodged in the ureter and difficulties with urine excretion. In order to relieve the symptom, the lumen of the urinary ducts should be increased to facilitate the development of flint into a urinary ball.

Diclofenac sodium substances have analgesic properties. It can be used in the form of tablets, solution for injection and suppositories.

It is not contraindicated to use over-the-counter sedatives. Acetaminophen is recommended for ailments caused by infections.

The problem is managed with antispasmodics: they relax the muscles of the ureters and eliminate contraction, restoring the versatility of the ducts:

  • No-shpa;
  • Papaverine;
  • Platyfillin.

Use for renal colic acetylsalicylic acid not recommended, it can provoke blood flow of stones in the kidney. Other anti-inflammatory resources, like Nurofen, are harmful in case of impaired kidney function.

Myotropic painkillers based on drotaverine are used for ailments of the urinary tract. They reduce pain, in conditions renal colic they are less effective.

  • Spasmalgon;
  • Spazgan;
  • Spasmonet;
  • Baralgin;
  • Revalgin;
  • Baralgetas.

There are drugs that are injected intramuscularly or orally, 1-2 pills at a time.

If you feel unwell, it is wise to take a pain reliever. What pills can help with ailments? Substances sold independently in pharmacies are divided into two categories:

  1. Antipyretics - analgesics based on analgin, paracetamol. They include known drugs: Ronaldin, Nurofen, Efferalgan, Panadol. These drugs have an analgesic effect and reduce fever.
  2. NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances, in addition to their analgesic and antipyretic effect, they reduce the severity of inflammation. This category includes: Diclofenac, Inteban, Citramon.

Only the presence of pain can prompt the doctor to prescribe narcotic analgesics. These are substances with a strong analgesic effect that affect nervous system and used to relieve attacks in oncology, heart attacks, and postoperative conditions.

Analgesics of the morphine-like category include Alkaloid, Fentanyl, Alkaloid. These drugs can only be purchased with a prescription.

Therapy for kidney pain

Can relieve pain in kidney disease warm compress and intensive rinsing of the urinary tract.

  1. Place a hot heating pad in the kidney area and hold for 15-30 minutes. Heat relaxes spasms and reduces pain.
  2. Take a hot bath for half an hour. This type of pain relief method is contraindicated for patients with gynecological and intestinal diseases.
  3. Drink plenty of water (2 liters per day).

In case of colic caused by the movement of sand or stones, it is recommended to carry out the following operation:

  1. Inject or take 2 painkiller pills.
  2. Dilute hot tea with lemon and pour it into a thermos.
  3. Lie in bed with your kidneys higher up Bladder, having a pillow will help with this.
  4. Take two heating pads or bottles with hot water. Hold one between your legs, place the other near your lower back in the kidney area. Lie in this position for at least an hour, drink tea with lemon from time to time.
  5. Before going to bed, take Panangin or Asparkam and Magne B 6.

You should not take diuretic capsules or place a heating pad on your kidneys if urinary excretion is not functioning properly and there is retention. First, resume urination by taking an antispasmodic.

Treatment of kidney pain

If the renal pain is very explicit, an excellent healing result will be from an injection of 1-2% r-Volga Promedol, or 5 ml of Baralgin intravenously.

If the result does not occur, then use strong drugs to relieve severe pain, they do a novocaine blockade, medical drug included in the sowing rope in the stronger sex and in the convex mating of the uterus in the fairer sex.

Traditional methods of treating kidney pain

Treatment of kidney pain with traditional methods Treatment rarely helps, but is sometimes used as adjunctive therapy.

  1. When taking a hot bath to alleviate ailments, add oils (cypress, juniper) and oatmeal broth to the water.
  2. A fruit drink made from cranberries and juniper fruits fights inflammation and has a relaxing effect on nervous and mucous membranes. Drink the medicine without sugar or with the addition of a spoonful of honey.
  3. Infusions of burdock and dandelion leaves stimulate high formation urine, which helps to “wash out” microorganisms and stones from the kidneys.

It is impossible to use thermal operations if there is doubt that, in addition to stones in the kidneys, there is an infectious-acute inflammatory process.

Symptoms of the disease (goose bumps, fever over 39 C, a single disorder) indicate the presence of inflammation in the kidneys viral in nature. Continuous, nagging pain explained by the inflammatory process in the kidney.

The disease can be treated with antibiotics. With the aim of effective therapy with fewer side effects It is important to identify the pathogen and its susceptibility to medications.

Currently, medications are prescribed in the categories of macrolides, fluoroquinolones, and cephalosporins.

Use large quantity fluid helps reduce the concentration of urine and prevents the formation of stones.

For renal colic, pain relief is a mandatory component of treatment. It is this pain syndrome that is considered the most severe for a person, since the sensations are equated to very strong or almost unbearable. The patient, already aware of renal colic, seeks to take necessary medications as early as possible to avoid suffering. It is important to know general rules use of painkillers, signs of their overdose. IN mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary because characteristic sensations can be not only, but also with other pathologies. It is necessary not only to eliminate the pain, but also to plan treatment so that renal colic does not recur.

Painkillers for treating renal colic at home

Even in the smallest home medicine cabinet There are always painkillers available. Among those allowed for free sale, 2 large groups are known.

Each of the above-mentioned pharmacological groups has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications for use. Any remedy can be taken only on medical advice.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Diclofenac sodium is considered the “gold standard” in terms of strength and duration of action. Ketorol and ibuprofen are comparable to it in their effectiveness, but can provoke quite severe side complications. Meloxicam and rofecoxib are considered more by safe means, but their effect may not occur so quickly.

All NSAIDs have the following characteristics:

  • combined analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • no effect on the central nervous system;
  • there is no addiction or withdrawal syndrome after the end of the effect;
  • can be prescribed for as long as desired, since dose adjustment (increase) is not required.

An important advantage of NSAIDs is the fact that most of them are eliminated through the kidneys. Thus, the pharmacological compound continues to have an analgesic effect while already in the urine.

It is advisable to take NSAIDs if pain is a sign inflammatory diseases, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Take this medicine when traumatic injuries, kidney stones are practically useless.

Conveniently, most NSAIDs come in a variety of dosage forms. You can take the tablets with you and drink them discreetly when renal colic is just beginning. Injections for intramuscular and intravenous administration– a means of reserve when a person’s condition continues to deteriorate.

Myotropic antispasmodics

They enjoy deserved popularity among patients and doctors. Their main effect is a decrease in smooth muscle tone internal organs and vessels of various sizes, that is, eliminating spasm.

A medicine from this pharmacological group can alleviate the suffering of a patient with urolithiasis, ischemic disorders, spastic processes of the urinary tract.

Pain relief with antispasmodics is relatively safe, since these drugs do not affect the central nervous system and are not addictive.

Papaverine is an alkaloid that small quantities found in opium, can be obtained synthetically. Papaverine tablets and injections for intradermal and intramuscular injection. It can be drunk several times a day as needed. Treatment with papaverine can be combined with therapy with other painkillers. This active substance is usually well tolerated, but is contraindicated in people with cardiac conduction disorders.

No-shpa (aka drotaverine) - according to chemical structure is close to papaverine, but its analgesic effect is more pronounced. Available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. Drotaverine can be taken several times a day, without exceeding daily dosage. Caution should be exercised when using no-shpa to people who have had allergic reactions for medicines.

Platyphylline is an alkaloid from various types cross. It has a blocking effect on certain receptors (M-cholinergic receptors), which eliminates pain. Used in tablets and subcutaneous injections. Contraindicated for people with glaucoma and severe liver dysfunction. It is excreted in urine, so its use in diseases urinary system expedient.

Baralgin is a medicine with combined composition. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Both the tablet and injection form. Use with caution in persons with a history of allergies and blood disorders.

Traditional painkillers for renal colic

Many patients prefer to relieve pain with prescriptions traditional medicine and home remedies. The very first aid for a person suffering from pain due to renal colic is to limit movement and lie on lumbar region warm heating pad. This promotes blood flow to the specified area, that is, spasm is reduced and blood flow in the kidneys improves.

If there are no contraindications to water procedures ( skin diseases, hypertonic disease, heart defects), then you can take a hot bath. Its analgesic effect is also associated with improved renal blood flow.

You shouldn't sit in hot bath for hours, increasing the temperature of the water in it. If there is no improvement in the condition within 30–40 minutes or other unpleasant symptoms (headache, dizziness, pain inside eyeballs), then you need to stop immediately water treatments and use other pain-relieving methods.

Herbal infusions

Medicinal infusions of herbs and fruits can and should be taken as prophylactic with renal colic. But such treatment is unlikely to be effective when the stone passes through urinary tract or acute glomerulonephritis.

The following fees are deservedly popular:

  • a mixture of pine nuts, almonds, dates and saffron;
  • a decoction of asparagus root, wild carrot seeds, mint, madder horse, rose hip root and chicory;
  • flaxseed combined with tragacanth seeds.

Medicinal herbal teas Ideal for patients taking other medications as these treatment approaches work well together.

Using painkillers

Injection painkillers for renal colic are a means of reserve when tablet forms and available home methods no longer work. The injection helps quite quickly with renal colic:

You should always remember that drugs for intramuscular (intravenous, intradermal) administration should be recommended by a doctor, and directly administered by a qualified healthcare professional.

Painkillers in the hospital

In a hospital setting, doctors can prescribe drugs that are not available for purchase at a regular pharmacy. It's about about strictly stored medicines, that is, narcotic analgesics. The most widely used include promedol, morphine and omnopon.

All narcotic analgesics have the following characteristics:

  • pronounced analgesic activity;
  • special effect on the central nervous system;
  • development of addiction and dependence with regular use;
  • the need to use specific antidotes for overdose.

Morphine is the main representative of the group of narcotic analgesics. It causes pronounced euphoria, which is what gets addictive to most quickly. The initial effect is felt within 15 minutes after administration and lasts up to 5 hours. Contraindicated for elderly people.

Promedol is a synthetic derivative of one of the components of morphine. It has the most powerful analgesic ability and can be administered orally or parenterally. Effective for 3–4 hours.

Omnopon suppresses all types of sensitivity, including pain. Available in the form of powders and solution for injection. Contraindicated in respiratory failure and elderly people.

Treatment with narcotic analgesics is indicated only when other means are ineffective; it should have a minimum duration.

Overdose of painkillers for renal colic

Painkillers for renal colic should be used in compliance with standard dosages and administration regimens. There are cases when these rules are ignored, and the patient receives significantly more active substance than it should.

An overdose of painkillers may be indicated by the following symptoms:

  • Strong headache;
  • disturbance of consciousness (delirium, confusion, hallucinations);
  • vomiting, especially repeated;
  • stomach ache;
  • change in urine color.

It must be remembered that an overdose medicinal substance– life-threatening condition. No home remedies should be used. The situation can only be changed in a hospital: specific antidote therapy, massive infusions, sometimes hemodialysis.

Contraindications to the use of painkillers for renal colic

Painkillers are contraindicated for people with severe liver, heart, and lung diseases. Specific situations are indicated in the instructions for each medicine. But the main contraindication is an inaccurate diagnosis. Severe pain is not necessarily renal colic. The same sensations can occur when “ acute abdomen», ectopic pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy and torsion. Therefore, severe pain is a reason to consult a doctor, and not for home treatment.

Spicy and chronic pathologies in the organs of the urinary system cause discomfort, disrupt the outflow of fluid, worsen general state. Frequent patient complaint of different ages- kidneys hurt.

What to do at home? What medications and herbs are effective in treating diseases that cause pathological processes and pain in the kidneys? How to prevent new attacks? The answers are in the article.

Possible causes of pain in the kidney area

Negative symptoms in the kidney area are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often, discomfort develops against the background of malfunctions in the body and pathologies of neighboring organs.

The main causes of pain:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • kidney cyst;
  • improper functioning of the urinary system during pregnancy;
  • high load on the kidneys due to poor nutrition and drinking poor quality water;
  • hypothermia.

How to understand that your kidneys hurt

How can you tell if your kidneys are hurting? ABOUT malfunction important organs of the urinary system say following symptoms sore kidney:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • at acute stage For many diseases, discomfort is felt in the groin area, legs, upper abdomen;
  • often the pain radiates to the bladder and genital area;
  • urine test results worsen. Often, it is during a medical examination that doctors identify pathologies that a person does not pay attention to when chronic course, mild negative symptoms;
  • appear dark circles under the eyes, legs and face swell;
  • often develops arterial hypertension(pressure increases);
  • blood clots appear in the urine;
  • often feel thirsty, appetite decreases;
  • The color of urine often changes: the liquid darkens, becomes cloudy, and “flakes” appear;
  • at urolithiasis sand and small irregularly shaped pebbles are visible in the urine;
  • weakness appears, drowsiness develops;
  • the volume of discharge when emptying the bladder is noticeably reduced;
  • urination is difficult, burning and discomfort often occur;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises, in some cases - up to +39 degrees;
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates and rashes appear on the body.

What to do at home

Many people believe that the best remedy for pain in the kidney area - this herbal infusions. Regular appointment Correctly selected herbal remedies actually improve the patient’s condition, but renal pathologies can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist.

Common mistakes:

  • Selection of herbs and medicines on the advice of friends suffering from kidney disease. It is important to remember: what suits one person is contraindicated for another. In case of urolithiasis, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the stones, otherwise therapy will not bring benefit, but harm. When detecting phosphates, one type of diet and medications is required, when detecting oxalates and urates, another.
  • Uncontrolled use of analgesics. To anesthetize does not mean to cure. After taking Paracetamol, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, Drotaverine, the condition improves for a while, the kidneys hurt less, but the problem does not disappear. Gradually, the inflammatory process becomes more active; strong painkillers are required, which also do not eliminate the cause of the discomfort, but only relieve the pain syndrome for a short time.

Conclusion! At unpleasant sensations in the kidneys, lumbar region, bladder, you need to rush to an appointment with a urologist or nephrologist, and not to the pharmacy for a painkiller. Advanced cases of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, and other pathologies are difficult to treat and often develop dangerous condition- renal failure. At the fourth and fifth stage of chronic renal failure(chronic form of the disease) requires regular hemodialysis and kidney transplantation to replace the affected organ, which cannot perform an excretory and cleansing function.


If your back hurts in the kidney area, then you cannot experiment with replacing drug therapy with herbal medicine. Application questionable methods sometimes it ends tragically.

Tablets for stopping the inflammatory process:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Verapamil.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Cyclophosphamide.

If efficiency is low, these drugs replace more strong antibiotics: Cephalexime, Amoxicillin.

To dissolve and remove sand and stones, tablets are prescribed:

  • Blemaren.
  • Allopurinol.
  • Ugly.

Effect of drugs for urolithiasis: reduce concentration uric acid, dissolve urates. Effective formulations reduce the acidity level of urine, facilitate the removal of stones naturally.

Herbal medicines:

  • Nephroleptin.
  • Canephron N.
  • Cyston.
  • Urolesan.
  • Cystenal.
  • Olimethine.

On a note! The effectiveness of tablets containing a complex of herbal extracts has been proven by research and confirmed positive reviews physicians and patients with renal pathologies. Active diuretic effect accelerates washout harmful salts from the kidneys. Herbal remedies are used during therapy and for prophylactic purposes.

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbalists recommend many mixtures based on medicinal plants for dissolving and removing salts. All herbal remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. The use of inappropriate plants often worsens the condition of the urinary system. Under no circumstances should tablets be replaced by taking traditional medicines.

Proven means:

  • decoction of flaxseed. Take a teaspoon of healthy raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, leave for forty minutes;
  • decoction of rosehip root. Boil 2 tbsp. l. raw materials (water - 350 ml) for 10 minutes, let the liquid brew for half an hour;
  • Birch juice. Take the healing liquid daily for two weeks, a third of a glass twice a day;
  • infusion of carrot seeds. Proportions and method of preparation, as for healthy drink from flaxseed;
  • bearberry infusion. To prepare tea you will need 20 g of plant material and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • tea from lingonberry leaves. Healing drink It’s easy to prepare: steam a tablespoon of leaves in a thermos, take 250 ml of boiling water;
  • pumpkin in any form daily. Highest percentage useful substances preserved in baked pumpkin. With this method of preparation, the body easily absorbs the product;
  • chamomile decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, take a couple of tablespoons of healthy flowers;
  • horsetail infusion. Boiling water - 250 ml, vegetable raw materials - 1 tsp;
  • kidney collection. Nettle - 40 g, shepherd's purse, juniper fruits, rosehip flowers and bearberry - 20 g each, flowers and sweet clover herb - 6 g each. Also add 120 g dried fruits rosehip. At 2 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water is enough for the mixture. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in 3 hours;
  • herbal decoction with fir oil. Ingredients: lemon balm, oregano, knotweed, sage - 20 g each, the same amount of fir oil;
  • a decoction of St. John's wort and centaury. For 300 ml of boiling water - a teaspoon of herbs;
  • cucumber fasting days do it a couple of times a week. Eat 1.5 kg of juicy vegetables per day.

Diet and nutrition rules

  • liquid - 2.5 l, no less;
  • refusal of spicy, fried, peppered foods;
  • minimum salt;
  • you should not eat a lot of offal, protein foods, meat, fish;
  • light soups with vegetable broth are useful;
  • a good option is a dairy-vegetable diet;
  • For each patient, the doctor develops individual plan nutrition taking into account chemical composition kidney stones, if hard formations are detected;
  • You cannot drink alcohol, soda, or juices from packages;
  • Ready-made sauces, ketchups, canned food, and sausages are not beneficial;
  • It is harmful to drink coffee, strong black tea: drinks increase blood pressure.

When conservative treatment does not help

Some diseases cannot be treated at home due to the low effectiveness of many methods. The use of herbal decoctions, daily use painkillers interfere proper therapy purulent inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

At severe forms diseases, exacerbation of urolithiasis, abscesses is required surgery, including urgent. Selecting a view surgical intervention carried out by a urologist after a thorough examination of the patient, studying tests, and performing an ultrasound.

Read about treatment on the page chronic pyelonephritis in women at home.

The help of a surgeon is needed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of purulent pyelonephritis, urolithiasis when the ducts are blocked;
  • proliferation purulent cyst large buds;
  • detection of fibroma, adenoma, malignant neoplasm;
  • development of an extensive abscess of the right kidney;
  • thromboembolism.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Discomfort develops with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, severe form urolithiasis, renal colic. Among the reasons: hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infections, poor nutrition, circulatory disorders in the kidneys.

A sharp pain affects the right side, lower back, and reaches the genitals. In severe form pathological process possible complications, disruption of pregnancy, bad influence for the fruit.

If pain syndrome develops, it is important to contact a gynecologist and nephrologist in a timely manner. Uncontrolled use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds is prohibited. It is important to treat the disease that causes kidney pain. One of dangerous complications in advanced cases - purulent abscess.

With renal colic, possible premature birth. At acute pain it is important to call " ambulance"to preserve the health of mother and fetus.

For prevention renal pathologies you need to eat right, avoid large amounts of protein foods, and drink alcoholic beverages less often. Required condition - timely treatment diseases against which they develop negative signs in the organs of the urinary system. If you have kidney pain, you should not self-medicate, It is important to seek help from a urologist or nephrologist. Only by following a diet and taking medications can you eliminate discomfort and prevent renal failure And purulent lesions fabrics.

Why do my kidneys hurt? How to recognize symptoms kidney diseases? How to get rid of pain? Find out the answers after watching the following video:

When choosing what to take for kidney pain, you need to remember that there are no special medications created to solve this specific problem. Stop an attack, get rid of pain possible with the help of means whose action is aimed at relieving spasms and eliminating pain various localizations. An anesthetic for kidney pain is a medication that has an antispasmodic effect, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics. You can stop an attack of renal colic and get rid of pain with the help of more effective, potent medications.

The modern pharmacy chain sells many drugs created to relieve a person of pain in the kidneys after alcohol, with renal colic or exacerbation chronic disease. What to take for kidney pain can be advised by a qualified nephrologist who has accurately established the cause of its occurrence.

Treatment with tablets for kidney pain is carried out with a diagnosed exacerbation of:
  • inflammation renal pelvis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • with renal colic;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • for pain in the kidneys during exacerbation of chronic renal failure.

When deciding what to take for kidney pain, it is necessary to be based on the characteristics of the disease, taking into account the general state of health and the presence possible contraindications to taking certain medications.

Many medications that can relieve kidney pain have a negative effect on important organs and systems human body. The doctor prescribing the treatment will tell you which pills to take if your kidneys hurt, taking into account the presence of concomitant ailments, many of which are a contraindication to taking painkillers.

When deciding what to do when your kidneys hurt, you need to accurately determine the cause of the pain, choose the most appropriate medications, following the advice of your doctor, and take the appointment, making sure there are no contraindications, which include:

It is not recommended to choose painkillers on your own if the patient is under the age of 7 or people over 60. The list of contraindications varies depending on which pain pills were chosen and the characteristics of their action. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not prescribed to women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Myotropic antispasmodics are not used for their treatment, since taking these medications can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus.

Taking diuretics is not allowed in cases where there is difficulty in the outflow of urine.

The peculiarity of the action of painkillers taken for pain in the kidneys is that they all belong to different pharmacological groups. Antipyretics reduce body temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition, prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

In a situation where the kidneys hurt, what to treat, the medicine is chosen taking into account the presence concomitant diseases, and treatment is carried out after determining the cause of the development of the disease and the appearance of pain. What to drink, what medicine for pain can be used for pregnant women, the elderly and small children, is decided only by a qualified doctor, in otherwise the development of severe complications and side effects is possible.

For example:
  1. For kidney pain that occurs in men after consuming alcoholic drinks, you can take antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles. It is important not only to eliminate pain, it is necessary to cleanse the organ, and for this, alcohol lovers are advised to give up bad habit and prescribe adrenergic blockers and calcium channel blockers. One of the most effective drugs Allopurinol is used to treat kidney problems in alcoholics. It helps cleanse and remove toxins. Can be achieved positive effect, if treatment is carried out by taking alcoholics herbal preparations, infusion and decoctions. All of them have a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, remove harmful and hazardous substances, have a diuretic effect.
  2. If the pain is caused by the release of stones or sand, you can get rid of it with an injection of a strong antispasmodic. By relaxing the muscles of the organ, the medicine helps to expand the ducts and relieve pain.
  3. Treatment of diseases such as pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis is carried out with the help of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Kidneys hurt - required emergency help, which most often consists of relieving spasms and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Herbal medicines are effective and have a minimal risk of side effects, but it is not recommended to use them without a doctor’s prescription.

When your kidney hurts, you need to take it urgently effective remedy which will help you get rid of pain. When you come to the pharmacy and indicate the name of the drug you are looking for, you should make sure that this drug is supplied to the pharmacy chain for free sale and a prescription is not required.

Among the drugs that differ high efficiency and used to relieve pain in renal colic or eliminate manifestations of the inflammatory process, the following are especially popular:
  1. Analgesics. Treatment with painkillers is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For achievement positive result you can use Analgin and Pentalgin, Tempalgin and Nurofen. Take these tablets no more than three times a day, keeping the same amount of time between doses.
  2. Antipyretics - tablets made from herbal ingredients, which reduce body temperature and have an analgesic effect. By using such medications, you can relieve your child’s pain, since these drugs drug therapy include natural ingredients in their composition.
  3. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. One of the patients who took Diclofenac complained to the nephrologist about stomach pain. After a detailed conversation, the doctor determined that the woman had violated the medication regimen. medicine, which provoked the development of gastritis. Drink Indomethacin and Canephron in strict accordance with the prescription and the instructions included with the tablets.
  4. In the most difficult cases maximum effect in the treatment of the inflammatory process and to relieve the patient from severe pain in the kidneys therapeutic measures carried out using Diclofenac injections. Only medical workers have the right to give injections.

The intensity of pain depends on all of the listed components, and therefore pain can sometimes be managed only with the help of several medications.

Every medicinal product, without which healing process is simply impossible, is chosen by the attending physician depending on individual characteristics the patient’s body, diagnosed concomitant diseases, age and severity of the underlying illness.

Pain in the kidneys occurs due to hypothermia and damage to the mucous membrane. Appeared suddenly acute attack may be an obstruction urinary tract. Painkillers provide temporary relief.

Kidney pain has its own characteristics. They appear in painful sensations in the lower back, when urinating. Weakness appears, temperature and blood pressure may increase. Often very severe pain occurs, which is a symptom of renal colic. If the pain syndrome often recurs, then treatment is necessary. For therapy, tablets are prescribed for pain in the kidneys.

Inflammatory kidney diseases

The kidney is a paired organ. She has direct contact with lumbar region spine. Inflammatory processes that occur in the kidneys cause pain in the lower back. Kidney diseases can be associated with inflammation of the ENT organs and bladder.

Renal colic

A disease of the urinary system that causes severe pain. This occurs when the urinary tract is obstructed. The outflow of urine may be impaired due to stagnation of blood clots, salts, or due to improper location of the ureter.

Unbearable pain appears unexpectedly, against the background full health. The attack occurs in waves, affecting the lumbar region. Colic is accompanied frequent urination. Symptoms of renal colic disappear after an attack, leaving a dull lumbar pain.


If pain appears in the lumbar region, the frequency of painful urination, then you need to apply for medical care. You can temporarily relieve an attack of pain with painkillers. But treatment must be carried out inpatiently.

Painkillers provide temporary relief, but they relieve symptoms and do not cure the disease. The most commonly prescribed antispasmodics are Papaverine and No-shpa in combination with painkillers Analgin and Tramadol. Novocaine blockade is carried out for severe cases.

The initial stage of the disease is asymptomatic. It can manifest itself against the background of a previous sore throat, otitis media, or other ENT diseases. An autoimmune reaction of renal cells occurs in the kidneys, the membranes of which gradually change.

Because of defeat renal glomeruli blood filtration is impaired. At the same time, the kidney does not hurt. The main symptoms of glomerulonephritis are manifested in increased protein in the urine, increased blood pressure, swelling. With glomerulonephritis, the amount of urine produced decreases.


Glomerulonephritis is complex disease, in which kidney damage occurs on both sides. If treatment is carried out inpatiently under the supervision of a doctor, then prescribe antibacterial drugs, immunomodulators. You should not take urinary stimulants on your own.


One of the most common diseases. Women are most often affected. Appears during pregnancy due to anatomical features location of the kidneys. Another cause of pyelonephritis is disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

When the intestinal microflora is disrupted, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the kidneys occurs. After taking antibiotics, the mucous membranes, which also have the kidneys, are primarily affected.

The main symptoms of pyelonephritis manifest themselves in the form of pain, which may be in the lower back, groin area, lumbosacral spine. Pain often occurs when urinating, and there may be a feeling of insufficient urine flow and a burning sensation.


If the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor and get tested. The nephrologist will prescribe treatment. To relieve pain, you can take antispasmodic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory drugs (Urolysin).

Herbal pharmaceutical products, warmth on the lumbar region, warm clothes in cold period will help avoid pyelonephritis. You can use not only herbal remedies, but also homeopathic remedies.

In addition to herbal decoctions and homeopathic remedies, for the treatment of pyelonephritis, antibiotics Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Amoxiclav are prescribed.

Urolithiasis disease

Urolithiasis is characterized by pain syndromes, which are associated with the appearance of dense formations (stones) in excretory ducts urinary canal. Kidney stones are crystals dissolved in urine chemical compounds.

They are deposited on the walls of the renal calyces and pelvis. Gradually forming stones. There are stones different sizes. Small size the crystals come out along with the urine without causing any discomfort.

Stones measuring 2 to 3 mm can cause acute cramping pain in the lower back, which causes nausea and vomiting. In normal conditions, urolithiasis can be asymptomatic, causing only dull pain during long walks or intense physical activity.


Treatment of urolithiasis begins with prescribing drugs that can dissolve the formed stones. If symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a nephrologist. Usually, painkillers are prescribed.

To dissolve stones and alleviate the patient's condition, Uralit, Cyston, Canephron and other drugs are used that help remove stones from the kidneys.

Disease of the urinary system. The secondary form of bladder inflammation is usually associated with the formation of kidney stones. The main factor in the development of cystitis is hypothermia. Possible hormonal disruptions and disruption of the mucous membrane.

The first sign of cystitis is incomplete or painful urination. Often the causative agents of cystitis are intestinal bacteria (dysbacteriosis). Cystitis manifests itself differently depending on the form of the disease.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by sharp, painful condition during urination. Urine is cloudy in color. Body temperature often rises above normal, and lethargy may appear.

Chronic cystitis, as a rule, develops asymptomatically in the remission stage. Sometimes the disease is determined by frequent urges to urination. Chronic form Cystitis in the acute stage is similar in symptoms to the acute form.

The main symptoms of cystitis are:

Most often, women suffer from cystitis.


If symptoms of cystitis appear, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment. Timely diagnosis disease will be avoided chronic development diseases. Treatment of the inflammatory process begins with the prescription of antibiotics Furafin, Biseptol.

If cystitis is in the acute stage of development, then patients are prescribed bed rest. You need to drink a lot and often. Diet therapy excludes spicy, salty foods, and alcohol. It is useful to take herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect.

If the pain is pronounced, then antispasmodics Drotaverine and Papaverine are used, which affect the smooth muscles of the bladder. It is recommended to use warm baths and heating pads to relieve painful cramps.


Main preventive measures To prevent kidney disease are:

  • active lifestyle;
  • diet therapy;
  • hardening of the whole body to develop stable immunity.

Treatment and prevention colds, especially the nasopharynx, require systematic approach. Hypothermia must be avoided. The kidneys are very sensitive to cold. Proper nutrition will help avoid the accumulation of toxins and poisons in the body.